Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1890, p. 6

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1 ' *J. I I Mar. "" te Bab liar. boti. bowed old Tb * . Ifciue travcllm*; berk from thalr jour. .71 .id.. from ib.tr eaith M. i>u. r iDiu. . "< "oooj lu Hi. en*k.Tlar e eye, end the n.li lUr nroe,B*d In lain. la* e dnetu 11. . look of il.flulU grief MUM OTM lli. ft*. of U. tealo. " I eaaoot compel* wlUi the mod.ru liar. UM ead-aj ad euak. liar ei'l. In lu liumlM. l.uith and l>redlli aud dpUi. end 1 wl.li th. 1 1 were deed for 1 ateud nbuked with a >na i < faced look ueeiu ttit> triuuinuaiit c.e of ti ay. U( lb* o.w.p.p.r affidavit Uar. wlUi tiu cucule ifiUH ' '' Hi* iiak liar MM II .* (till liar Mid ibe boree liar o*u buaway. And U>e *iy g iiug Han who work bjr UM job. a>ud Ilia .r wbo work by UM day ; TL* trav.lli >( uar, old iubabiim itar. aud liar. of i.iw dem*. And liar. who lla for tb. fuo of th* lbiu. and liar* wbo lie for a (. " The hurt, liar, tb* yeaab-crop liar, tb* a Berpem liar and all, Wltb u. e wid*. untrtveliad waitM of clink and luwir a-tullee* Mai of (all, 411 baud tb> kue* to tb. xieptered iway of thl* crowned and peerle.** ou. tad tb* lelbar of Met look, tenderly down on hi* luoel acconjiilubcd eon !" -Printer* Ink. Ik* Kfl alr-.l I. Ill Chicago fott : Ub : fuldeu locki of yellow bo attract! to t laliow. o loll uf llbt aud loviaoeea our viaion to !>- . Dam. Falbiou hudeoreed it And li follow* >ou mum hood it. Mar let.-. i iwei>it>g verdict U tiat you ar* out of eiyl*. Heneaturtb tbouh we ador* you We u*u no in *r b.> before >ou; Yoa i-muuut lu tbe fulare bold tu uuduputed way Kur fhioo now expreaae* frefar.uce for darker trueie*. Year goid.u hue 1 * a cbettuiu noe, you're out of "USI CENTO IMEKS": A Tale of the American Revolution. CHAPTER II. In a (w mooMali a negro girl *>ho bed bwu buatiiog in aud uol ol Ib* room, bear- ing variuui hot dlthe*. announced .upper. A loon u they were aeatexl Mix Cleuian- tioa eulofrd aud look her place, without (log word, at th* bead ot tb* table. Her lac* wa* ilroag ID it* individuality and i xoroMUU of oucuuiaud. War. of an thorny beJ mln*iflad iba u.iural ma>ou liuo element iu br temper. inenl and countenance, with it* loog upper lip lightly ahade 1, dark, heavy eyebrow* overhaogmg piarciUK.ua reatle** bJaok eye*, llor kjri^/.cd hair curled hi|(h abo/e bar narrow, bony forehead, and her larj figure * i lii t meiiui.il ncliuitote furoiahcd with hug* boru bauoun. aud omened al lb* throat with a mau'i white ore . at. 10 her pcmaooe Mi*a Barbara if toed bar own personality, end cat, a paie nine apparition, etadyiog bar youoKcr *l*Mr's inojj, whi oh *Bamd out a v.ry happy uu tbit evt-niuK, f jr ah* tapped bur iin^urn oo UM board 10 a prwoooopied mannar. Mia* Bab poured uul tb* ta, ami tba meal praoetdad aUonlly. Betty wa* naiiu|| abteDtly al bar plat*, absorbed 1.1 aououa uj^itatioD. aoout Ib* parly. MIM Slaoy, wko, in OO.UIQOU wita tba r*l o( tba oeMlhborbood. atood m aalottry aw* of "Clamutuw \ auKliMi va^ari g," .ilently kipped the ooutanM of her oup. "Too uiuoh aoiiar, Miai luh." aha tald otlly, paealiui Dp bar oup. " Pleaan pal ia more toe." Ho took mother draa^hl aod paatad it up kaiii : " Mora onam, plea**." Tbi* waa rrpoatad atvcral timai. 11 Wall," lu aald, iljod, " 1 *ao *n be moderata and driok only on* oup of thu lea, daapitt it* beiux ao fraganl aud grata- fol." " 1 a I " nclaimpd Miaa Clam, in a voice whioh wai a aarpri**, ao daap and iweat wai il ; " tea I Why, Aoaataiia Aoderlou, you'll gel no lea in ihli boo**, I'll warrant. i hn ia aag* tea. I never dunk, tba weak walb myaeU." "Lad," atid Mi** Siaoy, glibly, trying to obaofa tb* ooloruaal* aabjaol, " did >ou bear what happened to he brig TaKKy Btaw- art that brought Tom Kusiar over T It bad .une pa<:ka>i(a* of tea ou board, aod Mr. Anthony Htewart, tha ownar, paid lb* duly i uin tb* pex>t>l* raiaad tnob a nabbub about 11, oalleu a mealing, and mada Mr. Si*wari apologia* ud burn Iba ve.eel *al or* to it wllb torch and burned tb* flnn ahip. Huoh another blaz* and f n*< about a f*w paokane* of i*fr*bing tea I Hard enough lu KOI loo. Lord knowi I " Mi. Cleoi oa*t a wltbariog gtanot on bar. " Think of tba principle involved, aod not of your ttamaob, Anaataiia. 1 hear thai aoma bat* aoul., lubmitliog to th* ai- torlloua imputxl upon a* by oar blood- aaokiog tyrania, have paid Ib* tai aud viniuujlexi lea into Ib* ooanlry ; bai I'll have iiiinn of it to my boaae. Yoa can go to th* boaatu of laob ornalaret a* Mr. Wilioar and Bob Rosiar, thingi that ar* neither Whig nor Tory, ' nor flab, oor tlwli, not Rood red barring,' if you wuh to liud th* daivalabl* wead , bol not on tha tabl* of on* who loraej libarty. Bo let ma hear DO more of tea I " MIM Bab fait vary goilty at tba anblar- fog* tba had praotiaad to procure bar favor- lie aod proaoribed bavarage, whioh tb* ladle* in Ib* neighborhood win in th* babit of abrtiil iniinladly eztraoiioK from oonnealed oadiiy in Mr. Alklo*' .tore ; leaving a bonuioii tb* ooootar, or diffaung in* n|iiivaluui among more Innootnl artlolra on tha bill, In order to aind* Iba myrmidou* of the Htata Convanllon. Thia wa* not an aniploioa* preladato Iba would bti petlllooer, whoae whol. aoul wai aogagad in wily plaol for tb falfllmant of her houwa. " I hear," laid Mil* CUm Mvaraly, that w.iribleai Bob Koaiar i* going to glv* hn aou an aitambly on Thnraday night." Unity |>iir*ed up bar red lip*, and looked dreainlnKly *l the portrait of bar grand- fathcr'a peroka. " Yon ha>Ta wijaivad an invitation , do yon want to go, Kll/abelh ? Do you want to ||O to the hooae uf that man, who ha* no prlnoiplea of politioal or lraooal honatty ai he avinoeJ in the affair of tha brindle oow .' " Batiy lowered her ga* * bar anl'i oarli " Why, Annt Ol*m, of ooarai I do. 1 want to danot aod meat the neighbor*, and not itay tbal op all my Ufa lika a a vK in an Kaitern haram." 1 1, fle, unhappy oblld ! " f altered Mln Bab ; " where do yoa pick up theet rqaiv ooal alloiioce ? Oiemeotiaa, thi* aome o allowing her to read every book in tb bookoeee." " forward minx I " exclaimed MIM Clam "yoa ahall go. Il aball not be aaid that karp Kdward Vaoghao'a orphan child ae qaealtred from the world, and will no allow her to take ber plaoe amon it* geyalia*. Barbara, yoa ahall g loo. I'll not let my fool in that boa** No doabt the eon'i ' a chip of tbe ol block ' ; a worthltii boy he wai, ovrr hei from morning till night, keeping hawk biddeo in the cubby and feeding them ui chicken*." " Why, aont, they were falcon*, aod h wa* tha faloouer and I the lady of tn oaitle " What will aha wear ? " aikad Mia* Btaoy. " I am to wear uiv new red pell ooal and taoque trimmed wilh earoaoe ribbon*. ' " I'll etand DO outlay of money on yoa gewgawt," laid Mitt Olem, oooiempia oaelf ; it ii too hard to get now. To morrow, go to tbe big carved ohaal in th hall, aod etleol any ooe of yoor mother' brooadi .. to be made over in the mode; am yoa can get Mrs. Wilmer'a black Boaao hear ahe't a Ural-rate milliner boi DO oat lay." Did yoa aee tbe lovely gown woro a ohuroh lait Hun. lay by Miaa Re nay. o PmleJdpbi*. .laying at the Peoa'i ? ' aikMl Mi*' rllecy. That wat aiylr, tbi way eho handled brr amelliog-ialtr, w daintily I She'll be al tbe party, aud eorue thing flue to tee." I w.i trying to hear dear Dr. Well'* eermon," eaid Miaa Bab. ' i *e>w h. r," aaawered Ml** C.em . " f mincing girl fool, with her flue laily a r ' " Ob, aunt," pleaded Belly, " mayn't 1 have my hair built up by the barber from Annapolia, and get a new eel of cherry rib boo* aud feather, to wear wilb the white broofe T " " N >." thundered Miaa Clem; "yoa mail tbiuk I have a mint of mooay lo waat on fol de-rol*. You'd b* a floe tool wilh your hair piled up Ilk* Ihe tower of B.bel, aod emoared wilh hear'* grraae, aud fur- biibed a p like a bird'* neet with rag* aod Oil* of finery. Weal your o*u pretty rod carl* " Belly winoed " and I'll warrant yoo'll bo iwteter than any monkey uh oily njiaa. Of all tba inian* idea* toat tvr vi.iied ibe poor, weak bnioiof tba female kind, tbie lop-beavy mania i* the worat. Let Aoaaiatta f >llow lha lead if the ohooee. eod Bab, no doubt, will want ber pink wool decked out ; bat yoa era a minor and under my oare, and yoa ihell not." " Tbeo I'll ool go," eaid Belly. " I'll not go to be fl .uied at by itrangera aa a oou .try "Don't thin. 'Cat off yoar note to ipite >oar faoe.' " The table wai cleared, aod Amanda brought io a pao of hot water to Mia* Bar bare, wbo alwaya waahad tbe iea.a*r*to her.elf, alljwmg no aaorilrgiou* hand lo imperil bar preoioni china. Boa made ooe >x jepiion io favor of Mite Staoy, who, io a lung dimity apron, lha feo-aimile uf that which iuveited MIM Bab'i alight form, dtftly handled Ihe diih cloth. MIM Clam arated herself wilh a xxmnt book, pen and ink al the other end of the table, and Betty retired Irom an oofaeliog world lo the weal window, where, abut lu by Ihe rrd moreeo curtain*, ehe ooald lean bar forehead attaint! ihe glaaa an i mope onaeeo. Mie* Bab and Miaa Htaoy kiptun a low whi.per, accompanpied by the clatu-r of ui" obiua, aod tha quill eoretched loudly ovrr ihe paper. Bmid the faint gleam of the Hare, there wa* no light to be aeen oulaida, aave Ibal of I. ird'i Gift, mining acroe* Ihe dark expanae of the creek ilrct,:hing between. 1'rofoandly diaappointed that the wai not to attend tbe parly, Betty determined that the would Dot make her appearance uoleea eoreened Irom oolioe by abaolnte conformity to lha eiilt- ing ilyle , for aha had ao Inkling ai to tbe opinioni in tha neighborhood ot tbe odd Hie* of tb* Vaughani " in general, and Miat dun In parlicalar, whioh had earvad to ealraoge them from many of their oooneotiont. Hhe wondered whether Tom wai tha aame dare-devil, lovable fellow , whether ha would like bar, or they woul.1 tee much of each other. Then, iodignant at Miaa Clam'i tantramt, the tapped retlleetly on th* pane. Ueaae that exhibition ol yoar winked temper," laid Miaa Ulem't voioe, breaking bar reverie. "Come forward eu ky girl, and aay goodnight lo Miai Anailaaia." Milt Aoaitaiia departed, enveloped io manile an.l hood, eioorttd by a negro boy wilh a lantero. Wall," aaid Miaa Olam, ai soon ai lha dojr waa uloted, taking op bar itand with bar back to the tire, yoa are two wise- aorei lo Hart any manner of diaduaiioo befor* that woman, ihe great**! tittle- tattle and goaaip in tha neighborhood, and each a natural BB I have rarely aeen , with her 'gauiea ribbont ' fjraoolh, and her gabble u U mod*. Old Dr. Aodarton't daughter, too, a man whom my dear, de- parted father " "Ood real hit tool," laid Mitt Bab, wip- ing bar ayaa. "Stop anifUiog. Uarbara, ha't dead. We'va all got to die, bat what', the oai of crying T There'i where womeo makt me ai. k, with their eternal weep, weep. We're all foole, and I would that I had been born a man." " 1 am aan, Olem," aald Miaa Bab, " you're aa o.evar aa any man." MIBI Olam mada no immediate reply, bat broke oat a law eexmd. later ID a alow, sweat voioe : " Ood knows we an all mad, waelln*. oar live* oo gewgawt ami trompery affaire, when we are lo die aod rol aod I am tha maddest of all t Child, what will you do, go or etey T " Aunt, 1 aald Batty, oomiog near and MP -aklng firmly then waa a ttrangt re aorablaooe in tha two voi.we. Betty'alaoking tha oooaaional harahnm " I will not go uultti I oan take my right plaoe atnoog the other gentry, aod look ai baoouiet your nieoe." " Aod all thii fan aboat a mare'e nett atop of yoar head. YJO have the vary Vanghan stubborn will, and I Ilka you not the lati f n being the very moral of what I WM whan a girl, though betlr looking oot that look" an ban or there whan tha end ooinea. What am I, to avt my faoa agamit tba world T Be young and ully, and pile yoar hair a mile high on your empty noddle, (rood-night." Bh* took a lighted candle and left tb* room. Holly oanghl Mitt Bab around tba waiat aod danoad off with bar, panting o tremuloai. " Ob, Bab," aba aaid, after aa embrace whiob knocked lhai demure little perecn'i mob-oap on one id* giving bar a rakitb aapta "ian'l Iba white brooade goiog to loo twert ? flee bow I will oaak* my oourte* to Mia* Rosier. And how laa yoa wi look in yoar brown brocade, dancing th reel with fat Dr. Well*." B^tty, he'i a clergyman I " " Ob, then maybe be won't real, bol par form a clerical pat tnU. like thu " Yoa are a wicked ohild, making fan o a poor withered old " Darling," intrriapted Belly, kieiin her again, aod taking op her candle (or bad. CHAPTER III. The door and windowa were opao, am tba obeery aotomo lonlighl ilreamed in on tba bare rat tera, where h oog ilringa of pep pri aod ooioni, oiroling with a nimbu* Dully head and glowing cheek a h tood oo ibe hearth at one aid* of the hug* fireplao^, where logi blaaad under a ikiilei tilled with a mvateriooa minor*, wbiob ibi nirred wilb a long eii -k. Miai Belly," aaid the old mao, appeal, ing to a higher authority. je*' felob me my pipe, honey ; the won't lemma come In. ' Betty aod Amanda ware both alifliog their mirth. Don'l yer walk oo my fl x>r. obil* kin J-B' do widoui, or b* km fly ovrr. Y r moat b* moat good 'miff ter fl wid yer preaohio'e an' gallivanliu'* wid da deoil, like a ttold ni<gr fnr ail de world uitw o' yo' privliKea o' oooanruu' wi I de 1.0-1 try Jri rfy. Mote*." Oa the uibnr aide eat Mtmmy Lar 3etty'* old uoree, woo rmgord eaprma iu ibe** premnot*. They were on ao ieland, fir benwetii hi-ui an 1 the door wa* a flo -d i f iodi ana eater, where Amanda, un ber hand* and kneri, waa aoraDbing ibe botrde ID i mannrr whioh would have baeoqiite onaat factory to Mammy Lar, had OKI bar alie> 100 l*ea abeorbod iaat>*rtlal aqoabUa wilb Uoole Moaee Handing in the duor Jo.' 1-inoie oome in an' get my pipe," i* pleaded , il'a opdar on df j.uib." Dou'l yar walk ovrr dal fl wr. MOM* 'on'i yi r aae whar Mandy'i 'lirtio' ber ff jrte for tt-r oleao it ? Lawi k ., gaJ, i< let all de be*' yoa km a rob ? i'ul more Ibow gr*aea in >"' work an' make o*a> board* ahioa, or I 'low I'll lam yer. Doo'i ar oome io, dal'i all. aoo't yar oome o," elowly and warniogly. I'll oome ao' git it," eaidMoeat, goaded *ztrem* meaaoree. " Kf yar oome, I'll aaal i yer, inre'a pop The oonavqaeocei were averted by MIM )lem, who, bearing Ihe load word*, eotdred rith all th* m.jmijr of th* law. Binding aihleaaly with muddy boot* aoroe* tb* leb.tabla ground. What', all thii hobbab? " ib* lemended. For abeme. Mammy, give be old mao hi* pipe." Then, ipying tb* myiterion. oaldrou and Bally'* flatbed ana : " Wnat in heaven'* nam* la that IT" loll il a compound of limplee and lorba wbioh I am preparing, ' i 1 Bily, i.h an attempt ai dignity. What fcr '.' Wht are yon g >ing to do wilh it?" Hetty laughed, and faltered lomethiog boot "fraokl*e." Uompbl Thai', it, ia n? A oo* melio ! Some ot Anaaiaaia And. ri m' loiinnoai reoipea, I'll be bound." 8oe k the aanoepao and poured in oonteou 01 of tba window. " Yoar oompleaioo it ood enough , il would doablle** have taken b* akin off, and left yoa n.yed tor Ib* arty. Don t get loch tna k I- In yoar rein, or you'll be another ora^y Yaughan." Bba dcparled aa laddanly ai *be had ppeared, leaving Belly gazing rnafally al lla amply taooepan. " Law* eakee," aaid lammy Lar, reneotlvaly, " I oan'l help makiog great 'miratiooa at Miaa CUm, be'i each a aopaale oharaoter " Kor Mvaral day* the wide balli apataira ad been Iba aoana of baay dreafmaking, where two negro girl*, onder tb* direction f Mre. Wilmer'a Boaao, had bean working pao Belty't gown, which wai at length ompleted. Baity wai in a fever of daoitement, which cached ite climax al th* arrival of the bar- ter, upon boreebaok, bringing with him th* Mn.ila to pal the orowning flniih to th* oilel. 8b* wai enveloped in a abeol to protect r gown, and then, be ore Ihi dree*tng- able, the barber, or, a* he called himaxlf. 1* toiprw det damet, oonapleted bit fearf al od wooderfal edifioe. Th* hair waa drawn, with two rowi of ufli on either aide, over a tall ooihion, the bole imeared with pomatum, powdered, nd lormounted wilh (rille of laoe, bow. of ]*rry ribbon, and two oherry oetrioh tip*. 'linn the barber, who waa a Freoohman, 'lib tha maooer of a ooartiar, oroaaexi hii aodioo hit heart, hawed, and laid : Oil famuli . MadfwtoinUt MI cAomuuiM." Tb* door* w*re thrown open, aod a groop dark faoea beamed admiralioo ap<jo flty aa ibe atood, like a itatoa beiog nveiled, itataly, and oooaoloaa ot bar head ear. Uar robe ot while brocade wai draped var a quilted oherry, hooped petticoat, and ar beautiful white throat, areot and wall tolled, under it* towaring etruoturr, rot* inn a clood of delioate lace, whioh alao ladowed over the rounded armi. There wai a murmur ot admiration. lammy Lar oama iu and aurveyad hat rom head to foot. " Thar won't be a poienn that kio hold a iadla ter My ohila. Ilooer. yar jee' too weal ter live ; aomebody j a' ought tar take var and bury yar 'live." " Wall wall well," murmured MIM lacy, who waa to aooompany them. Ain't aha iweel ? I think we'll out ij ail* tolerabla ti<are." " Don't yoa and Bab look liks prodigiooi dioti I " langhed MIM Clem, adding to liu Bab'i dlBoinnlar*. who looked ready o link with timidity aod tha weight of b*r ommoda. Mi** Btaoy WM beaming with mile., and had placed, after a ftihioo ot oma yean peat, beiwren her rooge and yebrow, a black patch elaborately oat to renreeenl a ahip under full aail. Lord'i Gift, the Roiiar plaoa, thoogh a liort lilitaooe aoroM ihe water, wai ten jooraay by road, ao Mi* ('lam bar- led them off befor* iDiiaat. I'oola Moeaa. a green livery, wa . Mated on the box of i* large, Umbering ootoh, while on* negro boy acted at poatuioo, ami another rod* before on boraahack bearing a lantero, to open tbe gatea and light the muddy roadi, Betiy'i baed.gear being the tal<eat, aha wai allowed tha whole back eeal, when ah* eat, aod bald ber head eb iqualy to avoid knock log againal tb* top uf Ib* ooaob. The two lediee kept op a perpetual chat. ter about chicken* and preserve*, wiill* the watched night deepen io the fleeting woodi, hrr* and there a home light, or tbe gleam of .tan io aoma foreai pool. Tbe half dreamy ttate ihe had fallen into, lolled by tbi monotony of th* creaking vehicle and ib* low voicee, wa* broken by Ibe oeeaalioo of locomotion, and tba bright lighu from ihe opao door of Lord's Gif but ah* bad not fully awakened ontii iba found herealf in the dreeaing-room, when- th*y were diveeted of ibir wrap* by the aaaiitaooe of two negro maida. The mane Bounding tram below mad* Belly impatient to enter the b til-room, bat tber* were oambvrleei loaahe* to be given to Mill Btaoy'i toilet The) ahip having aailed away from tha rooge. aha took out a amall pill box, and extracted theooa two elaborate fac timiles, wilb one of which tha decorated heraeif, and the other Betty 'i white forehead, before they deaoeoded to the parlor. Tbere they made their way al one* to Mra. Kozter, Heading near to* door. Th* look of oood**o*D*ioo oo her aqailine fret- area, and her affability, oppreteed B-tty, who waa dazz ad by tb* glare of Ihe many wax lap-r*. in* bom of voice*, aod the brunt OWDI and coils of tba groupa around her. A hundred tears and miagiviogl aaaailed ir. Everytbiog wat to aae, ao like fairy- od. Hne waa certain thai aha wa* looking ugly, aod Ibal .he would oot bav* a plraa aoi lime. Dr. Well*, pent.n* in a tigbt. black euit aud olerioal neckcloth, had god Mm Bab and Mia* Stacy in eon- ver*etiori. Aoroae the room, a young lady oo a aof* as the oenlre of a oirale uf gentlemeo. ihe wa* tall and blon-lr, artnyed >u ail*r broo.de in ib* leteei faebion. and oonepio aoua by bavion, oo lop of the ttraoture bunt abova hr-r baaitbty faoe, a paroquet of OXMI briliKin oolor* Bitty watcoed h r wilh lotarrei a* al>a oooaeiooally iobaled a bottle of aelti. " That ia MietRemeay, of Pbtladelpbia," aejd Mre Roxier. Boat* a men ai.gaing <irl, very charming, aod her OGinw-nanoe tokening laoh truly feminine aod gentle naioilily. Bon ii talking wilh Tom, wbo veetly > mitten." boa wee looking op into the fee* of a tall, broad .hoalderwi young fellow io bine vel- et and gold lac*, wilb a white embroi lered waietcoal, who leaned ovrr her with an air of devonoo, aod moal have eeid BOOMI! f r> plaaaaot. for ah* tapped him on tba leeve wilh her fan, aayiog : Oh ! fie I fie 1 What an arrant rogue t " H* turned, and catching Mr. Rozier'i eye, cam* aoroat I bo room at ber nod, aes auf prised at bis appearance iia regular feature* were Item, bn eye i niaigbt and deoidrd, and the mouth all and rather large. He waa handeome, oabtUa.lv. but not like the old, uarrry aovd Tom. " Thin* MinEliK.beth Yaogban, Tom,' id hie mother, whom yoa matt remam. ir quit* well." Baity wa* diaxuated tbal he abonld have called to epeak to her. Bh imagined bal Ibe low, grave bow be made waa ooe f polite impatience at having to leave Mia* tameay for a ooonlry girl. Bh* awepl nm a elately little ooarteey. Of c mree, I rwrnember my little play mate, though you have growu prodigioualy. faith." "That is vary natural, aaid Betty, oldly . eorne demon of perversity prompting ler . then aba that her lips tight and re aained ailenl. lie aboold not think ab waa iryiog to keep him from Mitt Ramsay. How it Miai Vaogban T " be aiked. My aunt anjoy* txcellent health, I hank you." And ia thi dog alive that wa aaed to all Cassiai. beoeaee he had a lean aod angry look ' ? " B* is ttUl alive, hat qalte fat now." " Good heaven ! " the 1000401, " bow IB. ipid h* matt thiak me. He can go back o hi* Mie* Kaoieay " That it juit* gratifvinK," b* aaid. ravely Looking up, Belly oaoght a merry ash ol bia dark ayes, bat bit features remained impa.iive. Oh, he ie laogniog at th* Provincial Miss," she thought. > yon eeen Will K.uggoJd yat > " be No . ii h< here ? " maioteiniog her aciturn proondiul, laou;h diegaaled wilh eraelf. " That it hr, >on,l <r, Ihe maoaroni talk igto the yoongail Mi** Paoa." The >i'Ung man he iodtoatvd wai ahort. ith a .light figure, arrayed in a red-Bilk >at, wilh a peach- bloom aatio weiaeooet. i* feature* were delioate, and ou hieoheek. tare wai an *vidnl aoe/n; > of rooge. " H* ii monetroue genteel," laid Betty. ' Erfad ! nothing if not that ; but aom* ne ahoald tell him that iu the pruvtooee oo ae wear* a red ooal but a Creole or a anoing maaler. He will want lo meet on, for he hae been aaktog f jr you, and I rl not know yoa had oome. Lei ma fetch im." What a hurry to get away," thought tty. Mr. Kinggold advanced with hi. hand ver hit heart, making a low bow He held qaiuing glaei in the other hand, through hioh hi (tared impertinently, aayiog, with aimper of aflaoted aarpriae : " FarbUau ! It tbil Ib* earn* little girl ith whom 1 once played, or one of Diana ymphtelrayediulo human reveille* ' Oh I ieak, in in |'li, I 1 1 a\ Hi* voioa na I a drmwl whioh, in ad iitioo hi* oonaoioui itarta aod poeee, combined make him mi 'h an extraordinary flgara H-iiy thai the quite forgot bar rvb of idifferenoe and looked at Tom <|niokly, hen a glance of veiled amoaemanl paaaad >et ween them. /'I'M- hi oontiooed, "I dream. ave I ooma from Part*, tha oenlre of the oha, to find in Ihia remote ipol a paragon beaatv and grace ? I am yoar MTVI'ICW humlilr. Yoa have woooded me with ne glance of ihoae eye* tout &ru.'< tnit. ommand ma, I am yoon, adorable and /i irm.mK being. Betty wai .truck dumb by thu) torrent wordi, and amaawl at her flrit gllmpte f th* faahtooabl* affeotaliaa of the day. hioh wai Kraoooraania. Tom bowed and exooiiog himanlf. te. aroed to Mitt Ramiay, wbo had I Hoed him wilh a wan of bar tan. "Bappoa* I iboold tak* yon at you word ? " aaid Betty " Binca yoa are mine, I oommaad yoa to tell me all about year- eelf and what you expected to And in thia. remote epol. 1 " "Ah. monDifu! What i* there to tell T After a happy . inmnne io that adorable oapital of the grealetl nation in the world, a life fall of pieeaar* n daaowiiatre -lo be baoiched to tbia tpot, where Utejre ii not even a decent hairdriiiar. Why, aaorabla orealura, they cannot dreai hair even in thai dreary i.land. Knglaorf. Nowhere, Be- where, eava in ia tulU Fraxa. Hi foil Am I not an iograM to bewt.il toy loir Have I not found on thia deaeri ahora tmt a*y< b'lle it rianu " To froa-o at pleuor*. aod to *mUe in pain " with ihe obarming inoonauieooy of yoar eez.- Smile, prithee, unilel How tar- paeaing fair yoa would look in a French dreea.' Ha oloaed fail eye* and aedmad loet io an aottaoy of ima- gination " I protett. yoa eo't oooeeiva what an addiltoo a K ranch dree* woold be to yoar beauty." Betty bad by thii time tolly obeyed hit injunction to amile, and wai dimpling with amuaameot. "Sore," the aaid, with a licaple atare, " you aae me at my bee*. Yoa ahoold a*a bow we dreea hen in th* province* every day. I wear deorakin and laalbara like the I a J lane " No, oow, do yoa ? How droll aod e ! 'Pon honor, bo* lair yoa mu*t lojk ! What u your t*mperam*>nt DOW ie a hint to ao a4oiar are yoa mailing or eevers?" it u ibe eame tllhat inaoribed oo the tomb. too* of my ^reat auut, honed in Limeriok : Her* lie* lb* body of Lady li jnori* O'H.iurke. 8b. we* paeeijna**, piooa aod deeply devout, and painted ia water colon ; of loob i* the kingdom ot heav-n.' " Fardi ! " he cried, " yoa ere aprightly Yoar lip barb the arrowa toot [rom ttaoae beaveuly orb*." h tna door of the nest room, where tua older people w*ra eag*d al omida, advened Mr. Kcx.er, rubtouud aod pom ion*. Well, wall, here i< my charming youg neighbor gracing oar eooial av*oia*|. Oaod eveuio, , dear onild. 1 faith, if there WM not at many people ai oond I would avail m>ar of tb* privileiHt of kieeiug )oor olouBiiog cheek So maoh for brio*t ao old mao. N >w. Will, daapite your aaperior aitrectiaae, ooald not claim Ibal. Age hat it. oumpeneationa." Betty held oat ber band to the gentle- man, ot wbom aha waa very fond, deapite the abaord f*od whioh waged belwteo hint and Mia* Clem, baaed upon aome trifling oemae wnioh both had forgotten. H* bent over it. Baying," May IT" " ' He tbal will not when be may. when be will, be aball bare aa*/ " laughed Betty. " Have yio Been my boy, Betty ? " he a*ked. "Her*. I'll call him bare. Not Yoa doa't weal to ee* htm ? Why, len't h* a pntty enough lad ? Oa !<o there'! DO pleeuiiDg iheee yooog mi. are. Don't Irnel ber. Will, abe'a ao arrant dirt ; promiasd me laet lommer ak.'d oome over to play oheaa, aod naver ha* oooie au arrant flirt." " My dirliog i* like my ohr.a playiog," aaid Belly. In botb I only aoi on the de fo*ive, and never carry war into th* eoewy'a quarter*." Hat na! " laogbed Mr Roner, loudly Mia* Bab, who we* etaodiog near, looked around aod imiled proudly, withdrawing her attention from Dr* Well*, wbo wae eleo- trifying Miaa 8 aoy by a narrative about a cow which, lo nee hit word*," pal her head into the window and roared, ma'am, roared lik* a Naoudian luu ! " (To b* Ooeeuiued t'ii Kellmatea. The crop of winter and ipring wheat for a* animated by the Uoited Stale* Government bureau, u 40'2 OOO.Oox) baabaU, whioh with wbeeil aod tljur eelioiajted al 40,000 000 bu.hela oo July 1<I ntakee a total of 442,000.000. Tba amount required for homu aae ii '.156.000,000 bneheU, and lor aaed aod other aee* amoanti making the total 316,000.000 boihela. Thia leave* 11 000,000 bnahelB available for export. Tb* wneet in eight laet Balurday wai 4i.lS-J.000 ba*hU, baiog an meroeee of S,3 1.000 euaheli over the previooa weik. aod a dioreaa* of H40.000 compared with a year *o. Would Aaariid ibe I>*MeJe*;tie. Chicago .NVir. : All altempla to interview Mr. llayea proved faille. H* ha* tb* faculty of avoiding inlerrogaiiooa by get. ting behind a bulwark of cold and flind aiarea. To ao r-.'rrniay Stwt reporter, who fired queettoo* al th* rx pnaideol for Af- lean ininuim. Mr. Hayee replied : Yoa have heard the atory credited to the Old Roman,' Tharman. Ha n aaid to have at on* lima : Bad I tha power to amend tha ten oommandmenla. I would add another : Let all interviewer* be killed.' " A lupajrebjcewloa, New York Jfirrur : Miaa Terriut When mummer and I were io Yurrop, oh. tb* awfoleat thing happened ! There wai a prince- -and a count and aod they tooght a duel about poor me- with piitoli. Yabeley Abl were they loaded T Mix Ten i at No they weren't. They were jail a* aober a* could be. Depend oa la* Pitcher. Kocheater UrraU : The woman wbo offered lo kiss baooi. the taster, wat denied Ihe privilege by tba watohert. Theee lellowa are mrdioal college iiuJenta aod know what they an aboat. Tbe little Italian could live an extra weak oo * kite delivered right over the plate. A little 4 year-old girl io Kngltnd wrilet with ber let i hau.t and write* ber wordi Backward, aa they an red -clad in a mirror Irom ordioary writing, tier friaoda have to read them by meant of a looking- glaat. Tba high**! ohuroh tpire 1s the world baa jutl bveo oompl*tad. Il Is that of tb* uhedral at Olm, Wurtembnrg, Ui-rmauv. aod ii 6:<0 feet high. Tha top of tha oroe oo the dome of St. Piter t, Bom*, is 419 feet above th* pavement. In the treasury ot the sultan of Turkey s a gold cradle, studded with diamondi. [t it kept under guard in Oonitaotinople, asd in it a dosen anltani have bean rooked. Agr. lor age. girlt are taller in Sweden and heavier at wall. I

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