FLESHERTON ADVANCE. ''TRUTH BEFORE FA VOR."-" PRINCIPLES, J\ OI MEJf." VOL. IX., NO 493. FLESHERTON, ONT., THUKSDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1890. XMAS GOODS 1 The important thing m jewelry is 'quality. We keep the finest quality of GoKi and Silver plate. For the holi- days we have made special preparation and offer beautiful ^oods in Earnngs, Scarf Pins, Brooches, Lace Pins, and Cu(i Buttons. Novelties in American jewelery. DJAMOND, GEM AND WEDDING RINGS S] Icndid value. We have some special bargins in Lades' GOLD & SILVEE WATCHES Our prices cannot be touched, quality considered. For all defects of the vision our eyeglasses and spectacles are the best. We still lead in watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Our repair trade is steadily increasing. ARMSTRONG BROS. From our w Cormpmdent. Mr. Joseph McConnell has very ill for the past week with in- dutumaiiou of the longs. We are glad to learn that he is improviusf. Mr. A. Ellis, who has been absent from the place for some time, a ia oar midst again. We are ylad to see our friend Will Stewart around again. Squire Stewart has bea laid up with sciatica in his leg* for some time. He was not able to attend council at iu last session. J "OOJ. bUT SOT KOBOOTTKX." i Mrs. Ih<> ;. Lewis of this place, woo has been sick for some months. parsed . iwietly away to the eternal worM on | Friday, the rifth inst. Mrs. Lewir waa about thirty-rive years old aud waa married about eleven years ago. Duiiug her sickness she always seemed cheerful aud did uot seem iu- ' cliued to complain. She said jbt was ' f illowii.jf morning Mr. Cunningham was suddenly awakeued by sharp blovns ou his breast, and waa sh.-cktd to find his wife in a Tiuleut cunvuUum, totally 011- | couscioua and her arms flying around ' in wild convulsive moveuieaU. Dr. ' Kolstin being hastily summoued was toon at her bedside. He at mice real* ! ized the very grave nature of the case. ! Hope seemed out of the question, as the convulsions continued and the Oar Toronto WeeaJy Ulobe eu<i .tJvanc- Kmi ire and 1 tu Coeniopolitan uiara*int> and Adraat . A Ivauce and AnM-ricaa Partner 1 !' remained totally unconscious and un ' able to swaMuw from the very first. The i doctor suggested consul tatio.i. aud Dr. Reid, of Uoruinit i Mills, waa called, but their united efforts were powerless tu ! afford relief, aod she paaaed away Thurs I dav evening about six <> clovk. never re ' aliziiig whit has Hap|t>ued to her. The : doctor* gave it as their opinoo that the >ns were due to a blood vessel ' suddenly bursting on her brain. [Shel- I burne Economist. The ' >wen S..mid Sun baa suapaaded the publicatiou ol its tri- weekly edition until "ixMimir of iiavuratiuii, and the pro- prietor will devote bis euerxies to the weekly. AdTaac* sod Weekly Kter. MootraaJ 170 AdYentM and London Adnrtieer John Shannon, who waa tne-1 ou sus- picion of havitiK shot *chool teacher Dauim iu East Zorra a few weeks sgu. has been acquitted. ADTICH TO MOTSIIB. Are you night and broken of your reel by > tick ch.. '. uffnu4 tad cr> iu( with pam of Cutting Teeii If K> Mad atonce aad gel bottle "Sir*. Win low'i SuothinK Sprup' far Children TeothiBi; . m u iucalculable It will rell*e tin.- poor ItttU aoflvrer Immediately Depaod aawii it, mottle.-. ; there ia no nwtaJU abuua it- li cunw Draeaurr and Dirrh,r nculACo* tti> Stomach aaU Bowcto. emm Wind I :.;< (iiiun. r*due> lnllaiu|:oo.uid CIV<M o nd eoorxy t.. th whol tjnttom. "Sin. *u> Iow tSoolhniu -iyrup ' for <jbi!drwi tarthlnt .. |.lo*jjt to :u tacte aud :. the pr^ npio.. of on* at th oldest n.l bwt f*ial pbyiniaaf and aurww in U> (.'nited *ta*M. ud i* fur <aJu by all draavts tbrougbont tb* world twout) >c ceuu a bottlv. H ur>aadasta for M. WiMM.^w'1 TC?. and kiud Honor Kullsfor Novenibrr r.UXTlNO, 1 K'MMlMi. WOOD WOUK. FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN. LL'ilUKR. LATH. SBINQLEf JOB WOUK FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard 's Carriage Works, FLESHEHTOX, ONT. OICK-8 LAVD BOLLESS MOWKBS. Itl.NUKKS. PLOWS Our Buxxiea the Bat. Our Sleucha th IWst. Our Cutters the Heat. Our Implored Harrows the Best. Our PaUnt Uate The Beat. Sti-\i-m Impruved Sphu^ ToutL Harrow the Beat. STRAW Cl'FFLJSRS. Tl'BSIP DRILL*. a\sa PLOWS Weak WAS A BUSY ONE AT THE CASH STORE. (1) The ladies are finding out where they can get fitted out for the winter. Dress goods, nobby, cheap and durable ; tlannels, which lead in quality and price ; shawls, which cannot be un- dersold ; blankets, warranted to be of the finest quality ; table linens, towelings, lace curtains, cottons, sheeting, etc. Also a lar-,e assortment ot" kid gloves, cashmere goods, woollen mits, in ladies', misses' and children's, hosiery, ribbed and plain wools, hoods, squares, fascinators, etc. Hem ember mothers, your daughters will appreciate an article of wear FOR A CHRISTMAS BOX much better than anything you can give them to lay on the mantle or centre table to look at, and remember, the store on the hill is the place to get what you want. (2) The gentlemen and boys arc finding out the place io be comfortably fitted in overcoats, ready m.ulo suits, ordered clothing, undrrwear. boots, rubbers, socks, scarfs, ties, caps, etc. Our motto is to do rigat and eell Don't Forget The Place. nuts, right. resigned to God s will. During the last few weeks of her life she said everything was bright, aud although FLESHKKTOS STATION aheioved her husoaud aud children Jr.4*.-JaseaAsMown jsH. Minnie Sloelsir dearly she Said she had no desire to , Jr uli. -Jauie Hempbil! 474. Millia Couk MO. get belter. Sh leaves a husband ami four children to mourn her loss. The funeral took place from LIT late resi- dence to Fleshertou cemetery on Sun- day last.followtd by a large concourse ofhieiid-. Her luibbaiid and child- ren have our deepest sympathy in their very sad bereavement. Asleep in Jeens. bleated sleep From which uoae tier wakee Io weep : Where tree from aurrow. pejnaud >;rif Mar st ia peaoe and joy with Ifcee. arrancod aocorum^ to tb nuutbor of obtained by aoh pupil 1 inox tb month . blamd raM, To Icau upon tho darior brvatt And hoar Hun oay the- grand -wall dona." far now my varthly racw urua And wba the la* trwat trump (ball wunu. And w arvuuil Hi- bar ba K uu.l To b*ar Him aay: I'bou blouwl. coma Aud Jwoll f <r*%iT uf at hom . Albwrt Gno, ''h imuCook 4 Fre.1 KaoMev 38*. *u<lcla*..-Joon Vauduia TIM. Maggie Hemp- hilLtTi. Average attendance for November, * cm s ,:.. i- tr . -Minnie Gii;ileiid. MaudCarr, A. Lauuier. H K Johnson. Nellie MeMrum >-. ..- .-Albert Walt*. Manou Bell. Mary Madill 111 claes. Cltae. Fadler. W. 1. Laliwar. John II das*, ir .-Kobt. I'eJ!ar and Frank Pedlar Well* Ma till claee. jr . kUchard Turner. Kebeoca Turner an 1 \\j'<:u MjMulieu r'1-.al . I ..-. *r . Kranoi* Bertha M-lk-r. Willie I n:r.t-.-.! Average attendance U. MAIWKLL Sr rv. -Oflorge Preaton J34. Cha. Ueren lit. tyroule 1JW Alice Field l.H. Kelicee Brvwnridge jr IV. -Mary Haroa Ul. Man Rrownridga MB. Katie Sahaaainaa Ul. Harrv Saatiereon 131. aarah Fergueoa lia, Sarah 1 'a! litter lit. *d claa., - Xelh McOallam J6.Hirdie Kver- soa 18B. Milie Heron tW. lohn Hemroev M. Kdna Hrron '.*. Kita Small 1S. Lirma HrownndKe Ul. Wm <<iv IA Staaiev Coama 117. William nan ION. Milton Spnmle KM, Julia Gajr 8* Albert Long 7:1 Jaiuw Fotiwick SH Sr HnJ. Ida Handiit^ou 19!. Oeone Bucking- bam 10J. Lune Guv i:-. r red Coaron M, Prauk ktrtou M. llaraliuv :.i. A uirrw Pallistarir Jr Ilu.l. ManhaJ Krv>u 10*. Oeorga Hrown- ridge 7*. Sherdy Field 78. Walter Kwtoa OS, i ale' Ti. Kobt Phillip. . Thilai Jwiigobn V. Cha*. Kenwu-k 19. !' ! Cbae. Eiupreun. Uaii'le 8iK>ffard, fourth claea, -Ida Stone 311 N.,ttu- Stone JS1 r thlr.l .-lass,-Btr:ha NVhitiaker *, John 1*6. Jr third oiae. Norm* Fletcher UK. Laule v 7. Bella Harrow fiu, Sadie Whit lak. r I ..I claee.-Alei. MoLeod fid, Maggie Hawrd W r ir*i .-!. -Har.lv Whlttaker 313. Maggie Mo- JM. lAura Wbiuakvr la). Jobu Ultwon : I FI.E8HERTOX in each class in order From oatr oint Corrttpondent, A very successful social came off iu the Mclutyre church on Friday even- ing last. 1'ltv social was held in nection with the Sunday school a.id for the p;ui>o.<o of getting a library An excellent, tea was provided of winch ev,ry oue partook heartily. | ^t^SSS*^^ After it had been thoroughly Jis- J L WOOD, teacher, cussed the meeting was called to souxu. SE.TION NO. ARTKMISIA order and Dr. Scot;, of Maxwell, ap- (H)inted cliuirnuii. A IcngtLly uro- fram was ]>rovided. consisting of rtauiu', r s, rccilatiocs. dialogut."< and I ica by liev. Browu. of Maxwell, and Rev. Trollop*, of Siu^haiuptou. ! Dr. McKwcii ati.l Mc(,)uarMf. The . ouU'rUinuK'iH as well -is the toa waa i a decided s\oce#s. both liteti socially au-l nuanuilll. tlie admiSSl -II ,,!'.';; l ^*- f ~ r B- * Armstrong. Martha Wright. being 15 cts. Keceil'ts $20. Kvcry i ith claee ir | oartie Bnlmar, Claaatea Ami- one MemcJ to be wolt pleased i witf, | -; :^^ lf . Moor.. the eveut with tuo exceuUou of one i Pbtiip i-vnhonM. of tl* speakers who lels the platform rather hastily, but then you kuow it is a hard matter to please everybody. Mr. Oeorge lirey. of Maxwell, has ' M " d Sui ^ moved into the house lately vacated t<y Mr. McLean. Mr. tlrey still iu- workiug at the tailoiiug. K >.\- McDonald lias returned from Toronto to attend her mother, who has been ill for some time, but is slowly recovering. Mr. PoUa is still coufmcd to thj house with a lame back. M: .'; 1' i:'s 1; i> fekM ; tract of building a barn I'm- Mr. Henry Spiotton the gravel road. Jim has already a lot of work ou liaud for an- other season. Mr. T': ' -! H -itty ha- Owen Sou:ul to serve ;ii -\ ;;ir\iu,in. Mr. iV'naia Mcl.uau has into his iit-w hoil.*^. \Ve liojv ho may live long to enjoy it and soou get a mate. Change of PROPRIETORS. I wUh to announce that I hae porchaani th> boiiaeai lately ooaducted by Mr. Leg*rd au I will continue caivriogtu the publM iu bit sU tand. STWJUS'I BLOCK. FLOUR AXD FEED ALWAYS ON HAND. Frnita sad Confectionan . V(etab>Us ai. . Cider. Pleas* call on we lor our Christmas Goods, GOOD AXD CHEAT Thos. Wyvill "Holiday Time * Is Gift Time." WILL SHOW FOR SrF.CTlON YOIT. IN- B1 " ch * ... -auk irwm. iaa Joseph Acres, working in tli* quarries Dear Credit Fi-ika, was killed by the .line,- in nt a gravel bank. Beautiful Assortment NASAL BALM It i ft CtoM to .1 Mahlr our* for lOLih tu -Ul iu SOOTHING. CLEANS NO. HEALlNa Instant /?//.', Permanent i Cure, future Impossible. Iter evralM d.Maot u tiatelr ( . i. c. ' :.' -I . ! . NEVER FAILS. U III s SILVKRW1RE IM- .: M itii JEWLLKY I I M N I ::,::' I',:; I,:,: \l :,;:;:, $18 TO 135. Gats' |\ .;: \l)tcl!; 10 AND i;K.. SIM TO $S8. V. L'ANTSi-OYKRlNO LSCIDKN TA1. r.UKAKAl.KS ^ TU 4 \i;s. CI-OCKS, ix NICKL:L ASH \VAI.N $l.5M TO *> !! la ti UUM. I* *>U m H. i .! t>> KllAL l.l tan^. KD.I urej b. M1H I 111 U.U, ^hK-t i...,i.. in Cktenh. t - : ..! ... (01 Ml 1M hJMKK T At the adjourned ini|up!>t into the oaiue nl the death of the ebilil b.ly wiu found m a el".,->l e^'eui in M.Miiit Ki>ivst l.wtr Wfvk. the jury brought i in a verdict that Wm. t,'utt, father t the child, hail uuirderud u l>y ilrwnmi;. He has been wnt to jail to await his trial. Mr. Wm. Caaninf^affl. of tho Prinoo of \\ales Ruad, Mulmur, retire! in ex eel lent health and <; int on Wolneauny nmlit last, bT husbaud fullnw>ni( hr avue time later. About two o'clock |th _ _ _... . **ok pt ya>i. ua r.Yi9t of I |liMlM>x.uuJtl A '.ajuitdi; FVLFORD i CO . Brock.lllo, CnL Fine Hepairing Personally n :-J_tC'.l"!l ' CATARRH FOR SALE. Park lot of fiacre* within an:of Flehrrloa Nnuii |>rt ,.r Lot Ul. itu.t N K A i- <ueeiaj Terms litx-ral. Apflr W J UEX1.AKY V.ettanca \VisliCs fill Hsrah %J. laaa, I 31AKKDALK.