FLESUEKTON ADVANCE, ''TRUTH BEFORE FA VOR."-" PRINCIPLES, A Ol MA.Y." VOL. IX., NO 496. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1891. XMAS GOODS Mount /.ion. the The important thing m jewelry is quality. We keep finest quality of Gok! and Silvei plate. For the holi- days we have made special preparation and offer beautiful .^uods in Earrings, Scarf Pius, Brooches, Lace Pins, and Cufl Buttons. Novelties in American jcwolery. DIAMOND, GEM AND WEDDING RINGS Splendid value. \Ve have some special b.ir^ins in Ladies' GOLD & SILVEH WATCHES Our prices cannot be touched, quality considered. For all, delects of the vision our eyeglasses and spectacles are tin- best. We still lead in watch, clock and jewelry repair- Our repair trade is steadily increasing. ARMSTRONG- BROS. From <>r own Corresvontlrnt. KU'ciioii and the Indian craz o is tin 1 talk of t!m Jay here. Wood haulers very busy, they say a little inure snow would be very ueeptable. Mr. IlYtiilerson, of the 3rd line, has sold hu farm to Mr. John Win- tan. Is John #oiun to keep batcli '.' No. Ho means to appeal to the Junction. Mrs. Jits. Handy is at present very ili. \vv in)|ir .-In' limy ."mm nci.ver. Iv.'iili l;ns iiLrJhn visiii il us by lay in;,' us jold lian.l 111/011 John .J i li'-H. , William Ui id. wlio lias .sutTertd under u liugor- iiiH illiii iiiti-rineiii took ,it Mount Xioii criiieu-ry. Tin: - ban the of the emu-.- vicinity. JIM. almost aure '''in place, and Mr. C. Knott anil family, >! Kiuiberley, accompanied Mr. W. Bent and for I think I hear wedding family, of this place, to ,pnd Xiuas at the home of bin father. Mr. W. Uel, of St Viiioont. We hope, he will, fir we ar he would do well. Listen bells. r.VINTIN<i, Tia.MMIXG, HORSESHOKIXQ, WOOD WOltK. FIRST PRIZE \VH EREVEU 5- H ()\VX, LDKB LATH. SHIN Joit \vuitx. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHERTQN, ONT. DICK'S LAND HOLLERS MOWEKS. nix : us. I'LOWS. Our Busies tho Heat. Our Sleighs the Best. Our Cutters tho Bust. Our Improved Harrnws tin- I 1 - ll Our Patent (!:ite Tin' 1 1. Stevens linjirovtrd Sjrint; Toot). Harrow the Mest. STKAW ITT" l-L KNIl' HUM. IS. i, \Mi I'LOWS WE WISH ALL OUR CUSTO- MERS A PROSPEROUS AND The bi-uiltio.il snow has been lallirg ,v iLiy.-i. rvi'valioii Ann;' \v;i.- intro- duced to our village on the IfHh K Mr. A. McDoDstld, of Protoo Station, a hi rt from tlie church of Allan seems t'> be earnestly j( to lend a, better lift'. MU--S was celebrated iii.^ihu church - . Jerome at 5 o'clock Christmas morning. T.ii Methodist S. S. i-ii'-ertiiiiiiiicnt on liie -llh was a siii-cL's:-, uotwith- -iMiidiir; the storm, program ir<Mni. .ides ditto. The pieces rcn<li>n-ii I by the scholars showed that t^r. ,11 (pains wen- ukeii in their traiiiin,-. Fninliifc Aiusnia may yi-t becunic a ,'i-i-;it vocalist it he receive* a propur e of ll-uilll!!^'. A iiiiinber ;if our citizens, after ' traiist'iinniii,,' divers iiluuip fowls int.<) U, asserableil on the ice and spent Ciinstiuas afternoon "\vi' tile s: i Knl 11, ibeiiiK well fortified with- in '. v. ''ing 1"9 forces for war ou tho 25th. J. 1>. r.rowu spent Christmas in the Qm i'ii City. Mrs. C. C). James is spending the holidays with frieuds uear London. M:-.. Ihander it Louie for the Loli- It is "bach" all over the house with Al.. our biilier, at, present, his bettci half M :',)tiiihny a few weeks with - : - -it, ' iiielph. .Inn \v;i "bound to have a wife hr- fort the winter ..'. '' and he got hi Mr. Jas. Wilson. Glenel^. and Miss Mn^ie McUou^iil, Diirliain lluail. Arieiiiesia. were tied up for lifeon the Iti v. 1) McLeod. The above i-lcrx.Mii.ni a,lso united in inarriit^i' Mr. Neil W. McConuel, of Son: 'i I .mi i ili-ni'lir, and Miss .M MulA-an. of Egmootit, On Chi-ilui:i< ; day. Mr. Colin McArthur, of the liria ol McKinnoii & C'i)., i:as bteu ill foi some time. We hope tosee him a;ouu 1 soon. From our OII-H < 'or Tile entertainment under tho auspices of the public school here was a decided success, and much credit is due to our teachers for the able manner in which tin v niniluctetl the entertainment. The i-liair was taken at si-veil- thirty l>y Mr HaimiU'iid, win, tilli-il that position with much i-reilit to himself as wull is to the it Til,- limitations and dia- logues by the chiiilren were very well riMiden-il. .-in. I uur teacher muni have aKen ',-reat |-ains to liavc the clnliir, u triiiued so well. Tlie oldi-r peoph: did tlu-ir |irt i-c-uiiirk;ilily well, considering tlu- inconvenience in which tl,.-y WI.TB placet) in dialogues. "The tram to M.-iiit-n" wan the special fi-ature. MH.S Hurritt acted her part with much taut tint ability. In nniM'- eacll and evi-rv , -in- did wi-11. B. A. t'amuher-> ii'Hith or.Mn si'li's. MMMBpMMt) by MIIW V. P. Myles on the oraaii that were loudly applauded. But tho sun,' ralli-d "Thr K,IIIIII-I- s S.iii^ ' IjrmiLjIit the house ilnwii ; citcli niie iv.ininu' out in tin ir turn with hoe. scwim.', saw. churn, rake, :tnd -tinunii; tlmir ilitfurent |iarl. |in-M'iit mi tin- tn-if m-ri- nuinerous and valuable. In all the concert waa a tuccess, ami we congratulate the on tluir luccesi. AOVICK TO MOTHBB. Ara you diiturbwt - uiulit tii'i tirokun of your runt by mck chilJ iniilurini: anil crying "witli i>m <>f<utting Teotli , IK! atoucu aad uut abottlu "Mrs. Wiu slow s SiintliiiiK Spr'iii lor Chiliiien Teotbiug Ita value in iiicalciilnlile It will relieve IL ))<Mir little Hutfcrer iiiiuieilmtely. Depend upon it. inntlie/i : tbtiru in no niistaKe about it. It uuroi Dymutury and Uiarrlm-a. n-k".:lti ti.o -toiiiiu;ii ninl lluweln. ,-uro \Viu<l I'oliv. Kiiftu-> tlio (iiiiun, rixliiuiM luflauint ion. anil KIVIH tone .oi,| ..tiercy to tliu wllolu ~v;etn. "Mni. Win- (low's rioothing Hyrup" fur i-)ni,lr>-!i im-tbinx in i>luaant tn tun taM amlm tlin ; 'eHrnpiion of one of tba oldMt and pn>^iuimiH mill tiur-i- 111 tliu l.'nitvil -"tatt--. anil wfur l* l)v nil ilnnjKuKtsi tliroiiuhiiut tlm worM. l'ri.e twi-lif i '/.it:..-. II, >un- mi, I Hi k for M us. \\INSJ, .-A Sviui'/'aud t&kij no other kind. PRO BONO PUBLICO. Happy New Year McDONAliD & EVANS. t Front oiir OICH lwrn.';iin/. nf. W have ijood sleiohini; now and te- ineetinKS .ire tho order if tho day and ni','ht. Tin- tiMinri'Miijj which was held in the .Methodist ehurch in Prntun on th.- '."Jinl was in aid of the Sabhnih sellout, and it was a i;rand succuss. I'ln- -inn of inniicy taki-ii at the dour w:is ,*lti.4."i. Tin' Pint., n choir did |demiid!y. 'I'lu-y -tlso attended a teninectiiiK held in Mr. Morrison's church, which was a^rand success, the |ir<'cved.H aiiuMintiu^ to smne- thini< over $60. We are limiting forward for n :,'ood tune at a teaniuetinx in St. Andrew's church after a wluh-. Some of the farmers are loomnsj c|iiitc :i lot on their potatoes, as they sold them in the fall for 30c.;ind now they aro gottini; $1.00 a l-a^. Another one from our midst has been called away on tho 23rd inst., a 2-year- old child of Mrs. (.'has. Haw. He took sick -on Sunday and died on Tuetulay. Scarlet fever was the cause. We sympa- thise with parents and family ; may they be able to say "not my will but Thine be done.'' We hear that Misa Frances McLean is intending K"' 11 ? '" Toronto. All our best wishes go with her. Mr. Jarne* McLean is talking of build- ing a cheese factory at Booth's cointr. Hwpvville. I Mice morn has the unwelcunie me*i>enirer, . viiuu-d our iiri|;libiiihiHiii niul borne uw.iyiu bin In, M, in tlii< ihn e year uld son of Mr. an-! Mrs. CUli- Iliw. Thfy have o'.ir -vtiii'iitliy in tlu-ir IOBS, but we n un in ber thai Cue of ulil said : "Of eucu iu tlie Kin, !"ii ul beuvm." Scarlet fever is around among children Two "( Mr. J. Bati'helnr'K rhiliiren, riit- nisi al Mr. .1. Ferr:> s. are sick. A 'launbtiT has c< 'ii:<> t,> chi-cr the home i,f Mr. and Mrs. ,lu>. Aiilci.rn. TliH wife of Mr. Henry, of run. 12, has pri'*enteJ I-.IT Inislmiid with two little KirN. wliieb. is the second pair of twins iu the flllll..V. Mr A. H. Burnutt id sick. Mr. Gardner, tlie f l-ip-vil!,. tailor, has pfocond tin* McUtaiioa *>i a tail- j S.iuie "( tin- - K ;l \luil.-, nleiull riili- ,ut !' Mr Alli'n '>, near Durham, where they apeut tin uight irf mi-rry iiiuking in liariuouy ith tbii ti.l.lle. Oii:ei.i mt to , i-ert in PitmUlk. The' HCooial in tlie Mi-thmlmt church came off 1,11 lb 2'Jud nit., the proceeds beniK ovrr *4li. Also tho 1'resbytuiiaii tea lueeiin^ 1 off plra>ntly uu Xuiaa ee. Over JjC *ero reccivi d which in to be used for tin 1 r i-iiou of i in w church. Mr. Jas. Mcl'i'H.. ,1 i;iit tlie ti>DKe of lii* -.ii i^ll tTnkell on - me iiud llllil to turn .iiul borrow it >leinli Irom bin fatliei Little buys vvlindii- 111 I ln habit of M\enr- ,11^' win'ii mu Hint pa an- .-ib.seni nhould take warning by the pxperieiice ol some n,- I l.iii'v. who | * :,i bis p.i. and hot n iiliziiijj; tho siiimtion, bt(,au to swear iu hie .I"!'!! Lou Klinmcl ha -"tio homo to Wurtoii nflei . i vim' . if s< v ml mouths ilurat: n at Mr. McMunlo'H. Mr. uuii MI-- li, \1 -i-au have moved in i' i lirir tii-w limis" M:. rirth him linlilen ailieu t-> H:llsid tuy. IK- pnr|iiisrs i;,-iiig to bcbool iijjain. We wish lam si., \V.- hope to have a wedding m our items l|..\t tune. Mr. \\m . I. Mi-Li .1:1. uli.ie taking out in n timber, [i-ll on bis axe,euitin;; bis knee. biirliinalelly tho woiniil is not larguand will. ir I |',-, MI, .11 llL- bfilli li. Tin-re is somn elt-ction excitement and lotK of fcatiii|{ 011 fowl. IVoilohoiise Keins. " PBOTEiLI. THIXOf, HOLI> FAST THAT WHICH !S OOOO." If you want a good, nty working, dural niilistsntial. nruaiiu-utal. well paintud puu-i ,1110 that will not In- a continual vourca of itnmiyiiure. expense and vexiitiun ..f-jilrit. > : olio of Artley 8 not.-il |,ui::|,-. ami you will I i;u|ipy an far as tlie pump is renponsible. I Kiiuranteu sutlr-fart-.iiu ill i very lllbtalica or i t lie JMlinp. I -iibiiut fur rden m- tlm naiuun of noiuu of tlie imitie.-. who are 11- nm my plltu|'t. tu Mrkilii!i- .1 v, sp i, n;.,. v. N. Haxkvtr. l |i . '. \V Illltleillir M.l!k-l!l- -, 111 . \rii-iin-xia. Win. \Vtiiiht riiorp \Vri|{bl ll.-nrv . .J.inn^t MI I iilliiiH. 34 tt. . - Linvis .l;i. n.- J.i.n.-.i '.;- III-,.. v Mi. Htambormkl*. u ft . .Ii.lm Port*nai. two iiumi- Wlnltull NuL.f Lit wi ei.i . In Kii|,;irain. J Ovorlnnil . Kulit. Diinlo)- J lU>iluj.i:i . Mr. MeNu. Churrv . .1. McArlh .r , ,J,,lni 1-ickenliK, :*i It New Kn^ittlul hchool. In ii'u-iieijj. sum. Hut:,- r.. \orn. K'lrneaux. In H.illunil Win. Norton; J. Ulaint-y : J M. iittMiiierv Mr l.,nii;heea Mr. Mooie. Hi t: S- I .f.-n.ii 1. .1 \\ illialimuli. '*J ft. . Jiimk.1 . I 1 . I ' I, .: J W H< -liiui, Unii.- Mi c,. -i- i ;>-o. Muianun ; L)a:i M Mr I.awl.-r In Uipmy. Juinei Maililuu ; Itout. t'liliiiu" 1)8 ft . At lii-rklav -Miu-liell Hro. : Duke Abbey. .1 ft. . \\m. I.IIVB . Iv. \Vtti. . .1 Crawford. \VJU. AHTLKY. Mf 8 r, Marl., Time Is (iift Time. " WILL SHOW KOH YOUll IN SPECT10N A Beautiful Assortment WIT4IIKS. Ml HtW VK> A.\J> MM.Kll. JKHKLUY LIKES. : Fins Ki SI 8 TO $35. iitir inn, Co,-/-. >i<n>i. nf. Things in ^enenil are booiuii:i; here. There is ;i store Hlarled thia wiuti i mi the vill:i;;i- i-nriier. The pro|)iiut<)r, Mr. W.H. C'nrrutlicis, i alao to keep the i>o8t ofHce, which will be a great improvement on our |in s. lit .li'i-oludlltioll. \Ve<ldin ' and Xiuoa bells aro chiming to- gether in bitrniouy iu our midst. On Wed iicHiliiy. lux. '.'4, tit tho home of the bride'* parents, Mws Maine Kills ami Mr. Watt liichesoii were uuitcd iu uiatriuiouinl bondn. Wu wish the happy oonple long Ufa ao,i bit) pineBK. \Ve are sorry to have M is* K.llis go (ram among us, iho will be much missed in the community. Mr. Bent has ordered a shingle machine to put up on the corner al Wiley's, lie iu- teuds running it with bis new tiaotion threshing ragine. Uo ahead Bill; . let's shake on that. Mr. and Mrs. Hiiey and little BOD, of Nobletown, King township, are visiting at Iheir unelfi'l tod cuuslus, Iho Wiloy'i, ot Crat;' Fillei ll:-: 10 AND UK.. S'.'O TO *: J ,S. \VAK HANTS OIYKIMNV, INCIDKN- TAJ. r.liKAKAdKS '2 TO 4 vi;s. CLOCKS, IN NR'KKI. AND WALNUT, 81.50 TO 88.50. Fine e Repairing Personally attended to. Close in- spection of Goods, I'riees and Business Methods iuvitc-1, Best to Sll ! W, , Jeweller MARK1ULK,