A 8EIBATIOHAL TRIAL Byraud and BSBpllo* Before HU Purl. Court. A Paris cable says : Yesterday it the Gouffe trial the judges' order h the trunk bo opened led tu intenie excitement and noiay demonstration! in the court room. Mile. Uoonpard said >he bought the trunk in London to pack linen in. In a colloquy between Eyrand and Mil*. Bom- pard, the former maintained that the Utter was throughout cognizant o( the intended order. The woman stontly denied Eyraud's assertions. She declared he invited Gooffs to her room, and ahe was ignorant ot the purpose for which be brought him there. The preoident of the court called these srrrrtiom absurd, whereupon the prisoner retorted, amid laughter, Ihere ate many absurdities m thin case." Later E> rand told the story of his visit to Amerioa with Mile. Bom pard The latter asserted that on thtir arrival in Ban Francisco they were at the end of their resources, and Eyraud contem- plated murder and robbery with the view of gelling treuh supply of lands. Eyrand deuud thin, exclaiming : 44 Let them take my bead. I have de- served it. But my past IB unsullied. ' He gave a detailed account uf bia flight to Mexico, where he said he was tracked like a bunted animal. He complained bitterly of the newspapers, whiuh likened him to Cartouche and Mandrin. After he had described bis arrest at Hsvaua and hid bortive attempt at laiciie, the court ad- journed till to-day. At the trial of Michael Eyraad and Oabrielle Bompard, (or the murder of Notary Goaffe, to-day. Eyraad persisted in bis statement that Mile. Bompsrd con- ceived the details of the crime, and that passed the noose around the victim's Mile. Bompard denied Eyrand's abatement. During the proceedings Mile. Bompard was seized with a violent fit ot hysterics and was carried screaming and kicking to cell. When she returned to the dock later she was very pale. Garang^r, witb whom Mile. Bompard tied from Ban Francisco, rtplying to a question from Gabrielle's counsel, said be bad repeatedly hypnotized Mile. Bompard, who was a re- markably impressionable snbjaot. A Paris cable says : At the trial of Kyrand aud Gabrielle Barnyard to-day Dr. La Cassagne, wbo performed the autopsy on the victim's bo.lv, was asked whether the fraoture of Gouffo's neck was due to hanging or to pressure of banda. The wit- ness npliod be was not certain, but it was probably caused by hands. Mile Bom- paid here staled that E)raud threw the cord around GouflVs throat. The cord alipped, whereupon Eyraud seized Gouffe by the throat aud strangled him. Eyraad exclaimed : " 'i'bat was not what hap- pened. I hanged GoufK-." " Doctor," be aaked, " oan you say bow long it takes to strangle a man ?" This question elicited murmurs of horror from the spec- tators. Dr. La Cansagne replied that very short time might be neces- sary. Eyrand then inquired whether the doctor though: be oouid put a body in without bdp. Or. La Cassagne that he thought it not to be impossible Eyiaud protested that be could not do it, adding, " I won't ask that experiments be made " Dr. Bernard testi- fied that GouhVs bu.iy was fouml in a sack, bead downward, i'be le K s were folded up. Kyrand interposed, saying, That could not bo. While the body remained SUB pended I let it elide into Uie saok ft*! fore- most. ' The laborer who foiiud the sack gave testimony confirming Kyrau i's stale ment as to the position of the body in the aaok. Dr. Brouardell, wbo bad been deputed to examine iuo the mental condi- tion ot Mile. Bouipard, expressed tbe con- viction that the was perteolly responsible for her actions, although sbe would come under the category ot tbe "morally esent," being a person that would commit crime with indifference. Dr. rjuoreste, the physician of tbe Bom- pard household, deposed that be bad hypnotized Gebrieli.-, an>l that he believed it postitl i that sbe hd b -. n brought in a similar way uudrr the lutlu-ucu of Eyraud. Dr. Brouardel, be:ug reoallcd, tleuud the influence of hypnotism, and a scene ensued. Dr. V. inn. a pbyeioian connected with the police department, wbo was called at tbe request of Mile. Bombard, sworn he bad hypnotized tbe wowau. He declined to enter into dalails on tha Around of pro factional seormiv . Mlln. Bompard's counsel declared that I)r. Voisin had important ooun.'enofn given him by tbe prmuuer, aud that tne ooort muni remove the seal of secrecy. The public prosecutors oppoed this deui*ui1, aud blatm-d Voisin for naving ree-jrcfii to tiy inioii-iii The President oi tbe oourt decided mat the matter ought t > be dropped. This decision brought out load proK-otu f ruin the audience, whereupon the oourt wa-i , .. ->r, .i A Paris oable says : o day at the trial of Miobael Uyraud and Gabrielle Bompard. Dr. Lirgois, hfil of the UI...IID-I (acuity ol the College of Nanuy, testified that anybody who was hypnotised b.oinei tue bands ol thi experiineuler a m rn tool morally and physically. I h. y could be mde to commit uriiues. Ur. Liegeois was called and he said it was iioiaible Mile, boropar received suggestions o( whiob ahe retain tc no reuulleoiii>u wb.m *wako. To tffeoi this it would be siiffinuoi to place the subject lu iu auumtn uo condition. The prisoner ought agaiu be pnt asleep by mesmerism in order to revive her r...' 1 >,.ion ol Nota occur ring nt -.be moment ot tbe com miscion f tbe crime I h witness pointed out that according to thu indictmen Kyraud had not b n able to put Mile Bompard asleep, yut shx had been provei amenably to the hypnotio influence o Garaugcr, having revealed tbe crime to him whilu hypnotised. Kor his (witness' part, it be were the judge in this case bearing in mind previous miscarriages o jnstioe, be would rather out off his ban than pronounce sentence upon Mile Born pard When tbe sensation which this deolara lion caused had subsided the prooorea asked : " "y what scientific) means do yon determine wm-thor hypnotic sleep is re or simulated ?" Dr Liegeois Tbe subject that H really pnt to sleep oan bear without betray ini any symptoms of sensibility to pain pin prioks in various parts of the body. Dr. Browardel, recalled Mid he held the pinion of the Nancy School of Hypnotis- an in small esteem. All hysterical patients were found to be addicted to making asssr- ions of pretended facts that existed only n their imaginations. Every possible pre- caution to prevent a simulated tranoe had o be taken in examining subjects at Salt- pelriere. He did not doubt toe good faith f Dr. Liegeois, but the latter's statements wanted eoientiflo proof. Witness was not n favor ot again hypnotising Mile. Bom- rd, as be did not wish to rnn the risk of Kiting the audience hear the revelations hat might be surprised out of the accused. )rs. Mollet and Ballet shared Dr. Brouar- .ei's views. Both thought tbe crime ao implicated that it could not have been oommitued under hypnotic influence. M. Robert, Mile. Bomperd'a counsel, lere asked that his client be hypnotised in pen court, and M. Deoori, counsel for Jyraud, joined in the request. The procurear opposed the request, on be ground that the experiments would not lelp to bring out the truth. In ref awing to ooede to thu prisoner's demand h iiefeuded he imprescriptible privileges of justice igainst paradoxes pnt before tbe court, .'ne judites retired to consider tbe q ins- Returning several minutes later, the ri quest was re- ion. hey declared that acted. Counsel for the relative* of M. Goaffe hen addresmd the court. He pictured the murdered man as a father full of tender oli'jitude for his dauublere. He passed ver Evraud as having confessed tbe mur- der. Regarding the woman, be asked the urv not to believe her denials, but to punUh both prisoners alike. !' h-H.-d Pizarro " Jesn." --More light." Koox "Ni v it is come." Byrun " I must sleep now." Charles Matthews- I am ready." Arria " My Foetus, it is not painful." Talma ' Tho worst is, I cannot toe." Haydn " GoJ preserve the Emperor." Chesterfield" Give Day Roll.-s a ohair." Addison " Bee how a Christian oan die." Louis XVIII." A king should die standing." William Pitt " Oh, my country, how I ove thee t" Rabelais- " L it down tbe curtain ; the arce is over." Franklin " A dying man oan do nothing asv." Napoleon 'II (>o M. Connvto) "Were 'CO at tv-iau ."' gir Waiter Sou (to bis family)-" God llass yon all." Lord Thurlow I'll be shot if I don't jelieve I'm d\ing." Cromwell My desire is to make what issto I may to be gone." Gen. Wolfe" What ! do they ran al- ready ? Then I die hippy." William III. of England (to his physi- cian) " Can th.H last long?" Charles II of England " Don't let poor Nellie starve " (Nell Gwyuiu |. Jefferson" I resign my spirit to my jod, my daughter to my country." Fontelli - I suffer nothing, but feel a ort of d'ffkulty in living longer." Demonax, the philosopher You may go home. Ibe show is over." Marie Antoinette " Farewell, my chil- dren, (orevi r ; I *o to your f ihvr." Schiller Jluy things nre gtowiug plain and clear to mv nnrlerstamiu g. Lord EldoL It matters uot where I am going whether tbe wi-atber be cold or hot." Charles IX if France "Nur-r, nurse! What murder, mbat blood ! Un, I have done wrong. God pardon me." Dr Huti-r- If 1 had strength to bold a pen I would wrilo down how easy and pleasant a thing it is to die." Columbus L'rii, into thy hands I oommtiui my spirit." Lady Jane Gray and Tasso aNo ose.l the same words. Louis XIV " Wby weep ye? Do you tbn k I i-boulii live forever ? " Then after pause " I thought dying had been harder." Ciiul.ln't I o Kti tihi K . New York Neu-t : " I've got a complaint to make." s*:d an cffioe ooy to hie employer. What is it ?" " Tbe book keeper k eked in, sir. I doti't want no okkt.i per to kick me." " Of course bo kicked you. You don't expect me to attend to tvt-ryibiuK, no yon ? I can't look after all the' I tin- details of tbe business my - self." Detroit Fret I'm*: Michigan Mao The doctor says I uiut>t have large quantities ol His Wi'e Did yoa tell him you had just taken the pledge. Michigan Man Yes; but ha said that didn't make any difference. He'd just as soon hav a Prohibitionist for a patient as anybody else. 1 he < . ...i I i>u< h.nl. At la*! I h*vu attained literary fame!" lUimed Uo Huyter, jovonsly. 11 Tis well?" replied Von Keeder. "Tell me about it." "I have b en accused ct plagiarism." TEA TABLB GOSSIP TBl MODBBJI ITUDHMT. He jumps, lie boxes, casts a itoue, He i iry and uyuiniu>tl A mounmvut to Hub aud bous Propslled by foot elutio. He eau rare beef, driuks bitter ale. And when in aotivx truumu He aveu wants bin bread served stale, From all riob food retraining. He rubi and scrubs bis giant frame, Ha BtriTea to locroase uiuscle ; He cakes a baud in iwrv game, Or rouKh-iuid-tuinblu tussle. Ho ib thu pet <if ouHttgu ^rinl. The profeoson uu nitu beam ; All sound bis praifot through the land, For ba leads the football team. When wbalebone comes it stays. A good deal of tbe talk about potatoes in Ireland is rot. White liars f r riding are sffected by ltdy iqni'striituH. The do do wul never be extinct in America. We are too mnoh on the do. " I know that you're fond of kissing,'* be said. Sbu blushed to her flutter- lips. ' I know it, because nuid ttole one then) I have it from your own lips !" The sale of seals (or the Josie Mills Livorpool is '201 miles distant from Loo- don by the shortest railway. Zo Oayton, a San Francisco woman is walking across tbe jontiueut for a purse of 91 a mile, providing she walks more than 15 miles a day. 8bu is in Nevada, about 100 m iltd ahead of time. Worry U a bleacher who is forever making your hair white. Buffalo Bill tella the Chicago lltrald : waa going to a London dinner one) night and toll my driver to get mo there as quickly as possible. Aa my oarnagi clattered along ovvf the cobblestones of a narrow street wo overtook a funeral pro cession. Immediately my drivnr got into a dispute with tho driver of the hearsu ove tbe right of way. I told my driver to kee| straight oa the trail and not cut throng! the funeral, but he said he'd beat tbe heart i if it took a year ; and Le did." A barqna wbioh has arrived at Ham burgh, reports that on July 31st, nea: (po Horn, she spoke the barque Baini Marguerite, commanded by Capt. John Orth (Archduke John, ct Austria), which is supposed to have been lost while bourn from Buenos Ayres for Valparaiso Terrible weather prevailed at the time. The vessels ipoke each other. company is DOW open at Nordheimer's. A man's angry sentiments may be candid, but tbey are not sugared. Not as a rule. What a difference there is between a girl being simply pretty and simply being pretty. HYBTEB1OUB. She's bun, aud thure, anil everywhere, <>u tliesoKay riiu|>|iiiiK days ; At uvory window elindotli stare, HIT fsjca i* drawu with wo ul oare ; Sue Beaks a scoru of way** Of buymg toy* for Kie aud Jack- Una dollar does tbe work uf ibreu. Sbu aorta tbe urit ai SauUt s pack. Ami orders tbiuKH lor oie. aJaca 1 AI. pail for <J. O. U. " You mast be (etling very rioohy," said Goodword to a poor man coughing up his lung. Miss Mary Garrett, of Baltimore, has a bath in her home lined with Mexican onyx that oost Jii 000. A UOVAHLB KKA8T. SUE. Now, Harry. 1 winh you'd behave! A kiwa 'oeaih t:u' luiitletoa 's fair ; Hut, uc.w ili>rt(ardliiK tbo limits it gave, Y..II tu kising inu avery wboro. a Tbe uiistle'oo * rule in KI old. To brrak it I uevrr ihould dan; Aud. dear, if you M notice, ere 1 was so bold, 1 slippeU a wev r-prin lu your baurl To know tbe chrysanthemum in all is varieties is a ounrse ot study in itself It is thii Cleopatra ot flowers, ot " innnile variety." Ethel Do< s this pioioredo me justice? kIaU'1 --It does Hometbuig nobler, dear. It sbows yon mercy. A Britibh prcfesi>or has estimated that ihe cloud of smoke which bangs over Lon don Weighs 3UU tuus. ooiuii.it A.<o nvrr. A tarkvy Mo< d iu a barnyard, Gobbling SH turkeys can, Karaway Ironi thu luuddtuR crowd Kar fr-'in tbe hauuU of man. N UiouKbt of tin' lata so dire Tbe |Tt sLt hflil t|ur uuougb Nr> tbouiilitol the ruaitinR nra. Of tho baud I bat would pick and stuff. Dead in I in beauty aud youth, On (hi- Christ m us buard we lay Kim I HIM 11 I lii a turn Tors ioth Tdi- ..ii'i-i will I'.iiiila to-dny N more MtiaU Uo hlrut to and fro; N<> morn wr.h prini! be pulfad- !! i K<UIH Ah: In i* well we know Just what it is to IH> stuHud. There are now 'JOO > >,ularlv ordainec wcm-n pre*ohera in the United Slates where forty )ears ago there was only one. Fang o Does Dr. 1'illbury practice mnoh? Cumfo Wo ell, whenever any body wants bin) to, he's willing to practice on 'em. " Your nnrob. r," said thx warden to the prisoner, " is -10U " Chat's gratify ing," said the unfortunate ; " I'm in the 100 at last. ' A WINUT WINTKII THIN MUST B>. If I'hrihimw lay on Thursday be A windy vtm ,-r yu uliall en ; Windy w**atbar in ucb week And hard tnipeMtH, ttroug aud thick. Tbe HUIUIIH i shall bn tttnnl aud dry . Corn aod bvau shall multiply ; That >uar IK xoud for laud to till : KinKfl anil prince* shall die by skill. If a mi.! b m lint, lay shall be It un&ll hiij'i't'ii ricbt wall for bo; Of dftilB in. iliall IHJ K.XI.) and stable, Wise of *pr, rh and reasonable Whoso tlm; .lay giteH tbitviuff about, Ho shall tx punjithad without doubt; MI<I if K ck iocs that day batido It shall quickly from thuo glide. .US i ii Urituh Mutvum. The sewing machine i only forty-ton years old. Maiobea have been in common use Hiiioe 182V. and Amociua's first stree oar line dates from 1M26. " John L. Sullivan has mistaken bii liuu in tbe Ib, atrioal profession " " Wba do you mean '!" "He is a fsolnre on tbe sta^a. but be ought to do well in tbe bo office." -- Paris hi-, jast adoptoi an nndergrouni way fur rapm transit which is to carry no only tracks, but all pipes, cables and wire needed by a modern uity, exclusive o sewers. She (reproachfully)- 1 didn't git a - brislmas present. He (gallantly) Pro bably Santa Clans wss unable to see any thing so diminutive as your slocking. An be basked m the raditnoe of her smile dnr ing tbe remainder cf tbe evening. -The first titled Englishwoman to be come a lanmlrcas ia Lsdy Wimborno, wb hs established a successful laundry on he husband's ettate in Dorsetshire. Tb enterprise b*s been BO well conducted tha it >ii Us Ihu owners a profitable income. MAMMA'S WAT. Ob, Johnny was tough as a young billy goat. HII plated all day in tba gutter, And at uiftht tba o *ppor wbo nlupt on that boa Hruu^ht him houm half dead on a shutter. HIH pitpH had tbrashod bun uarly aud late, HIIL not A bit uoixl did it do, For h was a terror, " de boss of de gang," Aud mightily proud of it. too ; But bia inn WM a Ihiukor of very large thoughts An aolor from 'way up tbe oreek, Anil when sbe decided totaku up a case aho usually argued itquiok. OIHI in ruing ftho took yuunu Jack by the ear, And armed with her soiasorsaud oouib, Prooeodod to whittle bia baby lilacs, Abd beautifully stnlrcaso bis dom. Poor .lolmny waa tough a young billy goat, But yet ba wan ohock full of pride, And tbo zig-zag t|>* juat ruptured his heart, From " LU gaug" now at home doth ha bidol Where's tbe boss?" "Down in th cellar." Will he be away long?" " Nc i over a few minutes. He's just g>ne to make some ten-year-old wine. 1'BLiBQRAPQIO SUMMARY. Adolph Belol, the French dramatist and ovelist, is dead. Sir Richard Cartwright addressed a large eetiug at Blenheim last evening The St. Lawrence ii firmly frozen over t Montreal much earlier than nsaal. The estimates of the Toronto Public ichool Board for next year amoait to 432.000. Nearly three hundred excursionists left Winnipeg for Ontario last night to spend be Christmas holidays. In the North Brace election trial eleven otet have been struck off Mr. George's majority of seventeen. Mr. Lanrier, Mr. Davies and Mr. Fisher ddreseed a great meeting in tbe drill shed t Halifax last evening. Disease broke oat recently among tbo orses on the Calgary and Eamonton rail 'ay contracts, aud a great many animals died Mrs. Francii Wainmsn, Orilla, was con- loitci here yesterday of selling liquor to ndians and waa fluid 9100 or three nonths. Mr. Geo. Lting. of Bayham, has been ppomted license commissioner for East S'giu, vice Asa Miller, appointed lioecs: nspeclor. Thomas Jeff of Sosrboro Junction, a tiro- man of tbe Grand Trunk Railway, was coidentally killed yesterday at Sturgeon Jay. Ho wai '15 years of age. There were very heavy snowstorms hrougboat great portion of New York ad Pennsylvania yesterday by which rail- ay traffic was impeded. A Ksewatm despatch says that the umbering season jusl closed hsH been a most active one, and tbat 00,000.000 feet of umber % cot by the various companies. Tbe Paris Anarohiil LaBruvere, who aided Pad leweky, tbe murderer of General Beltverskff , to escape, and Mme. Dnequeroy wbo oonoealed him in ber house, have been arrested. Tbe mayoralty contest is being pusbed witb great vigcr in Montreal, and the con- esl will likely narrow down to a struggle we-en Major U renter and Mr. James luBhane. On the Iltb inst., while chopping in the r oods, Edward Doonan, of Tyendicaita township, was itrnok by a falling branch and so injured that he ditd. lie never re- covered ooneoioasntss. Tbe city's csso in the Toronto Street lailway arbitration having been opened he ooonsol make it appear that if Toronto ekes over tbe concern the company will owe the oity seme 925,000. Tbe Washington /'ml, in an editorial, very strongly advocates reciprocal trade relations with Canada as being far more jrotiiablu than trade with tbe Ltiu Ameri- tan nations in tbe Booth. Tbe Kingston electors will be shortly asked to decide at tbe polls whether they think ibu oily should encourage manufao turers by exempting their buildings ami machinery from taxation. The London Daily Graphic' t Romecorre spoudtnt says: Tbe pope approves of the Irish bishops' anti Parnell mauifesto, but be declines to make a public statement on tbe disneusion in tbe Irish patty. The steamship Cortan, at Liverpool from Montreal, had ber cattle stopped on su picion of plonro- pneumonia, but a cable was yesterday received in Montreal say m, they worn allowed tu pass. Mr. Balfoar's Irish Keli. f Bill, wliioh asks an appropriation of 5.000 to enable him to supply seed potatoes to distrei farmers, passed its tbird reading iu tbe H'.use cf Commons yesterday. Silver Glance mine, near Port Arthur owned by Mr. Arthur Harvey, of Toronto and Messrs. Jeroax and Fndret, ol I'ort Arthur, is said to bavebeeu sold to an Kug hah syndicate for 18,000 cash. Surrogate Ransom, ot New York, bas anted Mrs. L ly W. Churchill, the duchess of Mtrlboroogh, a Jovernmect restore tbe nans to thtir ormer position as hospital nurses. M. Jonstans, Minister of tbe Interior, opposed tbe proposal and argued in defence of lay nurses. The order of the day was voted by 351 to 170. An English farmer named Jobn Bills, who lived near Calgary, was kill.d last night on tbe Morley trail, three miles from there. He had been op to the foot hills for lead of fence posts aud wben coming down a bill part of the harness broke, using hia hor a to run away. Ellis was thrown under the wheels, which passed over his face and skull, killing him Dbtantly. Thu /'...Vur publishes an interview with the Nihilist Sever uf, who declares that the Terrorist party atill exists in Russia, bat hat it ia disorganized. Instead of being a single body, directed by an Executive Com- mittee, the party now oontistsof !i5 groups, each acting under a different system, but all working to effect the same end. Thirteen Chinamen were captured near Dungess yesterday while trying to sneak nto the United Slates. They resisted arrest, and one of them waa killed by nspeotcr Fenn. The Chinamen at Fort fownsend say they will call tbe attention of their Government to tbe killing. Tbe nspt-cior'e superiors bold him blameless Mr. Peter MoClary, a well-known London man, died on Saturday. Louis Eugene Lami, the French painter, s dead. He was born in 1*00. A peculiar disease is carrying off many horses iu parts of Kansas and Missouri. It id no* reported that nine men were drowned by the "collapse of thu wharf itt Halifax. Alberdingk <& Co's. enormous oil depot in Am.. t. r :in was burned yesterday. Loss, J500.0UO. The ioe bridge across the St. Lawrence at Montreal was yesterday reported to be fit for traffic. Tbe railway men in Scotland at a meet- ing Sanday decided to bet, in tbe general slriko at once. Thon.;h the oonSaement ot the Empress of Germany waa premature, both sbe and ber child are doing well. An alliance ia en tbe (api'i between Priuoess Margarethe ot Prussia and Prince Willal, heir to the ibrone of Luxemburg. Tho withdrawals from the Government Savings Bank continue to increase. Tbe amount withdrawn last week waa 1150,000. Home Secretary Matthews has declined to reprieve Mrs. Nellie Pearcey, sentenced to death (or murdering Mrs. liogg and ber infant. Prof. E. Stone Wiggins, of Ottawa, pre diets tbat cholera will visit Canada next summer unless the strictest quarantine regulations are enforced. A daring robbery took place in St. Boni- faoo on Friday night. Tbe butcher shop of J. B. Lanzon was entered and between J00 and t'.iOO worth of Christmas beef stolen. It ia ssii.i ctlicially denied that Lord Salisbury bas taken any steps for or against ihe Britieb South African Com- pany in rrgard to their occupation of Manicalaad. In the Qaebea Legislature on Saturday Mr. Metoier's proposals in regard to a n form in the control of tbe lunatic asy- lums met witb strong opposition, and the result was tbat tbe Government was sus- tained by a majority of twelve only. A disaster had occurred at Cord va, Argentina, where tbe canal has burst the embankment and destroyed hundreds of housBH. One hundred lives ire r> ported to be lost. General Roca, the Minister of the Interior, has gone to the scene to superin- tend measures of relief. England and Franca have arranged for a continuance, of tbe Newfoundland nio.ius viveiu.i, tbe English Government under- taking to nettle the difficulty during tbe interval. Tbe exchange of France's right, on the French shore for tbe Burin peninsula baa been hinted at as a solution of tbe (uostion, bat it ia not at all likoly to be further allowance of OO nsidured by England. A 10 year-old son of George Sauve, Gar- I Jen Island, was drowned Saturday even- Tbe annual report ol the Montreal Pro- i ing. The lad was on a handsloigb, wbioh teslant Board ot School Commissioners I was drawn by his brolher on skates. He sbows tbat there are now eighteen schools ran aonif distance and then gave tbe sled a in the oily under the control of the Board, ' i usb. It glided over the ioe, strackan air- with an actual daily attendance of 5,945 , pupils. hole, and the sled sad lad went underm-atb. Tbe elder brother tried bard to save tbe The ioe bridge opposite Montreal has little fellow, bat failed, and bo waa nearly formed, and thu Ural crossing from Lon- > ''t himself, madu yesterday. Tbe first was made yesterday. crossing was not made last season till January 23rd, and it is claimed this year beats ihe record. While a funeral was rn route to a ceme- tery in the country near Kingston last wetktbo horses attached to tho hoarse lau away and tbe bearee was upset. Tbe coffin fell out and wss broken open, and the body, tbat of an old man, rolled on to the snow. Last night a young ladv was stopped near Jennie Greig, a pupil ot Carleton Place High School, oied on Wednnia> last after an illness of less than two week*. A pimple appeared on ber fanu which, on being irritated, inflamed and spread malig- nantly. Sbe fell into the conviction that the pustules would prove fatal, and no amount of expostulation or entreaty could dislodge tbe gloomy thought from her mind. She was unconscious tour days be- for death came. A Spanish coaster from San Francisco Clergy street cemetery, Kingston, by a tall young man drestd in black, who seized ber recently ran ashore near Athooemae, Mor- and kissed her several tilled, despite hsr'ooeo. A party of Moors boa.-dtd tbe vessel screams and resistance. A gentleman nd oarru-il off everything of value they came to b,r asaiatanoe and pursued tbe ooold dud. Tbey made prisoners of ibe raffin for ueveral block*, but could not entire crew and a woman who was a pas- overtake him. eenger, and deprived them of all thi-ir A hectoring foreman in Montrr-al let tbe olotbinj;, oven slrippinfi thorn of what tbey Federal Telephone Co. in for 188. Pa. b d * doliaobment < ""I" troil .P i wet day the men refused to work, pleedln* P^ut-d the robbers and rescued Ihe pris- it waa impossible to climb poles, as everj'- ODer8 - thing was so slippery. Tbe foreman Prof. Koch visited United States Mima- threatened them with dismissal, and being wr Phelps on Friday. Prof. Koch aaid his poor tbey were obliged to go aloft. One of decision to henceforth nive the hmph only tbo number fell and broke his .'0*. Ha took to hospitals was due to tho roHnltsihat aotion against the company, and received followed its nsa in private practice. tbe amount named. The only important evidenon at the in- quest on Joseph Birse, tho Grand Trunk engineer, adduoed_yesierday at Montreal, was thai He being asleep at hi. poet, and secondly to tbe engineer not keeping a proper look oat to see the light from tbe switch. Both men, be skid, were guilty ot a gross neglect of duly. The Minnesota Supreme Tourl yester- day banded down a decision which dis- poses of tbe celebrated swamp land litiga tion. It assured to tbe Duhr.h and Iron Kango Railroad Company tho title to added, however, that be was not . ersoi ally cognizant of any death resulting from its effcota, but he was qnito convinced the lyrnpb was too dangerous oxcept when used under a constant watch by phini- ciano. A patient, he said, rn ;ht to be Keen at least every two boors. Hu.ih care could in hospitals. Major Gen. Albert H. Terry died at i o'clock yesterday morning ia New Haven Conn., after a long illness. Saturday night Cbown it Cunningham, Kingston, looked out eighty men in order to take Block. At the beginning of the now year thoso who accept engagement mast do between :),000,000 and 4,000,000 acres ot 1O in dalUnoe of tho Moulder's Union, whiob land in tbe Northern part of the State. j g very strong. Ths firm do not propote to In tbe French Chamber of Deputies reduce wages bat will attempt to break the yesterday M. Desprss proposed tbat the union. A straggle U expected.