Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jan 1891, p. 8

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1HE I'LESHK^' ADVANCE THE LITTLE MILL. Having entirely rentvatod mi mill during the pant year, putting in a larife amount of new machinery, 1 am now |,r jii-.| to RHIH! flour in ainanur lecou'l to nu unllvr iu Uutaxio, anil on the bortMl uotice, OL.D TERMS: twelfth buthel. Seven. cent* per huudrnd for chopping. Dune every day. P. LODGES, Proprietor. GOOD KTAHLINO FOB HOUSES. FLESHERTON PLAMVfi 10 A T T E .NU- \ .;.;,::: I! 1 .:;:::: i :",:?:. Owen Sou /id, U?U- Iy You DKMIKK To GKT A GOOD KurcATiox. Hundred! of younK men and women have laaou * UininwM cuuriw iluring tbe past tu yean* who are now nuccunhfuliu biitinemi or fill lilt; lucrative |Kitlone. The buoinetui course of etmly i by far the most thorough and emu plole in Canada. There in an much in the juniur itt'partniunt an in the eutire course of uiauyofthe Ho-i-ttllcil buvineat collutiea. The hhurthaud cuurtw IN thorough au,l ,'i>m|.lt t- Send fur a copy of the Annual Aunouuciuent coutaiiiitu: full |>artlculan. It in neut fre to any adiir.'K*. C. A. FLEMING, Principal. Flavin*.' puri-liHM-il tlif Kli-Hlu-rton I'Liiiiii; Xlilli (run I-. J. S|>r<>uk>, Kq., I now ti<nr< tu iu form tbe PUBLIC that 1 tin in a |..,-.ti,>i! to do ALL KINDS OF- General planing mill work, uch k SASH, DOOKS, DOORFRAMKS I'lining ;. ml Matching, ru sawing, etc. 4., mil Workmanship <.ii:ir;in!<-< il. A art/.- quantity of good dry pm lumber on Imuil. W. IK MeTavish. HOISSKSHOKK AM) GENERAL BLACKSMITH. CoUiofWood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. ., timnu- it Wacoim. IviKhi. HiiKKi >t-nuwrts. 't,' H<ir*i *li.N-ini; promptly at i-n.1,.,1 r. t,,i'rial utt, 'iitioii KIV.-II to I'mitract- d r tender feot ;lll<l Plow Hindis ron -lanllx on h.iinl. Hisliorton. \VM. BARNHOUSE, HOOT AND SHOK MAKKK. Fl.KSHKl'.lOS. ONT. to thank bin numcrnui rutonif>ri fortliti Ubanl pailfoMfi rii.nilr.i m tin pait. >n I i> n..|>r*|>arwltoOll all ur.lem will |irm|itni- f M1 f ctj, )U |narantM<1 Twi.lt> n In buiiiiMi Iu FUilierton, and boni tlhnf< u K ,.M| w.,rkmiitiip.h. mail* b aun wvil kotwn thrui|baat thu >iiuiti w.4 w.ok ai|>o<iiaUr lit y*v A large .juaiitity of Wood Shingles MY OWN MANUFACTURE CASH KOU \M SHEEPSKINS 5, DAflKUDE, FLKSHKKTO.N. "The Lord In niv slmpherd .' -o tiloff Tho I'-rtlinut nf 1 iuwl i I.M And through all thti HK*** t'i' - iiiiK* TllUttOUU<l of l.l> I i\i-i:i. . r,| 11.- "The Lord U my tlipbrd, H Mid ho, 'Ami thrtirfo "i. v *:it -Mini I f kuow; Urtteu i)%Htui tiii> HI. And fulfill wberc i.io utill wttara fluw." "The Lord it tu , iht-phtiM divlna, Autl h in v ii<>'>r noul .|.th r-'-. And If* li-th UieHu fooititupti of tuiue Iu |>atbw*y of ri^ht vcnu<>r0." "The Lord in my uliopherd. No foar lu apftth . dftikr-t vain Khali bv mine; Hi. pr.<u<-u I kuow will hn n*r And ail am with couifurt divine." "The I*nrd AH my hephr 1 doth spr- m,l M \ tahlt* in f i nut nf tuv fuet . With oil he anointuth nunu hd, With ifladuubti iuy cup overt)' iv." "The Lord is in v thephord ; nnl aur llgpeteMI and murcv alwny Shall f..]low in-' **vry hoar. For still iu his lio-i will I stay. " The Lord is MT shepherd, thArofore Like Israel's *wet pa,lii)Ut and king, I'll lean on his arm evermore, Mor fr%r what tlie futuro may bring. FlMherton NOT. 21t, 1MX). T. WATSON. Honor Koll* fur Ocrrinbrr .H. 8. NO 7. AHTKMI Nanit-h in :-nlT of merit Fourth clan*. Jriinit* Uow, .ffiinie Waltern. hurluttr Mo, rr. M.ithian \Viltiaiuoi., William Will tfri. ttoht it \ n ,- Third I'la^K, M)!inii} Kvid, Ma^clt* Dow, Frame jrey. Uichard %V(MN, TbomasOovland. ond Claa*, Man MoUillui. Frmak N- William T'irii'-r, \\illic.tii !: i t Jtunes 1 Tart 11. rtrct book, AlicvGruy, John (iuiii:iil Arthur Wood*. for Infants and Children. "Ca*toTl. i ao well adapted to ch3dr*n that I Cuterla CT.TS fnUe. i Irecoirum-r.Jjtaim>*riortoaByprecriniiori I So<u ' Stomach. l)iarrn<pa. Eructation. kaowntome - l7Y l i w n 1 1* w <**. P" *" * od P"*** <"' kaowatonw." IL A . AamEa, M. D., IU So. Czfarrl St. Brooklyn, M. T. | Without injuriaui mcrlimtifo. THK C'BNTAua PuauMNT. 77 Murray Strait, M. Y. Tobacco Kendercd Harmless. "Vc-ry few aiiioki-rs realize the extent >f the harm dnni* to the mouth, heart, mid nerves l>y tobacco," says n well- known physician in the l'liila.lel|.liia In |iurrr, who lias just rt-tunn',1 from the Itt'rlm Mrdiciil C'lim.'tvr*. "\\hi-n I a in Kiiropo, I learned of n Hiniple ami etfectivu method of reinlirini; t. t-ntirely harmless without ii.^M..\m^ i'> aroma. The method was dixo>vered l>v Dr. <jantrelet, of Vu-hv, ,iml it should In) regarded nit a priee.leH lioon In slunk- era. It coiiHistii i f H MH.I u-.n wi"i|, .steeped in a tivo nr tell tier ci lit. Holutii'ii of pyro'jullic ami, in*< rteil in pipe or OL'HI holder. This will ne\iti;ih/e any possible ill -etf-.-ct "f the inc. .(inc. In this way. not only may tin- .'hei.il'y admitted evils of mnokiii^ I.- nvi iri.in", liut eiri'hoMs of the liver. 'n tune* famed by tobMCCi-.anil lighter . of overillillll^'elice, Mlrh a.s heililai II'' .in.l fnrrini{ of the tonnua, may lie -tv.. !. .1 <'itriu acid, which w:ui recommended by Vizier, for the same p n the iierioui disadvantage of Bpmlmg thv 'astt- of the ttit'.i. COT FLOWERS. ,v . JAS BEECHOFT II' ill l -ifl'iil tu Jill ni^rx f,,i /.V.ii.if. I ',,;-,,, i./. i.r //'"' I'.iiin/iii'la. n/.-' ; . iff fit rf./;ivr.-. iif a. I', .,>',!!.. /.' Orders by mail promptly uKniu'- ! to. A <t""l fi/i/J'j f .)/ ill Ililllil. I h -In-rio-.i <;rM-hor.Hi- =3 W n > 9 w K W CD P CL. o CD hi ^ O HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY5 PILLS&OIMT iIIE PILLS I'urify thu UlcMMl, correct all Unordera of I..ivir, iStomuuh, ItlUlii'yM, uiitl nmfa:iibUr.m...iy for lia.1 !..., (out ami ItlirumatiKUi. K,. T ti t 1 O I N T M E IS T . (.1,1 \V,,,,,,,|.. K,raii.l I'lcm. It in famou. f .|, r <,f u,.- cii.,,t it !, no ,,, . , , For SOBS THRO.n, ni;<>.\ ciliTIS. CUt'UHS. <'<>/./ GlanluUr9wellln,au i lallSkinniHeae. It ha. no rival, and for coutracUd and utilf uiuuit actihke a > linrin. M inufacturail only at l'rof.,i.,,r lloi.i.nwtr l:-t*hli.l,in,.nt. TH, Xr w Oxford Strrrl < i.iie 5:t. Oxford M , . , i ), London. "l.l at 1. 1J,I .. >,!.! . ,., |,.. x ,,, l',,t.a...ln,ayU.| 1 adofaIlM.d elliv Vellilnrh tla,iilK'h,>llt II. U ,,i 1,1 1'nrclvutrt dmulil l,,,l; t, H,, I ... .'.. ,.,, (/ /,,/., ,/ /; ()J .,, [ .,.;:. ti, (,,,,! ftln >. IsiintuH, tltniarr njniriinu. it nut THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. $ W iii i i ti oiti i.i/i vri \vi:i TDK Hih 78 eh*nMtm, Md til fi lln' Silicic 4'ilM* Oili'll. .irri.nli.-il to do L.i'.i'i w r tlian any in i. linn mail.-. , It i "iiii.iiH-B miii'i.ii n , with in KUIII.ITT, !* , iTHAi ION, weara lon^'nr with- out r iisl n( rt-p i i - than anv ,,lli, r machine HAH in, ink rilili'in to Lithrr tin, n|iriat,n . It IN .1 'I. -I II-, IU I Ml.. llll'kll'lllatlHl, |li I I.', t ,>n,l i..ii|t,il to till kill, In nf typ.- writing. . Ik- .1 lilllltlll,' |i|l'.-n. It pro'lll.'l-ll Klllllp, clenn, Ifgiblv iimuiis.-ri|<ln. 'I' wo or ten' coin, - ran lio i. ia.li- at nut' writing Any: mi" ll'i;i lit |THnn can I'l-i mnn an op, rator in | ,^ \V.- nffi r iS |, (MM) to nnv ,.pera- lor who ran i <|i:u| tin- work ,,f tin- Iriillhlc ro. 1 l-'lour Only $4.80 Per Barrel at R. PEDLER'S. l.'uin,' ..lie I'riiiu- all mid gut iu|<|iliu,l. for lin i> U.' !...> lint ! , ., |,s thu hunt and alwayn loti on Inn. I. n !.,, a cheap line of A|-"t hli,l S.lli 'Sllicn Wltllti'll. H[ '-i 'i in liiri'iinnU to 1'i-nli i>. !<! I'll iui|>;,I,t giving In, li.rni'UienU, Ac. oii j i TVPI: it KI i i it ro.. - AT< < UK A<;O,II.I.. THE MARKETS ri.FSHKUTON. dm, . i,,i !>/. Fluur ....... Kail Whil H|irlii|l Wheat Karley Data !>* Huttr ...... K K |{..frMh 1-ntatM bn .. I'ork .. lar pr too *i W to i MJ Iu lajr p IIJ o Ml II IN o eo o 11 i. M 6 M 6 00 1 00 1 00 M (I W 10 eo t And a good lino of coufoctionary. All kin, In of canned goodi, corn meal, oat nieal.rollod vhoat, ttraliKtn lluur, aliio vinegar and cider SHOI' NKXT DOOU TO M. lUl'll AKlnSON ft CO'8. Richard Pedlcr. Dissolution of Partnership. Notloo U hereby Kl'en that the buiiaau here- tofore carried on at Proton HtallnD, under the Ion uaiueof \\ ilaon A Hruwn, ,-.arpeutera, hae iliitrtay !> dlaeolved l,r mutual concent. The bualneu will herea(tr b conducted by t. Hrown All partlee lodeht<1 to tbe above flrua i|> by paylaf thalr aocouuta befura wl . H. wn !.> A aiaKon Da*. IT. ) l"eb. L, t in K ci.fiir.iNt: i.i-r Toronto Weekly lilnbr DM. I A.lv.oirr *1 kill) o, nil ! *4) Ci.tiiiMjHilitan luaKa/.in.i ,ui.l Atlvuiu , A.lvmi,,' nn.l Ami'in-ati 1 Ailvalu',' an-l \\rvklv Sl,o ".l,,nti>-al 1 7n Advanb* and Londoc \ : 1.70 n'.kavrl^ri. ... '-, Al'tfr. V. .1,.... . .ft.W nil .t.,1 . . . M ,,rk ln*|w>r lime Mail o.- H",. Ilitf IUIM*** ' k- tr*. K.liin- 'ink,, . n iituDi 'h.-ia. i >v ....I ..,,. to, i,,- l-nk ., tit. tl.llMllrlt.t- '.,ltm H)l*rlluii4.Muli. All Men , nil, or nu, Idle agcil. uho tin,) tl., in M !\, . IM-I M'li-., fak all. I , \ii:iu-,t, ,1. hn are liriikcn ilnwn (loin I-X.-.-KM-^ ,ii nvc: i neve, l Mi-nt.il il' pi' -i"ii, pi<*iiiatiirr olj ap-, ! >- , ( \lt..lll\ . |i- -.- >f Ill, III, 'IV, llUll HI. linn : pal|>ilatioii uf tlir Urk of inii^y, puin in tin. k ,1 k<-lir\{i||npli-H on the (no.- or IH|T, ti IIIIIL; ,i. iir.-nluir M-iiHution ulxmt the Hero- tuiu, wailuiK ..I tli" 01. o : . ;-i-k ..(,ili- tin iii- f.Vlt.-lilll',' nf tin- lull-. jr~ K 1111,1 .'l-.i-lii L . I, l-htullli-sx, lli'j in tin- MI in, , I"-- l "ill pi'Wi r, trnli i ( iln* M-iilp innl Kpini-. r.i. ii'nl tlal'li^ liiiisrlcn, ,1, -in to -1,,'p lailur. to I,, i In -.li-i-p. i-,-ii>ti|iali.iii, il.illn.-M. i'l In ,111111;, 1.. ,.f \ni,-i , ,1,-Silr lul ' > hill, I.', i >l It lliilllv nl t. nipfr, M'.iik.-ii !'' Miirniiii'li '1 Milli 111 \ , II.. l I . ,.ll > !n, kit' ' Mi I II. . t<-.. HM' ttll "yin| tuiin. ,,f iifrvoiiK .1. liilily lli.'it li-a,l to iiiMiniv an. I tlrutli iiiil.-i i'in,,l prim: or vn ! f,,iri- h,i\ in^ lust il.-> t 1 iiiii'ln.i. wan,"- ill ,'i'ii-i .|in in-i- v. i.o t 1 .'ii/li H!,II- iiiinittt'il in ii;.' in. i\ In- ,i<Tiimiii-iitl\ rui'il. Suni your al- iln--< fn lini.it on nil .lii-.-.ii" > H )u-oiili.ir lo \l \ I.I |:IIN. 50 Kv.n.i St. I . T, To' to. On. HlMilih Milt (ll-l- ral' I Hi. ill 'Ii- IM-. th'- -viiipti'inS'il whi.-li m, ('OUt 1-prlU. pnrpll- liph. Illllllhlll-s.-l, pll'lul.l- llull, l-l>lp lii'HtH. In I Ililhln-.-i. Ill'll of I'!,',. I t" liii- lica.l, .lull pain in the limit Kith lii-als ktrnn^, mpnl innl in.'^ulhi. tin 1 M.-mi'l In-Hit In-lit ipiirKi-r limn ll- tii.<t. puin about tin' |ir>MMl'i.iu , I'tiv. CHII pohltivcly In- run, I. Ni.riiri-. n., |.a\. Si-nil tor book. Addfiff M. V. I.I BOM, :>H Kr,.iit Stn.l Kiict, Tor- onto, Out. fannn itn , , ,., 1. h.h,, ,.,l. h, Jk R. nntMt*l,,,l,..y.\ 1 ..I M A I , ,.. .l...lr, T u I. ...I ll'.l I.IHkr .. II. II. II. tll.l M. 1MI l'. I. ...,n..kl> how li.rain fi,iiK & la elw ,iu, i 1 1,,- .i..,t, .iid i > >.. fa .11 II. .Ill ,,., ll I I HD, |>.ll . f \n,pi i. .. >. ii . .11 f n.i. ii- > > lionir, f i. in* ,.,.. '. .. - ..I. .. , l , ti.e itork. All u i.r.v t.n M i | i M m'fir .,,,, vc.kir .^ > .1.11 >..u. r<.rUI<!iiK .iyil.i,ii LAMM t.M'tklHI.) l..,,,r,r I All I'll All- H.>1 A.I.I,....!..,,,.. - IU., Joseph Smith, FLESHKRTON, Donlrei to eipreM hli thank> to hit nurneroui oudtointtri for their very liberal patrou- age aitviided to him In tin uatt, and would call attention to th fact that h* l> liar* itlll aad ica-lf to fill all order* with proniptlle, aud guarantee! latUfactlon every tliu* And by keepin| tbe lit utook ia tb market and atUudlnf itrli-tl) to li[iin,- h* ha< woa for blruMilf a placaatnoog the bant >humaken la the <ouotey. Ladl**' and iinnt* t. P ,| work a pelaltr Every pcnoa aorne and (t bM at ' S MIT l| S, I SII THE rELLIIR.lTKU !> I V I'lH^XC 13. Ij^vU 1V1^^> V-^ i-< SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES von Ai.r. OL- us;. IN. RICHAKDSOX A- CO., , K AUtNM, Y L 13 S II E T. 1 O K. Mayfly ui 4 CD- H ^ cr V) *< P Z M PJ ^^ ^5 ^ ^ *^ ^ O PS o WILSON'S s< 55 4"*> |% ^3^ g"?" r :- PLANING MILL A S D 3; m 37 C2 CARRIAGE :-: WORKS. To our old customers and the p-.iblic generally : Our new I'lanin^ Mill mill t'ani.ii,'.' \\iilks IniUM}- bffll IH'llllil. ted. We !Uf now in ;ipnsi;i,.u tu do your work in either tin liuiKliiiL; or carria^t.- WODU work liiu'. in 11 liisi cliiss luanim (> t VDIU- wiii;n. slii^'h or bug it WILSON'S. A180 era tf P ^ P P err- CD {CL r- CO o 9 MATCMIXC, i:\NUS.\WIMJ, sHAl'INd. n KN:M;S, MII I.IUNCS, SHIM;S, SASH AMI IMHI:S. n; \\1KS, KIV. I'ricr a I Reduced 00 e* M* TO H S o c+ n j- r- n t3 CO fn C3 H CD ^ o 8 * aci CD ^ ct- ^^ <<! O tf i^ O -1 a CD ^ W I P CD P hi i i ^ fe fc5 * 1-1 l >s> I \,;l HtK AT THK KACT.IKY : It-, Flesberiou , Photos, Photos, Photos. tteare no turning out work far tupcrior in ttyle ami Jiniih tn iniy rvcr /.! duced in Flcthtrtou. and ENLARGING at MODERATE HA TES. PICTURE FRAMING (&m in all id branche*. A good Hock of FRAMES and MOULDINGS kfpt mial/v on hand. Will abo i*t*oduc* the new KROMIDK PORTRAIT. ., picture that u yi'vin^ <'> tatii/action vAercrcr intwluctd. .S'.t V/'A/'X c I't ittn ut mf O'uJWf wKtrt ull particttlurt at to I'rice, Sttft 3lf., can kt a to* - fainf. MMS.

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