Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1891, p. 3

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THE WEEK'S NEWS QaslaM* Mentreal city coonoil has voted $5,000 to the Soring Hill N. S. sufferer*. Daasage from flood* and ice has been aused at asyeral point* in Ontario. Patrons of industry held a convvnttoa in Surma Ust wesk for the purpose of forming a Provincial association. The township of Weslmeath, Ont., has) |sssnd the local option by-law by a majority of s9 yote*. Charles Mdiinnis, aged about 00, who lived alone, was burnt to death in his hoaee in Plympton township on Tuesday sight. The death of H. Sash, another of the Sprmghill victims, adds a widow and three more children to the Ust, making a total of 53 widows and 164 orphans. A company has been formed in London, Eng , for the importation of horses from Canada. Agents will be sent to Canada to purchase and look after proper transporta- tion of the *njnyt.l Sir diaries Tapper cabled full particulars of the Hprmghill colliery distutei lo Kngkuid and the friends of (Canada in London have opened subscription list* for the sufferers. will shortly sail the for United States, where he will inuke a long visit to his brother, who owns a stock farm iu Dakota. Mr. Henry Harrison, M. P. for Middle Tipperary, on Monday seized, on behalf ol th I'ublln National Lvugne, all the money ami papers he could lay iiis hands on in the Belfast brunch. A very lively tight ensued. Notwithstanding the qualified denial of Sir James Kergusson there is a general lielief Uiat Lord Salisbury's (jovernmen' m .lu.itvs an advance into the Soudan, with tiie view of reconquering that vast region for the Khedive and for England. In the English naval estimates Lord iieorge Hamilton calls for an inn-ease of 38,000. The construction of the new war- ships i* proceeding very satisfactorily, but their is great delay in providing the neces- sary armament. rSlfTTBD STATES. Minneapolis millers complain of poor busi- ness. Many of the Mormons are leaving Utah tor Mexico. Sol Smith Russell's block in Minneapolis was burned the oiJier day. La grippe is raging among the soldier* at Fort l.ni;an, near Denver. A Washington despatch announces the i death of Senator Hearst, the California A number of Canadian* who have lived i millionaire and racehorse owner. Wilt year, in Dakota, have passed through ^ continne to in o f V, innipeg to settle in Manitoba, a; e | dlaa ^ e by ^ flood , m California. innipeg t will follow. William M. Fuller!*, Q.C., of Amhei.t. N.S., died at St. John, N. B., last week. He was a brother-in-law of Sir Charles Tnpper. The Senate of McGill Cnivrsity, Mont- real, have decided to appoint proiesHon on electrical engineering and mining engineer ing. Chit! Constable llraatti of Toronto in hn I annual report states that crime in genernl notably decrease*) during the last year. Sarah Fox, a girl of twenty , ha* been .ir rested for the wilful murder of her illegiti- mate infant daughter, whose body WHS found iu a yard in St. Joseph Mreet, To- ronto, on Saturday morning. <:RBAT BKITIAN The British Admiralty is raising wages and granting other concessions *V the .lock- yard employee*. Mr. Balfour (tales that the bail of Meatn. IHllon art) O'Brien ha* been forfeited to th* Crown. Empress Frederi -k of liermany arrived in London on Friday night, and waevery warm- ly welcomed. Mr. Alexander Brown, Liberal member for Hawick, has brought an action for di- vorce against hi* wife on the grounds of adultery. Prisr, Woolen 4 Co., limber merchaiili, London, Kng. , have failed. Liabilities t'.19U, 000. A riot arose the other day over the *vic- tion of collier* on Lord Londonderry '* estate in Durham. The governor of Arkansas ha* signed a bill provid-ug for seperate coaches on rail- road trams for negroes. There is trouble in Vicksburg, Miss., over the appoint nent of James Hill, col ired, as postmaster. Friday night's blizzardin Arkansas caused the death from cold of several children. A fall of mow has brightened the pros spt.-i foi the wheat crop in Washington -rale. The first two days of the present week were tiie .-oldest of the season in New York ; thermometer 10 below zero. Immense snowslides near Baker City, Oregon, buried liii'-i- m-n and caused much damage to mining property. The King of Italy wished to confer the order of Knighthood upon Police Inspector Byrnes, of New Vork, but the Inspector respectfully declined. Five thousand students in the I'nited States have signified their willingness to en- gage in foreign mission work. Anticipating a general strike in the coal trade*, the <ierman Uovernment hiw orfti-red large supplies of coal from England. When the Chilian rebels storme.1 |.|iin|iie a im-ii'KT of huiMinv's were wrecked, and 200 women and children who had taken refuge in them perished. Oneral Boolh lectured in Brussels the other nii^hi on the subject, " In Darkest Knglaml." The people seemed to liej{r:illy amused with the lecturer'* remarks. While Vicomte Rrialles was walking through his grounds near Troye* one night last week, In- was shot by one of Iiis game- keepers in mistake for a poacher, ami he returned the fire, killing one of the keepers. Great indignation is felt at thu conduct of a tierman sergeant at Nuremlmrg, whocom- pelleda soldier to stand under an icy tor- rent of water in a semi-nude condition, the exposure and shick resulting in his death. The relations bet ween Fraud* and < ler- iiiany :iriing out of tho visit to Paris of ex- K.o[iri!ss Frederick arc very straiuvu. As a reprisal for what is regarded a* an inail''. Emperor Wiiliam has ordered the posxport sysu-in of Alsace-Lorraine to be increased in severity. C4TITAL. Ibr Trrrlblr Pair chut Befell War of ta- n lekeUrsl flUr* In ike Werlil. When thu Spaniards were driven from Jamaica they left behind them a number of slaves, who nought shelter m th mountain* and defied the authorities. These bandits were nearly exterminated soon after the English occupation, but. the remnant later grew to be powerful and greatly troubled the colony. They are known as the Maroon* and the story of their di*prat struggles for freedom, of the privilege* wrung trom the whites, and ol their assistance suppres- sing the rising of the black* in IMu, road* like a ronmiu-u. Six hundred of these trouble- some marauders were transported to Mova Scotia. The descendants of the ancient Ma- roons ire even to this day a separate people, and still enjoy the privileges granted to their ancestors. Pirate* and their bloodthirsty deeds have furnished so often the plot anil theme for the metodramatist and the dime novelist that one hesitates to write alx>ut them in sober eaniest. But they were no my ths in Jamaica, anil no account of Jamaica's past, however brief, can omit a reference to thu part they playetl in its history, especially as the most drewlful calamity lhat ever 1 FLYING IN THE AIR, SOMTHIMG AERO- ABOUT TH PLANE. ef (fee rlrmrr f Aerial ll.iu Uur Url.tr.u W..~liliml"U ml llHlllmt.rr. Bi-fore long i line of air ships will l run- ning i.ni w.-.-n Washington aiid Baltimore. These vessels, limit to traverse the atmo- spheric route, will not be balloon* of any ton, but will depeud for their dotation in the air upon what are called aeroplanes. All aeroplane is a framework made no iia '.o hold exUuided horizontally enormous sheets, one above the other, of canvas or other mater- ial. It is designed to imitate in iU opera- i Km tin- anal in}! of a bird, as will presently be described. Beneath the aeroplane haiiiis the car for passenger* , the entire apparatus liemg afloat ; though on the Washington & Baltimore line the car will be connected with a wire below that run* from one city to : he other. A current of electricity will pass aliOt! the wire, giving the propulaive force, juit as in tha OUJK of the iitreet car with an overhead '."ire. .Such n to be the first ittep m practical ,?rotation. To rea- liee iu importance a* a neT wueuUfio depar- ture, it must be understood tir** that the two great difficulties recognized aBObstruct- ing the progress of the art hitherto have been the problem of stern IIK and the Wssfkt I the motor. The latter obstacle DM uoh seemed well nigh insurmountable, as, whether steam or stored electricity wan used, the apparatus necessary to work the propelling fan* wss so heavy as to be a hope . - IMMIII; < < pern-need iu soldering thr.ilumi- num. \V, il, ,,,| H would r.il,licr smile ; lor the fact i* that no one lias yet diaoov- etd a successful method of soldering alum- inum, .in.) it is not at all unlikely that no .ue ever will. Of oouns, ...imnii.ini i* being employed for its light- ness ; lint, if it I,,, to lie riveted inssBad ul soldering, it will have to be so thick that UM object aimed at will be lost. Largely on ao- count uf iiiu matter of soldering, a looks at present a* if the possibilities of .duinmum were as yet rather limited after all. This question of aerial navigation is the Us* traosiiortation problem remaining for man to solve ; tile doubt M no longer whether he will solve it, bat bo*. Science i* now for the tirst time applying its serious attention to the subject. It is apt to be thus with great inventions. Pint they are imagined without especial design by dreamers ; next the more imaginative inventors try to carry them out, and finally men skilled in mechan- ics reduce them to concrete form. Be it un- derstood incidentally that nu company has actually been fanned as yet for establishing a line of airship between Washington ana Baltimore ; bat people there who understand ore about the dying question than is com- prehended anywhere else for it is a cen- tre of investigation of the subject are such in their conviction that there will be a firm line as that deserted at the beginning of this article BBVOkB TB.S MOKE TJUfU) II A VI OOXB BY. It is not asserted Uiat the attached wire plan is the best possible, bat merely that it is likely to be the first step, the immense point il. (i mark ship dot. not] hay* to you this sort of air- to H0 favor being that it solves the steering difficulty at once and does away with ths necessity :>! carrying a motor. Presumably the aeroplane tno- its car would have to be started from a height. Most inventor* of i Hying machines rind thi. essential. For ex- oarry any motor at , , & , u|d f j^. EnKlMld all ita fan. being worked from a dynamo ^ Washington not long ojo .'or th* station at a distance, by mean, of an electric , 4 currant pa-nag olon* Ae wire referred to Tor Volitatio,, of h,.own,le.,gn. and up to the vessel V the two wires which , Uu) . tloa , Mlllt HXWmn ra tnat ,. ^ connect ,t with th. aforesaid wire lhat run. , *t really work, h. equ.pped ium- elf with it and calmly and confidently dew I off from the high abutment alongside of the | Patent Office steps. He only dew as far y the pavement below, however, dainotrini; hit connecting w lr es running along on trolleys. .. verv muoh ^j ,,, , lillUH . lf just like the litres car spoken of. In short, , (14lllv _ f( -, r ^ w , WM JJ^ ^ m all the way PROM BALTIMORE TO WASHINGTON. As for steering, the wire doe. that, two to be sure ; that u, all clear there is the great Tne(>risU iu MlM na aeroplane a_KI feet trom the ground, the pas- nger car hanging buiuath it and two wires , A London despatch gives currency to a ru i our thai lhe Imperial Parliament will be dissolved next autumn. Mr. Howard Stinson, M.P , has called a meeting in London in favour of free trade between fJreat Britain and her colonie*. It i* ex[ ected that a McCarthyite deputa- tion, and i . -her from the Paruellites, will visit the .. s tnorlly to solicit funtlx. Ixird ' mi son nas written a short poem for the .%>- Rtrir.tr, London, for which In- is aid to have received more than 940 per word. The jury in the Carioty Nell" White- chapel murder case returned a verdict of wilful murdet .gainst some person unknown. Sadler, "he man arrested, has )>en dis- charged. Time thy Harrington has obtained a ver- dict 'or 5 damage* in hi* suit against the ami Parnell paper, Intupfrenbi(, of Dublin Three hundred and fifty striking miner i Durham have been lined ten shillings each for leaving their work without giving notice. Sir Kit-hard Sutton, owner of the English rutter yacht llenenta, which raced with the Koiton centreboard sloop Puritan in !->."> or the Amcrua Cup, is dead. It is said that the Mari|iii of Lome in hi* new book, " From Shadow to Sunlight,'' ha* ponrtrayed an American girl with whom he i* in love, and that the Queen will haul him over the coals. Engineer Rob. K. Peary of the I'. S. navy , , connected wltn them, think* about reaching the north pole by walking across Greenland. A New Orleans physician status thai there are at least 25 persons at large in that city who are afflicted with leprosy. The local director* of the World's fair in Chicago have begun suits against a large number of subscriber* to the stock who have I not paid their assessments. The validity and constilulionalily of the M.-Kmley Tarill Act are to be tested in the 1 L'nited State* Supreme Court. In Washing Baltimore wire strung on earth-driven poles far beneath. Obviously, it should lie ex- plained next by what principles of mechanics this extraordinary contrivance called an The Jamaican pirate* generally sought to .emplane is expected to support itself and throw over their marauding anil pillaging the car it curie*. That is the whole point expedition* the *anclion of lujpil authority of Uie idea. Did you ever see a bird fly? by obtaining letter* of man|tie, but they | How does it sustain iteelf in the air? By were, nevertheless, pirates, pure and simple. ! Happing its wing* ? Not so. The best flyer One chief after another secured the Spanish cannot sustain ita own weight oy napping, main, capturing vossels, usually Spanish, on i It i *kr advantage of the buoyancy of the the high seas, and when the ocean did mil , air-currents, which at gteat heights even, otfer enough to satisfy hi cnpidity and love where Uie atmosphere is rarilied and there) of adventure, attacked cities and towns, laying waste with fire mid sword, and 'in 1 milting horrible IxtrUiiiues and cruelties. for that purpose. A brakesman on a Georgia railway is cre- dited with having severely pummelled John L. Sullivan, the pugilist. Congress ho* passed the Tonnage Subsidy Bill, by which il is hoped the shipping in- dustry will be revived in the State*. A Chicago paper says lhat the big typ-,- founders of the country have about effected i a consolidation of their interests, Tho capital I involved is reported a* {6,000,000. The legislative assembly of Ohio has pass- , ed a bill which provide, that dealers in tomb- | (tones aud inouunienta may, after a lapse of | three years, enter a cemetery and seize the ' goods not paid for. The United States Senate has appropriat- ed $50,000 for the relief of the citizens of Oklahoma, who arc rendered destitue by UM drougbl of last season. Several of the largest dairy companies in St. Louis, Mo., have organised a trust ..> be known as the Union Dairy Company, with a capital stock of |300,UOO. A syndicate of foreign capitalists has ob- tained control of all the type foundries of the I ' nit.-d State., and will commence work on the 10th inst. It is stated that, in deference to her last wishes, lhe remains of Emma Abbott were cremated at Pittaburg, Pa., about two weeks ago. There was an attempt to keep the matter secret, a* the mother of the deceased singer wa* opposed to thatmeans of disposing of the dead. The Kansas legislature has passed a bill providing that non-resident aliens shall not has given up all idea of doing anything in Parliament this aesaion, and propose carry- be allowed lo acquire or hold lands in the Elizabeth Stacey, alleged to be a grand- daughter of an illegitimate daughter of the Pnkeof Cumberland, brother of George HI., ha* been fount! in a dying condition in a squalid quarter of South London. A special cable say* the entire Irish party stats, and giving non-resident aliens seven . . yean in which to dispose of their lands. If Ireland aud the the lands are not disposed of in that time they revert to the itate. The United States treasury department nn Monday at Portsmouth. It i* stated that has approved the action of the Buffalo col- U-tore the ceremony a very angry exchange ' lector of customs in exacting duty for of words took place between her Majesty Canadian natural gas. Daily entries must ami the Prince of Wales, over a question re be made according to matter, gardiiig the Empress Frederick n *tay in ' Two boyB ^ Louisiana, Mo., aged twelve *"" and fourteen, a few nights ago placed a A debtor summon* to recover the sum of loaded gun at the head of their sleeping .f 1. 700, the amount of costs awarded against sixteen-year-old brother and blew out his Mr. Wm. O'Briru in his Lord Salisbury libel | brain*. Nothing was sacred lo these human devils, and yet they were tolerated for many yar* by the Jamaican authorities. The island prolited by iheir expo 'itious, and the last naif of lhe seventeenth century witnessed a prosperity as great as it was wicked and demoralizing. Port Royal was the capital of the pirate empire, and the Mar<x>nurs 61lod it with wealth and debauchery. There they main- turned in semi-barbaric state their great es- tablishments. They lived like men who with the wealth of princes, did not know when they might die, and who had no fear of God or m in. Imagination can hardly picture the character of the populace"~of thai little city under the sun, or the life within its walls. To tt camculiu reckless, thu desperate, the men moit skilled in villainy. With them they brought thu s|K>ils ol liuhly laden Spunitth galleons bound home with silver and gold, the ransoms of cities and whole prov incea, and fleets of merchant vessel* freight ed with rich stuff* from all the markets ol the world. All ihi*. and more, was pouret into Port Royal, and was *pent with lavish ness and extravagance that i* possible only with treasure bought at so tli^hl nt divided into two Hchools theaeronaut*. who believe in balloons for purpose* of support, and the " aviators," from the Latin n r. , a bird, who reject the balloon altogether and advocate mechanical means in imitation of wmired creatures. Th* aviators may be said to be again D1VIUK1) INTO THBJEB CLASH* : the dappers, who think that the Hupping motion of wings should be imitated mechan- ically ; the screw lifter*, who are of the opinion that propeller shaped fan* should be employed for raising the contr v- ain e in the air as well a* for propulsion ; and the belie van in the aeroplane principle, with propellers for go-ahead motion. The aviators declare that the gas-bag must ,:o ; fore harder to float in, uphold* the eagle and the frigalebird, soaring for hours with unmov- _ _ od pinions or poised aloft so molioultiw that a . it i* unncienlinc, unmanageable, and ut to telescope can be traiiud upon them. And be relied upon. Ami yet the aeronauts yet either of these birds, starting from the assert with truth that cigar-shaped 1*11. .ons ground, is obliged to take * long run before using able to rue into the air. So it is with all big birds, while the smaller onealiave to can be run now on a calm day in any desired direction, by mean* of profilers, at th* niU) "' fourteen miles an hour Iu fut t die cost as that of human life. light ing on their operations ir United States Two warships were launched by the Queen A blinding snowstorm visited West Point, Miss., on Thursday. The mercury dropped and the weather unit, ha* been served upon Mr. O'Brien in l ' a) way gaol. Mr. Charles Wood and Sir Evelyn Wood 50 degree* in a few hour*, are contesting the will by which a large was the coldest in years. The some ex- foitune was left to Mrs. Shea by her aunt, I perience is reported from Birmingham, Ala. Mrs. Wood, on accounl of alleged undue in- , T1)t . ,,200 inhabitants of Yuma, Arizona. have been compelled by the Hood to take The Paris Figaro announces that lhe shelter in the penitentiary, which in on Queen was so pleased with Empress Fred high ground. For 2i miles east of the town erick s account of her trealment in Paris that her Majesty has decided lo remain two days in the French capital on her way to the outh of France as a return compliment. Sir Charles Ihlke has consented to stand as a Liberal candidate for the Forest of Dean district, (.Gloucestershire, provided that he is given assurance that a majority of the Lib- eral elector* will support his nomination. James C. Plum, M. P. for North Cork, has challenged Mr. Paruell to contest any one of the division* of Cork with him. The laborer* employed upon the Kchef railroad works at Clifton, Cialway, Ireland, hav P struck for an increase of waves. ''he London Trades Treaty Comuiitte* .. lares that the proposed French tariff is an .ic< of industrial hostility towards Kng land. William Uordou Gumming*, who i* ' -He r"o*t London baccarat scandal, much privation. ' the railroads have been washed out of night. Owners of farms in Minnesota and North Dakota, for 100 miles along the Ked River valley of the north, from Wapeton to Pern- bina, are in a ferment over a prospect of los- ing their farms through defective titles. Mrs. P. P. Cpffey, of Omaha, wife of a mechanic, i* said to have become sole heir to $76,000,000, left by a millionaire manu- facturer named John O'Neill, in Bradford, England. The deceased was Mr*. Coffey'a father, bul disowned her for her humble marriage. IK OBNJsRAL. Two clergymen and two night watnhmen have been devoured by wolves near Tamca- vae, in Hungary. The past week ho* seen a re tarn of the sevr weather Uk Italy, which Nothing seemed lacking to make it the wickedest place on earth ; yet the vengeance of the Lord apparently passed it by. But it was only for a season. One day the earth opened and in two minute* the city, iti palaces, and ite hovels lay at the. bottom ol the aea. Thousands of the inhabitants perished with their ill-gotton gains, and 1 unburied dead, floating in the harbor or heaped upon the land under a trophioalsun, bred a horrible pestilence that carried ofl thousands of those who escaped the earth quake. To-day the water* of the bay hide trom sight the ancient city. Was ever re- tributive justice more terrible or complete ? Romantic and exciting a* wore the lives of all these buccaneers, that of Henry Morgan, the greatest of the freebooters, was the most so. From a white slave in the Harba does, where he had been sold into servitude, he became, first, the most daring and sue- cessful of the pirates, and later a knight, and, as Lientonant-CJovernor of Jamaica, the ruler of that Island. At the sacking of Panama he obtained 175 mule loads of trea- sure. The Governor who gave him hi* com- mission was recalled for that act, but Mor- gan was knighted, and, as Sir Henry, turned his back upon bis former companions and made a must popular Governor of the colony. alrhlB Alllftalers ! Ue iMi Quite a business has sprung up in Florida of hatching alligator eog* by an artificial incubator. It seems that the demand for alligators was so lively that the natives could not catch enouvh to supply the market. Some, genius conceived the idea of saving himself the trouble of splashing round in the water after young alligators, so he got a lot of eggs, put them iu an incubator, and hatch- ed out a* fine a lot of reptiles as one would wish to see. They were about six inches long when ihey emerged, a* black a* a clergyman's coat, and as wicked in disposition as the oldest and ugliest 'gator that ever scared a picaninny or devoured a yellow dog. He fed thorn at first on oatmeal, and after a few days of Scotch diet taught them to cat meat by choking them till thev opened their mouth and then dropped a bit down their Throat*. He tried milk, but they would not drinlt it till he had held them with their noxos down in the pan, so that they had to drink or tuflboate, so they drank. I do not know a better cure for sorrow than to pity someone else, [U. W. Shaw. ' **' begin with violent flapping which they can- thing ha* been repeatedly done. They say net keep up more, than iiri.-lly. When lhttt a Pd of from twenty-five to thirty practicable, birds prefer U) start their flight miles i* wit liin wyht. But the aviator* re- from a hih perch, because gravity gives ply that, though this may I* true, yet null them a helping impulm'. How is it that improved balloons could not carry many Hermann, the preslidigatur, is able to throw passengers or much carfio, nor could they go up a resort must be had to another form of apparatus altogether for real practicability. It i* worth mentioning by the way, that wonderfully clever mechanical birds, which actually will fly tiiuUi a distance, have been made in France ; out their principle* do not seem MTI.II AIII.I TO KLYINU MACHINE* on a large scale. The motive power utilized in thoen toys i* twisted intlia rubber, which haa more power, weight for weight, t lion playing card* easily from the stage into the) 8 U P ' '" " n unpleasant days ; in short, fourth gallery of the biggest theaU-e? Sim- play that the card, IIIVBN Asuii.rri. iMrirruH, is uplMiruu by the air-currents. A toy kits) is still a butter illustration. Well, that is the entire notion of the aeroplane, which with ita great expanse of horizontal areas, is actually sustained by the currents of air. Suppose a co, oasy U> understand, of ouu of these air-ships on its way U> Baltimore at a speed of fifty mile, .in hour, Uie .lay bemu th """ BU * 1 8 P nn l{- ! a comfort to abeolntoly oafm. This means a fifty-mile kD " w lo l the f*Brths Mroplane air shin current of air, of ooursem effect. It opposes v ' ">""> e ' I y ll ' upheld, though the progress of tho vessel, but very slightly, lll re wonl(l "'" ^ " 8ome ^8** o{ * because lhe latter present* merely the edge* "I" 11 occasionally, caused by an unexpected of ita planes to the breeae. The captain at ''row-current or by a slight unsteadiness OB the helm inclines the planes upward a trifle Uie part of the steersman. ."Mich an acoi- at tho front, so that the powerful air-current clo " t - "rrins ' even nf 1 X mlle " hoof 1 - elevation of 200 feet or so above t he apt to be unpleasant, the use of accident insur- .- it .nit- cannot take risk* in travelling ' 1 1 ii let -n the speed attained i* practically in- definite . depending merely upon the size of the fan* und the retreat which they are mads to ravolvp. In order to sustain the consid- erable weights necessary to be carried, the aeroplane anil car will be obliged to traverse Smithsonian Institution: * the effect that I i P BOe l t , f r "ceedinK the flight of the resistance offered by the atrosphere to tho fRBl * 8t hira - aml * ) ur " e ,v ^"^ th such an aeroplane as that described is ucly ' c< "'" neut wU ' **mplumod in scarcely one-fiftieth part of what ho* hitherto been **** thau few consecutive twinkling*. , is made to exercise its lifting iiower and keep ', '"' wl " n- W ' 3 the craft afloat. But whichever way the ! ground, would be a current comes, the plane* are governed ac How. . t:r. what is the cordingly. The planes are governed wing planes on either side are slanted slightly upward so that any tendency to tilt will develop greater pres snre ta that direction and thus restore equili- brium. Two inoit important discoveries I have recently been made in this connection; one by Professor uangley, secretary of thu ' by the . up|>oMcd, implying that so much less motive force is necessary. The other is'that THE POWHB or Tim PHOPELLBK for producing speed in air i* vastly greater than ha* up to this time been dreamed of. Intense interest i* felt by Professor Langley in the problem of aerial navigation, and in his investigations of the subject he is being assisted by J. Klfreth Watkinii, the well- known expert in engineering and the science of transportation. In truth, the matter is heing-taken up to a surprising extent now-a- days by practical [engineers. The foremost advocate of the practicability of the idea. Professor Octave Chanute, is to be the next president of the American Society of Engineers, his name appearing on all four of the election tickets. And yet only ten yearn ago a man who had the temerity to so much as deliver a serious lecture on the prospects of navigating the air would have ruined his professional reputation by the indiscretion. A short time ago there was much talk in the nuwH|tapers aboul on Illinois company that promined to run aluminum air-ships between New Vork and Chit-ago, carrying paonungors from one city to tho other in six hours. The first ship was advertised to start by t he first of January, tot the scheme has failed to materialize thu* far and it set-ins to have developed some symptoms of a firy.lt-, though it is claimed ihat tho fault is that of the contractors who did not supply certain materials as quickly as had been agreed. There is IIHKAT KXflTKMXNT II TUB, DMT11ICT round about Mt. Carmel, where I In- building >f tho sin** is- going on secretly ander sheds . but not so much as a oar ha* been uui to- gether yet, and it is reported the difficulty Ml* B>IMrlMltv < rim. The story wan told recently in a*vei<*J daily newspaperii of a "M. .-tiieru IHJV wh ambitious to di.ur.Mi work M lo He had a ready pen, hroari uli-av %u<i strong faith that right .mil i yi- *rr conquer in the world. He was eager to help in the tight ioi them. If he were but the owner or editor, he thought, of a great newspaper or maga- zine, what blow* he oould strike for the truth ! But he was only an insignificant reporter on a small daily paper. One hour he wo* sent to report a tire, the next to find out the price of beef. Now he described the speech- es mad* at a dinner ; again, the gown* at a ball What use was in these thing* ' How petty the work was ! How could it tll in the world's progress f Still he tried, however small the task, to do it well, to put hi* beslself in it. At last came tho great disaster at Johns- town. He was sent to report it, anil made bis way to the scene at the risk of hm life. When Home other reporters were alarmed at the outbreak of illin -s anil other dangers, he induced them to stay in order lhat the nation might know the fa- to of '.he can. .tod send relief. When tint, work wo* done h* come horn*, with his ht-slth shuttered by exposure, to die. His chance had > ..im . lit iiod -in., it hi* blow for the right nu.l KIM- i his life foi it. Let no nn;n think WatiiM- hi* lite ii obscure ami his work humbls that 'Acre is in it no mighty opportunity. I in RpuprMly Trom among tin- masa of obscure men that I iod .IIIIIISXIIH his hero**) to greatly live ao4 aubly di*y {Youth'*} Companion. )) > j <.

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