Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Mar 1891, p. 7

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late Foreign News, A HORRIBLE DEATH A Priest Garroted by a Butcher. 1 BEC&LESS DRIVES MOBBED. A I !<!< Noil A trans- Australian railroad is being talk- ed of in the colony. In new <-f the prospect of the gut ta perclia supply failing in Singapore the French Gov- ernment ha* decided to cultivate the tree in Algeria. Advices from Hong Kong states that the wife of a Chinaman in Rungsi, who poiooned her husband and two members of his family, has been condemned to death by the !,ng- chi or slicing process), a punishment which u now seldom inflicted. It consists in slicing the flesh of the condemned person and allow- ing the victim to bleed to death. A trousers-button manufacturer at Barmen advertises his readiness to pay fcioO to the heirs of any man who may be killed in a railway accident, provided he is found to have been wearing at least *ix of the manu- facturer's buttons. A duel extraordinary was promised a few days ago between two of the most eminent fencing masters in Paris. The quarrel It stands in a region where rain has nerer btca known to tail, when. M was remarked by Darwin when be visited Iquique in 1335, the inhabitant* Lire like people on board hip. These umber about fourteen thosi- and, i.-arly all connected with the staple luatry of Uu> part, due u> UiadovaUpnMat of th* nitrate industry on the adjacent pom- pa*. The town is built at one end of a nar- row (trip nl saad. TIiu land is ao arid and line that it dene* all attempts t cultiva- tion. Iquique a thui entirely dependent on the tea for its food. KEN AND WOM Urs. Jones, a wealthy English lady, is building a suburban town and a railroad near Decatur, Ala. The wife of C. Bcauprs of St. Kajm.md, i^uebe:, has presented her liege lord, who is 75 years old, with twins. Gen. Deodora de Fonseca, who hat just been elected president of Ibe Brazilian re- public, is 57 vears old. All his life since boyhood has been passed in the army. Simon Shulberg. a I'htladelphian, is only 36 years old, but is the grandfather of two children and the father of eleven. He has agrandaunt 107 years old, and hu grand father is but two years younger. YOUNG POLKS. tton Like Thorn- " HU mother - eye*, hi - mother ' brow. H - 'mither - lip-, t:- plain to see.' " He U hu father) elf again." That 1.1 what people -ay to me. wonder which of them i* wrons; : For how cam both of them b> rurht I Could one MnaU boy be like the two. If he .hould try with all hi- uiujht ' Lake papa) If I ever grow To be u t rune and tall an he. How learni-<t. awl how brareand tr ' And Kenei-ou* I ought to be ! And mamma-gentle, luring, kind. A nd iweet and beautiful and (rood Of coure a boy would ' ,ki- lo be. Well, soiiwtbing like her. if he coui- So. if I should begin to-day And do the very bent I can. Perhaps what people aay to me May turn out true when I'm a TALKS FO&BOfS- By < Uswl Taessuu W rat spt'-v BUZZES or CITLOX. A letter from a young man who is now making the tour of the world, says makes grant of money, but this movement is out likely to sin-cond I he expedition u t., - .rt fui in Melbourne, %nd the pe"i, that city are specially enlh-iaia*ti<- on the subject : as they are noted for their gtuer- only, it is quite, probable that they will make up the desired sum in ample season for it to be applied to the purpose designat- ed. They have give* a grand ball, at which several thousands of dollars were raised through the sale of tickets, and at last ac- counts, there was to be a great race at Flesn- iugton < the Jerome Park of Melbourne i, the proceeds of the a lunation fees and the purses won by the racers being given to the ex- ploration enterprise. WHAT WE KNOW OF THE aTTAsVTIC COXTI- NKNT. At present we know very little about the > . , w* l-l . DAHGEBOU8 TIMES Of HATTL Tan- > > <T--B<II fear f lirnrlllSl According to letters from Hayti there U still dangnr of insurrection at Port aa-Pnnc< and of the overthrow of the Government oi President Hyppolite. The President, who has maintained his power for nearly two years, has been in constant trouble with his Ministers duriag that tune, and, though he has made many changes in his Cabinet, he is unable to allay the hostility of his numer- ous adversaries or to pacify the mal"**n- tents. The safety of the State, for the time being, depends upon the fact that the many dis cordant factions are unable to form any com- binat ion by which they can concentrate thaii strength, and that they antagonize each other with the utmost bitterness. Hyp- polite is of conns desirous that ths squab- region surrounding the South Pole, Had that . blmg between the gangs of conspirators shall little is not at all pleasing. The few voyages be kept up, for there is no probability of a that hare been made in extreme Southern | successful insurrection as long as it conUaaea. waters show that there U a wide extent of He U a shrewd politician, at once strung- Uad there and that it abounds in immense willed and iinaniliatnrT and he has a very mmn of ice aad snow, and great numbers able assistant in his Minister of finance, of aclive volcanoes. All along the coast, aa far Firmin, who has been his adherent erei aa has been examined, there are fields Mid J since he obtained power in 1889. floes of ice often extending many miles from The linaix-ial crisis that alarmed the com- shore, rendering access to the land a matter , mercial clask some lime ago has become less of great difficulty, and generally impossible. The public revenue, which is large- The sale by Mrs. King of Corpus Christf. i the " cattle queen" of Texas, of 15,000 2- ihe tour of the world, says that vhiie passing the shores of Ceylon he could | Thenj ^ ^ twelv .- .^^uo^ ly derive.! from the export duty on coffee, perctive disunclly the smell of cinnamon on i ^ ^^ ^ j^^^^ i^ nUnen tVao few- | u more than sufficient for ths needs of the the wind that waswafW from the land. I , er JJ , ^ ^^ fi , b the Governmenu ,. . amafraidhehaebeenthevK-timofapracu.,^^,, broth twi , ,eallhv men, of) _ year old steer, is probably the largest single cal joke that had been frequently perpetra. ^JJ the ^ ihr ^ ^^ J their own order for cattle ever filled in Texj consideration was 982,000. Mrs. ranch is worth 1900,000. The ted in thai region ever since Bishop Heber Kings' i rrote those famous lines out of M. Mengnac's reflection upon M. Vigeaat's fitness as an umpire, and the chal- lenge was sent, bat the seconds concluded that there was no cause for fighting. A great fire broke out recently in the pine forest of Peira Cava, which i* one of the finest and most extensive in the Alpes Maritime*, and 19 situated in the mountains above Mentone, says a Nice corres|>oudent. The battalion of Alpine troops garrisoned in the neighbourhood was called out, and a sergeant and two privates were suffocated in the efforts to extinguish the dames. The Catholic authorities in Treves aa- n.iunce that the coat of Joseph, the hus- band of Mary, which is preserved there as a sacred relic, is to be exhibited to the faithful during the summer nonths, when pilgrim- ages from all parts of Catholic (iermany are expected to visit Treves. The garment was recent] v inspected by a number of clerical learned experts and pronounced to be genuine. A Reuter's telegram dated Vienna, Wed- nesday, say* : Railway communication between this city and Trieste is interrupted, in consequence of several avalanches having fallen from the precipitous sides of the nar row valley of the Save, in Southern Styria, through which the line runs, causing a block near RadtuetTer. Convicts from the prison at <: illi have been ordered to the spot to clear the line. Pastor Schach, of the Catholic Pius Con- gregation, in Berlin, has been garroted, and nearly killed by a well-to-do Protestant butcher named Lehmann. The Utter went to the Presbytery, and assaulted the priest for advising his wife, who is a Catholic, to have her children baptized in the Catholic faith against her husband's wishes. The sexton rescued the priest from his assailant, but the rev. gentleman U not expected to recover A Berlin telegram states : The Public Prosecutor at Kustrin, near Frankfort, has offered a reward for the capture of a Ger- man who, since September last, U believed to have made five attempts to murder tive different prostitutes, after the fashion at- tributed in England to " Jack the Ripper. " His last victim, a woman named \\ ilden, who was attacked on Feb. 21, and received a wound, measuring about eight inches, across) the stomach, died yesterday. Her tsssilant is described as a man about thirty years of age, with a blonds moustache. He wore sailor's clothes. There is a project on foot to erect a mon u ni'-nl to three famous musicians in Berlin Mozart. Haydn, and Beethoven. A com- mittee that has been formed to carry out the idea has already met ; and the sugges- tion is to build a monument that shall give sculpture free play, and be something unique. The monument is to rise amidst the shady foliaged walks of the Thtergartea. between Chariot ten burg and Berlin ; and it is suggested it should take the form of an open hall, in which the three monuments shall stand. Since the erection of the Luther monument at Worms there has not been so great and snggestive a work undertaken : aad it U hoped that both subscriptions and sugges- tions and designs may flow richly in to the committee. An exciting scene was witnessed by the occ-iipants of the gambling rooms at Monte > on Saturday. A visitor from London had extraordinary luck, and won in succes- sion 14 maximum stakes of 12,000 in all nearly 7.000 at one of the trente-et-quaraute tables. He thus accomplished the feat known as breaking the bank, and when he had cleared the table and the croupiers were oblige.! to seek the cashier for more funds to p\ the player, the excitement was unbound- ed, the people round the table cheering heartily st this signal defeat of the enemy. Advices received from Manilla say that a band of robbers have attacked a monastery of Franciscans on the island. The monks made a determined resistance, bat were overpowered, and a several were wounded, including Father Jiminey, the procurator, who is not expected to recover. The con- vent porter was also seriously wounded. The police, arriving promptly on the scene, captured four of the robbers as they were leaving the grounds. The majority of the robbers, however, escaped with plunder valued at 900 dols. A serious riot occurred on Monday after- noon in the \Verderschcr Msrket, Berlin, when an excited crowd attempted to lynch a butcher named Wichert V\ cissensee, who had recklessly driven over and nearly killed two men who were drawing a haii.lcart. Wichert endeavoured to escape, but was torn from the box of his cart, and lashed fearfully with his own wbip. The police 'ought hard to rescue him alive, ami suc- ceeded only after a severe struggle This episode U only a result of th* evi-itement of the people over the reckless driving PI the it y, which has lately cost many lives. Perhaps there is no mnra .MI-HUM place on ;he PHCitU' seaboard than Iqtnque, whu'hhas It-en bombarded by the Chilian r'irct. A Washington business house published j this advertisement a few days ago: " Robert ! sas situ w bao^uicut ic <sr uss> SJ ssVV ' ' . I'f LM-T V , , Magrnder, who died at 6 o'clock pm. Mar,-h "rang" >*' - 4. wuinnur n inln V .n.l n Hr n r~lLv.^ r .-f n . while he is abse * What! though the -picy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle." It is the tnck of the locality to entice the leek for a few minutes, and e* pense, and the '.asl of the four iu connec- he is absent the rail of the soap near- 4, was in our employ and our predecessors' for wml sixteen years, most of the time as porter and the land is liberally sprinkled with delivery cl-rk. In a lifetime experience we "<? of cinnamon and other fragrant pro- ductions) of Ceylon. \\ hen everything is ready the stranger u called up to smell '.he spice-laden breeze, and his so directed that he looks over the rail at rhe very spot where the essences have been distributed. The joke is helped along lion with the others. Their name is per' petoated in E derby Land, which was dis- covered by one ot their ships in KM, in latitude 6T dec. 30 min. south, and longi- tude 50 deg. east. Inasmuch a< Captain Biscoe, who discovered it, was not able to Duty First Duty first and pleasure after U a lesson that it takes a great many boys their whole life to learn. Others learn it almost by instinct and these make the world's great- est men, but by far the greater number bar* the lesson taught them about the tune they never met such a faithful, upright, con scientious man in evety dealing and trans- action, and, though poor, humble, and black, be was a model and example to every one of us who had known him for years. " Queen Victoria's family circle now ntim hers fifty living descendants, including sons approach nearer than within twenty mile. ! S ^">ugh school ard settle down to tak. of theshffl by several conspirators, who snulf the air like fox -hounds and declare that the atino , - , ~ , , . iifcr ii\ nimuti* AUU UVIUMV nw n> *.> and .laughters, grandsons and greatdaugh- ^ u deole i rf,^} wjth the grateful tors, ureat-ffrandsons and irreat-irnind- . . .-_ i _ii i_ : . odor. Under all his surroundings it is no : wonder thit the victim is deluded. M&ny a tors, great -grandsons and great-grand daughters. Besides these she das four sons- in-law, four daughters-in-law, five grand- sons-in-law, and one granddaughter in law. ; letter has been written under the circum- The queen has lost one son, one daughter, stances described, and the writers have de- five grandsons, one granddaughter, one veloped a very natural enthusiasm oa the great-grandson, and these were living her number seventy-four. cne son in-law. If family circle would subject. It is not generally known, says a corre- spondent of the Lttdt Jsftrmry, that our queen's daughters, iu addition to being ex- cellent need * women, are also good cooks. When they were children they had a little ' kitchen of their own at Osborue, where they concocted all kinds of dishes, sweets being naturally the favorites. Here they con- verted into jam and fruit products of their own gardens and turned out many a savory dish tor the delectation of their brothers, all of whom had ss excellent appetites as generally appertain to boys. At least one ' of the princesses continues to cook an oc- casional little plat, and has been heard to say that she would have made an excellent chef. Mrs. Maeoogm's Daughter Hat Her Hair " Hurroo, there, Mrs. Mctilaitgerty :" " An' fwhat is id now. Mrs. Magnogm T" " Did ye see me daughter Totuy sence yistherda, Mrs. MeGlaKgerty ?" N, ma'am, Oidid not, Mrs. Will, thin, the Lord Iwchuns uf and harrum," said the widow, "that giddy craythure av a gerl has gone to wurruk an"' ha<l her hair blaiched. Vrarn bein' as black as a sloe she's turned an' made hrrsel' a bloog, an' her hair n <w is th' color av a yally dog. ' Fwhat ! i y e do id for, Tcory, me darlinl !' sez Oi. ' To be ia th' shtoyle. minniiaw.' sez she. An' fwhat did id eosht ye T" sez Oi. ' Koive dollars.' sez she. ' Foive dollar*: se- O:. 'Whoop hurroo! Fwhy. woman al"iv.-. f,>ive dollars id put BISHOP REBEK a!TD HI5 *BSIOXAY HYMV B shop Heber was appointed to his post in India in 1823, and from the lime of his arrival there until his death in ISM he travelled extensively, and made an intelli- gent study of the British possession in Asia. His tomb is at Madras, and few travelers who visit thai city fail to see the spot where the famous divine is buried. His repute for learning, liberality, kindness, industry and tolerance was very wide, but he is best known as the author of the hymn commenc- ing " From GreexUaad'i icy mountains, From India's coral strand, " Few pieces of verse are better known in the English language than this. The story goes that the good Bishop was to preach a missionary sermon one Sunday, and when the morning came he looted through the hymn-book lo find something sur-i-Me. for the occasion. He found notaing latia/ac and m an hour he was to start for the the shore on account of the ice and the . " P 1 * * "> " w-U- Tbe intense cold, he was not able to examine it ** fc??5f T; '"" Wm . carefullv. Ths wildest of speculators they be on the hign road to soaceas. movements are not Lke L ^ ? to Mtabbsh a colony ' <* sixteen-year old boy wnc ' in Enderby Land and sell corner and other ] bad obtained a posiuon as assistant entry lot* to intending settlers. The object of the drk m wholesale house, his duty being AustrahaiiaYisto find if there may possibly "*. "? charging and shipping gooH. be islands in these waters that abound in fur seal*, which are rapidly increasing in value owing to the destruction of those ani- mals in the North Pacific, and to settle other questions that have either a practical or a scientific side. FRINCIPLJB OF MOHAMXID'S a week had he been u bis post. Saturday came, and it was the Drst he had ever work- ed. It came to bun like a shock, parucn- lary as his " nine," for which he pitched, was to play a " crack" team from an ad- Iiiiog town. Membership of this club he not thought of giving up. After dianet his employer was told of his desire to leave work about two o'clock. " Well, my boy. there are those bills to be charged. ' Ha C11L dl There is a general impression that the there are those bills to be charged uelems consider Christ an impostor and ' hadn't thought of them, and his heart sank. impostor fraudulent religion Such the Moalems, or .t least the MoalezM Christianity not the cave ; intelligent 01 name of Christ ss the predecessor of Mohan mei, but they deny that He was the son of <:<>1. Their claim is that many prophets) His club would be beaten, aad all an ac- count of his absence ; so be mustered up courage. " But, sir, I promised the boys. I'd be there, and they'll be beaten sun if I don't pitch." The response came quickly : " " " You can go. but don t let it occur anin." That nigfil at supper, fiuahed with vic- tory lor they had won a close game '.his n aad and apostles have been seat on earth since the creation : of these prophets and apostles six were specially commissioned to proclaim ' boy told his father of the conversation new laws and dispensat.oos which set aside the result, adding, " He's a bully man. the preceding ones. These apostles were father !" After a few moments thought this Adam, Noah, Abraham. Moses, Chnst, and wise and sometimes severe parent Ml Mohammed, the last being greater than all , " My son. had I a clerk in your position the rest and the giver of the final dispensa- i who made such a request, involving leavusf ~ y put Chnst on exact- | work undone he was paid to perform. I should have told him to get out and take up base-ball as a meansof livelihood- You are paid $6 for a week s work, and before the first week is finished you shirk your duty. Leave your club or abandon your position at once. " The boy thought his father harsh, but he was only just, and when, on Monday morn- ing, he learned that this " bully " employer had taken his place and done what be had left undone, the implied and merited rebuke cut him. Manfully he apologized for his A "nj4 nAv*f nvm.m in 'ha ly ths same plane as Mohammed, as the apoatle of liod, and not His son. and they deny, as already slated, that Christ held that reUiiou to the Divine Head of the uui- ver*. S>me of the books of the Old Testa- ' re accept u'.ilateu c in a mu'.ilateu condition ; many of Moham- med's religious ideas were borrowed from the Jewish legends, others from Hindoo my tory, i church where he was to officiate. Sitting' thology. and others, again, from the Persians down at the desk in bis study, he seized * | and other Oriental Bispia. Some of the pro- ' pea and dashed off the lines which have hibitiona that he made in the Koran are to , become so famous throughoul Ibe English- beccmmended in the highest degree. The speaking and church going world. A* he Moslems have always been noted for their many following yean did he allow any per- T *" ' temperance iu comparison with other people ;' *>nal preference to interfere with w - - Ihe decree of the Koran, duty. He had learned the lesson. entered trie church he handed the ssaauacriat to the leader of the choir, and at the end of the sersQo.i the hyzan was suag with an effect that most have beam highly pleasing to its author. aourE From the south of India conies the re port that aa English officer was killed re hair on a shkelped Injm,' sez Oi But ' cently by a " rogue" elephant which he had ''. and wounded. The reader nay pos- ia what way a rogue" shortsightedness)," and never again in the allow any \ with his plain f whisper, mavourneen, ye ought to see her ' sho' wanst. She luks loike an acthress. Her hair is luike th' wa\m corn that th'poethry wroitvrs wroites about. Id Hoofs an* poofi an' w as rich an' looxuriant as th' dyowers that blyooms in th' Shpring toinieel No body id uver know her frum Win' a daugh- ter av th' Vandherbilks. But my soon Tammy tuk th' starch out av her. He gev wan luk at th' Matched hair, an' turnin' up his nose towl.l her that id moight be rail ' no matter bow treat may noice un' 'rUhtycrathic, but he'd bet his ' ment while seeking : esc loife agin a foive-cint nickel thai she kudn't ' son, or their grief and despair when they walk down Broadway in dayloighl wid that : find themselves Iwund and starved into sub. hair on her widont havin' twinty-uome ' mission. " The " rogues" are vicious in the dilTnnt mnarks me-l about her respectabil- ! extreme, very hard to conquer when .-aptur- ity, an' all koinds av pershigius med about i ed, and very determined fighters when at the nachure av her bringin' up. She color- Urge. Thev wander about the country-, al- 1 ed up to th' two .y,, so . did Mr, j way. smg.e and alooe. and devasute plan, , '-'--^ e ^,^'~^^ Mcdlasgerty, an towld lammy that he was | tat ions and gardens in great number. One wu ^ p . lr J, balance scale*, similar this come* from .... . , which forbids the drinking of wine or any I have a word for the bojr who is abo other inloxicanl. though many Moslems m" enter business, says the Christian L nion. duke in secret, .ind some openly, in conse- ' You are about to launch your boat in new quenceof the example, which it shown them w a Ths current is swift ; sometimes bv their European acquaintances. The it will be for, but ofttimes against you. Al- Koran forbids gamesof chance, such as cards, ways carry your mother near your heart, dice, aad wagers upon nncertaiBi-es, and to She loves you, she suffered for you as n such an sxteni that a gambler's testimony is will If doubt accompanies you in the coal- rejected in a court of law. Chess and games mission of any act, think what she would _..<,... . t -.t_ t T __ ._ MnshnvA * If I'ltn i *xvr* rat* dtt'ers from any other, and how he obtained his name. This) I will emleuvor to explain. A rogue elephant isoi.e that has been tepar- at ed" from bis herd ai .t forced to ^ by him- self. If he tiiss to enter any herd h is) re- pulsed ; eren should he happen to be cap lurtd along with other elephants in a drive," all hu fallow captives shun him, be their szssHe- escape from the pri- of skill that do not interfere with religious observances, and on which no wagers Bavs been made, arc premitteil. In short, a man is forbidden to make any profit by chance or dislionrst practices, except in buying and selling, inwhioh. rather singularly, any sort of decp*ioD is justifiable. KX.rEKn.XCI WITH A MOLJiM ^HOP-KEEPER. I can best illustrate this last point by a bit of my personal experience. One Jay I went to the bazars of Cairo witu a friend, who wanted lo buy an oke .about two asjSjmls of cigarette tobacco. Ws found a shop where tlie keeper spoke a little French, aad stated or wants. First it was necessary to beat down the price, which required con , aiderable talk and several movements on counter to those ithraw an th' top av her head she'd tell th' payple that somebody else an' not da> -mt Mrs. Kenlie Mamogin is her mother, 'Mm. McOlaggerty. Troth'n' upon me wurrv.l i>i do, Mrs. MclUaggerty !" herds, nee of disc on the other \Vhile we were talking the icllow managed to hid; bis one oke weight , and when we came to weigh out the tobacco he put the J-oke weight in the no gintlemau, an' he sed he knew that him- ! rogue elephant will do more damage than ' m - ^ ^ American drug stores where sel an' that was the ind av id. But. nuvcr a hen) often or tweuty ordinary elephaata. w< ^ hu on< , s ,,\ f balace the merchan moind. Toory has her hair blaicheti all ;h' ' as he destroys from pure malice, whde the . ..-. . same, an she's very proud av th' way id henl .testroys only for the sake of foo- : N makes her luk. But bechune ounvl> Mrs. U>.ly knows th* reason for the separation of M -Claggerty, Oi wish to giidnessthat fwhin ' these creatures from the herds, bat it she goes out an th' sthreet wid that wmp av supposed to be in coi _il a, JL a, -__ I * . 1 .. temper, "r possibly what their fellowi coasU-r human criminal is ostr.v:ised in civnizea : ^ cx>untries generally. In S^.uth Africa there ' are rogme buffaloes, wbich are kept oat of the buffalo herds in the same way that the rogus elephants are ttbooed. The rogue buffaloes are quite as vicious and dangerous ss the . . ,, ioocw u for' the oosuinulsion of ; icmle * J tw "" * hrw * ln * 11 * h * willch say ; would she approve ? If yon care foe her ,a little voice will speak, however far removed from those kind eyes you may be. If you love her as you should, you will then heed her commands and counsels, your ikiS will always find calmer waters and lees dif- ficult 1 3 stem. A very trying time it is, to some unconsciously so, this transition period, A boy, with all of a boy's fondness for play and harmless sport : a boy with a brain ready to receive the hundred impressions daily presented to it : a boy with no coo- cep'ion of the word responsibility, and bat very little of duty how can he bat make mistakes at first ? He cannot, M ' if he would only proljl by these errors : Few of us I suighl almost say none will receive the experieucet of those who care forus. The child :11 not heed its mother's warning, but the littU hand must be placed in or near the r.re fot the lasting lesson to be taught. The boy scoffs at his father's caution against son* small vice smoking, perhaps and. later ia life, with weakened nerves or impaired digestion, he will say, "had I only liitened to father '." The man, confident in iiiit reu^tfc the business experience often years, " | he saul mad* a full oke. which was not true. Laughs at the advice of an ><!d friend. rUks J We checkmated him in this by balancing and loses. So it is through life : uml wise is L . 1 L- ClT i ". i the J-oks nails with the small weights and he, and prosperous will he be. if the errors then putting the whole together en one o ( the past an allowed to guide to future tide : then he plac d a sheet of card- success. The Small Boy's Revelation. It is the small boy who usually tells thuigi, ' rogue elephant*, and when a hunter encoun- nd the dinner table is his favor-theatre, ters one of them he runs a great risk in as board on the side where the tobacco was to go. "so that it wouldn't injure the brass," many Not long ago a bright little fellow peered over into the dish at th* head of the table, and exclaimed : VVI'a; a little chicken for people. The company smiled surreptitiously, aad his mother endeavoured to quiet him. Bat he was like Hanquo's ghost After they hsd all been helped and were eating, his face suddenly lit up, and, clapping his nands, he khouted : Oh, yes; I know now, manuaa. This is the little chicken that was sick so long ia the yard, ain'a it "." A Fluent Conversationalist. Mr Murray Hill, Jr " But, father, this young lady you want me to marry stutters dreadfully. " Mr. Murray Hill, Sr, "That makes no difference. She is rich, and after yon are man ir<) a little you will find that she will talk last enough to suit you." [Texas sumiiig the offensive. Kogne elephants and buffaloes will generally, though not always, mind their own business if let alone, but woe tietulo the man who disturbs them unless he U a first-class shot, has weapons suited to the necessities of the occasion, and can run at great speed. A boy surely uaa some preference, and most positively, though but sixteen, has ss he said. We checkmated this by tearing developed decided characteristics, w hich, tht cardboard in l wo pieces and patting one exerted in one direction would be of greater oa each, side of the scale, and then told him U9 e than if in another. to pile on ths tobacco. His final attempt | l hve known boys possessed of good con- to cheat was by taking the tobacco from a versational powers, pleasing j.V.ess. who jar other than the one we had selected ; il had the happy faculty of nuking friends was dripping wet, fairly and thoroughly everywhere, forced by thoughtless parents .lurateJ, and quile unfit for making a cig- ' or guardians to labor behind a desk, dis- Of course, ws corrected this trick, placing some one, possibly, whose qualities in spite of hit declarations that it m the peculiarly fitted him for just this work, aad tobacco we had chosen : the negotiation took would have made a success where the other half an hour, at least, but we had so much I fun in the transaction that we did not be- IXPLO&ATIOX or THE SOUTH POLE. The people of Australia are greatly inter sated in the expedition which is to sail from grudge the time. The dealer did not seem Melbourne in J uly next for the exploration \ in the least disconcerted by his many failures of the icy regions surrounding the south pole. ' to cheat a customer, and when we left be It isjtol* commanded by Baron NordenskjoKl. | asked us to call again. He was simply do- the first and thus far the only navigator to ' ing what his religion permitted ; it is per- sail around Europe and Asia by passing fectly proper for the Moslem to cheat the through the Arctic Ocean, from North Cape infidel, or deceive him in any way in his to Behring Straits. Ths " Vega," that power, and it is for the infidel to look out made the famous voyage in IS78 9, is to be for his own interest and prevent cheating the principal ship of the Antarctic expedition and deception, and the erst of toe enterprise will be large- ly defrayed by private liberality and public contribution | the colonial An effort was made to induce governments in Australia to Pity ia akin to love, but love isn't over | joyed to find the be-a sister to you straw i Wry mark on her " left" arm. failed, because he was intended fora sales- man. I sav failed, for there is no half-way ground. tf one does not advance, he faUa. In some cases jealousy is a sign of lovs, but it is more frequently proof of over- whelming egotism. " Do you think those shoes are worth mending'*" Veil, y as, if I sole ind heal tern ana put new uppers OB tern. 7.e string! are still goot." " Just think of it." communed the Anar- chist with himself, " I find a nickel in ths street and two seconds afterwards I find a saloon. Some men are botn hack]."

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