Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1891, p. 5

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THfc FLESHER10N ADVANCE. B-4.VKf.Vf? ItFUCE Of GEO. MITCHELL, FLESFIER.ON. V K'Qri] hi, MI.< Liiiiuuu transact*'! !>rfu : ' i.-.l i i i M -.) i.-s ( .a.4ll'-<l at u-ni t Muixv tlwaya available (or legitimate L , alarpriaa Orrn-E two doors north u( Kickardaoa & Co'i. DR. SINCLAIR, M 1> , M A., L. C. P, S. O., M ' P -v M. The Scottish Specialist, TORONTO. < li .]! for tbe trcati-uiut of all . - UiiteaitM, LM-I-.--- ft lif llram ati'l Serve, Di**f i.( tilt- Hi-art ami Lung*. Jatd Uijvau* u( \Vufuaii iti v.-:y t buoc*al ully. Juoatbau HuKbarl. Li.otowell. av : 'After apendiuK all uiy money anil pro|>m M > !*on ou iu.lieal Ulan, for wbal thy tru.t(l a ..-iwlc-i <.-ae of vounuui'tiuu. I)r huiciair curoU me." Mr Mary Furlonc. W.xxlb.mw, sava : "Wbaa all oiban fallMt. Dr. Sinclair fund UM of Ills." \V MrDoaal ) I.nkifl.-ld tar:-"Dr Siuclair vured meo< cat:.- (;,.., ! -Lii<-lair < urcil uiri'i 1 . : .!-,- ajidUloiwr, nhi-u all tWrs ' Dieeatm rf frivat* imtnn- brought OB by tolly > uliat'oii Free Ml. SlM'LAIll \\II.1. I'.K AT h;m'- Hotel. FIrsluTlon. - ON -- Saturday. April Vicinity Chips. t haractorlMirs of the l'a>t Wrck Carefully CulleU for the Curious. Fan day next M >n.'. iy Tuwtikhip council meets on Monday A correspondent writinu from Eugenia s ivs : During the days of tl.e big storm some of Arteiuesia's yeomen did not den up. Mr. George aud Len Latimer im- proved the tune by taknu; duwu oue of h j.ri.lti of th foreat au uld and oft r-n .nkcil landmark- a gigantic elui near Euitema, which must have tx-tn li.iHK) Id liy "actual count.'' and delivered the !>;<- iu K t'arr'a m.il yard. The next tu the butt I z beiiii- measured was 37 i.iche* inside the bark, small end, panned out m Ij inch lumber WO ft., Urals and secuiids. In hauling they upset in the drifts but laughed it out. Any more big los anywhere boys ( To Sell or Rent. Lota 140 and 147. 1st weat Toronto Aii' 1 . Sydeiiham It -id, uii hundred acre*. App y i. \V <! IVUll, Markdale. Potatoes Wanted. Tlie Inchest price [mid f >r any iiuartity uf gu<id anuiid merchantable potatoes. U \V. Trimble. Notice. Having engaged to carry tbe mail tor Mr. Munshaw, I wish tu uotify the pub- lic lhat I am prepared to carry uaawen gers, tri_;!it. etc., between Flesherton and the station. AH orders left ,it the hotel or my shoj. will receive prompt at- tention. D. Clayton. Auction Solos. On Kriday, April 3, (to-morrow) on lot I.'. :!.-d i ii. Artemesia, farm stock implements, without reserve, llio pt of Mr Neil McLean. 1' M C nuack auctioneer. Ou lot Xo. 30, 6th cou.. Artuiueaia. Tuesday, April 7th, farm stock, imple- ment* and household furniture. John !' ous, proprietor ; R. J. Sproule auc- tioneer. Osprey Council meets iu McLean' J lall, Melntyre, rn Monday. April llth. Mr. U. Trimble ha taken u| his abode new ami lui d^ome rt.-c.JeuM. Mi. \\n \yton. waa awarded tint prize for butter at the Jamaica ex- hibition. Those who wish dressmaking or sow rng of any kind duno should call on I'KJlij*. See advertisement Mr. R. C. Bryden, clerk of the village Markdalc, died on the 25th nut. Mr. \V. A llrown has beu appointed to the vacant clerkship. Mr. \V. P. Croasley wishes to intimate that he will still continue to run his 'bus to the station, and will attend to all freight and passenger traffic as heretofore. Master Will Sullivan has nuarreled with thi- moulding trade and is now learning how to keep a needle trom stick- ing into hi* fingers, Mr. A. Baker, tailor, being 1m tutor. Mr. V. Munshaw took oer the eon- tract of conveying the mail between this village and the station ou Wednesday, April 1 Mr 0. Clayton will drive the mail for Mr. Munshaw. I.B. 1 ii. .1 -.liarr i N| , r. >l .ir k.l.i I. . ha* $10,000 private funds to lend on t.- m raorti(a^es within the. next few month* at lowest current rates. No coiniuiaa- lons, no delays, expenses low. Apply at .trice in Murkdale durnit; the week or at Dundalk ortice on Saturdays. The South Grey (.'oitavrvatives hae nominated Mr. \V. T. Petrie, miller, of liolstein, to contest the ruling fur the seat in the Ontario Legislature made vacant by the death of Mr. Hunter. The election Ukes place April 8. The nev millinery on the second ri.it of R. Trimble's store is really worth see- itU. A very large consignment of hata, flowers, feathers, lacea aud ribbuiis are being opened up. MM. Trimble says the styles are lovely tin* season, so ladiea jl you nit the nobbieat hat you ever had give us a call. The farmers of Osprcy have formed a joint stock company for tho purpose of : ; ceiu-i;il rist and saw milling ness, with a capital of $8000, the moat of which has already been taken up, and have purchased the urist null, saw mill and oat nu-.-il mills in the villi Kevershim. an 1 intend plantiiii; new machinery and rollers in the grist n.ill, and have a first class farmers' mill, w !neh will be in operation about the K>t!i of August next. The orlicers of the com- pany are : Thos. H.iwton, 1'resi lent ; Thus. S; at. Secretary ; Jas. Elliott, Treasurer ; F. \Vhewcll sji.l Jaa. Vuck- ui^bam, Another Horse Mr. W 1J I'.-irnett has again been in- vesting in 6n horae flesh. He visited Paluicrstou recently and purcli.-ised Inm M.. R. Leitch a splendid 3-year-old heavy draught Clydesdale horse, ar: h me -I. Thursday List with Ins valuable rty. This makes two uneom: .uiuials, which Mr. ISuruett l '*n, and he will trav.-l U.tii in this suction during tlie cumiiig soaiou. The olii. i ..! probably travel over the name rou'e nl.ich he took lt \e ir Prumotiou Examination. Tli follow. ni! promotions 111 Fleshertou sch>>ol are recommended, subject to the approval of the inspector. Names iu order of meiit. To fourth class 300 marks required to pass ; Wesley Smith ."Oi, \\ illte Kut- le.life 44!, Ik-rtie Bellamy 3!>, Chas. Ku-hardson :;'.'! . Li^ie- Ku-lJ ;JlK). Willie lUrn house 365, Chas. Mauehaw Lena Wrigh: To third c'aas 230 marks required to pass ; Earnest Armstrong 313, Robert Thompson 300, John tjil>soii i<00, John croft .".;, Millie Sinclair _-' I Barclay 2*-. Fed Mathewson J7t'.Mervin Vaiizant 21*;. Frank Irwm 2tM, Bert Large 25o, Adam Cbrk 1'42, Uco. Clafk 23o wTiea Baby was sick, we ga* When ah was a (.1.11,1. ah crtod for Castorla. Wbi she Woanw Xtsa. aha dvaf to Caatocte. Wbo ah haj (.tikireo. sfa fsr ttiam CasSgrla Sympathy. The member* of the Loyal Orange Brotherhoinl L odrfe No. 244, at their regular meeting on Tuesday ni^ht of last week, passed tbe following resolution of COIldol. : DEAR BEOTHK& STINSOX : We, the members of this Loyal Orange Loo!^ N .'14, do sincerely sympathize and e-Mul'le with you and your excellent f imily in your tery sad bereavement. Your be- loved wife haa b> her kindly disposal m. her large hear ted n* and motherly wel come endeared herself to us. \\'c feel the loss as that of a long tried and true friend to us aud to our cause which the love-d. \Vht can we say to you in this time of tri.il but to admonish you to place yourself entirely under the control of our II .\eiily Father, tho foundati >n of our institution and our hope tor ^ui laiKeand bleasiiii; and comfort, iitul '.o al! of u. i w.irnin : to prepare to meet her in the aK-.le of the bleat. The Census. The following u a list of the census sub enumerators for the riding : l>iir- h.im. \\. K. Williama ; Markdale, W. IXmglas ; Artcmwsia, John McArthur, James Brodie, Thoa. Kelts. W. Me- Loujjhry ; Uoutiuck, Robt. Adlam John Black, Chaa. Fletcher, Peter Cook ; Egremnot, James Allati, Jos. Oorden, Neil McKeller, Robert Bye ; Normauby, U. McMahon, M O'Donnel, W. Mayers Thos. Stephenaon ; Gleoelg, John SJ Black, W. H. Arrowsmith, John Staples, Ceorge Mathewg. The ceiuius *ikm^ will commence on the 6th of April aud in the townships will take from four to ten days. Theae enumerators are now re- ceiving instruction* from Commiaaioner Da via. The census is going to be a very complete one. The number of ipieations to be asked and answered is large enough, dear knows. Chronicle. For Proton the census enumerators are : Robt. Coruett, Thos. Uanbury, Isaiah McArdle and John A butt. Beard From The little party which loft Flcsherton for Colorado a couple of w-.-eks ago have been heard from. Mr. Thompson write* to The Advance as follows : DKAB SIR, -We Lave all reached here safe, and so far think it a tine place for a workingruaa. Wo haw a'.! got work at good wa^es, I am -.:t:ttiii^ 44 i>r mouth vith a promise for a rite. I am working on a ranche of 3.200 acres. They have 11 team of horses aud 17 team of mules. One man drives 8 mules on the plow, but they work one team on the harrow and seed drill. The valley is a very pretty . the area of it i 00x100 miles iii.l as level as a door. i. - f it is under cultivation. Via ar >u-i "uuded by a chain of mountain*, some r them which look to be only a n.uV* away and in reality they arc twenty. '1 hey are very deceiving to a itrapge.-. Now. Mr. Editor. I trust you w.ll excuse this mixed- up nte. !IOM:I< v hear from you soon with the presence oi Th Advance (as it will be like a letter from home'. 1 remain your ven- truly, J. TUM1'- Easter Fhttings Mrs. (jjcrdruui speit Eaater Sunday in Owen Sound. M- and Mr- J \V. Armstrong spvi.t Eaater in T. r Mis. Bulmer la Msiiini; with her sister. Mrs. Chadick. ..f Stratford. SI i*. J. \V. Henderson, if T-<r<nUi. is paying a vi.it to relative* here Mr> \V H \' i unJ, spent Sunday at her former home in Flesherton. Masters Andy and Epl'iit.m H!.iUel\ le/t for Streetsville the jther Jy, where they will reside. Miss Sara H. Smith returned n Fri- day from the city, where she has been for some months Miss Maggie McColluui.of the Menford .left on Tueeday to visit her brwther ui Wasbtngton territroy. Mr. Alexander, mathematical master in the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute, spent Kaater with friend* in Flesherton. Mrs. Thos. Leitch lelt on Saturday laat :t her sou Walter in Akron, Michi- icau, who is iu tbe merchant tailoring business there Mias Mart. Wright. Miss M irv Strain, Miss Li//i Strain. Mr Kit. Wright and Mr R. lUAer* !!-. ' upils, are all spendiinf Kaatcr 11 -lidays iu Fleaher- ton. Mr. Jas. Cornfield and Mr W Atkin- son, of Toronto, paid The Advance sanctum a visit on M u,l.y. Mr. Corn- field haa been paying a visit to his father, Mr. Jas. Corn field, near \Vareham. Mr. John Martin. Mr Austin Shackle ford and Mr. James Kerr left onTuoaday for Manitobx v here th-.-y will spend one summer at lea-it viewi:^' the country and forming an opinion as u> the advisability of making it a permanent home. Uessiji. This village, and every village, iu fact, oujit to havo anti-goasipitig societies formed liossip is oue "f the most men ;u-i;u dangers which small places ha\ e t do uith.and appears to have taken a tirm foot bold heie. We know this U true, because we have had personal evidence of it. Now. ihcrv is nothing more disgust- nu th:n the misjrMilf habit of attending to ever\l'oi'\'i buaineas but one's own. One would 'in.i:;iiie that the writer of tho follon inj, which we clip frx>m a c>>n!cin;>- orai-y, had lived in Flcsherton at le.ust nou^li to Ivcome aoAjuainte.l with of iu j'coplc's sliortcoiniiiiji. Are you a yomdp. if >o read thU quotation, then never 8peak about your neighbor un'.oat you li.ivc oiiK-thiiig good to say of l.im.and above all do not *ay anything which wouUl tend to I wer hiux nr her in the estimation of the onu to whom you are speaking. If you have charity you will not. If you ha\o not charity it would bo ad.vw.iblc for you to get it right Wm. Clayton.Boot and Shoe dealer, has a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Over- Shoes, Felt Boots, Trunks, &c. ; new goods, and sell- ing cheap. Homemade boots on hand and made to order. Repairing promptly attended to. oc 3? I O (X, CD away. Here ia ihe quotation : ' The curi .-.i> < and small towns ie insatiable. I- .* the main ein- [! _Mnent of at least one-third of their in- habitants (>ii ilie other huni. if a strainer take up Ins abode among them, he becomes at one* a centre of observa- tion a target for conjecture a atauding topic of conversation Mis antecedents are inquired into. Ins character is can- vassed, his manner of hfo is carefully noted, his dress, features, fortune if he has one, want of it if he has not, are all made the subject of earnest diacuasion. A jury of matrons sits on his case daily. until everything aacvrlai liable concerning him has been ascertained, and if inquiry ia baffled, guesswork, in due time, take* the place of facts, and he is "reckoned up" on a fancy basis. A previous history he must have, aud, iu the absence of any authentic record, he ia furnished with one by the tongue of goeaip " SOCIETIES. P McCULLOCGH, Barrister* Solicitor, t y-f. Office, wx-r MrFarland'.s Mure Vlarkdulr. Mour> lo l.cati. 3Jn$mtss (Turds. John W. Armstrong, FLUHKBTO.V lY. OIKS. , r\ I VISION fOLHT CLEKK CVMMIsMONPR 'lu h. R.. Conveyancer. 4c Vjj-ut lui i attbaa* . <u I asU *f lan.i forl' 1 t loiu 1 ^ '' ' ( '- - - .|j tu aaoiiarilo u-ru.a U- . n t r MAhKlAOl L'.t^:N-. - N r*Bl SONS OF TKMl'KKANCK -Tbii me*Ht lu Dr Cbrictinj Hall uvery ly evouiiiK nt p in. \ laiting brothel U in-iWd, lUKurujce in cuunootion MOM EY TO ' . The Undersigned nas a A.rnount of Moue^ to Louu a OS TOWM OK FABM TKOl'h.1. 8. DAML-DK. FLK W. J. BELLAM TWP. CLEBK 1IITKMXSU R.<\vl. TEMPLARS F TE>irElt.VNX-r .- Hvtiular I'ouiu-il inivt^ > . iiiK In Sproula'a biock * - lect ilv^res Ihly. tl-.i \\cJiKMilS7 preceding the find of vacb month. Ncr. AKTHfK LOU " A F. * \ \I . tn.i't in tn.- yi-omo Hall. Strains . ttisbvrtou.oTiTV Kri.U full m*>u. W. J. hllai.o \\ M U J I.V/-;/.. <; -v. 7\>T/.- I.M-A; i,. arg* . o .Ton VEX, DKKM.MOKTI, i al au.l i>ru(>*rlv xeciit.l ed ! ftrat-olaes oompaaim \ owestratM B*g- ua .; DR. i J. P. IAUIU1, M '\P. AS.,ti> PH\SHIi>. KIK.| . Fl.K^II! !' i Om, Strain's block. Rvii.l. L. . S., M. U S. DLMIST. cnOAIII - Maikdale the Ul .Mid 3rd NVednei- UHSs uPnOUL:. > 4 QQ day ot e.ieh mouth Fleahertoii each trip on the day following. Barrister, Solicitor, t'om-f yanccr. Ktf. Fi a^NiKioN Of>;-. K. \k\r ^ ..-..-- I- -IN , -N THVUDA^>. OW8X SOCSD OFFICE, l'a<JT'i M. \KKD\I \ Office :-Mal-V* MIL T S. M'K-'l la;. Dr.Kgo will bo fouaa at Maia.h- J.P.OTTEWL ., VKTKR1NAK\ sfl RGS' < Graduate of Obtain \, . RauJtoca first door south ef ICH-. * *1 . -

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