Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1891, p. 1

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ESHERTON ADVANCE. " TliU III LL 'foil E ""PRINCIPLES, .\01 ME.\." 73L. TX , NO 510. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY. APRIL 9, 1891. W. H.THtRSTCN. 1 Rings, Rings, Rings. Armstrong Bros. Are now sho.vins the Lv,- - and best stock of Diamond, (iem Engagements, io K and 18 K Plain Wedding K "\vnhereand at prices th?t cannot be equalled except by spot cash buying, which is the secret of our cheap sclii.ig. \\Valsoc3iryan ex- len-nve line et New Haven Walnut 8 day, 24 ;r and Imituti >n Marble Cbcks with fine rrench works. Nickel Timers from 1.00 up t<- >}' \\'e are still selling such ;hVs as \Valtham, El-in, Columbus, Springfield, ll'iiv;*. St. Thomas, ll.irtturJ and New Haven watches at our urc:itly reduced paces. Fine Watch, Clock, and Jewelry repaiiing our Specialty. Our Facilities for Fine Work are unexcelled. ABMSTRONG BROS. Short. >na|p> *rratrbr< A *prury. taw aalabnui ^ And ifly poll*. Maple treacle *n4 8*gar an tb* chief pnxlacta (X the Caaaii.n amaplt: Tbc My , list cliurxii la*t Sabbath two young pr- I n<ii.H were baptiaeu in the CMUKU, ut>nh uf Durham Ruwi urvet brii{*, Tli SUM of Tmpemic held MI -n*:er- Umment laat Tbunday *ainft. The I inclement weather and bad roads hiu- ' dered many frvtn attending. >ur mdric ! to certain mem bers >( Uw ab x;ttjr ! w, let your chief aim be f'-r the public gnod, and let teit gratification be a tcoudary nutter. It i* aometmies "better to lead than drive.' A huuae divided agaiiiat lUeif cannot I'anil, but iu "um.jii there w *tretiUi. ' Mr. -V. EarneM has reined Dr. Ghent* former reaidenc at the weat end. The Crown Iv.tcl WM auld -D .Saturday ate>ra. I-FU\BI>. la PlMhrrtoB. f H ::..-:. * -. - ..... -'-, R: - So KKEX.-1* ArtMoeua. Wdimdar 1. Uur* . - i. inteitl .,n o( Jw The >. . Mi-. J' ho SimpauP, jr.. has been very .11 for several day*. Mr. X'hn Me A nicy, tile pioneer of Pncille, has beo confined to the h' use the greater part <>f the wmter. but we hope the balmy breesea .1 print; may hare a salutary etfevt. and bpe tu see the <>id tfeBtl-n.au aruund with ua ai{aiu as of yore fur nuuiy a day HUMMING. - WOOO FIRST PRIZE WHERE V ER s H o WS. LtllHKK. LATH. SH JOB WORK Th v it tloca bat til* end *re not tin ea3on i bougut by FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED A? Hoards Carriage Works, FLESHEKTOX, ONT. Tk Booth .' Var-h - Bl.TttM utM iu Sooth GI*T. hoTtr. to Ur balm* in Ui< v u^ M i not a Ten- It aa M;J if Han - w:. '. MOV. MMlK.BS. Our Hnsuon> the Bc-t. Our ltu^u.--> I lie Ili-Nf Our ( uut-r- ili.- Rest Our ln)|>riM-l HarroM > ilir smvw CL'TTB**. Si' 1 . VFLKKS. 1C KN11- DKII-LS. ti VNl, HLOS APRIL 1891. As this Vthe tttonrti to llo\v and puff about new Spring Goods, Lar^e importations, Daily Arrivals of Goods, eic , ' we claim the privilege of talking quietly to cur customers and Those Interested In spi-.n^ purchases. Every v. ci-k our Nc'.v S;M::;^ Goods are coming to tiie lYoot for in- spection. The first \ve might mention interests the men ;md boys, and consists of a heavy shipment of Hats in al- vios: every conceivable style and shape, and feel sure we can lit any shape head or suit the most foppish ^ent in this sec- tion of country. Uuahty and puce canr.ot fail to please. While examining our hats donV forget to inquire for Dress Shirts, Collars, Ties, Ktc.,also see our selection of Panting?, \Vorsted Suitings in Scotch and Canad'an. Don't tliink, Ladies, because we ha\e intntioned the nice things for The COARSER SEX first that we have forgotten you. \Ve try at all times to study your in- terests very closely, and several ladies $K testify alrcad) > our fine assortment o! Press Fabrics, etc. A nice line of Colored Cashmere just opened, also cheap lines of Co! Press Goods in plain urul figures. One old lady remarked that our Print assortment made her fancy i-he was \ .igain and li\in^ in the good old times. The quaint old terns.not two alike.and so many to >piii-Ui,>SoB i^^i>iil is worthy oi note. L.i\v>s ;u:d Muslins, Lr.K-ioi \-ns ar.J 1. ices, Glo\es and Hosiery, Cjiton u!cs and Shii't!;^-. ' Curtai and Curtaip.ettcs, Scrims and Chir.tzs, and other articles too numerous to mention comprise Mr. Johu A. WiUian.s met with a; very painful accident one day last ;ud^|iyg m the busl. be struck hu foot, cutting off one oft his toe. Mr J. li. Hjgg, wi. quite a surgeon, was at the storw. 1 Ley sent for lu:n. He stitclied oui the severed '.oe.ju.d i: u doing a well as can be expected. It is a great loss ' -.j Mi. \\ illiauis at this season of the: year. Mws Maria Ftuwick is Lome again after a lengthy visit with, frxuda at Aurora. Mr. George Meldrum lias givou up farming aud is going out to Colorado to Ins brother, wuj ha been there t'jr some time. George's many fi lends are sorry he is going twixy. Tl.ey all wish Lmi ^wd hick aud proi. where v. i he luay go. Mr. \Vvi IVdiar u on Uio sick list this ww-k. Mr. N\ ui. Belli is arouux Agoia as lively as a cricket. Mr Mckeiuie Puncau lias opened up a first class general store. N\ <. can no* boast of two good stor> By o*r men First maple syrup of make came in last Mr. Mclunis. Mr. Hjgg. merchant, of Toronto, is spending a few days here on and seem* to stand the times, as he !'>oks well. Mr. J. Gilehrot has in. red back to his old borne iu this place. W._- wel- . .-... Mi. G. and family to our midst. Mr. D. McLeod ti >e"ry ill with la Mi. Heiuphill is down with itidam- uiatiou. Miss Miunie Lawrtoce is down ' i Mi Slatter shipped tatuts last wet-k. Mr. and Mi-s. K s -an with parents a' V Quite a lively time iu CuMaley sull takes the W e are glad to learn that Mrs. T. Granger is getting somewhat better tins week. Miss Derby, school teacher. <f I ' :r- ham lioad. is down with iutlamuia- liou . Mr. Wood is improving this week. Miss Waucuob, of Meaford.is I ing friends here. Have written thai '/lark Caiarrli ha* relieved thvni. revtorin^ |^r: I every anoae. Thruh . hare cooaenUMi that tlicir name* be Uae<i i'-t - Clark Chemt. i < not uae thia maiia tu advertise remedy. They w: 1 : i,. t parade th-- fenn^s of any at:, it invade ''i . . v "/ a<iy ii'.iue Anv iu"!- Catarrh will reo inruetxi <.'!ark 1 'urv. and that ; than tk publiahvd cvrtitioi- Chemical ' Properties for Sale ; I t R T L CM t Lixa M* ud MS JrU rua X K T . - \nm*M. lu<cn.frBMtMn a: am UM ii ; wtfl ttumtt i.J . Lot HO. ! * W . T a 8, B. S3 tent frrnm* 4a41lm UMTVOB. u 1 ovtbai: ' LM 1M. Ml X E . T * tf. K. about *> * cland. balum aoad .rdo-l tHab. I .f iMvaMot van of v::iat* ><>* vtah > mint ibiri in Kh.' ftercral ' ery of po- - jatli roii Jvuriuii banpn* ' . JOH bus Mi Johu Fen wick, with bis broth- ers Joe and Thomas, have g-jue to the couuty of IVel to speuJ Uic suiumer. Joc>epli Walker went with tueiu. 1'lit'iv were some son-y hearts when Ji.-y weut away. \Vonderwliotiicboygarc who are trying to hold up I'auiis' gully bridge - ' I'M:. Mr. Charley Jordan Las goue to uy i tune 111 TJI'UUIO. Sugai making aud taffy parties are all the go now. :t. faniiers iu this part are busy cutting wood, making maple ?ynip and making ready f i the so M.- F. i'ctkj is bmy taking census for this part of 0pr*y. aud Mr. Tiios. Sc.-f. is engaged at the same business in the ucitli eud of tt.o lowusiiip. The Usprey council met foe tiie transaction of ireueial bnsit-es.-! m McLean ; Hall on Monday. Tin. Hev. Mi. S'.vwait. 1:- ui H>ri;. ing's uiiils. eschauged pulpits with Mr. HugbeH on Sabbath last. Tlu-ic wad a lar^e turnout at MJiryie to liear Mr. Sk'wirt. Mr.WilUe Muiihad and Mr.H McLean returned home from \i s;au Ust week. They look hale and and report good times. Mr. Hector 1V1I has moved into hi* tore iu tlte village, having reuted his farm to Ml . N . WILL SHOW FOR YOVR IX Beautiful Assortment WtTtH x| I. VI RH IRK \M> 4.KNKKII JM f I.K X . I \t- II pi n |l i I,M I. .MM I INI (! II UNI* 10 AND UK.. *->' T" $ - W.v i;.\NTSO)VHKIN(., IN*. TAi. r.i;i.. \I\AI.I > -i TU 4 MIS. 1<. C* - 1 v ;trtment is well filled with lines suitable tor evorv kind of \\ e. il'acr. It needs no con- mendation from us, lor it h.is i;.iinei a reputation of its ow:i. Anj' one who has pnrchafil our Boots and Shoes knows where to get booted good and cheap. Fresh Groceries aiways on hand. Don't forget the place.} MCDONALD & EVANS. FI--IH vnr ...r,, C'urrr.;,.,. i * i.lentlj near at hanJ, f-T the r ..tolsi-irj and ua (rifiid arv a^ain rviuni.i-v flolll SUllllV vllulc. '' K'joUll) II. .|lhrn u l\Jltic li- tiie it of ua, |n.>litica (<>' . uili ..[' an. but we )>muiut: tii.it i-iv ~u*t u pi. . ihd iiiiWrt M K. ,'iaio. Kaq., wilt be.M. \' f . fuili tilvv. - .oral buy t.n."ie eeni dumb ami ey nr<? oil d"Wn nc* the n vt-u: ' > - -J. - , we *uili' ;*t aiiutlu-r L'liI rvi N 1 ! N ! \1 .'Ui cpui.c^l -i . h . . .v!l a*i\ li". 11 Hi rviuaiiia wrv uilurrwl iu ti.i illo cuKl<-i > i>ii tbv ils. lh r*\ialet\icabld m ill* M*th Hlit church situv ilie Ut of March *erv brui(ht I- a cl'Mc Ut w^ck. ^>me \1 ,-t !."> nifinbrr* tn-iv dil Wi the church. At the ck* jf th *emc iu th Ba^i- l ' . Mr S. ::<-ai I'l ic- .of his family la*t ^ M:s. (.;. L'llchatd iford visiting lier inotlnr. wlio :s v. ry ill. Mi J. ! .irued l.o:ue from St. I'liomas Uat wiek wiiei-e he bi'en i the anminl ineetiu.; cf ' Mi. Abialiam has U.i singing class here for oouiv lime CUrfcl IN CLOCKS, WAI.N NU'KKI. , AN!> ". Fine * Repairing Pei-so: ' ''f* 1 : . ' .f Kht-uui.itisiii iu t!.f . | > It ahould be ell r . hand, and th>* ; .1 ' with a ; < daniwl. Tb* pain viU ivate ilii tliv brat application, .%: ! iu oiiliiiueU ue will effect a urvJ..us cuu reuMtU uvla but a trial t v.vu\ .IKX n)<*t lkr('tK. liiat it M MOIxltrrfu! ;armtKMi S>4i W ail ilrui^mla . prioe nliv cx-uta. Clark Clivmic-t .'. , Toruuti-. New Yuk. NYislcs t.-> fill . A, BllOWX. Jeweller MARKDA1.I

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