Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1891, p. 2

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LATE BRITISH NEWS. Telephone Bctweeu London- Paris and IM>\>l , o lit HEATH. Tbe (jue-c and Her Oooki. A death by light la<-mg in reported from neu London, "in- w:i- SIIIL;!. , ajii-d 'J-J, a la Him > Oneof t!,. init old fashioned Kv angelical VAN OfiLFS DISCOVERIES- U. s|, r ,,,i. Nrsrlv T tears la K\plra* (lea* OB the Hui. i. n(l stiter. It is nearly two ysari. sin . Caiit. \'.m I. el. left Ixxipoldv lib in tl.. Ivt,. Illlli -Hum- ii- I'.II A v ,int , mil A. I. A. to .-Vjdole the Molktnp Kiverandil- trib.naii.'s. \eryllltle. 1 has IM-. n heard from him since, l hough iwo ! weeks agoashort despatch was printedniv mg I a few details of his discoveries. The Congo (iovernincnt has at last rccei...! .1 long re- port from him, the luhntance of which ha-s just Iwen printed. During In* first cxpedi lion, when ('apt. Van <iele dmrovrred thai the Moliangi wa id, mi, .il with the Well.- Makoua of S.'hweinfiirtli, his instrunn nts were not of sutlicient accura. \ to ennble him A GOWK'S ERRANT AN 'WHAT CAM O'T. In the village of S , Perthshire, lived Villie Waddel, wright, joiner and coflin , naker, Ac. A douce, honest, hard-working ] surprised you c ll'ivv wan \Vdlie. A nee ho r o' hi* had hap- might have U pencil to be owre ae morning at Dauvid Irani'* and fan' him in a aair state aboot he looa o' a coo that had choked hyrsel' wi' i turnip through the nichl. Dauvid hail twa or three acres o' Ian' abtx.t twa mile* fra' S , anil was lliocht to liac some bawbee* i' the bank ; and though he hail only hnnse.1 aim Janet, hi* V, tae keep, yet the loxx o' the con was a Key wrious matter After he liad heurd o' Duuvids l.nnenl.. determine with correctness the coiirM.- i-him-he* 1.1 Kngland, raiiidi-iiOiiiri-h.fam- ______ Urwei;. IK about It. diMMt] the black jjowu <,f the In* t ongo tributary. In thw expedi- ii. ihi pulpit, and t. l*m chanting the , lion he wlu , equip,*.,! nl, the IK-SI wienti- PsaJm, like it- gfeChONk neighlior*. t ,,. m truinei,t.-, and ascertained tlie mu-r. t Tne .i'Vi>iiiinixl<iti'.i > t,'i tin- jjri'at t 'riiinii- . ' I in Lou.]., i . a- t.iednco thin ir'i'vlc trum th>- Sn>,:,l,i,,i II >vv bnnr, vv. i., :: .KA. ii. ju.stire I.. in >i.,ii-u'd in the greatest nn.| M h<-*i ..i|.itil in the world ( i* ahoiit fi\e mile* north of ."> - uorth Uti after a f-wdiiii whi-li wiil<l digra.'e the ' tuile. 1-etiieit and pnot-exl provincial city of a wx ., fuel that the great northern bend of tin Moltit|{i ap|>e<ir on hi* finit map tlnrt) mile* too far soath. On hi new nup the most northern part of the .Mol>aiigi * course " II. rn p mil .'lid -late i:.ir<i|xuui nation R| : - ., .. tin ert.T: o i 1 1,. . ti....rdinar- ily n .1 ' lirilamla.-tw.-fL ar.-jus- beginning to COOM in I ,,i i-xaiiijil.'. rive thousand lamli-i and sheep nrrisli. -.1 on the VWIali liilU in a hinudr w. !.. I', wild ii'i.l- liivt IH.-CII I, .nn, i ui in, unions iniiiibfiK i. >i llu- in. lung of the snnw. Kish alsii |K-iislied m great f|iiantitn Mi \\m Kiii^-. managing di. Leigh:. ui I'.ii. .u. I .: .1 l."i. !" t'nni of iiuildi-rs, wl::leoui bunting with I K,i'li,'hildV BISK li'iuniU in tin- Vh found that for several hundreds of mile* tli.- Midiatigi ha* no affluent* worth nil-lit nun ii^' on Its left bunk, uhicl that the water purling 1*1 ween tin approaches very i m.;., and the nearly to the littler rivet. Along the tli crn bend, howev.-r. he found st-veial tiibn tarira emptying int.. the river on the nortl kink, nv f ahii'Ii lie a*-, ml.- '. for nearly seventy miles. This n> t h>- Koiiangon P.iv. -i and lie did uot find a mn^le village on tin- ilreain. Another very large affluent, win. I . -. n.icd only lor u dist.ime of ten mile* 11 I- the K.iltn Km l. will, h is In-lleved to 1* ,'f tin- larg.-^t triliiitarn-sol tin Molwngi ol Thin river be found to ln> .- \tr.inrlv |i|iul."i- my. on M. >n, l,i,. tell fnin. In- hn'->- Th. |..'o|,lc are known a the Stkitra-., .tin in a ti; .ni.i v..i- t.iki n i d.-ad. t|,i-\ are i|iiit< f'l-oin those who AsliuvktiiKa.-.-.d. nt o urre.ion Sunday lue U|M>II tin- Molwngi-Makuiia. They an a- the i-iieim.-.i! works ol M-M- Mnipiit' |..r..ciil,iilydi-tiiiKiiish-d bv liie.-xtruor.liii ary abiimlail, of their hair, wln.'h they arrange i'i llie Inrin nt a Unmet, with tli. i. inn ..tending uvi r then tuieheadi.. Wh.ti V.tni-.'li- a- end tin MobaniM ti years before, he was turned ba.-k near the twenty -llnni in. rnlian Lv the li.-i.-i Yak.om.i-, win, ton^lii him with tin- iitm. - \V|.lne. A l.cUiinr. ii.iin.-.l out. lining l*..liii;: Ii |iini. whei. lie nvcrlwlaii ..... I tell in. Hi- I" u * In :.,.;. '.i. n. I . ..v.-n.l wa> aim.'- n ! *4 ti ".|i i. A young ^cntleiii.in, ii.nn. 'i N.1--H, li longmg '" i .1 ,i!i:.n M..I. i. rail awn\ tii'in . : ' tioim, and had aet art on the road name, he th< -lit tae hansel' he tnglil mak' a guid laiieh owre puir I>auvid' misfortune'. It wa* the h'rut o' Apnl, ami if he vould man- tave Dav on a gowk waa ileid i age to semi Willie WatMt-l nwre tave David (irantk' wi 1 the trauchin' boord on a owk 'a errant garrin him believe. Janet ilt.nl o the coo, it wait be 4 gran' joke. wan nar Hoonei 1 thocht U|xm than it wan wrouht iipuu. As soon UB he got tae S , he caes awa up tae a we widden erection Willie had dignified wi' the nanwi o' the warkshop. ' VVi-el, Willie, what are ye thrung wi' the day ?' quo' lie, a* he entered. " No m.icklc," nays Willie ; " jil maki.i' .1 .. i-hair for Sun. lie Mel iregur's youngeit ane. " Ye'll hae to let that stan' the noo, then, an i..k in han' wi a job that'* in a greater When they got back they found Danvid BUppin' through the floor, rather perplexed at Willie's proceedings. " I'm grieved to hear of your *ad afflic- tion," the minister began -, "and I am much lid not send for me. 1 urely been of some benefit in your aore trial." 1 canna unnertaii wliat ye're inakin ic a wark almot, quote Dauvid. " Ve would hae done me no guid uppo*in' 1 hail ent for ye. It'* me will hae tae bear the lo, an" 1 wasna thinkin' o' havin' ony bother aboot it." " After what lia* fallen from your lip*, I we there i< no ue trying to reajion with you ; and I am truly norry to think that such a man a* you 'area member of my chureh ; nol only a member, but an elder a man of no principle, not even of common decency ; but 1 can autire you, *ir, I *hall expose your conduct, I haJl call a meeting of the congregation, and have you expelled. You can no longer be an elder of mine. "Ye can ca' a meeting n' the Prenbytery gin ye like !" exclaimed Oauvi.l, now fairly nettled, " for ouylhing I >'are ; luit it wild ' ud le be a lang time bttlor* ye wud ca' a o' the congregation tae help me amther, an' I'm no thinkin' I muckle U-f.er o't if ye did." " 1 Khali tay here U" loiter to be nuult- , .1. .Tied the imniier. ami making hitway f.il the il.Hir, when hew.i" tlopp. .1 hy \\ lllle. wboikild Od, ir, ye i-auua ru-htly leave the lloow until we eome to *i:;ie Ull'ler^t-lliillllk! Ye se'. it that aulil iica'.heu '11 no .Ue the Int. Ve hurry. Inn ane yell nae like sae wcel, I'm thing that's ngln. tomd>o.|y mum dot. \e thinkin'." ee I hae brought my own -.trauchin lmrd, ' the nn-l-.r- and . IIIH*lll*H, II. I ' ... , . , -'. ,. , ,WM seat a*ho*. from ; l< "l"' 1 -'.'.. I-MW d.,v-. i ,,.nl> surrounding the r,,,l,n..,.tl,i,,,c,,. :.,.., .,,'. toy- '"' " Ul "'' K| "'"' '" '-.iild hav, age .u. a Uowaway. II.- ,,-U.ed .. most '' ," 1 " 1 " "' ''' '"' ' U|-n<.. number, had I eventful .-areert.. t s|. i,*.,..,^-, ,. w,,,,iai--d '"" '";" "" Uire.,i,,,. 1 >.n -ing the pre-n . e.pedil,.,,,, bv i wa, a last able I" ovri, .mi.- tin -n f.-ioi'it). Ii Mr. .luliii Srxlou. I',,.! i. iw t.iiiidmti ot the month of May last year hr was ablet Donngaii, llare, mid a mini n , n.-.l C.itiin ent. r lli.nr ounlry in {ira.-e. Then Imat at in-.' timidly approached him, but i-onti- .li in wa arualfd by the friendly treat in. -nt and pirs.nu he distrihuted. II.- finally made a treaty of friendship with the Vakoma . In.-l. I>.V", who was Ins gn-al. -t awallnnt dining llie In-l . vpi liti.m The lll^.'lt ll'l-ipltallt V Vk.l- II VA ''.I.. 'O til.' i *i'l..ii'i. .ni.l .1 1'iiiiilxT or i: .lives of the tr.ln to..k i-rvi . . .n tin- steamel-s lit I 'apt. San i ,.-!i' In A i^ust laot year tl,- ploier asrend> d lot alxnit sivly nn!.-. tin v.iy lai^, i.v.i. M|K mn, w In. Ii in nil- i.rilhn. of Cloonlakeeii, ^eii !K nj: h.'iin from MUtciwn \luli..tv. mi "IHI.I.H i-veiiing when they . n Del i.'l I covereil wall nl <'n - the I u '! ' (Miuiii in fn.ir. 1. 1 ill. ii ' >i I,..- vi nuhle. Oi. I- rid. >v STCUin i. .nali n n,. who had Jin.. U'l-n . ,-nv ,.-i. ii a: ' !''.AII patn, k 1'i'tn ^i-iou>. wan liem- 'iv. t . I t. the jail, win i, a' IVIUnt i..du., . -ih.,n lie slip|>. d In-, h.in.l .11 , !, i.l. ..'I. .ni.l man aged ti. g. I , leal i.u.iy I In- |",h< .'..in mence.l searching in lldm- tn.n- l"i In.n, but without n. .- i|. to tit.- |..i. - . |>..it. .loni.teilly th" <iil.nl.ii\ of <lie i '!, I ii. ml, ij mo i inn;: . i in row |. .' . t.onol 'weepsmii-i v i.vv.'d ~n Mi !. i. i Hi.-k- the Beai'h ..: im- |:.*i,i of 1 1...|. sii| l^.rt in .. lull adraftof whl.'l: w.i- Mil.iintted that tin- \MMII, i turmed by tl-. ;iun-liui I.IMIJ '.> \',in 111 ten mtloll the Mn Imllgl I- II..' Ilk. I) tn lie applleil t.' \\ > '-I ....lla, Mhleh '. .- in r Intnl.- ln-ell . |.|l- I I-IMII -I 11 to reijnire that nn one should IM- ill I to practise a* a sweep without In m^ i.-,- tered and .ertificate.!. -<ir Micha. I a.lv MI .1 them to get a private member to lake up ti,, ii.tt.-i, .mil have ll ventilated in Parliament. An iii<|uetl wai indd ul shelfirld. .m .. tui.l.iv. on .1 man named \\illiam II., II,-.. who in. t In- death uiidei t.rnl.l. 1,1111 rtan.-ex. Hedley, w lio was subject I. til*, nf the Welli M.ik.iii.. ..ml tin Mb mum, llie n .mie Molwi gi mil being known until the !. -i. ii. i- ir. i I. ..I winii 'i, ....- tvtu great - unite He viMteil Kniv I'Mtngiwao, Will, rule- (he . i.MIIIV .tli'llg till \ll. Hilivl I: MI fin great dlstanee Van I -ele .1. linn u> n nuMt iin|.<.i t.u.t |i.>teiiiate, ' nf th nt K mg .1- i hi' a- truly win t!iy Muata Vamv .. All the tir.-i.foi liiin.lre.l* o! mile* ariiiind, ,i> . . \l..b,i 1,1:1, i e wa* seen by neighUMiis siliiiiuiiifii.nl ofUn '>""' hisathorilj .,., i p-,\ tnbm,- t.. inn. fire, smokina his pipe. A short iiin.-all.-i ^ Inn tin wlnt. ..- t. i .ameto him Kan he was found lying on . His . i .;. t lie fa.e nnd head vv. i . I.i. i., ilv lot ul In- lilll.li is t.. ,-at. Ii two face i.n the tire. lb clothing wu burning, 'l"l' l '""- " !' - " l - "" "' nav.-lle, T. V" iii^.' snitnail vveit i.olalli.'d, .ll.li'l. A was n ttnneil. VI lili, I nt .1, . ..i- 1 lilelilal fidhiHing on.. . i a- IN, n t. the i i. . | M.i.'i-i.o- I.. >n Kvrlyii'lVnod ">. ,1.1 1, i - p dlii^;.., > fnrb.iiL-li, M woU a* thrlr wiv .u,.! .il dren, will U'.onveyedat .. my|. i.m I. i the double |..;iin.-v at any -tat ion nn any rail- way IM ' ..|, win. I. nml Van I iele i ..IK I hein away vviili him. Inn it wa> not IIIM^ before they ille. I in . .ijillv ily. III. n Van I >ele e.inliiinuil hii. eiplnraliniifl alnMit titiv miles further up the \\ elle* Ma- knuu, until at last he leai-heda point within ten mile* df the nmnt wenlern place hi.-h l>r. .1 link, i v i*ned m Isi.'t Heie theex- ilorer ,. -i--|.|i.| hy impaaialile tall*. iloirr v> . -l"|.i,,l l.\ nn|ia: ;..|nd- had 1111(1, -ill. 1 In- pro){ra* III vailoils .,- betwesil win. I, tbrouh lairs an- in uUves on the MoUiigi, but the ini|*-ilinirtit |,i.du.iional QMBMkinf oftei ,s ,,! .uflii'ienl t,, prev.nl si,.n,, n..v i K tn.n and \ .in I..'..- - ukwangou, a dis- "Ob. it'll be a .|neer job I'll no like the 1100, an' warkaae -lack : let's hear what it it, man.'' " Weel, ye 11 tak' yer *trauctiin' boord an' .M.avv.i ower to I'uiivid < .int, he's fan' in wi' a sair ly |nnr man, o.h, nou ilr.n n'- aye bu*y ' What, 'cries Willie, "is Janet dwdr" and without waiting for an answer, rontniu I'd. " VV li.tt wax I i matter? what did she '' ^lii- , linked b " I lioki-d henn'l ' I/. id, bleu me, that'* extraordinar' ! Ihiuvi.l will miss her *air, for she was a clever handed woman, wa* .lanei. Hut I niaun* *to|i here ilav.'iin' ; I'll aw a owre tlii- iiiinut.' : and throwing down Inn hammer, he hurried tae the house, an liad In- until, i mak' hie parrioh and get .H.t lii- Sunday 1-l.u-s as soun as poaaible, as In v. i- wanted in i hurry at llauv id i Irani . ll should hae nu-nti.ineil lliat Willie wasna iiirni-,1, hut lee Mil ui' his mith. r in a hit . ., , -i. . .it an' on \v i' the -b. '(.. \V , .-I, .ilti't b- ad >;ottrii his parrich and ' .'..in.-. I up, awa' he gai-a to Dauviil's ti In-. IxHird owi ln> -.hniiltcr, and wi' na n HI i Ira In- waa ^-aini a gowk'i. errand than In- niiin in the mum VVlien he got ta>- the 10 ... he -it the u,iil down at lln- door, -. ..in' in. .- liaiivi'l takin' .1 re.'k o' ll. pl|M- II. MI'S a HI ye the day. I'auvul '" tjuo VV illie. as he ga*d in. -.list niidillin, Willu-, jist mi.ldlin." I 1 , n t.iL.- a snit an. 1 rest v, I in leal vexed '.'hear n vrl b'.- tinii.-d Willie, an. r he had taken a seat. N i- II miss her sair, I hae nailoot." " Ilia bit liard job for me," *ay* Dauvid ; l. ut 1 maun try .in' tli,, I.- V* ken we're telt to bear nr trials wi' patience." 1 I'm veragUd ve t*k' that view o't," ob- riv.-.l \\ illie. " for 1 waa feart ye might ln.ik do. in a tlil'mthrr. M. ..I, \Villii-, tin-re's no fear o' that. 1 In t lung'u bad enough, but I m no gaun to brak my near t A)MM>I it 1 inaini l.x.k alMH.l an see an' gel amther, for I canna weel want le. " 'Iked, thai -. Ii ue I'll. nigh, h.invid. but ye II no IH ui a liurry foi it wlnh-." Oh, I dinnaken," says 1 >.mv i,| ; " the soon er the liettei , I think. 1 dinna sei- any u*eo' pintiii all t nut- In f.n t, 1 hae my e'e oo ane all. ady ; 'nit 1m fuiied slut'* a v-e< ower auld. "I w,wlna ih.K-ht they were *ea easy got ten, wid Will.-. " Man, Willif, when y.- bae twa or three lawbees l' yet imiu-h ye fan get pick an' tale ..' ilirin . I. ut I'll be a wee i-antimiH ifore I lake ane. Ve se, when th.-\ Ii ,,M.I ivnld \e ^.-t little guid .ill. em, an' they'ru a laug lime before they come lae lie *f a ceil Hi. at. -I^M. .1 LV 'he < ..iiimaii.ling i > prev X.mu;,, ll i t.ii'l.. i HI the falls lapuU of Mo An ituiiivit wa^ held on We.lni-a.lav on the Iwly of Kinen \\ .. to, l'i ,.:. , , hei i.imi.lH, who wa* kil|.-.l iliii-i n|! M-iairei on Saturday night . ..ml ........... , tionwitli wh.e death 1'atn.k Hulfey s ,,i. ""'"' "' * 1> "" t '**' "" lv "' Their is. there- I'.re. m, this great river I wo tretel,e. of n igable water fiomiU rnontk to the Zong K*!"' 1 ". H> miles, and from the /..no ll.i I'"' 1 I* M wl " > ' 1 ' WH '" little utean, . >mi,U, and Th.mia* KushtiMi. Medu.l MaH -i.lolh,. furthest point hi lea. -In-d aboiil Corns, aie inni.to.ly. The jury found that MOodhalong. lhedi*.'oii-rie...f \ an I. el. . -.I iii.t ln>. death by kirkt given bv '"H'lher w itb tin... ol Hodist,', , Ii, i k. i . ...,.| ithei Ihill.-v or Knshton, l.nt they wnniii lw '" r 'hre. other agmts of tin- < 'on^" -tte, able lo de. ide winch They lurt'hi , I.. mid w In, |,v e for tw*. yean, pa*l U*n Mplortaf that deaih ..-., ..I. n.t.d1.y tl,.. ,,K..,,,.li.. tlie Inhularies, have added au iiinni'ii*. state of de.-ea*ed. The first ofhcial m.ii was madr on | ,,, . day of the new Iv e-tiiblmlifd 1. Ii plioniu roninnini, alinn ln'tween I'aris and I.omlon. The i'v|M i imrnl was conipli-ti Iv -,. , . -sful. the voice* of the telephonist* at llie Dd Iwliig .lislin.tly an, III, le. M. AIMH.I, m w Im hale for ti the tributaries, innnln-r of fa. Is t.. Africa. our map nf that |utrt of African Tracking. Tra.kmgisa m-ien-.'. some have natural _ ,|in, km -i and aplitud.- t.u it. ..thi'is are of pe, tor-general of teb-^iaphs, . companicd no usi- ul all al it. The ki-.-n .t\. for in- liy hisaasistant, M. 'I lioinan, went espe, i,illv i-.ii'-e, in which r.nat: Ala ran follow 11) I. I., iiilon to IK- pn-.nt HI Ihe teh ph. mug naiive tia.-k n. wondt-rful; the slight. -i ML:II <.f the tint meeaage \\ 'In n III* Uueen dine- at the I'.J.i e win tin i in p il.lii 01 pi ivate, the iium. ..t dish put i i, tli i.il.l. lieart the name i.f ihe cook who IK rcponnilde f.u it. I'lns ouiid* AH if her Majesty wa* afraid of U ing ii.'i,'ii( il.,l,,it jhe cause is not fear hut nange. The usage date* l, k tn nhl times, and i* of (.fiiuMi origin. It obtained i|iiite s ,entiny ago at llesite I assel, nii.l may U in l,,i . . there till It wa* a daughter ol i .eorgi- II who was the tint to use if. At liniiiinghani Asm/en on \l..n,l,,y, . \\ ilU'|MN*eil selitelni nf I > I'miiih-.' hard labor on Harry , Spears ('.In, ele, tu, mn, fm causing r ha death of an old woninn m.ine.l < iallaifliei by throwing a lighted |mrallin lnmp.it her, on her int. 1 1. 1 n-. t tn make peace |,i l w n n S|M'arsan<l In- it. . Im nigai|iiai i.l. (hllagln r died in u few limn- ill dreadful agony. At (he Itiiiningliani Awn/i oiiSatiiulny heforv Justice Will* Kli/al>eth (Mat. of iLil.v, wan awarded l l.'id damages nganiKt a cattle dealer named Daxiea, living at Great e, Staffordshire, for breech of promise. 'Juiniiir* oouniel ,1. M;I iU ,1 the action a* lailn i of a ImaiiiMii than a romantic nature, I... 1 1, |*rtie* Wing of mature age, the pl.nn tiff, . lii<d-ini*tre*)*, ling forty iigln \..m did The lttersread in thecaae w.re il.M'id tt any gushing expression* oi atTectiou. i- null, cd liy him. seinhles tracking i* ' l',,lll III lh.' bllsll. " A I'll.- onlv art that re hli.llliL Xnlll wax clev*r i m ih native m n In- own home, acting *, )oni ijindi , no m. ill. -i ln. iniuh you may have twisted and tin lie, I, 01 KOIK uphill and d.iw n da'e, when asked where ramp is, will instantly av, " Ih.'ie," mid pi'ini out the dir.'.'tion. He knows whin Ins lioiuu is, just a* the wild Iwe doe* ; he has UK nt, illy and iiiniiii. n\ , I v been carrying on a " truierve," .-arefully noli, inn tin' .niijl. s u I di Ib ,1 i,,ii and the dis- ta tuiv. ill ,1 ovi i .this he ha* plotted m In- mind, and when asked where lie is, he reads the map he ha* made on hi* brain, an.l hit \ou km.vv tin result. It is fatal to in i.-riupt a tracker by unnecessary speaking. If d.iubls me call a* to the skill of the lead ing man, and he fuel* that he i* not trusted, m i* i probably confusion will follow. A Chief of Polio*. There is no body nf men more liable to suffer from e).i,n. tii.m the police. Hut a* an example of how they gel rid of their ma'idirs. the tollowiug is . ited : Itreen Is Ian-'. X. V.. I'. S A . l.l- II, IM9 " 1 Slid, ml wild ni-in-.k-i. in llie head, but fonn.l inslain nliel f'oin the appli. -tion id M. .U. "I," Oil, win. h .int.l me. K. 1 IM Ilin^i i . I Inelaf I'olh..- Makes the Weak Strong The marked benefit which peoj.le In run down IT weakened sUte of health derive from Hold's SarsaparllU. eunc-lusiely prove* the claim thai tlita ineillrliie ' ' luake* the weak itroog." It d.i-s Dot act like a stimulant, Imparting fU-titi.'iis strength from which there moat (ullow a reaction at greater weakness than befi.re, but In the nio*t lulur-il wsj Hood'* BanapiirUla overcome* That Tired Feeling create* an :i|.|*tite. purifies the !:". and, In short, give* great bodily, nerve, mental and digestive strength. 11 1 derived very much benefit fff ll Hood'f BanaparilUi, wliieli I t'k lor general debility. It built me riglit iijp, and gave me an exrel- lentaupelin- ' Fi>. jKNKiMt.Ml.isivacv.Md. Fagged Out ' last spring I was completely fagged out My *lrei:t:tii lelt me and I felt u-k ;mu n.:v erable all the time, so that 1 could hardly attt-i:.i t.' my I.MMIIMS. I took one bolt!* of Hood's 8ai:ii'.'iri!ia, aiid it i-urtil u>e. There i* tiiithiiiK Ilk.' it." K. C. BEOOLZ. Editor ' Re.li'ville, Mich. . ,uiti,nii and gel at It, II..! lie I nwel. ouin.-kle in..-. Ill n s'lii,! ane, vt II..IM-- 1 in auld or voiin^; ihu time Willies surprise hail risen lie) on.l meanuir. He could only *it and stare at David - ralmues* in wonder. " Wt-el, I'.inv id,' at lengthhe lenntikud, " I'm indeed -m prised an' veiled tae hear ye -jK-.ik 111 that manner, I think ye mn In get till' ane ye lute divently awa before ye think o f.'llin li.-i gathae. " Weel, answered Dauvid, " I dinna ser h."> that wid make any .litTerence. How ever, I was ju*l nitendin to howk a hole in the yard lh:s afternoon, an' pit her in i. Willie. I i.inn.i ---II her nou, folk* are *ae tii. l I >.. nml In. mi ' ' .Tied Willie, " da.' ye no think black l.uruiu'*haiiie o' yournel' lae speak tae me i that maim, r, au' ye au elder .. the kirk. Ma certte ' a is. nun elder ' Cut I'll not let the nwiter re*t like t bat : I'll awn wer tae. the minister itml gae him an ae -omit o' yer .-nutlncl, y.- mild shameless heaUu n It n time he kent what aort o eld , Ii. ha*, and wi' that hf not at thediNil. The manse w it- almot twit hunner yaird* tine l>u\ id's sae Willie wits na lan^ gettm l here. The iniiiiNier w linn comin', and, inei'tiii^' him iit the doomaiil- '\\i-ll Willi.tm, what's the matter? Ilieie i* surely something wrong when you are in *n. Ii a hurry." "Ind.-ed, v. may say that!" exclaimed Willie. "There'* something wrang, Mid <vi in wrang. 1 wi*h ye wid cam awa ower i .,- 1 1. . n v id lirnut'*, for 1 think he's gaun ml o' hi* judgment. " "I wish you would explain yourself, Wil- lie \\bal is wrang with Oavid?" "Weel, ye st-u, his wife Janet i* dead. She choked hers. T thn.iigh ihe in.-bi, an' I was cent for tao gae owei wi the itrauctin' U.KI.I Weel, when 1 gaod in, naturally ex p., tin 1 tae see Oauvi.l man.! broken-heartml judge ' inv sui |n i*e, wh u he began tellm' me he hail the t Inn lit of untiin' another wife a* so.. u as |>HKiUe in fact, he ha* hi* e'e on luie already ; au' whan 1 telt him he mi, lit aye get the ane he had awa tint, od, if the man didn t tell me he wad pit her in a hole in the yainl, if he ooulilna sell her. Itut he'* deim-nu d ; hi* grief ha* turned his In am, 1 think." " David's wid- dead: idwerved the min- ister. " I'm inn.-h luriniiwil th.it I have not In .nd .<f it ln'f.11.'. and me so near him, too. Hut stay a little : I'll get my fat and go along with yon." and I'll awa and get some get ln-rlal.1 out in .1 reipeclal.le and I'liris tianlike i, ui. n. i. llauv id cocked hi* lugH ai thi, and amM, Stranchin' boord fora coo ! Lay her oot in a I Ii rial tan like manner ! What on ainl . dins the man mean *" ijuo >i. . What dac- 1 mean !" i i.-d Willie : "yer ife lying deid in here. ,ind you hae the im- pudence to peer what 1 mean !" "Mv iie died ! Hae y_e ta'en leave o' yer ense* a'thegilher, man"" I'm afraid there'* aomc initake here," said the minister. " Is yjur wife dead, David'" I. ind U-lliankit, no, sn ; at least she wasna twa hour* sy tie. And where i*he v " Od, -In- gaeil awa ower tae her britii. i '-. Ye iee, Nelly, the dwhter, that was waitm' on the Uly/cam hame. The lady ' d.-ed, an left N.-lly x hunner iiomid-, m ' met gaed awa ower tae hear all the new-. Hut wha nent >< her.' wi 1 the boord V .|UO Dauvid, tun, ing tae Willie, w ho wai Kcralching his head and lookin' a wee foolish. "O.1, IV-ter lw cam up tae the shop this iiiornin." and lelt me . wat wi' the UK.r.l, a.i v>' '""' ""' l wl * "*"' ' ow '- " Did he -..y Janet was dee.1. Willie " N.I, Ii. .iidna jist say that, when I mind : l.nt ,.f course 1 thocl it could be no othei U.-'v " I ite*- it a' noo,' .-rii-d Ihtuvid, f in' into a chair loarin an' laiig'nn' "Low wa* ower in ic llu- Morning, an' 1 wan t.-llin him alN.t th.- deeth .' a .-oo, and the mgue han guen and made a gnwk ' |: Willie ,,ei ill. heed ,i I Did it never -trike you, Willie that this IH the I HI ..' April'" "Never until tlin minute,' excUimed ; Wilhc. "Wed, that ooo' the gowau. j Ol, he ha* sent me on a gowk'* errant and in. mistake." "lioo.1 bye, good-bye, "cries the minister, funiiin, oot o' the door, and they heard him lanclnn' a' the way tae the manse. "Weel, Willie, "observed Dauvid, afler Ihe minuter had left, "ye hae done me man guid than onything 1 hae got thi* while But diuua look sae he*l>i.-li, m-.n ; there's na hann done. I'm thinkin] o' gaun ower lae Janet'* bnthei's, an' xe II awa ower wi' me and see Nellie. t>d, it'* hard tae say wham a blister may licht ; he's worth lookiu' after, IKH>, my la.1." After 1. .me coaxing, Willie consented lea gae wi him, for he had a saft side tae Nellie, and waana ill to penuade. On the road. Hauvid wid stop every wee bit and ejaculate. "Strauchin' noord for a coo' lUcency and On islianilv ' an' syne roar M if he wa* gaun into n tit. At last W illie telt him unleu he'dcompoee hinim-r, and alo not *ay a word ahoul it when they gaed tae the ho<*e, he wanna gae amther tit. AtUat llauv id promised to say naething alwot it. When they got there, Willie was puzzled what tae due w i' the lioord, for he hail br. vh : it wi' him, a* it wa* abit on the road hame, However, he got it itnugglcd in ahint the door, an in they wiul. \Villie got a hearty welcome fra theauld folk*, and a kind glance frae Nellie, so he aoon felt himself at hame auiang them. After they had got their dinner, and Nellie and \Villic cloee thegither i' the cor- ner, wi' her hand in his, the servant laatie ram riiinin an'cryin," " O, niiitre**, wha'* dee.1 ? wha'i deed T" " U-e.l : Ixwh, bless me, lauie, there'* uaelmdy deed. What make* ye *peer that'" " Kecau* 1 waa ahint the door for the Iweom, an' there'* a strauclnn boord theie, an' ye ken there's nae u*e for it unless some- hoily deed Hy this time their atlenuon wa* drawn toward* Dauvid, who w twistm' in hi* chair, wi' a face like a nor west mime At last he bunt oot wi' a great roaro' lanclnn, ' an' *creeld and yelled until they thovht he ,-t.nlv k. n ii mail. After he w,n .ible to apeak, he i-rie, "Oh, Willie, Willie, hae mercy, n' let me tell them, or 111 Inn-t. " Tell them, an' he hanged tae ye, ay Willie i' t lie pd "and well tell them the noo' for the'll liar o't at ony rate.'' Weel, after Dax id had telt them the Mtorv, ye could hae ltd them a' wi' a ntrae, an Willie hiniM'l caught the infect um. and Iain-lied a* loud as ony o' them. Willie left lor hame, wi' mony Kind mvi- tatniii* no tae be a stranger amang them, which he took every advantage of, for he wa* there four or five time* a week, and at last got Nellie for a wife. He'* inn. in Dundee in a Ing way o' daeiu', an', frae ' accounU, Nellie * sax hunner pound* ban doubled list-It by this time. His "UHtomen are kometiniM kiirpriied when they have occasion tae gae for ihe strain Inn boord, tae sac Willie turn red i' the lace, an' Nellie fa in tax lauchin ; but he dinna ken what you an' I ken. "Woll," >d Mm. Mctiudcly, after her visit to a notable social event. " 1 have heard about society showing each o.her the cold shoiib lei. hut from the way ome that 1 saw were dreued 1 didn't wonder at their shoulder* b*>ing chilly." Worn Out Hood's Sai.ii>.irUU restored me to good health. Indeed. 1 nut:! I viy truthfully it -.n,. I my life. To one feeling tired and worn out 1 v .mid eaiueslljr remmmeud a trial of Uood'sSanaiurilla." MM. PHBB*Mo*)U, 90 Brook* sun t. Ea*t Btton. Matt. si. If you decide to take Hood's Sana- meed to buy ;n;;tliiiigela Instead. iMMuponliavlng Hood's Sarsaparilla l>r . I. Ilixilli CO . Apt>U>w,Mir>. Lowell. MaM. :OO Doses One Dollar His Unbiased Views. Willie'* competition on i>ap i worth Ho writ* : "Soup is kind of slut? m id,- inti n o look- iMv -.tkfK :.!.. smell L',""i .>ml tas'e awful. ^.f i ! always utate* the wont*. mi yu gel it in \.rnr eye. My father uy* the K- kimoM .(..n't never use uap. I with I wa "August Flower" How does he feel ? Ik- feels cranky, and is constantly cxjicri- menting, dieting htmst-lf, adopting strange notions, and changing the cooking, the di-lu-. tlie hour*, and matiticr of his eating August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? He feels nt times a gnawing, voracious. in..iti- able appetite, wholly unaccountable, unnatural and unhealthy. August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? He feels no desire to go to the table and a grumbling, fault-finding, over-nice- ty .ihout what is set before him \A hen hf is there August Flower the Remedy. How d<M* he~fBel ? He feels after a nfn-11 of M* abnormal appe- tite an utter abhorrence, loathing, atul detestation of food : as if a mouthful \\ouKl kill him August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel? He has Ir- regular bowels and peculiar sU>ois August Flower the Remedy. (S All in the Trimming. Tin- modest honewife row who Her lni*l and - word i* law, Begin* to trim ala* '. once more Last season'* hat of itraw. And then, all through the Summer in. While she is gaily iwimnnng, Her hn*hand toil* and slave* to pay Her little hill for trimming. SUacobs $ $> CURES PERUANEMTLr ronatism CIATIEA I 11 Ache JT IS THE BEST

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