Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1891, p. 5

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THE ADVANCE. O A / v ', <>t i K J. OF GEO. MITCHELL, FLE3HBRTON. Drafts <SMM a*.|.:li Manet !> S * b II>M iiek>aad at sal the empty wai>>. Many vUaj,rrs win saw the mi pruceesinst M it long, und were "usi ti" MM jolru, G. D. obliged to turn away their beads to hide i the emotion. <fc Co'. DR. SINCLAIR M !>., M, A., L. C. P, 8.0, M. C. P S. >L The Scottish Specialist, TORONTO. Sfccia) it ! T ttot -. 1 f U of il:- llrun ami Nrt. AIM! UtMMxw u( \\>ii ni: \\>ii pni: Treated *jot>fu;l. HMMtarV Liu..l. uvi - vtter |wu litu:>U ulv itoiw t UK 1 cr. i-rt. f. i >M > .r.O ! iT.ffH f ,r ': it th t>-mvl -o .:- ( eoui>uiu|>uuei. l>r Sinclair i ur.d ui*. ' Vn< JlarT Fun-.. \ioo.lhi>.ie. av: U Iwo all othr Ullv<l. Ur Siucluir cured IIM >.f nt. \V McDon.l.l. Ij^^ttclJ. >.i^ -Or Sinclair < urvd UMf rtrrh ' . .! H:\rth-. n\f T>r Siniliu l H.1--.I b.u ; 'U>wieitil<>ro|>iiy.Bb<-u all Dr. r f oa 1> DH. SINt LA IK \\11.I. I'.K AT >rur.l.iv. April IHJk. Vicinity Chips. !i .r.i.-lr n- 1,. . ..I Tir P.i- >, , rarrfully 4'ullrd fttr HMT 4 unvns. At the cattle fair <m Muuday about a J. >re bead were ffervd TV*! whtcli v ere suld .i't .in 14th April. l$th alt mvitrd tu m^ tjlef'r tpnuf and u( Smart Boy Wanted. Ti Wni the [irintin^ huaineu. have fairly ?J eUnca'.i'ia. Apply per- oeially t Th Atl\-anc office. Telagraph Poles Wanted. <W p^lsB thirty fet lon^. neven inch tup. Teoden ill b roeived f.r the any i{uatity of lifty <ir U|>- For particular! apply to M, or A M. - . Vnolhrr rouitiiinirHr of Ireia (oo<U. Krecl iw^oi taliou t M. Riehar<1m>B A Co"*. McL'Ui;hrey u thia week two bird* with uiie (tu. In addition to au reiiular duUva h. u i..iij census buaiueai. . Triiuble'a spnn^ millinery open- iii{haa been tUe talk of the town. Such vKjuiaito things am worth trarelliu^ a tuile tu aw. To Horsemea. l*arti.i iwi.ih^ eutire ixirxM sliuulJ re- leiaber that The Advance office ha* the best 5 )< -cti ii >f cud to eUu4e fruoi in tbia sfctioit f country, and if we haTe bat > .a want iu our stock we will i>fJcr it for you. Fifty samplei to -. froui. W'j mk<- a apcotalty of line |.orv_- billa, and urdera by mail will i- . i- ; 4U;a (tc:'ti u. Teat ua. Dirurtora Meaung Kton f Ue Eaot kiii.i,i{ lVtm met in Mmshaw'n hotel >xi M'jii<i*y aftwruun to confer upmi uiatten an>ctint the wnlfarv of th cie4y i'-* tlio I'reaent year. Th'^e prs>t wore : ';>.-. Slcwait. Ks.).. Preatdent : S. IU- inuil-. secretary ; Mr. Kerns, Mr. J. I. Graham. Mr. J.u. Stewart and Mr. NVU> i 'untoii. TUo prize lut waa gone over, but no material cha5 were made. Sfvera! matters regard! n^ '.he welfare of the society were dicuaae<l aad a cou.- uiittm appointed t-i !o.;k iftcr the society's ;uteTCt for tUe present season. he niatall-> A* H<mie was hM s lw iweruben sttcfc ,-iieaU as they fancied limited of courM The result wu 0110 of the most pleasantly >|>et vmini{s eer spent in their ball. MMal ciii' cliat, wnk pr'iv.,kin^ zaniea and general go eaay (tarada with splendid ordwr, made every one hapi y. After suoli (tluaaautry aa inuht have betMi eipected. dc*ira: liav.c waa made <.f theo.rfee, aai,-iw>cliat and caka, all oraiae tu ttiv C-...K,. II (< they wo mill liave adi'ther opportunur. Th* after part o( ,t wu likewise ^-. -I Tb wtng by Umn. Bovcroft. Bellamy and Larse. tJwson-? iy Miaa Ur<j and the instrumental ry Misses Chrst.ns and Lrt-itch were reaiJy amateur excelleiicier. Tins jr'..tty b gradually increaain^ in numbers and mliiiily. Cixii ac<l *e us. < r luarf of aaibi tkrvct Irom th.- Monirt-al fartoiy reouived Uu wrk a M 1... bardicn A Co'*. Wall paper* anil <: il-.iux Jecun Emjl.sli. A-^rkau and ''ua.iuii. An iw ui-u4 -t'jck. >V rest detigna jot in at U. ' XMosrdsnsj a '.Vs. Personal. .Mr.S Damudc attended the meeting of Pntdi'V-i.-rv at Otannevtlle .-n TueaUay. The Advauce 'i.t-1 i [<lea3aiit call on Tuesday fn-ui the popular reev- I R Li-:i.l.irr^i.-r. has #lO.OtO private fuinii t. IciMiuii tain iiaurtteaKfa itUiu UM uvxt few ii<.mth< At i>-at current rate*. Xu ouuuiiia- lout, no lieWya. i-xpviiK* low. Apply at otltcv in Markdalu dumii; tl*e week or at Uuudalk orticc on Saturda\-a. A Burglary. A week ajjo Sunday, while the family of Mrs. Thompson, Ur<>kliill, uu uW west back hue, were at ctrarch. their ' rM<d.-i>or a< W-< A4 into aud about 9100 iti tey stolen thrvfr<5sc. Entrance was gained (ty a window. Miss L*>l*e Thowipeuii teachea school iu the St. ne settlement, and sixty-life dollars of the money belonged to her. 51r. S. A. Tkumuaoti u treasurer f tau Kleartertuai Presbyterian Sunday schwl, and tw-nt\ .l-.IUrs of the school ua.-uey walked . tf witli the rest. After ransacking the house tlie thieves sat dowu to a pw festival and had a suni(>tuuua repast. u.i clue. A* will be noticed elaewherv. .Mr. iitxlur liultoj:, (Mi .<l Ai<ueaia'a you- iiu-ii. waa wedded on Wednesday, April I. It waa abal day to chooae fora retldmir, but we Uuat that ncithwr of tliu |rties ooncerued will hi id it waa only an -April fo..L- Thiii^e are ''huMpiny" theinselva ii the slatiuu 'Ims line just uu. Mr. D. i and Mr. Croasley are butK husl- or paaM-ngwra. One luu (lie cx|reM. ' ih* iAr tao mail contract for three Months, aud so far att appearance* go g* axe about "eeu up.'' Potatoes Wanted. Tin- lushest price paid f <r any quantity of good sound Mt<*ichaiitiiule potatow \V. H . TriHibk?. 1't f*rrC the iu lliun-T ^leuiin; Jays, UusWay aud Tuaa'ay urtt. at .M. Iliehardaon A IV s. Cooto aa4 ae tie ihow, ladie*. all welcoin*. The Cullini-wiiod Bulletin man make* a MM! wail becauae the CU-tk ot Caprey (wvuship aill not fuinish Inui widi prt>- deeding* of the c-'tiicil, aud coiupUmn (hat the mu'ute* foi l.ut year havu 'lot bttttJi print xl. T!K> Kullvtnt u wrung. The iuiuuU-4 have bt-eM [>nnhnl they were completed l.^t wet-k. At i-.r '.he lerk frnishms{ a rv|i.>i> t,. the bnliotni. i mo do not iin.t.'iiif that the p>plo of (N | tjtf) aill take him secvrt-ly t<> taak for J (hat, as IM duett not ^et p.tid fur it. The BlUr*'" i* out of ita Udtudc. anyw.iy. wkeii it Urw4 to cultivate l>*prey iu tint way, .iu J h.>!J remain at buiuu and mind its own Uuinu. A nice litlk.- April I joke wa perpe- tra*<Ml "n 0110 of our reapectod citizens Ua* Wwliieadiiy. Mr. 11. left a wa<ou j at (he sawmill <k TueatUy evening. The ' w.-^oii waa nicely toadcd with tin* picked ' l^ii'S!* intend. 'il fur kindling. (.Wi Wed* ncsdiy luornin. Mr. H. haruwatl Ina KiM.ii.iii(e aJkd, j r *^.H.K-.l for hi* precmua loatl, but wpoaarrixin,; at the will, be- liold,(h Vuud waa ^oiie. The matron waa theiO .!i tady (o In- rclo^sW. Wit the o l^in^i. nUtfli were watt ully cullod the I lay In-fore. WJl been apiri(et) away tti | ^race aouie othet uMi/^n'a w KiUlu-d. Mi) Mr aoirow full* wiulcU bis .iy. homeward Church News. There have been baplunia in the Me(hodiat aud liaptikt churche* the paat two Suiuiays. Two weeks a,M four wero bapciaud iu the Mth>tiitt m.iiiiier in that church, and last Kabbath vixht rv.vived the ordinance xf haptisiu in the ilaudst church. Kv. Mr. Cummin**, of Leith. officiate*! in the latter case aud Kcr. Mr. T. >n,v ui the f-i IJKT Sut.l iv eek over sixty |<<pl, younj; aud old, were acceptea in full connection iu the KU-jhriton Mathodist church, as a reuU <if the late revival. Her. Mr. McLcod haa charxo of (Ue Prtuliyterian church in Kloauerton peiul my uther arran^emeiKa. Kev Mr t'u-aley, jr , of \r,.Klstck, will tins weik take -UAri.e ot the Riptist circuit here, left vacant by remoT.il ot Rev. T. W:it vn Th.* may not Ui a permanent arrangement. Mr S. IVtiuutle retumed fr.-ni (l,o PreaUli-ry uievtiiij at I Ir.m.-t-i i : n I'ucsU.iy e\eniiio. In cn\er-a:iO!i with Thu Advai ce lie s(t-?d that the IVcshy- toiy Live granted aep.irati.-n lvtei-u M.iU l^U- mid Kleanortou ch*i-^--, (u take place imiiiediately. ArrnniffinenU h.uc b-ii made for a regular supply K ic. Markdalu was not roprvaeiitvd at the i'os*bytery me tin.,' in any way. Ladiva, ha _vu vn the b*autifi I thing* winch Mrs. Trunblo sltuws (hit year in the way uf millinery ' If not, why not ' Installation. The Son ,>f Temperance installed their oth'cera on Y\ cdn>-*d.<y eveiiuiit lust. The olficvr* cl*ct for tlie uii.-nt (U.irtct were: for W. P , Miaa Clinsloc ; W A , Mis* WM X 'h ; K. S.. Ed. Leiuh : A. I: ^ IVtt Smith . K. S N., Larvo ; Tn.-. K. lUker , Chap., Win. Irwiu , Conductor, Lena Largo ; A. C , Kd. TUoinpaou : 1 *i..J u... Bradley <> S.WUL Bellamy Thl>. (i. W. p'. Uu.. .1** M.H re, duly them. :vuist>.-d )>y Bro. Kkm, aa Mr. 'iuWt M_K<c!inie. the newly elected member ;u the Le^isUtnru i< r S"u:ii i irey, toi'k kis seat on M mday. Mr j-.hn Wi.kitMton. "f Wlland. is wilk is once in re. H* w :'\ ..versee the manufacture -i buut &&X) rih uf staves. Mr. J on (.uclmsl h;u reuiuvetl his family from 'he Picked farui tu tin* sti- t.oii. wliorv be Kas a house and lot, ami will reside there- hciicet- rlii. Mr. B. (J. Evnns is visiting this weak at St. Mary*. 1 C is rumored that lie wil 1 brin.; home a se-.- Mid partner in bomess. 1 . r ; articular* will probably be ^iven eit w-.-k. Mr. J'.hn D.ivia proposes learius our midst in a tew weeks for the western State*. "Jack's" many fneuds wish him t>r<si>enty and will welcoate him hoots) about Christmas tune. Mrs. Robert Kawcett returned from Detruit oil Mouviav last. Mrs. Kawcett, > while there, waa under the car- of a ' physician f * a% affection of the eyas, from whom she luu received relief. Many friends were glad to welcome Mrs. Fawcett home a_-ain fr-nu her lengthy s>-jurn in Use city of the stra.ta. 4r d-:ni-i;i Parliament. Win. Clayton,Boot and Shoe dealer, has a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Over- Shoes, Felt Boots, Trunks, Arc. ; new goods, and sell- ing cheap. Homemade boots on hand and made to order. Repairing promptly attended to. The rv&ralar mwihly meeting "f Arle- me.->ia s Uiwnship Parliament convened in tke Town Hall n Monday last with ad the members in their places. It wa a '.'iu session antl oidy oante to a close a* the shades uf uiiilit came down aud rendered tiling* obscure around the Council board. There were two ,-r three small deputation* present daring the day. Aiu.'ii,- tluuu > inlerv.cwed the Coun- cil on vaiioua matters were Mr. Wm. H .,-. ui ToronUi, Mr. Wailiig J J. W. Vimstion/. tn-asurer. aud o'herf. Tae clerk liaiided in the fullowinvE ooainiunicatioiia : Kroni Jona- than Latituar, |>atliuia*ter, re shovel iii,' stiow ; trow Jan. Wat*, n and other* r statute kb<, Pruwville . certificate from K. black, re temporary bridge ou town lu*c Artemnsu and Protou . report of contmittee rw Markdale nun resident lands : fri'in Mayor uf Oraogevitle, re railway deputation (> lUtaaa. A<xunta were taad from W, J. Bellamy, f-ir tpjartei's salary. SC.J<> : from Wm Clayton. <>ud fur town ball. .'."4' The a'ulitois' <|itarterly sta(saent shuwed balance .'I Jl.'.iH'" ' r -' t.> the credit of t ic to* ii*hij> o<t A|>nl 1. Moved hy <!. Tlionipami. seeouJed by P McMillan, tliat in reference to the accuuiit o: : Jonathan Latimvr this Council cannot cnterUni n s the law re|-ett.u^ statute I.iS.1- allow* |Wfs>insj<euini{ snow roads pay "U tlieir next year's labor un< u w..rk to he dnie. Ciirriexl. Moved by U iu. Mia' p. scoikltKl by <! Th.ipaun, that tlie loll, aiux awutints 0k paid To W. J IWllmny. .ne ijuaitei a salary as cWrk to first April, wood for tow naliip hall. 9J.30. Carried. Moved by I). Mc.MilUn, seo-nded by Tho*. Kells, that the ;tttioii of WilUam M;td4 an.) others be referrvtl to a >iu luitut- com|K>Mi ot the Keeie and Mr Sharp to report upun liio saiue at tlw next siievdnij of this Council Carried ' Moved by Th"s. Kells, s>cu*old by W in. Sharp, that the tuditoia repuct aa finally audited bv conuntttee of Ui \>'-JUB- eil be ;do[-t.'d. Caille.l Moved by Th". Kella. seconded by IV McMillan, that Mr. J nine* rta*ltc and N1-. U. J, Spr -ule. iUiUt,>ts 'ut tbis ' maiiici|ality for the ><.r !-''!, W paid the *utn >f e.^lit dollars each f. r *crvn-ca rendered, and that the Uueve Moae Ilia order r-r payment of >aaae. Carried. i-d J>v <l Th ni|a>.|i, seconded by \V. Sharp, tbat the Reeve iatue his .-rder *.''.). beini; Artemeaias Jiara f temporary bridge "n t-i-; S.ii ^n ..n town hue betweeu Arteirienia and r*r<jton. Carried. V- -. ed by T - .*, weomied by Thosn;n. that the ward appt^jirt- i' .1 for the cnrrvnt year l*.l. be aa follows : Ward X.-. 1. ?**> wani N 2. #-.W . ward NO .:. *_',->O ; ward No 4. f^UU. Total I*W. And (his rusi.lutioii sliall uut prejudice Uie ^iviu^; uf a larjer amount for Ike purpusw of luipruiin^ roads >lxMikl circtiaiatance adiHK -ji so C.tn by Ueo. Thompson, wcundud y W' SJiarj.. tliat upou certtticate* of of road commissioners the Reeve u hereby authon/wd to issue che.|ue* for |*ymnt uf road jobs during L*l. C.arried. Moved by ThoH. Kells, seeonde.! by D. McMillan, that bylsw No. 473, a* amended, app. lining pathmastera, [Mjsuid- keepers and fencvviewers fr the rear !*.'!, be read a third tune, sealed and eii^rv-aactl in !'_vla Carried. M.ed by IV McMillan. sec-iHled by Wm. Shar--, that the petition of James VVtou aud other* lay on the table until! the nrit meeting -i thin Council Car- ried. This bemi; all oi the biuiuess the Council adjourned. Sprlnic i.>'/. - (Contm.ietl frm last week ) (iardiuer vs. Kneud. Parties live near Tlionibury. Action brought by Mrs tijrdmer for dauiaxes foi altered bn-ach uf an axreemeiit to nine aud properly clothe and k.vp. \-c. . her dau-jhter. The uirl lived witiitlie det-n.Unt f r several years. Jwdijtuent for DefeiMiant. Ceo. M'.tvrly fur Hltf. ; Lash y. C.. and LHre for Deit. Spencer v<. McLellnud. - Action and counter-action f.-r slauder. Parties lure in Sullivan. Plaintiff claimed $10UV daina<<ra. Jinl^etiivnt for Plain titf fur $TiO. Kilbuurn Jk Kilbouni for Plff. : Fruat A McKay f it Deft. Woodman vs. Hunt It will be re- nieinbered that ai tho su^estiun of the .)udi;e (Iw* pardes withdrew from Court for the purpose of endeavoring t esVct a settlement, v^ret ineiit arrived at where- bv the Phvnit:rti Lucy W.mdiuan and Th,. Hunt receive,! x.Vlt ^etcher. ,>. C .and W. r.i.>l.oj. f r IMtf*. ; Lash. V? C..an.l l\vrv fi-r Urft. KilU'Urn vs. Mauley. Action on an agreement fir the a',e of the Mauley farm. Consent verdict fur Plaintiff ; i Defendai't t" have three months to re- ' deem. \V \. Iliahop fur ''Iff. ; Maaaou ' Jt Muavn fur IK-it. Dvan vs. I>ean. Partiea lne in St. Vincent. Action brought by the admin- { ittrxt.-r I tin- estate of the late Anne i Mii'a IV. iu against his brother for hav- niK taken pusas*i..Hi and contr.il of .ill th* chattels. IVlVnce Chattels were U'U^ht aud i-aid f> r ("ae adjourned to Chancery sittings in Aiinl. Creasor and Skinner fur Pltf. ; Kn*t A Mac Kay f.. t I'. :l **'s-.n vs. Huron 1 Middlesex Km Insurance Co. Plamtilf lives in K^ie- inont M.d sued for insurance uioney on a barn and saw -mill destroyed by tire, j'ld.-i-niem for Plnintitf for J. \\ Telfvd for Plrf. aid for IVtts. H-vd v. J. P McCULLOUGH, <j OfHrr. rr Mrt-iirlnnii'* More M. irk d. ill-. Mon. > tu I. ii. i ii. tfanls. John W, Armstrong r CI.E11K COM\: H ' B " ' :i*-f -.- jf .1J. I- \|.| I P B. * .4. SMI*, Jlum.yt.jJ,* ~>ui>itt term. I MI KM .. MAI.:. L1CK.NSKS. NUTIHY PL HI. 1C. MO.NKYTOLOAN. TU Undersigned bas a Larg Amouat of Money to Lon at 6j o OS TOWJI OH K.UU* ntOl-KRTl . DAHVDB. Futon; W. J. BELLAMY ,. V V; ' i '.V I >.< _\\'ER, < " . 1S8UMASCM AVT LKAfcW. * ,. rp| ... uaw. Iu.ur u , i .a.t- . lloav i u DR. CARTKR. M.C.K A S. . II>T. -IKca.V OfUc*. Strain', bluck. Ra*i.l*a<M. J G K.iwel'e DBS. SPROULEftEGQ MAKKLULK ONT 0ce :- W n nl.-- Drue 1 > i -KOL-I.K.MD..U- l -i; h. fouadat i K* J, P. OTTEWEU, VETPRINAKT sraosov. (hicanv V.c Co|; ne . of Lcitrn % Jlo* Joor >oatb 6 op. flrutistn,. J. P, MARSH. Ill, L. .!*.. H. i, j*. u r x j . , Visits Mark.lale the 1st and SrtJ \ . ,;, day of each mouth 1 !eshcrt..ii each trip un the day : , u _ Drrr-K. SUT Pt^-i .,,. m Bi iu>i^u. I,.M TMI KM >, O OFK1CK. Faoaf. SOCIETIES- ONS TKMVKHVNCm.-T> . Ur k l*,.v>. , Hll *,. . ., ,.. it; VW. TBMH.A1W OP TK*. trrv I H, in SfWOWSW'ttlosa t V I" - Ill^ir*!!^,. UUH.M MIOIIthK. th- < . v K A H UitlNrK VHTH1.R ,. IF V M. ut.i-t 10 Iho VMUOIC .._,, was.Jj..uriicd till neiavW.^-k FlwOMrtua. vr> Kri.a> ..n . i.'..ih r rull:iou:.. W I Kvllaniv W XI 1, W

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