Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1891, p. 6

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THE PfflA DONNA. IIAI'IT.K \V|I Klin, I. I < U. ! JWIu H win: hug an ! !ls,sbing in the n > MI light down U'liiw. and that 1 mi^ht t.ikf the liel advantage ol tin-in, and IHMIIIVI- even, as 1 t-,,,d then-, that a hllle lilei 1 should IN- bnn^iag tluR In^rsjin iU- vn-tiin Iwk again to miseiv. I -aw the Till 1MII i wU tbrasi e e4 the wiuer for an instalil, then drawn down a^'iin by the Ul U^. ve%e>U y Wl'sk t', :ual, iud 4i*.U*- tol-Ol- 1,1 We sill.l,,- widilpool as It slicked Jr.ftia ;i y .c.-i tl i- atiou. U>et>rte> fabaut tlwalmt-ai-et m tk<- bridge, l might ,- - uoik.'i-v: . ion. i "rfu?>tr-iir ol tin- c-vslly Imve followed it there and never ve> ruuf ^iiighs,to.al,-li, liirnthe,' a^aui, but knowing that my UiUi-lu.-p . ' fir ;.-ilily in sha I. : Ih'i ' cl*nm-s mdil o.- mitl.nn in tliat ulml- i,eOi|e.l<ul.e -h-ntli,'r,*clion, lhe f-ill, the pool, I lonk.-d, 'nsteatl, to K.ST when- thai nVlr:i .-i , ^ , , ( .;. . , Miliiini- ol w-iti-i ,is throw ee mole to ,' i. imliie-. iud .nee the sm !,i, , and leoiM-d ah I.H toward it as oomptet*. I aanliw-i, even wiih pus-iible, thtt 1 might un el tin l>ndy where -xplaln > n.e tlie thcfp wsslirtter hojie wln-n it came up again. ' It tuny have IM-I-M only a iiiuin- -nt of sanity which took pos.s.-.-miiin of nu . or the i iilnnr paiwion of humanity for a tun-- controlling ,. gn i' ilneovi-nes of -he liallHlillsnioli ol to tin- t-v f is iii ot .,.inn >l to the ear, vibrations, >l u,e ttiiiospln-rt-. by inlinlteeimal . I , marvel, now, .f if man to my mm In. i philosophy ; but , ul leant, there inr.uuri- the und-.iUtion ual pi-tdi;. cs a ray was nothing in all this mijy;esiing a deiro of, inlet ligbl I'i7len -nulli Mitlnof nun- Inn to f dlow ult.-r i. it her thu cull back. b-ng'ii Audi in won h i iv ,-t t'.i- ii|>e: mn'y Tlie miHiiil-itht thoiixh it gleann-d in n, iud thai ha* pent-It tied the detail* heart les U-anty on the agony ill thai MI till it has counted, with ulinntpii- bu.aiid pool, aided inn a* 1 sank beneath .1 v *-J'i billions of those ilid'i lhe vvntii and down in tin- depths of the i. i second nl time, -.up-- .In , .ip.,n Arnn 1 saw tin- biy >w iftly di iftinu pint the eve lhe etk- I ,.n i ! s- nit) "t i :: ,1. 'i, , ,.- me. I clutched it for lite or d" ith, and with violet. I an even snr.le t* I i-call the , otn it. tieing to the -urf i strut k out fiercely iiion -..-use in mv fall <'- r -int and timely against lhe mad Am theshore. warning " N'-vet ei ill eyniir bed -n vonr An e,ii;ei t lit, nit ii id , ai licit-d on the river t,rrikfant to your .irt : f- picinents ar-- not lep- lielo-v tin- 'iiilje. w hen. at bvtt, I HM,M - i ... din gained thu landi, /. and bore i, in triumph i,,. r ui . t .. ,,i! 1 t o tin- sttot-t all. iv.- Tln-rc tht tnn-oini -ions unu i .n'.ij t-,-0- -hei that tin- ' o,l> whit h 1 bad i -.- ,- , u- la dloramoment hir| ii , ousand strii.,' v ...pt in time n|nin a marble slab bv the <-inbankmriit (",, ri ; I' vi 'he won- wall Drippinf -lid Miiver.ng in the reac .|ei' i [.it- ,1 tin- M. iliil. r i. HI-, but tile ti'iti, 1 watch -d il I'm i in nt and, luor- realilyof the lost -inlet if w-,i, h 1 thought, bully curious t-i we i; '.lie dining woman had It w ts not the pin! - ipnv o! It all. lot tin- it:-;i;|\ u -n-ili .1 ii. depi i\ ing Life of one I lie iiioUoiileMtigii liair aw.iv from the nil. I In-lit t I t- (ui- ..IIL- tin- l i i^le. iliKt. iless fa, .-. v l .11 ol ll ..... V ,-IHII^ ' l.iMMIOIS. Little more di I 1 noli- of tin- lliiong alxmt ';-, till siiddilcnly a v.,:,i- with aiithorily ray of viol. 1 . ,,,i|,| sUKxl over . < . ini.i-d with all the ! ,icil : .oloi-. Mv pride ami 1 Li tlie Mfbit-w Hc'C'i !. .lib. when In- .Ii- ,,vei.-d that hf h;i 1 not -iii. strength Iftt ,n mm 'o lilt tl.r mils- i.-- ,f ins own tight arm, I looked but ci.uld -aid ; ll.it o.U:igUlli one il-im lin- -Ithel "I'lll lie! m-Iintly into inv . a: -| I ,gi -. " . :-i..iiuiig 'if in> -. ii'.my i In n 1 |.,,.ke.| u|- M'ini stu.,,1 IN-!.,.! in". Tins WM, the vn lory I my " Morning. " - ainily she li>ok, I int , mj e_i .- -,.i i-- in K.-K-l'y I bemoiiif 1 m\ iii-.lplesMu-.su ; b-.l r.t, lln-ii sib-ntlj p.li.'uig toll-- n.otlon the frown of r'st- did not sofimi t-> ny n.y 1- :t>rin tluit l.n M ,,n , -<li- Mini- ; nulls of the gods ! - ..' -Mid i-il aws) io pre|wie iiei caring;. ! ., ,-IM- slowly lull gnud exceedingly small -vi-n- tu from ready to release the man. '. i ;rnn that laid torture*! betw.t-n 'b I, l idg, of the uplM*i .ind Met hei t,; MII , one wlott 1 would be. whirling IP "s Imy .tilate me : lhe -itl.et wli it ' -h.i'l.l lie. molt, >n!i - in the grip it ;ln- , -,,- il.le- tl ng, iiimii^ Us shar|MMi, >nlv exil errors of time m-i i tui, uf eternity 1 sl*xere,| ir:nn 'In- 'i-l 1 -, I,, .; 'he diK.r liehind IM- ind throv in^ '!n- kev into of dust, lying in the > nlm . .iling garliage wagon to 'H.I v it in the 'leil - Arno I . i> i liappv oour'nAi -U.MI ,-d in.- I .i-.o^i; , viete yolic. Many mig.'t'"''' ''''- ' Ii id ton. i.i many it pregnant rietW) I na.l ... tin- ntfspriiig. iiiujlii with ixiiuiibililies, hod boon Bajonticed v -'- .u.i-idlu,_ -, ,f III" II |blt|-i||, A golden oppo, ti:m'-. -h.i' -tud. I me, hiitiuii ji- .. . ,-.-. i t inn- uni mly swim- 1 1 > tend n '.riu-i pi. 1 . uid lab H rd tm, mp.ini MI pi ," > ' U)ioti I -i eawls The ,|,Mir was !oei , d p-e, th m and the kcv |,,i,-v,- blown w in- , n did 1 pn/e my vn-lury after i ' won And thiin the " Kvent.ig uni Morn n,* ' mad" my lust day y victim i IIAI'TKK SV NT vi, TIM ' i lie day wore into m I V> .,, l.'l -I t II. '.I'll. : Xl\. A\ I o., .V - I rilKoe Stiii-e h tnded me mv hal, ilui-w my cloak alt-nit in" mid asked i I nee-led in-- I i In i i--: ' . . .- *- , m.i ll i ic inhftr, Inn :',nolii|,-lv notliuiu iiion -'!! ' m.,1 -i.niMii-1 ., , i. m n itleiwiiid. whin slov ly and w.tli.n 1 .1 .loni.-iiineiit than can l evine- i .1 i:. . ni i , .n i , aim- i,,i-4tbitl 1 wa living i Htrauge 1 : ni, .I,, . name ill i'ati>. I 1 , .v . ... -i foi the iv . r .1 >v iih mono'oi. v rforl IH tin- l.il, vi .ml' im il -v- ,1011 s :.-'..!, .1 : piil|M>r ; mtiiiite .n variety. ;n vir.u-. in v ., e, in HI . ;II||I.T:. anil ill l, us i v -in ..ven '. ill ,...iit ,1 ti, .i-rfi, ... ii or ill vi.. i ni. .noiik : it- Hi , i, -i ;. . of d" t'li : tli- tinnv ' late for all tin- i-ariouv i -sot tin- w i win ' ' I-'roui the me! oU.LH. ' tin- gi - ai BourdoB '-"H in till gl l\ '"'.I'- ' \ollt- !',.:l|e ' , tin ol the i . , r.-vclry 111 the gilded hulls ,.| tin .1. .inn- '-lanille, sei-k what y,-n will ami V,MI -II Im, I it iln-ii- ; IN- it in the way I.-, i.i to I. if" or the mam-nci i-i nl von will tm, I it ever and a!w ty w i , .1,1 d in Hikes. N . s, I wit- in I'm'". M MI- than that I iiwuketn lind myself a champion in that sin : pliin.:in<!. even its I had into the Ainu, headlong ml,, the dovi-ii lhe An, , upon urn -,i M .1 'he night v il l---i depths ol lh Pansim purgaloiy. -u a* I slowly wein'f. HI) w,t) li. L | w- ,-im-., I.MIS ol no menial o- s,<.iin ipon tin- othei -od . l.viu .; skelri.in, sht-k us I L'l-itdiiallv comprehended who I I n, K llni face of mor. ihirkllig ml., th, i . iiei.ibi' wen- my uni oniidingit, hut 1 o ,- looM w ith i il- i MI- nl, -i ' ,,id ev en with nulls. -me t ipri'oc MIS i hlld, wii, i p.. -It. nice is vt ,-ie mv awa) lioui .a. i. ,,-.. .uih li^ure, via' li.-d myself much |,-t, hy some ill-fate, I -Inn! 1 ,li- o\ i (In- features of i d i, n ,> ,mt <lm< ,. mr life when i- 1 ha. A I wa Dross: ,,.- the H n . nhadow I u an :o.-t i . , mix hief, and \el tee.i. mine ,if |. i- i ,.i- lo io .' hoi n. i at the -lln. i' iMi I l I lil.i an ,-tdiiiinnu -pe, t it ,- tml vv it h il! a* some iuanau bt-lng Uurriixl , ,l < ,-.| myhrll. pleaned will, inv own in. ,. .,-us I hud n/il seen so mgoh . - ll-r 'n- ,t tl bguie, ; I only saw th- I,,H in. tin- moonlight Why -I, ,'d I alter it 1 ilo n-t undi-irniaiiil : but, drnwn by i- MII. inslin, I, 1 dehlx .ii-ly iiirnel l- n ,' in time to see i w,,n,. 1,,-tlv uiipped i.. i i he wall ni tl ridfe fron thi si,.n i the al ,ve, ind '. the ,i', i. tint-ill -ip into i IP- i : . olli-n to in us torrent h) tlM'spiin^ iaim>. " A eaicide, " I inuiiei -d. p' - :ig foi a i. -.n till to look into llie 1 1- .'I , I" tli" pit i I li-lllcllli-el lieillK anolse.1 to set- ti-e iv maki- .li.itt ii|Nin mv lale-i -. I, inke -. sion it with in- old name {utvable In ll ,-w. t-ndoi .en ptonrrly. lak It tu a ...ki-i s oilici- . i no know h , ! ,' sn:el\ v ; in- I ,. novvii. n-id tiifio, v> .- , ml y, roocived ,.i .inn- m , .i-.ii it- : o . v ,' lit:. I i-ia u.li-uiH'l) ml, i ,111, 1, u -tiiiuvltoi ,tuiit-, IIMI, in ac, ,i p.Miyii- :, !) i-ii -di. I , sllel resorts of mi<|-oiv j I lmiine>,r dreamed v. . ri- pus- I more and more what it was that I had lout I for which I must tie so persistently smi uhing | in such vile retorts, ever, like those about Hie, growing more wretched, more desperate, more iiiutarablu, till one diy my eye* fell j upon the announcement of an on.-ra in which the renowned prime, donna, UUe. Withei-i niimi von Sli-inlierg wan aiiiioiinceil to sing. Then, suddenly, it came to me and I knew it all in thu i i ilead of horror 1 waJ search- ing for a balm that should heal an aching wound. In In II I was seeking HOIIIU power- fnl caustic that should burn from me I tin- image nt my Mma. Oh, respite, from , n.iin.iiv ' I )li, shelter from the !, ulow of | tin- lyorelei ' That I wan m^in-hing for. I aw ill,- cause and reali/ed tin- wisdom of the coiiise, and, turning to what 1 had l ln-i-n un.-oi.-..-io,i., to that otbi-i me I i.-v 1 tended the right hand of fellowli'p, saying : {"Abide with nn-.it is all that is left us. Lei the search go on." Ami when .he 'o.itliini: m tdr the horrors about me unbear- able, I only In-Ill to me the more eagerly i-.tch glittering promise of the abhorrent tie . lutuchcry. An the rabid dog turns again ami again to the water p K>|, llmu ;li U drivu ' him from it in convulsions, no 1 retui-ned to the t.Miiitain of HIII. with shudder uni loath- ing, longing utill to slack the tliirnt whi, h ,ll4.ll!l--u-,l III '. Once I llioii^ii' that I wu^t -linking Iwck again inti, tin: iiuoinni tons lat--. and with a Had pi' i M- at piitri^: froin me 1 s.iid : " l-'itii-wt- I ' r'an-wirll ' Surely it in l*tter that one tiian l,otb,,l im should autl.-i. It will I . it l.-a-t a partial oblivion, for it is not u s mud u I do not hear il. It is not a I , ol if I do not nee it. ll U not a pain if I do not ti-i-l it." And It was ever with a pang of disappointment thai I awoke from, deep to hud ,,iv , OIISCIOUK M-it slill williine and Mint m-.i^e still liesidc me, > Miking at im a,- ,uis tlii'lifelew bream of Leonora. I Out i! life I h ,1 mule tin- sarcasm of , death, ami death *M. ow- m. b- :oi me ihe ] .iot Ii.,-. That win, h 1 hated was 1 , ever in cliMesl conf.-iiity. |*rmeatin I air I In. aim-!, livi..., waking <uid jli-,-i, -i_- with nu. T-i.it vlii.ii I loved lurked in |, i ml, MII, i-v-er tno far a*ay i, - c.ei too ncai lobe foi ^, ,' u-n. II wri-i ban wonder-' i vih.it hell is like ' H|IHI,|I| 1 -. i- Is-.-n, as I wax, an involuntary |uil ot i ; , it lu-ing in 1'iriK. 'i i . m,, -i.-h i c II lenieinber, pi-o- I dm.. i vvln iii- r 'b alnv-si haw ' into lid i.-.nii. When the b-. .,-1 , ,-..,-,1 a .Iriitt f-i. -Hi- be smiled m-l , w. 11 mil mi- not Io a, -i i-pt another from ' Antlioiii \Yintlir-ip, it he had IMII-II noli- Insl-ii i. |>uiit in tin- Uink of b'lon-nce ' ii .. - . vii. i- t.-.i. In lli- >* . i^iit. en i u 01 it tin of uncoils, -loin-ness and in tin- si\ nlhaof n, -- in, b follow,-, I. I hail thrown wind* ill- cntii,- :,tiium win -h my fathei had !i-!' i.n- 1 :.iked at tin- i.i .iki-r for s in inn-lit in dumb a lonuhmeiii. vi-^iiely thinking oi -he 'utiiic. n ni lln, I sunk too. .pp n.-niiy . tin ilvation: foi in an ollli'l hoin : II the whole i ir lllll utilllce. ItllgoU.-i, .I.' a- ii.il il, bill Ha- .11.11 liti.uiiiifi. w:,. Ii muted me. It r. -, i !.--..- to..!,: 1 1 ',- tin- inv, -iv caused b\ v u.iril" riiin i Ii in to drive tiom nit- tin- memory ol ! Minn 1 -.iu I i loi.- l,i-i la i- had '.el'll.i. ill L'.I- wni:i i -sideil w.ts sllllk ill ' oblr Vi n . -,-lf. with oihi i ...inn -oul of -,111111) l-'i.in.i ti -i., 'Kci .ml cut wim-cufM m tin- ila/.-i'ng , ate l wa* ..II oo r*g mi. '. -i.au clligy, with the 1-1 -I ^,.lp, . tin- si- ii-i-liing , ,li iiiLihl in fe'io ll did lint mtt- i--i ; it bron.'ht foigetfulniuM Again. OIK- muinug, I waa couecious of noun-thing foi t " ot-nt llii illnu >ny ,l,u ' inant v.-iiis ,,inl win kintf at the --lugmsli J.MIH.IIOIIH of m\ hei-.rt, an I B*t in .1 ,. -.ipptng a .-up ol iiinuteiil colb-c, i cut Irmlv turning In my linking Ii tinls in old eopj "I a Call* d.tlh , heslin-iled wn 'i illrl ' i il- nn, In.- pi, tl.alu.ii in that t-c-uiomii-al II-HOI t II vv.i i thie.- day i o|,| bn what did that v \\hat !. id ! to do with the win Id lh, . . it all ' Most of all, 11,.,; had I to do w i Ii art llitl I and cull " -I.-- win-it m \, -us L'one by I bad so oil, I Hemmed tin ,i:- . i-oiiceining the li.a ,. I p . - -s ' I hi ,^i l * the) Wl-i si-nled to tin- p. lldl' '." " i -i!,l I'hc gl i-tl g :.--. and tl, Hiinsi-t wcii- alike to me. W h..t hid I |.< .i., v. i Ii ait .' A' Hi (. I ..ni) not <-,! that the entire i-ii'nmii M.-I- ,b-vntt-d u, one artl-le. i, ,.i ,11 i. - t v -i 'o "now nu.it .iv ...list h a, I i l>, i In thai pit- ' -n w I. ..it-he. ."I,! I- ii in ' -in-h midi'i- i-li-ntioii, r,--:iin! inv iian.ls n| tin- lab!e ,l'it;ue piper ii.iglu i. main . ..i.iv whil,- i i.-.i.l, I 1 ui,|i;'i-ifiit 1\ at tin- Ii- 1 i I head to ext-.-l his only saccewful rival himself. M. Winthrop could not do lietter if he pstii.ted for a hundred yean. Indeed it was the common concussion yesterday, that in allprohahilily, hruahex and colon could not, under en- must tn--e* prmluce two more i'esU svud jjfe-lik^ uguiias. iiu* " NigUl" and " Morning" willlong tndiichainpioii- challt-nging the wo-hl. and U is, after all, nwisl tppropnatt that they lumplete tlie |H-rf.-et tlay of tlie greafaMt artut of the age. j [^,,1^ " The ileai, T.S have lone lieen eager to M- I SUCCESSFUL BLACKMAIL. .t <i-,,. l, m 1 1,- ftfcarsM-r W writs a ftrhrsne fer i In '* lulurrtl .baad tm uiiats-a. A few i ago, as a well known man of V reeves', Unites) CoJumbta, van saunter- ing down a street in Ottawa he waa accosted try a ueatlv dressed woman, rather prepos. g ui appearance, somewhat relined appearance a lady. She had a abort veil 1 was m half mourning, and had a snort veil urn- these, painting,, but. until two inon" - , l)Verlug lhe upper Bal f O f h er face. Thu ago, AI. U mthrup . friend* who had the i. w ,, mM1 potoudoot to the man iwho. by the charge pjmtively reins.- 1 to part wit., waj ._ j, on o f Vancouver's well-knowu'busi- them upun ,ili) tiTina w hati-vcr. Thus the article went ou, until it hud tilled the ,-iiluiiiii. 1 had read enough. I dropped the paper in disgust and it tell upon llie filthy Hoor, while I turned aguu to my insipid corte*. It woa mure Utateful, after all, than si: ,-h vapid eepticism. I ' a 'humleaf, friendli-as, tottering drunkard ! What had 1 to .i-, with Anthony \Vinthrop that I should read of him ? ' , pleaaedme. I.-onora, l,f. ness men) that there was a little (en-it d' men staii, liug iii front of the Y. M. C. A.'i new building. Would he be so kind as to permit her to walk down the street wiih him, aashe was afraid to go past there* Without a moment s Hesitation (lie man conaenU-d. The lady pnl.igi/ed foraskinu him, and after his assuring her -hi', he wa* only loo happy to be i of service toher. they slatted down street to- ' aether. They bail not gone very far lieyond 1 war, g|d that I hsd read, however, for A ,, Uu ^ when .? well-developed there was one fct that 1 recalled with , . mt ^ lay . might h i m! bit] at least, that I had saved though 1 do not think that _ tin- -.-:;. Ii fact that u was disagreeable ways to nee her Ijin- cold and white between Mum, in, I inc. and to know that I Mi'i.i must always think ot I.er as my victim Nothing more did I nay " I'erhape I wa- not i|iiite so hard -hearted after all, for it was not pleasant for me, even then, to think that Leonora had died like that. Yen, I was glad that s-nne one had saved her, and on the whole I was rather glad it waa I. It waa not worth the waste of time and' strength required toll. ink it over, however, i anil I dropped it with a .sigh ; for il wo.ilo | not nil me of that phantom, Miua, after all. ! She would lind --M.I-- ,,ther way U> haunt me ; and, .hruggin.i; my shoulders ,,,,1,,'er- | on( .,. ^^ ently.l turner-., another thought which ,,, ^,oVBd hail risen uj> 1-t-tMeen the lines "I mil tw months ago M Wint drop's fiiemU who had them m charge positively refused to part with them n .-harge positively refuseil to part with them upon any terms whatso- ever Ha! I'ntil two month* igo M W in- throp'ii dr.tt* were c.uihed from hie father's Link account. Yes, ll ..s th, pru-c of blooj which honored that la.: draft of mine, and They g honjd Appoint all that was left Of It WM nnw in my pocket, 1 , linked the few foul silver pieces there and 1' the report brought back from Se .liaiiti thought of the producer m his studio am! of >'> Mr. Crowe, the leading exporter of Can l be consumer in the vile cafe. What an ! dian cattle, be correct (and there u no rea inspiration it would hv t. I wn could I have I son to doubt itsauthenticityl. iheaulhoritna l'~.L.-d ahead a little way. while I was ' t Ottawa should give the matter early -nd painting Loonom, and have seen who would IK- kepi alive and wliere and how, by the | Holiness iiion. v \ ilne ot c.u-h stroke** What an inspiration ! I laughed alo.nl. Those almut me board the coarse gurgle and turned ami I,H,kctl at me for an instant ; but vileasth, v w ic. un MI! of them, they turn, -d away in disgust. I saw it. I knew it. I understood it. I did not cure. Still 1 s,it then- v i.'iiel) thinking of the pn tines, ill! 1 lny.iii to wtnit'ei it it w mid M woith "V while -o look at them again. \'ery soon they would, dnnbtlees, be pur I Im some private illeclnm s 'ii.e up in front of them, are you going with my wife? 'he deni nidi d sternly. "Oh. ('e'irge. I didn't mean any harm, t really didn t,' uisw, n-.l tlif woman -iuickly, at '-,,- same time 1 egiuning to 9 <>l>. The Vancouver man attempted to explain to the irate husband that there WHS nothing wrong, thai his wife had mi-rely asked ii.iu to walk down the street with him as her protection in the dark. Kul he wascut short with the ejaculation : "Oh, yes ; its just the same Htory." The woman', sobs grew louder and the huslund a wrath more intense, until the third party began to get frightened. He reali/cd the tU 'ne was in. and when an offer to compromise the matter w ui made, in or- der t'--tt it might not get into the newspapers or the 1'olicc Court, the Vancouver man at Ie planked over two s-jij pieces and then ret. ,, -i-d hi* slept homeward, a sadder, madder, and wit-er man. Since then the same game has I, -n worked twice more. Kach time the v. cum selecled has been a prominent man who has a reputation at stake and would rather pay a few dollars unjustly than have any noise mad" about H. lhi-\ m..,i IK- IH-VOII.I my w.>itld ,'lm.t me to a when-, and then 1 1- i<-l. : fur w ho private oillery * IUMIK mystlt .K-IW n the table and tin- .-IIMII. i '.-a lily i:,.| I.Miki- I >' n,yi-l* in the xmeaied nun..: tl^t, fair or earnest attention. Mi. Crowe mates that great fraud was j*erpelraled last se,isnii u|>on Canadian cattle dealers by lutereelcii |i lie- on Ui" ol In r side the ocean, who in order t, confirm tin- report, originated it may be presumed by themselves, that the ship load of cattle thai went to Dundee were atHicted w ilh pleur, i pneumonia substituted theluug; .it v o'.-h citulc autlering with the tliseaet for thine of Canadian cattle that had been slaughtered and sent the former to the In spector at London. Though the fraud was discovered in tune to sav ! Canadian - a'tle iioni living -hednlcii sus|ii,-ion was aroused and when the next ship armed at thai port it was dt-Uin long a* to entail a Io upon the ahi|>i"'r- intereated of iKli-ii The Moi-t real export eistnwhoni Mr. I'rowo related thean facts the "tlier d.n in- unaiiimoiui in declaring !,.iil. ,u< the 1-ani- may W. is indispenaahle to that the Canadian iovei ninent should have the 1'ans iwl nuaiit. II i \\li.i would i H'pvtors t the ditleient poru m tlie ,,ld .i.liinl mo to a private galli-i \ i Iblivioiii to tn\ iiirroiunliiigs I laugh--,! upain at the. bloated face and the blood-shot .i.u i.i-ic.l lute* at me tiom ll ,- mirror ui d, leeiing. e -., 1 > i>- \Vliat is tlu-n- in v.,i Anthony \Vinthrop*" U'hal T Kverytluii^ : It is Anthony \\nithrop all in all. It is all that he set bin In-.i: i to U>. Look at himeu^iin Hni-.li the smiroh'en or the rarroi that you may M-I- him molt- pl.tiny, in all ins luduuus ids toiiions: for yon an- looking .it i Ii. prmiv ,,i ' t ing (winters and at aliaolvtely noiluii^ m, ii u HIM he (ought to U- anytime nif.re ? 1 btii-li,-.l the aniirches off the. minor with . ,! sl-e\ i- IIH-.I \ ' . u.,1 MIIIU I' , i iii.l I look, ,1 again and i. ou- ,arefully. 1 .'"iki-d. i|!l A, -i inr t seiitinit-ut in'thinc. 'ik-- i i- IIF .\MV f pleasure in ; ne thought that Mina was respumnble for M a.! Had 1 hot ion,- .\ri\-liitiu. si. i iti, eil i-s fry thing to |iam> tu.it |n that nhoiild be the (ritimph for her and I coiiul y so as to protect the Canadian live - k interest*. The Americans have three veterinary doctors at tilaagow, Liverpool and L .n.lon, who see that the Ann-Mean cattle are absolutely f ice from disease, but .n* Inn-, have ii"'. ,-lv 1 1 do th" name thing for their Canadi*.i cuttle The inter- eels involved are too great to take any un necessary chances. Having failed in then scheme it may In* expected that them "Heine- ,,! i uiadas livestock trade will try some other plan to have our cattle ache- dill, il which it Itshollld succeed will mean an annual loss of *_',>,> t,i the Canadian taiinei A True Canadian. In ,M;I la*t issue ftays ihe Toronto H'---i, we depl , ired llie loss to Canvhsn Litrralur. of the late r'nifenimr K. L. .lone* We now mention with regret tiiv death of the w.-ll known t inn, n, m p.tci uid n ivtrlml, .loin ,,, Talon Lespci.ince son,.- y, irs ago Mr. Les- me. brought limn tlii-1-e'ui ot the Lorelei ", lK-inee, under the pseudonym of "Lavletlc.* r i ihuted a series ot brilliant lite sun- it gave me to nee tin- Uiilv -.triku thu >ililr to exist in lite IM-IOIO, and I Man am lined " Stum- oni* has gone Ifilo t lie clt-i ti ,- iir-1 at inv V.IIIOMS i-ft|mbilit ies for mis- si ii, In, MI. What Wliuom Whv did i ih An I II she in I n it deei ted me, should I IM w,i,-re I was* if she returned to me, could she not. even then, ee-ily redeem me * With all tin- heart and soul thai was left U-ll--\. 'I,,--..- scnlliiien s me 1 I r| hlft m I ^ un ,| ' MI, m :nn, l> . .111,1 s in l. , MI- , 1 1, ,n iin.l nmiiy viklli.ilile lillili i oni-elll- ,n^; ilial sid- ,> il -. In, Ii I imd so ; lent' l\ slumned and i|i-',-led in Kim- No.li'pibi - ,l.-pr.i . it\ wn t'to ne,-n lor in i mm \1 i is I hsil ,, ii u, \ while it |Minl".l the M n / " I llie, now. piobin^ lhl*ls-l: .mil l ii.-l.ii What wudom k ol il, ii ' alb ' Uealh ' What is thy sliug to him II. IIS lu -nil In ' I M ,|ave, forced ll.iK to OIMJII thy mm. when- .sihv vi.loiv i., ..m who hui Mi-.-vUi'-, ,1 -"in " The triuuipli me, tn penei r it" uo m.ckei\ o- d.wtire is with her wlio leaped into them from tue wa ; " i- tin-,,-' - .' . me I lib ei i \ : who t,, fjih'Hii Mi h i-. I hsd > i ,, m I,'- I On- Billing talon.-, of litcyul of the la, soiled hear' . who HT tin- ,n.,-k li,,m t)i" biller h-,rlesi|UK, in, I m>w . ,lown in th IJM- WKtets, M , l,i.-fnng the sinewlesH llealh, i* laughing in In-, liollou "id disking the ^inn -.keleton . shout niK ' im i:ry of vi, lor n ' ive ! Yes, I have forced yon In , mm a< my biding. You are a terror. I am not afi,t'd of you ' It was Life me " I ,-se thoughts (lashed like the lighten in,j tr.rongh niy mind, ,ts, with a do/en , __ r nioi p.-ilnps. I wat, h,-,l that :i niinph , ,t tluoiigl, tli.it ineiuil r'lyniuin, wiihadiill plm _,- Tin- test, horrm si i n Vein-, I, M,,,.l ...l.mg n IM .i.lri* with part.-. I lips aii.l stiii. .m p.t.v brus mtli- hell. Aftel a tun,-, l lit- mn ,-lt \ IH-IUIJ <. ,m Iml loal in fn- iin-iii it-petition I lux m to IOOK a lit tle,l, ,-|n i . ui.l i n i u i \ i in- lui . e 1 1 .tin -. ui i aln.i Ii. iih 1 You an- ment of helpl*ssn and eil evel , .iiiyi'm I ,4, i . ay ifter da mi-. Hay nftur day I n -cm -I to I,. that fnghlened ing foi soiueihing omct,.ing of v it il im pin tame, Iml nmt'll,lng vi Inch I , ,,i,l,l not liml. U, s, n-sil\ and an\i,,u Iv I would tread again ami .UMIII the *nm- tmld paili- UlM Ilflf I to Roe lhe ^isv<! ens llf ils , liampi, n ..vi-d that htppv lot. N>t ni ill I ilone seem to eall/e that the MII in l,nd made a mis! ike in h apuii; ti'im \t* a: tl.e In-art whiih won mv -v m Kver with ill,- same lingering, l-mg r,^ i-'itiinier ot hopeful expectancy I il me i, nu ' on, '11,11,1 after another, j.iin inuilly for an honi or so in wlmlever i lenf the bi-nlge. that she must at thai m, ,|m nl In! (Missing iinile.1 u-, ami h.' there, was still a hame to roach hui sii.l forrw hei b*, k i^am into the hnrims wh.-n.-e she had 'II ln,-onaistenl akier. I wan madili i.ed ii) tin- iminiiy .if those 1:101 lonlrss h H unsanil one, I aloud " ' ow.ii .Is \\ ill no -in aiv.- i lite I lien tlnowi and -i ii, I Inajied II|MIII the Imlslrade, on .nali' n-n-li\ nu ;hl In-, in, I i hen ilnip.iv l, un away will, u sigh of disa) pnii i. iiient. only to repeat precisely the same -i-iiiiiiii-iilB at tlif next resort and so ,111, -In .HL-II my waking hour*, without intiiiii: ...m. .iii.l mlli, ml discovory. Mom y .1 eini,l to tin- like so many hand : fnl ol worthies, diisl. \\ln-lher I lost or risk a hair to won at 'he gaming table seemed of no mo ill my , loik mem I saw large sums ol gold dlitapueai, but .|in,kl> r.-pii-e.l ilo -in by a drslt on all , o lotion save to cm \ grew pallid and win,.,- tli,- lower aides uf the bridge, and prepan-, I I 1 |.n, nt.-. w i- Ii i-r to plunge in- it be . \riio. i !,,,.- I,.. -i. i. ,-, Pi Ad |, -ally I -It. not 'I, ink ihal I was e\,-s wnul,l glara in the excitement lin|ilml by any hop* that, while tlum i,l,| w I i- I, lln-s 1,,-ni ,i\,-i tin- gaming Uiaid ing .t shimmn .f honor to tin- v-t, I nugl.t . \-lliese it isn<-im HUIK .in, I unvel t-xru-ri really I* following tin example I had rn nii-iit . ,-raned In amuse me, .mil gradually vif i, for I was perfectly calm did resolute 1 grew ilisgnnti ig ,.i,l inp-.il -in to ,.,\ waking as I stepjwil upon the tialiistrade, ..irefully m-lt. I ,-.m|.l , ,i^lj ha\.- w.|. Jot . ;hu I BOting tli,- .noin moli, .in of the tin ,- nun', -t!! luig.tr in inii|iiil\ I w..iil,itd 'Tti- I'wilJrvilmt !', i lu -'ions of tin- I t-n tiu\ " K,.r .1 iiioineni I lei tin- piiper fall un-m the ! il.'.r I had leHin.-il all llwl I hail aoiiki.r A little latvi However, once more l "ii |, i in, loin i-nriosdy, I began the ,, hi Ii lollowod : ' A'U" IM., ye.ara ol iiiiowvsiug erfutt 'he .I,-, , i i\ea' !anl sn reeded in |iurchamng ,1., 'H ;,- ui,l -, i',-t prtidiift ioiiM of - lie wmld -faini'ii- , ' -' M Anthony \N inllircp, and tiiev u" t" Imp! u i-d upon public exhib- ition in thfi' li.tiliiv t,i inoriow Tins .m noun, eincnt ..-. alm-.e .iiiii.-iniit to ensure tiie paii..nagi- of ail I'aiis. and it were folly to attempt to add to what the ablest riitn* of Kurope have already iviid in piai-e of M. \Viirlluop . winks. -'u,,- his iidveni ,iiii,ing us, 'u that beautiful miniature, ' IWtru-e by the Kivn,' in, Ii eight ye.u ago drew such admiring ! lirongii In its ohm im |H,IIII,,II m I In- Salon, M VVmllir-'p's |il.,-,i n.-n.il use to a posi lion -..-.oiiil In mint- in llie world, has heen inllt leciiided and t:,,-l\ acknow Imlged by all tin) critics of Kir op.-, and were this all thai I had io rnpeat I should surely keep sili-iil Hut, at tin- pin lie view which was to day .1. . 01 di-d to the ..rtisis of Hhiris, our leailing figure painti-i- frankly n^rt-<il that the young Herod hail out lleioded himself, and, in these. Isst productions, had taken a iiositnm rn.led by no artist ill the world. Strangely enough, the painting.- were t,,iii pi. -I,-, I two years ago, just before the ileath of il.e sonng artiiit father, M. I'arlo Win Ilin p. wh,i->- works have so long held a most deserved precedi-nc<*, and the last touch wiw put upon the " Mornina " just IM-I.II.- the artist's well remembered heroism in saving lhe life of a young Human who hail at templed suicide in the Arno. Since then for some strange iean.ui M. Win thrnp has positively lefuawl Ui enter his ,i u, In. In part, no doubt, this is due t., a wiiim-iousni-Hs which he, as well as others, uiust iei- 1. that it were iuipoasihle for him HOT NAVAL BA1TL. TerrlM t 1,1.!,, VI ,, I.I,,, I'livale advices Ii MI, \ . |.ials -i llie ;ro:iel,l Blanco. iM-hniging totlu- gents, ic -, n tly.it It-nipt, d loblow uplhearm i-il l.ovelnmeiii tug I'loienei Wll'i a hsh loipedo I'lie tm pedti miased the tug, hut -I i nek a !_ Hoating dry dock in the hailwr, blowing U to pieces. The KUnco wan there- upon treated to a hot tin- of shot and shell tiom i-veiy uun in Ihe forts, ai d sleamcd out ol tile Inn IK. l The Mine night a toi|d., I mat and the lug 1 loience stole out Io at k tin- Itlanco. The iron, lad was n -, .il-.m . U-ing in com pany with the sloop ,,) wit'' lli^'gins. Koth shi|i* coiii[)elle.l the tiovennnunl v ease Is to i el mil to tin harlnu and followed in hot pin sin' A heavy shell from the Hl.uico struck the r loren-e. blowun; her entirely l out of the water, and every tine ot her crew of -eveii'i i n men was either killed ,,i wound ed A hioad-n.lc from the. O'Higgn-s kiio.-k l the tm |wdii l,..i all to pieces The two insurgent veasels tln-i iuine,| Ilieuattentiou i to the furls, and a lively battle ensued A shell from the foils struck ihu O'HiggiiM and went clean through her Another shell caused a gun on her quarter deck to explode. When the smoke cleared away the deck was found to have been literally lorn out of the vessel and inns men out of the gun's | I crew of twelve went blown to atoms The j .loop was at once taken out of the range ol the guns in the forts. a series ol l.rillutnt UI aril, les lo I'he Moulroal l.aMtle, of whit) In- Was!. 11 1 lime one ,ll ' : he ed.l-M- Ill-Wai at illtl'ee.-nt [lelloils edltoi of The lllll-' C.in.idrin News and The iKmiinion llbisiral ed Me wae also one of the tint membei s o the U,.\,t! Sotmty o| ( aii.id. I'.i mail) yens Mr. l.cspcluli,-* h.i . '.s-.-n i |i,wei il i in i. ban literature Hi noveU " Kaneiioii,' ' rheBostonuais," " M v (.'i ,-ole ; his iimn . eroue poem* and ritioal. lueiarv and lu [torloal easay l,a f won for him. in it, i that I place ol honoi and di-un. tmu. Uw was l msiir | constructive ::.-! ei.ee. and m:\n\ ., . Canadian is ^latefully sennible ,t ; he ,ieb he owes to I lie iidlv SNIllpaliiv . the tall tlni'-^h genet-mi i I It-.clsn;, i.i.l '.lie ln-flj ,-n, ,mav;i-niei.t of his el, In brothet in tilt realm of letter* -whone toice is stilled i death, but w none meii.ory is .v. tr.tgiant a, the bie.i !i ol the sweet spring tlovv.rs whlcl will loon perfume lhe woodl..nd air of th. land he so deai ly loved. Aim, -si tin- las mesetge sent by this gifted and loyal in uiti his fellow count i \men w is this Shall we break tli :.lluht of youth. And pleil<e u ; o ail alien love f Ni>" we hold L in- I'li 1 !. and truth. I'm-linK to II , li,l .limve. Stand. t':iM.i.li.in-. ttruilv stan, I Itoiiurf tl,. ila of K'aiherUnd! llrtain bore u- in her lank. llritain mir-.-.l u- at ,iui- Sirth. llrilain r.-.ir.-il ii inour ruk Mnl tin- nation- ,if ihe iwrtli SUtn.l. Can .i,|i, in-, flrml) .'.ml I!, Mind the rt<m of Plhcrla(t ' There Wai DO Doubt About That. Koundsniau--" Have you een the polio* man ou this U-.u to-night '" >.in,lwich stand Man" Yes, ah : dii seen mi several times. " Koiiii.l-.iii.ui" When?" Sandwich Man " Well, he *\\r. roun lu-.ili 'Imut eleven o'clock en eat three Hsh saiidwitchi-4. en he u/, liack hcah 'bout The Penitent Sinner. , , we i ve ,,vioi-k en .at fouah ham sandwit .-hea Small Boy (who has been undergoing ' en he u/.' roun' l\,-,ili I.i nt si b--n minutesago imprisonment in a dark closet, when- he has en eat two hard l>oiled eggs ' tliH.-overed iin-l slyh eate.ii nearly n whole Komnlmiiau " \V< ; . I I'-sl wanted \* jai of preserve* "I was very uniu-h'} to know if he was on the beat ." runaway, mamma, and I think you dn( just s,nlvvi,-h Man "V-vain 1 no d nil 'bo| right to puntitli "" way you did. dal. bws

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