Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1891, p. 2

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MR. ESHOLT'S YOUNG WIFE l IIAriKKIH. A cairn nail i en tw i. c In lur I<I\IT after her ar rival at l.i\ri|> nil, giving linn In -i lieu .i.lili MI .1:1.1 i-knig fm it f.-w IIIICK in reply : Imt i ...... th f.>lliiuc<l month without bring- ing any ti.liiu'- t'i IHT wcaiy aching heart. her fa. . 1" herself. r.y T. w. si'KHiiiT. Kill themoney thiiiol.taiiieil was all gone l,y mm, and 01,;.- ninre the net luxling pro ,,t -inin and wintu sin-d away andsprinc |,| t . ni ,,, ( | H . , Mated her in the la, e. ie ' . and I, .1111. 1 them still *,...,., ,,t , on, -,-. have every thing the ll'll-'lll _ !,. o 'ilet lalmilolis life. AgllCM ,'!,. t o, |uu,l H||C Heeded, lull llOW ohUlll had w .' ten twice to her lover aftei her ar- j ,,,,, ,*,,., Maiia.-at tin a long t line, her hiow p', keied with inoughl : at I. n^tli sh,- .Ighed. and thru a gentle smile It lad,, it. -d ' ii n Maicus :" she aaid suflly lie. would help me, ot w ; hut not till everything clc h .< Uei, tried and Inn failed ,. in 1 I...U totell vliniaU*. or that some accident had In-fallen |[|m , |()W M< . , il( . , ,,, , ml ,tunced. Kill heller turn ; hut th.n, as her aunt -,ig_.-i.d, U ',,,, ,| ia ,, a ]| ljw M1N ,-luld to want forunylliing. ^ ashy i -an- unlikely thai h. i I. tin- p t ., |, B . W y,| r , .xt.akeniight beahle to ugget hail never reached him. in which case It :.,,,;, ' h ,., ,. ,, | ul .l to have to lay hare would le v til to . v|*ect an ansM.i .,- I- ^ ^ .,_ fi> h(jr .. <A Id Is- nn.iualc they had left K . le-tleld, ^ pg >si ,. |t | kl . j .*,,... t|, e slate of II flair* Waa and w, .i.l-i ,, ,.,. illy a letters to .^ , H '. { ' 0|t . .,.'_ |, rou .,l , lt mice c,|Ual tn the l( " Tin-, wanone of tlmse case- wlncii \ -J '. , .,, Agile-'- l he, k- flushed ot'i l.. i .1 I lei eye- yrcw hnglilel, for U dn. ' m, .;!i' -miii U lo.,k, d for, and then every thing would b* explained. i ,v . ladle- went down to SIM hejtui to M frighteMd, mriaf lc-t In- ^ (( . (in .. had fallen .1 M tun t.. III.- temhle African ' i|.|,e iled di.-e t to h,-| experience and .d no alter did, nation. You tun-! pop, .-he mini with an . in phallc nod. She was .-.tAllding hefo!' , with he, amis lidded in her anron Willis and ltiant' ntliee to iaqoln wln-n a ft,., l ti\.,:i-. t>.l'i.>n"t the .*'!.'. /'.!/ i- |, '.-I home, and nl, ii i Idroaaed ',. ! given t , I, .'n in. i .nn; 'II I :.-k. a* they -aw hy the n I Miss Maiu ft- though' ashamed . " What I men, istlial you nui-t Then ia <in.p. ,y. w B hl .11 go out, letting alon il '' :,,.,!. At the) n .... l'} '' '",'- ll " '!"'" ...... ".. jl "- " i , ; 9, i.\ ....' i -" ''' V ' ' ....... '<-''. ..,. .,;... ,,t , lime..,,,. ll..i., :,l.,t ifBKNMJ '*'" ih, -.y, t.ll tl'in.- lke a uirnt An. I . l, ' '" ..... I' ; 't , i-olain .-. lit down to ihe offie'.-, unknown I-, > i iii,'iiiie.| w he'li. r tin* in ' .' Ii n l.'vip.'.l. *he Man as-lined Mont t.l t h< elld ol til* ' . I . \ "" ' 'I- I' l \ the . i.now. and they'll kf a safe there us if tin y u as locked up in 11 nun dn I ' "tied till. nMl-s Man , , ;, . -.-In wen! on I'll a lettei la, .I'll . "I."! .!- - y oil. M 1-- 1 .. . ,1 - that the note in ., ' IH.-H duly lianded to tut, i. an.l i- further told that tiiivn v \ve.k- le nc of ah enci . I. om h'ii within a . -hip Ii id I.e. ,l -Il hegall '... . oli.pl. 'h'-l.d now , . . , . , 1 \\ : '. lUld l.lltel Hint I'll' k l.on , I el land. . I 'I M ,i i.i. !,. : i tun w ill, indig " II. ,. ii-iwoithy of your h.-. c H \. . r i*. ,..i . \ on are --. u .1 I m . ..nsc,|i,eiitly I L. n't take on t try to IM- thankful that you ;i I,, ill. M Ii,. I, in 1' ' . oiild ill.) nlllp-i-helid one tl,ll,_ that , M - M M i i. . K a- . .,.. -MIC ha.lde.,,: lov.-.l tl... h.,nd-.,me Inij-h.ni* > 'i"\. '". Us arlili'ial ilmli:, , . ,'iy !,,ini{ ' ,,. III),. I ' l'l,lllg lie Wind Hhl. i, Miss Mall, Ma- lull then IB - nn,,. I. nithiir.t, when Had she know. world, she heart i,nd 1. 1 am ,l:k.-. the would h u, -I. . -n a , -. that in mv of th neve, ,.., pi uned. hut locked up li.-r who llaiinlth.-n. I theil b-*loaring ,1 their teil.iM - kind oth, ' " "UllOll ai. not found , nolhin/ w I,. , it ' Mow I, H |M*or folk Would eel 'III Without till |, (' , I should.!'! ! .-.tile in in .ke up my rein U 1 h..dn I H I" : Thank yon, M-- st. ,U.-. i, i*. i:-i'lif.*r \niii kirn In-- I 1.1 . tiiink oici w r.at yon She did I'lllik It ic. el . an I !' I I nil. l.t l!,' ' 1,1 ,' -' . I .1* ' IO IM that in no, ,p. .1 i> vo.il.t the mm- i ,, i. my 11,0:1,1 tin.! n way in!n her |>oel.ct M.T w. nl sin. ,nk within !. it the tlinvjht of haMiig I.. ,". hat wln.-li In V . . ,,.! I ". II., II ,. l't. " ' ! I. III-.- \\ ,t 1,1,1 I,, a ,|, i ...|.ili,,,i, -hi- a-ked. tier., -It, ,' she, .. ^. nt!i u..ii. .n IH, n and hre.l. v -., - n,.it . \ % Then she told he I. -ell lll.it tl.e re. null! he no I 1-Jtl de- lad.il Ion ,i, .l..ii,_ that w In, h Has I HI! I, lai\ ml h'.nc-t, how-ncid la,,. Ii |\. HIT I, Us artiti lal d ll.li*! ' ' 'III' then* wa*> ii" r. I.'M- "In* piiTnnlar mod. .,: - fid ,1*11" t h. d.epe-l I c< esses of 1 roTH J.il.' .' d |M.ke I.--- a lid 11 oT kill hard, i . il r were, \nmmi tile than I** lor.. Ih, Hi*... iery li-.t on.*. I In- rooms 111 Ty .1.1 >! I. et W .-I.' 1,,-e a I id -t ill, Hi; M,e ,lay thiough, in. I Imt little Ix-iter after ni,*litf.dl, Ix-armi;, .- tt,.-> did. the full hi Illll ot til"' al'ein ..II -ell. Mi.-, ll a - mil' I, -i k,.e-s m tin* nij(hboarhood, and Ihe mm. I. , .1 l.ii- fell .,'f " *tl*nnl one half of what th. i had I" eii in winter Mis- Maria s fa. e, linn ainl anx.niM lonkini* at he l.l of times, seemed to _'lo* til, nil. I and n...,,- anv, ,u< i*n*i\ dai MM would often Illlplole A^I.e- to la\ a-lde herniidh fora few hours and > d..ui. to the pn-i n. *id, wlicie lla-ie u.i- neatly .dwaya u Ii. I. i.i.-.--. t ,111 the me,. lint A)*in-*i would i > pi \ III' she didn't 11 ant tn 1*0 .ml, and always felt U-'iei ulnn Imd al work, winch was prohili'.y the until. noeiu 1 / that when hndy r'nplo\e,| he had LSI time to luood ., .nioii, ahti M.I- -til -in. nu nn,, n LI hei l,i-, lint ..,,.- Hiitl'i.^ afternoon the . ,,i lit 'ee dalli/hter ,,t <>ne ,-|,-i i*\ man an wa> fair y ol,ln/e 1 to cm in, anil he down .... the hard hor..- ha,/\ofa. hut with a soft ".""' H """"- r - t '\ rttt '" " I'"*"- 1 '"!'' ,-,.. ,,,,,1. , l,e, h. ,d, placed lil.-le ov I . I > ". "'" '.""I 1 **$*!"* s.,1,,-,1 ,,,.,- 'M... I, *,,.. woise ""lsand lo,wa,,l.(,,r neuv an hnnr. dunn-.theinglil.amln.M ,.., n,,, K as un Br "" 1 "!"' ";'"""". w ,1, he, -If. st, K ildelor,.., M,,- Ma,,a sent to, ad.Htor """.'' "^ " '", ',"* ,' ",'" '," '' '"'""' .''"'"I . to do thai wlueti >h. hail . ..me to do, and III hot h.l-le Hei inn- Hid pi escl 1 1 -I'd , lull .. - calling' In mnnl t In- |HHII girl at home, pining f,.r la. k n|pio|H*i ,i,,ni ishnicnt ; hut -till. I. .11*011 as she Ilil^ht, whelH-V.l -In- Iproached ,i. n .'honuh tn peep into 111, , OH |.a-ai_'o, out of Hhl.-h ,||, .111 door-, i.pe I, ,n they Inl^lit IM' inosl pi l"l-tently I" tl-e . \ ale .'I id 111 III. 1-s lo . Ulll. til " II, me I'll. I. ." ..l,d di'etii It -o lo do -. loll;: as they out Sh. , I II Toi lo. d .i> Hot tn l- auai. Ilia? tin- |M-.',diar -IL;,. ot .1 pall n I , ok. I - e .1 dd, si, me, ,t I- t 1.1,.- Hold !! I, ill-. ML 11 tike. I on lot ..l,n- I line till -h. had /ot i leal of her "IM, liei^dlholirllo'Ml, and then she he^all to|..,k o III for one nf till* myim in .JIM -' ..<n. Siieh t Inn ," m .- not I, aid to tin. I ,n any lai L;C t..u n MloQA M one eon I, i.i's one , -ea:,|, to the .mrer i|llailel- \li- \la-u t In-art U^an toi.eat painfully as -,H,II ,.- sh. U-lield ihne I, ills in tlie disi.im a L'list. i.ll.K in the I. i-l rays of the selling sim |-'oi l iti.ati-ly for tier, tliet.- wen. not man . dioiit ; Imt her ,.'.- t.ule.l hi r Hi nlie diew near, mid "he walked pant the place for --,, ,,- diHlali. c and tli.nl. k aglttt, Imt wan still ton t, mo, ,.u- ti .lent, in- in-nlc. A ., Mie lie d.intfhtei ..t one , l.-i|*ynian and the '.op ' So the iHmi L*. 'nil. ii. .Mian walked I . k would venture on u opn. ion till In- nhonld have seen mole of the a." < >n ti,< ,1, ,o day he ploiionneed In l ilimsslohe a l.ad kllldoflow t. lei The Ii v. - le.lu- left ,!.-,. -at on e -..-lit hnnie. and all wolk on hand, tinmhud and nnlinisli, ,1, .-ent hack In l he wan hoitie. The lever ran its COUIMV K-.r several day AKIH-H wundi led m In r mm, I. and scai.i-l*, . i el . eemed i nlltciolM of where ahe Waa or of what had hefalh-n In-r Ha.l it not IMI-II fo, kl'el healti d Ml- Ml. ike. poor Aunt Maria inu-t have won, lienwlf out, Imt the w.nthy landlady insist e.l on taking tmn- with her in 11111*111^ In the p.n |O.|L',I,K' house k.-. |*.-r, foi all nn i .-lined way" an.l innnn.. ,al,le -.,!. < isinn of spec, I, and inai.nrr, nlie reeognikcil a t, in lieaili d woman, and a* in, h she did not fail io hold her in ,. -| Al length the I, ic, iia.heil il - IMSH, and 'e, youth ami a _-o,,,| cnnntitu- app, the the iloor* nf mi i,., in i-ell, ami \\li.n -h nolril tlie. 1. 1 - ,.t |.,ple, M, ilnen lor the most part, H In. kept llittin^ in ami .ml. -In- tnil.l ,1 .si, k at Ill-alt .111.1 Wai M-l/i-il Mltll a stian^e tn-liihllii|< wlili h ill. I not leave her nil she wa-. i e in.ii.' U-s on,| the intlii, -n. . of the plaee. At length a mn , ann- nut ami pill II | the -I nl ! 1-1 , line \,y one ; still she hail not the , oui.me to % in. Then In- liut ami Uille.l the ,lo,.i . an, I next loom, 111 .ill WHII ill ilaikneHn Her o|iportiinity f"t that nn. r ht Wao\il She ilept l,.|. k llOIIM- jltile.l Ml lioily an. I en, she.] ,,, >.pn it. A Nile elite, e.l the hoime she en, onntel e, I Mi iik. in the pitHMiu". Tin- latti i ..I ..I nei I. nn, Hi' an. I thru at liei, ami showed l.y her fa. - Ilia! nlie llnderMnnd how ll.lltt, i . |,..,| _.,... | . Id n.it do ll in ill ed, I cnidd not," said Mis* M-m.-i in feel.le it lo in.-. M ' ,. i ' ' tilkllv the hie ' ! . t, .n. hrr. ' I'll I, I." 'I III the n.ol IIIIIL... I lifter* -I, i, lion plevallid, and Allies IH-^MIII Hluwly l., men,! She would re, |,inc *,, -at cue and n toi a lolio t in.e to o,l,e. I lie ,1, . t or pint, -t MI, id ; nn-aiiw I, 'I. . nothing must he li.kini: \^ A in the way of jellici and wine and olh. i NimtaiiiuiL! arti. I.- of diet M,-- M.I i, | | -,IS Wolds With dl.,,,,1. foi h'l Illtle ,,,u;hl to l,,ae had I,'.., 1 M li-i I lian't ilThillk -.l.-'k of icidy n, 1 hut exhausted, ,,( !,.,(, ( , \\ ^ and ipiait.-i dai wl,,,h. when it .am-, v . lU *,| |,.. ., | , , , |.,|,|, v , ,1,,:,,' would only l.tmch.-i on.- fointh of hw M< , y -.| ,| (1 j u1 , ^ n,,... | lkl .,| u .j.*, noity of twenty poandt, .nl\ the uhoh ,,t ^, MI whi.h would I.-.; I -till ' |, ,,(.. i i,,,.-n,-,.nMi>. Snake hie weeks alial. Ihe -, e |K,,| , id- |,, esen I . d I , , ! I I,, !,,! e \1 j 8 Cranl,-. . I'.lt nhehad hno.L'hl with I.. from K, . leslirld ,;,, ,, , r| ,| |( ^j, |||1|F ,| l( . ,ish. d pie. meal long aj<o ; i,,,l, , d. laiicr'B Imnd. slie said : "There! That'll [ of lieriiie<e illness ,,|| ,|i.-y'd eue on it. llontilnl ,,,,! ,i,l he had fmi. .1 , ..-holt otmtnt\ thai >01 , know, hut H hit ,,'d fashinin-d, and that one day nhe had i iism-d out of the house ,,,,., a | (ll ,,f diffen,,..- ' I h, n h indin*; 1,1 a wild tinny ol .pulls and had sold |,,. r gl||tt || S1|ll ,,,, ,,.,.,. , lf i...^..!^,,,,^ |wrtly printed and partly lillefl npiiith her wateh. It wan nn ..I, I la.-hioneil alTniri an.l ha. I I,, en u, eon-la,,: ll-e fol thlity celliun ,al,.ih.||. , 1,,,,, 11 tern, -In* added yearn, ml when .1,-p,,-. , I ..I lot almnt hull Ami hi n . l h, t n k, t, of whi, h yon must of what it wa really worth, did not, hinim-h ,,leae tak, i. ,t . .u, I'll lake " | nnv toward* nri.:hin Mim Maria. It hud he. n f, m ,, you for it, if you , Ion t nnn.1, wlii.li is I,, i lath. -i ' pieiM i.i to her Then ae.l.iiml M |,at tin y iliargoa." it waamiil, very nail, to have to pa,' ',oin it \| I8( , .\|. r i K11/e ,llirt at the money and after all thoe year*. | then at the ticket. " You good, kind i i.-at ure ! " ihe exclaiim-,1 thrniigh lier tears. " II, iw can I ever repav yon ': " So, after all, tlie nick girl hi.l her wire an I n-lly ami gra|>C8, in uuennlan. e with . tlie ,lo, to, '., [lie,. [ IJitlon. s hortly after this e|n.,.le. Mis- Mr, i. )IMIV HOIIIC trifling putxhvcs tn m. ike, walked down town a- far ai (.'hiu.-ii Street with the view of ohtamin.. whatslie wanted. On her way back -he extenili-.l her walk a little anil wenl round hy St. (ieorgu'H Hall. An she drew i:ear, she aaw a crowd of pi oph Ktreaming nut of one of the doom. There 'iii li-eii a faahionalile concert there Iha*. aflern,H,n, whu-h apparently wan just over. Ai -he wax making her way slowly through the .rush, the sound of a once familiar \m , striiek on he, ear. She started and (iui.i-,1, (.-.-I, ni; Ini-elt i;i..w white ami cold a* she | did so. Next moineiit her eye-, fell on \\'il , Hint Itilirell. Me w a lalkmc and l.in-l.in^ ill the old gay in-mici ml .-tyle w lin-li she ie- memlieied no well, with two la.li.--.. whom he wan evidently -.,,, rung from the eon , 1 1. 15oth the la. lie-, wi-te voting, l.otli we,. Innking, and Uith fiialu.iiial.ly In---..-,! II. eye-. .-, -clued an if they could not travel 1- J yond one or the other nf I hem, and neiri turned the way ot Mist Maria. She stum! rooted to the 8pot till the throe we,.-|o-l among the ernwil, and then went .-ally on her way. Shi .ulil she tell her un-, > what she ha<l Been * she asked herscll .,jnn ,m.l a^a.n At length she de. ,,i- lo -o ,' |.i.--.y not t:ll Ajms should IH tl'Ollgel Ull.l lietll-l alile to U-ar the , tinll. r.ut AI 'ii .-.mil- LI. k -!> Is, all hut ini[K-r,eptil.lv m, lee. I, an it -e.i.i.d to Ihe loving even anxiously uatih ,liy. 'slie seemed t' have . o! het ow ii 111 ill,- n.a", , , lo IMM no longer any mti-nut in li\i:ii;. All her ,n.| swei-i rrxiy ln|.pii.r.sn hod ..i,ll-le I, u- if Mll-ll tl.lll^H had Ill-Vel i'.n. le av !,!(.- nothtiiL' ''lit a pnle silent -hadow . U'liind, who sit lir.uidmg the, lay lii- .o.-i the aslies of tier dead lo\e. 'I'll, i day the do lor. who did not FCCIII at. all - , aith the |i,.,jri-s hit patient, wa- m.'k,:ij. said it was impcrati\ .- that -i... have - ha,i),'e ,,f air and - em- >he N I I, ton for a Month or six weeks. Veiy i-.i-y talking, hi.t wi..,. Ii>- m. m- toi eirrving out such a n andate to .oine fi-om ': H..XV, in. I. e.l. tl,.- .hw tor linn-, h to IH- paid, wh.-n the :, illd anivrt.ir a set tleincnt ot hi> Dtl Kieiy t tun. o'' > a!ne hail I,-. time t' .11. tl.e \\ iv of the silk .Ire.--, and when T !: do. tnr U'lXe Hit. Ian. to hi- l:il, \l - \l ma had jll! . l,a:n;--,l le . . ' >t ill. Ills W'll \\ is I..W. " I nni'i iln it," sin- wid in I., i self with a lull.- tlutterin^ ,i;h. " No ,,iii i ,-ou,-e ,- now op -a lo me. 1 -.1 ill write In Maicns hy to Ill^ilt 's IK.-,' 1 know I I. ! lie lias . i Illtle a, i-, hum .on..- I must | a-k In-' t." a loin of ten |HIIIIII|- lie would ' IM nil n - > v . . |. . - \ ,- . n t ,. \\ 01 1.1 it I wen [onk him torn. Ah. how ^,HI 1 he i- ' A'.ih'-n/h no mi-ntjon has hitherto Uen ma.ie o| the fmt. Ml- M.l' I i w %- eligagw! In the III > \l n, us I. II llold. I I ....... ,, ot I., r I. H. tin i . ami I.i I l-cen * en^a^i ,1 Im ili.-la-t -.-\.-n or figlit year*. I lion.di ilie \lneiis .vj< nnu MI-;, i. on ins tiflieil. \. . , |. ....... t " Mil :M far I :,.,ii, Inn, i- when In* -in ted on hi- ,.u > nt uiy IK-JIM e. II, was a ::.KH| man, w-.!', \ in exeiy M*S|N-I : IO)H- \li>- Ma i . . - iinsh.iiid : I -tit ll as no \\ . n, le, I hat t,. him the wy > ..... i.e. I long in. I dle.uy, and that lie often ask.-.l luiii*n-lt wl.. the, Ihe uoil Id ,\el 1-0:111- \MII-II lie -honl.l lie ahle to m in y the w .m. n w Ilo had waited lot him -o I'/n; and |Mtlently. Atte, l. -a, Mi-. Man i sat down and w :ot.- herleitei with.mt sa\ in-.' i *,.,! I.. Allies | aU.nl it. Just a.s sin- was fnlding it up, I lien- . aim- a tap at tin- doi , which, next moment, is ,J|H-,I.-,|, ,|,,| ay nitf lo view a -lollt, Inlddli a^'eil. apple cheeked woman, with a ti.e that Mas the piclnie of C,H>,| tenijH-: and i olitent . "I.i !. -ions me ' " . . li.l I ' I'.^.-y \l-.ei-- " It s me. M,>- MUM tin i, ', no mistake alK.nt that," aimwrre.l IVg.>\ will, a l.mad smile. "( oloe III, do, .111,1 shut the, In,, I I ll I. '- .ilwav- a draught in that piuuagc. \\ell, l'.-j-\, 1 " ijlad to see y.m. Kath.r a 1 1 Hi tent place this from tlie \,,,acc." she adiled with a little tielnnr ot the \oi, e and faint hlinih, at she tdnnik the new .,m,-r'- liand he. u t,l\ " It is indeed. Mis Mai ni, ami s,,i i y 1 am to see you in such a place I heanl that \i as ,li a, I. ami Hint you I, . Ine m l.uci |H>ol, and IM I,, en t,\,ngfoi month-, to find \ou out, hut it was i|iule l,\ a. . i. lent I h'-al d ot yon at hi.it I'.nt, deal lieaii aliM*. how |Mle and thin Miss Agues do liH.k ! Mie must t'ave IH-II, very ill surel-ly." IVnv'V had lieeu . ciok y-ars l,.|,,,e at ill- ii,aia.-e, l>iil had left il to gel mairii'd. Mil '-t.iy. 'I i.nwai d- of an hour that even IIIL; . and her talk .ilmnl old tini.s and old pi ' - en I, \em d Allies -o much, and seemed to do h.-i HO much X"ol. that Mi-s Muit lna,|e I'. ,'i;\ pi ..... lie that sin Would pay them anothei \,-.t In-line Inng. Now, I'eggy wan a shrewd woman in hei \\ a\ II , nrnwity waa not catn.1,,-,1 with the i i|.s of infoi iiiation Minn Maiin had Millchsitfed her. mi, llflel leaving the house liy way of the front door, the went dnwu the ana .|,|i- lo the iKisemciit kitchen ID s.-ai.h oi Mrs. Stiake.ii, id a- 'In* lady wa-. only to., yl.nl lo Intvc ionic one to talk to v. Koha, I known her hulgcrs in licttcr da\ -, . HIH.II .oiiliived to find out all she w.n.vd lo know. The uiforinalion llm- i i, i \ ..l\ c,| m h, i mi, i, I an -he walk, ,1 !i,,inc. " I .1 go t.. Mr. K.sholt to nn n n ,w n ioi n mn , , line'- what it n, ami t.ll Ii in all al.oill tin- JHH.I dial lull, -. -he uii.l I.. ||,-,M-'.I. "I in, nd n," well when Mi. Ksholl, who's now dc id im-,1 lo come, years ago. in the > i .1 how he and ina-l, , n e,| In he mole like hi, ,t h. is than t, imds, i -at ling each olh, i Ne.l and ll|ek, jll-t an if they weic two great Imys together. Vet, 111 inaki bold iO gO aOWn to tot) offlof and ask for Mr IM, ,|t. anil tell him all I've- lent m , I aln,ut Mi-- Main and Miss Agues. For his I. niiher K sake, if for nothing else, he II never let t hem Mai vi lor the want of a few ponn.is and he -u.-h agood kiml gi ntli-m ,n its lie is !" IVgL'v My i - - liiisUnil held the position of folcmull |i.u k. I m Mr Ksl, oil's \\are liouae. (To l:. i oxTIM I.I. ) ev.laimed Mini < Hani,, , I el tl et, ' , an that i*e said the olh I A BCMIA* *VEXTI BKM. lir.ij I'ltrxrr anil t aril oh.irii.lin.il'> a Mnnl. r. .. * ll-|>l.ii . ,1 I*. r-..n. n .n Alii.t tiltceii years 11140 a y'im.4 of nnl.h- In. th, MISH Goolak-Arti went from \olhynia t.,S;. I'eter-l.mc;, and -oon Ixxaim,- a tigure in the soi-iahlts cin-lfs of the capiUil. Her youth. l*anly, reliiiement . and " spni|jutliclic nature," .is tin* I'.ii.sMan (liipi-ri ile->. ul/e it. attracted to liei lira* in i{ r, ion. a host of admirers, (if- hcern of hiijii lank and yoi.nv; nol.les paid homage ,.. her. MUM Coolak-Artcin.nskaya In ediulii^h style ;sto,,ea were ji;rientin the i'y il.oiit iat po.-iwinioiK in the ( 'rimett anil the I atica-iiis which she had inherited, to account for the luxuries in which ahe in- dn|,*ed herself. Hut hrr days of glory were , .1 short duration. One mornine; several niilit.ui ..ill .-is ... ii,J, i.mk ,1 - overeil that they had IH-CII taken advantage of l.y tlie Ix-aiitifnl Mi3s(ioolak*Arteinnvnkayaat the innoi-Mil .{line of duo, atchky (a molt .simp!.* t*-iii,. ,,; ,-ai.ls winch m very i-ommon in K:is,nai. and that since they had heeu a, .|Uimt.-d with tier they had lost main- thou-ai.di of riihles. They ,.|H.rti-d their ' - tlie poll, e alltllolitieH, who found thil Ihe lady po*i8eti<ied no pro- ami that ahe derived the means of hy fraud, not only M.Kl: IM. Hfll AI.MM'I 11- ' i:' i i.-:i f.ir*{in(j wa ,, , privation of all penonal rights ami e\i!,d .-!ia, :TI the (i.i\i.|Mi.ieut of lrk,;t-l,. .\ romantic MI, -i, lent w ,- .-ou:iecte.l with her , , ailmiren, t M i . lull little at'.etltion in her |, , -I. d |,|4 l| nl 'oil* |l, I. -i i!'-,, her in pris m. and |,.l!ow- t-d in-i volun'allly lo the p!., , \ile. \\ h-n tl.e emiplc armed in Irkutsk . i!. I - -'* the* ,' iii it p,"i i'lie; II, .11, I I v t 1-er hii-l,.ind. :>sa I'u-i* man of I en, ploy n tin- :iy ,,t Iiknlnk. lie ,n id-* he- ,-,>n, I, nin- ed w.' all . .*. '. -p.i:' ,ei her his Ki'ial y and all tlie litl'e n.. on,.- he derived from his po.--. al I... .u. i himself happy wh. n In- c,. dd .|M n . a feu days with her in l!ie village win n he wjis off duty. But tier :-.. i fe di 1 not .-nit the wi!\ la.lv ; she l .1 ' o t . ll.' ... ti,. . ,,y of Irkutsk. Mill-,.- knd opportunities f-,, -o, i.il.ility eom|iaialively plenty. The means to . ml -lie foin:d 111 ielii*ions liyp:-riy. ! headed i- a '. \ |-|,'l > AMI |-|.MTK\T WOM l\, went to i hiirc.h a.* otleii a- opp'.ituiuty pi. sented .:-..*l: in, 1 1. ..aim* known in the nei|*h l,i h,N,d f..r h.-r " _,> Him --. ' Throiii*h tins she at'. I.I, '. ,1 J|el-o - 1. cot I'.lsli ,p tie II | III. III. who, n. ..;,,_ Iii -o: iieia 1 rounds 111 th, , li-inci . , i al her village. AH lie upol-.i- to her wi id- of oin'ort and raligioMOMar, sin- he. Kan ity.i. . aiid.-iid th.it al! she. :c. ,,,.', v. ,. oe\p...*. h. r -m- at the loot of the altar. ' I Jut unfortunately ! l.is r.,:,-. .l.iti . , 11 .1- deni- ed tier, -line m the little church nl the \\\. ' i o|,i\ on, I i in, r*h, or still I,--- oil.-::, and it Bon I (M-IIS that jiiit hen ti, I .-lie ,t.. unwell tn attend them. Ifthehnly father, could hi;*, j^et in; ;r ..,-teiied I,. \\ , .':t\ o' ii I.T ll .it* many , lier.-h. "I'pi Itlllll'l. . to .it lend rell^loi: a'ino-l eler\ hnlir 111 the day. .- ; ,.- would -ill happy . liei plddi'i ; ai.j . ,. ! ,.i nincfrc that the ptelate Ma- taken in hy it. He Went to the l.oMTiior and iir^.-d him to transfer the* ...mi, -I l.iM.:.il. Arteniovskayuto Ih- of the l-'.i inn , n', m or ler to atioid li,-r .in oppmt unity tociij.-n.'ein wiirki >! piet \ and dei'iitioii. The I ,.iv ci nor could not deny the Ill-imp h,s leanest, and allowed the .mini woman to nettle m Irkutsk. Men-, al la-t. -in- and her hn-dtand aupcared qOlte happy . I'la-y set lip a le.-pe.talde little ..ii.l.iand Inc. I cmi fortahly together for a time. Their little parlnrs soon I , came the -.-litre ot all, action tort I.. nt *>* /,./ and the militaty. diLir 1 ot the city. lint reports reached the (ioi n mi that the penitent < oiol..k- At teiuov- -kaya, who indeed, united the chunhci. during the day. amused her i<iietB ill the eienmg with the game of l>.>ont.tcl,kv. Not n i- MLS sent hei that under no c, nsid eration -'lould ,a:ds he played in her hmisc. or she w... ild he sent hack to the village where she had IH-CII located In-fore i ,id play had to U* v'l^eli -,lp. Tlif hll- I. iiid of the tiieky woman found out after a while that she conducled her household on a larger and more In \iirnni- s ( alc I lian in- . oilld allord. He di- "lend, n,,,,. tlial she I. ad .Ileuses and jewelry which he had not luuiuht for her. At last he learned thai he had l:ei nine t. HI intimate with Hu- ll, h ineicliant w! wind tin* house in will, 1, they hied He l emonsl i aled V. It ll her, hut could ijei n,. vilislactmn. Having com lined hnn-elt that the woman wan in- , i .n , njil.le. he alundoned her. Km -he , ,,n tiniuil I, ling ln ''' l fashion. II,, .l,atni- wt'rt* yreat ami she ncier lacked fiiend- shc could insiiutale herself in the favors of any one who knew her. It seems, however, that tier last trump waa p! lycd this w inter. Ann 114 her friends n i- a .'o.iii,---, li, . had U-en lu'oii^lit t, on, M,,-, ,.w hy one i if the ricli merchant- . ,' Irknt-k lor Ins, lid, hen The la, h wiwlii^l.ly educated and lelined ami in statin and ,,, p -ai m, e i-cs. inl.l, I (iiMilak - Arlrinov-k Sin. c hei ai nial m Ii kutsk the w ilyAi i . -kay haul"-.-, im-liei ml imat eli lend. Although tin- jjoiei ness was highly icsp,-,i,d, no one wandi'rul at her tncndslnp i,,, the conviu, 1 a u.-e a lady of Ivetter edit atnm and la, ; could not he tound in tin* city. Last autumn I, olh Artemovaktya uid I ,-, I,.,,,,!, the , I nc-i dl-appe al, -d tn.M Ilklll-'k >. , Melc made, hill tllu flli;i!i\es , oiild , di.-eoieied. Al laat a pcasai, l ,e|H,ile,i he had the hod) lahl\ ill M oiinin near the , in-,- a few versts d;- tiom Irkutsk, It ua- ll,, I. ,,lv .,1 !, L-oxeriifss. As she had disappeared from th,-cit> lou'etlicr \\ itli the , onlict tioi.lak \l Icmov-k '-. lattei had plan i ii, , ,',,.! m ,,id>i ! s,on ot hei pa. -.-port, .van-hen I.. fugitive con*, id with m,- : energy. Kaily Ihk M . h -- 1 ,. i eled III the tollll of MalMllnk, II, th' riliincnt.it Toiu.-k. She had a-.sui,n,| ||,,. name ot the p " ,1 i;o\cines and lls.-d her i>a*is|Mirt. She was ai rented and taken to Irkutsk fcr tu.d. Makes the Weak Strong The marked l.'v-ni ;,.. Ii |,,-, ';!.- lii run tin- 1, ,,r . ' il "l lie:ilili il-rlvf from Hood's RMM|art!U,eaueliMl**!rpnMI tin- i I .jnitli.it tl<. stroll!:." il ,1 , < ;."t :ii'' i '"' rtiiiRftrtiti. , ' 1; .'"' follow .1 |cirt:.-!l "f ureater weak than U for.-, lull in UN Ml i! *>' iin-ir- - That Tired Feeling el.'.ltc-, .in a|ll'Ctitc, plirille- tilt' 1,1. >0>I. ami. 111 -h"rl. j-i-,. -, (.'real Im-lily. nerve. i::*".iUl an. I .Ir.-e ti\e -trenjitli. "I ilemcd v-ry much >neflt irmi' II "<!'' i iiilla.wlili'lillnoki-irji'-n. r:,l,l":.i:u> It Imill in-' rii-lit "|>. anil (-a-,.* M lent . I'l'i-lll.' I!,,. IKS MX- Ml - Fagged Out l.a-t sjiriim I 'A. is emii^;, I "'.it. My -tivn;;tli I, -ft mi- and I fi-It si.-k awl mis vraMi* :ill tlir tiinr. so tint I foiiat lianlly ailcnd tn my liu-.n,' -. I took in llnoii'-, Sar-.i'ianlh. and it < inv.l me T: .11' 1114 like il." K I !! !.!-. K'lttol Enterprise. Belleulle. Mu-h. Worn Out "Ii - : 'i'i:!a !c-:..i-eil me t.> gooil health. Indeed, I illicit ay trutlifi:!ly it s. IV ill my lifl 1 . Ton,,. ' 1VOIII oM I \\niiUI earie--tly i-ce,.iiim,-ii>l .1 In II r-Sa,-.i|,an:!a," MKS. I'm i-.i M - Mi-eel. Kast Iliistmi. M i-- S. II. If yonite.'i.l.* In tak*- I!,., -I , >arsa- parill a >!.' not In- line,-, I to buy anything else I 11 having Hood's Sarsaparilla i HOOD >00 ,| only -. i. ,-''. M.-VM. IOO Doses One Dollar 1 1 i-l.n l*rinlMel. ; [ii .'i !,..:;. Alas- L i t., l-.in |,>n ,i: \ears ot Ameri an o - , | ..... :1J | v S:!::,I<II,MI, whii,- UM tatel \.i:i,.- of ail other product* of Alaaka iliit-inv the per:o,l ,i,n-^ not ipnt.- learh S.'il ,,UNi,lMI, ,,t which In, ,11- :... 1. 1 .in I. iii. ,-i . Hl.liiK), IMH), repie>.'iith In: - . ! \.irion.- km. is, ! i- ! iinong hi' ii i- th.i' otter. "German Syrup" The majority (if well-read phys- icians nonv believe that Consump- tion is ;t Kcnn disease. In other w.inls, in-stvtd of being in the con- stitution itself it is caused by intiu- merabli; small creatures living in the lungs having no business there and eating them away as caterpillars do the leaves of trvc-. A Germ The phlegm that i-i coughed up is those Disease. *, ir ts of the lungs which have been gnawed off and destroyed. TlK-> Uttlc bacilli, as the germs are called. are too small to be seen with the naked eye, but they are very much alive just the same, aud enter the body in our food, in the air we breathe, and through the pores of the skin. Thence they get into the blood and finally arrive at the Inn. where they fasten and increase with frightful rapidity. Then German Syrup comes in, loosens them, kills them, ex pel Is them, heals the p'a. ; they leave, and so nourish* nsid soothe that, in a. short time consump- tives become germ-proof aud well. Her Day Off. M ' " 1 w:.h \. i lo .1,, .suinu * wre|>- ing to-iiay.' May ' 'I o in, ,i row is my ,lay otl. nni'. i, ami I B*T*r Uta mjraaU gel t iieil the , lay l.i lore, i i , ,iu- 'n,i, I ,-ali t I ake no eii|oyiuent wlu-n I ,-et.< out, mum." "Oh, well, h. it i ! . ,,-,- tomorrow, then." " Hie ilay after IK-MI' out I am ttliem tireil, mum, iu we'll lean-the work until Kritlay." i o, isnler pleasures al they[de|>art, not as they come. Severe front! and freezing hla-sli n i i come, then come frost-kites, with awellinu. itching, hiiining, for which St. Jacob'* Oil is the Vest remedy. A.EV. RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost Bites, Sprains, Bruises, B jrns, Etc. Bold t'T Prnjntlsli and Dealers OT.TI nh.-iv. Fifty (.'vuti a bottle. Dlrvvtious Iu TNI CHARLES VOOELEI CO.. Balt,mri>. Mil Canadian Depot : Toronto, Oat

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