Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1891, p. 3

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HOUSEHOLD. Baby's Name. Dear Prospective : If there \ anything I delight in, a is in naming babies. Su when you asked tor nani/-s lor boys uml girU, 1 sc, /..-/I my pen to -as. ilo name the chil/l somethingthat will wear w.-ll, and then don't nickname him. it does not much matter what yon .-all him or her, go long an you keep clear of the little " tootsy-wootsy " names tliut are rather tempting when oue l<x>ks at the little morsel HO pink and plump ami dimpled. By and liy, liahy will grow up, and possibly have character, and will bit- terly resent it if yu-i have fastened upon him | e oal ashes, a baby name. In naming a Imy at least, be I careful to have the whole name so harmoni- ous that it sounds as if it had grown to 1 teacup corn meal. Steam two hours, bake half an hour. JUr*. ('. A'ny. Try baking soda to remove grease spots from the kitchen Moor. Moisten the sod a anil riili it on the grea-ie spots with a cloth. A good substitute for coffee is " browned barley coffee " that cornea in pound pack- it trn cents a pound. When crackers become damp or softened, try crisping them in the oven. They will be as nice us when fresh. Do the sisters know that putting corn meal in a tub or barrel will stop leaking. Scour steel knives and forks with sifted 4 til PILL tK*. Ill,- I'esls Thc( arolina, N. ( '. .Central trainmen have 'n-'i, having a peculiar experience with caterpillars. Kast of Lumberton the rail- and married a scry respectable Mr. Bull, . road goes through the "big swamp" on after which she just almost felt obliged to trestle work, broken here and there by em sometimes turned to bitterness, as in the case where a sentimental Mr. Rose called his baby daughter " Wild, "and it was sweet and appropriate , -ii/cigh until she grew up follow the fashion and take her husband's Chi istian name ! But this is not naming" Pro- spective'*" baby. Dear mother, you would he perfectly safe m calling him Philip, K-'val, Raymond, Richard, Arthur, (lilbert, Mix, Harold or Forest. Or you might do us I did -just name him tor his grandfather! A bankments of earth. Last Tuesday an army of caterpillars began moving out of the awamp, and when they reached the streams over which the trestles carry the rails they massed on the rails, and proceeded to cross on the trestles. The rails and tics were covered inches deep with the moving mass, ery pretty custom is to combine the father's I and the first train Christian with the mother's maiden name. | them wan brought that encountered to a standstill If the baby is a girl, call her something the driving wheels of the engine slipping, le older the better. The new around as if the rails had been oiled. I-./ ANUS! HIDE. 4 Puii- ii i PnMlHhcs a PkyxIrlnM for I \ IM n- mrulluic "ii li. Iliitlv Dr. T. J. Richie, a physician of Heaver t MiiiKlrrfil Hi'Z- In these days, when it is the i.islnon to set right the reputations of notorious per- sonages of the past, it si-ems onlv 'an 1 kindly, intelligent, lo\ ing cit-ature, svln, n haH bee .eel! HO misrepreSv.|ited that Ilia very causes a "creepy ' frelm-_', sno.i/d Le I'ulls, Pa., has hud an experience with a rat I name causes a -eepy imu-, during the past week which he will not for- [ put forward in his true ami n.i.rc r get for some time. Recently he has been colors. experimenting on rats dogs, and cam and The creature which needs this redrew t her small animals for the purpose ol study- | the bloodhound. Most persons, when they ng the process of digestion. He would hear Ins name, .ire wont, by an accustomed place the animals ujiaer the influence of association of ideas, to picture a nil hie sly hloroform, and tlu-n, after cutting them tit-n-e creature, tearing with savag, viinli. /.'/.I, ami noting the working of the digestive tiveness through tin- dank moras-ci of a organs, would sew up the wound, anoint it i swamp after a fugitive black, eager 'o over- with a healing salve and I take the punt ing slave, and showing him mi J.ETTIIK ANIMAL .10. in.Tcy when run down. 1 hm notion is radically wrong. I he On Saturday last he captured a large rat thoroughbred bloodhound is as gentle as a | anil placed it under the mllnt-nce ..t tin- drug, nlieep, an allWt innate as a cliil-l, and m- when to his surpriHe, he discovered t liat the telligent to a mure than ordinary !< "jree. annual was one In- had previously operated ' '!' many such a picture oil he bloodhound upon. He examined it for a second, and may sci-n', too good to 1* true. Very re then, just as he turned to his case to get the ,-eiitly 1 ,-!:ai iced to meet the chiei bi^-der in-., --sai-y instruments to make further in- ,,i \\ r . H ,.lu M!i of .logs in this --/.mitry, ami vestigations, the rat revived, jumped from what lie told me of them was so pleasantly the table, sprang into the open tin-place a, I novel that it has seemed worthy of being] escaped up the chimney. The doctor, think- communicated to others, wlio "may !alii I ing the rat woulil pop out of the chimney, uiuli-r as great a misconception as nly own) ran out on the street to see it, but no rat was in the matter. appeared. That night as he lay asleep he was awaken- This gentleman was waiting on a dock in Mew York until a steamer Miould sssm.; down tin- <trcam from her anchorage higher old-fashioned, th names, such as, Daisy, Myrtle, Lilv and j engineer exhausted the contents of his Minnie, have had their day and ,- are ; box befoi re he got through the swamp and eil by a sharp pain in his linger, and openin going back to the dear old names. To day , reached a clear trick. The next day a trim. _ visited the primary schools and heard a j encountered an army of caterpillars cr beautiful child called Rachel and another the trestle, and had some dith'culty. to be again awakened by the same rat biting his nose. He chased it away, hut he got little actually responded to the name Sarah, ' Charlotte bound passenger train yesterday without any modern contraction. Among had a limilar difficulty. The rails and cross my favorites are Ruth (my little daughter's tics of the trestle were olmcured from sight name), Kdilh, Ksther, Dorothea, cr Dorothy, by masses of caterpillars, and the ground Winnifred, Helen, Marguerite, and the and swamp on each side of the track were sweet names Faith. Hope, Peace, and Pa- j littered with fragments of millions ofcater- tiem-e. For .1 middle name line something I pillars killed by the wheels of passing trains short, si, , a< I.HI- o' II. iv. and have the, and from this mass an unendurable stench name always written in fulL It it well to anise. Where the caterpillar!) came from is provide ..-. n a g.rl will, a nice middle name, ' not known. for in o i-e -he m v <T m irnes, she may pine for a trio of names. I have always clung to my ma.-ien name, atnl think i' a proper thin.; for every woman. And now. " Prospect iv-e." I hope you will g-i an/ -ad ami name the baby just what ,_, sleep that night, tor the rat kept returning, and when he attempted to kill it the wily Tom s Cabin and to the chartctcr of the Southern bloodhound*. The dogs '.hat wet . used on the slave plantations w-r<- really of [ little -feature always successfully Th TOOK KWI-IIB IN TUB , insist v. next night and for several nights suits yoit-scl: and tiny joy and prosperity att>'!nl iK.th yon an I him tor.ver. Brill. ll I 1 , HI a i. ii- That the stock cxjhange is not an accurate thermometer of a nation's prosperity was illustrated by the budget submitted to the House of Commons last Thursday by Mr. lioschen, the Chancellor of the K.xchei|iier. In spite of the low prices of stocks, it stem* that the Knglish nation has never been so Ritchie couldn't help hut be curiously in- ti-rested ill the little fellow's welfare, even C \penein-c was nther unpleasant. to the bloodhound in them. They were all a cross between the bloodhound and a dog which is known sometime" as the Ktissian hound, sometimes as the Dti'di hound, afterward, the rat disturbed his rest by its sometimes as the Sreat Dane, persistent and bloodthirsty attacks. Dr. This is a tierce dog, and the savage charac- ter of the Southern bloodhounds is due to this strain in them. though biBcxperieucewas nther unpleasant. " The thoroughbred bloodhound is entire- Finally he stopped up the chimney, but the ly gentle, rather timid in its nature a rat managed to ct out. He t lieu left the ladles' dog more than anything else. It door of his room open, thinking the rat may sound absurd to you to -ay that a harsb would sci/e the chance to leave the premises, word or scowl him a very depres-ing , licet He also set a trap tor it, but he didn't catch on the blond bound, owing to its sensitive! v it until .Momlav evening. aiiei ucnate disposition ; but it is true, wnis T.It: R.STSAW TIIK IHMT.I* U ''>', *!'"' < l "f* "V'T'-akl. the -nan they are hasmg, they fawn upon him with an it showed every sign of terror and when in- ,, , , ,- ,;,,i 1( ,i, t . /ut the trap on the table and brought out -'!,., K i vu v ,,,, instance that will il hlorotonn and sponge it gave l UNt rate the gentle nature of this dog On s,|Ueak, tore .savagely at its , ny f anil , Vermont, where I huve HCV- 1 1 his bottle ot d water, or it will do bt-en [nit into no goo/I. Many s-.-p.s mas' '" wite market l.ask" 1 in vvhi'-l carry ' I/on, lal/l- to The be - be de- corated much or little as the lasledictat, s. I i u basket, sl him J / D tb ",;!-idc and ! .1 - . wi ii //t! /-In ' expended upon the Post Olti.-c Department, I'arliame ..... my dnrijutlieeneui have occasion It cunsnlei -...noo onnrried with t lie steamship lines -.vhi'-li our Hovel nineni and people m iliki oils nt i ileil .11 BUN) :; i^' d. Tile ant.ioi i/i-dai ran.- inc'lit - r pi ..... i: aie 'hrcii ill number : I. An Atlantn- servi. i - ., |><- Slll.sidl/l-d to tin- e\t. -'jMi , i annum fora weekly serv:ce for In years 2. A projected tm "niglitl-. i Australia and New Xealand tr'nn > Rritish C.ilimibiaii |irt, with a sub.si.lx ul -7..INKI in adililioii to what may In* otlen-d in ii ..... thei . iil-mii-H. ,'i. A niontiily >: vice to China and .l.ipaii, for w neb sso,l)tH per annum lias In. ., pio. mised by Camilla and s-jL'.i.'XMi !iv Croat. Iliitain. Sluiild the Imperial I'ailiiiment pn-lei to raise its giant t" " I .'i7.i,iHMi m ordi-r to provide a fortnightly iitrt- liiilii.il will lie increased to s|-j;,.iKKi. Such ts the position of atl'aiis at the im>~ nil-lit, and there can be little doabt that in thus promoting a policy which will <. .;rly participate in the alo of the, world tho Canadian i o\ . riiinint hau taken a step which willgrci.tly i-i'di.iind to the national benetit. As an instiimic It nay lie pointed out that the French trade with lira/.il, the Argentine lli-imlilic and I'niL'iiay only amounted to -:N 000,000 opening of the subsidi/.ed steam lini-tiom Bordeaux to ihesc .-onnii ".i-., -md I h.it n IIHH sin.-e increased to .sJill.liT.'i.tHKI, or '',' \ i 'cut. Tlieentiie French trade w:tii Katit t-rn Asm did not exceed . I S.7JI ,nl prtor ti. the inception of the seivi.e to I mi/., ami India, while in ISTIlit had attained the figure ol S77,0(MI,(KH) ami Lyons liad in- on/i- the Kuropean emporium for I hiiie.e ami lapanese silks. The traditional policy ot I o c at hi itain ha* indeed ln-eu similar to t he one whu ii w> an: now pin-sunn.' m Canada, and lew IM ' found to ilenv t lie advantages t hut li.r. - crueil to tin- Mother Country Irom ln-i liberal i-in-'iuragemeiii of shipiung. Apart. altou'etbei troni the development u:i. ii ri-- sulteilt" i ' -erlain decree fiom tin navigation laws -.1 years gone by, ' I'.litalll -.pent III direct subsidies t . i -i.ippllig of various kinds l-t \u-en K''<i and MiT'bi immense sum ol *i:i7..'Mi!l.!IH4 : wfcill -u-- the latter year, by Lie more uni: of post .-oilier payments for llia.'l si-l v|i-e .mil packet hues, she has exjH-udcd tJN l.i' ^e ii.-noun: of>:ll.7l.'i..'!4ii. The tollou '.ng .1-1. of annii.ll sums now granted for t lie i-in-mir agemellt ot tonrimi . olinnefe 111 ':: '' I'll of bounties and i-ompcii.sation tor the ur .|>"i-t- ation of mails will speak for itselt France ....................... *.i.7'U.77S Kngland ...................... 874 Italy ..................... .;..vi.:.n:ri Cerinany .......... :). l.i I .ti 10 Spam Netherlands -hielly in increasing the wages oi the em rr-er>lnn a ral Wife. saved il the house- P lo y ce> - " Thl! Government,- said Mr. [ ,77., ,| ie( i t | lt . w jf,. ,,f tna - ecceotrio ,,, '" 1; '"- '"""I '' . "does not Mieve | .,,,;, Mr. Martin V.m Uuchell. an/I the he cheapest labor M the U-,;." For s'ng'ilar mode employed for the pre-er vation 'inimg year the Covernment /Iocs not ,,- h< .,. |,,,,| y merits notUM. propose to re. in/ c the d,r a- . but , instead, ropriate ten millions dollar loll. \\ lien we .-on!,- t . > ,.,......, -.-..._., . iriam. ioaiarg< uegrei v| r ( . inks bank. 111 ected the llood . - - - ti> tree ..j,.;; bis skill in |ire\ a ut ing, it po.--ilde, liie ,1,1,,., -.out. U1YIOK.CT5U ' -' s ol lorn, us la! all. -I the ess.,'. 101, of . aa,,'U-r>l,,,na ' surplus, Ulc ca-.se to, ,-o,,-:i i ; . , .|.,, u l y the doi-Uir, asslBted i-y ml. i '-./in eiitiiitc'i !y- ?-.,- hull- I - . rna -ii ca'l''! I iian to make t. I hull Ml , I i in w .,':', -a, and svln-n it i., tno", uglily I nirii i m. i spnti in -l-fui-d bill '"" . i million .if ilu II TM LK..I! .-..I' ii-, (., [e.u--i'i toils inn p (ion While i h.. i \\ iiiu tin- pop iiatin ii line Her .-enl tti ..... .11 '"" I"' -'"I-, 'in <i.n per liei-r had incl lye, I dry il . -11 and it is -I'" 1 V'"" '"" 1 . Ul ''"'"''""i" ""' '>' r1 "" tw.lv. per cent As M, , ,,,p / I,,,,,,- sly put it, ' thc nation had been drink- dd be boiled m soft water ; ,,_, ,,;,. lt ,. I.HI,,..,,,,.. ],, M -i u itor toughens them. \\ DM ....,, .,..,,. ,, ,. s , ,.,,,.,,. ,.,-.. ,|ete/-t a sort of '-on, plaint in the cry, it struck in,- ih.it it indt'-ate/l som- thing un- usual. 1 wen- intothv :'roiit Hitting n -tc w'lat n M is " Theri- was the 1 liichefs o: Ripple sii'ini: on the floor, her /lurk, t iinliii / ("vii'l im with a inelmicholy ga/c. !'he is always n pathetic I/M-K '.n the Cy* ol a liloiHlhound, -onii-thii'L.' that is haul is so bumble and plea'LliL'. " M y lit ". '.e 'IMIS , not more than 'wo ami a half yi.us old, who wax alviii i'lay- , inn with the ho'iinis, was sitttn^ast: if the cheeks and lips were ti ud, and , beck With a pair of small scissors in Ills On ';.- taUtm; |,!a. : ,-. IM- a|iplie.l to Dr. Hunter to l.:.7l.".Ti 7.77-\ IMI C.mada. ... - . 7:;l'.'KN. ,.ia and t her colonies. 'HHI IM her -mm ri.-s .......... J. I -J".i. '.KM Canada is at pi'-sin' the loin th v.i powei in the oi Id, and it In- < ..... tint it wear. ' o.r nine a sil'-c'-s-lal in HI Wltlltbe I'nitcd Stale-, -a next Id-low II.-, must i o| L 'i\ i- in ol pioiiioTing tradi: and coinineree wit -in slile countries by mean- ! ..;p line-. ii ri-i I fluiii MI tnp initinlu i exhibited their native Due ; and the body in f,.,ir ' '"' --i -'i .1. having all the .-., ...:, ,1 with ea k> 1 1 le lin.i.n.', then, tables nei ;. t. r it can - .I/pi ' lie cooking Oar Cook Book- K<jJLL-. I 1 r boiling milk. I tahlcspiMin i/ s ,- u. i [i li(|ind Flout lo make a still -pong'-. Let. ii rim- / e: nigh'. In the morning knead ,t ,,,.. , ;,. IT t),,. j,,. * we!!. :. again, with a biscuit roll it out und cut it i MI HNS. -J tiil/lespoons sugar, I i up SSVC t. /I consumption iittlie-e '-ominodilies . not th,- rea.se ol KngUnd's sveallh, but the increase //i Kii_'iand - want. Vet Mr. n was undoubtedly righ' wiie/ said that this increased consumption of li ,|UOi- was the effect of pr.s|>eiity, v , 11 t!t< ugh it may be a cause of adversity. Mini. in. I I.-, in, i i a :n, v. ,. U |. A story comes to me tiom Ailmns whi -ii is almost too good to be true. bur. .|in: it ,-s. i-i-ii/aini-o p. trom / o! I option -, anv Ulipjea.-alil .-lo/ iin were merelj in a state of sleep. But to il'ci- i/t !:le g!u--H /-yes ,i- M ted. TI orpsc vv. - i I in a I ed of thin pla.st.-r ot I'ans n a DM "I snMh-ii-i't. /illnelisnuis. will. -I, siibhe- uvjeotly erysiall'scd an/l producede. p.- -tlect. A /-l/l tain t-ovtieil t be glass lid "I the IH.X, which could be wilbiiriiwn at ple.i ami '.hi- 1/,/x hcinn kept m the common par- lour, Mi V m liiicheli ha'l tin- -//itist.// -t /en ol preserving hi> wife for . v-ir-, :t- Hm-ntly displaying the l.itiutiti.l ci.-i ps,- lo In- >ii/-nds and" viHitors. A sec, /ml maniagt- rith hand. He bad b, ,-n sniiiiimg at 'he huir ot -ng, -ilky ears, ami "wo . - I lines, o-tiit/i.i notii-ing it. had cut. toe flesh so as lo br'ii'i tin- liloinl. The /log i m iiifi-k protest aL'.im-t the pain, but would nut throw oil the child to escap,-, tor /: Irirt ing linn. " TI.. i. the -/ . inici-o'u' tbii niello -. under tin- pa. u. but m.ikiiiL' no :!"/ ' to shake o'l tb-- i///v . \\'h,-n I Itlt,-d linn n o.- - some years atterwards li.is.n^ on.-. ring up, and by her demofistratione ctioi, for him. sanl as pl/unlv a- a :,/^ '1 know von didn t mean an 1 .' i ut, ni". -o I had t" -; tier--'- when she has soung pnpin,--, i-i/ltln-y are handh d. l?ut you may apji.-.i. n i mother hloo.il, //i, no, take up bv ,-.. BMI VMM r ' I I ,' ]i oi,/iin-i 1/1 >f, n II/OIIIM I , inn^: ul/ ill,. ,o,,d to IM; withheld. The privy council had | ""'i-Uniiiy difference*, it was f.mndc-xpi-d,. , , h| , t| ;] . . t_ . * . , on* -c r*.|o,,\e 1 i.. iireKi-rCfil IMVltf. - .. a tin '! ing in the room <ct apai i tor tin-:.' the glaring, white, stuccoes palace. I cut ',/ evening, and the president had just ri-< . -o I tliic--p</on butt'-r, I egg, '"ilk, . bakmi; pnwder. Flour for j address'hie colleagues, laying, aivordi.. '. x 1 -'" ' j custom, his gold watch on the table in nont. Slid the preserved lxly. (MT'tf \'. Itoi.i.s. To a vegetable dish of i o.ed oatmeal, add, I talileapoon . 1 pint hot milk, tloiir tn make lit,- stirt', two teaspoons Inking powder. K<ik,- in gem irons. Co i i K I'VKK. I cup molii-si s, I cl ip sugar, 'J eggs, '. ,-t;p butter. I i-upcoldcorlee, I , ip laisins, I teaspoon en -.tiainon. I tablespoon sc/ |j. '.', , -ups (lour. ot him, so that he might mark time. dcnly thc electric light went out, but after a short interval ictnrned. Then the presi- dent, discovered that his watch, winch was a pns.-nt troi.' his royal unistci , was mi-sin^. lie lamented, and invited his colleagues to i /-place the watch, but there was no rcponse. He reminded them that the door was locked and that the watch must be in the possession of one ot them, lie next put each member "' 1 ni'l grate In:: good si/oi! / - ,- I on his word of honor to say that h potatoes. (;//;! a Imndfnl of IMI/S m .. pint ot' waif, .:i:.'-'i n^iii ise.xtracted, then strain ' he water over tlie grated potatoes. Set all over the tire and stir it constantly until thc. mixtur becomes like slirl staich, then add one cupful of sugar, and half a cupful of sail, a dark place. into one pint and set it away to cool in When it is lake-warm stir it of old yeast, then let it rise, after which, it must tie kept in a cool place. Ai'l-LK CAK. 7 eggs, \ cup butter, _' cup* white sugar, 'Jctips Hour, '2 tables poons baking powder, 2 tablespoons water, '. tea spiH/ii salt. Bake it in layers, between which put the following tilling : I egg, 1 cup sugar, 3 grated apples, I lemon. BQR GuroXUMUD. 1 cup molasses, 1 , up sugar, 1 cup buttermilk, 1 egg, _' cups giai am tloui . . clip shortening, I teaspoon Hoda. Stir all well together, add ginger lo Uisto and enough Hour to make a thin ha: ter. Ba-.e in aijtiick oven. i *l^-. 1 C'ip b. liter, I cup Hour. I '. ciipsugar, - > -j. -. nipseet milk, 1 lea- it; which little had not performance was promptly got through. The president then remarked that the situation had become embarrassing : but as he wished to make thing? easy for the culprit, who had doubtless yielded to temp tation in a moment of weakness, he would order the lights to be again extinguished in order to give him an opportunity of restitu- tion. This was done ; and when the lights were turned o'.i the pics, dent found that notonly had ho no watch, but that he had also lost his silver inkstand ! V'tmty I'mr. mar,. a l/l. snrtclenl t'unc. iin -urgeou has /if hiiv- J I ing obtained a i,-niai knhle result in I ill which be operated II|MIII a ,-lnM. The | patient was a _'iil. etgiil years oi ,1^1-, who I , it the age of Is months had in-en -loticed ' bv h'T pa:,-t:'s to 1 ic /li-lici'-nt 111 intelligence. - ' eijuen:]y she III-CHIIII- snl /;/-'! to .-iiilepti- '' iltat-Us, iin/l these had only ceased 4 Year liefore. she was -ecu liy the MUf^'/in When --he CHIII'- under professional ,d--- tion her piiysical development was normal, . intelligence was that of an in;'a,/:. Thc child bad been scut to school, 1m: bad never been able to team the alp/, . neither could she talk intelligently. The conclusion was formed that the bran- had /eased to develop owing to the too (Wily ilesceuce of the b-ines of the skull. The -pomi soda. Season to taste. Mix the butter ami flour together a for pie-ci n.st, then add the other ingredients and mix w. II. F'i-sT. I '|tiart milk. J eggs, '2 teas|Kioiis -,' .tareh, '-' tOHSpnons sugar, '.teaspoon -. I.--1 ' he milk I/oil in a double- kettle where it ssill not burn. Ke.it the. whites of the iggs to a stiff froth, and lay them on the hot milk a moment, then re- move r in/in carefully. Mix the corn .starch with ii little cold milk, add the well beaten yolks o: Hie eggs, then the sugar. Stir I. .n. ih anil Ibe v ha I. . In its explanation of the Sunday school I'./nle l/-s.-on on the In/ok of Jonah, " The Baptist Teacher" took the following extra- ordinary position i " If it hud pleased Cod so to order, it would have been entirely possible even for tin oyster to swallow. Jonah quite us easy as for Jonah lo have swal- lowed an oyster. '' I'pon which " The I 'on Oationalist " thus comn.enls : " If it pleased (iod so to order, it woulil have be.'ii entirely possible for Him to have made an oyster a Sunday school teacher : and it would hardly have been more remarkable than that one who could write such non anger a all. " The, gentleness of hii/odhimnd.-, tnak'-s them quite oMJese watob-doge ; and I, en- is - : er popular didu-ion a- o;r them, Tin- only ti'ne I havee-. er seen 'hem at all r,-s,-ir fill Was when they Were il,le,!c,.-d with whciiti.-ey vve, e /.-li/sclv fnllovvn L! a -,,-n'. It is such n passion with tnt-m that .' /ken Iron) r they piotest against it, as it tin- iiatncally. I II. l.r ill '.'..- a|, ",' treiiilelltly Ulspo-i-'l -o '.Ilink of the r i|r 1 growth ,.f on: \ / 1:1, -s ,i merely incitientiil to thc settlement oi a lie's 'country, and to regaid'iie Kiiropeiin - i/l and i-tationary. Il is true that their LI .'< i are ancient, bir MO far as the r p/irt of their built-up urea is --011- ei '/,'d they are almost n .mite as new as .American cities. T:->-y ( like our ov\n surgeon accordingly operated. remoMngsev- I-'P'- 1 " 1 -"" centers, i,.,v, ; grown unprcce ' c1 ' '" "" eral small pieces ot bone from the top of the , skull, and by this means relieving t , prcs- modern transportation and industrial sys sure on the brain and allowing it to expand. thild The day following thc operation thc took notice of everyone, asked for something to eat. an I ne,l for her parents. Kufore leaving the hospital she was able to 'alii well ami amuse herself. The operation wound in the scalp had soundly lieak-d in eight days. riiv. According to Pliny, tire wag a long tune unknown to some of the ancient K^ryptian "<i '..',. ><i 1,,'ies, and, when the celebrated astronomer rnnned :i terns. Thus London to-day is five t; large- as it was at the opening of the present iy From 900,000 at that, time, thc population of London grew to L.VHt.lHK) in ls.'li; and by IH.VI it had incl eased toli,- .MHi.iHHl. Since l>>."i.i it haa more than ,1. The present sovereign hs wit- nessed a gain ot two hundred per cent, or more since H'IC began to reign. Then- ,n.- >in-i- ' t r ,/iu dwelling-houses now for ev, , one thai was visible at the date of her - or- In the past forty yMn from 2,000 iiiles of new streets have been London. \Vi.-i, studying the omition. made t ham ac<|iiainted with the element and ginwtli of t,/re,)-n c,: ie. an iin/. how to prodtice it, they were wild \vitii <le light. The PCI sians, I'bo ni -i.ins, I iieeks, and several other n.itionn acknowledge tliat Knglaml h.ivc grown ujiasif by magic within ,1 u'tow t h ot ,/ur own : Lundon .s not an exception. All the other great IOWIIB of their anccHturs were once without the com forts which lire fess the same of lie.stow-t : tin; Chinese con- Ihcir progemtois. I 1 . : , : IIIK -entiiry. The same sratenn-n applies to those cf the Continent. I'aris is five times as large as it was in the year sense as the comment quoted should be chosen for that place. allowed to follow his natural instin, ts, would have kept his mouth closed.'' Ball-Room Conversation. m iilam, why is it we seldon into the boiling milk, add the essence of skating ground V Is it because I do not go, lemon, remove all from the tire, add the or because you do not." whites of the egf, and serve with cake. \v |,v do we frown on tho haltet, BROSVN Bt:Bi>. l pint sour milk. \Vhilc the decollete we adore? molasses, I teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon salt, ' One's dress is too far from the ceiling I . , .;. wiii'e flour, I teacup graham floui, If t Lo ot tier's too far fiom the floor. pan, MI, Mola, Plutarch, and other ancient la-ihnhis glow n much more rapidly than win-is speak ot nations which, at the time I'uiis: Vienna has expanded n/a: vellously Bill tile oyster, if when they wrots, knew not the i,su ot tin-, >.,/ or had just recently Ivnrnud it. The "* itautsot tin Ma.'ian islnnds, which w-re A Kentucky paper is responsible lor the discic.ered in I.Vil, had no idea of fir intent 'hat the " giandtin.tliei uses. Their iLstonishinent knew m, be,iinls bride, at ft Wwddlna laOovlngton recently wht-ii they saw i*> applied to wood, most nt - tho bridesmaid, them taking it u. be seme kn./l of aji animal My dear meet at the "Mr. danders," saiiUhat gentleman's wile. win. h thc sailors had brought with then), rati:i -r seveicly, "I want you t,/ L'ise that and which must IH- fed on wood. I never knew a trader in pliilar. whowas not wrong in his heini or b:s heart where or other. typewriter of yours the sack." a little behind the age n .1 gave h.-r a soalnkin two months ago." " \\'iuvt '." " O er that is yt-s I'll tLmhurge ti/ , morrow." I In- 1 itn-tiiniinuu id il.a.hi.l Iii I murr. - ns ^ -IP ' I l.\ the ^ of l-'inance indicate tiiat thi io| m i i, ice, winch i t ban evi - tor,-, .--.i.t i a . he i a\ up/in letyc irhus nu )' - ed L'l I, III), t^.'i. or nearly a million III ,:i /t did tin- year p, - , i\'l- alent I , a oiisiimpCoii "t .i7,-'i!l."i.'"i . "u snmlill--,. 1:1 i"i t:ui-ii: . the II uitoi Ps ranees, I he d, -p.. ' -ie -seme ;., thai in winch the consumptni i upon ali , /In/I ( o'.i-r L'l.-.IKI.INHl. while m-\- liiler'imie witli I'THO,!*'!, the Nor.l t'ISO.IKMI. ll.e P.. . lie I ,,:,.l.- u : he SiMiime Wltil ,..'i-.1l.iMKI. the A; <>i:i.-,-l I ii^e with t'-Jsil.iNNI. the C.d\ theKinisti re.ami the Manclie with .Jin. '<i, while in "iS other depart nients ,' pro- I/.-IH.-.-II ilil.i.-llil and L'JIHI.INKI. I':. -.,, sump; ion ol .spirituous In puns has v, iy 'o.ii-h ltlerea.se/illialltile la ] ge t owi.s. , oemg i- i iia.:il per ,-enl at \ // , 'J-4 I a: Lille. I I per .-cut i' I'., UMB, I 1 p.-r -Hi /' x t. iMienm, and I'l per -. nt alC.ien ; while, taking tl oii>unipt;,.ri p;r Inatl /; ' in- p ami. i' i m. it - ,/ m the S, m,. | ,;, , , i|.-,. t ,, v ,., | .(,. theSoinna md the Km,:, andi/t. - gallon and a iiaif in I 1 III/ !'/>' er //I iin Lollrrt. The niamigiis ol the LouiMan.i '.- '-ry have -m - -i-e i:nt their op|i,/ni iiis, in gaining a \erdic'. in thc Ingm -t - < oui t requiring Uu- -ubmi.-sion lo ihe peo- ple of Louisiana of the ijucstlon v\ II -, lottery chart, -r .shall be rcnoseil. is claimed that the . tut I- lottery -' gaining totngth in l.'niisiana, and ./ application for a -.out imnince "t ' i' ii..i'i i will be negatived !>y the pop ' '< Falling that, t he /.pponents of tin: / n are likely to appeal for an cnfor/ -en/i ir of the Federal lasv. Alread\ I oinjreiis has in- terfered tu prevent the forwarding, >t !< . r \ matter 1 1, rough thc mails, an action which the coni|iny. howevc-i . is stubbornly :/ ing on the ground that Congie-- ,,is no pi/He, to legislate for t in snpp, esMlM, of a lotteiy in any State or to use the Post-office liepartmeni for any .such purpose. The IKIH.-I ot ( 'ongress, however, to re. ill / : m uses of the mail nrvio*ft1 iii d -.ntion is prPtts certain to lu- upheld by tli" supreme l.'ourt, in which ,-ane it ,sln-lies/-d -jmt it will be exeicmed with ellect. The N- vv York /'-! says that, if the |H-opl<- ot ana i-lioo-c i have a lottery. ' in i innient of the I'nited Slat, s aiinot protect them from it, but it can pintcct. 'ho people ol the I.--I ol the country to the - - tent of refusing to have the n,.< used as the i-lnet ageni V of the Lott.-i-. O oi pany in the coiidm t ol its ncta. - lie-s. Honoring the Presidents. " Well, L ncle Muse, I hear s, ..la, -i pan of i w mi- a! your house. '' 11 Ye*, misses, sc*, we htuj. I *n little heal I". " Have \ou named them yet?" " Yes'm. Hone named em atlall 'wo ol) ell' fust Prea dents oh dis counti y. ' " Indeed ' What two?" "Ob- i liiist-/!/, c luinbun an' Jiileyntis i'<-. u. m, am. \\ e'be great on nanun -ii. children fo' de I'res'dcnts 'tour house. "- lli-troit Krce Press.

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