Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1891, p. 6

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THE Y/EGK'SJS 7 EWS I A N M . ; \ S Mi. l'o:!.c- Me iiic, a well known Toion'o Merchant, died on Tuesday. The lloyal lircnadlers nf Toronto will probai-iy visit Woodstock on th.-.tth. N'..i!hein I'.ntish Ci.luinbia port* h.r.c been visile. 1 by a K-M ie windi-toMi! which has done mu<.h A . J mine of I.MI.II kiible r:chn.. |n.rted to lu\- I..-.-II dis, i -. .-led m the town- ship of K da lar, in :l,e Kingston dis'.l ' It 1< said T.'MH ' 'a'l.el an sail- t-lnplox . -d I'l BufTalo, at whieh . -r.i. . H ' '" in r nationali- ties in.- ..' m'l-nted. Williiiin Miiiray, a clerk in tin: u.i'er works di partni'-nt of Hamilton, is under ar- - I with > nil-/ -ling p'liilic money. He in sj.id to I,.- - !,.MM ,-iiort. I'li'Milell! Van 1 1, .: in - - p<" la! tl all . onti- in li' .1 tlvi-l rail ll.'li. \'..;i -i\e: to Monlled in !1' hours and I" n.inntei. Inside of In years Mr. \ -. II , , -. b" will travel the same liis'an. e in T- h' Tl,' xpoiting Wilson ha- ,,|i 'i ed well m Mnntical th:- y..-.l. The .-t'.nn- i-hip - i ..i.tni- - have hud no dilticully tn oh- laming the ligiii tln-ir spa -e, and all tl.' . ., w '..ken to: ihc lumnt month. . - Jo n: 1> i-i:ie- us imial, no- withstand! M" . nl - |i i ( ' i m, , he ainoiiiil having In-i-n seeuied by real estate of the defaulting pii'si.li-nt. At Franklin, Term., the other day, a net:ro n lined .Inn Tayloi lie. ume ti.iin.i.- -on..- ami -h"t I',, l;i email C<K,k. Taylor win jailed, and at inv.ht a mot, t ,ok hi", from priMin, handed him to a lirid^.' a. id lid. lied lu-bo:!y with bullets. IlIJTAIN. >..!> ,:i v. 1:1.1111- i . 11,1 -I I a |i. ,l I . ! .1 i ni- Mlii- ii tin. l'r.i>. ,| tlxiiit iice.iii < in i. ui rt'l the w >nde-< tliat tlioM- who go dow ii '.tli- ['-I al e nroiljh!, i ' i t w I'.ii. 'I'.ii. i , so llutatlio ii ii,:.- : m -on, pi--!, u, M thoM mighty riven that How llnon. theo--can and are kiinxvn a, -:;c,tmi> win-: they are well defined, and a* currenli where ihej ..:.- no'. The Cmted - Hydros-rapine Ollice has la-en making, in tl,c las' lew ycai.t, H series of ex pel iineiit i aloul tied to tesl fully tin' theoiy of .- , ami currents' in the North Atlantic. I.icu "<"<". '"" I. S^y'^r^ r^ol"^ ditlle iMittle which on, -i- iield a htlf pint ol Th. 'brn-klayers in most of the centres of Kngland h ive gone on strike for in r. i-c i wages. \ . -.1.- from l.oudi.n says the ArohbUhop of i mk, w ho id to IK- dyi The :ui\itl exblbitloo a! ' 'li.-N.-i. KnyUnd, whiskey. ..nbse ,,.ent toll, i' it held a paiier i- opened by ihe I'li-i: and I'l ."i of saying that it W.L- dropped overboai on .Mr. William O'hiii-n ii i..- ijiyin^ his -pine tune in lialu.iy j; 10! in writing a ii'ivrl. l! o M-|Mi-il th l! !.heC,>tll-lMI lias .I'lVilllfCll to katinfy the I'rince of \V.il-s' Am . UK tin- |.r,.M.ineni men in Jropp I In- Mi-.unlil;> ( '.-|ili.iioiii,t, lINMinle-i ' i.t ot I: '-!!. It W.H lltilM^'l,' ill!.) tllU port tM-U yenriul'!' r it w.i-. .li..|.p.'.l .ivcn^nnl, l>y a -.-lioonrr Iron, An, In-run* Key, aliltle i4.mil 1M f M<- li ill .111 I ^'! "'I ].. This Imt tie, with Us piji.T inside, h.nl p,(j\ ed the theory o" i, in '-nrrenti. It ha< I I'.lloweil the Culf Stream until it h.t.l I <-.-n .lit l.y th:it eurr.-n: vfakltl IWMM to th* from n.Hue,,/,, wli.,-1, H epnlennc. are the Duke ot Richmond and I ionlon and Ti.. ' in tin; Savward a*c ri t n, I'mlc I States Th- i II.MIIO r.-n and <; ani" '''iMiiiiisMi.il S " I"" 1 '""' r '"rt. in at pr< s' nt in session in U ind-or. The . . . ra! ui 'tin- committees of tin- I'ritish 'ui|i-iu ' thus tar taken is ! ti ' u'I'e'-t dial Parliament an- iripplnl through some of couth along the co.i-t- ot Ka.tcrn Kuroji and Northern A: , , id Lc, n earned I In-nee to i.l.e wt-twtid until it entered the / - omplaiiis of the delay '.inblK-an Sea, then passed between the vi.' ivi.i r.: :i \tiiu: i.t t MX k lit!,. ,_>, mil KunnlHK II -iri... . nhrit Ihr < iiu.' "I II. <|"n. r'- Hi .un i. -.,.<,. Casper \Vebrle, an I'ldCcrimii,. dead in hi- ioonis.it linH.iIo l .. o her day and wl : M I was s. me talk of foul play ami Coroi.er Kem y ,n\ estimated. The autopsy was he! I to-day and a mor-{u*- attend nt w nt into the icr'i otaoe ant] n-poited that Wehrle died fiom natural .-.iii.-.'s. As he was spcak- ii,,' there -'untied directly behind the corn- I ,le.-|, ',oi,i-ii tones of a clock with a cathedia! Iw'.l cliime. " What's that '.'"' ii'-dthe coioner, starting to his feet pule and agitated. It was C.t.-pcr's clock. There was something eerie about the chimes of that . loci.-, .us it struck the hour of 1(1, the 'illicit had --t-ipp.'d ye.s'.er lay when its owner died. The timepiece stood on the safe in a > orner . t the loom, mid its ,-onriiL' troni this iina. cuntou-ed p'ac.., xv :s unusually st.trtliiiL', but :M-H- \-.<-. mme pideJH to explain '.he con. in r - imitation. " Tne thing \Vo,i!tl,,'i o.,, he said, " hasn't struck since the old mar: died, and hen- it starts doing business as soon us it hears then- was no foul play. I'm not supersti- the exi ^; m^' l.iw s an* a.li-ijiiate lor {* \,'.n ti. !;,.i- ) .-line il tln-y were pro],. fon-ed. The Mon'n.il hiam.-li of the Amen - l 'ompany wa-- ope. tlien Mtnbwi grippe laid up xveste: n i i of Culm and Cape l.i-.;-ias a D.i'.s, tin '.cm i-.xtiem.ty of Vllia'.h and, having made the circuit of the i.iil; of Mexico, was Wa.shi-il ashoie on tin x\ with tin: end of AniLcrgris K. x. Other bottl.-s which have Ix'eii droppeil At ,, eonfei..! held in Lomlon on Kiiday "f*"" 1 ^ ''>' <":<X'"Mt! "learners have, as a 1,.- Alk> over which Lord lUmiaven pre.-,d,-l, a I-.-H,,. rule, Ijeeti as MI ista. t.., y ill the ruM.lt of . . : ion was n. opted to form an asMH-iation to l1 "'" <ln " .^ the l,ttlefrom th, I . -plial.mia. Thursday, w lien a message anil reply wen- j 1 '- cut the immigration of destitute aliens. Iximtoii, K ent I ' wei n Mi -lit real and in M -c -oid-. Info: ination has U>,i i.c.-ived al St. dohn -. NT '. . :,om St. 1'ierre, that the hint opposing, but to improving the bill. eccentricities m Mr, rarnell, on rru ay, advised the lii-n ^i^,.) iiii-mU rs to accept the ( .oxen, mint's land loea-iii", and ."nil. n- th.-ir strength not to them have .level .p- d marked their vox Thus one was thrown oxer. <..,.! from th-' steamship All' i ..u I'.,;.., K n e, the south- , but that clock s.-ares me." It was only n idence. I*OUI\ION Hill!' i: til Mil* ' The t blziirlo Bay KalrrprNr anil Ike i> tarn. rrn|r. I I mil r < i>iiiilrr:>llan A N"e'\ York paper thus speaks of tiro. ^'reat Canadian enterprises .--The Domin- ion of (anuUa ix likely to contribute mi. Ii to that form of engineering which auhatitu'es for the water transit of \< areU by canals, the !itti!..'i,t them bodily and transporting them by rail a. TOSS the portiou of land which it n desired to pass. Tu o sueli projects are under consideration, and one of them is well advanced in actual construct inn. The mure important in its rcla* ion to t his country is one which proposes to cnniie. -t the lleor^ian Hay with Lake On- tario by a railway sixty-six iinU-g long. I he original form of this enterprise is that of a ship cin.il to the mouth of the Humber Kiver, e>l of Toronto. During the last week a delegation more than a hundred Strom.' visited Ottawa to urge forward its rons'r.. ii'.ii, and the Dominion Premier atl- mitt<-ii th.ii the work , n a jiu'i'ic necessity, but added that in the present state of Dominion nuances it must go on (lowly and by regular installments The argument is that the route l,y lake and canal between Duluth or Chicago and .Montreal would be probably, Imt coin ,-i.lei,, e'-. "I" r'en'-l m this way fully :K) mile*. In pranks with clocks l " e franchise granted by the Dominion only as well as men. The doctor's .-.-.-tiricate gave l a V*"'}} " provided for; but the language brunclio pi.euinoni.k as the cause of death. I allow a ship railway to be substituted, 1 and the advocates of the latter argue that I theie is a difference of millions of dollars in its favor on the score of cheapness. If this .T^'h . e :.?* a ?* e -, .** ! " "'"I'y '" the substitution may be ma<te vl _ auon maye eiit lorlne | 8hollW , praeUcability be demonstrated. ,i,n.,f n,-h | The oth toi nieily possessed large estates in the pro- Miices of Volhyniaand I'ailolien. Hi- had a Hhiih es. aped lloiii lie- ovcril- i. i - at I'oiiLie- lav are return- Inllnen/a is spreading rapi'lly in Loud Kng , airl many liam-t'-nand ofli. ials o thl . iin-t he h the party w ill light to the death. In ii letter published in London on l-'rnlay Cardmil M iiiiung .iL'ain atln.-ked the I'ar nellite paity, . la-si ng tin- action a- su i 1 .1 'and.. tee) blow which In-l.n '. mug hopes could |< cei\e. HC'lllK'.'it-l s mem ing Kn-i. 1 am ii Wl has) cull Toronto, and tin ll.iri:< I orupaiiy, I. fonl, Oir . are on the eve nt amalgamating with The \ icw of coiilrolling the I'aiuidiii'i Illlpli ini lit '.lade. x--. A .1. - - i -. .11- ' d in New Vork. The I 'nile 1 S-,,'. . s, 1.,,1'e" on ' ...ui Hi 1 -ttions him- I'-ii'lnd llutia'.o, mid a. i t ..-it [..o.-eeding with their e-i IH II... -.''.--. isi'.nd ,:n:.,n . ic. i: i:ini . in I 'h. ..., on r l't|. Whin U. I' II it. I..,,-.. n. :i,.- i ., . settli s up he will have :i -uiplii- of 1000,000, 'I In \t w VIM K ib '.. t \ ,-, hi.'. - rapt i. it d .In. K tl><* Hip] I'p I ad I- I eiiii . 'ii \\ . It IS I lopo-. d to h ix r a ell; ,|,|i e incllll.el 1 of the I Illll Ill.tir- II w.iy I .- ; and three m 'Illliers of ill' I ... I i \as. -, di n lil |nl ty to a- i aii . urv ill tin- out -I I'l.nty ll-n.-c, that will hrm",; iibnit - the IndlAa who killed I. n li.tk ,;it Telei;r.iius frice <!. dohn 's. NI-H to und I. m, I, , ' -omlit,.,,, ., . th. \\ e I., n ml m ei-ti -in "X.t:i nut y of Newfoumllaiid. to have made a " lie line " for the A/.,ic-. wbi'i'e n xv is pi, k"d ii|i on the In-Hoh near Kay al. In it< voyage it went direct Iy a-ross t i:- 1: -n-r. Ki- ln l.iis/k a just IMJL-II sentenced to i A " ll ''"'"[ Knikow-ki'wasthesonof ,i.'h| The other scheme of a ship railway is less nts, I, beisMfstl to the nobility, and ambitious, less costly, less promising in ito e.trninus, less needed by commerce ; Dut on the other hand, it is a matter not of consul eration, but of actual constructionfar advanc- ed. This p.-otect is the Chignecto ship . . railway across the isthmus between North- indd.itliiit ,ewaold.ged to sell mos, ,,t 11IlllH! ,i ani i Straits and the Bay of Fundy, hislaml w i- h tlie except,,,!, ol , smal! or rather I'higr.ecto Bay at the h-ad of the estate. M,. Krukow, k. had a ways 1,,-en , ater Tne route between Lake Huron and rather eccentric, and in hi. youth had been | Uke Ontario is intended to give the grain for cards, and in a few years alter his father's de.ith found that he'had *|>ent ll hi* immense fortune, and was so deeply ped overboard al>ut '.I HI miles ,,r ; he coast ,.i S otlninl. wns found in nearly the same place. It'll II of these bottles, Joinncxln/ tow ud the land i.t ihe Midnight sun, had shown a stron;.' cnricnt setting finmth" North Atlantic on the Norwegian -horei. 1 In- .- u'-rai result, no far, seems to be that a strong current sets upon the shores of the II: i> i robberies that he Chicago a..4 tl,.- and his liand committed. I-M-II on the out- i roundabout skins of Midi towns as l.us/k Butt over the presnt Lake Unuvrio > but the Chignecto railway la much . -eugiin'i ri'i.'"list t. ; . '-. ami D'llinv he No ,.,,,- |H-rs,.,, , trouble eve, appealed to \ 'liHs" "latter is' at "thc"Umi.diiry Krukowski in xa n. for h,- well-tilled puree ' \,, V aScol,ii and New BrmiMwiek. , ^ c ,.,s lu ,* *8 'ilw-iiy- oj,.,,. in,d it is stated that be, ship laihvays have for a longtime been fi-.-m Ihe e.tst l"-"l*>'lyi:axe nw.iy m-.re m chanty thitn discussed u BOMibU -n'.-tit ut, > for canUs >-h Isle,, and . . "">' '"" 1*7"" ."' l-i"'-!''- l I"'" ""< " " ,Ht some pou,,-. Kven wb.-n ihe I . There w.i- in ine-ndiirv liie in Komooii Mondax . >cnin_' th.,1 cail-.-d tin- V.ui'-ail So nil 1 Ii alarm llitt the s,wi-- ^-ii.-ds xvcre . |.' .Hide! Ill Ills all night. nent on f.,.,i to to. I, ,,,,, I iii. on U-tnii-n I'.'im.ini, Austria, Italy, - ,\ il/i-'!.n.d. I',,'!.:,'- I - nice tli" l 'or. X al nil, >th acting over a I ore suspected. ilbidia:y i-ilvreuH, -pi . - which I i . ing the < ale It ' Non uni. work ill I'll- do- k- i 1 t ',- '. in. .lei |. .line; . and now ask t.-i a All tin' lion in, llden m \i * VoiL .lie 111. 1 on a< count "! ' 1. M ,; -* snnt hs' strike, and a number "t r ' ud In i -kl.i\ -, Imxc been ;.,,. ,- I '.. Itap w.-t k for the name reason. A Ti.p-ka d. -pr 'i II m:n.y Klin- . id tO bt diiln.'ged by tl'c ll.--.ia:! l!y ii-ailx owe their po >< conditi',.1 'o tr.it ion ot t!,e ground. ' 'hie! I ... M idn.'iin i i nti.tl i nl iv Pharaday morning, tu.i.,1 the ii \\ 'nei-o, ot i '.. pro) tunnel under tin itctroit nver. til pli i-. I, ,. d ' hill III .o.Uiied IS il xi-i\ -hortly. pit. -h. i). at l\i'ii-!er lind - hni'-.-h unable to u- ri !:ri n tl i :!: In Ilirrj tliinlli Ike lln-te-l-r-. ;irr IIiis <imrhrrr. Wh -und your winter lire f |, oliini; oM'i the lid. I- MI . U-. iiiiiing to ..... t ,|. n L;I, e i i . r think '.b. it '. . th.it moment the Ininc-ter is leis-. m -om,. n. i- ..till, x.orl.l'r And that x> rile on., i- i',g loi'h fruit ? I.i . b d in m, a A ' '/. il.ind, while tin- peop'o ,.' Chili md oilier connim - .,: soulllelll s,,,nt|| Ann M a it ' e | ',-' I 'c .'Illlllllg ;i lln- tini>ejA" Ih -n lod. l-'cbi i,., i ;. , ' da i,* I'ppi i K,'\pt .mil India l".'ill all'l . Nlitl'lll" li:u e-t ti,|ol._;h these ;"in losity. (> ie of his linn niles was that i.o IdiKid should ever Ix- t-hed, and nut .m- m, !> death .1:. 1 i " i i',nti d 'o Krukowski. Till' J,o||, e h.i.l, |X I'll up !IO| f ring the brij ,; -I. who poefeMM the ad\a,it,ii:e of li.ivm^ the -ympiithy ..:' tin- pe. .pic on in .side, l.-ut I e v. its n-ei nlly cap- tui-.-.l . v. II,- I, id the misfortune to admire a riUage girl, who poeei .--e.ia lox er of Iii r xvii, lint w In, w us i-,. adx e: -e to the attention paiii to her i.y th i -u- j..' i ^ax-c ml..! in i- llon to 'he p.,!. e, w I'll Krukowski was cap- 1 1 He i. a tall, hall, Is,, me man, an.: v. lien I'n-i I... 1.11. knox-. '. u - ti Mi I , h is joined I ':! fil e. I, I 'hlllcll. A i u-L'e i.umli' r ol settl.-is I, Krui e, illt'le- tin- au.pi. .- ol lii" Chevalier de la I : , ,.-. an- t -lit e i ing Maintolui with t he view , ' - -lablislnnu'ii colony in the piovinct . Al 11 :plo|nl!|. I", ep'luli . IM n ill I. on. ilon, I' > N1iiii-t"i I. in, 'obi bad a pro! i act e,' talk with l.o. I s. liislnn j. I i,e I hllia:. i. A., bit ,.:..-' li.i'. ton ned mini'i- and operators of Ohio havi a ,111,1,, unent for tht i,,,i them adjusted their difl rences on ths basis ,,i Tii |- r ,,,, under their , n,d. -i niming m tl," Booking vallej a mi.' .'.. n Tin n -i ei|its In n, l . ' nis.it the p,,,t of Nnv Vork dun: ,1 - ~ ,71 1,- !II7, as ,-oinp.u , d w i;. -ti ir, the liners Iroiii invading M.isl.on ,1 uni mouths, and Mam. al and. Api i! e-,1 u .;. the number with harveit \, . ,. ;,,,-,-. I i i 11, -on in ^xii.i, I x|cni. ".i-t "I Kgypt, Mexico, I - -diellle ol -cndll.L Mel, I their eiiiinn f, The Due), ess ol Spaita, --''l ,,t K.mp'-l or \\ I. ot I ., i in 11, x and I 'roW'll I'l 111 >!;,. I. III en Sat il an til i.ii. e I ! i. mild av.i-tl the wbo'e joiiinex iiioi-nd the Iberian pi -:..:i-ul t. !,, I s.S'J the pn 'apt. -I. It 1-i.uls, who held . n 'i ..in \|i x,.-. . A i- pioposed in oar iwn i I prise, n Ie. !, 1-y us ih,-, . - ..n ,n . , and ln-t.ii. I.-;, h'p :,., ; -.v . . all' 1 *!'. I , ' Illllld M . . i. ' IIiv. i otaeP '.tic. Mil--:, and -. that t ; : al.ili y .: iui li pro- .i .p in tl 1 ..- ciintri-vei >-. . tli'8 particuli ' ' was ' i of subsidy . very . o! t'l- N . '. of t'i" N fikmg murder and suicide took p . . |0 ,; nt .,. : ,, u till . , : , ,., ..,.,. t,,, d,,s onboard the North liwi Asia, I'er ', Texas, oompare April, IVm. A few day* ago two lied in Id- nly at I Van i" dii I 'liien, Wis. ,lin;n t'.' cigan-t'e i-nioking. W. II. Conk, clerk of tin police .omt at Toledo, ()., has IH-I-II airestel. I ,,,,i fessedtothemuyorlh.il In wa.--hi.it m Ins iitM |H>. ibly ?'-1i,'mil m $'J."i,INi. A m. in iiaiind Alex. Hope shot Ki.itik Kralmbniiin, Ins landlind, in Nt w \ oi k, be caUSC during his absence he turned Ills will , family, and furnituie out of the flat In ,, ,.| ri-nted lie.au.ie the rent WOK unp.,.,1 Five thousand I'll tsburg cai|ienti-rs h.,\e gone on strike for lln eight hour day. The i ar pi n I > is of N.-w Vm k, St. I< mis, m lot her , Hies also are said to mlend to strike on the same question. Tin C S. Si. ictary of Agrii-ultnre has ssued an order, the effect of which is (.1 re lleve the entile State of New .bisey Horn i|,lMai.: i i ... -, ount o I ple.no piinniom.i. As the result of n ,|ii..ir, I over a g ..me , l eards 'h.'.rles ].. C. Coss, of Washington, and Nick Flood, of l.jndiburg. \ a , , i. L u in a duel with pistols at Koannke, \'a., on Tuesday. Itoss was killtd and Ib .ml i.a.lly isjure.l. |lr. C, J).'W. lil idgi-niaii has refu.-e.l 'o Aillnliaw Ins icsi^'iiallon ol ih, pastorate nf I be Madison A ,\. wScik.l Church which was caused by ihe trouble nis uiiorlhodex u't, ui. , etary Klaine has aiithon/ed the mate- that under ni. in ,,>,. will he li.nloi the I'le-idem y. Hi; lavours a second term for Mi llaiiison. -I. I. I!,-. k.,,| \\hiti-rigeon. Ind., kicked his wife ,..,.!, the mini i'w and was edingto choke her whin Ihe woman tliew a revolver and shot him fatally m tin neck. II.. Ninth National Hank, io New York Mm;, l.il.i ..I ' . id. nin I lie .mil Semitic Ilka-e. I'.eclai ing the .lewsa,-' I h, bruins and III-I-M s ot Kii-si.ui Had, The h'reiieh armies on t he I ,ei m m fiont- .to IN- e\<'i'-isi'd ill night imhtiuv IVrei .nan ni.ne !,- .K|I early in lii-man-k was e!i t.-d in i.eesteniiii:di> by a ...nsiderable majnity over tin. Socialist op|>oiienl. Ilii-iolnlu aihice- n port that MIIH-'M i .11 ter has rmigned Innn the cabinet, mid that the life of th. .,m ---n is in dangei. i i- Ana onda IIIIIKK, in Montana, are -a.d to have l>. , n sold to a British syndi.at. May l-a Im-y I inn- in Centi.il -I.I. Aljel l.i \l o I I. cro, Florid i, I inna and dap i . I uni' calls tort II the hai'xestels in Call . Ilii^.ci, the soiilhelll Cinli'd States, spar,, I'm til-.' d, Italy II o. ,ix. Koumdia. Turkey, |l,'.iiiil,i.,n ^I'lle-, s:,iithcin lian -.-, duly seen hatvi-st in Kngl.tnd. Nebraska, Swit/i rhind, loxia, Illinois, Indiana. Mm ncsi, -a. C|I|K'| I anada. inn ! hern Kiancc, I icrniiiiix , Austria iind I'ol.ind, liesnles sev- eral iniiiiimed nortlicin states in mi own 1 1 v. x . . . ' .lit, lilies the c. llhellllg il! the a ls|,,, l-'iain-e, l.eiiii.iny, I. ^illin, Hell Hid. Mallll. ilia, bowi-r Canada, I leu mai k anil \' s.'pteml,. i iides noitlic.n .MO: land, southei n parts of Sweden and \oi\tay, a- u. II a. tin cold Islands ol lln- Nol I h >ea. 1 1, toiler i the harvest mouth fur corn in Ann 1 1, -a and lor hardy x e^'etables ii, North- ern Sw, len, Ntirxx.iy and Ireland. UoydeUMMI Kid.,, a tew mm bei ,b'|,..,'ni,- from II .boksu to, >, ithamp- ,,,, u ,, .,,,, lt :i ,.,unuu, i... k '""- JWtbl Hied "}|with the easy Blades and ,-U ',t ,, a woman, -l,ub..ilv dr -sse.l. ca ,l,..,id W |, K .,, w. re neoessary mil devices the BUler, and proceeded to the --, .-c.- 1 u ,.,,. ,, Hl ,,.,i ,,, v . qunen. In Iht btUrtleof depnr*OBlj .. , l!iit ,,, ,,| t aelcs of mountains like the tew persons noticed Unit th. .,,, ; p!.. were t',,,-,1, Her,,,-, and othei diawlMcks, like the engaged in a disp-i: . I h, ,.. app.-.i red Danger of ea, th,|U.ike.s, xvluch would ,. Induce the -.. ni.in to le*ve (hem^U.-s ton ship ,ailw -, v u,.,lcil.iken at t I;, rciu.sed. Tehnan'cpe-oi- in Ontnl AMTM WtMld, mm was he.u d tociv out ,,| ,-,, u , r s, he lacking 111 U .is, if tbe Chie- angiily. "No, I won t | whereupon - - railway. IVsides, the Mil...- length man drew a n-xolxer, ad before tlie woman ,, f tht , \ Alt ,., ',.,,] , lv js ,,,,| v ...^e,,,,.,.,, ,, ll f e9 i-oulil exa.lt- bun, placed ihe o.u :, -,, her , wmle> w(|a , , , .,,',,, , / , ll .^ l . l ,.,,,,.,,,.., temple and tiled. I be woman ,n. .pp.^.l .;,,. ,| lli( . rt .,, ,. , j e x d IH.-IW ,-.- i ! : wo ends thes.deot his head and fn.d. his body ,7,,'" " "on""l',e l ,'!tlK'r l.c li x ing to indue -i .p, win:. I he xx I won't hand the tli falling across l hat i,f the wom.iniipon the ( ieorgiaii I'.ay ra hoad xxouhm- ne.ti Iy four deck. 'I he ptuerngen n' wl -nd times as l,,i - ,i the ( lugnecto, ami would .hot*, crowded |,avehe,.xH-,'u,-a,U.s. The Kads pro|,-ct con- ""'"' : ' ' " . templated an aii hue m i::u ,,,:U,s, , nc,,,i v ' ti-nc- ,11 mti.-li as the < 'lii-iiccto, with orncers ami a Vl . r y (!, eh-v-ition and a grath- which at hc.uinn .spot, and man l-'i"fd when steel to the terriole s,^,,,. t ,,v umv.^,* M,I>. , . v,., v sailors who were diseii^ug'-il .il-o inn l j l( . j down to the steerage, und llie captain on the m j| t .. bridge summoned ihe p,-li . . who wen (U- j '-, he ChigMOtO l'..t\ pr,.|.-ct, therefore, has turned on the, wharf, nlonnide which the , he merit of trying an inU-re.-tmg exiR-ri- I'.ide, was lying. Ih- tirM bell warning the melll a much simple, und lesH costly was to grade which at Hi.", feet to tne A decree has been I-MH d dealing with the Si. IVlersburg .lews in the same way as IhoM'.if Mo-.ow wen- "It-ciliated " In anlicipatlon of I'm,,.- bi-in.uck form- in,- a new party in tin- Iteichstag, ihe (oiv i 1 1. n. ent is conciliating in till n the Poles, t In- I .uelpiis, the Centre, ami the Kici-in il - |,ll I i" yueen I.iliuokalaud, of Hawaii, .-ays ih, n-llll of S,-, le'al y Illalne - rejictlol, of the propose I new ticaty with the island will be the .Incision of the trade at present done xxilh the I'nit'-d Suites to K.nglish diaunds. Tin llnti-h 1 1 oops .tt.i entering the Town ot Manipur exhumed the l.o.ii I 'oiniiiissionar 1,'innton and thc.,1 her olh. i i - massacretl, so as to cue them a mil t.irx throughout the ship an.ong I be passcngeis and, i.w Ibemunleier.iud MUCH!,- proved the lift, with ma.iny walU. lH- I'hil.p Ohnachcr. wlule the woman is e , lch 91l , c .j,, ' to I iic rinesl grades ot razors are s., ddicat, Mls - Calherine IJarth, amaruetl woman with that even the i-mous Damascus sword two children, tfce eoa blades cannot e,,ual them n, texture. It' 1 "Hed ^tau-M fi-om liernshenn, in the pio It is not generally known that the. grain of a Swedish 1,1/01 i.s so sensitive that ill. ,, , ks , , t smalldock the exact sb.e of There are on hydraulic rains, of '^5 inch , , a maru.'d woman wuh .liameter. On the ton of the ram is e. cross ple having eloped to the ,,^,1 ,-,., w |, u .,, hiu f two Ijnk9 joillw , at ,!. lowci end with ,mmene iron Anders, general dire, lion is changed after a short ol Ixhemhessen, (Jermanv about two f orniing a " 1(llr()11 , J:tr> u . ( , ( lllHfi u|1(| (M nun tins <i^ii. * Hiimclicr \\ ,,- .1 M>MUT, and lei ters l mills <i^ii. ft found i upon Ins H.ds indicate that the feet wide. When a ahip ia to be lit ted the i^-. .,,. ,.. B _.,-, 1,'iulin'ii is itllou ed to rrst MI the lMttoinof service. When you buy it tine ra/or the "'"""" 1 ' <1 indmvdhim lodope to America. the ,, ojk aml the veMe | fl M tedimmedialely grain runs from the upper end to to the "'"an then -.ems to have recoveied miter point i., a dni'on.il dnectioii toward | ' r '" 11 '"" ' mtatuation, ami the couple qnar- ihe handle C.-nstaiil stnipping will twist ' rullul1 "Mjr. the steel until the grain appears to be straight lip and down. Siiliae<|uent use will bug the grain outward from I In- edge, so burial. The u.uipmg Maliarujah and Ins ' norle.s are fnoltiv, , ihe im'l.v set 8 f, 'OP, the lower and outer point toward ., . 'I'" Mipporlcis are fngltivel in the juii.'le. The I lei niim llnn.l, -rath his ac, cpted the Cmted Statu, nixitatiou to take part in the ' , ., : . . \i ..!!-. LV.: I ...in - --:.!- I - SCICUt lolls lial her. in t mi-It. un MIL I'., -in. -Milling information that an ami forming among the women oi the city was (rawing roo-ns last xveek. , n young Uilv who has up to the present blade, and when the gram ,.; hce.i," one of the most ornammtiU of metropolitan Terpsichore said on "f? 1 '' ,"' The stail ling inf. that alter steady use fin several months the , (Ulll ., ,,. % Wll I,,,.- of the stec occupies a position exaetly 2i,UBbi yw* w I he, ex e,.se of that winch it did on the day I -.,., ,-,,, , h , of purchase^ he pro,-., s also meets the ,[ , i|v ^, , temper of the blade, and when the gran, , ,A , Chicago \\oilds Kair, and will provide I,,, the appointment of an Imperial ( 'oinmi --ion to 8U|K-r\ Ise tin I in. .H, exhibits. \, . oidii,L' to the story of Mrs. Ill imuood, widow of Ml. I'l-lmwood, late llritish poll 11. .,1 .._" nt at Manipur, where Chief 1,1111111011 and other I'.innh olhi i is lost then lues, the Itritishauthornies were altogether to blame for the out Inc., k which had such disastrous consequences. I hey attempted to tight the Mainpuris at tkeir own game of treachery. , you have a ra/.or which in condition c\en by the most con I iiit hero's another curi- ous fri ik that will lake place in the same tool . Leave the la/or alone for a month oi two, und when you take it up yon will In,. I that the grain has assumed its lirst position. Ihe operation can In. repeated until the steel is worn through to the back. i. ie.it . item -,ii prevails among the miners of Central Belgium, and several meetings of the miners have been dispersed by gendarmes. Ihe subject : '' N e-, it is in.h-ed Irue that a number of us have handed together in the it-solve to abjure dancing. Our order now bus IT mem Lei-, ,n,.| each member is pledged to exert h.i -ell to get recruits wheiicxci it is possible. Our reasons for swearing otl are of a much nobler hai actci than ourencmius will allow. The truth is we are convinced that modern dancing is vulgar and that a girl is descend- ing very low from her pedestal of dignity and pridswhen Hheallow.su man to embrace her, as is necessary in the wait/, and all the lamirieation* of that favorite movement. ...ei it. Then, by the raising of the rams, the gridiron is lifted, and Iniing lilted with a cradle suited to the ship, it rests on them, being wedged up on either side pretty much in the same waj as a craft ready for launch- ing. With this mechanism a vessel of Jin lee! length and (M> feet width, drawing lli feet, and weighing in all '2,000 tons, m iv be lilted tn feet i n '.II minutes. A double line of rails is laid on the gi idinm, and it is on this that the cradle is fitted. The cradlfs me made of steel g nli-i i eating on tiogics i milling on the double lino of rails, and under a ship of '2,(IOOtons there will run IH'J solid wheels ot ' .'< feet diiuiicter, formed in s.-i-ti.m.- ,-' fei't long, and each hax ing GI hed- Once adjusted sn the rails, two diclinous locomotncs will steam oil with the tram that carries the ship. The practical work- ing of this enterprise will ) watched ujth great int. rest, and may lead to the employ- ment of ship railways in other couutrie*. I'rudence is not poverty ; it is the thorny 1 road to wealth.

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