THE WEEKS' NEWS. OUUMA* The rate of taxation will 1* l!'i nail.- the dollar in Winnipeg this year. It is thought that Wini.ipj-x a popul .' : will amount to .'10,(HX> iin.|.-r the new ,-en MB, A new labor movement to he km.wn ! drainage overhauled at an eipen** of -<ever- il hundred pounds. The Karl .if ("lam-arty 'lied suddenly .1,1. 1 Vim-Hi. ni dm! >. the luinbun.! . i'.lltiill, tlir ui'iM. Irill si)igcr, ln- iiniei! Karl r < 'laucarly and Belli- IM.-OIIH Ui< ' IN' <JKNK!IM_ Tliuty notice li .lews have been given l \\rii-saw. the. Industrial America has ! l,ci n partly organized at Wo.oiUt.ock. Bush tir - are reported to be doing gr>- it damage in the Rocky Mountain district*. It i:- suspected that a good deal ot o|ii:.m is being smuggled from Kingston into re United States. The council of the Toronto Board of Trade ' ha p- -'esfc-d against the imposition of a tax on outpid. commercial travellers by the municipal authorities of Victoria, K. C. Mr. William Stewart, a blind law stu- dent, heads the list iu the results of the final examination in connection with the Law Si-ht, ol of Ontario. Sir Antoine Aimc Dorion, CJiii"" Justice of (.ii.. Lee, itied at. bis reai<*en in Montreal Sunday morning at naif pa* l seven .. cio.-k. .ve In**, in wltict. tiip Hn>ish WMM I'h, . ;as IH'.-H Miother marked 'tie i.ioe of y .Id in Idi'-nut Ay res, the .-" ''-'' t" ' - '" Failure: arc i pn--:iin:n on e\ KiUluH-liiM, who recently lint $M. in h|*i..iibtton. u.l.i a iru-n.l Ujt ion of hn:n,-!f <~iii!.| no: he put iiito (11)0.' In* opi word.". It is reported anarchy p- vni'i i *.< - ITebriile-, ill 1 1- S.i.i : '', . iMiniri " >'''- iavi. .>< i-H-1. in which li'Ki IM; *(-.. ..,-,,- kiilud. T^f M ;.c<v. i-y o: r'jiir>- '> e nl .1-, 11:1 - mite in tht I 'itiioTiiV !i.-|.."'mont ,.f the French K>!'i!i:imi in MI,, nv *> partly A MEW f:\ rrniTiov TO mn *. I h.- t-'rrii.-ii Stnt II uui Ho ;|ui-il > Tlml Mo- IMM!> ill-mil of II (r Werkk. The Krencu unietly have seul a new \|icditio:i t , A'r :a, and no one o i: .-ule the promoters of the <-nteipns* near.i ,im_: about :; ami! r was fai aide, w ... Jn 1 1,- ,' niii-r !ai ;iie loiii-maeo in Kf-uel. Africa wa Conned in I'aria for the p ivpnse <:iiot 11^- exploration arid Kn-ni-n trade kn the interior of Afrioa> In ; ,|>-.ntii ilion it had perfeeted Ha plans iind in. leaders of the (TYpmliliun were on tlieir way u. Africa to carry out the projects of th" "ommittee. We have aireu-iiy reported the fact that Mr. I'.ini l'ra 'I'icl, nearlv a y-:u- at'", ascended the M'lbun^i tributary of tin- Omuo. with . expedition, for t'n- MU A Uuli-r WUii Hn* Only One Wife, and Hic- ;n urn) fi-nplr Iu Nrw lli.ui. liluma of the iUn^wuto, in Be- chuunaland. is one of the mini :ioic I rulers he rules a fairly pcn;,ie and h wi-ie influence, and oceans i|i- IK a t'hristian who is most in following tut adopted faith. Many a time Ivinuna ha o-.-n urged LO fol- low the example of other unlive ruler-, uid take a large numberot wuei. H, however, daolj! ! ' :i i: -.-n-ii coud-i, ' u s not m accord- anet with Bihle fsoliiiiL', and I.e lived for many yean happily with one wife, whose name wa- M.i :, ami who had great in- iluence .-.moil;,- In-r people, ^lic. like her unshand, \a.i . uruttitn, t hough abe grew . to wnmallli o-i iiirrolllided li\ ,.il tile III Teenier has challenged Caiidnur to rou- j ti.- r(n. on ti.r the ci^lay o. t!ic C/.ir's visit lo three at two, three, ami lour miles, ill,. for 91,000 or .',36u.a side., ou any coune in Canada or the L' lilted Slates. Port Arthur IB complaining because the Kvei\. Leal. \vli.. \va at icMi-d ; .1 s\vin-!!i:i^ tor Pkiris, Dsarryiug :nt?-t oi MI :n for the valu- C. P. R. steamers pass th.-m hy thedock at | able presciiU ahe received, '<> n i ci. -< Fort William. ie-i tr> - : x montlia' imprisonment. The hop growers of Prim Edward and, The French have seixcd St. (leorge IVi . . Kast Northumberland hav.- petitioned the | Nflil. . .me 1 winncd territorial poHsefSio-i of Uovernment to increase the duty on import ' the warn-*. n-fiiHin p-i-nnsaion to the New- ed hops to 15 cents per pomid to protect the fonniHatidw-n l >-il d-i Mt or ll ban native indnstry. i ier-nany'- w idron of evolution wiil i It in reporteil that the directors of the sent en' in v:-:inns of three battle Urand Trunk Railway Compan. uav- ordvr-Xanipa, :, d : >,; . < l .n.-.t. .n>d M-VI-.I iujpfcdo ed a general reduction of salaries -tive pe Louts i-ncli. i'h--v will I.e manned by 2BO cen:. upon those between SoOO and S"-'", and oi', ITS and; s-- uiieu ten per cent, upon these above *7V. Th f Utoi.i i.-il. Hie n-w si earn -i of l!i,- A petition hai been unanimously signed (Vnnutpni* i letieralc Tran wtlaiitug ne, had .1 in Kegma to have every Wednesday alter ;i. I trip on Thursday, when she ;ittainc : -'. ^i - '1 it t rt'ent v knot an hour She 1 sail lor New York on June 'JO. Th- Ki-itish nhip Neptune was re-ently Notice of motion wan given Monday h.v drivei> ashore oh* the coast of ^"atal and all Senator Boulton to Ihe effect that no re- were drowned except five persons. Th,- ciprocity trooty be made between tin- Do wei e captured by '/.u\n, who subjected them miiinri and the I'niled Males involving to horrible tortures und.-i thro- of discrimination against (ir*t Britian or any ' them died. The other two were rescued by other country. j Boer hunters. Senator Mftlntir*. of Brittish Co!unila, I . gave notice of motion tor the apDointnieut of r a committee to repoi (. on the advisability ol establishing a mint in tin: Dominion capable, of coining all the gold, .silver, and copper currency needed in Canada. Une of the cattle ou boaril tile l-iki- Huruii, from Montreal, suspected of being affected with pl.-uro-pneuinonia was slaughtereil by noon in June, July and August proclaimed a civic holiday. The Uoard of Tnulv and Town Council tavor the scheme. iof the most northern pan of its eoiirac an. ,;en,,-s of lieathi-niim. In talking with then pushing uorthweft ovei TI'O inilei. in r country women, bo al way H profoundly throiiyii .he unexplored luriitory i* ween ^npi-.-ssed '.iiein by calling li'n-ir aiteotuni the Mi)bn>;i and Laki- i" In lin-opu, ,igju and again to the fiu- that rhristminty ion of tin- i oininittfp on l''r:i.-li Ai'-iea, the irnpn>ves the pfwiliu.i ol Ihe women. (fork ot.Cni'iipel would -. n'lii, "t half j Abmn i w . yuais auo Hi;.- t!,,.,,l woman its \al-ie un. em , ". "... _ BXi)wlit;on j dil. and on Oct. 1); Ittt year, Khama was was Hunt to ...f. 'ablisl. |i'-t iwonj; 'lie iri:n i inarm.- i : am. though Ins :^,(MHi subjexnu. wit.-i ivlioni I.e may no-v be u.ukir.^ ies, mil 'o provide for the e.-labli.iin,-nt of Krem.-ii e:iieipn.-e ,:i tin -jonnirii .-> lie U trav eisini/. Ilix i vpr.!ition, from which nothing l:ae been heard io: i:u>nt:is.. in sup- pOfi-d to he far on UH nuj to the .ike, and if !: hu- IWMI favnre i by fortune, he has plsced many tribes in the iiiil;iion country in the. lia-m of the Shari. and on the out- o! Ui-.'irmi, miller III:- pim-euon of France. The new nxpedltiou. whicii th.- oiiiiiiit ti-i- pii.'jnmi. was organvd l out a larger i| nan .ity of inuie K--.OU.- nuer material tlnin(.'rampel .-arned mi IIIH journey Mill to make perma n-nt along hi- route. The e-.p- -'iition wad place- 1 under o'liirge of Mr. -lean Dyoou-ski. wuli whom found ,er white ni.-'i ^-r* a^sociatv.1. i lie p.n tv went directly to -encgal, when I" Laptol- or snl- dirr- in 1- . . - native army in. -uuegMiibia, were enliste i. They ..r artneiT wilu n>|jatmg idles The partN, with a _re.n quantity ot supplies thea <aiid south, m.i !hi", should have arnviil a! Loang". a little nortli ol th,- l 'on-o. aiHHil ten days ag... At tli.. p. >mt tney expected to hire a large Dumber of carrier*, and mnke the journey overland to Stanley Pool, when they wiil embark on French vessel*, andstoainup the Congoiuiil the Mobani(i toC'rampela nirthem Oiiiping place on that river. The expedition has been instructed in nn Purify The Importance ot keeping tb blood m a pure condition la universally luiown, ami yet then, are vei y lew people who havo perfectly jiuro lilooil. The taint of wrofula, salt rheum, or olhei iniil humor is ln-i edited :uid transmitted n.r i'1-ni r.itio:i, cuiiMHK untold silflennK. and we :Uso arcumulaie IMIISOU and genus o( dis- ease from the ;iir we lirethe, the tood we et, orthewaterweilrink. Tliereisnothlui! more conclusively proven than the positive power of ori-r alldk- lilo.,n. nil- wll. n fairly exi.-i.-u-!> scrofula or removes _ % MM ^fc f M If i I I I I I 1 i 1 I 1 5 UUil fanes of th m.-ilii ine, tried ' <loe * trace Of s lt rhl um - "e taint kiss K*BHM..- who live in Inn ing town of 1'aUpye, did not know of hi> ' --in:iig mitrriat/e until the day lielore the OL-I-WIIOIIV wa- pi liorinen. A few in M--IS earlier his win, S.-khoina, had l*i.-:. i-ir.rricd with a ^reat (ffeal <,i i-eri- i, -;i. bnt tnu Kings uwn ihrria^< H.I- -. very simple allair. H>) drr-d in :.. ..- it as private ;is possible, withon -i ',-;- witnoul nolle, Ilia tint H-if. i: ,--ail .ilnnii a vear when liiui iui - ' oiin--i!fir nrged him to take an- I olhi wil'i Hin c:ioice nnally tell upon the j wiii" of on.- of King Sechcle's sons, horself the<>hter of a native king. ^l:c also is establishments aChn.-'.ian.!iia din not lake his peo- 'pie !..!' ma conli.lencc until the lady who was t<> !: his w f.-, niriveil at Halapye. The lie:- ' !,iy they wen- married, and the day a'.tei ii, waa attending to hits usual pub- lic duties :n Ins oinet active way. As a Ms, i ."-nan, there is no doubt that Khiinia ha- 'inU'ripped all other Africans. ile riins alw r, v-tltiud the inHuence of the whiles, and lnw encom-aged whiU) iutluences in hi* oouutry ' permit strong drink to niter In* domnin. As an instance of his gre<tt enemy may lie. mentioned his latest exploit m the removal of his great town of Shoshong TO a new *it<- :t bout seven- I ly-tivu iniien northeast of hia old abode. | Shoahong had grown more and more unsuit- [ able as the site of a city on account of the | -rai city of water. Khaina finallv decided 'o remove the entire people to the fertile and well-wat*red lands in the noithtaat. He , which caus-es cal.inh. neutralizes the ucliuty and cures rlicuiiiutlsiii, drives out the gf-rins of malaria. Mood poisoning, etc. It also vital- i/.e- anil enriches the blood, thus overeoiiunc tltai tired (eelliiK, and buildiuc up the wholo system. In Its preparation, Its medicinal merit, and the wonderful cures it .icrom- pllbhes Hood' H riai^a- (tarilllt IH l*i--ilinr i* IU.I-IL riion- saiiils testify to Its sot-cess, and tlie he-t advert Isini; Iloou'- Hai ^JT|wtriMfl rer f ives Is the hearty eudorsement of its .mm ot friends. Kvery testimonial we publish, .mil nery stntement we make on hehalt of Hood's Bmrsararilla may be relied upon as strictly true in every respect. If you need n good blood purifier or building up medicine, he sure to take Hood's Harsapa- rilla. Further information and statements of cur.-- smt free to all wlio address us as below. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold l>j nil UruggUU. II. slxforis. l'r|r*ii oolT by t. uiH>r> * ii).. Ap<>iii--<-i.i'.-. u>wit. MM IOO Doses One Dollar IU. Wllh Mhi.fc a Harrlil..... - limnx Mk*pasa>. A lady of fashion had boen loitering li.i nearly an hour in a fashionable music shop recently. She had purchaied a copy of ci-- t., me li.-ifanns against the natives ex ' I- * a hist resort, to takejiothini.' l.iruibly ftlMi, -iiem. and to pay thems just price in ****< beautiful tract, witli plenty of mtrehandise foi e% ery thing received. Unlike Jniher, for the new home ol ms [jeople, and m- si ,,( the expedition,, I* which Mic uativi-H '" August and September. ISH9, he laid out -,/ -nor Afri.-a have thus far been an -UH- . * "w town. It covers about twenty quiir<- miles, and the .W.tKW people who IMTKII sr.tTH. A theatre for coloured actors will probab- ' ly BOOU be erected in Philadelphia. It will 1 c the only play-house of the kind iu Amer- ica. the inspector at Liverpool. The lunys were ,, e ,ly every pirn* ol mtuta that ha.| a n sent to the liovernmen: analyst in London, ;imenul title. iUld had sent out twuer.-u who telegraphed that then- wa not the riagc wh- l, portmanteau full of " slightMt trace of the disease, so the cargo of gom- through every mood of -he tlie Lake Huron wss released. j pa,,; p^gent, or future-aiid was following, ' their example when she paused upnn t he- step as if meditating whether she should take it or sum-- other step that waa evident- ly turning itself over in her mind. I'he shopman, who hail been somewhat moved by the tender tone of voice in which Judge lireckenridge, ot -St. Louii, while she had nsked him, " Wilt thou love mu epeakingat the I'reaijytcrian (ieneral Assem then as now '.'" watched her with an anxiety bly in Detroit fell dead from heart dieeis*-. lh-iv Ijetrayed itself loo plainly in the ad K Moffat X.-ali>, deposed oiiie time ago jt'nent of his hair. Suddenly the lady from the pulpit of the Ktrst Congregational ">*<1 resolved, as with one bound she Church of London, Om., lias been ejected lr*l the p>ven,cn!, and breathlesB, pale, from ihc pastorate of the Umversalist |RT '"<>ru iingle'.s fluttering in the wind, stood once more bcfoie the aumiring shop- man. " I had nearly forgotten," she said, in a voice that seemed to veil her blunhing words: " dear ! dear ! I cannot tell where my head is to-day ! 1 came hack to ask you if by chance " b.-i .- <i:<- |':tused, as if to tak new 'oiiage: whilst tin- l leinbling shopman posted his two thtunl--. elegantly on the m.i - nogany counter, and lesnt his body :iii|inr- i-Muded Spring (ianten National Hank of ;..]., f oinil ,,| .- to ^ you to n.- kind 'hiUlelphia. has Ueen taken to the county cm>ug |, u, ,, lv ,. ,,. ,. UHS before parting." prison in dfault of Imil. .. \j .^.^ a .a. B . m ' c .. xc laime<l the as'ou- A monument to the memory of the Fenian I ished xhop man. " patriot " Kdward U'Kelly was unveiled at i "I want you," repealed the marchioness, Newark. N. .1., on Saturday. " to let mu nave one kias before parting - Urecn Wells, colored, shot and killed one will do, if you plea*. " .lolm Fly at Columbia, Tenii.. on Tues- , She raised her beautiful blue eyes full day, and wa captured and Iwi.heda few ' "I*" 1 "'" aml '" tt)em boldly and nn hours later blushin^ly. She '.hen, without betraying Mussel Harrison, B on of the president, ! ** ?tiw 1 . repeated her_,,n,tii, adding, says his father will not. be a candidate for I the presidency iu !>!>-' mil.' * the Republican leaders insist on it. Proceedings to dissolve the New Vork Mutual Live Stock Insurance Company, on the ground that it has been doing a fraudu- lent business, have been brought b> the at tiTiiiy general. . The Indian I'lcnly- Morses has been ..c- ijuilted of the murder of Lieut. < asey during the late outhrikc in Dakota, charging the jury to that effect. the commercial element will i-e vei y prominent feature of this enterprise, and the preseuco of merchants in the ; who will buy whatever m profitably i u nippi'd down the Mobungi. win accent u. it. tie (,... lii. i.-haracter of toe enterprise. I' is expected also that the scientific men con acknowledge Khnma as their ruler, movrd toitalmoBtsiiniiltaneously Tln-oldtow n . it-- then burned. The name of 'he new town if I'alapye. Altiiough it was Ijnilt so rapid!' :t i- a:i)inuntial ,-ny. The people live comfortable, we!! Imil', :--d clay, that," neete'd wi'.h the party will render consider- - <*>"*(?. '" "1",^ do-rway* each owner, able service to science in the great unknown ! "* D '"'" m lhe evening in peace. regi..ii. In this way theComm'tteeon French immenw tree, abundant shade, and Africa hope to extend the influence of ' u - D ' 1 " r ,' h " n ' or f'vorablc circiimstaneea France from the COIIRO to Lake Tchad. Khama.* people will certa, nly enjoy a great- It is particularly noteworthy that at thin er prpe"ly ^an ever hctore. time - ne French have two expeditions now ni pBHlnng eastward to Lake Tchad from the uppei aud the lowei Niger, and that they | hope . 'ion to send expeditions across the Sahara to the same goal. Before many yearn t! c . : il'\ expect that Algeria will be con- nected with Lake Tchad by rail This famous fresh water sea is, therefore, the ... ,1,.- , iiuich of Athens, Pn. The boycott of the lumber Hrms in New . York by tin- lalioi unions contimies, and Imildmg operations in New York and Kim-k :>n .in- |>araly/x;d. Mim Mary Klixaljeth Mann, ol Washing- ton. IMS given fXO,OOU in IriiHt as an endi-w- * nent for a cathedral in t hat city, Francis W. Kenuedy, of the SUSJ m, rMr<hHlir> i,,-. -i,,.Me!.- Kostanda, Covernor of Moscow, last penill ,,,.,i the n, of Home Part8 [, Hlrl , Als Ul V1B1 , ',!. U, ni cks of Ch. . J ^ whll!ll arc ,. ,! |, v a re ,men, J CWllck . ,, f the Do., ajwi h'ere ,. the de lc ,, , point toward which trench entei-prise, in 1 ; w)ijch ouu ()f ||i(j wr|U . rH 1V< ., ,,, Algeria and Pun,,, the Soudan and the! ..u K ,, ln , H womlerfl|1 [M;r f 01 . mllllt .. ,,f U.A-avalrv are converging, and it is the policy of r ranee , , ^. to extend it. inter.sts f,,,m thisc various ; .. j^ ( , '. (jf ^ tW(4t . k , , ,,! points on three side, of the lak -, until they ,,.,, U .. cal|ll . , w II|1B1U , t Jllgt the m. Miient \ihi n Col. llovMUi rode up at a west, and central Africa ut ing _ ing words: ' /./or..,-" itoloa/ay '. ('Uood - ----- | inoiniiigmynne fellow* !' I To Ihnsaliilation in rn. .n ;-. lenr. t |,,. entire' regiment r.|ioiidii, \\ . Two eray-hitired men arrived in Chicago your lordahip good health 1' from New V./rk lust Tuesday night The troop* then - .i.teied, and the , They were very feeble and a glance told that mtui u\ ring ncgnn. K .i simpl\ astound ill \ ware foreigners. They were (ieorge ing. ami tlie. KieiicliniHU who wilnewtcd it, and Lloyd Beatty, twin brothers, 71 years ten in iiiiiuher, mi the invitation of Col. as calmly as possible, " If it me now, I will call some other time. He could doubt uo longer 1 Springing the counter, he M.-1/ed hold of the ot I,'.-, from Birmingham, Kiigland. Both men have spent the laal Xt years of t'neir livea in Millhank prison. They are now on ' their way to a son and nephew who lives in Pncido, Col. I'll-- storv which they told suowj the un- . ." . . ., ce-tainty of cin-unistantial evidence. Ac-, .-omical, inaniti.ent llo\.iiski, will never lorgct it M long tins live. "Imagine tiiemo-1 txti a vacant ei|Uesttian progruinine of a circus, the complete repci- toire of P.iifl'ilo Bill's ln.lian.eiiriched by the most extraordinary variation!- eveiytSine , and Well-Posted Cattle. Pair V -... n (a summer bnardrri How savagely mat .x>w looks at inc. Farmer Hayaeed It's your rad parasul, mum. Fair Maiden- Dear mu '. 1 knew it wan a little out of fashion, hut I didn't suppose a . ounii y cow would notice it. German Syrup" ForThroat and Lungs ' ' I have been ill for Hemorrhage about five years, ' ' have had the best Five Years, "medical advice, "and I took the first " dose in some doubt This result- " ed in a few hours easy sleep. There "was no further hemorrhage till next "day, when I had a slight attack "which stopped almost immeliate- " ly. By the third day all trace of " blood had disappeared and I bad "recovered much strength. The "fourth day I sat up in bed and ate "my dinner, the first solid food for "two months. Siuce that time I "have gradually gotten better and " am now able to move about the "house. My death was daily ex- " ]K-cted and my recovery has t>een "a great surprise to my friends and " th doctor. There can be no doubt "about the effect of German Syrup, "as I had an attack just previous to "its use. The only relief was after " the first dose " J.R. LOCGHHKAD, Adelaide- Australia, a. lady's fan form, and then and there gave i cording to then story they Were a. rested .')'> ^ M in lhc eq ne triaii art. All thiswasdm- the kiss she so earnestly begged for previous to departure. To bin great astonishment, the only return the ludy gave was a box on the c*rs. This was followed by a volley of blown dealt by her parasol over his head, whicii was accompanied with an equal the judge i number of shrieks, that never terminated | till the police came into the shop. The Tinted States authorities r. making l ' he llff "' was carried to the nearest police arrangements for breeding reindeei on St. I court but was soon dismissed upon its being Lawrence Island, Behring Sea, for the pur- xpla>ned that "One Kiss Before Parting WAS the of a song which the unsophiR ticaterl shopman, blissfully green from hiti native fields, had never heard of before. It is a favourite joke afterward to auk tin- lady I hi-iie vei she was at the piano, if she would native* of 8 lor sled mind giving just " Une kiss before parting." pom: of supplying them to the u. 1* used instead of dogi ding. Henry Phillips, of Taylorstown, W. Va., is believed to have upset a lamp while intox icated on Saturday night and set fire to his house. Phillips, his wife and children were burned to death. The American consul at Halifax ha* noti- Tne theory that a man can feel pain in an tod Secretary Blame that a French warship amputated I'imb is still a subjec* of contro- had refused to allow Americans to take or vergv A physician who believes itsnys : buy bait at St. George's Bay, Nfld., a right .. Many ot lhc nerves that furnish communi- whicli they claim under the treaty of 1818. , cation between the brain are not injured in John Ci <-r.n s will, leaving large sums of ! their activity by the amputation of their money to charities and religious institutions, lower portiou, and convey aencation as . Ijears ugo lost November, charged with u j a y u( i l H fon- us for two long hours by a : the murder of a neighbor with whom thousand men in a tempust of dust and IIIOM-- ; tbcy were known to have had trouble. Both mei|l sufficient to mako the coolest head linen protested their innocence, but as they di^y. We saw horses hounding like pau- .' wen -alone and could produce no witnesses tnen) iu ,,| men jumping like monkeys. We ItopriKCiin alibi, their story was not be- | saw cavalrymen liooted, with their carabines ' He vol. They were convicted and sentenced across their l>acks and their sabres in their i to imp. isoiinient for life. Lloyd w as iinmar- hands, charging while standing npi ight jried.ljut iieorge had a wife and a son 13 U p on their saildl.s. (lin.-rs would puni- a: ; years of a;<e. I lie wife died of a broken heart f u )l speed lieside Cos.saeks stretched upon ; within three years after her husbands im- I jj, e g,ound, pick them up like pocket hand prisonment. Albert, tliesoii.eame to America kerchiefs, and carry them off 1 across the soon after IIIH mother's death to free him- ! or oiips of theirsiddlos. Others again would aslfof the odium of being the son of a nnir- [(n ,,. upon their saddle* and ply a:l the derer, which clung to him an long as he re- antics of circus clowns. One h r-e (roping mained in the neighborhood where he wan U p on gome obstacle, apparently roll. .1 om- knowu. The two_brother served in prison p| e tdy over the rider. We thought he was Hom UTS Easy. Mis \\ ' .Is.Kin ipnulingiyi-- " Mm. Old- wife neM ili : haslmi new drowi-n to my one. M! \VedA-Hin ispm.-tc No. .'( "Yes, my deai . but you've hail two new husbands to in i one.'' flo Place for Litt e Boys. Mother "Johnny, leave the room, my dear ; your father has jiml smashed his thumb. ' I'nln In a t ut-o:i I ooi. is being disputed in the Chicago Circuit ( 'ourt. by residents of Ontario and Manitoba, who claim to be cousins of the deceased. HRKAT BRITAIN. The Bankof England's reserve now amount.) tom,HOO,000. There were .'(!! deaths from influenza in I .oiidi.u last week. Mr. (iladstone is obliged to stay at Hawar- den for another fortnight. His recent illness left traces in his lungs and a bad cough. At the Templars' congress in Kdinburg a proposal was made for a grand congress at Chicago during the world's fair. It is reported that telegrams containing the substance of Mr. Cladstone'a letter on the .Icwish question have been stopped on fie Kiixsisn frontier. Lord Salisbury recently lost a favorite r.-rvnnt by diphtheria (it Hatfield house, and the day he had the whole castle roadily as ever. The brain fails to recog- nize the fact that function of the nerve baa changed, and that the part in which it formerly terminated exists no longer. There- fore, when a sennation is felt conveyed by a nerve that in the unmanned body led to the foot, the feeling is the name as if the foot were still in place. If certain nerves in an amputated leg be touched the feeling is ex- actly the same as if the foot were touched, and the sensation of pain is felt not where it is applied, but where the mind has been in the habit of receiving communications from th" nerve in question. " 4'he calendar of the English Court of Di- vorce contains no fewer than 180 easel for hearing during the approaching term. The principals in t he suits are drawn from all classes and conditions of society, and range all the ^ , P, ftom an earl and a countem down to a pair of ill-mated and dissatistied ballet dancers. at hard labor, suffering not only fro.n the loss of their freedom, but also from the knowledge of their innocence. On April 28 | damaged trousers. killed upon the spot; but he jumped up, laughing heartily while he rearranged his OP 1 t&D ACOBS last a convict named Churchill, who was serving a 10 year lerm in the same prison with t hem, died with consumption. On his death bed he confessed having committed the murder for which the Kcatty brothers \Vhenlhe manoeuvre was finished the defile began. Thrice the squadrons defiled before their I 'olonel, tint at a walk, then at a trot, and lastly at a charge. The charge wan something terrific. The Cossacks are were suffering a living death. The officials ; armed and equipped in such a manner that made the necessary investigation. The dying ; ft t a distance it is impossible either t" convict's story was found to be true. They to heat them. The uniiorms are soinbn Wie were released and came to America to speud j scabbards are of leather and their . the rest of their ruined lives with the son I are darkened. There is no Hashing or clash- . ^szai^WBpWK^ GBEAfREMED/ and nephen There are a good many ill active training for aquatic sports who will do well to read the opinion of Mr. William Beach, a cham- pion oarsman, Australia, who say : " 1 have found St. Jacobs Oil of greatest service in training. For stiffness, cramps, muscular pains and soreness, it is invaluable. I al- ways keep a bottle wi h me. It cures rheu- matism." This is standard authority for athletes. _ The Newfoundland Legislature ou Tuc.<- day night passed the Act to the end of ls!r_> giving power to enforce the French treaties, the London delegates honing thereby to pro- cure the withdrawal of Lord KnuUford's permanent bill ing of steel, and little or no sound. And yet the whole troop of men and horses pass noiselessly by at full speed, like a live squall. The Colonel icri'.tini/.cd the ttppetianoe of I each squadron, and aat it-tied with the per- formanif, shouted, 'Karcho !' '.Vsrygood!) | to which the double row of Cowmcka replied, i Kady xtamtin, vatch' ryttokckiagorodtt."" (" We will do still better yet, your lord- 1 ship ' " i And the squall 'passes off. "It would be impossible to give a full de- scription of such an exciting and splendid spectacle. Bndge.8 -" They tell me you don't like the new minister very well. " Brooks "I like him well enough, but his sermons are too confoundedly short. I don't realize that I have been aaleep at all." RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia. Sciatica* Lumbago, Backache. Headache. Toothache, Sore Throst, Frost Bites, Sprains* Bruises, Burns, Etc. Bold by Drcfflsts and l>ealera every nhera. Fifty Cents a bottle. Directions in U TNI CHARLES *. VMB.E* CO.. B.lttawra. I Canadian Depot: Toronto, Ont.