fHE FLESHEftTON ADVANCE" lt.l\K/.VG OFFICE Ot SEO. MITCHELL, FLESHERTON. 1 ' ' ~^^Sfc^~~ A Knral h ink in;; biiHinn trftiinactad I>r*ft* M*'ir 1 an t r)iHi(>iM i--.|i.'<l at IIHIIM) rat** Motim always trail ablo fur U<h;itiuial5 busit)<M enti'fitrifce. Or/ioa tw doors noith of Hichardsoii A Co's. DRTSINCLAIR, M. D., M. A., L. C 1', S. ., \I. Q I', s. M. SPECIALIST TORONTO. Jonathan IliiKchar'.. I.ixtowell, lay* : "After lion.lin.' all my IUODVV el j>ro|mrty to no |iur- \Ml on me le-l t:m:i 'v teim-M a /iC|utte case of conauniptioo, Dr. Sinclair ||ri 'l.-ni;. .\ooll-o.iw. avn: Whan all utliar* faile.l, Dr. Shu-lair cureu mo 0( flu." W. M i.iikrfteld, aaya:-"Dr. Siiiclair 'rtd liii-'-.f Jt.i 0o. Ho...l. x:\tlit-, > "IT. Sinclair em 1 ** 1 m* of hart diaeat* and iropaj nh-.u all ntllr> fa i 1 r Ducase- la on by lolly Dr. Bin. U ( .in-ji nlion Free. I>i:. BIW i.Mit \vn.l. HE AT Hotel. i IN Ttn-Mlay, July :*s.1 1,0/1, l'fnl.1 trill l>r rh-irj---l -if tlf nili- ./ /'*' prr liiif // .< rflitflinii iritl '." r;. i . Y /. Vicinity Chips. .aur:x. ;. i i>i-s of the Past HrrK Carefully lulled for the 4'nrioits. v ' iincil ui-ctj on Monday next. The . rv I-P>[) is an utter failure !n this Hpf'iim, 0*111% tn curly fn>li. \V \N I i .1 s,'em-ra{ servant. Apply at Tin- Ail ranee otti.-. Kleshertoii. Imli.in r.nv for ml*. IIIMH! driver t.' U ' ' i>k, l''l<-nlierti>u station. I.')ls of .Xoveltifft u -liirti, tin, eullnrs. liata, <' . at M. !li.:h:.l-. u & Cu*. Notbj K i i:t i .1. rUal Mr .'. A'lnni^ li.n a tina t b"el lliirli.iin l>ull fur KLTVICV. See Durli.iin w:w vikitfil l.y Fin! iv ni.;ht laiit. |Mr. K. Kilintr '> was l)i|<eii into, ami cash to the .iiiniiiut nf two'i'y five Julian extracted from the The IiUu-H' Aid .if the oh lire h liolil tfa*ir ootM*rt< M annouiu'i>il u wi>fk ayti.iii llie Tuwu Hall.mi MoiiiUy, July l-l. 1'ii'- ]ir"^raiu that i Iwnti; prc- MTM i* sptoully inviting. A rich treat in ij"" 1 "''''' AdiiiiHHion L'uctn. No m.itlrr wltixt u;.iy tin tliu ills you Iwtr frc.in inilii/fitioii. u d,u ..f Catharti.; Pilla will ea<e you wuli..iit. <]Uesti"M Just try tln-ni nnc} tinil nuruil ; they have much worse 'lyiprptirn cured. You'll tii.il them nice and amply worth thu prici'. 1.15. Lii4*as.b.irrisirr, Narkdalr. 4iU 10,000 |>i n ati< !iini] tu leml on fuvin within tho uuxt fuw r.Mntlis current i;ilf. No cointiiMit- io:i, no delays, expun*M low, Apply at 'ftioo in M:ii-k<l:ili.> ilnrinsj the week or at Duii<lalk ufrice mi S Snsars A*, tin- r.-.ln.-.-.l pric at Rich- ar.Uon 'V C'u8. A big stuck bought uuee duly was taken off. "i^xetiae me, George, but when I a:w ynu n vi- ir an-i, your face vvas oovored with |iiiniiles . it saeina to bo all rii<ht no* "Vi-s. air ; that's because I atuck to AVIM'S Sjr:|alilla. tilt greatest blo.ul mvi'icinu in the world. I w.i^ lu-vt-i an well in my life a i I *m now.' 1 Mr. I*. (O'"l{- has had two lune kilns (alteil liv mime unkind person thin s|inn^. Ai this entails il"iil.le labor in lirni:>^ the sti.ne tlifi uieani'iui of the act wll be ear. Mr. V"^" <lid not think ho lia.l an i i I'lny in tl.y whole township, and niitM'lr of the inn- or two sneaks whu did t'lia aet it is n..t pruluitilu that hu has. The Stru*tvillo Ruvivw "r^rtj the iluji.u I inv of fM-,.|-nl dal beat auliMia-iliers aii J |i AT .'is for pi-tn unk'iuw.i. I) .1 1 beats are the wrt kind of huiua:i am niiiN witK wlin-'i it lias been "iir ntia- f.ir u'io to come in wntct- Wo fear a hot -orner is rHei-ved for tlieiu in the land bc-yoiul the setting H." Tho proprietor of thin paper will be nway ROM hi!i for tliu next wi-i 1; <>r so. 'I'liu lni*ineits ii left in com- petent liamis, and jol> woik, otc., will he < . . itcj us usii.-il. Object of departure, it'iio'Aiiil health Am] noniethiuj; t latcr- i-st lii.< rewK-t* an well. Look out for liarro.v wcapos an<! thrilling Biifountet*. Mr ',i. Mylr.% who lived ti\ir Kim- l.erli.y, met with a nuvuve auciilent o i rr.'l.iv Inot. Mr. Mylcn HIK! (laughter un- .. i ihmr w;iy t . Mcafoid whoii thu tujtin run aay thiowiii^ uut butk uccu- |ai In in.! Ju'iinjlinj th>.< Uemoviat cull- iul> nlilr. Air. Myle* waa badly injured i.uil h:a daughter waa ul* <vvraly shak- Mh The public achool picnic which va held on the school );rounda on Tuesday laat w.-ia well patronized. A hn-jo num- ber of achool children alon,' with their parenla and friunda upeiit the afterimo very pleasantly. Uaakuta were eniptiexl in quick aucueaaion. ( ! uiirs auch ua i-r..ipint. football, etc., were played and nvory one made happy. On Saturday evenini last a number of our citizens congregated in the office of Muiisliaw'* hotel for the purpoae of diaoussmi; decoration for the town on July 1:1. It \vas decided to build a numbr of large and beautiful ar.'lus mi the aijuarp, am) over 9'W waa subscribed therefor. Th people intend lo iiinko the day a i^.i! i <itt>3 for the .an jeiiien. Our F.IIUUUs .'"i c.'iit . leu now Ukea the lead yi'i saiuplu ai M. Rullmnisuu Jt Co. \\'c notice by lant Saturday'a M"n treat Wit in > that Mica Christena Kich- ardmin hax ;i^-:iiii t.ik.'ii :i prixo in Wiiuesa pn/>- story uoinpeiiti'iu. This time it ia third place for the county, Miaa A^nio Hurt, "f the I Iw^n Sound l'ollex' :ltl ' '" A'Hiiti'. winning tirat placi-, an<l Mi^s Minnie 1.. Strachan, Meaford hii;h I. aecor.d. The title of M - TiM-m'H Ht.,ry la "Eldorado" and deala with the the loii^-piist Eugenia gold t-x- Cltl'lllfli' St.u-k raismu ia fast coining to the fmnt ill thin county and we caniv-r ijivc t'.iis branch of ayr culture too nin.-li pronr. nonoi' or enconra^einent. Mr .laniefi IV!]. of Itfll's Lake, has .me .if the lineal hiyh bred heida in (irey. .mi ia Uoiu^ much to iinprure the stock of his iiiii^liliorli..o.|. Me nviMitly told a calf under 8 lunntha old and a 2-year-old for )?10:), alao a pair of 4-year-old alters t. r 147 .Ml. Tina ia the kind of stock which linea the farmers' pocket satis factorily. [Markdale Standard, The Collingwood Bulletin lias Osprey on thu bniin. It saya : "The I luprey Coiuic:! still keep their ratepayera in the dark. Th.-y liave never sent us any re- port.' 11 , would n.d.. for the bulletin to pay for a report .' < >r it iniyht hook tint rvport from irur odinnns, as anoili.-i 1| 'T <inl th:it we \vot of. Anything, anything to eulighlen tin- poor brn [teoplf of i Isprey wlio liave only ,'SOO coptea of the minutes circulated a:n.nii; them and -.-ft a report through Tho Ad vance. Tim people of I >prry are slow to !,'!., Uut they are an deeply in l! shade as aoiue people would like il.a.n to brlieru. Konts : -Kin.' lioots can In- bought cln-ap- rr now than e< r in thu Injury of trade t'nt i^'iit -..in.- |ihu !-. Uich^rdnou A Cut.. I ri ist At the l)ivisi..n court lout week there weie only tw.i or three trivial cans on t!u; d.n;ket. A poUit.i case waa the most imjortair. Mr Cook at the station, was aued for n >n d--livery of a car load of potatoea. 1'l.r bargain hml been that the |x ''it'. n H-i'iild 1 10 paid for its soon an loaded at tliu station. The pin had broken his a.'n-i-ni.'iit .ind Mr. Cook won hia case. Jud.'e M.>rriou ia a pun- ster and reinaikud after the court had adjourned lh.it hu trusted our worthy diviai HI court clerk would produce a b.it- ter bill of fare upon Ins uext vixit. 1'oiatoea alone made a poor meal. .1. \V. rrtoned that the jud<;e could not, at l'.;i->l. ..oiiipUiii of th.,- manner ill which they had been Cookxil ' The following item from hist week's Toronto Saturday iiiyht will bo of interest to many of our rcadura ; Mrn. Cl.ira S. Shilton, tho |."jm .u soprano of the M/irt Quartette ji 13 just returned from t'hu-.ino. where sha waa en^aiwd to siu on Sun-lay, .Juno '.'1, for Her. L>r. Tliom.i-, ( IVi'sbyti-rian) con- ore^ation. Mrs. Slulton'a MUi;iii-.' as received with ^nsa* |*lea8iire, the m 'in brx of tho muaic c<iniinittee beinii nmat ueneroui and hearty in their expressions of prnise and satisfaction. Tiio services are now closed until Soptember, and Mrs. Shilton IMS already been en^:i'.-i! to sin;,' .i^.iin during that luonth. The position of solo sKptait'i <n thia con^rr- nation is ono that ia much sought after, tliu lat inciimlxnt having be. n Mrs. Moran Wymaii, su well and furorably known here. meadow, M of old, being tho principal scene of action. Hinder Twlnrt -Moat risk giving or.li'rs lo li dfiivprrd wkon harvi't is in. HichanliH.ii <k Co. , can g' v * yun what you taut call aud gat terms and prices. Tke promoters and frienda of tho Methodist Sabbath kclioo!,a!ni( with the children of that iinftitution, met in thuir school room after le*"ns on Su.nl. iy I ist U* deci wkat kind of aiiiii.seniinit was to l.o provided fr the children thia year. in thu forivi of a picnic or otherwise. Two propositions were brought forward, vi-. to ayaiu hold tho old tune picnic, is held in former years, the other to yi> \ \ com- pany witl. tho Shelhurnu, Dundalk and M.iikda'c Sibbath schools (both I'resbj- torian nnd Methodist denoininations taking a like interest in the affair) on an excursion t Owen Sonml, aa some- what of a change of diet. After con sideiabln diacusaion both jiropusitionR wre accepted, the former to bo for tho ItciK'tit of those who could not pusiiibly attend the excursion, and thu latter for tlio.se who would prefer i trip to picuick- uit{ at home. Ky thia deciaion it was thought possible to provido uni'iseinent for all nhn wiahed to spend a holiday in oiii auch way The excurnion and pic- nic wil So hi-lj on the 22nd of July. The SS. Itxltic will VH- atOwon Sound in readinaaa to Mke all excuraioninta, who fuel so diaodsed, for n run on the aound. For pictiioketa at home Kama*, etc , will bo p*\ ide.l on the grouud.n, tho weaver Tim Stontfville Tribune undvratands the caae when it aaya : 'Aa an inatitu lion a newspaper i* regarded by some people a* a kind of public properly, They iiuauine thuy have a riijlit tu dictate to the publisher what he should and vvlmi lie ahould not allow to appear i'l the columns of his periodical. 'You oii"ht to write up so and so,' or 'km-p t out of thu paper,' is almost daily uttoied in the eara of the newspaper editor, and asked for perhaps as if it were a matter of i i^ht or it may be under cover of a threat. The value of a newspaper ile pi-mis largely upon its local items, there- fore it costs couaulerablo to withhold an article thous-h the party a. king it thinks the favor scarcely worthy saying "thank you ' for. The news gatherer is atornu d at if he does net uol hold of one iti m and roundly abused bemuse lie happens to publish another. Persons who a e old enough to know better perform acts which Heroine legitimate items for publi- cation and immediately sek the sanctum of the editor and implore him to pass nil noticed their escapade <. Shortly after they condemn the saint) paper tor n,,t v.-i.- tilatiii^; anotlo-r matter iii whieh they aio not inip'.icated, furgettino thoir own hit,- unbeconuni' conduct. Subscribers expect tho newspaper to yive tho news and tl.ei.- ia always wonder when, for tho sake of charity, an item which is in everylxdvs mouth is not in the next iasuo of the Notice. 1 will be in Fleshorton n Friday July 10, with a supply of repairs for all uiak. s of pumps, mm and w.md. Alao piniij t suitable for duep or shallow vvelln. Sail: - factiuu guaranteed. W. H. Hull. The Toronto exhibition. The I'n/.e I.ist for the nuxt Toronto Industrial Fair, which is to 1m held from tho 7th to the I'.llli September, has been issued. Copies can l>e procured by drop. pint: a post card to Mr. 11 ill tha secre- tary, at Toronto. Church News. l:.-v. .(. Wells M. i., ..f .larvis, will conduct services in thu l'r-bytermu church during the mouth of July. Mr. M -l.-uh, evangelist, who has . 'ahormg at Eugenia in cunnectii n with the Presbyterian church bait su. ii". null Ills iintinno; ell'orls. in bnnf- ini! together a lar.' r .n._;i,..-iti. .11 . ;md o Sabbath last tile sacrament of the Lord s upper waa di|n:nsed. Soiiietliiin; like seventy memlM-ra, incliidnr,' a fuw friends i;. mi Kli;iier!.m, aat at the tali'e. Tho l!-v. Mr. McLaod. ..| I'rirevill.-, oIKci- ML Anniveiaary Servicos Tin. 1 anniversnry ser'ices of Presby- terian church will lw held on S.mdi.y next, when tho Kev. . I. WelU, M \. Jaivis, will occupy tliu pulpit, in the in l Lino at J 1 o'clock and in tile e at 7 o i ' sk. A ni.i:i>' stra-A lival will be held in til* church at Ii p.m. on tho M ..... I. iv fidlowiiij. Short apeechaa will bo ti'veu by auroral re< . Lj.-ir l.-ioeii. n ill ^amea and ainusoinonta provided. Personal. Mi.-.s S'.ncli left yesterday to ativei in Dulnth. Mrs. IV <: Kv.uis is tisiUn^ at her paternal homo, St. Misi Flossie Tliurt"ii is vmitiiii; with hor aunt m Owen Sound. Miss Edith Hichardson returned from Toronto on Tuesday uveuiini la-,1. Mrs. Itiilmer was viitin;{ ra'ativas at Smohampton during the past week. Mis. .hid':.' Morrison accompanied her husband on his viait hero hat week. Mrs. .1 W. Ht'inl-rsoii and her daughter, Miss Holla Henderson, of Tor- out", are Hpcndin.' their summer vaca i n in town. Mr. .I.C. (irundy, stum mf.r., <il K inc. mi' ne. wiu a welcome callur at Tin Advance olKre on Friday lust. T! t liiuiidy Bros, have a larue and constant ly uiovvini; biiHiiics. .Mr. Karslu.lt . a^enl fur the linn in Irich Lake Picnic. The annual picnic at Irish Lako canto off on Thursday laat, and waa oncti inorr a success, as anything winch Kit bur Mai oney inidelljikes ia fclire to bo. Tin- linancial result waa about the name an last year, music was fitiniitlied by M.uk dale I n IMS band Owing; to a inisuiider standini; Klesherton striiiL' baml was not preiBi.l. and IIIIIMC for the <laiu:u :i furnished by varioua musicians w'.m chaneed to bn present. Mosurs. .f ll.'iirv. Thiboaudeaii and Mcltriduof .M.ok.lale, and Mr Amaley of Parry Sound briny ih-) piin-ipid pel nncis. Mr. Arch. McDollllldof U'.iodstock.cllchai/ted ev.'iy one with his baupipe Rolos. lie*. K.ithei lliir.hnev of Owen Sunnd waa present Mr. N. McKochnie of Durham, was thu illy )foveinineiit re|reaeiitative present. hu'. ho waa Ouncpiounm, Ho is a tall man. Mr Ar.:h. D.iv.ilson, nu-r- chant of llurham, wan the most futon- ate man of the day. He won the unnn-r A list of athletic xporti wore yon.- through wi'.h, tho prizu wiuuera Iniinv! aa follows ; ano-mr.l racA.lst N. Horn, ill A. Morrison. Throwing aaou*. H Morrliioii.Qla.avlg, is:,witk -" ft (I in. J. W,-l.,.,,n. Dun.lalk -n. ' inu-vanl rac. lt N. llorn.'Jinl T Swallcrw. Hop. btoi> and Jump, 1st A. Morrison. -Ju.l N. Hum. Bull for Service. Tim iiiiilemlKiiwl lo, tlin inm-mn. iiil ttlor Hlghlji-ml Diirliain bull. (irv WliiU MI-I k IUR, for aerirlc* at Ilia |>rti:ninti, lot tr>l. j wn*t. Torma l. J. AUAMM. jutjftaos, SIJMMR. - In order to supply our increased l>u: .ines, we have a very laige supply of Men's, Women's, Misses', Boys' and Children's BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS. In Men's wear Fine sraiuless to heavy low boots. In Ladies' Polish calf, kill, doiirrohi and prun<-lhi. Children's in rt-nt variety. Nearly all in-w ^ooils anil best makers. 1'nci-s as low as r:-u:'nn \v:!l iiilinit of. Custom work anil ivpnirmi; i snwi-d or puyged I proiuptly attt'iidod t/i. doixl wjrk mid In-st material used :it Any i|iiiiniity of f^'s taken in oxchuii CLAYTON'S, Flesherton. FuU. oomplsM, wtm fax-MUlDf WniaM Toroutoi Out. iTbls bouui it ra THE MARKETS FLKSllKKTON. Curt- fill I;/ fitrrrrtril /:</</! II Yc/. Klimr J5 is to 5 & Kail WliuRt Spruit! Wheat tfj u U5 liarluy .. ,-, o 55 Oats 48 45 Poa* ) 70 070 Hutu r u 19 IS ii II K bn u 90 90 IWk , (U 5 im llav ]i.T '..ii 8 III I OO J 110 S 1)0 ..ii- u :l 1 DO < M 08 Tllrli..\* 10 10 M i>-ri>air o :w JO U'.n l.iM't'r |>r 00 GO Wool j is 1)4 MANY A LIFE HAS been aaved by tbfl prompt use of Ayer's Pills. Travelers by land or sea are liable to constipation or other derangements of theatomach and bowels which. If neglected, lead tu acrious and often total consequences. Tho most suro means of correcting these evila is tho uao of Ayer's (.'athurtle I'illa. Tho pru- dent sailing-master would as soon go to sea without his chronometer as without supply of these Pills. Though prompt and energetic In operation, Ayer's Pills leave no ill effects ; they aro purely vegwtablc and stigar-coatod ; the safest medicine for old uu! youug, at homo or abroad. "'For eight years T was afflicted with ronstipatiun, which at last becamn so bad that the doetors could do no inoni for me. Then I U L-HH to take Ayr 1 * Pills, and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular acliou, no Uutt now I uui iu Excellent health. "-Mrs. C. E. Clark. Tcwksbury, MaHHachucvtta. "1 rejpir<l Ayor'a Pills ua one of th moat reliable general remedies ot our times. They havn In-en in use in my family branottOM rcipiiriiKf n purj{a- tivo, ami Imvo Riven nnviiryiiitf atisfac- tion. We liave found them an oxcellmit remedy t..r .-olds and li({lit fevers." W. K.'\Toodaon, Fort Worth, Tnxas. " For several voars I havo n'lled more anon Ayer's I'ills than upon anythini} else in ilii' mi-ilii me . hcst, to regnlato my bowelmnnl l hose of tlio ship's pr:W. Tinsse Fills are not Severn in their ac- tion, but do thou' work fkoroochljr. I liave usd them with ROIM! elleet for the cure of rheumatism, kidney troii- bles, and d.vupt'iHia." ('apt. Mueller, Steamship Keln lu, New York City. "I havo found Ayc-r's Cathartic Pills to be a iM'tter family medicine for com- mon use tiiiiu .my other pills within my knowledge. They ar n<it only very \ o, but safo'and pleasant to tako qualiUcn which innnt make them valiiml liy tlio public." Julus Ilauvl, Perfumer, Philadelphia, Pa. Ayer's Pills, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. gold by all Uwtlers in Medicine*. H I) \ l>t I A K T E R NOXON IMPLEMENTS. Tin- iiii'li-rmiinoil wi-hiw to annonnoo that ho ia the Mile n^uiit in tlim Mctlou for I'rlrtn-fitetl MllH'fl Mtllltl H'll>l'fi.lnt> till- (illlllllt I'linr. Sci'/fff>' initl THi'iiijt S< nl Impairs nlwar n liaml for 11 tho a>K>M. iin plauraia, alaoiur A**r Plow Works. (*i-t voor f ILII uir -i ml ..iv, expuliMi anil tinuliic Cull unil tii-iu-i i toy niaclonini boforo UU.MOK or-. It wiil |i>- ), I also handle the Wblto Engine and McFheraoii Separator. Those contemplating purchasiiig a ThrPshmg Outfit will find it to thc:r ii.tcrcst to inveetigato. Jas. McMicken, FLEKHERTO.M JOHN W. ARMSTRONG." FL> i .,. OUST. C I'l.llllK I-OMMISKIONI It U .||V.,Mllli!lT. ' .<!.!(. in. . U tllB isM-| U ( MONEY TO LOAN. I i - . i l .- a large numunt of in i -e to loan ai e > uifi ,,r farm prop- S. UAMiri'i:. l>-hertcn. W. J. BELLAMY. Tp. Clerk, . . ciipfr, -.^.i:t, i^to. Dr'.'.i.-i. mort n 'ngp. ml pp.prilv . \fciitcd. [MHIMMMS DR. CARTER. M. 'irjoon, ..... rtn. d" look. Mui^baw u DRS. SPROULE & EGO " M.i; iid.de. (int. ";' . j rU({ - I. ]>.. KtC.. ll" -f l)Lt. will bo found at tie , ; JUBJ at night. J. P. OTTEWELL, ; :nni v Suriv ' ( :iiiri'odf-t;". II id . mill of Li-telr* lailor s'i ,i i Jmtiotvu. J. P. MARSHALL, I- l 1 -. M ! . ' Mark- dale thu I si and .ltd ' ' o,' e.icb : t'.ia .lay Ing. J. W. FROST, Barrister, Klei-llel toll ofllro Nixl tin, [',,tl Sproulu's liiiildin .. Owsn. S..IIII I '.ilTlr- .IIR. P McCULLODGH, linn - IT Me u ' >i i.uiM -i. r". M ... ^ :.. , in R. Ja Sp 1 >l.l.S I'M AS I'l U, -lierl..ii,Con,inii. i iou- * er in li. U., I.ie.-n ..I V'n'ii, ,!,., veyaneiT, Apjirain-r and Mm l.Mn'ni. li.'iil !'. -latii nnd Ins 1 M'irtungeK. I. 1 WiIU m .i n u^i au<i Valuations made on .h.r.si notice. Auc- tion Sales .ill. ii.li-i! to in an;. .iv.itle County. Money tu loan nt b-m t rati-a of mt'H'-t. Ci '.'.: i't;iui - ..'' :.'. ( to with promplnePs n:ni < lon^i low. A^ut.t (or the \iinpmiy. Cheap . m v 'e-lli lli'l: ' l.lM'Ipi-ld, UlasROW. Londnii r -inv : :.- linll.-b ort . PartieH intend'iiR tu v it Knulaiui, 3uotlRinl or I.'-biml, ill pli n-e . k r:.t<b. fore pi rckf.sinu lliuir tiekus , Uowbcre. Flesherton Liver\' Stables. D. ri.MT'JX !*!<: in i First ctasn horne" nM,l \. > i line at reaHiiiinlile nii.-s. Mtal'lcx M i Mniihiiv li.>ti-l. % .|'ocii.l .\.te. .-..en 1-1 i ' . :-.iurcii4 bust oca*. WANT* O : R*]t)Mi)ian ' n n. 1:1 i' >,,! iiHi DS of NIU-. k. JU'i tt-uii.w outfit . KB]*! r 01 <'i>uiiniion '">IM l>'.sitioM m ('ftiiftdft nvof thirty \. n- ,. i;nftiftnt*l tn |>un)lili4 IHHII If tlxti fol.im -iiot.1 UCtluUt Wi ilo for toi in* nt utirr. 4 bas Brothers' -,npany, - -.uj, yt