Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jul 1891, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."" PRINCIPLES, AOI MEJV." |70L. IX., NO 524. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1891.. W. H. TRURSTON, " ETCR -=-'r=Jr=^t=fi ARMSTRONG BROS. n 1-': >.->. sell watches to suit their c-istomers and theniwlvi-s. We have proof that our sales suit oar customer;; by our evei ncreaaiiig trade. Our Watch sales dnr- :ho past month huvo been tl. - i" th" last twelve mouth*. This, no doubt, is .=ult of the perfect satisfaction they are giving, and tho low price at which w W. <mly our customers inUnst, ami by ca>;i buying are tb!c to offer some wonderful -.ins. We cany iu s:.n-k a complete lino of the finest American \V .itches. Mother with a ui-'.^'iiiic.-nt stock of I". -'.-. .J- I J Khrr plated Ware, and E w c keep no ap- c-s, and personally attend to all Watch, Clock and Jewelry n pairing. 'to PQ ARMSTRONG BROS. 1,1 ..|| The Rev. (- Mil Mr. Corrwjwiiirfriif. preached are uot ashamed of, Ou Wednesday last they played a friendly game at Rocklyn with a team made, up of a few picked men from Walters Falls. C. J. Leitch, sermon to the Orangemen at Eugenia o weu Sound, Toronto, and Ihe llth on Subbath afternoon to an iranieusn ij lle teams. Of course this team gathering. The Otaogi hall would could not bo tapened to play with an n , not hold oiu- liHlf of those present, so old team, it beiug made np for tin uOOu MERCHANT TAILOR, -FOR they mnetaded to hold the service iu :vove belonging to Mr. Purdy Kvi-ry HIM: was highly ilic sermon. Iu tin- most part of men who had ni-vcr played foot ball. However. the re-cord , plm.sod wuli [., one (,;,! tonono iu favor of tho lllh ev, iiiti k ' Mr. ii ue> Walters Falls, Owon Sound, Tor- Thompson preached an excellent ser- OIHO , au j perhaps othr littlo towns. montoalargoeooaregatioii. j Good order prevailed. and at the limitary Walker, of Kiroberley. i c i oec ft cue <,r was given for tho win uncle's, Mr. utrs a(ul 0!1C for t i, e brido who visii.-d has been visiting at her John Heecroft. M.ss Fiila Bowerman was home a visit. Our old friend, Mrs. IIa>llt-y, is so uim-h better that she was able to re- turn home i;ain. Her many friends \v< re very ulad to welcome her back. Tin.- Orangemen of this locality with a <rrcat many adheranU wuiit ' out to Flisherton to celebrate die IMC glorious twilrili. Alth ugh a day briiind time it aid uot seem to Good Fits and Best Workmanship, -IT wed Wodshouse and Rocklyn on ln-r 1)11 ding tour that day. Miss Ella Wdcox leaves tins week for a two or three mouth's visit in Mtaford. Mr. .(as. Morwood, sr., is busy re- pairing his hoiino in Markdale. He intends leaving the farm soon to livo retired. Miss Allie Breaduer is visitum- friends in karkdale. A small picuic party visited our Lowest Reasonable Prices, i-ux! :NV. TT.IMMr llilUSKSHOKINO, WOOD V ^^^^^ FIRST PRIZE \V U EKE V KK > 11^ WX, LCUHUK. LAl'H. Jnli WOUK FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard 's Carriage Works, FLEStlERTON, ONT. dampen their ardor .<no bit. Their village last week CallV-ain Irien.U. highly decorated teams cut a good Mr. aud Mrs. R. Wiley. ; .show in tho procession, and consmeu- , an j, M i i, v M,.,,. Wilcox and Mr. and nuoiigst them was (teucral loin M rs . C ieo. Uwson were, visiting friends the first of this week near Mr Jake Williams was home on a -the block, ' Sydenhaui. visit to his fat.lier. Mr. Jann-s Linton is home on a visit to his parents at present. Mr. Henry Fenwick is building an addition to his house which will bo a great improvement to his |>.. Mr. William Ma-^(.-- raised a fine barn last week at his place utur Lady Bank iinr Kirn <\,rr'>iHHfitt. \\\ n liter and crops better than our Properties for Sale 1 X ARTENESIA. L- T < !!., traietixi -i, . , . -;, w and oiltliu. DICK'S LAND ROI.l.KKS tiowr.H*. BINDERS. PLOWS. Our Wuuuons ili<- Best. Onr Buggies the K i ar I UII-TS the Brl Our Improved Harrows tli- Vest. Salt-til. Mis. Wellington Smith, of St. \ nicent. is houie on a visit at present. Mr. Wesley I'edlar is gone ulF ou a short visit to frit-lids at 1'ickeriut; aud other places in that vicinity. fears. I-'. very diio seems beuton honoring King William, if the Hue rii;s that are leaving for Feverslmm and Flesh- mon this morning are to bo taktu AS indications of honor. Mr. Pool, of Lady Hunk, is build- fiamc barn, with stone W Donald & Evans Summer Goods are complete. \\\- have on hand a lar^e assortment of Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Lawns, Swiss Checks, Skirting Embroideries, and Irimmings rn Laces, Embroideries, Etc. 20 Ibs. Light "Sugar for $1.00 ! We have full lines in Cottonades at i8c., 2oc., 22c., 25c., _j8c., 3oc. and 320, per yard, 'i he best value ever offered. 16 Ibs, Granulated Sugar for 1.00. 8CCKKM-- From mtr oirn Corre*p^ ouiLLS. Mr. James Russell, who had his PLOWS \,ip joint dislocated and fiacturcd by n full .if -28 feet whilu in aKsistuuce a at Mr Henry Lonsway's barn raising some time ago, i* improving well under tho treatment of Dr. Mr Williams, of Pumlalk. Mr. Brown (co.itractori of Proton stable under. Lizzie Osburn is home from Coll- ing wood for a fpw days. Mr. Geo. Davidson, Sec. and sales- man of Ferersliani and his daughter Mrs. Whfiwell, aud widow Lawler, throe confessedly critical casep, have received much bent-tit from l>r. Carter's truatuient. Tbc first two suffered from dropsy, aud the latter I ui); trouble. They arc niovnn; The Bethel aud poranue We have full lines in Shirtings at loc , ujc. and 140. Heavy weights and fast colors. A genuine Japan Tea for 25c. per Ib. have full lines in Tweeds, Worsteds and Pant- , at 35C., 5oc., 6oc., ^5c., 850., $1.00, $1.25 to If 1.75 per yard. Fine patterns and choice goods. Fypsh canned goods always on hand. We have full lines in Boots and Shoes. A fine lace Dongola for ladies at $1.25 a pair; buttoned, at $1.35; dull kidd, at $1.40. Misses and childien's cheap durable. Men's Boots in great varieties, and gutter A "VV Anted- * t t-r* VJ T a T \*wi* VI x* tnfi I \/ A t / fci 'I 1 -. a*l(*|> * Station, is at present engaged build- al ' OUIld fl!tl!cl ^ ing the church slud here. Mis* Harper, of Torouto, is the T " iiie S<i\t>ir ,,/ The .-t./m,,.-. guest of Mr. Geo. Hutchinsou. DKAB Sin, In last week's Advance luistioge Tarn- tho Kimberley cor. takes you to task Organisations picnicked at for an impartial account of tie base falls on Wednesday last, ball match between Yandiieiir a;;.! They all say that they had a niuubt-r Kimberley juniors, and lecture- I outing. Wish I had been there. ou fair play. Now for tin- fact* Miss Euphemia Johnson is almost At th Institute picnic ;u i<*!>0 the better of the attack of rheumatism Vandeleiin played a mutch at lumber- which she recently enjoyed. j ley and challenged Kimta-rloy to a re- One of our young men is in a very turn uiatcli at the Vaiidi-lt-nr picnic disconsolate mood, lie evidently wiches i" two weeks They accepted, but that the school vacation was not so ' fail.-d to put in an appearance. although | long, howeTer ho consoles himself by the day was, tine. A am they weie I singing "In the sweet by and by we invited to play the return mate: I shall meet." critl times this season, rinully tlirv Commissioners Sharp and Corbett ' agreed to play at the institute |.ici;.,- ! of Artemenia and Proton rcKptctively. tl'is Mitnmer. On that .lay when lit have U-t the contract of gravelling 54 Vandeleurs were on Kituber^y rode of the road nmuing north from ' grounds, Kimberley refused to pliiy I'rotou Station iinltss Vaudcleur would piny foot ball. Mr. John Latt is busily engaged ' Vandcleur refused, when Knuberlry workiug at the erection of Mr. Geo. ! refused to piny base hull unless Van Ludlow's new dwelling house. deleiir would kick toot ball iiuiueih The tone masons are building a atelr after. Yainleieiu- hns no foot foundation under Mr. jJas. Best's bull team, no foot ball, and most of barn. i them had never MI u tho game The recent rains have brightened ' played, but to get the base ball : th outlook for the farmers here. | on, they consented. Tiny certainly The Inistioge division Sons of Teni- ' had no Parry Sound player n their peranco is in a flourishing condition, base ball team as the Kimberley cor. Following are the names of tbe officers says. Fair Play, thon art a jewel I for the current quarter: .Vnnie Ban- ONE OF YANDELEl'K TEAM, uou, W. P. ; Johu F. Hutchinson.W. I Artriii. MM, ii ,ni .-*.:. itJiu' '-nrti ami oil 111,. IIIPIIHVO . Wl-ll tOIKfll 111!. I ' r|- l-.it 17". !sl s. W . T .v > iwi-llllll! II U .il ii.- -.il.l< -iii-ii|i HUM .111 t tad N ).., T .v M. li.. lont '.n ,-r. SO - .mil hardvood liui-li Tinil if pa\ MI. -nt l^n .,100cro. Alvoit!:. o( rillni(e lot with liuum-n liiuiBon in 1 II-MH-I tun. Villns<> PmpTiies r!ll|. rillmri. |irO].(-rtli-J 1 l>e .li|-.Mio.l of, oiia ol wliu-h. knntrn !.:; lirownli..*) )irO|iurty. is iarti<:u)arly valuiihl*. 11. 1-* ilu'.lt i ^'i* |IKI-KI!II> ill frm or ropurli -u.Miiii <-<iiiitniiii!i-*t,. witii IX- WILL SHOW FOR YOL'it SPECT1U.N A Beautiful Assortment .% \T'Hi:s l.f>LS. A. ; Edith Armstrong. H. S. Acheson, A. U. borough, F. S. treasurer ; J. Koseborough, Con- ductor ; Rea. Bannon, A. C. ; Win. Guest, Chaplain ; Herby Nicboles, I. S. ; Jai. McQuay. O. S. ; Tcene Acheson, P. W. Miss Minnie Waikley returned from Urangeville High School. llobt. Wellington Kiise struck th* *Mnier Kate Acheson, the 8uJt ywiterday. The C. F. K. steamihip Aili'n.wii ire Inilen, at ...1. h..ls- ItCBM. From our <>um Corrttpoiuitnt. Wo hav succeed* i iu getting a foot ball team organised, aud ou wt The IVntine w uiik in thirty fat ( wUr, ami i* injured. Her value wiu $200,01)0. Tenders Wanted. T>uilr will IM raoaivad up to M.in.ln> Wh inat for tho onolinn of a train* h.l at tin Maaford Roa<l Mxthoillnt churcb. Hir.a of h*tl. to ft. lonu No -.UIIIH work ; in othui ruopacti tv be aiaotly litmlar tu tUu -liatl at Kli.~n.-i ion uodaraigntil. The lowont ..r ivny t. n.i. i nol oo*aarUy acroa-to-l. Th* ranlract iiiuU ba ooin|il**u>iaoar bofora Nnv I unit, anil con tractor uiuat furululi all unwrm! rmiulrxl. WM. SHANNON. S. JulTlAft Vamlolmir f. O. Or to IUr. A. W. Tou, FIaUrtuu 1' L:i;;s' Fis: I!: 1 ,: 1U 1 ,;;,;:, $LS TO :;:>. II:: 1 ,: 1 Fiiisi 11 :'.;:;: 10 AND UK.. 8L':> TO ?XS. WAII HANTS COVKKINU INflDKN- TAL r.i;KAK.\i;i:s -2 ;' IN' CLOCKS, WAI.' NICKKL 51.50 AM' TO S.s Rne Repairing Personally spectioii of i M- , Clone in- -M and ivitri. VVis!{o- to W. A. BROWN, Jow ler, MAi-.vDALK.

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