Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jul 1891, p. 4

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fhn. FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. In l'ub.i.)ia livery 1 u rua Orrii K MM!<, - - Flrnhrrtm^ Out. TI-:USIS OK Ht'lis< KU'II.IN. 91 pur annum when )>!! ti,. t.v to a'irauce l.V) lei auuuiil wh.-u liol o pal 1 AUVI.i.l I>l.Mi K.I IT.-. OfU column. 1 ve.u.JjO. half col., do., 427 quail' *\ Traiiii<-iit Ueitie". I at 1m rate of V-t .1 fli>t inrt!:i 11 liat ** :i < ',"! t inn i:STON. F.'ltt'll Hll.l 1': AMONG THE ISLANDS. Cccl 1 1 '( :iuiiful Scenery, ' Liu tlii' ii'vin train on 1'tio i i, It. w arrived in Owth Sui. ml a I Iji LIJ., and Rju-ut li -i\ | i. with oil nn<l -wa. 1 1 .1 in I.ittlf Liverpool. Ah. .: tir Wf woulJ numc I'-ro. i norlli tif tl.e (hveii .Sijiunl SUM. TWO 1.111113 Wl I ( -IK lit ill Ills COIJlJUlliy Iilnl tiit ^filial atmofptien which : , bon i uiuimil I'.iu. Jjin^'s would liavo reinltieil |'l.--i f-ai.t a i'oiii>!o uf !i;>tirs iiioif, but wi> liad to !i ill illllM'lvrX .IWflV, CVt'll should mil wi.itiiv bioti. . foi J ..i what ill' a :M t . IK- i depth uf ','|DOIU at our iiu- :..at tliu Sim V>ll!d never hlniin ,io;i;n. J'.'it it was lia(i|>ily nut no bail. "Tl.i- Sun it i move." a* llr. Joliii'i ., I. ion 111*1, is, anil d.i i tics ul its mai-, will' UK jfllt- jt. Aicliie lliiiii'aii of the : .-mi llutisi was (jin- n( our older I.. - proUettm care 'Hi Anviince \fiitiii I IM nnii. U in a satisfuctoi y investigation of tlie ui- l'Ki\nl< il 1 n IIIMII- hungry liu- v. 'I I,. 1'al'.. i 'in 11 li-. is the i null 1 111 Olillilll) Hllil M a j-iiif uf tliut iti |)ii:|>iifi ir lias a i l.itxill Illlll^ ll|> III Ills l.:|ll I)V u . iimiril naikiog ctiek. Tin i-in- n.i ici.il iiuvi-li ' \MI.,| .Mr. Duiicnii \ . ...,.iii^ .stick und Aicliy v.iinl to i '.I li.u iililiin. 'I'lii'V uin Ixjth v..,.l,, i I ail. Thin 1'iilf it j- )! I'lly il'jii- 1 , in \\r i'iU'1 I'n our diiiin-r ."'All I'l ll. llr.I'liS, Ul' ]l(lll- : I t I j'. J, ,|i Xlii'H \MtJl U M.Mt. Jt lll'l ll(jl M't 111 il.iii i niMhii W:IK njijMMiunu fur tin' 1 MJI. lonkl'il IIK blttCh * :l tlilll.il> I : - j'nintfil hluek. \Vlicii vie li u liu v. .1, iinii-li lighter, lly U I . t .[..ill u: Illli .!... 1,1 (f Sl'l)'i|> .mil nil rl. \iitni In- u.i * inuilc i. n i'\ i i-iit thiiusiiiid 'j !ir Muiiitolui i.s . v.-iiti is and .'I in I U.. u S.:n:<l. She JS ;..!IH u v uii'l | .'ifi I'tioii ..i* w.ij [mill un O'.vi n Sriinil Julllt i.f M.'W. A < ..I I'. Hi i:ill_, 110, Wi .. i\' tl.i i, nun- uf M liii'ilj. In mum i,,.;. .iinl will nut j.' i|'iiiili/i- i: liy li'l I). .:il c.in ("ii i \ . Ul Ulll IHIII'U Slllll tl.llt sill' flllllll I !,.. i (h\iii Suninl in IIIT liciil anil I'liliiii^uiiud In I\M rii dirl.M. 1'his Illllll IIIUllull \\i..L'l.i|l ll\ II M'liiriOMH I ii n S'Hiinli'i , iiml tin ml tin 1 1 I 'i i- In n.iiiilf lln uiMiK. I )\M u Sound jit o[iU I.I VI I' I Xll^LJi'lHtl . i' I'l sllil ll'IXMI I I ic HHIIf,' | I, ink ul lln' li. .\. W. 'J"n uUiiiini )', i,' .;n i' J J _'|i ll.iit i M inn.', liM'i l.i.i n. i.i l mlli tlir pui'Bir and ruliiri ,1)1 ul lit IWi 'i\. . Tlii' f-l,ltrli)iillis w 11- ni'iil and iiny und lln linn M I ii|iii,,nisly ill ;in. Lint nilli nil tli.-si ID 1 1. . ,i ui^ n i.u\iri- i-ii|it to coin siiiltitii-i lor hulnr tilnc ill' tint lifl.li J;IM| will pill 111 an u|i[>. a mi. . . 'II i M|>luiu liullld Kluji liii i ii'.'inr for tl ' Hjicfml lii-iiciii. If liu woii U l"l liVl lullllil. , nil \Mlll r>ut lia Jy.'iu ;,-uj. Tli* con tllilli;iin cliilf,', clmx. clilllllp in l.i'pl II I. .. in Her liiilll ttii'l lllu tniVL-lir K 111 liM In III 111 bl IIIIIIKIIH'I 111' III In III (..liijj.in uut with u patent lemiscitat ill^ M|i| uiltlilK. Slrt'|i CO1I1PI lit IIIH 'J'lic-ii 111 abuut flvn 01 t> n minute j approximated | cumei ilayli^lit, tli wailiingof deck j, the raUle-btng o tin I'liiuu by uhon of-a-|{iiii with H"\-u'-> ' ml b;r moutli, wlio i.u in Ai-oli.w, whereat he ii .ml y very niU'juiuU^I iniiuticiii uf us the ouUide. We would alxo huvc much enjoyed seeing IIIH uuisical ap- paratus uxpoaed to the weallur Jim infill have warped it back tgaiu to soim tliinf lik a musical condition. Iu the early morning our lioat was i iff Cabot's head and at !) o'clock laud i \va* Betu. \\v were shortly niniiinv; ('iirallel witli an isUnd. A siiddcu tuiu of tin- viK<cl broiix'lit ua into a narrow cliamiul uf two miles in .'I, Mllll lllid, Ml V Ijct'V. ( II till' I'.V.I outlota, on tin main hind, lay Killar- iii-y the beautiful. Tliis ^ictnreoijui- spot iiiis been likuned to the Killurncy it) Ould Uirelauil, but wc< iiua^'ine an Iilsliiimn would sweut lie fore he could w.iik 1 .imself into thu blief that what ^ ,T I'cfor*' liim here WUH u i-wond . liitinn of his own Killarney's hills .H'd lakfg. This is a tiidiin^ village. other indii>ti V pursiicc In.r.' i- tlie iniin.r . n| IM iv h burk toys in birch bark -mi poreitpiiM^ttillwork, which a wlnte man s< j !ls to loinists. \V. .ihi'iild ulsu niuntioii the gather- ill^ and Hlnpijit.iit of hucklebt i ncs iiml craiiberi ics, both of which <,'row in hir^e ijnaTitin. s in the- vicinity of Killurm-y, but will b ft short crop tlie presei.i .- >n. \Vo will have liin^: iiuiir LIJ Kay about Killar- ny heii-aftur. The boat remains here ah nit liftec-ii minute^, then KU-jinis away I'.ist iiliimls lowiinln tlxi Kouthwunl. The view is simply suporb. To the a hi^'h chiiin of bare iln* tiiiu' Wn calm ai a mill y.,tiuJHiai il had beeu junt long cnuugh to turn Gogglei waide out U'e had a cm lonity tu kuow wlielli* (be niKidi- uf lijf fV WM M houiel; T\ '(Illllt/ IIMllliM.'i- tin' LikUll'lltldllS. wind swrpt and lilt- hin n. d. they form u dink h.ii iinposm^ btokgrooo 1 o the htaulifiil panuraiua of fantailic lands iiml |>laciJ waters wliich sur Mind us on ail -nh-.-i. The noith-tii.-t hriidland of Mani nilan islainl r.ijnes in view. ( i| until, a tivl.l In adlan 1. i>n>ji'ClH far > tlm eastward, liuzens uf small ilauds an in view ut the sain.' mo iciit. Smith'!! I '.ay, its enti | laud haneil, 18 quickly gassed, and n nitianc( inado into Muiiitowanin^ !<// </ thr tf irili bay. This lo\idy iret of waU r a ten mile.' wido at it loutli, bnu in mill s lii'-j. and nur- owa to one uiik- at i'.s luaxl. TMK. INDIANS All the laud to the cast of Mnniio- ; by eonstit .Us the \\ ikwciui- In. li in n i i\a'.ion. It coiu- - about 77.UIM) n|ii:i ! .I-,. < cf airly good land, on which there at iri-vont lesi.le about IW IndiAli! 1 . We ad oooiidorablc opportauity to .-uuly he character of 1 1 . 1 iant. Tliey u an impi oriiJent lot, hi/.y mid indu eni, tailing tin in as u who!, . I'm in- liat were once cl.-ii'.d ;u. 1 fruit- til, are now und cu\ with Ki-ruhliy folin^i 1 . 1 rile or no lowing IS l'Vl'1' lime. Til"' ||ij;; iiOKtly nil liiiill cf le . and me in leai ly evei \ 'ca-i r,i:n|.|.'ti 1\ >'ii round d hy liei <. 'I lie Inili.iii natiire still to Ublert itself ill this i Iu lines ll." Ion .-i Kiir.vlh, and i . \: tint In li>\isa hi, .in the sparkling wateiH. In fict, he \wll leavo all iiilniin; ii| ei iiliouJ unil hu cmps t i ufTel , juul yn ntf on a ti-liin^ ex lition. 1'iiur l.'i is al.. i inuidiii.i'. 1> nd of lire water, anil in the vicinity f Maiiito,\at;iiij.' appears to i \| 1 1 lice hull .1 flii'iilly :n si e inn:; a ^en mi-, cii| |,1 \ ul the ih In liilnr. I l \Vilittelinl>'iie.; l'< serve h:m IU s|iiiitil A! \viintsadinun.-tenil tu l>y ihe , . who huvi' fur ninny \e;irs i, at, in fact t In y built, the \;'li \\ ll, \\ellil!. ,,|i;'. nil Smitll'H H.IV ill till xtri-iue i ,i;-:,'i:i end of Maniluulii sland. At. this pniiil the > iavu built iin imposing stone chuipl Mid float college building, where Iu li ins. mall, ,ni.| feiiiiile, and al.so a lev wl.i , , , me tmi^lil tl.e in ts ami I. im me acCOUlpliftllUMnta, There is mi ninall slue at this village, but une i llio Inolhii s infill lueJ u linn a set olid of larger iliini IIMUHS was abuu I . ii|K-ued \\\> will' the view tu .--i cm in ;', ii jjreul portion of the Indm 1 mile mid thel'fliy keep the pupillalM away from the xeiln.'ii\i- trmptaiiun of lire vvjii'i. an theie is mi h'|iiur Holil on tin 1 rewiiv. Tins J H a lundible iiiiderinkiiiK. '"d we wished them X" 1 ' Hpeed. N'euHelB do nut call regularly ut thix port, but We hi lietD mi ellort u to he iiiado to se- cure a rex'i'ur BerviiH'. If lhi >i di me M.ii.niH will have mitlicienl tium to niHpoct tins piclure<nie Iiulian v illiii'.', wliich IB iiion- than worthy of a viiit, anil crons tlie poinniiila in time to meet tin.- l>oat at Maiutowan- ing. A itaK* ' ""* regularly acrosH here.and tlie fare is but '25 oonti. The Indians " thi* reserve are n)iii|xined of tbreo tribe* the Ojib way, Ottawa, and Mohawk. The males all H|ieak KiiHliili to a leisor or grealur extent. Tlire are at leant two utlin Indiau reMrvatioul on tb Manitonlin iiland.onr at Ubeguiandah and tlie other nar Praridenee Ray. lint botb are mall vompared to the Wikweuiikoug. i To be Continued.) Artrmrsiu 4'wuucil Tlm reg-ulaj monthly incrting i-f tlii* uinicil was* held mi .Moii.hiy lith int. Ml the member* were present, tlm reeve i the chair Minutes uf lait. meeting ere read and cuutirmed. The f.dluwia K DtiUoua wer read. Kriini S. Martin n, I utlKjm iv u|- . uf :iOth Mdemad tween the ll'th and J4tll Con. ; fruin 'Una. Scot' and > thtr, r. nu|.i 'V.-mei.t n town line Arli-niemii and Eujdiraaia. \ euiiiiiiinncatiuii was read from the u- istant piovmcial treasurer statin;; that lie Land Juiproveioonl Fund will lie tally for dis'nliutiuii tu the muiiici- alilies c-iiUtled thereto sometime dur.ie,' lie prenrat muntli. Jiylavv Xi . 47."'. J>- itruduced liy Mr. Sliarp, *.i.i re .d lirnt, nec'Uid and thud tune and , i- i-tvd to I-- ei, .'lots. .! i, ii tlie minutes. I.:. is an nnp'.rtant liylaw. p:-.,vidi u or the division uf \V,ud .No '.'> into twu illiii^ uixliviaiuiis, which had bec^m ;, i, in..' tu ii.. -reuse 'f p'.j'ula tun. The new subdivisions will l>cnuin .end i! undo respectively. N.I. J ahall onaial ..I the lollowne,' lots and the ul>- liviiinns nf any uf the said hits . I.''- Hill inclusive iii ,-uii. I, '2, and 'J, S K T. A S K ; IX. t., liKI in.-kisu . j. :.' ai.d :; s. w. T. ,\ ^ n. Uiv. N . shall consul uf lota li'.l tu 4 Jlil.,'.'ii mid U', X. K. T. AS K. : !..ta Hi I t,. TII con :;, X. K T. A s. i:. . lot* ir.j t,, .HI. ,-..!,. i, L'iin,l:i, s. \v. T. A s u. Uylaw Nu. 47.I to ane-nd I-)!** N"- (J. ly placiie,' the name "I Air. M..t in place uf Mi. .'". t'aii n- .is ster, ititruduc. d l>y .Mr. AIcMdlan, asiii-d lit) third leadn Sevpial bill" and aecuiinti were pre- ut, d. nhii'h an- ilenlt *ith annul:,' thu Unwind i.iuti 'ii v It v..is Moved l>y <. Th"inp,.n, '.-unded l>y Mr. S|iar;,,that the [K.-titi ,'i i.f S. Marhn ami otlicn lie on the taUc till ne\t settjujj ul council. <'.mied. M. . \.-.l l.y T. Hell., ii-eunded 1'V < I'h mips' in. that the auui uf mx d ui., la, e,| in the IriinU of Mr. Leinun William' on, p.-illiniHitvr, to l>e> i;i|.ended n the r. 'ad uiritmu of which he is path nutti and under Ina *U|H)rviiiun, xaid amount Iriviuj. airrued un N. It. lainU u mud ilivi.iioii. Carried. d liy D. McMillan, seconded l>y W. Shari, , tll:lt '-'I'"- Tiyuii l>u refum'ed $3.50 fur statute lah..r against hi* luts, ! and ;i, .-on. .H, the >.ime Laving yiven salUfaetiirv pioul tin.* day (ha*, the las been p.u .. and that the reeve IbSUi- ill order, t.iirnd M.,e,i I,;, 1>. McMillan, nccuiideii by \V. Slmrp, that the patlimaatenj of tlie ullage ,,f Kl.'ihrrt'.n an.) I'riorvi! nulled aiiiutitit "f cuininiitd "f ntfttulo aU.r in "aid \il' > Fl ihertun i;.i 7-.. Pnei v. i.. .-.'' . > Carried. Nl 'Vod liy I). McMiiian. seconded liy \V. ^haip.lhat arant uf jf~'< >.' i;iveii t . repan luwnllne liclvtem Aiteniema and ileiii'lll, .mth uf Iriah l..ike C.un. i d l,v li Tlii>ni|ia<>ii. M-cuinli \V. Sl.alp, thai the council of Kil'-li he u., tilled I.. :i.-i conjointly viit'ii lie... rhoiii|,^, .11. uf thin council, in t<\. .it of lot L'U, C'lll. 14, uf lllH 'i-it the clerk forward a mpy uf tlii.1 notice to Kuphrasia council. I'llllr.l. d by \V. Sharp, locuin'.ed I'V <! rii,iui|i',n, thiit tlie petition uf Thuv r.lln.tt and utliem lie nut ciitcrtan.ed. 'ill!,', I d l.y Thus. Kell.i,uc"iidc.l by \V. that this , "ii HI! tiiu.ih the road ..i I,, the kt.itloil III c..,'.'l Wlllk- nianliU.i III-MUI.I, anil lurlher th.it the sum uf S'-'"" be 11; ended ...i in un le.i.iin^ road* ',> > a, ii ward columns!. .niT, I all ii-pcial grants Cai i u d. ^l ved liy(! I'll, '111(1-1,11, . In I'd by T. Ke!!, lh.it .1 apeaial ,;l.mt of &! (l I"' made tui opening ll.at pait uf tlm valley l.,ad past II . n - null, iiud that \V Sharp be app .int .-loner l"i that uur- ('.nn-'l .M .cil by \V. Shai|.. >. .1 .led by I!. Tli.'inj.xon. that the peti'.i.'ii ,,t 1 1 ' in, in and other* be accepted, and T. Ke U I,,.,: Mi .1 Elliott and let work, amount not Iu eve.d $'!" fl.'in thu cuiin.-i!. I ..i red. M .v, -I . , I 1 . KelU, p.,-.- .ml.'d by I >. M. Mill. ,n, th.it the follovMi,^ |.artnn be paid i i '.'i .vel us ! !!,. N\ I 1 .i ^lln.'i, I! M.tiiuther, ^.;,0 ; John llul.nid. l?t 71. 'an Moved ly W. Shiup, Heconded bv I' M, Mil 1 .. in, i hut tli" eleik bo paid uio- .|Uait.'r'a salai >, ?"'7 "'" ' iu, lit lull, ^7 ,' post.e^e to I.ikeH i.*e I" .luhii !'.< -llaniy. ton n K.ul. ?--i 7- 1 Moved l.v \\ sharp. e Thompson, that t!,u council '.'i.inl ?uO t repair towiiliue, I'u.tun and AHeOtwia, botween I'loton tnti,,n and L'IHV,-| i,,n.l, l'i. I .n , 0,111. -d Imvinx granted an ei|Uiva- lui.t. Carneil. Muved by \V. Sharp, secomled by 1>. McMillan, llmt tlm petition uf J. I. III. di. im und others be not eniei turned, as Uio load could not be ma le tit for travel thin >iasuii. ('allied. M.. veil by W. Bbarp, eeoonded by I). McMillan, tlmt the petitmn nf \N . Ale ids and others !' eiiler'aiiied, and tint W. Shar|i and l. McMilhin lie appointed cnmiiiisaimiei* In open up base, line.S W. nf lot I. ,0,111 far aa i 'ullen.,' lake. Carried. New Darriaare Blacksmith Shop. The nmlersi!;ne<1 !>, leare to ar.j>nint th p'lhlic with the fact tint fi -v huT< ii U)> a ii.-w f<rr: ,- 411 i I.I c -kmniiii shop in Kle'l.erjoii, where eve.rytii.n ; iu our line w.ll te atun I I l,, in a pro not mimr.-r an I K.I 'J Wurk.n vuliip oiaranteed. UV innki' n perialtv of II R S K S II O E I N G. And tiroffti to have 11 inoculum- !>'. . i\.-s n.tir.i IM f.'.'ti ,11 evviy tiini'. Spfci.il atten t ., n i . i , . . Iv p-eYente,l. WOODWORKING In all itn branchf. \\ . tn .u.k-r. \V. i" 1. Week UB a f eo4 biaeai in Fltnhcrtou t,y f.nr .ml .- i -i ir,. ileal'ntf ai.,1 i-areful \voilii!i:in>-liip ( k. . :...- :u .,ur v.. N//OI' o/'/'o.s/j/; eumXMTUBX ITAUBBOOMS, i>i /:// M/ >/ WRITTEN & BLAIR. A Fact worth knowing: : y K N I INK LASDINE MACHINE OIL l> TDK BXS1 !.! HIM" ATlXii OIL IX CANAI'A Tin-: :-: F,\\!0t'rf :-: CYLiVDFi; :-: on,- (irAK.VNTKKI) TO Do llKITi.!:. AND IS CAK.U'Ki; THAN TALLOW. MADK O.NJ.V I'.V McCOLL BROS. & CO, Toronto. l - II ill It aiihi" . luongltont ' iliitr, $:t4l. . ,n .'laker tf .Ihl.'i! I'V * I. For Over Filty \ ar- um Wiinluwi ii.rtihliin s.i mi lin l.e.'ii used liy n , ill K, MI* of motliem for t ii,-n i-htl.lren whllu i,. i, ili, ; If ,li,iuil,,-,l i iniilit mi, I brokcii of yout r't l.y a r,i,-k i-lnl.l i.lllleliutl all, I i-niiii; willi |.iii ul iaittii'U t.'utli 1,111,1 Ht niire niul ui.i Iwttlr yf ".\ll". WfllilOW'i HiH.tlllng SMIlp ,,r rliil.li 1,11 ti-.:thniM U wlllrcllnvil the ).,, .1 lull.. nlTi,roi- limn. ..iiKi.'li. |i..|>..iiil ii|>.,n ft. in., tli, K linn* (H ii, > iiutKi.i, alitiut it. It mi.-* MI-II rhoe. rwolatw MM ataaieeta and l>wuU. rme Wliiil t'ollr, v.ftuiil thu Itiiinn. ri'iliifitu Inflmii- IDHtlon, mi. I KIV'M I. HU, mht t.nergv to III.' whoU ivitaii. Mm WhialoM'i H*<ithniK Hyrup" for rlilliliviiti.KtlniiK In pleKimit to ll. ta.|.mnl I* III* |ir>morl|itlnii o(oa of th* old*nt and lwt fAftim* |ih\l. Ian* and unrit Iu th L'ultml Mm.,. l'il, AI cuiti a l.-.ttU Hold by all .IriiKijiHi. tin, nn-ln, ut tlii w..i I.I U tin. au.l >k (ur M . \ViiiU'< Soothing Sjrrup." Ml ,', u Id, or iiiiddl,' j..l. wli.. tin.l tin in- nervous. . . . an I . MI , .-', .1, ulm ic ii down from e\ , \v, ik. re ^ in li.au> : -;, n.i.i, MI-. MI hl.il .1. |i'ei.-ii'U, ),lel.iii|,. i.f VltllUlV . i".. . f III-':., 1 . I'l I .1', AiMMea of M|ht, i i'] ll.e hrait, emi<i"U8. Ill thf 'd- -, ,11 i!., ' . r.i'l.n.4 ,,i i" r ' ul". 'it tii, iniii. . In'f'.re the > i. inn .' the in . > .1 ' - ! . ill tli ITMI, I ->l Xlll |,i'er, trim., of tin- sr.ilp nn.i |.iin , >M ninl inns, , . | . fiilmr to be r.'.U.-.l ].. een>ii|> itii.n, ,lniln.- if lieaiinj. i. f.'i -.'1 ' d.i ity o( l.-nipfr. KiinUi n .v.t i-iHroiiinli'd with . en:, ii . oilv 1,,. lie all -viii) t.'inn ,,f i , i . II i. I'dity tlmt leail to n.^uiity nn.l .liatli - :.,!. Th |i.-iie, r or vital ( l."-t it fn-i.-n ! .,lii,-ii,-f. l:i,.>r li,. tin, ii'.'li b -' rciinnilt. .1 in i.i: > ii'i i ,lrr>!> f... I,. |"'.-iili ir to MM i*ln M ', : . BOS, '" K m ^i. K., Toronto, On, II nt I lie II'. dl<" .i-e. tu -Tilli :,,|:i- f ttl.leli Rre l-ni.t - u- I-.,--, mi. ll, ,11. - ., ; -. lll-(l i.f to tin. li-.i 1. .1 u, | ,. u ill tlir hi ait v\:i!. , 1 ,u.. I iireL'iilhr. tlie v. ,-. ud lllMI t .1 t III' ti , >! . I t!., I, i, ,-t : ' -iti\cl> !,. i ui.'l. . i' iv. Sen. I I'ur l.i'ok. A i M. v. i.i iiu\, ;." PMBI stu, t Eat. T..I out. Sufferers FKOM Stomach ami I.iver derangr- ni. nts Dys]H-pia. Ililii.iisiieKi. HI ud.icl..', and l'i.n-t.|,.i: .. I'M, I a*a(e and certain relief in Ayer'slMlli. ID all i IM H w hero a ra- thailic is needed, lln-M- I'ilNarereroin. In. nded by leading IIIH. Pr T K. T of Hiiliunore. . "A vi r' Tills urr llie lies! i iilliulti,' and lap, ii, lit within tlie "f in} |>r, Sinn." Dr. John \V. I'rovvn. uf Or.ana, W. Va , \v in. s : " I liave presi ril,. d \ \ , i < 1'ills in inv I'M. tiee. anil lluil tin in . x- . . II, 'lit. i urge their geiivritl iuu in UmUiee." " F..I a i, ninlwrof year* I wa afflicted v ith ti.honineiH v\ liieh alnioMt destroyeii my health. 1 tried \ in., us leniedirs, but iiutliiii^ affordeil Inn any relief uniil u tu ts.Uo Ayi-r's l v ill."-O. 8. AVumlerlii h, S. ranton, I'a. " I have used A.M-I'M Tills for the pn.st tluitv veiirs, un, I am .v.ii .-in-d I sliuuUI not \x' alive l.-i!:n if n I.. id n. >t I'. . n fur tbeni. They , iired me ef dvsi,e|.i when all e'h ! l,'lin dies l.lil, ,1 . ninl tin ir iieca.-o.unal n-e IIUH ke|.i me in H healthy loii.litiun ever mine." T. 1'. llruvvo, I lietcr, Tu. "llHviiit; been snluiit. fur voar.v to rnnst i|-al ion, \v n limit beiu^ able to tintl inn, I. relief, I nt last tried Avi r'.t Tills. und .lei-Hi it I", tli a duty and a pleasuie to testilv licit 1 huve deiued ^reat beii- t'tlt from their imc. For uver two yearn I.IL- t I liavit taken unit uf tlieiie TdU everv nie,ht before letniii^ I M until not willingly be wltliiiut them."- (i \v. T.i.vv iiciu, '.'i> Giist Main st , Carlisle, l'. "Ayer'H 1M1U hav I..-, u IM.-.I In my (rally upwaril* of twenty yean, ami have completely v. ruled ail that la 1 1 un. .-, I for tin 111 In attack* uf piles, fi.'in which I oulTereil in. in \i-ars. they afToi.le.l me Creator relief lluinan.v lumf- Iclne I ever trieil." Thuuiaa K. Ailaum, II. .u.v Springa, Texan. Ayer's Pills, m to Lease Thu uinliT , nf yuaift to .1 L . " . ie'JAlT.-. UtfILt; 1" ' ' an i Mippn*l WKH v - . K;iir - IlUUkf M.-AHTIM 1'. mr-M lint. -u httitu mm Id il If M inlr . II V I t J r -I.* w f I >u thr'f . ( 1', X . . oof h K.i I Iret'i i > i N.iiiah V ,i , j !^t r-.,J.. .r* lu I SONS OK i i:\ii 1 ; n in, ' . ' r\ t'l \ \V , ITI tin rn n In- in an, e ill KM, TKMl'I.MIS UK ll:MI'Kl:v\, U, ^uiiti . -1 i. nil., - 1,1.,,'K nt H | IIIM.I I of . li. ll II.. v . -lit' Vii u;. A K A- V >l . , i til. H (nil in, ,oi.. AS'. ' ii . - ; ,,.u' . firs. l'h:h|>iv OpiKi.silr !M-tlio- tlivt riMirrli. !'!< vlicrloti. - ai>, i u. null. . i i '.Uunr in nil in l'i:. I'm s Au.l k to III "Mi],tly AM t !.Mi*fa 1 1 ,ii . M.I 14 ina.lt' ii|' .11 . " lieu el. 'tli i- l Apl MM*. M . ,,. I. b.^ m..'. t. T J..k, a. , . , t i ,-. j!. ., .hi. t>|*l> l .. , -I| ,- . V* .... ' i,, I....LIIM. m,\L. O Dr. J. C. Ayet * Co., Lowed, Mats. //',s- the Rail v orst-t. That's be- cause it has coils of fine wire springs in the sides. They clasp the figure closely, but yield to every motion. They "give", but they come back. So does your money if you've worn a Ball corset two or three weeks, and find that you don't like it. For Ml by M. t: h miaou & Co- $3000 1 K \ '. I , . Inn. ' n.wlll VMt I.T*>I "'...I... !..... ., I Mlr 1,1.1 un wotb ...... T fc k... .!..!, Uu, ..... d i, .... . "*T'-^1 IX'""""' "" ...... .J *.,..., II l,m_lp I m, . ,_, Mill KW

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