Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jul 1891, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE for Infants and Children. *taus wall adopted to ea<lrMiie4 I Caatxla <*nr* OtW OnaHlBiirii. xexlMMi^M-lortoanrpriWTipUoa I *" l*onia<*. Plarrtoam, Kiiaiam. .-.- 7T a^.^T I "*r- "" *^ ^ vnm ^* * IMt.Oisrac, Urwatjra, M. T. | WUiwut iujiuioiM madloackaL Tn (.aa-raik Cuan-AM. 77 Miarraj Svavt, K. 7. HKALTII FOR ALL. HOLUWAYS PILLS & OINTMENT T II K PILLS I'm Iff tho HU>o I. conic t all Ditordtrm of -r, Stomnch, I v iln".\ -. JUKI < u. i nn I i. t T. t.i ln>a!lli I Xil.: lltati- I ( nii-tituum:-. m..|a.i. i nvalualile In i I*- ut. i . i i/iuaJtn of all aua For Children and tlM .uu |TKlt * Til \i Oils' T.M KKT < . |or H.> 1 I v-m. <>U \v..-in.K KOI win -I .'. an 1 !;. i f tin- <'hc-t it IIH-* ii II l fatten* fo For SOUK T . /;/;avr///77,s f . cur<; us, OlajiJlarHwe!ltngi.aii'l ;i Skin HI-I.THII It haa no riral . anJ fur contracted aid itlff J.nnt 11 n. t hk. a > harm. Mail : !' "t I'"'' ' ' P ' It*. : v .w OxforO NI IT, i ( la:, -,:{::. Oxford Strrrt >. I nntlun. a4 ara tuli) at U !j<l . .' >l < - . ' ' sn '-'"-'i Hot or Ivt ikinl inafbe liaii of all Me.' , , . 'I' (Ill- U 01 III. I'wthatrrt ih'iiil-l /'. f< '/ /.>' "" " /'' /'' /<>"< It thnnl.lrru imot S.1.1. . tlif'l itrt ijM'i, -v>i THE ODELL CHEAP - STORE. TYPE WRITER A x Full :-: Stock -or Groceries, Slux-s. Tinware, $ General Merchandise, -AT- ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. FIRST CLASS KLOUR* BREAD ALWAYS on HAND. Don't Forget ! But coins ami five us R rail. lliili- st price paid for FHHII Produce. FRANK C. BRUCE, V K V t It S II A M. SAY! Farmers ! Business Menl Everybody ! The rin.lnl((iitliaa atartixt a tifw rariian* ,niu'.fa".Mry au<1rn|ialrliiK >li"P I" Fllixit"ii Thai yuu r*n |;iil vnir trpalr* ilull* OH Hull nolir-d al>l on rriuuiialilo tnrlpi. arrlagc I riniiiiinu. PnliilliiK. Kcpnlring. anil Trytliiti( In th* ran lac" making line O|T* ait a 'II i-fartii.n uua Shop over McTavlsb'4 Black- smith Shop. #0 ill i.uvUioOIH-IMTV PK H It I 'I hK ">tii 7S i linr.irt'-rv unil )|5 li.| Miimlr <'ltM' (Mcll. w.irriuiini to ,li. . w ik tliau any machine' ni'l< It ruuil'iiwK iixruciTY with VIILABILITT. Kprci>, IAHK <ir nrr.iiiTioN, wvaia louder ilti- >ut rout i.| n-| -v i- lli. in MIT othvr lunchiiK- i(s ii'i ml. i ililm lo Ixitlicr tho i ^rtati.r \1. M-IIMMim., IIK'MF|ilatr<l, ): f. I t and ilu|>t> il to nil kiuiln o( type urilin^-. Like* it i.uiilinu' pri'KH, it |<ri-lur. sharp, ripti. 'l'w ri i. ti npi<< ciin liu niml ftl onn writing. Any ltrl|ii;i lit ]i. r< n can tiuriilnv au c (.<It..i in two il\:< Wi ufl.r t|.O0Q to anv ij^ra- tor wlm run pqnal tun work i.( tliu asr (Mlrll I'.. lil.li> AKOTIU mill Sali-xnii 1 iinlno m,'iit to l>i-iilT. For I'liaiuvlilH ,/ivni;- linluracinrnl*, Ac. diMi oni ; i TVPK s\ n I . H 10. s:. anil S7 ..tn Aft ( II l \ !.O ILL. E. T. llamilloii rtMkrtoa Jan II, twl. KICKER S Should call on Jos. Smith, Flflsherton, and secure a pair of shoes from him. Lighter kinds with the best of workmanship for those who are not K I C K E E S. D. He lavish, HOKHKSHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. M.n.r.rt,,,i,,,,f w. t , ,. til. i! I,, ltni.wru. Ft, Hnri* ihn*ln( urc . Mn.lw* n HMrlal atlmtlon (lieiilo o I Or t rtilri and PU nt < Local Overflow. Mril'M Buots ivu.l Womrn'i boot', two jpecial linen OfTurmi; thir< wn-k at pric f Imtsdl thfiii every time at M. Hirliar lti>n <t Cut. will 1* a till |I Eolel Burned. Tliu hotel, t"rr. fHtofficc and ilwrll- ng belonging t<> W. II. Ditilinn.at Jtork- jrii, were struck by li^htimiK i Tuesday ami hiinifd to Mir irrotunl. This t'. Mr l>ud<oii, iiml A'lv.nirc aympathi7c with him. ull i>articiilnra n it to hand. Person n.1. MIR I; <;. Kraiin returned li'ine "ii Irs. lay List. llis liox. of St Marvn.it visiting witk ir sister, Mr*. Ii. (i Kvans. Mm Jakes, i.f Nottawiiinga. is 'I u. r of lirr 'laughter, Mrs. Hulmer. Mr. \V. Mintro.idy, in visiting at hi* Mi--* l.ittirt ArniHtroii'.'. of TW'>nt. i viiitin.' at her home \ivrf. - '.ill iii.[iertot <'au|ilvll of D.irham was in town '.n M..ii.lay. Mr. \\ K IMI.wnV andi-liihl of Win pfi;, arc visit in,' " ;t'h t: mU in town Mr. and Mr.. Hanaf -nl, of T ro .t ., n- \ .i> xtniu' in Flushi-rton. Mi mil! Mrs I 'altiouu, f IhutcJalk.wrrr .-( of Mr. < iiliurn K i MI tliu 12th July. |{. Hi-ii.lcrviii. lnntlur for th'- ii'iuniiK': t'o., Karu Tin a . ill on TncxUy. Maylnnti, "f >tw York, ami Mis* H.-:i:i In*", of Ilurliam, are the ljuciitfi of Mr. Win. Itradlry. Mr. \V. Irwiu, principal of our ; !. Itft "ii TiiBHiliiy t-i attniil tin- t -iu-liL-M' c. nv i-ntinii in Toronto. Mr. J 11 I'l.nk. ..f th. -'/'li'lon Advi- - :iscr. will irtiirn li'-iiiu tins wfk. Th ' Mr. n.nk'n tenth niuinal aiiuiinrr > o Klfsln-rt. n. Hr urrl Ilia tun:!i'.r wifu an- always WC|COIIM> niitors Mr It is i-atiin:ilfii that tl.i-re nro I-.'XNI .cliool tim-hi'is att-nilini; the teachera' unvunli .11 in Toroutu tin* wt'-K The ciirti'.M ti:nl "f A. I' t '.imp hell, il. I'. I'. f"r Ka.it Alqorna. is in ino^roso t the S*uh this week, rp to tlio pud : tl.c second J.ijr no cliarjjvs had uataiaed. As there is no royal mad to I o thuro in no nin.vcul cure for 'he effect, how vcr, ff takint; iara|'iiii!la for M"->'t dhnrdan 00AM a* -ai nia/ic n can 1> t-xgiccted of any irrc hiniun ai-n -y. Tim is due to its urity and strength. The piiiniiiioii Lists are now hfini; re- ia-d. It is tin- July iif i-T.-ry v. t.-r t.. that hiii name in properly rtniaturril The tiiini for ai<|>ala expires im tho 1st >f Auijust. Aynr's Hair Vigor ha Ion-; fcfM thf irat place as a hair-drfa*inE. in the ru nation ol th- pnhlic. Lsdica Iiml that .his preparation ({ivea a beautiful f-\,,n :<> tin- Inur, .mil KmlliMiirn nil- it t" prr vi-nt lalilneaa and CUH- humors in the calp. COVSUMPTION COKED t n c.'.l pliv-i, 1*11 i, -1 1 1 i-il fnini |.iacl:.-. liav ill- I I I'laritl in In-* hnllJ* by an l.i't In lia in > tl* foruiuta of a^. ii i'.. wk.tn'i- uiiir.lv for th<s|>rr<ly anil |>t-i m tnr*nt < 'onauniption Mi nnrfrltf*. ( a'arrli. .\li.ina anil ill tin. .at ami Liini; Aftrctk'iit. ul-o a |H Mul I a'llt-al t-ui w fur Nnrwui lJl>ilily an.1 all ill! i liil'lft!nt. aft'-r liaxlui; \r*\- Toult-rful i-iiratif* |MWT In tliMi^an.la i.f M n l-.t Hut v tn inaki- U known to suTi-rnv fa-llowv Actuate.! liv tliu ino-i\.i ati'l a !' *ir* to rrliovw human Saffarfof, 1 will .M 1 f o "f t-^i::.-. to all wh.i .1. IIIP it . t Inn In Ctonaaa, PtwtMb or Rpgllah, wttb f all lu i i-tiiiiiH f.u |*rf>|*rniK an<l H-tUn^ Sent l>f nail lir a.|.1rriru with Ktainp. lutnnnif tin* jiapi-i \T A. Nous, MOPowsrs Ufork, H n . N T. iiMai--r.nl Farms for Sale. Tlin liM'l^r^innn.l m off^il'ij; two j'"'"l fnl n < for iilr. t ituau-il mi li-t l.'.Hii i-.iii . <'ollin^M.i<l lw|>.. ami uiuit bait lot I. Mtlifon , twi>. :mO acrua. For particular* applv to Kl:V - t \VlMt 'I . .1 ..'it.' .lilln-tu'll Or to IIA\ ll> MAIH1.1 M.i\, ill' o Card of Thanks. 1IKSSKS. 1IK1.1.AUY A outi \VittcllnoInBiirance Co . FUahi ton. SIR* Klii'llf i-oiiTi-v N> the \VaUrlno Innir anw Company OIT tbaaka for tlia |ii'nn|it nn.i lib, ral hrttlMiiknt of lt>a liy flra auttalnt'.l l>v in. . Mliu Ii i i riinu'l 011 the f'tli ilay of Mav.IKU I liiiiirti.l HIV l>arn ivnil rontwnta with Hum tlnoiiiih von on Ihn Knil ilai of Apul. :"! 1'lu> flrt- lia]>|iriiHi1 on tli* iftHh of May. and on tin- tUlnlilay of Julin. IHUI. I nrn\..l n rlii-i-V foi f. ill amount of claim I ran irouiuui-iiil the tho Waterloo to tho ini;iiim piihlic na a safe ami liiuiorablii companT. aiuFtru^l >ou ma. il a lariiul iiainvai Tliankini; yon for th.- inti-i tiavo taken In in> caae. 1 reinsln. Toure Irnlv, JOHN Vkilu.i HOX LotMantl ST, Co. 3. N. U. K. Towu.ln|< i.f Oaprey, ro Urojr. |iray. JulT ft. 1*1 <>* Oircn Sound, Out. Ir You DEBIRX To (!KT A Gooi RDUC-ATIKV of \oiing man ami vonirn hav* lakru a t.iinlumi rourae ilurlnu II. i< |<unt ln var wuo ar now *iicra>aful in Luian-u or nil i UK liiorattTo iHMitiona. II,. builnmw conrao of itiiily U by far the niiwt IhoroiiRli ami COTV 1>IU lu Canada There la a much In lh junior cli'i>artionnt aa In the eullrii oouri* ol man* of th io-oall*d hutlnnaa collc*a. The hortliaud conno la tliorotiKh ami ioni|i|fil Bn<l for a copy of tha '.noual Aiinounciinioiit mnuliilnii full partloulara. It Ii a*nt fi..f to anyaddraaa. C. A. FLEMING, Principal. A Store Pull HILL IS A TIB!" Of the most handsome Furni- ture ever seen iii Flesli- e:tOQ. Something Entirely New -IX Extension Tables Call n.l se-c th. :n. Tables. Sideboards. Hall Stands, Etc. All new stock, jut in. Bedroom Setta of tho finest. Beautiful Parlor Siiiie". liandsorno Lonngei, Cli&irs in odd lyles. iiiul all going ex- tra low for the nes.1 T\VO WEEKS! Big Sales Small Profits IN OUR l ; &ii?t&kia(i Wo have lately got in onie extra fine Caikete. Funeral Furnishings of all kinds in stock. I aim at giviug satisfaction. Call anil ec iiir, and of course let ruu know if 7011 are not latiatird. BLEu McNE A, Flesherton Furniture . Warerooms Durham St, FleehQrtQO Can Suit You ? Many have tried me and answer in the affirmative. Then, if others aic well suited why not como to me and get Your Pants your cents and vests made in :hc best of style, the quickest time and for chc least money. will never wear cut he patience of my customers jy false promises. Bring on the cloth for Your Coats and have it cut while you wait. Suits which I make up ami recommend may not be strong as cast iron, but they give satisfaction every time. Call on the un- dersigned and test these statements. F. A. MKEB, ARMSTRONG'S LLOCK, Flesl.erton Iii Position FOR- Position is Everything. Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out y per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city wprk, while the prices ate lower. Picinre done in all its branches. If you have shopping to <|o and pictures to get taken on the sane day pica attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs.

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