Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Aug 1891, p. 2

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TffE WEEK'S NEWS. CANADIAN. Tim ieiou 'A1 binders have been void at Urlorame, Man Mr. Michael Daviil n in Winnipeg, and will shortly oonie east. Kiln llayden. agvd eighteen, wasdruwind while bathing in the Thames at Iximlon. A despatch In. in Quebec city says thr crop of hay in that district will DC fully up In tnr average. James Manuel, Hamilton'* oldest Orange- man, wan found desxl in bed thr oilier day. Louis KeuaiMi, a prisoner in the Montreal gaol, oommttted ui< nlr by hanging hinuctf with a strap. Koberi Macdonald. tbe Hamilton Utter carrier, charged with assaulting two youug gii\*, baa been committed for trial. Reginald ("nrraii, ion of Kev Canon Cur- tan, Hamilton, ! received a good appoint- ment in thr civil aenric* of India. All the farm hands who went from Ontario to Manitoba have been engaged, and many more are wanted. The millmen t strike in New Bruniwick a about ended, aome of the mill* having re otned operation*. GntRrede, a Kort MacLeod teamster, wai killed by lightning while smuggling China men over the border from Cana.U Chariet Lepag- fell from the roof of tbe library of Parliament at Ottawa and hi* lift i- despaired of. The M. C. K. station at Mciirtgor wa< broken into Friday nigh, tickets and money being carried off. The body of Corporal Morphy.ot Toronto, who wat drowned last fall in Lxke U'inni peg, hat been found. The body of mao badly mangled, was ound on the lir.ind Trunk track near Mont real yasterday morning. The corpse wai takesj to the city on the train from Toron- to. Lieut, (iovernor Kelson of British Coluin bu> ha become a vies president of the King ston Macdonald Mrnu.rial < ommittee. Su far this season the Toronto Fresh Air Fund hai given twenty free excursions, in whii-h 4,600 children and mothers hare licipated. A subscription U> the Macdonald mrmorial fund of Kingston hrji been received fro.n Canadians now residing in Floience, I 1 !y ll'.n. ( harles Walters, judge of the \ m- Admiralty Court of Ni-w llrtiuswick, was found dead in hit bedroom the other <lay. Heart disease. Charles Mathcws, formerly of lUrrie, was linrnnl to death on tlir steamer lilrudvvon, which burned to the water's edge on lake Winnipeg on Saturday l-t. A deapatt h from South Colchester states that hush firm >rr doing great damage in the vicinity. Tlie ?rops, moreover, are suf frring from want of rain. Mr. II. S. Holt, ra.il way contractor, nr.w in Montreal, estimates that the surplus whrat mi. f'.r sale in thr North-west this year will, on a basis of 7'> rent* per bushel, bring yi.'i.KXi.dOO into the country. A travelling <-orrepondent says : " Thr spring crop* from Hamilton to l.i.n l..n louk mi llrnt. Therr i n rveplion in any \ariety. Root crop* promise an nhui..! .n* yirld, and there is a large root to|i |mt in Farmers in thr west tay tint the potato bug has been lea* troublesome than for many years." Kobrrt King, a Hamilton i.i.in whore fir- i ninstsii. < have not hitherto been oimlrnl, ha* fullen heir to a large fortune by thr death of an aunt in F.ngUnd I. ii t i i.l llrwcxxl, I). A. <;., who for many years was n prominr.it ligine m I lie *0< lal life of Montreal, ilird of drnpiy the "tin r ilay in ili.it rity. '1 In >t i 'litn iiinnrl won inspected last week liy Sir Henry Tyler, piemdent of tin <irand 1'rnnk Railway Company, and tin work found to IK u e\ery way iwlisfactory. Krgular trallic on the I'urry Sound t ol oiii/Htion railway from Scutia ti> Fern l.;kc, Siitnnnt ami otlii-r |ioiiits tnSprncedalr, has I., en , ithi.r i.eil by thr I invi i ninriit insper- lor. 1.1 i i i n U-. limn Kliot <>f llrislol, Kng , is ileail. A srruatinnal law suit lum been cum lorn, i, I m Knglunl in connection with the of tin- lull ll> in v l'..| Morely, I.e., I tin n( Arnold Morely, tlir Liberal whip. l/onl Harrington is ufTrnnj from a \ in. rut all* k of neuialgia in thr hew). Thr liikf of Cleveland u imported lo lie dyn.y. Tlir l.oml. n .\V,n state! that without the help of America wheat crop Knrope would lie nn tie \rrgeol- utarvalion lirloie next har>. I In tlAlriiirnt in n, ^ 1,. nl > ^.,..d authority that.otiing li i the i ritual condition of af l*i. in thr Ki. Kngland will add ten war- -hi|. I" her Mediterrone.au flret. K'iil\id Kipling will ><K>n I. ,iw I... n. Ion f<n Nrw //rnUnil lor I hi- benefit "I Inn h. .hi, He will \i"it Hoherl l.oiui Steven- win at Samoa, en ron 1 1 Mr I'lllii.n in to IM- formrily mvrste<l with thr lead'islnp of tlir Irish |>arty when I'arliamenl reassemble*. Meanwhile Mr. Mrlarlhy will he the nominal hiel, though Mr f iillnii will be thr virtual leader. Imperial Parliament wa prnrnpnrd lat wrek In Ortober 24 < 'apt I awlor't dory Sea Serpent ha* r- innl in Knglsnd It u said l.i. M| Saluliiiryand Ins wile will vin I 'liter before the ilisanlntion of Die llnlimh I'arliament. I ileimni |ne|>aiatioii> are being maili- anionv the Knglish Honiant 'tholic to VIKII the II. .h f.t of Trevea. 'I In British leuiner Wallarah, from I...M don for Sydney, ha* been wrsi keil neatl'a|>e Town, and is a total loaa. I i I . in, \ HI appeals Ui i In publh' nnl U. foigri lien. (ionlon'n |>n.|iv i for ,. lioys' koine, ami nay! that ftiudi are mg. i.tl\ rile, I I n.i..i.,| I,.,,. I Salisbury Inu. ile. !IM. .1 to grant I hr I'mte's if. ( uem foi thr , u.i lion 1. 1 K^ypt, on tl.e grourul thai U Monlil ke inopporliii h. M, t prestiat. Tlie llelfast Morning Nws. which hail hull. -i piM.rle.l Mr I'amrll. mm ,1. tUrrn that |>ilhlliMi|iiloil II M-ltlng In the direction of the policy of Messrs. Dillon and O linen. Kx. iCriiicnl ha* been caused in the White ih ip.! district ot I/union by a report that "Jack the Kipper' has reappeared and committed another butchery. I'MTK) ^TATES. The wheat yield of Minnesota this year is estimated at 60,000,000 bushels The total quantity of wheat which Wis- consin will contribute this year, will not fall short of 10,000,000 bushels. A most disastrous storm visited the neigh- Imrhood of Indianapolis Monday evening doing incalculable damage to crops and pro- |K-riy generally. A Chicago despatch state* that the first of the rain- producing experiments authorized by Congress were made in Texas the other day and proved a success. The yacht Nellie C. , of Toledo, with four youug men and six young women on board, capnusd at Toledo in a squall the other day. Lena Sandberg, Kllen Feeley and Clara Hourds were drowned. Grasshopper* are doing much damage in tbe districts of Findlay, Ohio. Saturday wu the hottest day in Chicago this year. The thermometer registered 93 degrees at noon. Crops, buildings and other property were ally damaged by a tornado in tbe neigh ood of Ottumwa, Iowa, on Sunday. The Masonic Savings Rank at Ixiuumlle, Ky. , has assigned. Capital assets $2. r >,000, and deposits over a million. May Creator, a young lady of South Charleston, Ohio, i* ineezing to death, and The French Ambassador at St. Petersburg has huided to the Raxian Foreign Minuter two holy batmen, which were captured by the Fr. rich during the Crimean war. The letter which Prince (leorge of Greece has publiilied regarding the attack upon the Czarewitch in Japan, in w'lich he attributes cowardice tnthe Czarewitch, has given great offence in St. Petersburg. The Italian C.overnmenl has decided to dismiss 3,1100 workmen fioni the Govern- ment dockyards this month. Tbe decision has aroused widespread discontent, and the men to be thrown out are said to be ripe for mischief. At the Swiss celebration in Berne last Sunday an Kugliahnian, who assumed in argument with a SWIM to ridicule the story of William Tell, was slapped in the face and hustled about until hi' consented to apolo- gize to the crowd and William Tell. i -i i i i M.AKTS. Wkere Tke> oaur I rom uud i,. What '" The? sre Pin Among the most remarkable of the world's useful plants is the lace-bark tree of Jamaica, the inner bark of which i* composed o' many layers of fibers that interlace in all direc- tions. Cape, ruffles, and even complete suits of lace are made from it. It bears washing with common soap, and when bleached in the sun acquire* a degree of whiteness equal to the I iet artificial lace, with which this surprising natural product compares quite favorably as to beauty. Another curiosity is known in the tropics u the (and bark tree and alto a* the monkey's dinner bell. _ It has a round, hard-shelled fruit about the the local doctors are baffled by the strange lize of all orange, which, when ripe and dry, complaint. bursts open with a sharp noise like the re- The extremely hot weather in Uie lUkotas i* said to be causing great anxiety among farmers as to it* effect on the wheat crcp, which is in a critical state. Forest fires are again devastating parts of northern Michigan. The sawmill at Itatohellor's siding was destroyed, with a lot of lumber, causing a loss estimated at $60,000. port of a pistol. It* juice i* poisonous. The South American trumpet tree might f urcisli a band with musical instruments, inasmuch a* it* hollqw branches are utilized for born* and also for drums. From called milky. Travantore the "cerberus," poisonous juice. tome a i|itint plant run," which has a juice. The unripe i u i ! A i . . 4 M rm>i . A WrU Filled w lib 4'eMlle** ki.d. ..f Hi- in*, from lurutuil.i le roj. To the naturalist a slimy, stagnant pool in the wood*, filled with nastiueaa anil dis- gusting of smell, is a world replete with fascinating interest, the borne of countless kind* of beings, itrange and wonderful. To begin with, the wuter teem* with myria Is of the very minute annuals called infusoria, ereaturaa of varied and curious shapes, some naked and other* protected by limy shells. Of these there are hundreds of soil*, resembling, when seen under the mic- roscope, coin*, boats, stars, trumpets, pitch- en, and wheels. Many appear also in tbe forma of Iruiu, necklaces, flasks, fans, and so forth, ad inlinitum. funnebj, A very common one i* called the "flower cup, ' being in the likeness of a crystal vase containing what looks like the blossom of a plant. So mall i* this ipecimen that 13,000,000 of them may be comprised within a single drop of water. TUESE LITTLE BIIKG8 h\ve eyes, muscular structure, and even nervous systems of their own, as it U be- lieved. They move swiftly in pursuit of prej by mean* of oars, and a few of them actually have claws with which to grasp. Some of them lay egg*, others bring forth their young alive, while others still are pro- pagated by division, each one separating into two. A few species are bigeuough to be n with the naked eye, and one such, called the Stentor because of its trumpet shape, is particularly ferocious, devouring great quantities of its smaller cousins. More interesting even than these are the swarms of minute diatoms creatures of a vegetable nature, which are chiefly remark- ible for the elaborate beauty of their shells. The latter are bivalvular, like those of a mussel. Some are like little boxes exquis- itely made ; others resemble boat*, hearts, There i* one sort that has Shield of Achilles, " because vessel together, they will ngkt with the utmost ferocity. At tbe bottom, among the weed* and leaves, are found certain cater- pillar-like animals, which are nearly trans- parent, This species is called tbe " Isirco," or " glutton," its entire body being occupied by a series of stomachs. Ever so many kind* of aquatic worm* tind their home in the pool, being often so num- erous in the shallows as to color the mud red. Leeches are plentiful in such places, as every boy knows. There are several specie* of crustacean*, most conspicuous among them being the " cyclop*," so called btCMUT 1 it h* but one eye, of a crimson hue, with two pair* of horns on each side of it. The body of thi* " water flea, " as it is some- times designated, is covered with plates of armor, the shell-like material being usually transparent, like crystal, though sometimes adorned with beautiful tints. Turtles, also, there are of several varieties ; likewise newu, polliwogs, frogs, snakes of more or leu aquatic habits, and plenty of other animals too well known to speak of here. N"t least important, iu point of number* or otherwise, of the organ urns inhabiting the slimy, stagnant pool are bacteria of end- less varieties. Most of them are harmless, I ut some are tbe germs of frightful diseases. To prove it, let any one try to drink the water, in which lurk malaria, typhoid fever, bowel disorders, and other horrors besides. ( alvm Page arrived in Boston on Saturday | J",! U """' their t*eth to locen an, f " OI ' The '*""" "-called Amen from Dakota with Ins two daughters, having recovered them from the Chiute band of In- dians, who captured them twelve years ago. Mrs. Lizxir K. Dodge, of Lynn, Mas*. , who considered herself insulted by Dr. Andrews, followed him into a printing office in the town and kicked him out of the establishment. Near Vmita, Indian territory, on Satur- day lightning struck and demolished a small hnuss oelonginx to \at Skinner. Six men were in the house. Fox Bernard was Kill. . I nml the other fiue liadly injured. fruit is used by the natives to destroy dogs, called Ameri- can aloe are made into razor straps and are also employed for cleaning snd scouring pewter. </uite a wonderful tree i* the cala- bash of the West Indies, which bears enor- mous fruits that resemble pumpkins and grow to be nearly two feet in diameter. With the pulp removed they seive various domestic purposes for carrying water and even a> kettles for cooking having tin-great advantage* of strength and ligliiness. Another queer plant Mongs to the pea fam- ily and is called the "moving plant," on account of the manner in which its leaves Kttretne heat is reported in South 1). ' Pr 'he bark, which n composed of a great per ed For this nuts as an antidote for Itut.l Thr wheat crop of Kansas is said to have been cornered by the Farmers' Alliance. The Cincinnati Ice Machine Company has assigned. Liabilities. $.TJO,000 ; assets, WOO, 000. A big strike is inLrogrrss at To|>eks, Kas. , on the Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe Rail- way. The Crawford county. Pa ..Republican . n vent ion has declared for James U. Klaine as President. to convicts in the State Asylum for Insane criminals at Auburn, .4. V. escap- c I r.-.-ently. Four wen- recaptured. The sloop lUnwoodie, loaded withiTJU.OOO worth of railroad ties, was capsized and tunk while being towed up the Noilh i r. . i . New York, the other day. The failure of W K. Sclnnetz, boot and shoe nmniifa turrr, with the confessed judgment-! .tin muting to $.'.'(.'!, (KKI. hai created a sensation at I'ntsburg, Pa. A despatch from I'dunt, South Dakota, in- timates that rvri ytlnng is as dry as tinder, | , - .mil the people are in continued suspense, which it n many layers not thicker than writing pa- The snake tree of Cuiaiu is sc call- because the seed i* twisted in a manner to resemble a coiled serpent, reason tbe Indians employ the >nak oison. An- tearing prairie tin - Th.,- T. Korock, other curiosity is the papyrnsot Asia, which yielded the substance used as paper by the ancient Kxyptions. For this purpose the wood of the reed item was cut in thin slice*, winch were placed aide by side, according to the si/e of the sheet require:'. After being win i t,-d and beaten with a wooden instru- ment until smooth they were pressed and dm-.! in the sun. A queer plant is n natixc of Madagascar. Formerly its seeds, which are very poisonous, were administered to persons accused of crime. If the individual was innocent the dose excited vomiting and his recovery was looked upon as a satisfac- tory vindication ; but, when retained in the stomach, it quickly proved fatal, and guilt was thus established The vegetable ivory plant of South America is a well-known cotumrrcinl article. Itsseedsat first contain a clear, insipid liquid, which changes by degrees until it becomes as hard a* ivory, substitute in many for fourteen years a gress, is dead, agrd lit; \t Srdalia. Mo., Samuel . I. Williams was hitten by a tarantula, wh.ch came out of a l.\ .! pears received from Southern Texas. No ho[ie is entertained of saving the man's life. A passenger and a freight train collided nt I'.iu Ityron, on thr West Shorr road, last wrrk. I hirticn nersons are known to have !..- then livrs. and a numlirr are injured. manufactures. From eastern Asia comes a plant the (lowers nf which contain a |ii uitit) of juice that rapidly turus black or There is a yellow fever rpidemic at Port du I'rincr. llayli. Inlliien/ii is again raging in Moscow- There arr aliout .Mil cases dally. The recent lli.o.l in thr Nrisse district of Prussia caused dnmage estimated at 4,000,- Ml maiks. Cholera has up|ieared at \linpo, Asia Mm.. i . llu- plnll.x.r.i hai appeared in I hr ch. tin |i.igne district of France. llo three baronesses Horvath sisters hav Urn dn.wnrd while bathlug in the rnei Nyar til at Madras. Puiu-r ISimii.ii, k says hr considers tl, r re- duction ol the C.erman corn duty a disaster for ibr country. It is stated that I hr Imperial* iovrrinneiit is anxious tounite the West Indirs to Canada by . losrr tradr relations. for dyrmg thrir hair and eyebrows, and in Java for blacking (hoes. Decidedly remark able in the camphor tree, from which cam- phor is piepart-d by (Killing the .-hopped in, in< lies m water. U is mainly produced in thr Island of Formosa. Inasmuch as it grows well in the southern states there i* reason tolwlirve that the preparatnuiot cam- phor will some day become a profitable- industry in this country 11. c aruotta plant IMS areas coated with a red, waxy pulp, which is drird and made into cakes. It is inn u employed by thr South American Caribs for painting their Unties, paint ln-ing nlmost their only article of clothing. As a commercial article it is mainly utilized as a coloring for cheese, butter and inferior chocolates. From India comes the khus- khus grass, the tlhrous root* of which yield a very peculiar and pleasing perfume. In India the leaves me manufactured into screens for doors and windows, w Inch u hen wet diffuse a refreshing scent turn around of their own accord or go by jerks, without bring touched or MI any way disturbrd. Sometimes only one or two leavrs on a plant will IH- affected ; at other times they will all perform jumps and gyrations simultaneously. It is observed that the movements are most energetic hen the iherell omrtel n al ks aUmt Nil degree*. I h- "dumb cam- is so called because its firstly, . am lik. strms render speechless any- on, who IM..V h I|I|N n lo bile them. In the \\ . - Indies grows the silk cotton or I ...,l dominoes, Ac. been called the each half of it* disk shaped shell is cut in concentric circles, with a complicated tracery of designs. In many varieties the valves seem ornamented with so tine a lace work that to distinguish the patterns is considered the best possible test ot the power of a microscope. Inasmuch as the biggest ones can hardly be seen WITH THE r.XA.iaEn EVE, kind is separated from another |H purposes of *tudy by pouring the water containing them from one beaker into another, then into still another, and so on, each time allowing a brief time for them to settle partly. TTiose which are heavier reach the bottom of the vessel before the lighter sorts, and thus the different species Wheat fur Australia. Wheat is being bought in California for shipment to Australia. This has only hap- pened two or three times before in the past :en or fifteen years, and must be regarded a* an accident. Of the seven colonies con- stituting the Australian Confederation three Victoria, South Australia and New Zea- and produce a surplus of wheat, while the other four New South Wales, Queensland, West Australia and Tasmania consume more wheat than they produce, and are de- pendent upon the sister colonies and foreign nation* for their supply. The total product of the *even colonies is estimated Ibis year at 4.VJ44,UW bushels, and the total con- sumption, including the requirement for seed, is about 31,000,000 bushel*. But this is so unevenly divided, and tbe foreign de- mand for particular brands of New Zealand and Victoria wheat i* so peremptory, that the confederation figure* simultaneously as an exporter and importer of wheat. New South Wales, for instance, will require thi* year to import 4,000,000 bushels of wheat, wbile its nearest neighbor Victoria will have 7,800,000 bushels available for export. It would *eem the most natural thing in the world that Victoria should supply her neighbor'* deficiency. She does so, in effect, to some extent : but no small proportion of the wants of New South Wales i* going to be supplied from New York, and a small are separated by weight for mounliiigjniially ' proportion from San Francisco, while Mel- upon gloss object slides. To obtain the i bourne is loading ship* with wheat for Liverpool New Zealand raises this year 7,6741,000 bnshelsand consumes 4,1 7'J.OOO bushels, leaving 3,4*4.000 bushels available for export. But the bulk of the surplus, in- stead of being carried 'JOOOmile* to Sydney, take* the long ocean trip to Cork or Liver- clean shell* they arc boiled in nitric acid and treated with caustic potash. Therr are plenty of creature* in the stag- nant pool, however, which may be seen with- ou: the aid of a microscope. For example, there are polyps, animals about a quarter of an inch in length, which look like little tubes of jelly a* thick as a bristle, with threat) like arms for seizing their prey. They are incredibly tierce and naturalists believe that they possess the power to par- alyze their victims by electric shocks in the manner of the torpedo fish and the electric eel. In this way only can the fact be ex- plained that their slender tentacles are able -o secure game comparatively so large and powerful. A specimen has been seen to grasp two large worms at the same time, and yrt the latter, though "TRln.IJM. HUfEKATELT for their lives, were unable to break away, anil in a moment lost all power of motion. Now ami then a swelling appear* on one part or smother nf the polyp s body, and from each such protuberance finally appears pool. Whether Australasia rill ever become fr-at wheat-ex per; ing country is doubtful. u New Zealand the soil is especially adapt- ed to the growth of cereals: the average wheat product is over twenty-four bushels to the acre. But in Australia proper it is less than eleven bushels' Victoria raises some One wheat, but the average yield is only a trille over ten bushels to the acre, and that of South Australia just 6.50 bushels. Queensland, whose surface is largely table- land, with a good depth of alluvium, d.ns not show up much better. Of course, with a larger population. Australasia would con- tribute more than her present proportion of of the world's wheat supply, which may be given as _' per cent of the whole : but the indications are that the tide of Kuropeaii migration to that part of the globe has ce a young polyp, which separates from its ed to flow, for the present, and tbe Asiatu parents when it is siilhcirntly grown to take i migration has been stopped by law. If we care of itself. If any portion of the animal call thepreseut population of the new confed ff it soon grows again. One that is ,, rat ion four millions, it may be many years .hopped in two quickly become* two perfect individual*. Furthermore, if tunic,! msnle out like a glove il tccomiiuxlates itself to the now arrangement, the original outer skin performing a* u lining of the interior, the cilice of digestion. Among the most curious of the pool's mini. Hants are the larva' of various insects. M. - conspicuous of these is the mosquito in its atiualic stage, when it is fed upon voraciously by the larva of the dragon fl\,or darning needle, us it is often called, which may be many year before it contains as many soul i as in four provinces of Canada, Men do not move to the Antipodes without MTV good reasons. Still, the Australians are a thorough peo- ple. Whatever they undertake they do well. They h.tte bctlrn the world in wool- growing ; there are no finer, cleaner, bright- er tierces shown in Leicestershire than in parts of Australia. They have reduced the business to an exact science. The flocks are railed, nursed, fed and shepherded for the sole purpose of producing a fine grade of Al llavnlstnat, on thr Finland railway,:""- 1 '"''" 1 " ' which is i\ very lieanliful on Saturday a paasengt r tram dashed into a I "'>' '''"'' bighly elastic and used for stuf military train. Two soldlrm wen- killed '" IL: I'w an. i IS persons wounded. M. -imi.il F.illel, designri of thr Killel lower, isexpi-i ted m Montreal shortly. H. will .nl. i with I'n inni Mrrcier in regard I he proposed (,'uehr. bridge. I iei|iil. Ii. h.. in I ule represent the is- l.ui.1 as in a.. .mill ion approaching anarchy. The Christians and Mohammedan la ti..n are engaged m constant warfare, and are killing our auothrr oil at a wholesale rate The inaltrratmeiit of Jews in Uusaia con linurs II nl wralhrr is spoiling thr cro|n in m n.\ districts in Austria and Hungary Many people h.tve died from starvation m In. In, and all |IO|H<B of avrrling a famine in Madras Presidency have been abandoned. Telegrams from Sofia, the capital of llul (aria, iluie that active pripai ation* for war ire being made by the military authorities il n, ..t Slate. I lo n is an mi. ..nli lined iiimoni in hi 1 1 HI hat the Kmm-ior has told Cnileil SI ,i.-t Mmitl-ti I'hrlps that hr may visit tbe Chi. ago Kirn* ilion. iislnon*. An inteirstnii; specimen is tin- |n|i|.iil trrc ol t he Hindoo*, which is held <n inch veneration that It is consider- ed a crtmr to rut off one nf the branches. Then- is also a tooth brush tree from Jamai- ca. Tooth brushes ale made from it by cut ling pieces ol the strm to convenient lengths and fraying out thr ends. It also supplies conveniently enough, an excellent tooth (Miwdrr. which is pre|wred by pnlvri i/mg I be dm- I stems Thr powderrd leaves of thr Hoi-.drr fill beiinn plant are utilized as a cosmetic in Asia and noil hern Africa. Thr pra. ti .< lias descended Iroin very remote ages, as IS proved by the F.gyptlau ininnnues, the ports dye. I l>emg usually thr tingri and toe nails, tnr lips nf thr lingers, the pain H ,.| (lie bands and the scdes of the feel. Thr reddish tint produced i* considrrnl highly ..in.iiiirnt.il by oriental belles. In llra/il tin-re grows a tree which has hard urn sha|wd fruits, known M inouke) cu|.< They contain edilile nut. snd the husks are \rry iH.uliat, being mx in. hi s in dniim t. i and li.iving rrgulai lids which lit Hum lit separate i lowly when the seeds are mature. Nativrs employ for elgar wrap rrsrmUes a tierce looking worm. It is wrll , wool and" they produce it." An Australian known that the dragon tly is an equally j is amazed whenhe witnesses thr hap hazard dangerous for 'to the mosquito when holh happy go- lucky way m which our sheep are have acquired wings. To illustrate this thr --I5f -' writer will venture to tell a true most|nito story. On (ape 1 'od there is a great fresh- handlrd. The Australian irrigation area truimphofscience.skiliand ex I,, Victoria tlirre is an agricultura ' pe l d rience epart - . . t . n- i .*^i i. mi u i .11 ucii.iri .Her |...nd, formed originally by an advance I men! of the Colonial Uovernment which does the ivran. which gave such alarm a few real work. In its last leport it enumerates grass grew t formeii into years ago that a dyke was constructed along the shore line to keep back thr wave*. In side thr ilyke the water which had formed a sort of lake, gradually became fresh, coarse thickly in it, and it was trans- an i.lc.il breeding place for mosquitoes. As the loiter rise in swarms from this morass, SMRIAIW o i-iiu .IN M its hover to leeward in wait to capture thsir twenty-nine kinds of wheat seed which are known to ha\e succeeded in that province, and twenty six kinds of manure winch have been employed with satisfactory results. In New Xrtland thr product of fro/en mutton is reaching prodigious figure* and reali'ing handsome profits. Last year over 1,300,01)0 frozen carcasses were shipped from the tw.i islands and reached Fnglaiul m perfect con dition. This was accomplished in the face favorite prey So enormous air thr numbers i "' k '"'"" n ' v ' predictions that thr frozen meat thus eaten that on a summer s day in thr wind ripples midr in thr sand one may easily sweep together within a few minutes morr than a bushel of dead mosquitoes, only tin- shells ol the insect In-ing left by the dragon llirs after sucking out the juices. Among the most numerous of thr visible - . up:ints of thr stagnant pool are the larv.e of thr May tly, which in seasons mi usually favorable to thnr production *.,,,, in n. visits towns in such ninnbrrs, Ivmg blown It-tore thr wind, as to litter thr streets, in.iny cnrl loads of them being on occasion iwc|.t up and carried lot he dumps Another remarkable insect found in ths slimy water is .ailed thr "monociilus " and is covered with a delicate shell marked with so line a network as to prevent thr appear ance of mosaic. This valve is perfectly li insp.ircnt. consisting of n single piece without hinge or |omt, but suhVieiitly rlastn- to permit the. annual to open it at plea- sure It affords protection not only to Us occupant but also to tlir young of the latter, whicn swim into ,t w n (N i-*\..t i; IIIKK m \x, the .hell opening tin their ic, ration anil closing as soi.n .1. ttn-\ have entered M, ., lion ciHiuld not If neglected of III.UIN kin. I- nf walel ln-illi* uhl.h sir vriy \o in. -loin, .in. I .u. rmc.l Mith si long claws (or grasping then prey and lenimg it trade could not succeed, on thr flavonr of the meat would l>e deal roved by the process of Irre/mg K. nrrii.... upon the water Itread cast upon the water purely as a business speculation is liable to sink before reaching |.n I'ou I worry your brain about the. man in the m on. but study the man in your own overcoat Thr true prince will find it easier lo dis- guise himself than thr world would have him MUM Thnr are plenty of good tish always in the sea, but thousnnils of worthy inland people can never get to the seashore. The dog that lys the moon is wiser ihan Die one that bays a bigger dog that is \ : l.'iisly incline. 1 llnth courage and fear owe much (o the armed neutrality of piud.tr \\heu iinpiideii.-c dons the mask of re- parlor. It I* time for llii< compuiy to disperse for thr night The srrunng length oi a >mn-'ii i* i;enrr ally proportione.: lo i'- uml. ft IS exnensiM economy to m.ik- ,>nt ot the truth snlbcr for the whole. \ man cann.. In- truly el.|iie it if lie know-, not how t < listen. Beware- c.1 the \icious man wiio proposes lo pirces If a few are put in the snms I to reform his life on thr installment plan.

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