Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Sep 1891, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE. "TRUTH BEFORE FA YOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, A 01 MEM." VOL. XL, NO 531. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1891. W. H. THURSTON, WE HAVE JUST FINISHED A Mlurlan. fine line putting In an immerse Fall Stock, and to our already large and well asrcrted stock a very of Silver Knives, Forks and Spoons of the bestG. A I quality. Our ever increasing tiade has necessitated our PUTTING IN another very fine 5 ft. Show Case, which we have filled with THE BEST quality Jewelry of the latest patterns and finest designs \Vc have now the most com|'lete STOCK IN THE COUNTRY, and by our spot cash buying are able to offer our customers some wonderful bargains. Our watch arid clock repair trade is ever on the increase. A GUARANTEE goes with every Watch and Clock repaired by A.RMSTMOWC* O KOS., Wa-Iiiuuki-rs uuil Jrwclrr* for Flrgherton and ttiindulk Hu wasn't in it ; They brouitbthim a rubeme for relieving tile poor- He waiin't i:i it. Let them work for thoumulvwsas be bad done. Rrulrrpre They wouldn't a*kblp of anyone l\UUf,ci a If tllajf baju t WMfal< i uac i J ^oideti minute- He wasn't in it. 80 be pasted the door with a haugbty tread Hu wasn't In it : And he scorned the goo.! witb averted bead ^^ He wasn't m it. When men in thu balU of virtue met, He saw tbeir goodheu without regret , Too high tbe mark for him to win it He wasn't in it. A carriage erupt down tbe street one day Hu was in it. The funeral trapping* made display He wan in it St. Peter received biui with book and bell : "My friend, you have purchased ticket to wall, Tour elevator goes) dowu in a luiuutu : ' Mo was iu it. Hopeville. in- I'AIXTlXti. SKIMMING. HOBSE8HOEINO, WOOD WORK ^IHiilHMBMM FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOW N, LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES! JOB WORK FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard 's Carriage Works, FLESHERTON, ONT. DICK'S LAND KOLl.F.liS own* BINDERS, ru>ws Our Waggons the Best. Our ItiijigU-s the Best- Our Cutters ih- Brut- Our luiprovod Harrow* the STRAW CCTTKKS, BCTKI-TKKs, IT UNIT nuiu.s. GANG 1'LOMVS Tired ? Oh no ; we arc still young and hearty ; able to eat three square meals a day. Although we may not be able to haul out the speckled beauties like our worthy Editor, or pop over the lively patridges like our much esteemed barber, we 'bis binder taken away, but he has got are able to throw Case and Bale of new fall goods up the another now ian Armstrong binder steps of the store on the hill, and dance a jubilee around the beautiful articles which they contain without much trouble. From otic mm t'orrtupmitifnt. The population of our village is creasing. To the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Allen a young lady with tiny feet and hands has come with the evident intention of becoming a Ilope- villite. Mr. and Mrs. McKnight are also doing their best to make the i young stranger, who has taken up her I abode with them, comfortable. Messrs. Peter McMurdo and Wm. Duruett have bt-in assisting Mr. Fen- nel will' his harvest. Miss Uar.cL' Irons will start for Toronto on Wednesday. Isaiah McArdle has gone back to his studies. The hounds and hunters arc again on the war path after foxes, etc. An- other has been added to tlu.!r number iu the persou of Mr. Win. Troop, who has purchased Mr. D. K. MeArthnr's bieech loading gun. Quite a pleasant party oi young ladies met at Mr. Irons' ou Thursday afternoon. Music wa.i furnished by 'Hisses Lizzie Millner, Kva McMurdo, 'Maude and Emma Irons. Our butcher lias changed his in- tention of going to 1'ricrville, and has i decided to remain where lie is. Mr. Mills' tine residence is almost finished, and is expected to be the graudeet iu the township \vhci) com- pleted. W. J. and Chis. McLean have pur- chased a threshing machine. Miss M. C. Hardy and Mr. Wm. Kiiox. of Swintun Park, were the guests of Mr. Jos. Black ou the 6th inst. Mr. Wm. McMurdo, through company failing to acknowledge moned as a witness in the case of Taylor vs. Robins, of Maple Valley. -Mrs. Samuel Potts and daughter, from Minneapolis, have been visiting their friends tieie last wetk. The tine weather of last week has done much to advance the harvest. Another week of good weather will about finish the harvest for thii sea- son. Eugenia Fall, 1891. agreement made by their the (he had Toot Our Horns ? Oh no ; we havn't time when so much is to be done to get our goods on exhibition, carefully ticketed and placed where ever)- one who calls can see them without exerting themselves. Left on Exhibtiou ? Oh no ; first come first served. Everything has got to go but our scissors. We can't pay freight on goods to have them mould on our shelves. Buy as much as you wish, as little as yon like, or don't buy at all, but come and examine, and the buying we will leave to your judgment. which, though it may not be as speedy as tlie first, will probably be a more lasting and useful one. Mr. (,'reorge Campbell, sr., has been a little worse with slitl'uess and pains lately tie etVect of the '-grippe.' Mr. I'has. McDonald, of Priceville, is assisting Mr. Thos. I'arslow with his harvest. Mr. Win. Hall has shown himself to be a very handy man, as is seen by the addition to his farm which he has framed, being both a farmer and a blacksmith, and now has taken to fiamiug. Thos. Campbell, jr. cut his foot while ^lilting wood on Saturday. Mi.Creo. Gobeeu's children have been sick, but are recovering. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mailer paid a pleasant MSI: at Mr. John Campbell's ou the 13th. The store that is built on a hill connot be hid. Every place you go you will see indication of the light some times dresses, sometimes boots, sometimes suits of clothes, and various other things. But never will you see an inferior article or hear that McDonald or Evans were too fmart the time they sold me such an article. fc Come ! Come ! Come ! now is the time to get a good selection at a low price. , MCDONALD & EVANS . lm> rr uiir uidi '.'urreapoiidtnt. From m<r own* Mr Editor, I suppose so many of onr farmers and townspeople will be off to see the sights in the city, there won't be much call for a paper or news for a week or so. I would like to know Trln'i the young mun were that spent Sunday after- noon, a week ago. around a butternut tree, then went in the evening with their pockets tilled with nut:) to see their best girls. It is a pity that the apples are so scarce this season. Better buy candy for your girls than give them green nuts. Some of our boys are iu great trouble for fear that bridge at Cairn ^ gully tails down, it is so washed away. It is in a dau^eious condition for those who have to pass late at night. There ought to be a lamp pnt np at that place> One of our young men had quite an excitable time goiug to Fleshertou one afternoon lately. His horse was pretty lively, aud some Fleshertou gentleman wanted to pass, but Eugenia boys won't leave tin- road for any OIH J . A complaint was laid ;i,'niust him to our wortliv reeve. Our larmur boys feed their horses too 141 " <1, and they won't let any one pass them. Mrs. Hollmger, of Torouto.who has recently returned from a trip to tin Old Country, is now visiting her friends at Kugcnin. Mrs. \Villi;ira Parsons, of Inver- may, is vi.--itinj,' her numerous friends around here. Her son, Mr. Johu Parsons, accompanies her. Mrs. Plumbcl. of Hnffalo, and Pool, of Toronto, arc visiting at Mr. \Vin. PurviMK, Mr. Fred Suggitt and his brother Thmiiiis have u'"ii<> to Toronto. goes tack to Chiea^o. Tom is lo malic Ins hoiiie at Eugenia for tin pri BO 1 1 . Mrs Plauttaud Miss Mary Willi ams have gone to Toronto. Miss Lou Phillips, of Maxwell, has l"vii visiting at her uncle's, Mr. Robert Hawkins, near Salem. Mr. John Willisum, Mr. James Woodburu aud Mrs. Wooiburu. ami Miss Sarah Pedlar, have gone to tli city. Sir. George MeKlrnm haa returned home from Colorado, the climate n! that place not agreeing with him. His many friends were glad to Me him home again. A Grand Trunk freight train was de- railed <m Saturlay morning near Fergus and the fireman, James Laing, killed. And the first year of Merchant Tailoring has been a success. By your patron- age ani our endeavor to please, we hope to make the second still more prosperous. . J. DR.WILUAMS ; i A HE SOT a Pur- r* gatite Modi- ine. They are a INLOOD HviLPP.lt. jToNii- and KKCI'N- sTIII IT>M. till'. lupply in a condensed orui the substaiiuev i.tu)ly needed to en- icb the Hloud, rurini; Ul diseases cuuiing !rom Puon and \N > i -.'op. or from IVlTIATBD lil'VOllH iu There has been a great amount sickness iu this vicinity of late. A great many have had malarial fever. Neil and Sarah McDonald are both quite bad with it at present. Miss Aunie Mclnyre had to close her school near Eugenia where she has been teaching the present year.ou account uf sickness. She has been very low with malanal fever and in- flauiatiuu of the hi UK a but at the time of writing is some better. Mrs. Vt'ohy Mclutyro has also been lick. Miss Flora Mclutyre left on Moo dav for Toronto. Mr. Edward Potts spent a few days in Barrie last week .having been ALE EOPLE vlgorate nn.l Uvn i> th Hi.oon an<l YATitM. wben broken down by ovorwork, inontal worry, dinotuie, eici-nnoa and' iu.liM.-ie tiun*. Tbey bv a ,Srrirto Arnos on >e HKXVAL STITHM of >th uiau Mul wora<*ti, ili Lorr Tloun correcting all IUIlKOM.AHirit.tl ailJ ryCDV HIM Wtto ftodt ttl* mint*] tao- Cf tlfl HIM ultiei dull or falliua. or bli pbralaaT fe*n Qagniug, ahoold tki. W*w Tliey will nwtore bil loft owgiM, both "h^nl.1 take them. Tliy ur il .1.1- liicli iuevltably pbrsioal ana mental t w t n i -- _ r pr*slons ana irregulailwi. w siitall sickness wbeu neglected. VAIIHA MCM should take these Pnxs. T U U n U IBH Th.-y will ours tbe >>- softs oiyouTbtul bsdhablts, aud awi^tbou toe ibonld Uk thro. TbM PJW.8 will YOUNG WOMEN nak tbem r*(ular. For aale by all angglfU. or will b Mnt apoo r*o*ipt o< prla* (Wo ir box), by a<Mrimn MERCHANT TAILOR. Properties for Sale ART EM ESI V LoU 165 an i 1'Ki ir.l nun;*- N ,' T A: S. .. ArTnifi. luo acrt'k, frame barn ami <lwullint{ n tin- pn-tiii**;* ; WL-11 fenced ami WK- Will In- l..*c 17H. Nt s. \v . T A S. II., a.'TM. N>w fnniH' <IW i n, an ( l 'Ullniildiinjt* Will l>* told cheap txl <ji J..-t 17V ,*n.l N K . T A S. K . about 90 aerw. '* cleared, bwUaoo* good hardwood buali. Terms of payim-iit u*ny n., 100 acre*. Also a number of villtt^ulutH with liouBtii thorvun \\\ ! '. -h-.-rton lU.ijr I* r|M-ri i. - Several v.-rv >l.'uir*blu villaM proprti4M wi'.l WM AS the Hrown . , IM pnrtiriiUrlv valuable 1 . Thi* 1. ' . .:jfur- tablu rutti<lum:*j is urectud tnarmm. Vn v pr r ",'u :."n inn iiitri:iMH HI fnr*n or village yi \KM^ ! lcv -rtoil WILL SHOW F(m YOUR IX SPECTIUN A Beautiful Assortment I TS- i < us >ii\nn>vi.i i >n liBHUAL JlWIUal ii Fir, : !?1H TO Gals' m iic c 10 ANJ) UK., $20 TO ?:'.s. \\.\i; RANTS COVKIllNd INCIDKN- 1 \!. I'.KKAKAC.F.S > TO 4 \i:s. -' CLOCKS, IN NICKEL AND \V.\T.Xn *1.50 TO S- Fino Repairing Personally attended to. Clonn In- Bpoction of Goods, Piicrs and Business Methods invited. t to ftl! W, A, BROWN, Jeweller, MARKUALE

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