Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Oct 1891, p. 2

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FEE WEEK'S NEWS The 6rst train on the Toronto Belt Lane ailway was run oil Monday af tern.K.n. At a public meeting the Irishmen of To- onto adopted a resolution expressing sorrow .t Parneil . death. It i* believed in Montreal that Cardinal Taachereau intend* renewing his opposition o the Knights of Labour. C. J. Doherty. (,'.(.'.. has been appointed judge of the Siiperi.-xr Court of Quebec, ice hi* father, resigned __ The open ing of the new build ings of I'pper 'a::ada College, Toronto, took pla.e last veek, when the annual distribution of prize* ra made. Niimerou* complaint* are l*ini; made of ' lc delay cuined lo grain ami .-ml in transit >y the uuusually low water in the Lacmne BBBSSsk Mr. John Herbert Reaty, well known in political circles in Ontario, died at lhe(!en- rl hospital, Toronto, on Saturday night. Lieut. -Col. Otter haa Iwen authorized to ietail an officer forthwith to aasist in the or mall, m of the kilted regiment for To- ronto. Twenty-nine new post-offices have been Beiahlishcd throughout the Dominion since the beginning "f the present month. Ol these five are in Ontario. During ihe past week there weie failures in Canada, against '.".I for the cor- responding period hut year. Highly immigrants from Hussi.i, mostly Mennonite*, arrived in Winnipeg on :<atur- lay. They are a superior class, and will settle in the neighbourhood of Morden. Archdeacon Reeve of Clnppewyan, Atha baaca, lisa been created bishop of Mackenzie Kiver by the archbishop of Canterbury. The civic ceusui of Victcrin, R. C., gives the population as _ > .'.!i > < I . or ti.'XIU more than the official censu* recently declared. The Canadian canal* will be open on Sun day to facilitate the transmission of grain to Montreal for the steamships. It is likely the canal* will be kept open on Sundays for the remainder of the season. The Trades and Labour Council of lUnul ton have decided to ask the Ontario llov eminent to amend the Factory Act so a* to prevent the employment in factories of boys under fourteen yean of age. Shareholders of the Dominion Building and Loan Association, Toronto, have iL- n proceedings against the l>oar.l for misappli cation of the funds of the association. The amber deposit* at Cedar Lake, N W.T., are said to be worth $7,000,000. Mr. Chapleau is seriously ill. Hs wa* seized with an affection of the heart in the Department of Stale on Tuesday, and i* under medical care. Leda Lsmontagne ha been sentenced at Mherbrooke to seven years' imprisonment for having set fire to her la'e huaband's house at the time he was mortally wounded by her brother. '.I.I >r BUITAIX. The Brilish Trades 1'iiion Parliamentary Committee ban decided in favor of proinot ing the local trade options eight hour bill. Terrible damage has been done by storms in < .rct Britain. Mrs. Parnell'i health ia> still cauiinggra anxiety. Mr. and Mrs. (iladstone have determined to pan the winter in Florence. The Protentants of Ulster are said to be irganmng to fon-iblv resist any attempt to sukhlish Home Rule. It is rumored in London tint the Duke of ''onnaught will succeed Sir Frederick Roberts as commander iu-<lncf of ihranny af India. I >.le k -ttr X.it-manski arrived in Dublin on ialuniay from Waraaw, bringing with him a handsome wrealb lo In- placed on I'amell'* grave a* a tribule of reipect from the Nation- (list* of Poland. The Pall Mail I la/rite regard* the defeat if Sir Henry I'arke in Australia as otn u indicating the enii.n,. > of labor as a dis- turbing factor in colonial politics. The free hools now >|.i-n under the re cently pasted Kducation Act in Kngland are receiving a remaikalde increa*e in at t.-ndianeir, thu* refuting those who predicted Uie failure of the system. f'.ntnh IS ior 1 of'lr.id<- returns *hw a great increase in trade with Canada. Dur- ing the past nine months wheat and Hour r'.*from( 'anada were valued at 1,412,- Jii.'i, aguns! t .';\n7.'( for the corresponding p riod last year. It is reported thai an Knglish Karl, refer- ring to Mr <;iadtone'* threats against the Houtrof lrds, gaxe it as his opinion that u between compuU<ry attendance and the abolition of the Upper Chamber, must of the I . .nli would prefer to accept abolition. Now thai Mr. Parneil i-.d-.vl. Mr U il lain O'lirirn says he feels at liberty to ilwak fr.-cly of Ihe Boulogne confuirner. H* says, without fear of rontradie , . .hot the lias.* of that (oiifsn-ii was tho retirement of Mr. Parneil from tho leader ihipof tholnsb Parliamentary party. Ml.-li u I |lx-. Ill ha* In-rii i hopirll to I .illti-Ht Nortli Kilkenny in theanli-Pariiell IHI.TI-.I Mr. William Krdmnnd has Iwen sele. u .1 tt the I'aniellite candidalr to inn for tho rat. in Cork made vacant by the deitli of Psrnell. The village* of nUlls-iirre and Rillray, Irelaii'l, arc Ho.i Inl, and the inhabitant* had to be assisted lo es--ape by boat*. The I ipp-r u y len-vnU on llio 1'on.innhy rulate are asxkiru' to eonir to J>rrn with th-ir Undlord, and ..re praying tor the re- moval of Father Humphrey*, wlio was tho head of the Plan of C*ni|Mi|(n and the boy- oiling movement in Tli'peraiy. Tin- Dublin I'r'-rinan's Journal says thrrr is a strong feeling lii.iiiglio.it Ihe country In favour of a ileU-iii.ini I < ff<.i t in the I..- t ion .,( ri-e.Mi. illation, no that obonld (he maaauie of Home Rub- olleit- I l.y the l.ibrr al* ii'.. |.r..vr "uli.f.i. t..i y thry tn.iy lie sosrce. I l.y a united party. Tin d... light in New N oi k (!. i lireaten* U> inteifrrti witli Iraflie on Ihe IK lawaieand Hu-U'.n canal, owing to low water. 'Hi'- liny. i .i-..| . il ,( S'i|,.il Ky., have been . nt to iail f..i onti nipt ..I il In refining to obey an order issutd by tin ( 0'irt. Prof. Russell, the Alaskan explorer, ha* n turned from Mount St. Klias, which he found to be 18,000 or 19,000 feet high. I'nited Suites revenue rotter Ruiih has been ordered to leave San Francisco and return lo the llehring Sea, where she will remain till December I. Rex-. Phillips Brooks, Boston, h-is been continued as liishop of Massachusetts. Two School truttee* quarrelled at Hick- ory, Va., on Friday, and one atabl>ed ihe other to death. A Chicago captain proposes to deepen the great lakes by damming Niagara above the falls. .lame* Parton, an American author, born in Kngltmt in 1V.M. who wrote the life of II :.i e (iievlt-y. died 111 Ncwbuiyport, Mas*., on Saturday. DespaU- lies from varioupoint inConnecli- cut and Rhode Island state tin', the gri|-|>e has again appeared. (iustave Stein, the musical critic of the New York Stnit* Z-iluiii/, who was recently bitten by a spider, died on Monday. The I ...vermin-lit " rain making" experi- ments in Texan have proved an unqualified success. Three reporter* of the Chicago Inter Ocean were killed in a smash-up on the Chicago A Kooveru Illinois Railroadthe other day. Mm. Anne A. Dodge, HO years of age, an inmate of the poorhouse at Unite, .Ml., has 1 1. ei v rd notice that there is an estate of $3,000,000 awaiting her in Kngland. Miss Florence Hartley has Iwen appointed a court reporter at Wichita, Kan. She i* the first woman to receive such an appoint- ment. Alexander Sutherland, of Denver, Col., claim* to lie the trumpeter who sounded the charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava. He is eighty years old and well preserved. The Methodist Ecumenical Council at Washington has passed a resolution pro- testing against the opening of the Chicago World's Fair on Sunday, as proposed. It i* now believed that from 3,000,000 to ...mil, UK) bushels of wheat in north western Minnesota will be ruined through rain and snow. _ Patterson, of Xew York, upon the application of Henry Sandford, president of the Adams Kxprau Company, ha* grnnted an attachment against the property of John Hoey, the deposed president of thecompany, in a suit lo recover over half a million dol- lars. I\ ..I:\KKAL. It is reported that a herb has been found in Yucaun that cures almost any case of in- sanity. St. Petersburg was en fete on Tuesday in celebration of the battle of Navanuo in 1 v.*7, when the combined British, French, anl Russian fleets, under Sir Kdward 1 odring ton, the diatinguiihed Knglinh admiral, an- nihilated the Turkish and Kgyptian navies. Two of Btlmaceda's staff otficers have ar- rived in Cincinnati and declare that Kalma- ceda is not dead. A despatch from Paris says the Hebrew banker* there are combining to make ditlicult all efforts to float a Russian loan. Kamine prevails in 'hirteen government* of Russia, and scurvy and typhua are follow ing in the *ak,e cf the famine. 1 1 is probable that King Humbert of Italy willssj.it th.- C/.r next summer at the head of an Italian squadron. Five hundred stndenlsof Kieff 1'iiiversity, Russia, have been placed under arrest for revolutionary behavior A bull tighl, under the patronage of Pie id. -nt I in., 1 , took place in the city of Mexico on Sunday, and rvali/rd $!.">. (IN I for the Spaui*h flood sufferer*. The Kussian (iovemtnent is negotiating for the purchase of large quantities of bread- stull* in the United Slate*. 'Die- Kusfisn (MIX eminent calciilstea that Is (,.m,i>i rouble* will lie required to meet th. ii.-i-eBsilic* arising from the famine ex- : 'iii k ' in various parts of Kussia. Little (,'uron \Vilbclmini of Holland has an innomc of II-H.KHI Builders, or alxml HIT reign will begin AugiiHt 13, I s'.N, when she will have atlamrd the age ITS The Turk* are accused of carrying off Ann. m. ui Christian girls in large nunil>-r<, and the aiithoritie* permit the abductors to retain tin-in on the plea that the girls have liecomo converts to Mohammedanism. The Kuuian police lutve liren insirurted to dinchargc Jews from the service. I . ir L of Jews have been *pir* in tlie police service, anil have displayed n marked aptitude for that kind of work. TThal Tar n.rld Is O.l The sponge industry of the Bahama Ulaiids employs M) small ve*>U and about ."i.UKi men. 'Ihis indinilry i* lieing rapidly developed on tho 1'lorida coast, nnd the sponges in this locality are said to be lin.-i tlian on the Bahamas. The greatest artesian well in the world has been recently li.uk in South Dakota. It i* '. frrt ie*p. The water pr.-Bi.ur.- I* '.'-' .> p.. mi. l pi i p. ne inch, and it* flow is from K.IKKI to I,CKKI gallon* per nuniitr. A railway Is now being built from I.a Pa/, in llolivm, to the headwater* of the Hiver Madeua, in llraril, winch I* the main tributary of the Ainu/on, thiin giving a .1. r outlet for t'le Bolivian products. The fruit and potato crop* of California are so greal that u large percentage of I hem Will UOl be blollgllt to Illilket OWIIIg to the prioe being so low that u will bo unprofit- able. A London omnibu* <:mpnny ha* adopted a dcM.'e by hich Ihe i-nervy requited to top tin- vein. ! i* (torc-d in a system of spring*, and tin* power is ued to aid the horses to stnit it. The silk induntry shows that a single oo- .-..<, n In. in a well fed idkworm will often |II.H|II'-I- a eontiniioii* fibre more than I,.HI yardi lonj. 1 . 'I hi- . 1 1. 1. Inn. -n of Berlin we, u a diilin. live hat when conveying plni. nns and me giante.l the right oj way by a cityoi.liu nil' e. Owing to the salmon industry the Colnm .1 i *id to give i. nl mine wealth thtui "\ oil" ' i ivi-i in the world. Il i* et minted that the efircnl crop of Can ada ha. I- en damaged fully fas.(Ki<i,lN*i by II, Kinb'ilv I'.'Mipuiy made a i-l.-an jiiolil in 'li imoiidi l.il year of v .'i,(IOU,000. PALL ft*. The best thing out ail aching tooth. How to get a woman to keep a secret (live her chloroform. If a man hasn't any trousers to put on, will it do just as well to draw on his im- agination ? If you were to take the conceit out of | some |ieople the remains would defy identi- fication. The difference ltween a porous plaster and a lottery ticket u that the plaster draws something. Nothing is so certain at that lying does not pay, but there is a great deal of it done, all the same. " Don't cry, mamma. If grandpa dies and goes to heaven, pcrhapi he'll send us some angel cake." Amy Love conquers everything." Maliel " Not everything. Marriage tome- times gets away with love." Boarder " It looks now a* if the weather had settled." Landlady" Yes, it has set a very good example." " A politician dot vas honest," says Carl Pret/el, " vas yoost so tare like a piee* of MIC it dot got shkart der griddle of.' Kvery young man ha* a private idea that ihe woman who gels him will win a prize. Somehow his sister entertains a very dif- ferent idea. Mother " Now, child, what mskes you think Susan steals the iugar ?" Son "Cos I heard pa tell her that her lip* tasted awful sweet." Mr. Swagseeker " Miss Overage items to have a penchant for pearls. Miss Keene " No wonder ; she's old enough to be the mother of pearl." " And what do you think of the new singer, Franklin?" "Oh, she was per- fectly grand. I've heard many a belladonna, l.ii' i . \er one like her." When a man i- looking for a wife be wants an angel, but when he go-is to house- keeping he sometimes lays ugly things be- cause he didn't get a cook. Cosaiping Woman (i.'tent on ilander) " One half the world doesn't know how the other half lives." Neighbor ( tartly i " Well, that isn't your fault." The man who make* the funniest speech at the *tag dinner and keeps all the boys in a roar of laughter frequently haa nothing to aay when he gets hm to his wife. Pipkin--" Did the native chief* give the Rv. Dr. Tupence a warm reception upon his arrival in Africa?" I'otU " \\ hy, yes, they were tickled enough to eat him up." Viiitor " Ah, Johnny ' I am pleased to see that you gave your sister the larger share ol the apple. " Johnny -" I had ter. if I hadn't she'd 'a' told on me for hooking the apple." Hotel Keeper" You dirty tramp, you can't sleep on these steps." FiU William " Yee, I can." Hotel Keeper " I tell you I won't allow it." Fit/. William " That's different." THE r*l\< K Of TCALKH A^KUIED. -...in. i. ..I . In III. i: ,,... I...I.. I.I - uixl 11- HI* rrlvaie .tralr*. Since the time of the baccarat scandal there have continuously appeared in Uie sensation- al papers comment* upon the private life and domestic affair* of the Prince of Wales, which are kno*n to have caused the Prince Hreat annoyance. As a rule, the royal fam- ily pay little attention lo Ihe gossip which u retailed in the ''Society" journals, a* much of it is the meresl trash. But these later articles are of quite a different stamp, and betray a knowledge of the subject treated of. It is evident that they are written or inspired by some one having ac- cess to the inner circle. The Prince first complsined to his private secretary. Sir Francis Kuollys, anil that official instituted a series of inquiries and detective schemes on the theory that some of the servants t.ile Ix-armg, but all effort* .eak to such a source failed. This lia* led to a suspicion that the offender were guilty of to trace the 1 tin I I III i ABANDOW I <. isna ! A Men Proposed thai MUhl Lead I* ssas- i. r. In 1 1 n . .1 . The report that the British East Africa Company will abandon Uganda ha* made quite a sensation in Kngland. The London '/IM>< has published several column* about it, and has urged the (iovernmeat to avert a disaster that may involve in di.grace the Ministry that ia responsible for it. A year sgo, in accordance with the treaty helwevn Germany and (ireat Britaii., the Until). Ko*t AfriuaCouipany took possession of Uganda. It sent Caj>t. Lugard th're with an adequate force. He built a fortified pest near the King's palace, and though the King was not anxious lo become a vessel of (.rea; Britain, Lugurd secured sufficient influence among the King's advisers iii.l the people to compel Mwang* lo lign a treaty acknowledging the rights of the company. This step secured peace to the Uftid, and the white enterprises there have been mak- ing wonderful progress. it tpring i t wa* proposed in Parliament is one of the higher members of the house- I ^ gu . ranU!C ", hc iu-^^t'on the money need^ hold- one upon whom suspicion wpuld not , to build a narrow rai , rold from th . naturally fall. it is recalled that about two years ago it was notorious in Fleet street that the dissi- pated scion of a noble family, a man relat- ed to one of the chief officer* of the Prince's household, regularly peddled " Prince of U i!e news ' n her ever he could find a sale and lucrative market for it. The annoyance experienced by the family led lo investiga- tions similar to those on foot, and an inno- cent relative of the family, who woa himself I r i i.. uuu'i uarrow gauge railroad from the I Indian Ocean to Uganda. The liovernmenl seemed to favor Ihe idea. It was believed by those who had studied the project to b* the most promising railroad enterprise yel projected in Africa, and a positive neceuity if Oreat Britain was to control the va*t in- land regions near and beyond Victoria Nyanza. Locked at in a broad way tht railroad certainly appeared to be a wue in- vestment of money it it is worth while to invest any capital at all in African enter- wrongly *upected, got out of his embarrass- prilefc s^ lnember , of p r ij ament how- ing position l>y se.-urmg for the peddler of ever> aeclined to permit the bill to go royal gossip a position in a di.tant colony, , throu(?h wiu ,out extensive debate, to which, whereupon the trouble ceased for the time iu the ktter days of the session, the Gov- bemg. It is Mieved that tomething of ernnient woul(i Mot give the tj an j ^ the same kind has been going on lately, but until the guilty person is detected, all the members of Ihe Prince's official fan will be under an unpleasant espionage. | ihe project wo* dropped. A sum of money i was appropriate, I for the purpose of miking family some preliminary studies for a railroad 4ilve Old Hel a i h.. u. . Now that the " melancholy days'* are at hand when old Sol may be expected to route to Victoria Nyanza. The British Kast ATrica Company was encouraged by the Government, the press, and public sentiment to advance to the lake. It was a very expensive undertaking. The coquet a good deal with the clouds, it is company says it lias raised every dollar it well to call to mind the teachings of science can in behalf of this Uganda enterprise, and touching light and its influence upon the that its means are not adequate to support human system. That light has a powerful i it* influence so far in the interior, unless influence on the human organiam all physic- ! the railroad ib speedily built. It has there- ian* agree though it is doubtful whether all ' fore decided to withdraw Lugard and hi* fully appreciate the benefit to man of this , force from I'gaiida unless aid conies from life-giving and life-qualifying agent. I nu some quarter. recent article on the subject Dr. J. H. Koss The danger of the situation lies in the of Leipzig asserts that " not even freih air i fact that the withdrawal of the military is more necessary to our existence and well- ' force would be likely to result in the retreat being, and that no other agent exerts so of all the British missionaries from Uganda, great an influence upon the nervous system, | or in their nuusicre and ibe violent death the medium of our intellectual activity and j of their hundreds of convert*. There i* spiritual life." To the influence of light reason to believe that Mwanga would revive he attribute* the fact that the inhabitants the old dark days when be burned score* of of northsrn latitude* are naturally inclined , Christians at the stake. Tlie British mis- to regard lite more seriously than those who sionaries now have a church with about 300 .lwelliniunnyclin.es. Hereferstotl.ecircum native members, and liny are directly in- stance, to whichevery physician can bear wit- fluencing the lives of over '2,000 people, all neai.thatthewantoflightexerUaprejudicial of whom are learning to read and write. influence on the character and direction of 1 They have established a number of out sta- { thought, producing gloomy and depressed tions in northern Uganda aiid the neighbor- When the sermon is extremely long. The tired and wicked sinner Has but a single lliought to wit, "Will I be late for dinner V Jasper" Old Miserly has committed Nuieidr " Jiimppuprx -' Iithatso? Well, well ' He always did take everything he 'ould lay his hands on. He has ended l.y taking his life." Vu-e versa " Kuldy, old boy, do you dictate much to your pretty typewriter nowailays r ' " Dictate to her T That little redheaded thing over there? No, sir. She dictate* to me. She is my wife." A certain father, who thought he knew the answer to everything, was asked yester- day by his little daughter : " Pop, when you're through milking a cow, how do you turn it off?" He has not answered yet. mi:> 'i i x u u :. lo ,\M i: u KI< i Himullsw Tkreaak Hlah .r.% xi,,:, n. nt. ..r i i..,.. t '-...I Three won.en fooled it in J uly and August ft from the Indian Ocean over JUO mile* .. Mnahonaland. They were member* of an Kpiscopal order, and were trained nurses sent out to take charge of the hospital which li an been started in that new counliy. The lumhopof Manhonuland expected that pro- vinion would )>e made to carry theic youn^ xxoineii in hainniock* into the interior, but tin- force of porter* was unexpectedly *mall, d the women said they would endeavor to walk. With rxtraordinaiy courage they set nut on the journey. There wa* no wagon road. .in.) for much of the wny no path* were found The party miffcred terribly at lime* from thirst. At night the bu*h wo* alwsyn alive with lioni", h\ .-TI.IK. biifTHlne*, leopnrd*. and other animals. At one time the party ob- served two lion* drinking quietly thirty rods from them. The gnus often exceeded twelve feet in blight for miles, mid sonit- day* the little nravan inarched through incea*nl rain. They -nil. n d srveirly In in the desertion of (heir |H>rter, and of the thirty two earneis with whom ih. y started only four reir.iiin ,1 nl the end of their join nry. Tht vtotuen I a. I no lent to *leep in, and altogether they inndii thr journey under conditions wlncli would have tried the strength and courage of the stoutest men. Thry safely ten. he. I then destination, however, and they an- the first white women to have mado such a jour- iey into the interior of Africa, the other* travelling either on steamboats or l-ring carried in li.imino.-k* or chsitr. an lo -i u . K. . r i i "Let her h.ivc milk and U-el tea," said a physician the other day, mining from hi* patient lo In r mother. ' lly the wity, do you know how to make l-ef lea! Oh, I don't in. to what neopli- ordinarily call betif tea. 1 call thnt !op*. You gut *omo ^<ind sleak and i ut it agum*t tlm n ; - lm '"I" thr lliirne*! |HiHKil.le pin r*. Half fill a glai* preserve jar Wttk *M ment adding n Intl.- alt and |-pper, cover t he jur tight and plaee it in a k .i tie of warm wainr on the itove to miiiinei lot .MI lour. Thru let it |.oil for IIM- uiinoli ... There will not be much mon than lw t il.l. p....iil'iN of 1 1..- ten, and t h il will I MI puri" nourishment. I !ne the p.itu nt one till. IrniKMintuI nl n time, as it I* v.i\ strong anil ii. h." The patient for whom tin* w n* oid.-i.-d bated " thai nn*ty mt*s," as she called tin- u- mil h<-rf ten, but idle took tin* lablrnpiMinfill with |Mi*>live n-li-.li nnd In- h..|M-* toinr other invalid will try it ..ml bcnetn by it. [Huston (in/ctte.J feeling. From these and other general facts l>r g_ The Waganda seem lo accept European Roe* conclude* that the nervous excitability I teaching with eagerness, and from the and nervou* energy in civili/.cd man i* doe j purely humanitarian point ol view it will in great part to the exclusion of the light indeed be deplorable if the work which ha* not only from the eye* but also from the ! made such remarkable progres* is suddenly km on which it exerts a healthy action. { abandoned. In fact, the withdrawal of He says : " The climate of Northern Kurope j Lugard from the country would be likely to would hardly favor our going bock to die put an end to its development for uioiiy yean hnbits of our barbarian ancestors, but it " would certainly U- more conducive lo the health of our children, if they lived more in the open air, and with their hand* and arm* ami neck and xhonlders exposed." \ r. Roe* would have the windows of dwelling to come. fr . -rr.. I., ..,,.,. (eissler tubes can be con-ertd K liant beams o f | lg ht by being held n house, mod. much l.rger-.t least large ,, or . ,. n t ? linula ,e conn, | enough to light upevery coruer-and shaded with a , f M a i terl , mlil ,S nl ... kin . as little a* possible, except only in summer win n tlie direct sunlight becomes painful. "The dim religious light which so many like to cultivate in their homes," MS rays, "would not keep a plant aliveaiidis scarcely lexH prejudicial to man." I >-|.e. ully would hc have ihe sleeping rooms well lighted ami the beds exposed to the full light a* much as possi'ule I>r. Koss con- .In. In Ins article by quoting from the Italian proverli* : lf\..ii won't ail m it lhoun Kor the djelor j oil niut,t run. into bril- > ir a iicoted with a pole of an alternating machiue, and rospect* are that w will soon have a uf *\loiuiu li.i iiioiin Hpeed, Most experienced railroad men feel that the uo*ihi!ities of steam praclii-e arc nearly reached, and that much greater speed is not pra.-lK-uble. A maximum of ninety miles hour, with a running speed of uixly to s.-Miity, i* all lhat can be h.q- I for under the very lat conditions. The limitations are numerous, and ar well known to all engineer*. The Maximum upeeil of whicii a lo>-oinotive is capable has not been materi- ally in. r< UMM! in a nnmlM-r of year*. The schedule lime has been shortened, princi- pally by reducing gradient*, *traighlrning curves, filling up ravines and replacing wooden structures by permanent one* of iroii or stone; by the line of heavy rails, safer witches, unproved method* of signaling, the interlocking switch and signal nysteni, the alxilition of level <-rsing*; in fact, by improvements ill dctitil and m.in-ii;einciit winch peimit a higher speed on n more ex- 'i.i.l. . I He, ticn of r<-ad lirrause of greater safety and the greater di-Rrc* of conlidenc. inspired in the engtiui driver. Tne Mrrrj. Merry Cenvar and lli.fr,... The Huiiai< censor is as bimy as ever in dealing with Kni(lih journal* w Inch i-xpre** the prope." revolulion in the artificial production light. St-ieuce come* to the front in th* manu- facture of grindstones. The best now made are composed of a mixture of pulverized .piart/, powdered tliut, powdered emery, and rubber. They outwear by many yeiri any natural atone. A new Swediih glass which contains phosphate and chlorine is said to have great advantages over other ([las* for use in microscopes and other tine lense*. It U of extrcnu- hardness, and is susceptible of th* finest polish. The utilizationcf the power prodncod by thr ebb and How of the tide* ha* been mad* in Havre to work turbine wheels whichgener- naiiio* I light, called diamond ink has been ate the power necessary to run the dyn. which furnish Paris with the electric I A Kolution invented which cnablesj on* to writo upon glass. It i* necessary to allow it to remain u|K.n the glass about fifteen minutes before w iping off. Hecent experiment* at tho Illinois Kx- prriinent Station *how that the best In till/- er known for laud on which wheat is raised is ordinary barnyard manure. The great Lick teleccope reveals abonl HK.>,(X>>,OOOsUm, some of them so small that .'iO.dOii of tlirni in one tna*s would scarcely be x nilde to the naked eye. Khepplat Calre. During their stay in Cairo, tho late Canon Liddnn and hi* sister, Mr* King, occasion- .i'ly went nh.'pping, and tho lady give* the following account of the Oriental bartering : "IV Vicolaitln* .--. nriei I a-ked the pri. 1 .- of nn article, mul then ntU-r.-d one half ; the their opinion. f,..-1v.' Onoofthe Itirmni,. SfiflTtt'S 'V ,T. Pr ""'T'' j"~' ban, papers, for inManoe. ha* Wen *te,l,K ' "" t><> N '. l> " lft fo!l . lri1 "P "'V Ko.l', put refund for ,vcral scoe,,e daily i,,,,". i " irm ""* ch " lr - "" a , ""'' "*"? Mc " tlu duruiR the past lottnivjlit to 1 M , ndmitted to " ' ' h4 " K1Vt ' >" u the li.ilti. xvrit- ' liefusu" U-l ten acroi every postal wrapper by the authorities, and the paper having nt ,. n .- l.eeiii.-tiiiiie.lti-l'ji-l.iii.l A recent nun I . i ,.: I i \. KeMrw." which had an aitiele on " KIIXM.I mulct Alexander 1 1 1." ha* had that portion cut out of every cony nlm-b ha* arrived by post, preceding and su. ing article* having likewise been damaged l.\ (he censor MssMraj while a blacL patch hai been pUi ed upon the tub- pnge i.| the niiinl.ei. An iii^eiiii.iis Knglialiinan, l.\ ihe wiiy, ha* discovered a mvthotl by whiei- the bla.-k pi! Ii can U- n mo\ed fiom both pi. I in . ni.l pi luting, no lli.il thu matter ean be I ..Iii keteheil nud r.-.i.l ; but, all tiling* . n.i.l. i..l, it will IH- well not to Iwtniy Ins secret. " \Vhal lire you rending, inv d.-nr''" " A l.-llei tr.'io mother, pn. " " U !int doe* she sny'" "Ol-. nothing." "An- y,.n .;ne it (loin j"ui in. I In I, luj ilrai . , . 111111*0. I lie men-haul *crr.imed ; I'o Nicola gesticulated ; then thrvxhook liaiuln, toiiclieil forrhends, etc , ami I thought the matter was arranged, when IK- Nicola whi*]M-red lo u*, " Now the real battle i* olBjj) to bagin. " They arreamed, l.tinpetl, thuiii|"-.|, mul tiin'ly 1'.- N..-o|a threw hack all our pur. !iai>cii, nud *aid wo would ;.. to .iMotli.-i -li..p. ii. lining it. At I'licu the sales- man cave. 1 in. and prntuitrd he would r.illu-r i;ive iii lu UM o.l* than tl'at we should go uwny empty h.inded, and so the p-uehase was i-ondiicted with smiles, liandliukmt;a and the 11*1111) greetings of lip and foieh. .!, nnd a backsheesh was given us into the bargain '" liying to secure closer rectpruoity in trade with C'hiua. li.-n. diet -" Only fools get married.' (Mil-ale " Tint's uij bstUvf. Uuw u yotaC wife?"

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