Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Nov 1891, p. 2

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1 NOBLE REVENGE, I'AKT I ix... ,;u i .i.ivcnor h:fl mil xforkej mam - i-. an ,iOc..uBtani , wVu ointdiy be i. i .1 to 1'roviJensS Court ; i.. I fi.r the ti,t M-I'I- .x ithin bit ieni e. found the orti einp y no lire in e;.-rate, the *,ni v Sen ler' ofcur x.icaia. .r that ms one He was f)** Tho Hiefrirmt clerk h-.d ff.nnd (Jravcnor, t'armg tin- forged papers, the signed acceptances, and cut ing them on the 1 ' (;,.!" lie Mid, pointing to the door, " The world i* opau to you to wliirli will In puliliehcd your odious infamous scret. Let th;t knowledge and your guilly con- eniji-. -do, ami i etnt - ic, a mined rcputalfxi, an -Jen .- 1 1.. my I wlt'i .1 soiled HI Jon Kaxe. me." TUI: \r.i cii .. i lm ...rll. -I lT;n... - I.' . .li ..I ' IBP company. Dul # to th prajria country a and look around -you may wr the bright by . i-olors i : liuit' rriy and llower, you maysmile gates. Hi.r tin- lii-s!. time in Ins life, th') ple face of the wrelc'i i >'iinaai:ed. Hi' op-.SK-il II'M .i.< if In sf e.ik ; bill no unnis m.> '. lien, overcome with shame, l.n Use.' 1 -..Ulk, and In- l-m h I IIO.MI the room. Im self-assurance, hi* (.iiii.tim >.,. x"iie, destroy- .11. ..i. . _,. 1 1' u ___i . i....i yi-u !" " Not so, Mr. Desborough. 1 try to be a >'l.iitun, nothing more." " From 'his niuinent. vho bank uf Dci . and !rvcnur. -\V:11 I Iml in : | e"-" s ur anee, In* lanjkUIMS*, gone, in H.WM do*. hav, nK pd "^KsfftrtSa,^.^^ ,by m his sleep. | p^jjg his ,,. llul( w|lllu tcur , cou.-.ea ,l,, ^'i. ., Iy utie..-!, llravc.ior use-luted to , hl , f mro wed cbeeks, "you are . -lol.lr, in uppei r.'i.m, when- tl W JS)W OsJlB ,.,.,., .., i ||,, w I |, a ,. 8 t MIL! . ui'|i:il on his bed. Ds) took W* tbiM wriukleil hand in Ills own. Was U fancy, " did those cold h II in 1 v.l clasp his T Me : lit so. lleiMin,, nel him. lie iiliMi'.y thanked the inanimate el.ty -of the man x'. lio I. id believed in his inm-. enee Th- money-lender had many friends, v. bu vr.-ie . on the spo'., taking tin- ai ini-nl ff an funeral. Some ol these were curators. H loft lare fortune. Tln-r.- '|iii'ts to sexersl hospitals, legacies lo friends ami to poor Jews. To Uieas'onili- meiit of C.ipuin (iravenor, a codicil lo Ibe will n : I'd him a* successor to the business, bi|uea'.',iing him mortgages, *ecurilies, and M the pr..|*rty upon whieh he hid lent noney a fortune in themselves, examination, the Captain found that only had I*ta< bar advum-i'd lar-;,- Minn tiiipoi i ill! b'lnli. forei.;n H^ xvell us but m jewels and n.irient plate, were nold lier. dir Ill the lin^liMi i.. .-. -| I|IUM ..f " i|i|n-.ir.-d ttU-grniihi.: report* oi .: rail- way *;.!.! w(il of Wiimiji k,'. tiiiikli itg up I with the BtatumeiiV tlial I. inul Iji All -rd. . :. win on ihe train, and thai wfcil the former xreot s4wut loinisierini; tollie want* of the woniidml. tli* Utt-r took skt> .in-" of the ss-n-. That wan a tolcrllbly hardheurted \*o- .-rdinx, was it in.'.? 1 wonilrr '. it th.mc of our rncmbeis MMM- toc'iatc* who h.ip|M-ni 1 ti> notice tlie : tale- meiit thoiij-ht of tli d-nn^s of their Presi- dent wl'ilo she was lu-ic lyi>ml lliuir teach. Well, here 11 the true, unvar:iihed (.tate- inent of the fact.-, as written at the tune : \Ve slartid from Winnipeg soon after i:i<l about eighi w had just gono acrosn thai y u I i,iy pun*'. ?" " Vcs," anuweiT.d trie Captain, clasping hi.1 falhei in-Uxi '.-, h.k:id. TniT.-r.i eo;itcv-,ion was p'.bli'hed in all the leading papers lK>th at home and abroad. Foi-incr friends Hocked around < apliin liu-. ei:jr with their ooogrataUtiios ; but, .'i i^Ia.l lo see n,;aiu tin iron 1 fai.-iiliar fa<es, he remembered Ilia! he had stooil ah :,-: in In* a Ivermty. IV one man alone Ini on .-1 aratituJe, wlu luvii belicx i ! in Kim, nnd SiveM hin>. frw wooden huts, and surrounds palisades or walls and well-barred n. Thu were generally near at the cunning looks of the little rabb.l-iiku nx-ers, and to these the savages brought sort of . -lectures, -ille.l " pr-xii n- dop," who their merchandise oiskin, and feathers, sad rear Ihatn.nve* upn thr hind legs aud horns, al stated seasons of tne year. They lo*k at. you, and then " iu-.i'li, presto," , encamped before the fort, old a st)Mn tfcrv are off ; you may hear the rushing transaction of bartering aud affectionate through the air of tlie dock's of wild x<* speech-e took place, and on the re- nvefhcsjd. on thejr way to their winter h 'Its of thin barterirg the company grew i|i:srtert, but of human habitation you will fabulously rich. L century later iheir con- see bub .i:it Hikiin. Your eye may scan | tinned success caused ano'her company many e^jare miles around, and yet von may to lie formed, and many were the feuds scarcely be able to detect any indication of whi-h emnied, until ll.<- two decided to the fact that the lords of this rich harvest | unite and to work together. Oh, the yarns land an- l>-,inning to enter upon theinnheri- that might be told of those golden days of tauce. Yet it is sn. And if we Iml pud hunting, of the adventurus and hair-breadth . . our Western viiit ilnriii)/ harvest-time, we escapes, and in all the red man plays a con- jhould have seen some such sights as you j ipicuous part ! Hound hi loyalty or his see represented in I h- v> ompauying pic- ' enmity centre* many a Ule. Those day* ttires. When you arc reading this e shall ap> over now. In lSC9tl .<: liov-rnment took to the dining-ear and begun our dinner, be liearing rejoicing ace mr.ts of th Iwiiute- over the domains of lhj Hndson l!y Cum- when t litre camo a suddra trcm. minus ousnotg ( ,i, e nalv larrocrs in pany for 300,0><>, and cer.a'1, lands i-.m.d screwing of the brake*, a scries of jerki, an xj^j^ am j Ae Xorthwest hive leu tiii-'tr.i ling stations, and from that tim abhipt tnnifstWWM of CTOcktry and gl ; n)t , this year without anj -tUmaRe ! the era of the Indiau was over. They fi .in to fl.x.r. and fn-n I 1 ,.- .ir w.ii {ft)m l!je .ircaac.i'i-arly frosts. and all WM perfectly still, ! , K , try ,; 11(f to Rrow WJM M to Arid I shall the cannot utar.d before the forces of civili/a tiun, and they are doomed to giv* : >kcd at mil) ar .o'.l.er lor a -i o:nent w ',,y th- Manilobui black mud, which lies [ way to those" who have entered on the same smuttsred thought pass ing f,,, m two to four feet in depth on the sur- | their predestined work of cultivating the face of tlie soil, is so rich as to produce j land and building cities, thus multiply Or.ce in. I'poM .,,,,1 . , .. banU, all cnuup'i I . nn'iKiviiiniii". - j . n hat in.'. Mll( Il0110l|r j. Beared ; Bd if ever prfeol , '>,' to ""', I**"* Iin ', 1 "'"* i,t. dm this w.,;ld. I', is to be ne trn.Ur, npirle d-wn i. Knglish, ..,] ,,, ,, Komeof OeoraoandLenaOrar- towered above the b- a througl' e i 'li mind, thun uaino the tn The engine is oil th- rails !' A. in-: with others to *eu what ii-ul really oc. urn d, and we wero ama/< 1 to tiinl 1. .-.v much damage wa done, vh-n we rcineml" ' ' tii. coTiiparativJy f\ ,''.'t e!ioc-k we bad felt. Th enttitiu wa< Iy ._: on its side, on ihr liank, ;;ll crumpled a :d t-.rn. llio funnel li-xll still sinokini; aw iy ; tlie rai!, magniMcent crops without manure. IK* population and replenish iug the rurth. Meanwhile, the miiiionaries hate visy. Tiie authoruies of the Hudson Bay Company always encouraged their corg. ....... _ . Will, the love of Ins wife and lx>y, 0" down too, it will be impressed on us that the settlers wlio do best are those who adapt themselves most to the methods of , farming found successful in the new conn- ; efforts and did much for them '>> forbidding try. 1'or inktanco, they must not plough ' the ue of spirits at their stations, an.! in deep as they do at home, but only about ( Ute; times the Uoverumeut his endeavored two inches, and tl.cn thsy must p'lt in a to exercise a paternal care over these crop at tn> Hrt br'-aking.'as thighs* been I peri.'liijiRlribes.jM 1 herin^ themmtoreserves. in i 'ipot paper, I- ... nir had wu : \..ii >. i il tin J ! n.] imin>rtant usp a ; lfoi-q. rie*, 1 knew ti.i-mt. i be* i^l. when v. : i 'i. in for they xviil arm you xx it h un o f extinguishinc the oarwr of tb x>r.' i wlioniiin-d you- -.Is.M'.n-x Th *t r. Mow. He also nroughr tl.H line "i-i! M :> Ike Ihlui it Ilk Ihr Rn.-l i- \ I , | Wl ..- ' :iti.-ll ii. the that the relilious f Hii'.'ia lo < hi' . rouuu ine ocsi way oi s'louning me sod, li^sides the a/lvantage ..! yieldinj.- profit to tl-.n farmer the lirst year, when hi* means are not generally ;>!' puful. This wxl M xi-ty i T.| to break at first, but subsequent pleughiiigs ire easy. As we went al'.ng, wfffouml one and another of our fehow pa*jengers e.uit wiling to tell UB about all t ':.! things, and to ctplair. the re.uos a* to why one man fails and the other succeed*. It .i- esp-xt.illy inleitstioj ir.tli^ lo Loni.ll lllvul uui hi ,*v,vw, ^^A^^^I,..^ i 1 . -:r iluldren, gmiting gifts and pensions, and in doing all in their po*er to promote ihe fiicci'ii of the miuions. Rut of heroic work ot t!u .: missionaries, and of wl.it they have beer. Vi)!<> to accomplish, we must tell you some other linn., if you will n->t lire of the subject. 1 i III.IIK -11. 1., r-. Lord Tennyson is >aid to be particularly 1 thr three la.t c.u-, inclodio| tl.e dininx- "id ours, xx -re still on tho raii*. No one could a->i TI.HII the cause of the oc.-nlent, and f'>r a few minutes tin-re was great suspense a* to whether! any one was killed cr injured. Marxel- lomly and mercifully im mie was killei!, and th engine-driver, rir.",nn and express - | to us to come across yoiing men, from our ij i c hed"to a' long church* ar.len, a KatkVt- l.r.n.ed. The driver. !,ad, with great pro own <]istrict ^ AWlleenahir . t wllo ^y * j , Vj of M anil pu. on L. :.. _i_. . t.\. ^ . : . . .1. . . WboM it really is, time will h w ' towiitrbolhtoMr.il .ml There!, !><,! mies in I 'hi, n. Km M lia, mdy one smill ..n appoihlmenl to isjcok tin m mi -.kbnit it hundn-.l n.- usiness tiie foBowii ail.- cbautjt aiul smpbyvsjs, all to four -I. ,ne. I'.y a "intnui- coin >i', ( i i,m h...is -. J'ri- only mlii-i i: i i-, u xv.n only tile iUy afti-r tin- bulk- ' n; 11 the memWrs of ttn- !.<, .ilimi H: Pekin .i srvclii'd tin- i -nt. '.i < . : !u< ,n. d t he (Join-ill at Kon-Choo. >h mid there I....I1' in ilie |,I.M n. , ,.; I'M-, lol' -.iv.-. U miy trouble bctxrvfii China and t'-.e I M I 1 i - ',-eroliif, he had ! " lurlmr. m," thi T. i Met, as fir a* he could ji p.j-is bad IM-. n d,tini>. ,': i mat in his ln.-ineM a! ran:;, meiit*, hi .I th.it at oi I'n li"li nf I .r x. uli hii.i to boriini f. mid 1 pot out ol thi- country with bu' an I but Uiere ls no chai i'o'c with the KM !. . i; CVUM-*,) l.k- .In- itusiiaiis. .1 he xva bitting was all broken. All iu the' darkness and by the li^ht of a lantern held by A., I tried to make a sketch of the it wu rather ilihVult work. It all ! Tciyxxi-'nl i .ne gavii onti the n.i- n of a great gasping livi:i^ Ihing, wilii it* head burn I .u the i.ir'h, still hiss- ing and steam ing in impotent mi&crv, .IM.'I . t.i in. rea.-i;- , of the scene, 'I i ' by Sir John Lister K aye : wnen w- met him he was about to buy u farm of his own, and to br.np to it as mistress an Associate of the II ;d. lo 11 .u Associoitiuo. So there is no ' his not succeeding U Ih This young man's experience, ami tli k* of others whom we met, |>oinu lo the fuel I l.ai one of the best ways of pet ting on ia for a to hire himsslf laborer t.. a i, the great singer, was an inveterate smoker ; he smoked incessantly everywhere, and hii servant always stood at the wings of the theatres in which he performed, lo receive the burning cigar rn.ni l.i* mouth at 'ho mo nciit when ne went on to the stage. In a sketch of KiUanl Lytton Hulwcr, by ", in tlu ^on'h Kensington Mmciini, Is ; . nted ill u n i x. with I is legs stnttchwl cut, and \ liittid alKiut licit , lliri ml e, with 'anti rns, and in !' -i in n ib i tliHikt^itthey.Llor.eofthenoii ..: i-il ' >" ' d a i;reai thre.*t:iii. At II... :i'i|Hii:ited hour, Inilh Hi" I I'l'.ir wu. Id bring uj. initiated <.n.l :.i C-mu i. . eyt , ! arrin;; our way. This lattr aa-1 Thor.l wero axia'ting iiies>lic,ior, both T! I . . , ,n , . lie, in China, and 1 ''"" tnn..-d out te be tne lighUjOf th '"diry that Iin x i-u w .,., , ,,-,i..-, c 1 indeed xv.th all the strati;;!- i,'id line. . will, the utoleii ..pal. l'ieeii'ly, I ii.ivei.nr pei.;.'.!^ x.ith xvl,i,m th,. .< haxi a. I \!' I'vorett arrix . i.-t, ha--, been !ric! Iy . .htauhmcnt of pi.lne in plain . lutues Tho MnscoiiLeii htx. !, :.n,l y.-t llhecutri l"!i tl.i- e i..,-:i-n-.l iii.h it .',,. > " Cni' ind Mr V'veret'." .my attempt to itjmp n.il tiiu.il or .in.. anco<l a clerk, opening the ihniruiMr . or l.ui^iun; n. \\ ! i;->od farr.ui for ayear-or two. RO *su. i . t h e straight btem of which It. K4V,. ,,,, fititnav fnf ).i. .-I.ii't lull .Id.. , , ' , _ . I t- to sax, un :.n.ccy fof his .start, but iN<>, 11 "he haxcaome capital, lo lear-i the kysof theOOtSBtry under pi; actio . _ In looking to th" tuture an*t to llio pro'a- >|OT, U t> hi slippers. (Jen-m! .innl was a devout wonliipper at th Ni-..-.ian t hrm.- During the maay ari)uou , L . am ^ U: ,, , which l, cwa , actively i : .iigh's privsto room. tin- ltu<iai,s [r\.l,-, they 'goal .t in A U.tnl.-ihell falling; m their miont co-ild samo way. i o! I; ne caused ijreater <-<-n't< i n.an.n. I'lic 'I l.u wliile America and llie rest of -lait-d to nut feet ; out inc uiiially Ki:roj, lux-.- ei..|. axored to (,; 1 Thorel ' j cluii ami xe'th :i idinvis rnd i;i > fell n. !" II. Seven months of rrst restored Captain Ciran in ' somewhat eilorts 10 elevate Chinese .1 .xc I '.inieie .-loiila, Ih,. ha.1 to a M'in'i.l.iiive >f I .. former self. He was less thin ; tin- dark nun-burnt skin had ibmi.j-. n. I ; bis eyes were !; filter, his hair gi' x : . In .1 Iwarini; taking the plae* of bin . ij'i.iis ininnei. He 1 ,r>kc : t.iM.-r .:id. t . Mie Chin.-?- nncout'.i w.:y " tin, i e\er in h* suit of inoii. mug. Ki.'-r ,i :i,l.n. t ', aud Ilk in.- I: la -I tl ing the loom a few pices. In: stooil regardii-g the two men before him. Mr. i '! t mud the k v in tho lock mil moral, and to imn. !y iianl [Hi -of gold for Ch::ice j but . :. I I. < thinees ml* alone. | of, their Knrllier, the Ku*uan traders, m neaily <km to OrientaU in cjslmiis, n i -. '"" liev> " " eye* with no unknown party for them, ami m .'lom.! ;, -in u> proceodby on iiliiitern l. '. n i-joil forward". up iii' h 1-y nn-'i. unking su*n w.i\ .i' ix \iid then all -<wintinK at once the pUca wan .klive with gro mi r^ Mtiri'ounilinu ths remains ol ten.lii'i; eu -i.<. As we net I n t!.-r n'tout other sources r I. ,- : .n to hear 1'PY of him, " ! tr and smoke agree with MB, On one occasion, when about to light his th.il : Iii* kirk againxl the i " I ii-iii,; I iravenor '. Come Ixtek !" vj.isped Id gentleman. Thoiel :'liu.l :it him with a nun leious . I'.r .It. I n"t *peak. " Yi v Mr. Denlwroiigli," i-,-|.ln-il 1 . .- ill-Ill i-rale voice. "I h:ive return d i -. Ii .nour and el.iim my wife. l)o yon know these securities?" 1 i .OL. I heavens !" crie I the l*nkei , tak- ing tin 'ii with a shaking hand. " Yes ; I in- -them. Hut I saw thrm only yes- terday m my safe, then the iin .-c. I tio'.liiii^' ti. ih'j Chinese, and buy notliin ' '..'it te.i, h ii k !dcd !> this feel- . . A:nl in iiisi- China by -.r by rcluaal ol oul- idc tuitions to in Uric re, wen- to ae. .,:iipliih the denim of llie ina-ij oi in" p'-op'e.i in.l elosti her porti ninl iHiumlatim, Uu.-mia tli'ii would have a chance of escaping tho universal I. .in. r null .am.r of Ike f prospsasty besi.lts , llltt ci ^ hd O i >iervw i to friend, fiUL. aos.0 ,.- i,m,,|urc,i a . ,|, .,...,,, ,, u .,,,,,.., _ , .,be. Ibac.t lolv. : , urn, I nc t,,-,'. ,tv .,.,.__, ,!,.,, he NV, ; !,x>,-..t, ! ti.iii .icfc. ( , , ,,.,. ,| K . |, P1 ,| ,..-..k-ters of the sm.<rt red- III, wonderful how. uuhaiMiitenta. do no; llllifmmei , , Mollll ,,,,, ,. ulic . , M,,l..r:ne Hat. the i It is curious to note bow some of BMiiei of the early ages havo been handed . . down to the pn-'rnt I mm. Tin game, for How did you obt.un , m ,um e. ki.< wu lo m.t of us a* " Odd or Kv n," xi. is >1 j a favourite of the young " These are forgems, upon whirl, yonder Kgyplimi, -n I many ot tho little counter. I'llamraned a largo sum ..f money ,,|^ t ). UIC ,| ir ,. prewrv eil in the British . '. Mi. Ia.-li.ir. Si-e ! Mr- ii \|, In- rr. e'pl l"r II, itigned--".laci|ne 1'lmrel. He w!m eoiild forgeone tiling r. oilil '(innter- f, -it another. It was he who forged your 1 mi.: me." "I 1 -onvici '"cried Tlmrel, slid- b-nly n.aVing a da.sh Mi n urn. Them Is alto tlie game of draughts, which wn played on n eln-.|iiercd Umrd in tho earliest limus. The poor ehil Iren wen run tent with draughtsmen and boxen made nut of i mull pieces of clay ; but the richer ones ! liim ot. oilor at arm't. lcm<ili. ' i ... lo \ under table and write a full . on fessirin of your guilt, and l^traying nn in- .' man through jealousy -to a fate worse than death. Outside the b.mk there the i, r 'lI." *'"'; ""'ally had Iwautilully carved lion headi-l e*. The y i-d with toys and gimes Wiling nravsnor by the throat. Hut be was j draughtsmen and IMMI-J. The young Greeks, no maleh for the CaplMn, who, afterashort ] too wero we |i prov i,i,., . . m . i. _ . i. i . * i. i ii i- .1 i |. i loarrest you. " ,lai i|in-*, yon are a villain ' n held him by the |,, r theii amiiHcmont. Tho toys were, -inelly I dolls made of baked clay the arms and legi IH-IMV; joined with string, and, tbereforv, movable. They had a favourite game called " Cliylnnda," which has been preserved through nmny age*, and is now played by Write, 1 say, at lam con- Jii- -ed ynii h.ne purloined Ix.rd llnrbury's .pal," said Ihe banker. " Op 1 1 op.kl '. ' e xrl liin, .1 ( '.i plain C.rave- 'inr. pio'liieing a mnall box. " Can this be "(,raxi in,,-, I cu rue you !" hiwed Thorel. " You bivn stood Ix-twnen me and the woman I b.xc-d. I am sorry I dill not re- x ..:'!., o my |*l II liy surer menlM. Yes, le, I lid forge your eheijue ; I con- fess it, and glory in having given him a few years of siiffei ink; Iwish" "Mop!" said Mr. DswbottMUlt, horrified. " Say no more. \\ rite the full confession. I demand it " Thorel took a pen, .lippe.l it in the ink, 'in-, in the i-oini.|." In France tho is called " Quatre Coins," or four find with great self-command, wrote linei few Mr. Deslii.ninijli t<K,k theopi), the splim- In. 1. 1. n did i"el, bright with its In tire. , a rolilii-r. - .Iai-i|ueM Thorel, I disown you. No piini'hment w ill l IIMI M-VI-II- for you. I iive him up to juatiee, Oravenni . " " \\ill pui.i -Inn' nt, Iniwever severe, re- MtMtosM the yean I have lost giveine l.ai-k theei of seeing my ln.y grow upjfroiii infamy will a i.-*tore my* le.iolated home T Thorel, you li i .. in i ii ,i mi- as iinieli as one man can in ,ti ., ,thei . lull it w Mild ren.l. i n." n<i ait 'sfaoliiin t" know you were leading a life boys of to dny under the wull-knowu of " ~ game corners, li'.th in the old game and in thti modern version live players are required, one occupying each of the four corner*, while the fifth player ulandn in the middle. In ancient (irre.ce lie worn an earthen napkin on Ins head and was e.illed " Pot ;' in France at the present day lie is the " Ni kgand," or sinipleUm, and by us hi- is called " Puns." To guess the number of lingers another held up wan also a favourite amuse ment, and thi, to,,. U frequently played at tin- piemen! time. So you nee how can-fully the character of the amiiseirtiiit and tha playthings of tho very earliest ages has Ix-en maintained in the toys and games in use to- day. Some curium toys have he -n invented duriiik! the pi, i nl century. Tho mine in x , 1 1 1 , ,i w lio eonstr tinted the nn-, hanieul tlnte- pl ix IT also invented a toy din-k, whieh In- e.in," talked about all over Knrope. It was m> well constructed that at first i|{hl it wan .lull, nil lo distinguish it from a living bird. In llie year I HIM, at Vienna, n largo toy reurtmMiliug a |M>rfoiinini; trumpeter was exbilnti d. On Iwmg set ill motion it played dryncss after the IH-.-H ,'. nnin^ il..wii. Y.'.I will notice in illustration of the iallon euijine the iron- pointed contrivance in front invented on rpose to ( ;u:ir 1 against i*:i, h accidents. is called the " eow-catcher," ami is in- tendril to sweepany anim il off tha line wh" in iv IK- U-nt one!f distruetion. Our acci- dent however, proves that it iauot nlw.iyssuc eeisful in its pin -\ -ideiit.1011 tlieC. P. K In pily Insen exceedingly r<re, ItwHirbe, ,,,., ,,, ,, - -.1 i,i, ,,,.u:n,-,i i uitw i Another remarkable i.lai.l has recently I I'^l i'r """V;; Mlio:ne lUt, a little Uiwn , cavity, heen added to tb lon K li-t ofbotanicsl cur- ' t' 1 ' > r snnnun..,,! hy strong , m lented hill., where '. iosities, M. Carrera. .Iqmtv ofOaxa,-a. h.v- fenced land .. Vl w , we .,, t(lc p^ ure of i,,,^.,,^ . olmrm . j iag ^ en , Ule j^ o( - Mw|co . ' pUllt n-ly ap|inteil hospital, erected through which is known to grow only in Mixtccs. ti^^^^eMl^^JrSiEi '"'r-i'iMr. Nebl.Hk.ono of Ihe C.IMM called the. "herb orprophcov" by the na- ttoular spol. OU M|' . "iv *'P'tndils ; ami CUgary. at the foot , tivei Devotees of this weed take it mu:h !.J onTh'.'Til.k be -autT. |. Z Native of the Rw<k - W ' lCre " VM OnO f OUr M ' ' ' ""'" tliat *> Ieav " . ''"-.", "hi " ' ioci " te "' who il ' 11 t k ' i >' '" our ^ompe- taken by those add.cU-d to the habit. In a titii.li>, though so far away. j f ew moments after a dose of it has been taken f stare was pel milted I would have a sleep is produced similar in all respects to. wisW to ttll you something of the former : and, it mi^ht be said, identical with, tho .of ibis oonntry. tt'S Indian*, who hypnotic state. \Vben under itJ inmienco ate di.niiiiihiiij; in numbers, and will ere ih c sleeper is completely insensible, but will *.ipmjar. Their tents or " teepee-s" nnswer with closed eyes nil questions pat to are pitched in groups on the plains you pa* him. It is further said of this wonderful by, and niisiralile specimens in dirty plant that the pathi'loRic state ii: I need ou bnt I should adil that i: 'l luu '' M '' 1 l" r '' ' blankets haunt the railway wh. mix-ever pai takeo > the herb brings ban a '*''"*- with the object of selling buffalo xvith it a kind ol ' prophet i> t;iit and sscond- ''iln- ''" r "' 1 ' " r b'kskets, or feather-work. Their right. One who has taken this herb loses they call "papooses" and nil will evan nioro completely than dies the model babies. You never hear ona crying. ' that he would shoot or stab hiniM-lf at any i i> , ' The tlle V re swathod up tishtly on their \ moment if commanded to do so. When one . ' ''""'"" i U.ard. nnd they appear to U- e.|,'ial!y un regains his senses after being under the in- SB'S.sswssrira h ive oliuuned ,-,rmi,on to sit on it wl,,l,t SMl r "" ^ ut ''""" ft*" 1 ? " W<UI> I 1>cr * noth " i ol whBt '' h " dcne wheu "* ,., throU the ma g nir,ent s-enery $ Is, ^ ^A^M.^^^ Bassed on iho('. I*. K., in order to obtain !. , , *^ ., , these countries only by tho railway can the U <t pouible view* of a II that u to bo - of 1 know notlunx of the lives ami customs seen from IBS line. You would not imagine ... , . . the ti :e tyiw of Indian, ror knowledge of sueh a position very coinfortiime, would , , . '. , these ive mult ini to the hunter, the Hud- you ? itut il,oe who have tiled U speak of i .. Lire T r, r e.w,th T ,^ ^^So'^n'aTa 11 ,^ r'tHp'west $ h upphed materi...^ on the " oow-catcher," of which she ha. ! - ta ' M of thrllll "8 *>*"* ** writer, ol written a charming account. We were not so hold, and contented onrscl'-rs with the outlook from our car, and this for Iwo or threedays after leaving Winnipeg -onsis teil solely in vast stretches, which the trance. hipofmy wife the hippincn ' all tho cavalry calls in use in the Austrian army, then a m-ireh and other music. Tin- then retired, and iu a few ininni, -, . ip|H-ared in tli diem of a ti uni|H-tri . ,| 1 1,,- li fiiiard. It then played French caval- ry calls, and two or three marches in a full in. I 1 1. Ii lone, , I l.klH.ni, i-ndiii in;; tin dei:i n'lujj, rnnipaninnsliipnl lln- hu!k! No. I il . .. |nalle I !) ihit p. 1 |,i,.ofs of your guilt (of ever !" said | by inmian lung" aiul lips which, it is said, from was not trumpet i he llrvl liurrlr.m Hallway. The first railroad built in tbo United States was three miles in length, extending from the iiranite quarries at Qnincy, Mam., to the Ni p.nMctt Kiver. It was commenced in Island lininhed iu IS-J7. The- gauge was live feet ; the rails wrre pine, a foot thick. '.H book. covered with hard oak, which was in turn When tho Europeans came to America, strapped xvith iron. In January, 1S-J7, a all this vast region of which we have been I short coal road was completed from the speaking, w.i, ouly inhabited by various mines to Mauch Chunk, 1'a. The rails on " were also of timber with Hat iron Itryant describes as the poet lrt ' K;t * Indians, who lived almost entirely ! this road wi on the priM-eeds of their fishing and hunting, bars. The first locomotive for use on a mil (raiiually the white men came to realize road was invented by Richard 1'revitvck in what a source of wealth existed in the* IMO-I, and tint tried in Wales. Ceorge herds of fur-covered animals which roamed Stephensnn built the first really successful over these endloAS plains and mountains and | locomotive in 1X14, and tested it upon th the skins of which i-mild ! ob'aiued very Killingwood road in the north of Kngland. easily from tho Iml ans for a few beadk, I The first locomotive for actual service con- ornaments, or better still, for muskets ! structed in America was K. I. Miller's when they had learned how ti. use them, or I " Best Friend," built for the South Carolina for the xpiriU, whieh wero tu work such i Railroad Company in 18,10; 1'eter Ccoper havoc among the native races. AIM! in 1)X>9 built a littb experimental locomotive early I'nnee Rupert formed a Company, in I X.'tO, liefore the " Best Friend " was com- win -h was endowed hy Knik> Charles pleted. -[St. Louis Republic. II.. with "all countries which lie m The garden -.or 1 the Iv-crt, thi-te. Thr nn-ihiTn lleliln. I'liun.lleH- i.mt lieiiutlfnl, For IIH-'I llie K|i'i-h nf KiiKhinil ha no name '('lie I'r.tni' -< I IM holil I In Mi fur the 111'. I \n.l MI) hear! welln. while thr .Mule. I Mittht T.iko-i inlhe i-irehnK vaxlneM. Lo' theyllu liinir-- iiniliil.ilioni. f,ir nwny, An If the iH-euii. in lux iccnlliwl -i-ll. SiiKi.1 -till, w -Khali In - ronn leil tillloWH llxi-d Anil moti nleHH forever. MnlionloHl N.I thsv are all unchained sfaln. The 1 1 .mil-. - AI i-p oxer " itli Ihi-ir -luuliiw-.. timl hi-nealh The 1'irfiicorolln and mietuato-to thneye. Alone ! Yen, I think thai settlers on the pi an ie must realise what solitm'.s means in a way which can scarcely Iw unilemtoud by within tho entrance of Hudson's Straits, those living in mnuntauioii* regions. The in whatever latitude they may lie, so far as mountains ami trw>-clal crag* seem to en not possessed by other Christian States. " circle and protect those who dwell among The m-xx Company entered vigorously on its them with so leal and living a personality work, establishing central trading sta- tiiat these can never feel " alone" in their ' tioni tin o'lglnmt their domain, formed uf France possesses l,l()i> mineral springs, of which over 1,000 are made use of in Fiance The Calumet and Heela Works have s> smelting works in Uufralo, the capacit) or win li xxill IK- V.'.>0 tons per nionth.

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