Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Nov 1891, p. 5

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THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE B.IVKI.VG OFFH'f Ol GEO. MITCHELL, FLSSHERTON. A !JITI ha imrj bnuueas trnartd Dr' - i4*OSd aad ehSaSJSS c*.ll*d a* aeua) rte Ifii-. - wars aeailsMa for legitimate basinajs nt=. '-. :w Of : s two J>rs north of lUchartsoa 4 Co's. Vicinity Chips. CSi.irarlrrlMio oftlw Past Work iarrfuUj Culled f*r tbe ettray. u;w>n y ui premises, it is your mural at*d leflal duty U advertise their, If you do out do nv, u caii rwcover notliir ^ f.ir Iheir keep, and ara liable Ui prosecution and the intimation that you diahimeetl* desire to retain them. ,. < - :-l ->t tit' r.itr uf l')c prr Ui<r /!" ' jtfji. iittfi tioH. A TfJ^ri ten trill 6* Wt 1 /.' oil t-idt'tftt far 111'} linn \\ -; want A i.i w pair i.f R<x>ts, Xi'-.e are better aMe to supply yi>u tb*ti <l.i>t'in. N :ie> can give you them cheaper (ir better, L'Hber in Factory or Uoine Ma<J wear. Tliai.ksijiv-iog day oiii w*vk iru< tu- ' Grip's Comic Almanac for'W will be the thirteenth issue of that po;>ul*r annual. and trie PuMiahsn hav .letjr.ine>i tint it shall break thd record fr brilliancy, humor and ty|>^r[)hic beauty. Aruno^t the feature* / it will be J.iuSle p\f Cart. -in, entitled, ''The Dickens Christ- ina* Pnrty." in which a larj;-; number of our ("lUtc 10411 wiil notice ii< more r less aj pr;inte cunmcten. fr'iui the wo; Us <>f the great uoreiist. The work ia tn l>e brought > ut in the highest style of the printer*' art. though tlir will be ii iiurcaw in pru-e- 10 ceut*. It will be ut sometime in November. M^iiule Cloths and Dren* Goods in ntw patterns . opeuin; uui tbi* wvk. \V. \V. the >utertaunniit :t tli* ti.'ii t . niglir. Go out ud.iijT yuur- Butter aiid Ej;. 1 am pajuis 1C eta. for butter ajid 10 eta. for e^K'- <>v v ' H.'RM.s K R SALE .-Four in. 1 horso,- apply tu J. H Heard, tl.is d*ie, for !he wibter months, '.hi? Fleshert.>n p-t ltic will at S.:<) a m. '.attend uf 8 a.m. A lar^e it vk uf writing paper and en- telopt'e just tn haci^at \V. R:..-hirJs.>n'. Tfci is a 'j>ecUl kit, a:id it will pay you to examine. An avu-iii.D tale of furiu sfcx-k and iiu j'lrmei.ts w',1 be held at Munsliaw's h. iel, Fleshertnn, OP Monday Lcxt.N !'. rattle fair day. Se billa. Motn'-ieni -.f No. 6 company vuluiiteers. FU*l'r' un, are nxjueated t return their dotUiiiK by ntxt Satnrday, Nor. 7tU. By <>rJr f J. SprouU, captain. Wanted ! All kinda of fowl* ; dead -r aliry. Hii'lieat price* (ail W. \V. Trimble. The tax are DOW wedding their urair ways ir -uu 1 the ciiccMin* and sidfline* 111 an enderi r to collect the u-v^aa-iry aw< unt of 'gr*as" re <|uireii i loop our municipal axle* fr< in lnt ir._- for another twelve months. The .>)> ii'iuiiM* of Laving a rcineily ml hai.il for cr <up,pneuiuonia.are throat, aud si..' lea c->'da, is rery ci'ii-v/hn^ t>< a l-areft. With a bottle t>f Ayer'* Cherry Pectoral in the hous. one feels in such ia>e a stuse of security nothing else can I r. I n. a-, li.irr ixi ,-r. M .irK I :i!r. has f TC.UCO private funds t.. lend on fa- in luott^i^i's mthin the uext few mouth* at ! i-i current rates. N c^nuuisa- tu:is, no tlflays, expvnws low. Apply at <tve in Markdale duriiit; the week or at Diuidulk ortioe on Saturdays. "One touel< of nature makes i!ie whole world kin." Disexsee common to the race coni(il the search for a common rmtxly. It is found iu Aver's Sarsap- a*H-.i. the reputation of which is world- vide, having largely su;erseded every other b!od inediciue in u. Coats aud Suits in piles. All size-a and price* to su:t your pur<e W. W. Trimbl*. court will b held iu Fleaher- ti n one week from to-day iThanksmfK day). No doubt them will be tho at court who will hare much reason to be thankful. On the other hand there will be th there wbo will find it diBBcult to in Juice in .\nj. t |aiikful od'artory. This division court will uttrlji tQuii the day for tome people, It pays to adrertiae in The Advance if you d*ire tn dip>e uf stojk.if you have lost anything, or if you ha found any- thing. Aliut UMkltiueraU* krtivlea have been ruouvere4 in tin* way sVsrmg the put S'IIUWM said fall. We otake < charge whr>s>kjet article or annual i* not found, which gna to show th^s we a-v prej>arft4.Ui ijr-'ve our word, when we. ay it pa>. to. a*Vtise in thu paper. Could anythiuK tie fairer ? At tins tttf t. frner are tanking up live atock which KM* hen at large durini( th summer. If no eouutintj u|>,anir arv IIIOVUK, you will a*e> tiw n4 inney ^ *jl mwe tirti'ng If aiilmal* are telephone i* now in operation as far a* Mar>i(*!e. Two wirwe are. being stiunsj betwt^t bore aud Owen S*ufi<i ruu Uir uj}h -j T-rnt* and the other to Duihaui, MV Korest and >trat- ford. These line* south and west are K1 and our conversational powers are unliuiite.! no far a* the main citie* and towns of the province are concerned. A number of prirate phones bare been aud are being put iuUi buiu*> place* lure and at ill* station .and all are united in MTII.I; that the u-!eph> ne is a u;rvt 111- itituiii.n. The i rttate inatrameut* have [.t y-t been put in at Durham, although there are a larj*e number of subscribers ihire. 's Planing MHls. We bare n hand a full stock of S and l>-r, KIXI Maple Flooring, rrJy drcsaed Turiiin^ for Stairway*, Band Mouldings, etc. liaviog got our mill in full ruining order we are in a position to do your work quick and in a first claa* iraniier. Call and us at our new fac- tory i-ppisit Presbyterian church, and v;et ur price*. Personals. Collin^w.md's first nafyor, Mr \V. B. Hanjilton. Ji..d last week, aged 80 year*. Mias M. E. Smith, of Poplar Hill, ia the tutst uf MIM M. E. Smith, uf this place. MatT Gi.'rntf Tha *tun o r the H.m -er Post staff, was a guest t Tbo Advance on Saturday and Sunday last. Miaa Lu A rti.it r-'ii; returned home mi Mnu.iy v.-niin laat after upending a couple of months with frieuds in Tor- onto and elsewhere. Mr. Victor Keeter, vho spent three years in the employ of this office, depart- ed for Toronto on Monday to sttk a siluition. Vi: wax a trustworthy boy. aiid we wih him succca*. Mantles ! Mantlet) '. A beautiful as rortment m leady-uiadd Mantle*. \\ W. Triint >. llalloween. - The "Eve of Viyil" came off thu ywar without any special attractions bx-inj forcvd upon tiie vigilant people uf Flesh- erton. The same old gate-moving racket was resorted to toa small extent. An out house bolon^nijj to Mr- Wm. Strain WM deusttliahi-l, but a detective was put on the track of the aiiscreaut*. and Mouday nifht witneMed a ranting at which the joker* officiated in order to save their Thanksgiving peimiea. In plain Hii|li*h Mr. Strain laid a font plain I before J. W . Ariuatroiy, J P , and the youn^ raacals thought it better to uudo the aau>a>;e than to pay a fii. The detective, how- ever, i* having a hard tin* f it, and the affair ha* created ment 4 aiiiuae Church News. Rev. Mr. Tonge will preach at ih* su tion at 3 o'clock p. m. on Sunday next. Rev. A. W. Tonga preached in Mark- dale Methodist church on Sabba'.h aura- ing lat It ia the intention te> Bold Thaokagi*- ing seiTioes on Thu a}i next In the Methodut ohuroh, of which farther an- nouncement will be given. Th Mis.iea Hall, of Uuelph, are con- ducting *;<. il servioe* in the M, th. viut church ih. week with large congratta- . tions. They will bogiu their meetiuic* at ! th Meaf. rd R.d next week so that the > 1'lTajitig.n .'I tnoonlight ev*uog* may be had . The MieaM liall will take part in both aervice* *"^U< Me'hlist churvsj on Sun- day next. a-..i at Uie Meaford Road in ' the afternoon The serti -w here will be ' the rv-juUr ','iarterly commui.ion. R^vj K. Davey, chairman <il the district, will preach in thu muniiuir. Gooncil. The regular nunthly meeting jf Arte- meaia township council was held it the town hall i/n MinJay last, a^l tu nuiiu- Hera present, tke rei in vita cla;r. Minutes of ;.rev|,.us mivt,(i^ read and Contirnmd. The following account* were rendered : W. J. Bellamy. expii.-s, 95.05 ; W. Richardson, stationery, 91 ; X.liii Mcfiruther.c-ivennz culvert,** electing juror*, fU ; W. J Percjr. r- pain, f2. J<ieeph Dormer n-^uosted re. duct ! u in taxes nwm^ to having his barn burned, which matter w*j referred to Mr. Keils The vaiioiu accounts as above :;jven were. < n m.-tion, ordered to be piti.J A coinuiunicatip, received fnxu Mr F. \VHiew*;! rei^eating rspjurs a kill eaat of lot 40, C..M. 10, was, on tin n n ( Measn. K.U and McMillan, held :-;^leyanc for a time as council KM :*'t m poaition to deal with the matter. Mr. McMi.laa WM instructed to hivt) railing re'^a.roU m '.he Su/en bridge at Priuevnle. Movei by Mr. Kell*. seconded, by MrJ Tho:ui4i<n, Uxat the reeve be pud twenty dqliars aud nf'.y cent* disbursements in e<m:i.v.:'.u with 'aud iuipr vemeiit fuijti. Carried. incil then adjourned to meet ag^iu on Tuesday, Dec. 15. at 9am., for the purp*<) of receiving treiuur-r's foancial statement and genend buiiiieaa. MarrtcoL Cret.The Best -*- For your Money ! WE A WELL-SELECTEO AS- SORT. VI KNT Or" Boots II Slippers; Shoes Rubbers For Ladies,Gents and Childreo Goods, Cheap and Good. op* a the Goods, eompa.ro tha Prices, and /i us a <ih vnce to rank a your feet coraf >rt.it>l f ,r th fail and winter. Alr> a Int i.f SI bomeiuaiie lung b.i n 0:1 li tad :]- t quaii'y. iiom Work aad Re- pairing to ordrr at rLESHEr.TO!* brule fatbrr CuUlOIWOud. a V. xi.-ieoiajr. Oct *.Mr I Stiosoa, drwigiit. A >. .:li. to HIM T.._ il Lasly Bawk ibon 1 "e seems udcd. PI j !,-'i.icj generally bebmj what it ought t] be. TbresLing about com- pleud Fall wLen: !e*^ well. Hallow eve Lit com<> anl gone. TLrte irate* were tak- \\ rf thtir and carrieJ :ip the hill to tl.e " list cir.i-cli. li it saui "boy* will b bovs.' It i* to be LoiHrJ .her will liud better eveniug emi>loytueiit. I was along the gravel roaJ and aw tevera! gis were wam- ing. 1'. n ID be hoped the Co.. ma i will noi ili*tiu^ui$li his youth by hallow the of young Canada lie: eabouu. Ui--. Thiliip*, of Toiuiiio, n visi:- iuK t Mr. K. Hml-y's. I heard some pel-sons : the merits of i recent cjiuiuuuicakiuti to The Advance. I |tuiuk the .pi .M tioi) f. nu I. :i,'fi-;io'.e would be aporo. pnati. : Let Ui* dead )>u: bun iu< dead. ' The stud.t.ts of Tort'iit" gathered in force Saturday niyht and oelebratfd H il lowe'.-n l>y demolishing the fence arouud the N' rni A! School. I Th* live-year-old son of William Lid- tter. if ^V.Kxibnelxe. was ibstaiilly killed by a kick r"i -:u a hun^ou Sutiday. For Ovt-r Fifty Yrar Sin Wni.l,, ^ XHIIIU4 Svi-jp nut livra <<' by mtilioas 1 ui^ttMr* (or ;o.r caji.lr*n wo:i U-dlhii:^ If luturtwdn nuibt and or S your rt bv a sick child =i:Jur:n4 aad cmng wich pj-i ;t cutting teetb wnd at one* an I _-. a buiuaof 'Mr*. W.us.ow. >uvthiui| svrup tor childrao teeaaiac It willrci (farrts. JOHN W. ARMSTROiNQ. . .o onuafco tl.ouc it It cur>-> Diar . often* the Uaais, radi Ult. .IB. an J (ivtu lo:ia uJ lf rvv to lh waola yti-u. \lrt. W:a~:ow sitt."' Syrup" for children -.<-at::inii i* |)ldaii( to IB* tut aad is lkapr**eris*iaaa(eja*a(tae i.i>t and K-t fuiale ; .1 .iKians a-itd uum iu th C'uitod taw*. I'r-.-e iS cents a b. .:',. >v.M bv ill dnswjsts tbn>n(hoai ib world. B >ure and ak fur Mrs. W:nilcw Southing, -\rrup. ' Tlie Hi<ch*l*<a cotton mills in M^iit- real were damaged by fire n Saturday n :&-. to the. exteni Co. Gaxr. T\IVISIOS COVKT CLERK CO1I1; :.-sirv- R 1C. Couvy%iieer. *e. A(nt 'or pi;rrf -, ui I ie ol lands. i |>r:w.r it r c j ( i , D . - - ity MOBVV -.1 I i mot ruonabl terms. Ist'or LtrEXSES. NOTAEY Mortgage Sale VILLAGE PROPtRTItZ Amanda B. Haas., write*) : WHY COUGH, VV HEX a few doooa of .\yer>* Cker ry ' l*ectoral will rel.ere you? Try it. > it In tha boose. You are liai: to have a rough at any time, and no other rozne<!y i* so effect! ra this worlJ- Iranowaed prepara- I tion. No household, with young children, ahou'd be without it. Score* ol lire* ara *aved every year bj its timely use. Jenner, Northampton. " Common gratitude im- K Is me to acknowledge tbe rreat beae- * I have derived for my children from tha as* at Aver'* moat excellent Cherry Fwrtonl. I bad lost two dear children from croup aad consumption, and bad tbe greatest fear ol losing my only re- maining daughter and son. as they wera Telicate. Happily, I find that by giving them Ayer's C berry Pectoral, on the first symptom* c( throat or lung trouble, they ara relieved from danger, and are ba coaling robust, health v children." In the winter of 1389 I took a bad cold which, in spit of every known remedy, grew worse, so that the family physician considered me incurable, surw posing me to be ia consumption. As a last resort I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto- ral, and, la a short time, the cure was, complete. Since then I have never been without this medicine. I am fifty years of age, weigh over 180 pounds, and at- tribute my good belth to the ns* of Ayer s Cherry Fectpcai." G.W.Youi.er. Salem, N. J. "Last wtoter I contracted a sever cold, whioh by repeated exposure, bo- r anaa Quite obstiuata. I was much tatmtsVu with hoarseness aad bronchial irritation. After trying various medi- sitles. without relief,' I at last purchased a oottle.of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. On taking this medicine, niy eoogh ceased alsnmji immeUiately, and I aar* been well ter since." Her. Tbos. B. RusselU^ Secretary JU<'!ston Cooferenc* and P. JC. of the Oreenvili* I>isUk-t, sU i C. fc Joneshoro, Team Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, loU TiH*te of rtoMiftrro* -.a-l rinhertoa Siat.oi. ta the Ti*> biy-of Art .my In punustac. of pOTivri at *a;*j coatAinod in ccitavii .j trt;4; VQ tin V^u.i j-*j, which mort- ** will M product*! 4. tr. tiui ct- **\*. tbr* will b oiJ bv A S Wirt i** K - *iKtlou*r. by public auct:^* at MuJMoteW t h*H4ii ID the *Ui*m uf Fl*Mbrtoia Thursday. K:v. 12th, 1891. At th hour of i o'clock in thu a/teraooo, the PlKi'KL. >O l-K1oherton. Alt tuat ceiiAm pareelor trav: "f land, end l>rnji9 *lluat. 1_. lua .' i Vr:* .:i t ; *bi^ jl Vtein ia, p. ' svoeuee of Outarto. contantitFK hjr arfimiasn nt itim en aii.i o. * ...xin ^uare prvhtf. bwtUK CUU]|MM>| of villatfvtota iu the Mid .e*hrioa. bvint: a part uf lot i:uudrl and nftv on*. firt or couceaM>a. aoatb ww*t "t tb Torouto aud vdoahaSB Ibosd* iu the f<r?<ml townhip of Art* 1 . . % w: a villai 'ut . in \ ::i.f.- L.aii-! ^M : whivU plan i eotervd :i i emd in tb riUtry .^*I.-H for the ^ - of Cirvy. on tbw i:lh day of May. A. D. loTT. aod la dated the h .' N %-uio'. - Da watak loads then ar jd ks ka a roux^- ' - houfl. iu fair ropair. a la:n . :i!.- --.;. an.i u orchard iu b'irs r.VliOKL NO. --KlM>t rt : St-|i n . - aud >itnat. > itaining br a Imeaaur*- BaesM oo rood and tweaty-eifibt perebc**. uior* . , eootpoiied of t>art of suo- \ . ' iiober oae ooodrsd and . . 'noeedioa aooth- wiatof the Toro^.t - , 1: -ad. in the . Vrtvmma. and may b better A .v .v lai| lot uu:tibr teu. of tbe :'! : \ , rs Dia. Plhe "i i-'tation) aa ^i in a I'lau uia u- l-y Thomas II. . re. P. I.. 8 date.1 aa vx [i .^M I t>. I"""', auj rg:tered la tae Knctstrv Offiow tor tlu < m:b Rj i tb (ouDty of Ore* on ASM ;7th Jj of (.Vtober. I TK.RMS OF s'.^E: These properties will te sold Mib-ect to a re- erTeJ l; 1 KtAseo. per eeot, jf tha purcbaM |id at the tiBe of !. and tbe !*^auco in .-u u.oath tbvrvaiWr without iut-r- ent. For fwrther pe>rtieulan aply to a. S Vas- djavn. auctioneer. Fleahortoti or 10 I vs KK-^ST. rieeherton. Oct. 10th. :Wt. Veadors' Solicitor Oct.Ust MONEY TO LOAN. The tmdmigned ho* a large amcnnt cl money to loan <t 'o e on tnwn r farm property. S. I'ASiCPE. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk. Artem*ia- Convex aneor. Iiaraa--* agent, ic. Deed*, nmrt leases, etc.. prvparrd and properly exf .' Insurance affrct<^l in drat elaas " ">l :.> u -i-j ,: . *-,t rtr-. DR. BUTTON >. C. Jl . M.C. P. A *. >>ut.. Pric*- iestOeace and Office one J.- r w*st of the Metbixiut Chorob. Kinross St. Offlce J*ys,Tburdays aul Saturdays. DR. CARTER. M. C. P. * 9 , Oot. PhrsictsTi . s-.i*gaon, I etc., Flesberton. OfBee-lstrniu'j block. R LUn^yimj^t^.-, aotai. DRS. SPROULE & EGO, Markdale. Oiil. Offlee MAI T b.. Jproule. M. IV i , BU ^1 IV. Ktc.. late o/ Tolteubniii. 1'r Ejo wii; lw found at ibt MarkJalv House at uigbt. J. P. OTTEWELL. ^etorlIJr.v Surgeon. ciraJui. ofOl ter: Q *ryCollv^. Resideu - i ->.uth of Letch uilor shop. Fi*.- . J. P. MARSHALL, I L. P. 8.. M. P. -S.. Dntis'. V:,i-,Maik- dale the 1st and Srd Wedneadav si each, -.} u:li. F'.eaherton Each trip o'a tb day olluwiag. J. W. FROST. Barrister, Solicitor. Cocveysrw Ete. Flesherton offloe--Next the 'port.. cce. Sproule's boiUing. oa TbursUa; .. Owen JK.OJJ offloe Frost s Dr. J. C. Ayor a Co^ Lowea, Matt. >s* Vy Pratfall T"~ fV iSjs Flesherton Livery Stables. I. CtiYT>. rroprirtwr. Firm claaa bones and vrhu>t for hire at re.%-.o::Ab,e ru".. - ^' ti - 1'1-,'Mt.. MvDbaw^ btl SfocU. a.tvution pa'd to eocanjr*<*>> liTENTIONl .i.-n to ih,- prrntal *>f the !> ! iiiu.-ii tx urlil l.i > u i I have a supply of Ntw Ray- mond Sewing Macrfir>S still cheap. Old machines taken in exchange. Terms liberal. A large supply of \\gikinsons, Fleurys.and Pulfer ft Fisher plows and gang plows on hand, also a large supply of Stoves. Call and examine before purrh?sing elsewhere. Speight Waggons on hand. V. Strain. I'l.'wh.'TfOM. Pv MeCCUOCLQH, Barrister, Solicitor. Etc. Oftco crrr Me- .'arland's store, Markdale. .\hwev to Loan. WRIGHT A LMMDS^Y, Barrister*. Solicitor*, etc.. Owen Souad Oot K>hertoa offl. . t atltcoeHs b*ti. \N * uoOmf W H W 8. . LiMiT. R ! Hprcult , 1)OSTMAS191.. Fle*h*rUn.i.',.miiiiion- * ei ia B. KVLJaensed Auo:i. i.. .Con veyaaaer, ApprM* and M OD0; ; fu i fr , Real Estate aud lanuraone Aut. Peed*. Leases and Wills drawn up anj made on shor'oatl notice, lae- tion Salts attended to la ay par.<- of the Coaoty. Vloney to l<*n at lowet 'ales ol interest. Obaeetiosu at lead, i : wita promptness aad djMpatea. Cbar-. low. Ageotfor tbeDontiiiion SUaaiaL-j.-. ..I'.psjsy, Cheap tlekett boss. Flesbertoo to Liv-rpool. i>*Mfw. London or aov of th Britirk orts . Parties intea^awaf to visit Et.gUael. Sootland or InlssW, wait please ask rts W- fore pc wskasi as} hweir tickets else* lM>r*. Farm for Sals or Th* oaJerilsrsed has a food fsirni for 'ale or to rnt W4nUH J* ieo .trV-soola. MO rr. tMily all elrad.w)l wasv and wr'l f*a<*d. Porrnrtar M'li>as asioly Ww

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