Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Nov 1891, p. 7

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THE WEEK'S NEWS CANADA. A rich find of gold is reported from Beaver barter, N. S. Ottawa's population is placed by the city assassins at 4.'i,. M .l. W itlun a few mouths Halifax haa lost |4,000,UOO by fire. Fioro 150 to 200 can of grain daily are passing through Winnipeg. The apple crop in West Middlesex thil year i* the largest ever known. There are 793 undents attending McGill Univenity, Montreal this term. Two Chiuamen were fined in Hamilton on Monday for desecrating the Sabbath. A i-argo of ooppei recently carried out of Lake Superior was valued at $010,000. Gillette, a forger, sentenced for 10 years, haa escaped from Stony Mountain peniten- tiary. A cable despatch says one Canadian ship- per of eggs to England has made 1,1100 profit on it single shipment. Henry V'antuven, a veteran of Lundy s Lane, died OD Tuesday at Buttersea, near Kingston, aged 97 yean. The Manitoba School Act has been dis- allowed by the Supreme! 'uurt. This decision will be appealed to the privy Council. Joseph H&rkness has lt n loand dead near Carberry, Mau. , under suspicious circum- UNITKD STATES. Snow fell all day Monday in South Dakota, Terrible destruction is being caused in Indiana by forest tires. The Minneapolis mills last week turned out -Jo:,, :_<> barrels uf Hour, beating all previous record*. Kggs are being smuggled from Canada across the St. Lawrence in large number*. Two hundred coses of Spanish fever huve HUIT 11V* VKK AT ni V. 4n KMImafc or thr ew Oadrr or the 4 UHtntOBO. II V CJKU. W. SMAI.I.KY. If Mr. li.iiiour read tli-i papers he iniu'lit or might not l gratified by the eu. poured out on him these lust few d.-tyit. But he docs not read the pa|xm. That IH one ol his peculiarities, and one tlivtnuty account, developed among the c:iitle in the Oinciii- \ '" part, lor the distiuetion of muni which he nati stock yards. The University of Chicago has purchased by cable from S. Simon, of Berlin, a library i uilluen of 'JSO.OOO volumes, paying therefore $4. r >0,- 000. , c i n i v amid the confusion, and ignoble " ice* of nohtiutl life. Emerson said : hu lur "!"- " If we should give to the great writers, to The miners of Tennessee are liberating the convicts who are employed in the mine*. There are now at least ftOO convict* at large in the neighbourhood of Knoxville. Sitting Bull's cabin has been bought for ] newspapers. Bu f 1,000, a 2-year old steer and two silk dre*s j in etTect^the patterns, and is to be exhibited at the World's Fair in Chicago. G. W. Dunn, the California naturalist. fl.es, and Milton, or Bacon or Wordaworlh, the time we give of su lUlf IP uver spoke in public of huch a thing as his omission to read those sources oi intel- Saxon foe may really despise accusation* which he and they know to be the ofTsp.ing ot political animosity. 1'rcseutly, howevtr, they discovered that they had met their match in debate and more than their match. If the new Secretary had ever been indolent he had woke up. Herious duties had fallen upon him, and in the presence of serious duties the dilettante element in his charac- ter vanished. The intellectual energy and the courage which he had heretofore applied to theprobleiiibof theclosct were now seen to \M> for the market-place and icame the most whom tlie Irish had had to confront in that oltice. They had set WHAT rUf. BAM PLAllt. The Hi i ..i n. of ii HI.- Laurie a lTo**|[ i ad r .on lean Ac*. In truth, theheroine of the beautiful song, " Annie Laurie," was a real flesb and blood woman, writes " E. ('." in th Lowell (Courier. Her portrait hangs in Max wt-ltoti house alongside that .illlL'H II Of h >er husband MW, ui EMtcou or rrunuworui. me UUISH .11 . i.- i i.u j coilio* live to the papers but who dare speak S^SSS U> exasperate lam. and they end- j ich a thing V' I know ..ot whether Mr. ! ei1 >v bt " u th"'"l v e exasperated. They 'our is a reader of Km., nor whether ^*?"W >d *? the w, ligence and of other thinga which we call But his view ami Emerson's angry because thsy could not. The power ot polite repartee was a greater power than the mere abuse and vulgar invective which it wu employed to meet. A storm of in- sulting personalities mgrd about him. The amp, and I imagine no : , public man of his time has known so little of **** met nothing quite so di-concerting he content, of the press from day to day as ; ^"" this nonchalance of bearing, united Mr. Balfour, Of coure ho loses something w ! lh , tlle c <M><""y <| ">| rt -'Pn thow by this abstention. It is conceivablo that * no , b iet , h " n - , * .- J." <*' S ' r (jeo . r e cricket tribe and *lu James Markle, while deer hunting with two other young men near Hiverview on Friday, accidentally shot himself dead. The sealers of Victoria, B.C., are pre- paring a claim tor damages from the Imperi- al Government on account of the scaling prohibitiur. The four-year-old daughter of David Gillespie was trampled to death by cattle on her father's farm in the Township of Fiuroy on Saturday. I'p to date 9K cases of sir.allpox have been reported to the (Quebec Provincial Board of Health. Of these cases ten are report- ed recovered and nineteen dead. Col. Engiedine, of Kngland, is favourably impressed with British Columbia for the Scotch crofurs, whom the Imperial Govern- ment will assist to emigrate. The Canadian Pacific railv.ay returns for September show the gross earnings to have been $1,835,058, and the net profits S7iV-M In September, IS'HJ, the net profits were f71'J,Ui!. A petition praying for executive clemency for Fatteiiileu, found guilty of liaving mur- dered Annie Rodney near Winnipeg, has been presented U> Sir John Thompson. The 60 clerks of the Department of the Interior who received extra pay in violation of the Civil Service Act have been fineil a nion 1 1.'* pay, which will be deducted m two instalments. In a judgment delivered by Chief Justice Sir Francis .Johnson at Montreal the prin- ciple is laid down that a liquor licensee must have knowledge he is selling to a minor before he can be convicted under the statute. At the meeting of the Grand Trunk Rail- way Company, held on Monday in London, there was a general feeling expressed in favour of making some arrangement with the Canadian Pacific Railway company by which rates can be maintained. Mr. B. U. Osier and Mr. Christopher Robinson have been retained by the Domin- ion i .<>\ eminent to prosecute the members of the linn of I jirkm, Connolly & Co. on the charge of defrauding the liepu-tmeut of Public Works. Mr. NicholM Flood Pavin. M P., i* very militant at having obtained Sir Adolphe Caron's signature to an order tor the issue of scrip to the North-West home guard who served during the recent Kiel outbreak. Alex. C'hisholm, the Winnipeg merchant convicted of debauching girls under fourteen years of age, was on Tuesday sentenced by Chief Justice Taylor to seven year* in the penitentiary and twenty-five lashes. |,KK\T BKITUV. Right Hon. A. J. Balfour has been elected chancellor of Kdu. burgh University. Some ladies of Cork have sent to Mrs. Parnell, in America, a wreath made of laurel, ivy, shamrocks, and violets, from her son's grave in Glasnevin cemetery. S.ind . iiigli.-ni Hall, Suffolk residence of the Prince of Wales, was damaged by tire on Monday to the extent of 15,000. The i'rin.-e of Wales will celebrate his fiftieth birthday on November '.I at the Marl- borough house. Oolite an interesting family party will gather at that time. Sixteen thousand ship mechanics in the north of Kngland have gone on strike on ac- count of a dispute about overtime. Mr. McDermott, nephew of th late Mr. Parnell, horsewhipped Mr. Timothy Mealy in Dublin yesterday because of some insult- ing remarks made by Mr. Hcaly regarding Mr. Parnell s widow and sistor. Another mutinous outbreak on the part of the 3rd Battation of Grenadier Guards in London i* reported. They complained ol the utility of the food served to them, ami their complaint not meeting with attention they threw their food out of the window* ol tlie barracks on the public streets. The British poacher is now being followed by the electric search light. A light several milis away recently delected and idcutilitd a couple of them. The directors of one of the principal rail way companies in Great Britain are consid cring the proposal for the entire removal of the class system. Kev. Samuel Cotton, a rector at Carnogh, County Kildare, i* accused of treating the children of an orphanage of which ho had charge with great neglect and cruelty. Owing to continued resistance in North- amptonshire to compulsory vaccination it is said that the authorities there have decided to drop all prosecutions against any who may refuse to obey. Mr. Patrick McUcrmott, the McC.'irthyite candidate, has been elected without opposi- tion to the seat, iu North Kilkenny rendered vacant by the death of Sir John Popo Henne.uy. Almost the last ->lKcial act of Lord Mayor Savory, of London, was the laying of the corner-stone of h Kicnch IVotestanl church. As the Lord Mayor is descended from a Huguenot the act was spoken of as especial- ly bflilLlllg Vw. numberless rare plants and animals. At a Farmer's Alliance mas* meeting at iucksport, Ark , on Wednesday evening, the discussion became so heated that the speakers and their friends resorted to fire- arms, and five men were killed and several wounded. At Laneer, Mich., Mr*. Emma Miller be Mr. Balfonr loug since satisfied himself that for h>m there was more to |M> gained iu other uiurters than in the daily press of Knglaud. Had his lot been cast in America his view might have been different. That is a mutter of speculation into which wo need not now enter. But what I wish to point out is that Mr. Balfour power of not reading newspapers Troely&n, Sir Michael Hicks- Beach, each in but own way, had proved not perhaps tin equal to the contest, but sensitive. ps it Alexander Ferguson of Craigdarroch, both being the work of a contemporary artist, " nameless here forevern.ore. She is represented as slim and graceful in figure, with delicately-cut features, dark syes, high forehead and a profusion of liair, combed back and intertwined with pearls. would be unfair to judge from the old csnva* of the living fair one whole charm* e world ha* been set a-smging. In the Chicago Herald, a few years ago, a writer signing himself "J. C. McCiavin, Racine, W is., "daringly endeavored to hum- bug the world a* to the identity of " Annie." His story, in brief, was to the following effect : Ue said that he was raised on the next farm to Annie's father, .Tame* Laurie, that .she was bom in 1827, that she was 17 years old when the song was written, that one Wallace, foreman on the farm, fell in possible to inllict pain on all of them, aud wot I ' nve w '' 1 ' Annie, was discharged, went to ' his home in Maxwelton, took sick on the possible for none of them wholly to cone the pain he endured ; heroically but visibly. M r. Campbell Bunnerman pu//l> d them by his stoicism the stoicism of a tough nature ou which mere taunts fell harmlessly but hia attitude was purely defensive, aud he had no talent for making hi* foes suffer I night of his arrival and wrote the song on , his death bed, at which Annie waited till he died. All this was pure invention. There are two versions of the song an old one and a modern one. Robert Chambers wrote in \>fM that the came jealous of her sister. The other day ] may be a key, or one key, to a very original she asked her husband, in the presence of the sister, to chose which woman he would i e with. Miller chose the sister, where- upon his wife shot herself fatally. The Astor family have a million sterling and interesting character. Tlie conception ot public life without newspapers is indi- vidual ; entirely peculiar to him, I imagine. I know of nobody else in Kngland who holds it or practises it. The reading of newspapers er. 1 mean hardly anybody in public life in { tluseountry;a few fanatics excepted who are | IMI lily in public life. So engrossing are the j occupations of those who have the conduct of .itfaini that many Uud little time to devote to newspapers. You may often hear a ire rtsior lamiiy nave a million mcriiuu ,-, , f V averted in En-dish securities. The founder may be likened to the use of intoxicating li,,- ofth family, John Jacob Astor. left the \ uora - "' w '"-'"" pe'-ple take more and njunction in his will that the family should , *'T ^i'T^.^^y,*^"!? 1 ^ 01 ! 1 always continue the investments in the Kng- ish funds and in English securities that he lad himself commenced. The sons and jnindsons have always respected this com- mand. IN D -I.K.AI. The epidemic of influenza continues in Australia. The population of Greece is increasing at a greater ratio than that of any other Euro- wan country. A beauty show in Melbourne, Australia. 'as wrecked by a mob because the style uf leautv did not meet expectation*. The crops in Italy are all above the aver- age yield. Italy has not been in such a prosperous condition for many yoars. Cable despatches stale that Knglund is otherwise than from the failure of their attacks. Mr. Half our had only to be himself. He is tall and slim, with long legs and his long legs were for awhile an Irish grievance. The Parnellitcs -all the Irish weru then I'arnell- ites accused their owner of " prawhni; ' on the Treasury Bench. The awful accusation rnut again been heard since tho late Secretary ha* become First Lord of the Treaiury. Dr. Holmes said that the American wa* the only of Mr. Balfour did as much, and when this feat hinl been accomplished, his legs seemed to become their own masters ; they wound unwound tin-m- ini to the (I MiUH t-0 for evil day are read for him by one of bis private, , r , sectaries and m.rked, or extract!: from ^V 1l ^^^J^.^ them laid before him ; extract* which refer to bis own department uf business. with a conscientiousness which is admirable; all conscientiousness is admirable. He re uN only one, but hu roads that thoroughly ; song was written by a Mr. Douglas of King- land, that Annie was one of four daughter* of Sir Kulierl Laurie, first baronet of Max wellton, that Sir Robert got his title in luaVO, that the song was written, in it* early form, about the end of the 17th century, that Douglas lost Annie, and that she becauiu the wife of Ferguson of Craigdari och. Ill the "Lyric (>eins of Scotland." vol. i, p. 'J04, the air is attributed to Lady John Scott, author of "Douglas, Tender and True," A few years ago, in ihe (Jlaigow Weekly Mail, the following extract from the family register of Sir Kobert Laurie, in his own handwriting, wax given by a coriespon- dent : " A', the pleasure of Almighty God, my daughter Annie Laurie, was horn on the Kith day of December, lo'M-J, about ({o'clock in the morning, and was bapti/d by Mr. George Hunter, minister of Glencairn." About seven miles from Thornh.ll, in Dumfriesshire, Scot., are " Muxweltou Braes" and house, famed iu soDgacthe home of " bonnic Annie Laurie." (Black's Pio- tuesque Tourist of Scotland, Edinburgh, I 'age I. 18. ) Near to the Braes is < ileiicairn, on the Cairn water. I'eter Cunningham, in his " Song* of Scot- fallen in Hamburg, where tlie temperature i 7 below the freezing point. A despatch from Yokohama lays that, according to an official estimate, 4.000 per- sons were killed by the recent earthquake, 5,000 were injured, and .V),UUO house* went destroyed. One of the largest hospitals in the world, of it was that these contortion* occurred w lllletile.it lai-U "II hi III f I inn 'lie II mli'uelirh- &&Ks^tt&jiijg&^ period reads his paper. He toils through it h w "?" "t T^ T IS TtLv'! storm. \\ hatbusmes* hadanlrMlisccretary s lower limit* to be amusing themselves wh.le , c R -_ the Insh patriot was proving the Irish ; h ^ ! of Annje d l h . to be a monster of cruelty and .___ ^: i,..u".. i ....?:.- i. PU;_ loubt it was provoking. It more provoking still when the lamelegs wr called on to support the weight no very great weight of then- rightful master ; win-line wa*m House of Common* phrase, on rxix-i iencing r sharp frosts, and that snow ha* I editorials and all, and the buhoMer wonders * , .1 ,, 9 I :_ !._* i;.: i: ' i . i . i.iHinity: Wo in what condition bin mind must be when the operation has been wcoinplishdd.and the hut word reached. Does tie digest this the only as a contrast, and he would be just as good a contrast if he hail been caught in a :lubor at hisown ureak fast- table; best of all the latter, he liiem and meeting the hurricane* and whirl- winds of I'arnellile rhetoric with a calm new and a polished serenity of deportment, which did more than anything else to convince the terof Sir Robert Laurie of Maxwiilton. 1'bi* nmy be considered as decisive of the spurious claims of J. C. McGavin s friend, Wal- lace. There are, however, two version* of the song. Lady John Scott if credited will, the Paris publishes 1,098 papers, of which 10.') are illustiated jo'irnals and twenty-one are devoted to the lhoalr<>*. Advices receiveil in Berlin state that 35O.OOO Herman colonists in Russia aic suf- fering from famine. A letter from Starcdoub, Russia, asserts) AII -i, UN, nl ClailitoDian who will some day lead the remains of the thon- was in the treatment whieh both Mr. Balfoursnd Mr. 1'arnell accorded to the re- Kngl'mh press is slight, and the I., i- of paradox. But man who if he really pleasure in beld the view f* IVL.CI jiuin 7irvuuuu, i\i:-vKia, mmamrvm ' . . , that during the recent anti-Semitic ri.,t. "''" '"'" 'him U> maintain ,u the nre- ni'ln 1 ,' i.t i . in i n : I mt. h.. iikitfl.f Iu. i.ulsojl tn there nve young unmarried Jewesses were HO l>arbarously outraged aud maltreated that they have since died. A IT...IU. i er m. HrUi-.i,-. BUI. There has been quite a sensation in Wash- ington, D. C'. , during the last few day son tho subject of artificial eggs. A person w iio claims to have invented a process for making them patent newly applied for has been exhibiting samples acd giving them away about town. Some dozens have Wn served iu the clubs, boiled, fried, poochod and scrambled, and the general verdict is that it would be impossible for anybody todistin- guiah them from real ones. Externally they look exactly like the sort laid by hens. Break the shell of a raw specimen and the content* Hop into a gloss in as natural a manner as possible, the yelk and while iiiiiMiiigled. It h.i-i been cl.umed that no imitation eggs could ever be made to " buat up" for cake, but thes-i do perfectly. The inventor says that his eggs are, chem- ically speaking, a precise reproduction of nature. Corn meal is the basis of their ma- terial. The white is pure albumen, of course, while the yelk is amore complicated mixture of albumen and several other element*. In- side the shell is a lining of what looks some what like the delicate, filmy membrane formed by the hen, while the shell itself is stated to be made in two halves, stuck to- gether so artfully that no eye can discover the joining. The very germ of the chicken, with unnecessary faitlmilnas of imitation, as one might think, is counterfeited. Tho eggs are made of various shapes and tint*. One will be able to buy, a* soon as they are placed on the market, counterfeit pullets' eggs or eggs laid by elderly hens, likewise select white eggs or dark-colored eggs, according to choice. Most sui prising of all they will be sold for only lOc a dozen and they never get rotten. To confectioners and others who use large (quantities of eggs the yelk* and whites will be sold separately, put up in jars and hermetically sealed. In thi* shape they will also be (.unveiiieut for household employment. For the purpose of gaining advertisement for these preparations it has been suggested that the inventor may have conceived tho plan of distributing real egga in the guise of artificial ones. This is certainly not the case, however, because there are certain points which render these artificial egg* dis- tinguishable as such. For instance, the lining is evidently made of some soit of silk like tissue, and one can see that it is woven. The shell is said to be cast, in halve* out of alimo composition, tho linina being put in and filled and the two halves thereupon join- ed together. Man's love tor his sweetheart i* often nearly two-thirds jealousy of seme other fellow. An old women asked a sailor where her cow hod gone. The sailor replied" Gone to the devil, for what 1 know. Well, as you are going that way," said the old wo- man, " I just wiiih you would letdown 1*10 bars." sence of journalists, he might be iui>ci'<l to consider the newspaper reader of the kind just men'ioncd: him and his ways. If he studied him he would as soon think of say- ing that his coffee and boiled eggs bad no much i exiit* as superiority, M-nii .- or v i-ii.ini. No mini who knows himself is proud. Any work is hard work to a la.- v man. Every good man builds his own mom. inlliience on his physical system as that his ' menu. newspaper hail not influence on his mental | Beware of people who do not love children system. Later in the day the same man amHIower*. pours out to his neighbor what he has gath- ered ; each of them impart* them same views to the other, and neither of them suspects that his own or his friend's wisdom is not entirely spontaneous and original. Mi* thinking has lieen done for him, and done so cleverly that be fully believes ho has dono it himself. There is a story that Soul hay was once describing to Mine. De Stavl the distribution of his time; so many hours of reading before breakfast ou one subject, and so many hours writing, aud then more read- ing, till the whole day was gone. " And pray, Mr. Southey," inquired the French- woman, " when do you think "" The name i| ii'stion might bo put to the kind of reader I have been describing. There in nothing sadder on earth than an unhappy child. The devil loves to hear the man who won't pay his debt* talk in church. The praying doeui't mean much when tho pocketbook won't say aim n. The less reli^icn people have the more they insist upon others having. Babes in Christ sometimes die because they aic fed with watered milk. People who expect to praise God in heaven ought to begin to do it here on earth. If you want to bring down the sinners outside of the church shoot at those in it. Tho man who professes to be a Christian ought to work continually st the business. people, when they pray in public, Mr. Balfour, it may be imagined, does his tl. inking and much else during th hours j h ev< ; ry w indow m heaven shut t6 begin when tlie Philistine is having his done for' wll ), him. I 'pon his first entry into public life his opponents derided his gift* as academic. They thought him a man of books, and, The devil don't care how much religion people get if they wait until they get away from homo to practise it. what they despised still more.a mere think- 1 The Inan wn -,, ig a m(Ul never () ,,iu work er, a man to whom metaphysics were more | an ,j ^ w hittlmg because somebody tells than the machine; another .lohn Stuart hlm , ho si... has spots on it. Mill, and a lesser. It v as long before he troubled himself to disturb thin notion. He took no very active part in the business of the House or even in the conduct of those affairs which the Fourth Party of which he was a kind of honorary member, made their own. Ho was thought indifferent if not in- dolent. He was in no hurry. He tevnied to care little for the reputation to bo gained by debate. He spoke none too often, and rather negligently. The observer in t he House, he who took note of novelties,might sometimes hear a Hashing sentence which fell from Mr. Bal four 'slips in a tone very unlike the deliverance of the average de- bater ; a sentence equally incisive and ill- uirinative. Tho manner was gentle, easy, impassive as if the object he had before him in sneaking were hardly wo.-th an effort. This manner misled the House, which U jealous and tolerates nothing like neglect of its own good opinion, and demands conformity of its own standard*. It changed very grad ually. It was never really flung off till Mr. Balfour Iwcamu Irish Secretary, and even then the manner changed less than tho 'nan. There was a point of likcnff-i between him and a very different personage, Lord Hartington. Both of thorn woro the samu armor; neither cared one straw for thu hafts which tho Irish brigade launchcil against them. It used to be matter of com- plaint, against Mr. Balfour that he showed too plainly bis contempt for tho oahiinriir* iiinl invilts which tlie Irish showered upon him as they had upon every previous Irish 11 y, and will upon his successor, and, ( suppose, upon !1 Irish Secretaries to the end of time. Tho Irish are deficient in imag- ination, and slow to perceive that their The man who doesn't love his brother on the other side of the earth doesn't love his brother on the other side of the street. There are people that claim that they are willing to do anything for the Lord who never think of going to church on a rainy Sunday. There arc women who sometime* think Sunday that they have religion, but when the clothesline breaks down Monday they find out that they haven't. compoHition of the air, now so popular in two worlds certainly a' popular here ill America as in the country of its birth-sung iy the Scottish brigade in the trenches be- Fore Sebastopol, sung, too, by our brave liey* in blue a* they cheerfully marched south- wards to preserve the nation's unity, and to purify its flag in their beat blond. Lady John Scott has touched up and very much improved the wholo song, which, in its better known modern form, lint ap- peared about IK) years ago, and rushed at once into popularity that has endured to the present day. A ei illation of the antique form of this deathless ditly with the modern version by Lady .loin. Scott, will show how much it has gained in beauty aud in sweetness by her artistic louche* : Annie Laurie. Maxwplton hanks nr lionniu, r early fa's Uiu dew ; VVtii-r*' t .nut AIIIUII l-iuii.- Mint' up I he prmilisi- trur. Ma-li up lli< IT-HIII-I- true And never lorKet will I. Anil I'-r hoimit! Annie I.iurto II Iny down my hoiui and tiio. She's backet Uko tho peacock. she tu-eiicted like axwma, She i limit about too miildle. Mi r w.tiM. \ on wel may span ; HIT wuini vou weel may >|HU. ; \nil -he him a rollmu eye : Anil for bonnio Anuie Laurie, Id la\ ilowii my head aud dio. UHIIKIIS VKIU410M. M.-i x I'ltun nravn are bonnio, Whciv early fa ' tho dow. Anil ii- tlicr.' that Annie Luurl* : in- her immune true ; I inn her promie true. U hi. h ne erfoncol will bo ; Anil for bonnie Annie Lou no 1M lay mo down and doe. Her brow IK like the unaw-drift. II.. 'iiroul illketho swan. Her face it IH the fnin-r. That i' IT the i-hiHie on : That i IT t hu Him iihoiic on. And for Ixmnio Anuii- L.iurio I'd lay me down ;uul dee. Uiko dew on the Rowan lying, 1 - t he fa' o' her fairy feet ; Ami like wind* in summer Billing, Her Mine i:- low and sweet ; II. r MM. i' i low and nweot, And -IK- i* a' tho world to mo ; AIM! for lioiir.le Annie Ijuuxiu 1 d lit) tne ilou n and due. T :t HALV4TIO* tS.IT. Following is the special report of the field stateot the Salvation Army on Septcm- IMT 1'-! last, just issued Recs: by Ccmniiiteioucr Out- ( nrp". p.. .|i. Offlrr'-i Great llritnin 1.*l Knineo and Switzerland Suedi'II 1M 47 United' States *** 5 (.'anadii and Now Found- Inn.) 273 73 Aufilriiluiiia \ ii't'.ria 1 South Am-lralla.... I N.-w South Wnles.. - 908 513 T i mania \ Queensland Now tfoalaml hhli.i miK'eylon Snutli Afra-ii Ho linn. I Denautrh Germany -01 in. i n Nnllrr of Tan*. While parsing down YongeSU a few day* ago a parson with grey hair *o long that it rested on lu<i shoulders, met a small boy with rather moro than the usual amount of real estate on his hands and face. Buy- Shine, Mr* Pm-nii (Indignantly) You come near me. Co, wush your dirty face aud I will gine you en rent-. (Hurriedly the boy crone* the street to the ncareitl water tap, splaslw* water on hi* face, wipes it will, his coat sleeves and as hoKtily returns to the clergyman. Bov {with outstretched hand), Give u* 74 1'S 15 -until \ll.iTICa. ... t. Mi li'h.i Km'atid Italy ToUl* 48 41 20 a n i I a i the liime, old man ? I i Paison- -(banding the coin to tho boy) H. II- It IS. KM\ . ti iMiiing it hack) I don't want your 1,107 money. Take it and get your hair cut. I ' ii inl I'm told our poor old neigh- bor, .lone*, is dead. Jiul Friend Ye*, life insured ? 1st K Fur one thousand dollars. -ml F. O, well, tho loss ia hiily cover- ed. 6 1 1 4 Yl97 .'is 1*7 181 l.-l 74 A3 41 II Ucnihai ill drinks stout, but she doesn't look it. The married man i* making fairl when lie is able >. 'wLt *i good

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