Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Dec 1891, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE, "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, J\ 01 M EJf.' VOL. XI., NO 542. FLESHERTON, ONI., THURSDAY, DECEKBFR 3 1891. W. H. THURSTON, ETCR Our Special Line ( 8 will ton Park. ) for the next thirty days WILL BE IN Wedding, Jem, Engagement and Diamond Rings. Our Wedding Rincjs are .ill line 18 K and ro K with our own mark beating guarantee as to fine quality. In Gem and Diamond Rings we are showing goods of such a quality and at a price that defies any competition. Our discount prices cannot be touched except by spot cash buying REMEMBER a Written Guarantee goes with every watch and clock repaired by ARMSTRONG The Fleshertou Watchmakers and Jewelers NOVEMBER i The month of cold winds and snow, reminding you that now is the lime t<> prepare fur winter. The t[ut:stion .vill natuicilly .11 ise in your mind, whore can 1 g> t the best value for my money ? A VOICE GEFTLY WHISPERS ; Why, certainly at the Corner Store, where for the next thirty days you will find bargains in the followin:; seasonable goods. MEN'S & BOYS' OVERCOATS. MEN'S & BOYS' SUITS. MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTH and FUR CAPS. Ladies' Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Fur Sets, Fur Capes, Caps, and, as usual, beautiful MILLINERY. Felt Boof, White and Gray Blankets, Etc. W. W. TRIMBLE. From mir im Cns;wml, i,(. Wood cuitinu in the order of the day around S . P. at present. This reminds tin that there has been a great revolution in the manner of Wood cutting these las', fuw years, which hits btrii largely owing to the general introduction of saws as tlie principal | cutting wood. Ten years ago oue ' farmer out of every ten did not pog- : Bess a cross cut saw, now tbe tables are turned. Now-a-duya tbo sharp crack of the axu is hardly ever hoard in tho bush except in trimming true- tops, eti- . but instead the swift rush- in u' ami |i!r:is.uit whi/z. whizz of the CM cut saw i rlioi-8 through the wociilst. The smooth, flat-topped sunups also evidence the fact that ; sawn lire ii'iw even used in felling the giants of tin' West whilo the axe oc- i 1,'iml'le poni'iou iu some :i by, A:iotlior nolice- ul'lr f.i'-t is the rrinibi r of fa.'tnei'a ' sons who can "set nd tile" a saw to pertaetfoa. ..::i past ou account of poor health, wa so much better, we are glad to hear, tlmt he was ablo to go back to Toron- to to resume his work laat week. Mr. Peli-r Shorwood epiit about twelve cords of wood one day last wei 1; from tight o'clock iu the morn- ing to five in the evening, resting one hour for dinner. I would like to hear cross-cut of ttllv one b ,. Ht tljat record. The implement in wood wag gp , lt fof t|w ^H-wl tiiif. Mr. Duncan Campbell has been very ill for some time. Tbe old gentleman is getting prHty well ad- vanced in years, so his recovery is not so certain as it would b iu tho CUHC of a younger person. Mr. Bell is still very low. Me. Jacob C Sloan has been very poorly for a long time. FDR rlv the sorvico of rt i. .1 r.l Road. From oitr own Correspondent We have had mud galore, two days poor sleighing, then a thaw and al - most a diwd, again snow and oold lYoit> weiitiier. What will bu next ? mi hlLUIIIM; CALL ON The Merchant Tailor who has but the one line to study your in- terests in. 6. J. Leitcl], MERCHANT TAILOR. Lands for Safe t . .5 iv.ir.irv'1 f-u- 1 Mr I.':;:TV, -f ilrkdae. s en rbat deliCftfe manipulation, through here buying up all the lurkiu* but now th,- .'lurdy yeomen do the l, c , m |,l secure to ship to Dntish !ves and thus save Columbia. dim** Of course some attain to a gnator dtgm )l Mr .( I. Warliug can lay slaiiu to this .i-.iM-.i'inii than others, and often tut! v Mr the kindly neigh - :.iliy i'liruisli him with plen- ty D| work on stormy li.iys.ns J. 11 iw. >i! nr.nivcl "s*.^ doctor." of S 1*. well know*. \Vnena saw id iu I xond "trim" the amount of wood that can be cnt iu a day would astonish ( tin axemen uf years ago. Five cords | of bt.iM- wiMid "split and piled" is now an ;i\- -,!- liv's work tor a couple of sti'img hid* of IS or 20 years old. However, it is not every one that can i "saw" properly. Sawing is not l.nrncd in 'i day nor a week either. I is tlie only teacher as all and Imd sawyeis know. In con- elusion we won hi say that if you have a good saw, a nice maple tree in a hnii.'.'iiital position and about $ feet I high from the ground, there is uo j mure delightful and iuTigorating oc- I cupaliou in winter than "sawing Wi , .1.'' The. trustees of the academy re- reived word from Miss Simpson, Mitchell, declining tbe situation . . OMlkoM in ; bt-ing the most aiiccasful Nimrnd of A SNAP WE WILL SELL FOR ONE WEEK CLOSING- SATUKDAY. DEC. 12. STRICTLY CASH, Our 20e Tea for * *>?t^ " * .is. in, having on thu last day the open season shot % tint! deer. Mr. Voi k Kirhardson.of Chatsworth, sii-iit ,-onie days here hunting wuh vuried success. Miss I., t.-i.i Loughead and Minn Maiv M. liiodio have left hero and for the pr, sent taken up their resi- dence in the Queen City, where they hove slar'.vd dresaiuaning ou tl.eir own liooli. Success girls. S|>ir,al si i vices hav boeii cart iud ou in thu Wesley church for uinc past, conduct*! by the M Hall, of (iiielph. Theso meetings have been v, i \ -iicvessful, :ind lari;e num- bers me changing their mode of lite. Estate* of Probate uf tha will uf Catharine Chain liiii- of tliu village of Dundnlk, wan granted her xucuton, John Irwm .iu.1 William <!uttou November It. i'erioiial yfieatatn *!'!>4. Real *tato of i nhu devit>ui to hor daughter 1' O. Ainiiu Lon- >way. l'inbt late i if i lm of the will towaahip tnicher in S S. No. 7. as she had se- riiKil a [losition in another school. \1 - l.uke in .snlTering M verely from the rllVcU of an nli -itli. Mr. Doiigald Fergiieon, jr., in- structeil the students of the acadi my ia.-t 1' i iii.iy in the absenco of the 1'iiiK'ipul who had :unn- business in the (Jiieeli city on that iluy. !,eavy luins lately completely , einoia to lm daughter Itelieeca, flooded ail low lying lands around , .lin.-cts cast half of ' .-unl i>u.ii h.iif in-ie 1 i.-.i. \NI-I k. \V have, not heard of any sciious diiiiiiigo dono as yet. il 35c, " 4-Oc " 5()c e> .. 44 24c. (4 Ik THIS IS ONE CHANCE IN A YEAR. AVAIL YOURSELF OF IT. Into and Keuteiiiber One \veek for McDonald & Evans. h'ri'in mir nun Cnri'r.<i>tnul< lit. Tho weather lias been very st-irmv in tln.-i part of tlio Dominion, remind- ing one that winter is here. 11. ".v Oi'i, as we are drawing near election tllllr.Wi- lllllSl \]i||'t MJIUllls. Mi^s lldiiil and Miss Mall have; I'.. H as>istiii^' Mr. Thonpaon to hold 1 i.|ni'i;il ineeliiigH in tho eiiiiieii In K . A great nuinbor havi prolessed tln-n I'mMi in Christ aj their Saviour. Lot us hope that their work here will [iK>\o a lilc-si^j to many. Mr. \Vells delivered an excellent addross on Sabbath last at tho hull, isicm being tbo ordination of 1U] j j.,, lour i Itk'i's for the I'rcsbyterian church ' jov^.j of Kn;;eniii. The elders are : Mr. Admit llisl-ip, CJeorgo Cioidoii, Henry William*, aod J l>. Hogg. Tho liulu church lately otVMUMu here is doing will under Mr. Wells' teaching. Mr. \Voodbiunlias been under tho weather the past week but is now able to be around again. Mr. Jiinici Williams, who has been so I'jng sick, is, we are glad to hear, now so much bcttet that ho is ablo to be around again. Air. Wesley Pedlar lias gone to Maikihilc to Irani the blacksmith trade. Mr. David Meldruui, who has been home at his parents for sonic time >f William Sti-ne, if Arli-nicsia, w* Octolwr _'.' t<> Miul.aul Keillv .tinl Hicliard V\hittuk>ir hu ex- uutora. I'urnunal oitalu 8'.i:i4. KUH! KHtate S'J.MK). Uo dcviaca IIIH pi:inonul eUtc and wet half of '.' con., 4, Ai>- Hllll f 8 iu same <-licuu*li>li to bu soUl atl.-i- iho deal!) of bin wife and diviiled mining Inn cliililii-n. I'ruviciiui Hindu for Ins wifu for lifu and IU6.UO pel } -ear. jf thu will ui William K\le, i)f tho towuship of (i.|ni'\, w.iit <>n (Vctuber 27, to John Kaclime .l-i-i (ill Fachniu, IIIH i:\fcutiim. n. il utato vuluuil t '''". K.-.ii tutu .-' t:"KK). Tentatcr Juvi.so* lii eatatu t> liin wife duriii hor life. After her d-,it!i it i.s in -i- ! H ii i j ..illy ainon^ bia rlnliliiiii, ocxopt VViliutiii who obtains JiriUiinil Mm. L. Molin^oi nlio alau ullUUIlH SI'K*. 1'ioliaiii of tho will of'Elixjiln'th linr- nctt, lute of (hu townalii|i ol I'rolon, wa giiiututl to lior executors, Jobn Aiuliinion 08 Mitchell. RIM! e*Utu JIOOll to her dauglitvr Mrs. Jamex Andorsim, Ou NoumibtT -1st, proliati- of thu will of \Viliiimi Kurd, lutj of iliti tnwiinhi|) of Noniianliy, aa ^rnnteil Inn exi'cutors, \n,h.-w M.iuluiil and Cunriiil AllciiHun. Terminal eatnto 9104,'>,bei>iili's Koal estnto deviv.-s to his wife fur li.'e. i-eiiiaimlcr equally ainong Ilia children, i.\ct'|>t lleiirv who !iaa already ivccivud Ina aliare, anil William who is t grivi Onl] i-otn), and ilcnr^o who rcc-oivo.H s?l.''iK), over Ins ahkro. To TheJ'ublic. If yon winh your carputi wnvoii in a wnrknmn liki mi. i krtlttie mtooM It ..r.u.nt with Mr W II, inlfixiii, ,<|,|n,-ii" \Vil > iilKiinii; mill, Kli'-ln'itim. > H IIO WILL SHOW FOR YOUU IN- SPECTION A Beautiful Assortment WVTCH.S. BILTBIWAftl A!f .i;>KKAL JEMELUY I.1M..S. Laws' (tine \a lUiss, $18 TO $35. to:' Fiilsi ll'aah:: 10 AM' 11K..81M TO *:-;s. WAR AM' CO\KUINU INC1PKN- TAL JiltKAKAiiKM J TU 4 VHS. CLOCKS, IN NICKEL 1.50 AM> TO 8S. Fine Repairing Personally attended i'>. ci.,s in ajjuction ot (iooils, run and Methoiis UP All : Wishes i W,A.BRO\VN, MAKKhALE MONEY Thu Dominion i ov-nnm-nt ha ngain cnllud for teudura fur a in.-.' lino of .tcnniura butweeti Kn^l.-viid and Canada. I T..ri <<-,. . Any . you thf t M. .. hr*>. I- ul| U. t*l. k,

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