THfe FLESHERTON ADVANCE n I \Kl\0 OFflCK iCJ GEU. MITCHELL, Draft i iss-.n. I an'ih*qumcasb*dt**alfa*M M.ii.i ..'>* avAiUI'in for le^itlmato uutne. ll I'M ' Orri- K two doom north of IUc*tar<Uon & Go's. Vicinity Chips. f tk- Past Carefully t'ullfd for the tr,tl> M-'lt '" .."I ut tht rate >>f K>c pc.' /in' /" t ,,,J t .1 ,-.'./...-r; ( )ii frill f.r m<ii{<: .> en' trft'-ti fi-r I " ' <''". or our. Count; ,'o .ncil is in e.wm at Owen tin i w-.-'-k. A loose iu the sidewalk has cost Markda! about $. M -s<rv M D i-i il-l A E'Mtis have made a bi^ cut in te.ii for mm week. See their chin.'i: "f .'1. Dri's (.ooiN. The RooiU sre boauti fnl nnd marked at prici-s intsintibl-. M WANTKD -A r^sponsihla pra:ti;>i saw yer to take hall i.i nw. sliiujjl,- mid lath mill*. Apply at Furniture fac- t*, r y iiii.n. J. E. M<H>re, !':<;. ii.:tnr. * A hi" l-i . n li'if!.- 1 , printed in colors, contain ; 'i.' two p.ienii uy R--v T. \\at.ion, li.u just l*en printed at tliis otB.-e. \\ e will in al it i i a:iy ad IroM for 5 cents a Co;'}' "I t.'ll '|i:t-i f. if -'" ,-'-ilU. AX< <. iM'-. t'.P-i. A bU stork, ten rtitfen ht . < .wl-t fniu at M. i >V ''"<. Tl;.- 'ile Advi-nievr lias started its am nal daily f.-r tlio holiday and .-Kit;, i. -i-iison. Tho lirst uumber arriv- ed mi I'u. .':iv '! In- 'Twer i* a plueky *nd enteri>ru:iij a'.i.'et ti,.l it.-i proprii-tiT-i Jctt\i tie >uci-es which ia attending tlii-ir clTort.*. "I ui Ayer's CUurry Poetoral freely in my prictioj, and n-.- > u u -irl it in C-Miis uf Wii'iiriin^ t.' 'ii_ f 'i iViUoti^ children, liivin.: finind U ti.oru i-jrtiun o> euro tint trou .-is.- than any other medi- im 1 kir.w ni.' -So says Dr. B-irtlett, of Concord, Mass. Wanted ."> tons'! Itoll snd tub hut- M. Richardson Jk C'o. ter. r'n-sh V.j'ft. ) LIE. liica*. barrister. Mnrkdalr. ha* JIO < 'I'll private funds to lend on fa-in inortai<is within tho next few months at lowst current rates. V> > mmiss- ioni, no delays, expenses low. Apply at office in Markdale during the week or at Dundalk oltu'C mi Saturdays. "At Uit I c\n a ,' Mil i pi.irc in .Ml without its distressing me !" w n tin: grateful excl.uuation of 0:10 whose appa- tit* had bo-jn restored by tha mo of Ayer's S*rai)anl!-i, after year* of dys- peptic m;ry. A te:n;onful of this ex- tract bjf ire ea:' rujil s!tarpeii<i the ap- petite. Flesherti.ii E. L. of C. E. society hel I a pnblic concert in the basement of the Methodist church un Monday evening last, as a commencement of their regular monthly conceit*. The society in this {dice has a very flourishing membership, in d is ci utinually adding to its number. The concert therefore did not lack for nienibiTi to tak-j i', and the result was a succeniiful oreuin^. A futubsr of good reading* were given, along with solos, duets, etc. II. KwluitUon, Esq., acted as chairman for the occasion. X-fUt Saw- The U-rgest and most varied Htock, from t lie bast manufactures. M. Uichardson A Co. Wanted. Any (juantity jjm.d si. ft elm stave bolts wintod at my factory, for which a good price will bo ptid. Crooked, knotty or rotten timber will not be bought. Par- ties I'oiit.mipUti: : getting out bolts will plrase (tet instiuctioiis from me before sdittiiiK their timber. S. DAMl'DB. Notice. We have appointed Mr. John Brown, rnerchsnt.of I'nceville, as our a^ent.with whom residents of that vicinity can transast business just as well as by call- ing at this ol'.i.v. Mr. Brown is author- izeil to tike tubsjriptious, orders for all kinds of job work, etc. Ho can sbuw you sainplas, and quote pri -es as low as you can gt anywhere. Leare your sale bills with him for prompt afention. This has been done with a view of oon- MDJenciug i-ur customers in t tha( section. Fresh fiuits for Cliristmaa trade.. Sugars at lnwtt current n'lntHtii'iH. Our :i."i cent tea taken the lead, uleani's everyliinly and challenges all competitiou. M. Richtrdvou 4. Co. Cheese. The lait shipment of cheese, consist- in;; of 4)7 boxes, Wan shipped from Klo.-ilii' f.-mtory nu Tuesd.iy. This s:ih; lir.m^'lit '.i^ cnts a pound, and waa worth the tidy suirt of JJ,T:J?.51. The atinual mivting will be held in the course of a week or two, when we will have some interesting figures to i{ivn with re- gard to tlio season's IIM!I Personals. Dr. Rjid, of Homines Mills, spnnt Sunday with friiimU in to*n, Mis Anniii liu-hardsoii visited at home a few days this week. Mr. and MIM. ' W. Armitrm^ spent Sund.iy '.ih relative* in Toronto. Mr. .)"!in r.f'i-Vii, in -rchvnt, of Price- ville, and t .{ -councillor M" Arthur, were welcome callers at The Advance on >fr ( i-". Ilig'jiiibotham, of Brandon, been visitin;' friends and re!ativ>>8 in this su.'tioii during the past week. As to any fiir'her "Kj-"" of liii vi.sit, that is dinclo.icd elsewhere in th>'so columns. stop : stop : stti> : -M- UH-II inNoii 4. Co. winli to inlurm y>u tlmt all tin ir il< - partmcut aie chuck full with tha ii.-\\.-t u.ivelti .s, i'\.-rTt!i:n^ marked ill plain ., au.l .i low that cuntouiers leave A. New Proceca. Th* Advance has purchased the patent riyht to ua a new prm-es* in printiii^. which, AS ill'.' S.-n'iiTi-: Aiiu-rn-aii ro- marked, will ivvolutioni* the art of colm- pniitiiii;. Tins is nothing U-M than a system ahi-reby from two to tiv colors c:i!i b- 1 pri;iii-il a* one impression, pr "in -i.i,' a ai!i;.!e very inn -h like a lithograph, and at a small advance over wh;it a plain b!a -k j.'b would cost. < >nr ri^Ut in. lii'le i''' and Dund.i.'k Tins pr "ress is suitable f..r aiivtliiii.'.fn.m an env.-!'.;i-- heailin^ to a full sheet bill. You iniiiht just an well have a iiice j"b in half a il"/.eii C"lors as one <>f the old kind iu ons color. We invite c'>rresp.inileii.-n and a tent of the value of this new in- vention, t!u | rivilei.'e of usinj; which wo liav,' p lid IrimU uiiely. Furs. Furs. Furs- Another con- n i.l lias arrived, and selling Lut. New and low prices do it. M. Ui.-h.irl *eu A I'o. A Comparison. Mr Alex. Mi- K i' 1 . of tile Station, called in mi Monday morning. Mr. Mcliae is an old ult and fresh water sailor, having braved thu winds and waves for '2~> yearn. lie has sailed al! over the world, includ- ing our own inland lako.i, and knows whereof he speaks when h* says that for ir'.iutiiiii scenery no spot on tliis earth can excued the isUu l-dotted north shore of I !ei>n;iaji liny ami Ijike Iluroti. The only spots which he could compare it to were (he (irecian nrchipela^o and the shores of the Ulack S-.A. On the litter lie says tho elf -ct of the snovr- -la I ranges of the Caucasus,the lower verdant mountains and valleys and ru^cil shores m.ik > a picture very ploaiinif to the eye. Mr. M-IUcua c mvorutional- ist, ami Tho A Iv.mcj Wnul 1 bo )>Iad t< have him call often. MuiltlC Cloths. A big hole has been made in uur stock us the run for them ban beeu ijroat. I..i lie not yet HUppliml comn at once, you will bo pleased with what w have to oiler ycu at cut prices. M. llich- A Co. Our Market. Tho Thorubury paper of last week says : "We pay fr.:n 2 to 5 cents more per buihel for whont than OutMngWOod. Meitfnrd. l-'ltnU'Tloii and MarkiUlo aro aw.iy behind us." Now "come off,' 1 youm; man. You canti.'t boUter u;> a failing market by tatlini; a delibarate falsehood of that nature. Klesherton, at least., h:n a uram market ae:ond to nono in this county, and prices prove it. In some instances last week our ^nutations were ahead of tho.te at Thorubury, and in no case were they balow. Kur insUnco, wheat was the suing price at b >th p'aces ; barley was five c-jiiti hi^' in Klusln-r ton, e ;^ one cent hi^Iior, h;iy one dollar per ton higher, and i>ats ware th sam figure. It is, therefor*, a fa.-' that Thornbury i ''aw-y behind" Vlesh-irton in it* market quotation*. Tha farmers from Osprey and Colliii|(Wi>ud tovrnship* are reooxnizinjj thi* fact, aj the larn i amount of grain daily arrivin{ attests. While talking on thi* matter we mi^lit just nniarlt that for the past week th* loads uf grain arriving hare, daily ranged from 40 to 80, while at Duudalk not MI. i .- than ten load* arrived durum the whole week. This spsakn more than volumes and is a proof that the Thorn- lut-y paper Is, as usual, away off with to the markets. ir'y Flunurl*. Our stock is large, our goods new, our prhos low. M, Hich- anUou Sc i '.i. Married. A very interesting event occurred in M.-u k.lale on Monday last. by wliiull two youii^ people woro made happy fur life. This was the wedding of Mr. (icoryo ilio^inbothani, of llr.uicl.ii. to Ming A. la Sproule.of Kleaherton. Thu h.-ippy event occurred at the residence uf the bride's uncle, Dr. Sprole, M. 1*. The ceremony was performed by Ituv. Mr. Toin/e at '2 o'clock p. in. The groomuuien wuru Mr. Wos. Armstrong mid Master Kred Sproule, of Plcaherton, ind the brides- Miauls Mias AIIIIIO Richardsun.of Kloslier- ton, and little Miss Lilian Sproule, uoiisin of the bride, After the ceremony a bounteous repast was done justice to, and tho yomn; couplu departed for Wood bridge and Toronto by the 5 p. in. ttaui. a 1-ir ;' number of fnemls attend- in;,' tin-in i" the Mation. At Klesherton station aevi-ial uf Mrs. Hiuginbotham's <ld friends coi^re^ated to bid farewcu to their lady friend. who was very popular with the young people, and departed car- rying' with her the holiest wistios of all her futuri! happineH.* ia tho far west. Mr. Ili.-.'iMlioiliam is book-keeper with In- Mamey- Harris i'o. at I'randon and is an estimable youn-,' man. Tli* Ad- vance ailiU it congratulations. A. Nout Burn. Kirst class lime, newiy buine 1, between .: 4 4i1) bunliuln for salo by Mr. Liuckutt, of Got The Best For your Money ! WE HAVK NOW A WELL- SELECTED SORT, \1ENT OF Boots I] Slippers Shoes I 1 ! Rubbers For Ladies,Gents and Children New Goods, Cheap and Good. Inspect the (loodi, c'impsre tho Pricus, anil ','ivj us a uhanoe to make your fet ciinifortalile for Ihu fall and winter. Also a lot .it M-n 1 homemade long boots oil hand first quality. t'litttout Work ami RI-- pairini; to onl.-r at Church News. A lar:;e eongretfat.'in (if the member* ii adherent* of tin: I'rosbyteriail con- i"ii .it liu.'eni i. umieiubled in t'u-ir plaoi- of worship mi Sabluiili ufle 1101 n laat, to witness the solemn and impres- sive ceremony of ordination of elders. After rpeuing religious services, the KKslieitun -hurcli elders being present, the HI-. m "i was duly con*tiluti-d by the Moderator. Tliu nuwly elected elders, Messrs. Ailam ll'"-l"|>, Unlit. H'i!>y, (jeorxe i i. 1. 1 n ;u,.l Henry \Villisins,were called forward, an<i alter answer. n.: sat- i.sfaetoiily the ij'ie.stioiis put to tliein, they wi-re l.y tin- |uiHlor.I!ev. Mr. Wells nit apart ami s >h inn'y orlained into the office nf eldiTidiio, linn;; tin) Mint elders of thii nt-w cliun-h. Mr. Uillstln.ii (Je livered a very appropriate i liaru-e and ad dress ! the newly oiilaincd elders, am afterward* a very iuterroting address to the people, taking up fully their respec livn duties. One member of the Klesh crtoii church session, thronuh luni{ ill ness was absent from the interest IIIK services ; that was Mr J.>s. lilackburn wh<i always took a deep interest ii church work, and even now amidst his sutfciinK his iioi'd is active in that line as can be seen fn in the foil. .winy note received by the pastor : /;.<. Mr. ir,/;, . DHAH Ts^r-'it -V. it) yen kmilly convny fron: me to mv l:-etUi n, tt'w newly nolauim! i-l.t.<rs thu liini'l u( fullowAlhp, with my uariitii't i<rayui to Uml for tiioui tlmt Ho may niako tlnm "veMjl* honored ami i*atiotit)it'l au>l 'ii"et fo thi- Masli-r'H ui, ami pr>pii,il .int.* avoi v oin work, ' llmt tn.-v may ! "living Hfjatln- ruad anil know) of nil num. !>]IINHO<| antl inn'lfi a bl'iHftiiiu in t!i<i work whtuvunto Ho Itatli ual'0 lilt-in. It wotiM nrTur-l HIM i^nmt |iluaunri to bu with you in tho |iri'.:nms mirVKvM of tilth IKIKIIII fill Sixbliath -In., lin: .-ill' l(.-vuiilv Knhur a wil bo Julio. biucorly yourn. J. BLACKMCUN Service will be held at the station at 3 p. in on Sunday next. Hev. Mr. Tong will preach. Twrrds. Srotrb an. I I'nnnclinn WorsMMN fU'..Ct<'. Tin- bi^Kesl "tol'k the latmt strlm. the Hncat ipinlity. the lit ini'.-t van, t v. in i prievs m riglit at M Hi From Markdal*. Laat l-'i ulay evening the piillio schoo at Maikdale huld their annual evening! entertainment in the roller rink. Tin entertainment in i|uestion was a particu larly Intel eating one, and somewhat out of the oulinary style of such sociable! Oi course the usual number of recitations autl solos by members of the primary class was placed on th* program w.t) those of greater imporlane, but those that were given were well received by the audience. The special featurvs,haw- ver, were many and varied, snd were given by some of MarkilaVa beat junior tklent, a proficiency of which thrie appeared to be no lack. We have refu - enco to the tambourine drill, fan dull, ghost diuii- 1 . *tc. The two former HI - (ction* were given by twelve o'ever fomalo artists, all soli. ml girl*, and the latter with ixhi of the same emu <, These items called forth enu< res from tl e audu-nce, and caused chaiiinan IK Kar- lan-l to ruminate upon tho possibility of M:trkdalu pr.xlucing ''lujli twelve pn tty U." fom sawyer w.-v. r!? w T^ ~|f . . nii-d by a young artist in the p -:i n f Master I'. Crow. The close of the en- fii.iiinni'nt was the most inturestiti'.' > nd n.trni-tive of all, Burns' "letter's laturday Nii(ht" beini{ most beautifully llustrated by means of a number of ibleaux. These scenes were so OXJIM-I!- ly prelty that the entini audiunue was Hi-rally lifted from tlnir senia by the raiub-ur of the views. The nqptaJMTI f tho entertainment wi-iv highly pleased vith their successful evening;, tinnucially ind otherwise. Wanted. Two L."""l t apprentices Kloalu-rton. and two fi-male Apply to K. A. Baker A Fact WORTU knowing ia that blood dl*; eases which all other remedies (ail to euro, yield to Ayer's SursapiriUa. Frosh conlirma- tion o( this state- ment comes to hand daily. Even SUCh li!ep-r;U(id nnd stubborn com- plaints as Klieu- ni!it:>m, Uliouma- ' tii; li'.iii. and the liUo, aro thorough- ly oradicatnd by the -.i.-i.' of tills won- duiful alterative. Mrs. R. Irving n.',l c -, 110 West 1-^illi street, New York, certifies : " About two years ago, after mirTerinir for nearly two years from rheumatio eout, In-ing uhl" to walk only with great iiiseiiiiiJort, and liiivniH tru-d various reni'-iiii-s, iin-linliiig iniii'-iiil waters, without relief, t saw hy an advertiao- mnnt In a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of tlii* distiessing com- plaint, after long BUlTuruij;, by taking Ayer's Sar.saparilla. 1 HiiiU decided to miiko a trial of thu medicine, and toult, It regularly for cijjhr. nionthii. I am pleased to say tlmt it effected a com- plete cute, and that I havosiuco had uo return of tho disease." Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, K. H.. writes: "Ono year at;o I wan taken ill with rheumatism, IK-IIIR ciuiliiu-il to my house six months. 1 enme out of tha irkness very inueli detiililated, with no a|'i"'tite, and my syMem disordered In e\ erv way. I commenced to use A yor's Barsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon r^ covering my usual heiillli. I cannot say too much in praise of this well-kuowa medicine." " I have token a gr<*nt deal of medi- cion, but nothing bus done mo so nun h lioinl ns Ayer's Sarsimarlllo. i felt its boueticiul ellecw before 1 had quite flniahed one bottle, and I can freely testify 'hat it is tho bst blood- inedi'cine I knort of."-L.W. Ward, Sr., JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. I ; I.I:HIIEIITUN, Co. flBKT. DIVISION corn/I- CI.K.HK.COM.V < UOKI : n; II. It., Ci'iivi-vuim-r . .Vc. Ai|i-nt tin pitrrlitru .in. i ilr .if niiil-.. ii I.IKI-.-I l"i ' I < ' ' n .ml I'M' II .v .Miiiii'i- I" ' MHI-I ii'iiimlilii ti'UMK IBMI-KII or UAKIIIAUU I.ICI;.NSI;S MIT.IUY MONEY TO LOAN. Ttio iimli-rsiBned Last a laa-d amount of money to lusu t t'o/o on tnwn or 'arui propntj, s. DAMCDB, Flrabarton. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clfrk, Arti-ini'iiia. dm \.uii-fr, InMiraueu a^n:t. i-tc. DeeJs. iiiiiri"ii|f>ii, li'ii^i'K, ctr., |i;i-paiT(l and prop-rh li^iiraiix- iiifi-nteil in lirst olafeK \I nii-y to ."tiii :it liiwit ritt-H. DR. HDTTON M. P. C. M., M.I'. !>. ,t S. Hi.'.. I'rire. \'l'e. Resi'lenee il.<l 'Mli'M* .Mi-' '. M wost ,,ftli. M. ih...ii~t Cliurrh, Kim ' S-. (iflica iliiyn. Tucmluys anil Huturdarn, DR. CARTER. M. C. 1'. A. 8., (Hit. I'li.vmi'iir- etc., n.'.li,'i!..ii. Offioe St-iiu, , i lU'ui'li ncu Muiihliaiv's hotel. DRS. SPROULE & EGO, Maikdale. (Int. OOleti " ,i,l- "Inn-. 'I :^. S|IIOII|H, M. 1>. . K;i-. .\ K-". M. |i.. K.te., lull) of Tiilten'iiun. IM, i I'r. Kgn Kill be loHud at lilt M.ul. ; ... ' at night. J. P. OTTEWELL, Veternmrv Siirgmn. OnwiiiHie . .f i intario Vi-tei iiiiiiyCulli.^n. Kiimiliiiii 1'ir.t l:mr south of I., II-IIH tuilur shop. i tmi. Woodland, Texas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, riiKl'AHicii I:T Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Mast. l i H kotllM, *.'.. J. P. MARSHALL, L. D. S., M. I). S., Dentist. VIMN Mm k 'liiie the und 3rd Wudii- silitv of eueli month, l-'lufhertoii Each tri|i on Die day ullowing. J. W. FROST, Barrintor. Solicitor, Canv-jHniTr. Utc. Klei-beit,m olllcn Next tin- T r( oftice, Sjiriniie's buUdiilg, on 'I hni I.' Owvu . Suiiinl iillii'e KroHta buiiilui. P. McCULLOUQH, l!iirriHtr, Solicitor, Etc. oiti.-.- . er ^r Farliuid B nlur, Markdale. M ... \ to l..,ni WRIGHT & LIKDS^Y, BurriBtori!. Hollcltprt, to., Owe'i Si.'.n I, Out. Kk-sliMii.'ii IU 'ml MitolMill'sli.iiik. '' . uii'kilay ". . i., II WWK. ^ \V 11 \\IUUBT. 1 1MIMAV. Farm for Sale or Rent. Til"'i -i';n<'il ban a ;. poil larnl whlnll ho Is doHlrouH of ni'lliiiR, Hii'l in t In- ovi-nt >>( im -ale woulil runt to n KOIH! ("limit I'll" lot is siti.nt>l "in- iih.l a lialf null"* from < >wtiu SiMlll>l,)n>ili^ lot Ii, 1st con., rtarnwak . ijiMnl traioii burn, framu Htabin mi i ontbuUdingiufOod orchard, Ion hi>une. Tluifwiutaat pimentall Beo.licl .low. i, ami will IM a baniain fur auiua one. Al>|<|>K to .1 1IKKK.N. t"i>. ihn Kleshertcn P.O. Houud Lost. On or about tho 10th uf October. 1HQI, in tho wimhiji uf I'lot-tn or Ai t-iii."-in, I lout a blaok hnnnil (loa. He WAS black on IMM k with .IH HH| nuil facn.ftinl tun apt ovor *. niiiil iniMith n1i|K fnw whito halm <ui , Alxmt A voanlilri, anil nftuiml "Major." Anvnno HVM.K infiirinaliou tlmt will load to hi* ii-f. vi-ry will b KintAhly rowanloil. IMnautt wltor wirthowu-r. ALKX..I.CONUON, Fvr*baiu Ont. :iini T ifiv Hs J. Sproulc, T>W8TM ASTER, Klesborton, Com uitusion- -* er iu 11. R., Lioensed Viii-tii'ii' ." ( "ii vaj'iuiwr. Appraiser and Mom I . ndi r l'ul Kstste and Innuranee AC- i ' I'eeiln, MortcaguK, Leases snd WilU .irnwii up aoi) Valuatioun mado on sbor't-st n..ti.-e. ABC tion Sales attunded to iu HHV pary of th* (, urint r. Money to loan HI lower.) rates ol interest. Culleetions uttin ' .1 to with promptness and despatch. I'lim^-s low. Agentforthe Dominion 8tem(.lii]i( nrorny. Cheap tickets from Fle*lieit"n !o Liverpool, (JksKow, London or anv of tin- British arts . Psrtie* intondln^ t" vinit Knt-lsnd, Sootlsnd or Ireland, will please ask rules be for* pi.rchtsJD|{ thir tiekets Weaving. Weaviu^ Th* uiulornlKnwO ilDiilv *olleit the patmnac<t (t>ioki. rMjiilrtni weaving In tin. no. "trat)mt fall i-liitii, flaniiela, hlauken mi. I i, i-.ln \n work guarant^l bj JOHN MMn LAY. Praotieal WTr Mxl houM to H. Padlar ClMlim ton. NovlMiu .