Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Dec 1891, p. 8

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THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE A.IMTIKO, TBIMMINO. Hcmsp.aHORtsa, WOOD WORK FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN, L.UMUEB, LATH. bHlNOJ.P.H' JOB WORK. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hcard's Carriage Works, FLESHEKTON, ONT. MOWLAM) i ->! :.i i. MOWF.KS. BINDKHS. PLOWS Our Waggon* flu- HI--M. Our UuuKit-M (ho Bent Our 4 mi. is UK it, ..i ur lni]irurrd Harrow* thr HTKAW CTTTKKS, dCUKKLKKH. I i u ir DRILLS. c.ANki PLOWS TEALTII FOR ALL Pills and Ointment THE PILLS Pvirily tlic HlooJ, Wn>*rt all DiBoritora of -i . i < 111 :i Ii . - ; i n . ! I t<>\\ <]... Tb*jrinvli{rateaii I rotton to healtli l'l/llitat<l roiwlllntionii. an* ar invaluable In com- ylau.t- . M'.-i ii'iilal tu Ktfiiialea of all M(trh. For Otillilrvn and th ai:e<l they ai prlcclviw THE OINTMEJX T alofkl.il>!' lome-iy fur Had !.><. lla<l l!r*at>. Ol,l Wi. ,.,!. Sure* and Ulcmn. It I* fanoot for (tout ami Klivuuittttim. Fur .It-OTili-rs of th Ch<t It ban ou <|ua> For SO It /: THHU.ri, Hi;<).\ ('II IT IS. COUGHS, COLDS Olandular Swelling*, ami all Skin l>iea*ei it ha no rival ; aud for contracted aiid tllT jointt it act> Ilka a cbarui. U iQiifirtureil only at Trofecior Raux>WAY'i> F.iUblbhUMDl, ?H. Mew Oxford M i , i < lair ':. Oxford Klrrrl i. Leudon, jBd are tuid at 1*. 1)4., 2*. 1*1.. 4* fl . " . " ''' '*'* <*<!> H" or I'ot, and may be Lad ol all lit i iclui- \i t. !'- throughout thw \Vorhl Purchateri thi'iil'l l"l. t, >}> /..i/V / -. (A. /'< . Ij thr n>l<l:cts it nut Strrrt, To owners of horses and The public in general. further and oxamiue tlie large stock of horse- men's requisites kept in Block by tlie undersigned. BETWEEN You and inc, we make tlie boss Harness U a Yery reasonable figure. Good worknmiisiiip, and no apprentice* allowed to experiuieut ou wurk we put out. There can be no SA V xi. x Farmers ! Business Men! Everybody ! ui.M. -r'icne.1 ha utartwl a new rarri*Ki> fx. Vir* 10, ! I. |-*lrn,i- liop In I l< -, ..!..,, i " l(''t V'liir trpalri il-ni" " tliurt ari ::.-.- TrlmmiiiK. It, cm tliiiiK In the carriaiio makliiR in. . oil. Haliifai-Uoii Kiir->iiU)<Kl Bbop over McTavish'* Black Binith Shop. I-;. T. llaiuiUon. Fl. HiU.n. Jan. 21, IIO1, NOTICE! To The Public : E. IV-Har ilie to ind.riii the pimple nl FUklieitort ami the surrnuii'liiiK emintr) that II" lia* lili'i"! nn I iil lie u<'W f.".n.| II UL.ITS BLOCK, T)\f -. r. ml ili.ur from tlie |t<>i<t office, wn b* will ' ill" 1 ' Hi M-ti all IM olil CUM. ni-'i* i%n I .1 mam iuur<- an like to come. I liuvi; ainw a laitfe ni'n-k of .X i 111 i ., r < >ne Flour, hoits, Bran Etc. AMI A <iO()l> I.IM. OK Groceries. Lemons &, Orauges eoli-l.ll'h "II I. lil. All kinds of ('alineil i il.itini .1 t.'.iriiin, ul. (tralitm Flour, I Win ut, Ktc. I've" taken as cnli. AT H01II! AGAIN, I have now got in v nuw |>retniw fltt. 1 up ami in |-i.|.ri I l,,,li> nil IMI-III,--. In n,t Inn- Kith nii-l l.--|.t. li.aixlaiii in U-Ui-r | i.iiin lian ever limit, ml I ., the wautH i>f my cuU<iii- r fc A iiieMH (thon-M a growing: r<-n- i. 'i< ir h .otii auri hm> luadv at tlio jr. N- B. Wo grmrautco satisfaction. KICKER S Should call on Jos. Smith, Fleshertoii, aud secure a pair of shoes from him. Lighter kiuds with the best of workmanship for those who are not KICKERS. DON'T READ THIS. TIIK oi. i) hr.:.ui;u: Syden'nam Mutual I'tre Insurance Co., H year* lx>(<irg the p.".pl.i In V per riMit cheap ei thiill till' licit cli<'|'est, anil nn ..!. j.- tlie fot. Tin- nulv imieh KaiiMKin Com I'anv MI tin", part .f lin-v. :iTiiit-. ou tba lOOtorSyearal* thi hKn--.t It* Voile* ihanewpald TbeBydenbam insur. at too IhlKlf the ai-liml vali.c.aml in cawof lo*i |iit\ n the lull ailiolilll ttl thu Ilkk Wu. A I>A\M \.\..\KMit. - - Walter. Kl)a A yMt U t'lni ri-.-V I .1. h n R. U I wlit. I i ..V \ ,! < . v i. , i. L...|r. ftmt,iH) Nl nikr u. w. ., l,nl i r i m. 'in 1i< m j lo f III !* at Itif , id -Hi 1 >OU fO i. |Iili *, ml fm l * I *rl ->| i.if n M > < ( In inc. ?*- g till J . m tin.. , -I |.lr li,. mm,* .... t,. It., w.tt Ail i. . . .'.,, |*> MtfrfM n*i* ik-T. W MHit t .M f'irii.hln* . I AMI 1 M H I II > lMnt*-4. I-AMI' I I.AI.J H*l I A'l.llr.-- ... -, Ht., II Kll.kl'. KilMJ. YKAUI 1 t nrt^ r ., t. .,., . ..!: B. U i|* .vt'..-" ic>l >.<! wrii. r li.al.M i.,wt,l w-ifk ii ,.,.., l"f,n I I 4 nr |. i' 11 nri '* ' k< '<'*-' . 1 j , s LI. I n ili, .i., I. (HI 1*1 f" n<nbr. *w MI- -k nf i,* 1 1 ^UHM i* ai < i< liaM K^rV ..I HOI III ,.,,'jnl.r.rufer. JJ...... C. C, .11. !..:.. \t,m. 40. Aut'iXu. Mnli.o. You can have the Advance until 1 Jan., 1893, for a one dollar bill. WANTED : Kaletinnn to linii<l!ei.,i! ILH.IV lmr of Kuril hUrt oi r.'h Hill-Mill tl 'Bit Mute .lime IMIHIIM ., p, Canada ov M Mn-e Kuai..- I" [' i V i ill',' Iti.-ti II tiii-\ l-illi.w inn lllptnn IKIIIM \Vl it> f. .1 ti.i m* m Nun -1-111.1.0 CullKirue, Unt Steal Swear! Drink A wa y fly your flown as from U couu- A truth Had company try ]\'hat R. A. BEATTIE, the D. C. Painter says about work. House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter, Frisco, Can- vas, and Glays Painting. All work GUARANTEED. That our stock erf stmdrie-s in complete, con- gistini; of plri-l, b, Us. wliip-, trunks, valises, axle grease, curry combs, and everything conceivable wiiiuh horsemen require. Call and csamiue and be couviucvii. D. CLAYTON, PLESHBBTON. WHY Do the male inhabitants of Hesherton anil sur- rounding country flock to E-". A. Baker's tailoring establishment whcrt they want clothing made ? 13 EC A USE They kncnr where perfect fits and genuine work are be* ing turned out second to none i.i the county. 'WHEN You neeti anything in the tailoring line give us a tfi-il. it we don't suit you you needn't pay us. WE MAKE Overcoats Frock Coats, Morning Oats, Sack Coat.-*. Tea Jackets, Vests, Pants, htc , and guarantee our work every time \iluorio K A Next Door to Baptist Church for Infants and Children. **< ! "-ii<>'':i adapts to ehfldren that I Oaitaria mrrt rvi'p. fVM T I recomnwad it u Mpcnar to ai? pracnpuua I t ~ OUI ' H'omach. I>irTt>a', Kru- kBOWBtome." H. A. A*cna. U D., OITO - 6""* J>i>, ana W8o.CWorttl..I**lju,l<.T. I WuKSTiSiyrioui medfcaika. T OHTTii-a CoiirAx-v r Murray flL-wt, N. T. , ~ OUI ' 'omac. >irT>a', ru-.taMon. OITO - 6""* J>i>, ana prauotM (tt- < 01 M v IM> IIKT.:I<T. Hay Ihiuvei are on the iani]>a^o near The South (irrr rlvtu>n trial hat ajjain '.en iNt[io::ii, this tinii- until Dec. 5th. Krnnk M. M iii r gt three mniithi al iiii'ji-Mllc fr t.-iiliii,' $1.' from the of Janiut Rank, of Mono General News. The Northwest I. -.i.-laturo will meet at l!_':ai nit iK- A MTIUII! count by the police of the acant lioumn in the city of Toronto howi that tliere are -l.'.'^l, incluilini; 'rt>4 ttorci. The witter in tin- SauReen river at Han- iver wan never known to bu hi|{li in thu 'all OB it wai lait week. Train* north anil a. mill weru cancelled H*HIJ{ to thu verl!ow. All iinmonte (juantity of lumber nntl timber in uliiopej fruin Ilejiwuith each year. Some idea uf the ipitn'ity of e m In- liad when it ii knowu tliat one mill, tli >: of I' 11 NVitlhuil & v'o , tawed last year ovur 3,000,1100 fet, prin- cipally hanl iH,d. The Ml. Fort-it chtMiae factory made one him Hi-. 1 tli -u unl |. .iunl.4 of i-liecwo tliln ftfasnn, an increase of ten tons over lust year'* output. The I'.-, soli) the (all m.ike for !jc. to Mr. Itrill, f Qa*lpn,for lii|.inenl to i ho old country. The total income from the geaaoii'a aalea ii fD.OOO. [ Representative. Kroui Slu-lburiii) cornel rumor* of a lrang mmli i(> thnt occurred them one iUy laal week It IK ft.inl thai an Ainaranln farmer got hold of a bxittlo of ammonia in.ti ;i 1 of wliuk.-v in a ill uj itlore there one nit-lit and that.aa a result of the doe he *AHll.>weil,lns life ha* In en in jeopardy HIIH e. Another story h.n it that it wax tvlinkuy he drank, all i: -Ki but nn over- ilo.su of Slielliutiic "bug-juice,' which is well known to lie .us i Rough on Rats, provml much for him. [Orangeville Adver- tiser. The HanoTor Post man had an en- counter with burglar* the other nii;lit, and thii i* his modoit vuriion of it : "About niie o'clock yesterday iiirnini( a tramp or burglar atunii|ittul to fore. 1 an ntrnnce into the rcniilcncc of tlie writer but the watch dog stood him oil 1 . Later on we appeared on the ucuiie and inti- mated that it mijfht bo us well for him to make bu business known, for answer he placed himself behind a tree. We then called for oflr fix-shooter, which had the desired etbjct.for his trampihip made a break for the fence and started north up Id townline. Hastily summunino; our do',' we started in pursuit, but wuvu unable tu uvertaku huu,uin b ' t > the fact of hi* having the better of ui on the tart," It is rumored t'l.it I/>rd DjtTeriu will the luto I. T I l.ytton a Uritish t-. l'iuiiix>. T!ie lri.il of the protest against Mr. C. S. llyinaii, M. 1'. for London, hat beeti pvatpoiieil to Jan. 1 <th. At London S.ituuUy, \Villum Thorn |>- i.ni. a hoiie-tliit-f, was scutencud tu !iie years in Kin. -.ton IVnilentiary. E.C. Kower, M IV f.,r l^by, has ac- knowledged corrupt acts by agents in his election and vacated the teat. NASAL BALM Itli . ~rui , i SooTHipo. CLEANSING, HlALIHO, Instant Reliif, Pet Curt, Failure In pi Mny KM^lleJ d d aw . , kim^u-ni. of i . !,. wU Ma*, (anlal aMteM*. i MTMlllutll IlIMih I .-li It,.! p|L- tlliC, lifti.M*. K. . .1.1 I H . f i .jtotea, fcur lii B i At . . fill.H. Il-l *..!... .1 II '...>.' ' . -I- d e .1,1 In Ii 1 , , r I or win . lo FULFGKi) It CO., Illt.'O ATTENTION ! (o Ilio perusail uf tlu- t'ollowlni; A<l><-rlis-n'l will lit- ol Illllfli 1)1 .;!;! to >OI1 I I have a supply of New Ray- mond Sewing Machines still cheap. Old machines taken in exchange. Terms liberal. A large supply of Wilkinsons, I'll urys, and Pulfer & Fisher plows and gang plows on j hand, also a large supply of Stoves. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Speight Waggons on hand. W. Strain, I 'U--.li.-n 1 .n. In Position -FOU- AND Position is Everything. ;:: mm nmim Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done io all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same city please attend tothelattci hrst. Careful at- tention will be ^, . . . n > copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. Flesherton ijivery Stables. , rro|>.-! lor, 1 ii- -.t clnsn !ri-sr i ami vehiclea for hire ! re&soDftble rates, statlci o)*p<* itv Munhaw> Spooial Attuiition iid to couaiarci*) ttl* fonu*nh*bran miidf M rcrk M i.., hr ADM* !'-, A'ntli., !><, .i,.| Jn. li<mn. Tlrd..,(*k. .i OilnnandMu Mwoll. U i:..u. ii A 1' , - n..r* rc 4!v *rniu from M IO lOJj All*i W Ji(.w you bow nrt %u, i i , u i", Wv fk in ti'M" tint* M til i hit llttl* blf munn) f-ii work- . Kallwr* MDkHOWn m nf ibm. A pamphlet of lnfomUm and ab- f the I':au, O*T*la, Trad \ I

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