Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1891, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, MOT MEJY.' 70L. XI., NO 542. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 1881. W. H. THUR8TON, Our Special Line ( ) for the next thirty days WILL BE IN Wedding, Jem, Engagement and Diamond Rings, Our Wedding Rings are all fine 18 K and 10 K with our own mark bearing guarantee as to fine quality. In Gem and Diamond Kings we are showing goods of such a quality and at a price that defies any competition. Our discount prices cannot be touched except by pot cash buying. REMEMBER a Written Guar?ntee goes with every watch and clock repaired by AEMSTR01TG BE03. The Flesherton Watchmakers and Jewelers. laimberley from our Corretpondent. A WILD OOOSE CHASH Mr. J. M. TliUrston, while paddling down the Beaver in bis little board canoe, startled a Hock of wild gecie. f th.> canoe, and ere bead" on them tbey wendud their way to Mr. Samuel Greyson's bnib armod with axes. saws 4c. In a iliort time soon 's of crashing trees ami whiz/.ing saws tilled the air. Treea were cut up al- most as b.mn u they readied the He had ground, which before night was cov- was at er ed w ith 25 or 26 oord of wood. Mr. Robert Moorchcaj, of i'ncc- ville, is visiting friends in this vicin- ity. Until lately Hob has been work- ing in Cleveland U. 3. Wo are sorry to learn of the illnesa of Mn. D. McMillan. Mrs. A. Leeke and Mr. John Kinnell. We trust ail of tin-in will soon reco/er their wo tu- t lie other end lie could get a had down. Judging from the way some of our carpenters Lave been working in the rain of late, (when, as Paddy said, it would wet a fellow to the very en- trails) we would not be surprised to knuw of a pair of tho Kiuiberley young e ,i health, people feeing inadu one. Sonic of the youiif,' Ktinberloy can boast of a Sabbath ' school second to none in Grey. They purchased books the past summer to the amount of about $40. 1891 NOVEfflB 1891 i * i The month of cold winds and snow, reminding you that now , ua!(er is the time to prepare for winter. The question -vill Opposition is said to be the life of trade. If so 'he blacksmithing trade will soon be healthy bore, as we are to have another smith in the person of Mr. Wilson, who intends to rent a shop opposite the grist mill. Mr. Humuiond will move his shop down lioi.'i where it glands in front of the M.in.-<ioii House. Gos<iip has it that we are to hare j auotht r store. Our hamlet is grow- | ing ('nine oil boys, a tailor is badly needed here, also a good harness people enjoyed lust Friday evening trip- ping the "fantaaiic toe," at the resi- <ifiir. ijf Mrs. Har^rave. Misn M. C. Hardy is visiting fneuds naturally aiise in your mind, where can I get the best value lor my money ? A VOICE GHTTLY WHISPERS near Owen So ,nJ. Tho new bell for the "College" was put in its proper position lu.'t WOK and now hurries up the collegians every mornii:g. It has a very clear and inusicial tonu, altogether unlike the blunt, dull thud, thud (hat char- acterises tiiu most of school bells in ru al districts. The trustees of the Academy have accepted the application ui Mr. Mc- Cutchcon, of Honeywoud. A fellow's cranium was in constant danger of being stove in by snow balls last week. Mr. JHS. I'ultison paid a visit to Why, certainly at the Corner Store, where for the thirty ciays you will find bargains in thc following seasonable goods. MEN'S & BOYS' OVERCOATS. MEN'S & BOYS' SUITS. MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTH and FUR CAPS. Ladies' Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Fur Sets, Fur Capes, Caps, , six children, tho you,,,st about six r i MIT T TVUI>V i.'U n,w,r - WViirf vears old, to mourn their loss. Ono and, as usual, beautiful MILL iNfcRY, Fell Boot , \ Vnitc : ' f thc VOII1)f , ,,, wllo lcft tho Louili and Gray Blankets, Etc. W. W. THIMBLE. Tho people of this vicinity were very sorry to hear of the demise of Mis Eva (iaudiii, who was well and j Ol) p rf y ]ui WM k for business purpos. a favorably Known here. Mies Jnmy Knmeii i,aunu-,l houu I'.-iith is still hovering around, j i ast Wl . t ,| (i i;is* Jen uy lias been so- Lust \vei-k Mrs. SmipBon.bfloved wile journiiiu in Duudulk fur the lastthrce next ' ""* Sunpton, was called away. She died on \\ 'ednesday morning and WHS buried at Maxwell on Thursday. Tne funeral was very small owing to thu bad state of the roads. The frit;iidri have tho heartfelt sympathy of tho entire MJfbborhood in this their sad bereuveinent. Sue leaves months ka.uiug dressmaking. The last of the clu'fso from Dootli- vi lie factory was sh pued lust week, br wliioh oaMkhiaM uvei i6fO was realised. I'rice 9Jc. liit.st(o|[e. Gentlemen BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS. Our $2.25 Long Boot for $1.65cts. 2.50 ' l " " 2.10 " 2.90 " tc " 2,55 " 3.00 whole stock B't 2.65 " 2 Cases of Boys' Long Boots to be cleared at a big reduction. along with the rest stopped at Eugenia. Wonder what tion was there. Mr. .Ii b.i 1'luwes 1 as got a large kitchen enct.'d. which adds greatly to the nppcarunee of his domicile. FOXUH arc plentiful in this locality. A few boys were out lately and the j dogs chased live, but they failed to ' bring homo a brush. What was the iviisuu hoys ? Too much "tangle leg, ' eh. II on n i /ion. for for the the now boBM almost coinplrti <1. Will Morton Imsn^ain left city whfre he is employed r fas. Little and Jeny Taylor are preparing to build now dwelling houses. Surely that speaks for the { future event. Thc threshing is ' around here Mr. E. Koss had Ffum our The pi-ctiiiliMit of the Victoria cheese factory has sold and shipped ibo bal- ance of ihi.s season's niuku of chepse the attrac- J at 9J cts per pound. Mr li.S.H.iuit s. wlio made the chvese, is to I e com- mended, as this is only his second year nt the cheese manufacture, and the Victoria chrvsu took first price in tin- market tliroiiL-hout t.hn season. Thc authorities of ourSund.iy si h ol here ur preparing for the usual aum- versuiy wlucli will shortly taku plai-i'. Mr. Win. Maxwell, of this plttce, has purchased tho farm of Mr. S.uiin ! KiisHcll. of Xiou, \Ve aro sorry at loosing Mr. Maxwell, as he \vs DIIU of those [HI sons wiio would live and lt live, and may prosperity follow him to IHM ni-w Iriino. Miss Martini Niifvc'll is going to Dundiiik to li-;ii u tiiu dress making business. Municipal mutters are again draw- ing on UK, and there will shortly be an uplii'iivrl iini'<ngst thu would-bu offi--- For our purl ! we are always satisfied to al>i<le the From H"r oiPii We cannot lie beneath such a rig- orous burden, hence we will arise and be more pnnotnul in our business. The roiidsare at present very rough. A little more snow would be very ac- ceptable to smoothed thc surface. Mrs Joseph Watson, sr., has hot n ill lately. Wo hope sho may soon , 1 . allls aftei . recover Mr. William Reid has his ' .., -_ , a i w .. VH Full IN WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILD- BEN SHOUT BOOTS. BETTKU AND CHEAPER THAN EVER. Lines Now is your time, only one week to secure a bargain in these lines. Strictly cash. McDonald & Evans. ri siitts ol a fairly contested election. In our opinion the la.-u two elections xavoied too much of dr^o'.iniu. No in. in with the public deep in Inn debt should bo allowed to canvass or stand around the door of a polling booth on an tit d inn 'lay, mid electors shoii'd i not be button lioleil nlou,' "party or mpletcd ntctarirt,," |i,, e8 . [ t , 8 no wol ,der to- day that tho profession of farming in Canada is on tho down gru.lo. If a fanner (juts up his head for any h mors i i the townihip he is told tlmt he in not capable of performing the duties in connecii'ju with tho honors, and that too by the veiy semirings ut We hope the third line rebellion is B( ,cicty. We would just say to t! t fanners, hi nor yourselves, make your own hiws and that independent of all job. Mr. lioss made a latgii season this fall. We believe Mr. W. Brown has sold his farm Lere and purchased auothtr in the vicinity of Sunnidale. \Ve wish him success on his new farm. now settled. The topic of the day here is the do FOR Fl\i; TAILORING CALL ON The Merchant Tailor who has but the one line to study your in- terests in. & X Leitch, MERCHANT TAILOR. Lands for Safe Farm properties. Improved and unimproved. aho villa^aprounrllM. Apply to J. W. AKMHTTl'iN'l, yiwhwrtou P. O. To The Public. If you wifth your otrpvU woven in * wor lat'M.'t artifctio mauiier. l***vi your <>nlni wit^t Mr W HiMtilniHon, oppoeitfi Wilson'* pln.mii,; nil), Klt^barton. uxovlmo WILL SHOW FOR YOUR IN- SPECTION A Beautiful Assortment HIM IIS SIMKKUtKK t\B Cib.MiKAL JKttKLKV M>KV l.ii:' F::: Ii:.: $18 TO 835. 10 AND 14K., $20 TO $!!8. WAR- AM' CUVEKINO INCIDEN- TAL BREAKAGES 2 TO 4 YKS. CLOCKS, IN NICKEL AND WALNUT, 11.50 TO *8.50. Fino 9 Repairing Personally attended to. Clone in apection of Goods, I'l-iccs and Business Methods iuvitcl. bating about a roast goose, who it was . c , s anil Im ,. tic8> elo . f aud thu lmllor roasted for, and whether they partook pl . olo3hio . is wi u [ earn to respect yor. of it or not. Mr. Joseph Strem is home again f.-oiu the N. VV. His smiling face is welcome back. Miss Ester McNally, who has been attending Owen iSouml high school ii homo again for a vacation. Alto her brother Geo. McNally is home. Swluton Park. From our own Currrnpotuli n t. Early on Wednesday morning of last week a number of young men For Over Fifty Years Mrs \VniiJ >ws hottthinu Syrup han huon IIMM* \)\ inilliDii^ ui uiuthurit for thiir chii.lr*>n while i^ It ill-tin liiumt niulit Mill broktin of VIHH rtiHt ii\ ii in k child HufTerliiK 'iinl crying with pain M i nttiii tt-th neiid at uno and i{et A bottlu of "Mrs. \v insliiw'N MnoUlili)! !Syi up fin ohildrun tt<i>tiiiiiK. It wiUrelieve the iu>ur littlo i-mli ri-f iiiniii'iliiitoly UoiHiud upon ll.inntlieri thoro IH ii" niislaktj aboul It. It rut * Mmr- rliit'ii, I'ttKi'lntiiN tho HtuinAoh and bowoln, euro* Win. I C':>lii .-, siiftniih tlin liuiiiM, roduoun Indain- ination. and Kiven tone anil otiurgv to tbo whole ny*tmii. Mri*. WfiiRlow'H s*.thiiin Byrnp" for ollildren ttithiiiK i pleaMiit to tho ta*t and in the proHcriptinn of ontj of tht ulilnat ami btMt female plivnioiaiiH and uurHen in the Unltod BtatM. 1'ricti i'. oout* a bottle. Sold by all dnifufiata thrniiKhout thu world. Mr sure and Mk for Jtrn. Wiunlc v i Sootlilug Syruy." to St W, A. BROWN, Jeweller, MAKKDALE MONEY! . I*"' "* h....r.M,. b> il. ,.i "* ".." M.MMI '> .Mid., Ik. ~k k>. . ~.M ..4 wjk r~. HM. .p.,, u, .11.141. '..,- rm """ TMl B* u.. tMkill. UMb

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