T h i-. FLESMfcRTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. I* published PHOM THB UrncB Street, FUtlierio*, Onf. TBBMS Oh st'itsriurTION: 1 par aunnui when pai.l strictly IB advaM* 1 A) par annum olifn uotio i>akl. AUVKKTIHINO RATES. On* eoluuiD, 1 >oar,ajo; ball *)., do., S27 artvrool. do., SIS. Trnn ut a U.Tti.-iiiiinu charged at th rate ( avitn. per line for flr iruwrtloi. and JcU. |xr ha* neon aubMquunt insertion W. II. THURSTON. XJitor and Prvpritter THE SCHOOL ASSESSMENT. The Advance hat been asked to aUaku i>lain to its readers the new ft'Kuialiou i our school law with re- lard t" (lit rril'f-ction of school suoiiies. as there appears to be differ- t-ice of opinion and uusund*trstaod- iiig of tl. iuatt> r among ratepa/rs. To U'xiu wo will quote sec. 1W f the j'liblic school act, which reads as follows : 10U. (1) The municipal council of every township shall Itvy ut) col- lect by afktbhimn!, nj i>n tbc taxable proprrty of the public school siippor- Ui.< of the whul* i.uhip, in the iuui.iii-r pruvidtd by thn Act, and by the municipal jnd !< Bsroutt Act*. Uie bum of $100 at least fur every public school therein in which a public school has been kept open the whole year exclusive of vacations. V in it- the public school has been kept open for six months or over, a I r< H"n tiunati' ainouut of the said sum of 1100 at haul shall b levied and colkctfd by usMbsiui'iit upon the tax- ab!r |>i-uperty of the whole township An additional sum of $50 at Ua*l shall be levied and collected in a sim- Uur manner for every assistant tea:h- r eiiKMged for the whole year, and a proportionate aruoDot if such assisunt teacher is engaged for six uiontha or over. (2) In the case of union school sections the municipal council of each municipality of which the union hchool section is composed shall levy k.n<l collect i.pnn the t&xable property of the respective municipalities the said sum in lh proportton tixcd by iLe <|uali/atiou piovided uuder action '.'.'> of this Act. (3) The municipal council of the township .-hall collect from the tax ahlf property in each section such other Hums as may be required by the ti ucti i s thereof for nchool purposes. li. . O. c. 226, s. 117. The above clause is not a new one, but has been pennitwibla since 1886. Last M ssiui it \va uuide compulsory upon municipal rniineils tu levy this rate. To make it still more plain w will give an instance of its working. For example, this section, employing two teachers, is assessed for the above I>III|>.IM flK7.41 and receives $150. Btc. No 'J, i miilimnyone teacher, is as.M , s> (1 for f l:W.!)7 und receives $100; r. i . No. 10 is uS'i'ssc'il for $44.05 and reciivcs $100, and so on. The ob jict, of cDurso, in to equalize matters and assist the weaker sections at the < xpense of th stronger. We leave al comment as to the justness of this systi in with our readers. M r NIC ll'Al?" MATTERS. was found that there had been ovoi charges in theic brauc)is,but as the officials had nothing but precedent to go by it cannot be claimed that they were guilty of boodling and pilfering, as one of the reeves insinu- ated. These clmrges, too, fsll very ihit when it is remembered that the very man who made them drew twenty dollars for acting as chair- man of two committees, which sum was an illegal payment on the part of trie county council, but one which it has been customary to make here- tofore. W think it would not be at all out of place to hve a judici al in- quiry into the working of our county council and at the same time secure a finding as to the necessity of pav- ing sncli a fl'wk of representatives as the municipalities semi-anuually t ot up to the county town. Tin- Door 4'losins Rrply. 7*0 tlit l-:<lil<:, ./ Tlir A.lr;,,rt. Ii AI: hii: Mr W S.Inkster makes the following st-iteiiii-nt in your laat issue : '-Mr. I:. own next state* that he was not made ucipiuintcd with the fact that the door would be locked, the afttruiutivu of which was never stated." In his first letter he speaks of the plan to lock the door, ami im- mediately Bta'o 1 , I "was acquainted thoroughly with the whole case" an.1 stated before he was "ready to prove every statement in church or ciul court.'' His brother John stated, the Sabbath lUv Mr. H riches pave his eaplamtion of the matter in Mr. Geo. Allisttr's, ii' -u I-'. V. rij.iin, that 1 came and ac']irainteil me of the fact that the dixir would be locked. He also stated in Mr. Little's blacksmith shop, M.IV.VI !!. that he told me 1 had b< tu task the key. Any school boy will see tlnit the necessity for a key states the "alliimative," the door ia locked. Others have used the fact that 1 hud I.e. n loll all tlm as an argument to justify the course taken in locking the door, and yet "the af lirmativn" "was m.-vcr stated." Thanks Mr. Ivhtor, the truth is about known. My friend can "bury the hatchet" if he wishes. Yi.urs truly. liKV.ll. A. HKOWN. 1'armrrV Imttltatc. According to present appliances we will have a lively election next January in this township. The situ- at. n. stands as followt : Messrs. Hi hanlHon anil boland for the reeve- blup. 1'viccville ward, Uessrs. alc- Mi Ian and aluir. As we said last wo. k, Mr. Kelli is not likely to have opposition. Not so, however, with Mr. Thouipaon, who will probably Imvi two in the neM against him, Mr. 1 1 Latiroer and Mr. Henderson, of V. ,u 1 1. am, being spoken of as his pos- siblo opponents. In the Fleshurton ward Mr. Dauude u in the field to stay, as hii cu 1 . elsewhere iu this its u. g es to show. To Ike Klilxr -f Tlir !>KAB Sm, 1 have just reciived notice from premdent Mills, O. A. C., that three sp. tikerst will be scut to the meetings of Institute*. For the one at Havf nna on the 5lh of January the speakers for that place areC A. Xuvit. K. S. \ , I). K. Smith. 1). A., and U. C. Castor. At Fleshertou, on the !8thofJan., the speakers are: A. Blinttleworlh, Ii. A. Be., Joseph Yinll and It. F. lioUerniau, with a list of subjects which each speaker is nrspared to Hpcak on for the dirsctors of eucli locality to choose from. l>ito notice will be given. J. 1. (IIUIIAM, Sec. Tl:r Krvlrwrr. the in U brief, and in thin particular complies with the central dumaud of literary law which ii " condense " " be pointed. ' Our fathers nled fur elaborate volinnm. \Ve have nt their inheritance of "digni- fied li-iur ' and s<> oar rtujueat U fur "c,.iiili-im.'(l pag*. '' The clumiy * patriarchal itylu whicli kept the fatted calf in the stall and the H.mr in tlie kiieailinu troujjfl, nncl on the vuilor'i arrival krpt his a|>|ivtite urowiug while the calf wat beinif dreatvd and the brcJ baked, is out of date wen in the literary world. We want mental extract, WH cravu cimdenit-d nstrement. The writer muat cnnduniKi It detinitc print for the educated nsder cTtn eipand to indefinite extent. Wo ilr*|.ie dull details, we seek Hublmie suxgeitiuni. A crystal leaflet ii likely l" cc<nnplish mere than a hnzy honk. Where there is dry fuel one match is enough. Where there ia no fuel Vesuvius niiylit empty heraelf in vain. The leaflet may probably be re- garded as npuciinen pa^un of a future book. REVIEWER. Tlie above leaflet lent postpaid fur 5c. a copy, or ten for -5c. Address The Ad- ranee, Flvsh.Tton, Out. Our r*- township representative! home on Hatnrday veiling after their Arduous week's work at the county town One bit uf important ,businss transucted there was tin in vfHtigaLi.m into fes charged by the tueiiff and ok.rk of th> peace. It COHitJUPTIOH CUBED. Jnold i.bv..cin. i etired from practice, liar IUK had i>laio<l it. .li., hrni.l- by an Kaal Iu iia 'imrv tin f.TiiiLiItt nf a Hiinple vegetable remedy fu. tiio|..vlv and piirmanent cure of (-'oiikulii!>ti"ii. Hi ...i.-l.iti'.. Ca'arrli. AHtlima ami all Uiroitt an.i l.nni; AtT.H -tiu>. aUo a poiiitiv* au<)ra<lii'al curu (or Nrrvnui IKhllity an I all XervouM e..m|*laitit)(. after liavinff tt>Rt*l it" wondwrfwl curative |.i.w.*ra in tliounan'l* of eaaaa. haa full it hit duty to make il koemii t<> In* MitTerlnt: letV.s. Actuated by this MIM'.V. an<l a .lewirr t ri-Ilrvw luinian ilff.irliig, I will Mild free of charito. I* all wlmd*lre it. thl r:l|M>. ill Oeruian. l-'r.-iull or KliKll-li. witli full diructiona (or preparing an.l UMII.K. Kent by mail by I ir.---.ini; with utaiop. nainint! thl Piiwr W. A. NUVKII. MU I'owcru'lllork. Hochea- ter, S.T. lyMarJOUl The Markets. < ;ir.-!ii Ih < ..r ; r .- J ! ;i ti W rc-U. Flour. ... 8 M to 1 5 00 Kail Wheat W to W Sprint; WLeat K7 to 87 It. 1. > to 60 Oat. 'S> to .10 !,,, so to to Hutu i 16 to IT KIWI. frah IS to 17 Tolator* ba- 8U to _ .._ ftOO to 5 10 Hat |M>r ton __ S go to 9 '* Hl.ln . u 10 to S OU W to 1 OO S to 6 > S to i! i. a* pn fair 81 to Daekeperpeli . s to so Waul IS to 10 "A lit.tiilif.il leaflet." Thia venlict of acveral cnin|ivtriit rauanl to tlm ilniiUv Iratlet "Tin- Savumr'a t.'Hll" uitil "A Vow," juat iMiii-il from I i.<- \.lv.tnri. .ilh'-i', Klealivr- toll. If it I if R fair ^"Tinn'ii .if tliu wmk donu in kiti.l offift-, i'i.r may nafely | n did, th.-it, ilici-f at Inttt, befora lunx th "Fiintir'a C'rat't" mil be claMed with Tl.i- Fine Arts. " Kxturnal a(>|>faranc>'i ar* piiwuidil inllueiic.-u f T guoii * fur evil. That winch ntfenilt the Utstu in fi.nn will H|I|IIIII I'leanu (lie nun. I in aub- laii'-i' A in. .il i li.it ID I'Killy ai rvi-.l ia neviir liaatily relished. Many a |ntici(iu( truth in clt.'iitivfly duried by a<unbr t tinif and iilovvnly ^i-t up. The leaflet before ua is tlie o|i|u>aite of this. It is in its gt up a in. nl. ! uf artutic skill and culturud tu.-.ti-. Its .i|.|.i .iiaiirtt rests the ey*,arrests tlie attviitimi and clenriy si{- KsU tlio wrilt-r'a them*. "The Saviour's Call" |is haa.-d on Rev. 18 criap. and tlm 44 vene, and is a plea for iming the Kracinui (!<Ni|iel invitatimi tu the tliou- aauds i>f iliivntit but doluda<i unes wht> hare come under a yatem >>f enslarinK formii and who know nut yet of Him who give* life, light ami liberty. To the qiMMtioi, what ia our duly toward tl. -i. who are the slaves of dead traditions in- stead of tlir ir. . s<nis of living truth who are devotees of the Mary nf thepatt, instea.l of bring the hapoy followers of the Christ of all present and future time t One tif four answers must be given. We must either 1st ign->r them, 2nd sub- mit to thi-ni, 3rd oppose them, or 4th Kvangoliza them. This leaflet says Kvangelixe them. Since the voioe that spoke on I'atmoe said of such "My peo- ple," u U plain that they should be made tu hear His ivitalion and "Come out of her." "A Vow" treats of M qut>tion that is slowly but surely coming ti> the (runt. Too lung "devout worshipers' hate sunn "nothing in my hands I bring'' while obstinatly ilraf to the plain oil "l.riiiK all the tithes" etc Amount pfeaunt day diecnfeiine, clever minds are iting a foremost plaoe tt> jUus on* . ' It does not |.y to rob Und' does nut pay Tea in things of this life. The leafle SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This GREAT tot tiil > 'JltK.tliis uncecss fnlCONSl'MITION CLUE, is without i parallel in the bislur? uf lu.diciiiu. All ilru -|;iitk ur aiiih"ii..l t.. sell it on a puni lite yuarnntee, a tent that uo utlmr cur* can succoaidllly staud. If yutl have a Coiujli. Sure Tliroiit. or Itnmoliitis, use it. fur it will cure you. II vour clnlJ haa the Cri>ii|>, ..r \Vli.M.iiiiu' CiiiifM, i'f it (ii..iiiotlv,auJ n-lu-f m sure. If yi.it .Ireitil tli.it >iui<tiiM disease t:ONSl''MI'll()N. P.. S'T rn. to uneit.it *ill core \ ."' ' ' ''' " l nutliinx. Ak your Drug irist for 8II1LOHS ll UK. Price 10 cts , 60 eta. and II. DO. U your Lungs ar* sore i r back laue.ute Sailuh's I'uruui IMaitur. !i&e The Safest AND most jiowcrf-il alterative Is Aycr'a Sriai>HrlH, Vouug anil old are alike bvuetlteil Ly Its use. For the eruptive dis- eases peculiar to children nothing else In so effective ts tills uiuili.'lno, v !ilf> Its at;reear l.lo llavnr makes It rosy to admln- itftcr. "My little boy Itn.l Inrgo H.Tufii- i l. "ii on hie neck nn. I tliruat from wlilrh he nuifcreJ terrilily. Two |ih)slciou attended I.iui, l.-.t ho grew continually nin.su miller llmir r.iro, and ever.vl'ily expeetwl lie r d.ll.l (lif. I hiwl he:ll I of the roninrkulilo < urea elTeetcil by Ajir'a .:ujia: il!:i, un.l llm Ideil to liave my IKIV try it. t.liurtly after he btgan tu take tliia nu-ilii-i.;e, tli > ulcers com- nierrrwl healing, anil, lifter unlng several U. tiles, lie wa* entirely cnie.i. lie is nnw as hcaltby nn.l strong oa any boy of his aiv." Wllliaai F. Doutjhoity, IU.:i|.ti'll, \ O. " In May la.it, my ycnngest child, fuiirteen niontlm .1.1. Veu.tn to hare sores Kather on It* lirml auu U'.ly. We ap- plied varMin simple remedies without avail. The aorns tncrra.ied In number ami dim liariceil ci.piuiuil.v. A physician was ealled, tint the eorns continued to multiply until In s> few moniha they nearly rovrrmi th . liiUt's head and boily . At i KI i l.<-y in the use of Ayer's S.ir- |..i- iM.i. In a (' days a nv.xrk.i-il < liaiiK* f"i the h. tti-r was manifest. The itorua lutniiiiieil a more healthy condition, the discharges were gradually dimln- iiti.il, and finally reaaetl alto^eDit-r. Th child in livelier, iu skin Is frenhnr, and Its appetite lietter than we bare ob- served iir mouths. " Frank M. Orlflln, Lung l\unt, Teias. " The formula of Arer's Barns perllla present.*, lor chrnnio dtaeaaee of almoet every kind, tin. beat remedy known to the medical world." U. M. Wilson, II. U., Wiggs, Arkansas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, LowaH, Mate. New Carriage &'. acksmith Shop, The anJersigned beg le/tvo to acquaint th" public with the foot that they hare npeuec) up a in w csrriatttt suit blackmnitli iiliop in Fleslierlon. vrbore everything in oar line w.ll be aUi-n.l. 1 tu in a |jniiii|>t mauwr nil<t good wiikunmulup (turaiiti-pJ. \\'e make upeeiult; of II O R S E S H O E I N G. nd Drofesn to bare A mechanic wbo gives entire nati f.irti.ni every time. Spwial atten- tion to tond'jr or contracted fwl. Iiit-rtcmiK pjhitivelv p.-evut"J. WOODWORKING- 11 all Itn br>nei. <. Wngonn. liii^-ie*. democrats made to order. We Wlitvo we cnn> work up a pood buHiiiena in Mi'-ln-i tn by fair and square dealing ..:) careful workmanship, and Kuliiit thu public to t.ist uiir m.'n's in our Tariotin liurn. strop oi'i'omri-: rri:\iTi UK n'.-titKitooMs in it HAM HT. WHITTEN & BLAIR, DRESS MAKING. <;.!Ki:imrM .twir to announc* o the |ieoplof Klai>hiirtuu ami Tlijntfv tb5 -In )>..<l>arml to <lo (IrnHBurikin:; to thr -utittfuc 'ii of tlioM who in. i . > with their ur.Iem. I ! ln!"ii fashion platei almayf on tiau 1 Sutiw'ivli-.n x';i' i ut \ > . raou- at.l* |iri.-.. Mi.,p itavl rwtnr OTM MitaJirU't Hank. KIcharduMi'i f/*x;t. Fleh.'rtou. IwW ic ticii: t;iru In fitting au 1 cutting by " Jlrs. IMiilipps -Opposite tfrtlio- dixt t'hiirrli. H<->li<Tlon. Dresa aud nut ntl. niKkini: in all lu brar.clie* Hovti.l k 'irl uitrt ntt.'N i. I- i ,|.il> .11.. gatiMfartioii ijtiiuant- it (i. !i'.vinen' suit), uiado up iu good ttyle. li<in cloth is brought rra.lv rut April V'JI font! #.'! 13 to us anrt \<m can baVK a v-*i ' r.'a lin- at wlml.--alt rat**, and a . reading of tl.. t'Mll<>lM>lllllU alone iiii-Kiii a yoar of |nac tli-alA<lno*li-n *ith the at- tvn.laut rvAn'jinvnl t. . v* i y uu-uibui uf >uur family. Turn Over a New Leaf Now 01 Never To Builders AM' Al.!. PKRSi-X* -Ti:i> IX l;l AND Kl'RMSUJXO Hoi 3K8 V/e Have orR NI;W s vu MII.I.. SASH ooo K, AND FrnxnntE KACTOI.Y IX Kl'1,1, Kl N- M.Nti I'KUKi: AM> \UK I'RE- I'AUI.UT'i Do Al !. WORK JNTKISIKD TO IS WITH DESPATCH. All Kinds OK I < MT.KK KoK SAI.IC. IN'- cl.fl'lMi HATCHED HAJLD AM) SOFT Wool) KLooR- lNi;.\VAINSfOTIX<:,Mortl>L INQS.8A8R, DOORS, BCBOLL \\ORK, Ac. ii' liri!ija>it niasa ln than ' ilitan It *l |>ir4.nt | I, :,|,ed >.n tllH <!. I IIH'lll, KiVlllli U It .!iN-,f..r II-.. \rmrt mil '. 1'iwn of ri'wl.nir matter by lhabl*t a'itli.>r in )). ..,:, i 'tii ,, v ..r :ji l*ut .01 ito eTn twttt*. th*n tl.L-i for \<>u. Having mad* a ipvclal oontrad with tlm |MiMi-lii>r* r... will nvntl v. i ': i ..-iiK>|K.htiiri MiiRa / n< .:!> \ . i\r. S.I U i, an. I t i.. A l>n.-.-. 5I.OU, total lUO.for i.iily S.IIU Factory Office ' ALL AT- Mills Show Rooms Fleshertonftaiion. J. E. MOORE, I'roprietor. AUCTION SALE -- OF - VALUABLE FAKM LANDS IN -- Thr Town.shlp of Artrnrala UMlKll nn.l l.r virtu.' nf til" |>nwr of al* to a i-rrtaui in i I inn, in. W. Sfmit t tlie Veinl.in.. wlii.-li wiil ln< pii' In. ...I at tyii* of xale. and on default tainfi ina'lu In |iayiu. ut .if til* IMOUO> llll'l.'l.. . .M.'.l. ti.fln Will llO offered for I.A!* b> f'ublic \iictiuiuiv A- S \'ai. il'ini'ii. am iii.ni'i.r at Munnliaw Luiel in tb Vllla^'u of Kluahui tun ou Thuriday the 17th day of December, 18(H, at t uVlock p.m.. t'.e fullow!n pro|'itv. naiiii'ly. Ut iniinburi S\ auit i'. luith in tlio BC* ..n.l rvftcotBioli uoi tli of thu Dinlmiii roa.l. In tin' t<iwnl.i|> of Art*iifiia. ontainliiii toKuturr 01 IH, alKuit IA) cf whicli arc O\vru Sound, Vntniio. 1^ IV Very PLACE IS CANADA TO CiUT A Thoronyh Butiimt tlucativ. Take a }{auud Trip " ' and C\>iniiiirial Departnientf in t'anu*!i>, tn*a viait thr N.nth. 'in HufiiiOMiiC'iillftlo . .-Mimine ever)- If we fall in produce the 'UK:', cutni'lete, |n acttr il and extu- lv cotirHe of Atuily : th beat ..-!!.!(. iroiiiu>s Dr. J. O. Ayer ft Co., nu, ai , .u , , T lalU to IK. <'lar< ,1 On the r>rail* aru >aid to l> a I<H| h.>u mil a franwlwru Tlio fai in U wll iituaU'1 ami tloi-f U> Klnnlifrtou Station on UK C. IV U. TKItV - In P-'i c. -it at time of nale. amt for the balance tonin will lie liberal. md will 1m mail* kuonu at tin*) of nale For furtluu particulars ur,.ly to Messrs. Bellamy & Henderson, FLRaiiKjrtuN. Or to MOSS. IIARNMCK .V FIlANhs. \>n ( |"i Soli 'Horn, Toruuto. Dat<t th ilav of N.ivt-n.1., r, IHUI. SOCIETIES. SONS OF TlM]'IK\sci: Tl.ls noclety iii*'.-t>* in !>r cln ii.'-... 1 .* Hall esjery WeAnee* lav .* in M^' at H p.m. Veiling l.rutliuin iuvitcJ. iunurance in conneution. 1>dV\l. TKMl'I.MtS OK TKMI'KIIASCK.- 1 i, ...uliir I'.'iiiK-il ii . 1. 1 I u. itay uveo- nn iii S|.roul'i blcKk at H p n. s..l.-.t degree liiHurancui nn.-t-. monthly, the Wudue.laj .r. TI-I ling thulfiilld oleai-li l.iunlh. PltlNCK AKTHflt I.OIKIK NO .'KM. A. F. A \ M . ni.vt in the Manonic Hull, Ktrain >1ock. V k'Hheitou. every Kri.'av on or before the 'nil mooii. A. H. \ amliin'M. \\ M , U- J. (iproule SL'C. To The Electors. Havini; been solicited by a nuiulier of ratc- payerit of tlie Townihip of Art. niosia to offer niysolf aH caii'liilitt.' at the anni.. aching iiliinlcl pal olectiou. I ben to intimate ttiat t will In a caudirli&tt. aaCouucillur for War.l No. S. Your votes and Influence are renpectiully so- .'it. .1 Your* truly, B. UAH UUB. Boars for Service. The undemiuued has two well bred bourn, one imported, for ttervice on lot -">, 7th con .Art eiiis)ia. Huth K|>ln<lid tunnmN On* two >rnr uld antt ono ipriug iiig. Ttirinn $1 and 75 oents at time of ftervice. uiot Minr i .11 . ctilli'Kv i> ami the bent ami inont couipletu ami moat ahU- furniture ami appliaiiuu**. wo will KV* >ou a full vo u rim KKKK. For Auuual AHUOUSOV lueut. giviu,; full i*rticularK, It .. a l>irasia C, A. FLEMING, Priori pal. This is the way with the B. & C. corset: if you want ease and shapeliness, you buy it but you don't keep it unless you like it. After two or three weeks' wear, you can return it and have your money. For Sa!c by M. Kulun ,!., n & Co> Tlie Pacific brought down on Tuesday night a lar^e black bear weighing over 400 Iba. , shot by Chief Eiigiueer Lowia. -[O. 8. Times. W hn Baby waa slok, we ga her OaHorta, Whn aha was a Child, ah* erted (or Osssorla. When sue b*ome Mkw, aha cloa to Caaaarlsv Wheel she had ChUdrea, shefanlheos CeMeria D. ncTavisb, MORSE8HOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. MannfacturlDgof Wagfoon. Rlelirha. Biisvlis, Democrats, Etc. Rone shoeing pvnnirtlV as- leaded to. H|>ota>l atUntiou given to coutia- der f . < or Under fWt. iiK and Hew Chains asMl, ce