Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1891, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE OFfU'C ;OJ GEO. MITCHELL, ffliESHERTON. 4 gannril banking businau transacted flritftn lulled anil cu.iii8 caiihnil at unual ratus Monev ; *yn available for legitlmatu buiimus Utull Orn< K too door* north of Kichardaon A Go's. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of the Past Week jirfully ftt I'.rd fo the 4'uious. _ wit'u-r uift-m;; local* mill lie. yd ,d Ike. rate </ /'V per liiif for insertion. .4 rw(nrfii)H wi// It e an tvntract* far I'M linen or an-r. A meeting of the patnmi f Flher- tou cheeiw fuctory will be held in the Town Hall <n Mmiday aftruoii next. T'twn!u;> council moett HI the Town 11 ill next Tjesday, Dee. 15, tu finally aljim titiinoial matters fur the put Jud^e M itisoii held court in ton on tbo 3rd. The Ruformers had been wide awaka and profited by having thir eyes open. A few en tie were offered at the month- ly fair on Holiday, but mostly all w.-re taken home again, price* offered being low. Some <J animals changed hands. Mis* Lizzie Cooper haa b*--n ro-engi;ed for r. S. S. No. 1, Euphraiia and Arte- im-si.i. Mus Cooper is very much liked as a teaclittr. and a great favorite among her lit'le nock. I am prepared ai luual to buy all itood soft flin stare bolts that may b offered ut my factory llim seaaoii. Rck elm, cronkeil, knotty ur unsouml timber not hought. 8. D.VMUDE. LOST.-- A small pup, :) months old, color, white and tan. Lot lately from the premises of Mr. Wni. l'.-.IUr, lot 27, con. 7. Any knowledge of its wherea- bouts, will ba thankfully ruuuived by the owner or at this office. Tax collector Wright informs us that receipts arc coming in "just medium." All Uxcs should be paid by Monday next, otherwia* Mr. Wright will feel at liberty to hurry people up. Tea, Tea, Tea- -Talk about a snap here U one ' Frum now till Christinas M. Richardson A Co. will give a band- some Japanese work box filled with an excellent tea for 91.25, regular price $1.75. The editor of the Shelbdrue Kre Press bad a bracu of prairie chickens brought him from M untoba. By the way, what do they call these birds when they be- comsi full grown. Will m of our Manitoba subscribers explain ? I.B. !.;.. ImrriMiT. Markiliil.-. has SIO.'HX) private funds to lend on farm in<>rt_-;*_" ' within the next fuw montlm at lowest current rates. No coinuiiM- ions, no delays, expenses low. Apply at office in Markdale durum the week or at Dundalk .(lice on Saturdays. Tho correctness of the maxim "no tiling su. -coeds likj luocess'' in well ex- rmplifk-d in Ayer's Sariaparilla. The most su v-ful combinatii) i of alteratives and tonics, it always succeeds in curinK dise.-ues of the blood, a:id heuce its won- derful popularity. Accor.lnn; to the Oraii^vville papers the inor^li i-f that bur^ are not improT- in-/ any. One Sunday cvouiug not long a^o, no le.vi than twenty live drunken men were to been seen on tha street* at one timu. The above list does not in- clude tWo who were stowed away tak inj; a quiet aloep. The harsh, drastic purgatives, once deraed so indispensable, have given place to milder and more skillfully pre- pared laxatives ; hence the reat and growing demand for Ayvr's Pills. Physi- cian* everywhere recommend them for coctivei.ess, indirection, and liver com- plaints. Look for J. E. Moore's new adertise- inent in our next iwue. He ha* a full line of undertakiptt goods on hand at his furnitue room*, Flesherton Station, and will iu a short time open a branch in Kleaherton an soon a* suitable preruiM* ar ntUxl up. Telephone coaneetion at both ends. Markdale has Iwen exultuiK at tha low rat* of taxation which has to be paid there. We oannot, however, exactly understand why it i*, if taxu* are so low, that the village father* .1 ' not raise thorn a little ratlier than borrow money from tha county, which they hava been ne for for a term of twenty yean. Mr. W. Mead* advertised pig for sale in these columns a few waeks ago, and after one insertion the sale was made to Mr. John Cooper of Dundalk. Mr. Meads informs iu thst he could have sold the animal three or four times over on tha huitil ..f that ad. Moral If you hive anything to sell advertise in some foreign paper and then growl because it does not pay to advertise ! .'iit Canadian families are al- ways luvers of jjoml literature. Our pat- rons are all intelligent, besides beins; smart enough to see a bargain. There- fore when we offer them our pupor and that charming magazine, the Cosmopoli- tan, bolh for a year for a little more than the price of the mau.izine alone, 83.10, it is not to be wondered at that they are jaick to take advantage of our olf.-r. If not acquainted with the maipuim-. xeiul to Cosmopolitan Publishing Co. , Ma.iiaon . New York, fur a free itaniplu Warning. All members of No. company having clotliiii); must retuin it this week, as the Colonel is expected next week. Notice. We have appointed Ur. John Urown, merchant, of Prioeville, a* our agent, with whom residents of that vicinity can truiiMt business just as well as by call- ing at this office. Mr. Brown is author- ized to taku subscriptions, orders for all kinds of job work, etc. He can show you samples, and quote pri * as low as you can get anywhere. Leave your sale U with hint for prompt atvntiou. Thin has Uern done with a view of con- veiiiencing our customers in that section. Christmas Present!! now up. A Urge stock of glassware and china beautiful designs suitable for Xnias presents. Call and see '.limn, the sight will dazzle y.mr eyes. M. Richard son <fc Co'i. China H:ill. Free From Bonclsd Debt. Wednesday at the session of the county council an important report of great in- terest to '!ry county was presented by the finance committee. It dealt with the treasurer's statement of having redeem.nl all outstanding debentures amounting to two hundred and forty nine thousand dollars, under Railway Bylaw No. 174. There is a surplus on hand of one thousand ix hundred and eighty-two dollar* and fifty one cent* to be viiscrihuted among the municipalities forming the railway <r.'iij>. The member* of the council are evidently well pleased that such an amount of indebtness has been lifted "if their shouldar*, leaving as it does, the county free from any bonded debt, a po- sition which, we imagine, is enjoyed by very few counties in Ontario. [Sun. Personals. Miss Bella Christoe i* visiting friends in the city. Mr. Scutt. inspector B-ll telephone company, waa in town on Tuesday. Dr. Christix) is attending the grand lodge Sons of Temperance this week at Bradford. Mr. A. Hazel, of Owen Sound, was in town a couple of days last week exhibit- ing his phonograph. Mr. J. M Davis, councillor for Eu- phra.iia, was in town on Monday and paid Til.- Advance a welcome visit. Miss R. G. Thunton, of Kimberley, who hat been visiting with friend* in Dakota for tho past year, returned home this week. Mrs. John Breon and Mr. Wes. Brecn left last week to vuit relatives on Long Island, near New York. They will spend moat of the winter there. Died. I'.KI.I N'.-ar Eugenia, on Sunday, De\ lith, James Roll, r,'.-d 64 year* Decease.! was a nalivo of Linark, Scut- land, ami canu to this country 35 yj.irs ag. He has been a resident of Arte- mesia for the past twelve yuars,and was a much respected man wherever known The funeral took place on Tuesday to OraiiK* Valley cenioiery. Djcaased leaves a wife and three childr* i to mourn hi* toss. "I". 1 eldiist son is clerk in the poatoffice at Markdale BANKKKVILLE : Tho poople ol Floaherton were niu.-li sho;ked on Tues- day luornin^ to learn that R :v. James Kasktrvillo had died tho night previous, about 11 p. in Mr. Baskurville had only been ill for a couple of day*. His age was 74. Tho funeral take* place to-day (Thursday,) at 1.30 p.m. to Fteshorton oainetery. The family have the deep sympathy of all in their sad bereavement. Wei will haye a more extended report next weak of Mr. BA*k*rvilla'* lift work. The other day Martin Hawes, of Mara- ville, had to pay f 187.50, and all he ha* to show for tins large sum is five or six orthless old aulky harrows which no- xidy will buy. Last ipring a polished agent called on him, Mid that he had six harrows at Orton station worth $27.50 each, and offered to give Hawes one of them if lie would take the lot rom the station to his barnyard. The agnt aaid that he wanted to have a on- ral point from which to diatrihiito the larrows inn. . n ; the farmers around. The rouble was that Hawes signed a paper which he thought embodied tha a^ree- nent, or was only a n-coiiiiiuMiiiaU.nl of .he harrows. A few weeks later another aent oa' -.! an.! llii'ii .Mr. Hawes made he alarming discovery that he had u;reed to purchase five sets of harrow* or 187.. "Mi A loiiu story U ina.lt- short iy simply stating that Mr Haw.m lia.i to tli<; SflUT ..">0 last week. The harrows are still lyiiii; in hi* yard, and no .me will ;ive him $5 for them. Suphrasia Matters. The municipal outlook in Euphrasia is >f a somewhat stormy nature, so far as hd election of deputy reeves and cuun- iliors are coiicernt-d. The present P-. v.- will be unopposed. Other prospective :andidates are : For 1st deputy, squire stuart, W. Fawcett and R. McKnight, linl dupiity, McOaubland and Mr. Elliott. '.ir councilmen there will no doubt be a lard struj-ule. Councillor Davis will be MI hand once more, and will have sever- al gentlemen as focmen, among other* bein-.: Mr. Win. John Blauk. This is as natters stand at present in Euphrasia. Councillor Davis, the econoinist, in- roducvd a motion at the lait meeting of council to liuvo the treasurer's salary re- duced from $1^.~> to tWO, but Ins ccnniHiii- :il mo. ul .In! u. it tiii.l echo iii tlio breasts if his fellow i:.,;iticil noil, willi the ox .-;> .ion of Mr Stuart, who supported lii.n. Die Euphrasia council has alway* bei-n remarkably In-.- with it* salaries to of- i-.-i.ils and t..i;. i tli -;.i well. The clerk i;ets in tlm neighborhood of f IWO includ- ; |M.-ri|iiiMt<-s ; the treasurer <tl-~), and the councilman -4 :t 8-' por day and lOc iule.i_!<!. Tlieie am liberal payments. lijt the townslup fathers aro not always so liberal, miii.l you : n..t by a lnni{ way, when it comes tj a matter of printing. I'', r a live or ten dollar job they hawk it uu.l to i!i lo-.viMt ton hirer, and ac- tually in soiuo cosus havu <..i ih.-ir print- ing dune at a loss to th printer. It is even *aid that one of the member* or official-! some time ago i"l a tunilur from the Markdalo o.'tico for certain work.tiu-i hied him olf to another printer, told him what had been tendered, and succeeded in saving by this method just $1 ->0 t the township. Oil, the Eupliraaia coun r.illnr* and olticials are a' I economist* of a high order, but it appear* that the printer is about the only one who has to sulfur for their virtue. This pap.-r has on one or two occasions been asked to tender for Euphraaia printing, but know in/ a* we .lid the (finding proi-tMJ adopt- ed we declined to waste postage stjiiipi. > doubt when one or two othor news papers coir.e tu t!ie same conclusion tl.e object -if certain parlies will be gained and the printing be given to one otticu at a highly nun inorativo Sgure. In thi. ineaiiuin.; it. n "uriiid the printer." A faw more nun like S-^uire Stuart, of Kiml) -i!.-y, and councilor Duvis shoultl bo p!a.->: I at t.iu board to put a chejk to tho sclicmin-j. Our Priceville Budget, when he w:vs not there to d f* d the in-- Mr Mortimer, of the Slu-lburna Fn- -sii, waa a welcome itunst of D. M. - joan nf th UigtilanJ Hill last Salibnth. | \Vi- have bt-iMi obliged to slightly ion- en*e this budget, owing to the late hi ur t which it was roceived. ln. An\ .>:.] our nun ('(nr'.-.]i>i<tcnt. J. Mc(!owan, our entei prising citizen has added to Inn lai\'o industry a planinu and in;i' -Inn.,' maci. ine this wei-k l.in^ felt want hero. Ue ha* limsliui sawing his stock of logs this week bu we expect tosi:o his yard uVelHow will timber soon MLjain. Mr. .(ohn M. l,.::i", of the North Lino liU-iicl,', limt a val-iaidu horse last week Tli i 11 the third hm-so Mr. McLean n.i l.Mt. within t'le latit three yearn. Col. McKinnoii, of Toronto, has boe thu iruiMt of Mr. (!eo. 'I'ryou for the Ins few days. Mr. N. McKinnop moved into hi residence on K n nr.'ine St. on Tuesday lately purchased from Mr. Wait. H will vncate his pivKi-nt. store on the Is of Jan. neat. 1 wish him success in hi undertaking. Some of our citizens have a bad habi of lounging in the business places of on village ifu-r oi^ht, aixuing iMditic,soiok ing, uhewinj; and spitting. The busines nmu cannot order them out, but really they ought to decently go about thei buainess when their business is done am not make cuspidore* out uf biacuit boze and nail )(< I hope the practice will be discontinued. The b'nal revision uf the voters' list waa completed here before Judge Morri- s.in un the Vrd. .Some ttve name* were disallowed . but most uf thaaa war* un.Ur age or not reaident* of the riding for ana yeA \Vlvut has b*oiB uj Mr. Rilay, Got The Best -*- For your Money ! VB HAVE NOW A WgLL SELECTED AS SORTMENT OK Boots H Slip pe rs Shoes Rubbers For Ladies,Gents and Childrea. Mew Goods, Cheap and Good. lisped tHi Goods, c-nnpare tlm Pricus, and * clianco tii make yuur f.-et cotiifortablo for the ill .mil winter. Also * lot of Men's ..in.-iii.uli! Uni'4 bouts <>a ImiiJ lint nality. !>.,.!, i Work and K- - Iiairiag tu orl.-r at S, K1.KSHKHTON Boar for Service. Tlie undereiiinud li a |>lmnli Hrkliiru liiiar. from import* 1 tock,f. r fturvioe D lot .'(ft. cun. l.i, \rtttiuioia. Tins ni e uf the set animals In tb* country. Ti-inm l or 10 MIT cent off fur cant!. UN. .v! in.. I. J WILL AMBON. A BK NOT a Pur- *'* fiativa Moiii- me. Tli. y i * ToMi-unil HKI-ON- HTHI.'CTOH. an tbuy supply In a eoudeud form the ftntiHtaliiruu itually itfMKlud toou- i.-h tin- HI. '.id. curing Jl dlMMWus Coining Torn I'.IOB and WAT- , -tv bLoon, or fr. .n iVlTIATKl) HrMollll III he blXHiu, and alo nvigoratti and 1)OILD Uia Mi. 0011 and HTKTHM. when brokim down t>y overwork. * worry , dlaaaaa, i nnd imllscre- llii-y have a 8pK<-mo A<moM on the HKXHU. HVHTRH of itli inu and women, restoring IXIHT MOLII and correcting all I.AKMIBS aud rurnV Uftll ClCTf i HI AH hU pliys.L-l pi'ivan t ey will res im uivotal. Who finds hi* mntaHao- iil:- dull or failing. or lmigniK. should tnku IhuM PUCDV UinUIH nould take thorn. CICHl WORM They .ur., all ..,,-- prnhHioar. and irr.^ulriti), which muvilauly entail *ic)iiii>aa whun uvgleotud. honlil taka these l^i.i.a, .^^. w _ They ill cure the re- iult* of youlliful uad uabiu, aud ilruuijlheu Uie YOUN6 WOMEN ' h n ^^ For aalo bv all drufutlMa, or will be sent upon receipt of pricu (Me. \MI box), by ad''reMing ran int. WJLLLIJLMH' MKH. co. '. oi Aman.la WHY COUGH, WHEN a tow do*e* of Ayer's Cherry I'cctoral will relievo you ? Try it. i it in the nouao. You are liable to have a cou^h at any time, and no other remedy is so effective I this world- i renowned prcpara- I tun. No houneholu, ' with young children, should be without it. Scores ot lives are saved every year by it* timely use. Jenner, Northampton, Mass., write* : " Common gratitude im- pels me to acknowledge tho great bene- nt* I have derived for my children from the use of Aver's most excellent Cherry Pectoral. Iliad lo*t two dear children from croup an. I consumption, and had the greatest fear of losing my only re- maining daughter and son, as they were delicate. Happily, 1 find that by giving them Ayer'* Cherry Pectoral, on the first symptoms of throat or lung trouble, they are relieved from danger, and are be- coming robust, healthy children." "In the winter of 1888 I took a bad cold which, in spite of every known remedy, grew worse, so that the family physician considered me incurable, sup- i>osing me to be in consumption. A-* a last resort I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto- ral, and, in a short time, the cure waa complete. Since then I have never been without thi* medicine. I am fifty year* of age, weigh over 180 pound*, and at- tribute my good health to the u*e of Ayer'sCherry Pectoral." O.W.Youker, Salem, N. J. "Last winter I contracted a rarera cold, which by repeated exposure, be- came quit obstinate. I waa much troubled with hoarsenea* and bronchial Irritation. After trying various medi- cine*, without relief, I at last purchased a bottle of Ayer'* Cherry Pectoral. On taking thi* medicine, my cough oeasndi almoat immediately, and I bare been well ever sinco." Kev. Tho*. B. Russell, Secretary Holston Conference and P. B. of the Qrtsonvilla INMrict, M. B. C., Joneaboro. Teuu. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rr> m Or. ^ C. Apr * Co.. I owe*. HUM. Cards. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. FLKMIIKUTON, Co. QRF.T. DIVISION COURT CI.KIIK roMXilhSK M K ID B. B.. Couvsyancer, Ac. .\K. in 'o ,>ni. I u > an. I Mle of lauds. A||>iais<r fn ( I ( (in.. ml K I'.B. * 8. Society, kinno} to 1 . ai on H'fl nokt raaaanabla u-riim. IHI I.H or MABBlAbl LlCt NSE8. NOTARY 1'L'IILIC. MONEY TO LOAN. The nnilersigiiiKl has a large amount ..f ni. mi v to loan at Co/a on t wn <>r furtu property. S. UA.Vl CDE, I-'l. sh rt. n. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk, ArU-mimia. Convp- anew, IiiMirauce M'' L '. "to. Drols. n i.r' r -nK<>H, M-K, i-tc., prcpsrtd and proprily \> i-nti-.l. InHuranc affecU-d in tirst elans c> II Money to Inud at lowet rates. DR. HDTTON M. D. C. M., M. C. P. <t S, Out., Pri-o- v:lle. Rusideuce and Omi-.- one l >r w<-st ol the Methodist Church, Kiiirun* St. Office days, Tuesdays snd Saturdays. DR. CARTER. M. C. H. * 8., Ont. riivniciim. snrgprn, etc., Klenherton. Office Strain'* blwk, Uvsideoee Munibaw's butel. DRS. SPROULE & EGO, Markdale, Out. Ofllee Mni:l\ s tlrtig- store. T. 8. Sprnule, M. I'.. Kte. AIIKUS Kgu, M. D., Ktc , lain of I'.-iii iilmiii. Out. L)r Kgo will be found at tin Murkilnl* House at uigbl. J. P. OTTEWELL, Veterinary Sargeou. (iri.lnul. of I ):itriir VettriuryColli,((. II -Mi'l.-nr.i !' : st Jour iwutu ul Lctoh'n tailor -ili.ip. Kieslu-rl MI. J. P. MARSHALL, L. D. S., M. D. 8.. Dmitim. Vi^iu M.,. k- dale the 1st anil Hrd \Ve.lui-sil.iy of >, li m.-.iili. Klusbvrtuu Kuuh trip nu t!ie u.-.y ulluwiug. J.W. FROST, Hamster. S.. lir.it.. r. Convi-\ sneer, Hi*. Kl.-i,ln-rt.in office- Next the port oflicr, Sproule's building, on ThurRdivs. Owi'W office Frost'* bnildiug. P McCDLLOUGH, linrriHter, Solicitor. Etc. Onico ori-r .\fc- Karlaud's *tor, Markdale. M..U.-J I.. Loan. WRIGHT ft LINDSAY, Ilarrintcra, aollaltan, etc., iiwrn Sonn.l, Out. l-'imilii-t<>B oca at MUcliull's bank, WadBMHf of aacb we*h W. H. Wnsasrr, . B. I.IM. AT Ra J. Sproulrr, r>08TM ASTER, FleshorUn, Commission- *- *r in B. V., Liaenned .Vuoliuiiver, Ci>n vuvaneer. Appraiser anil M..ue. I.cmlrr. Heal Estate sud iuurii.-i- \^.-nt. Di-rdn, Mortgage*. Leases and Wills drawn up and Valuation* mads on snor'osl notln. Auc- tion 8eJ* attended to in any pary uf tlia Connty. ilonsj to loan at lowest rates ol interest. CvDeetio** attended to with promptneaa aud despatch. Chargi-i. low. Agent for the Dominion 3teauiihipCornp*nj<. Cheap tiok4n frogs Klesherton to I .iv. rp. .-L, Ukugow, London or snv of the British orls . I'nrties intending to visit Kn,;li.d, Scotland or Ireland, will plt-asr ask rates b- lar* percbaaiig thair ticket* oUewhere. Weaviug Weaving Tha undenlfead a*oJI. a*UIU tria utronnf* of t hoao raoulrlnii waint in M> lina of cai paU, fall cloth. ftaa*U. fcla-i kM and tvrrd* AM wars |arajit*a< aa J(HN IIAhCIMT. i Ma-

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