Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1891, p. 6

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THE WEEK'S NEWS OAIAOA. cholera liu Ijern dincnveicd in the I"8K r| y "I Kingston 1'eniteniiaiy. It IP pro| oscd to luiiiiil mi AnglHaii nchool of theology for the hiocese ul Onlar.o. Mr Hie-hard Cart "Slight ii reported to have accured control of the Montreal ll<r-t/<l. North Dakota anil MiniieH.ta fanner* continue to take up lain! in the North west. Sir li'rorge lUelen Tow . II left for Kngland on Tuesday lo spend Chrislinasal home. Nearly .'t.i'ii I.IKKI l.imlicls of wheat have been shipped from Foil \Villum tliu sea- on. Cuttle from the I'mii-d Slatesoontinue t b admitted to British < 'uluinlii i freu of all quarantine. Hev. Mr. Jacques was fim-d $1 and costs at Calgary recently for calling Mr*. Kulhain a blackguard. Mr. William Stephen, father of [.ord Monnt Stephen, dud m Montreal ill hi>9Ut year on Sunday. The <-'rand Trunk railway will do its own r i pi CM business afU-r the nnl of January next. Archdeacon Keeve wa contecrate<l his bop of the Mackenzie Kiver District at Win nipeg on the 'JOth ult. The Dominion CJorernment ban ugnin cull d for tenderi for a fait line of steamer* l.-twceu Kn^land and Canada. A proposal it lieing considered in Hamilton to huild an electric railway from that city to Iteamsville. Mr. William \niniaa, the well-known photographer of Moulrsal, tiled on Monday, aged .">."> yean. The Kxeculive < 'nmmittec of the Macdon- aid memorial fund met at Monirral on Tues- day. Tiiiu fai $-Jf'.ilOO has ben sjbscribed. The lii|iiiirnt of lumber for the Mtrsmio- hi di.trie'. X II.. thin year wai T'J.iJO'M 00 feet, against 87,IKJ.<> i in 1*90. A .|iee i ion n* to the validity of the On Urio Inaolvency Act hat amen in the Su pi. me-< e,url at Ottawa. A deputation vimted Otta-v.i the other day with a request that a bounty bs allow- I on \icct sugar for 20 days. Native* are returning from the United to the maritime province* at the rule .. : a day. A Mnding twine factory will shortly be established in Winnipeg. Local capitalist* air interested. A gentleman i< now there from the east supn int. i, img detail*. A warrant hts been granted for the e- tritdi'i'.n of Wong Yun, a Chinaman at present in Vi<-lnnit. II C. , who IK w.intedat i i ancisco for Ml* embezzlement r'ne Imys playing on the beach at Sooth- ainpton. found a liom.li, played with it till it explode! and wern all killed or fatally woiindeil. An eplo*io of gm occurred at I!U< k hum. l.-uic tshiic. on Monday wrecking two CM three* buildings and killing icveral people, beside* injiir.nx other*. At a [- h in Kelmliiirgh on Saturday lion. A. J. Balfnur laid he did not think <ire.il Britain would ever again see a monster igrariun ooimpiraey in Ireland fed by American funds. Captains Koilcau and Kuteher have ITCH dismisses from the lirilish army in conse- quence of thei c.indticl in connection with the Msnipur massacre, but the official de- cline to explain why. Lord lUndolpli Churchill, who ts in ex- ce-lleiii health, will, according to present arrangements, Ictvc Moth tnaland on his homeward jcurney within the next few days. His Lordship is expected lorea.-h Ion ion the third week in Decemlier. I'MTr.D STATI-S. Two earthquake shocka were felt at Seattle, Wash. , on Saturday. The lnsth anniversary of the evacuation by the British of New York was celebrated in lhat city on Nov. 'Jfith. A public school teacher in Kansas claims to have dincovc: e c| e licnn. -als lhat will pro dace ram every time. i.e-'iige Youngclaus, who had extensive dealings with the cheap restaurants, has been arrested at Chicago for selling horse- flesh labelled beef. Twehe men were killed outright and others injured by a lindslide near I'acoma, Wash., yesterday, on the Northern Pacific the other day. There was a blu/ard. accompanied by a heavy fall of snow, at Norfolk, Va., on Sun da; . Sleighs were seen on the streets lor the first time in many ye us. A lunatic fired three shots at Dr. John Hall, pastor oflbeKiflliavenue Presbyterian chinch. New York, a* he was entering his house after me. ruing service on Sunday. A collision occurred on the Lake Shore at Toledo, ()., Saturday night. Half a de./.-n people were killed and a great many in jured. The scheme for forming a cigar trust in New York with a capital of |i> i.000,000 has collapsed. I'. S. Itepiiblicnns generally understand that if Blame will accept the nomination for president at Minneapolis he is to get it. Failing him, Harrison will be put up for a e eeii. I trim. The steamer Majestic, which arrived at New York on Thursday, maele a trip for (Juecnstowu in 5 days 'JO hours and '_ii minutes. Wilkes James was shot and killed at Gantville, Ha., the other day by Kdward A .tory comes from St. Marie Itcauee, 3 <"*""- The young men were rivals fora , thai the four boy. and four girls of 8> ";" milv married the lour boys and four! 1 he United States J.overnment s ex pen girls of another fatniiv in the mine parish ; ? u '% P roved lnBl n'-'ki-l-steol armor IB year* ajo and that ibe offering now . ''<*' Je<Hy upenor to ni.nihr; 74 .! eii.i.ii Forrent, a carpcntt r In n,; cm B.-II- wood* uveuue, Toronto, was instantly killed at theC. T. I'., freight sheds the oilier day, I -. .luge box of platT glau falling on him. ?!" 1 '.""' r llw y corporation, m the steel wifioul the alloy. The United .States life-saving se-vi-e saved !*4I lives during the pas', fiscal year. There were jfl.iMt miles of railway tracks body nearly acveie.l at the Vorrot's waist. ii- nry Hanlmry, a yonng Kn^'inhman who wa itrrestecl the oilier day for eml<e//ling a small sum from Charles Urown, a Toronto livery stable man, i-.iiiiinittr.i suicide rather thsn be disgraced. A story c -n.es from Port Arthur ol the l '"' 1 " 1 Stat Mariu?Hosp,taI service has alleged murder in the Rainy K.ver region i '.irectedaiUntion to the presence of leprosy of two members of a hunting party. I ! ' -, v.ral citicsof the Umtod St.t^. sold lo bo Ked- In Ihe case of John Helllnger, thn prize United States on June .'(') lost according lo latislics just completed. The -Ye. i -' If a/er says there was a heavy decrease of the mike of Hour last -.' the output l*nn;only I (I I, 'JOO barrels, against 'JU.*i,.*>tt.'i barrels the previous week 'Ihe surviving surgeon-general of the M M,. namej of the victims are ding and I'ruce. The sc-hnol Act mailer i> again liofnre the t.urt t Wiiiiupeg, this time on an appln 4 lion that the city b compelled to show cause why a by law levying tax. fur school purposes should not lie iiuaahed. lUniel Whale, formerly of Toi on to, who is in Ihe |H-;uieuti*ry for killing lu> wife, is saicl to have left a conft mmn ul Mitclieil to (lie efTe. t tlml In- .l.-lii-c i ..i.-ly. and w III intiniion. *tru>k hi* wifo tlm blow with a beer bottle that cauced her dcn'h. The lmp< i :ai < '< v, rnnieni hat notified th Newfrniudland l.ovcinmmt that there in a I tighter who died in thu ring at V York. the jury have decideel that death wa* the result of the burjlin^of asmall blood vessel. Allman, l::s opponent, has lcn held in J.'i. 000 bail. Mr i. K. S. West, who for six years was tho lady' principal of Rutgers' Female Col legr in New York, and who for a min-h |.., j. r period has betn regarded as th pet- ition of good lies*, stand* convicted by A TI1UI>t \DNILMIM A KOWKOAT. A I .'Ic , !l ,. ll.lo: and His tliil-lll.ni. lrl|>, n Ihr sra In : , < llim.ro K,.>ll,,,ll A young Swedish journaliat, whose name is M. C. <;. Uddgren, has rowed In a amall lujat all the way from liothenburgh to Cal- ai>, and hopej to complete his journey to I. -iid. >n when the wc.ilher moderates. He is a finely built, fair-haired, brawny man on the sunny side of 'M, and hails from Yiken, or Koliuslan, the centre of the old vikings' country. With some of the vikings' blood in his veins, the adventitious Swede de- tci mind to row from (jothenburg to London a distance of over a thousand miles. The following account, which M. Uddgren gave of hi* trip to one of our representative*, will be of interest to others outside the confined circle of " boating men :" "Ever since I was a boy of (i,* said the young man. "I have lieen accustomed to rotting in small boats in rough seas, and while I was still a lad I rowed some 'JOO miles along Ihe Swedish coast. Wln-n I suggested the trip I havenow alinoatac .'in piisTied the idea was eagerly taken up ley some sportsmen in (iothenburg, who off-r. d to ;in<l money fur my expenses, bul when the project had been published in the paper* and the date determined f-r my departure, they withdrew, saying the responsibility wai too great. But I had been training ever since April 1, rowing daily more and more hours, and I had set my heart on the voyage. So I darted all the same on July 4 troinCiothenbiirg. " My boat is IK feet long and .t feet 9 inches wide. Il is an ordinary rowing Imit , but covered with canvas, like a canoe. The kculls are fastened to the rollock* so that they can't slip. She was made by a Chicago linn who sent her to the Stockholm Kx- hiliilion. " When I started I had neither sufficient clollung nor food. I had left my watch at home, and had no compos*. : and I had only fifteen shillings in my pocket. All the coast from four miles soutlt of (totlicnil-urg was c|nit nc-w to me, ni.d I had a terrible time. after ui^ht 1 had to sleep in my boat, very cold and wcl and hungry. Une nighl I was the guest of a fisherman, another of a farmer, a third of a Conn* in his castle. Kteryliody offered me shelter and gave me the run of the larder. Why my voyage from Copenhagen to Kiel, which nearly took a month, only cost me twelveshillings! I stayed five days at Kiel, and then, ac- companied for some distance by members of the Kiel Uowiiy Club, which had housed and i-nt crl a- ned me, made my way through in K:dc T C.in.il to Tunning. Now I had had tremendous waves in the Cattcgat, but had not had hitherto to reckon with heavy tides and strong currents. To avoid com- ing to grief on the banks at the mouth c.f the river Kibe, I had to go right out to sea, and had a very dangerous trip to Cuxhaven. Thence to Amsterdam, aloug the coast, I hul the hardest work in all my journey, Ihe s was so rough, and the wiM.N HO string, itesides, the Sch'es- wig llol-i-'in p.-onle were not so hospitable as tho Danish, and I had often great difficulty in getting a bid. After my illness I was afraid to risk sleeping oul in wet things. And my clothes were always wet with rain, or with the waves constantly breaking over the I Iiiy, often thicutening to swamp hei. In the Xiiydcr Xee I had once to row for thirty- three hours at a stretch. I nearly went oat of my mind several times, and the great exertion, continued d.v after day, now and again thoroughly prostrated me and made me faint. " The voyage to Amsterdam had taken month*. 1 went tu Leydcn, and ihcnce ley Rotterdam, Anluerp, l.hcnt, and Bruges) to Nieuporl by the canals. It took me more than a month to get through HolUml, but two and a half days sutlice.l for llelgiuni. I rowed from Nicup >rt to I lunkirk on canals, and then out on the sea again to Calais, win. h I reached on the 31st of Octolwr. For the last few days the weather Ii id heou very | cold, and my Kgs got benumbed in a very fi'u hours. I had once to take shelter in a lightship because of this. I had t>> lie lifted out. You know, I have DO means of keep- n : my legs dry, and I only wear short wo ..leu ticiuT'ts to match my two jurseys and cap. I want to row all the way t-> Obriatm&i Shadows. Tho needle* have dro.-ipcd fpun her nerveless As she walchcsthe dying embers glow. Fur out from Ihe hrond old chimney place Conn- ghoMtly shadows of " Ion r axo ;" Sli.eelow-e lhal carry her ' i k .IK F i.n To the tune of her ehi . I hood arlleiw joy SI, a lows Hint nhow hur a tiny row or stockings awaiting I he I brUtmM toy j Htiadovs that shotv her the faces loved of many it half forgoHe-n fric-n.l : And the Chrisim is eve it Is pu'sinx by \V llh only the- -hi.li.wiof "An!. I l.i Ttio elcM-k is ticking the moments on. While the tears in her ad eyes -'.ill shinu. If only out from Ihu silent world The world of shadows whi.-h mock her o ttttf might return lohi* vacant ehitir. To -r wilh l r in ihe- Brellfcbt'* glow 1 If oul) WON that a white, whit.- haml Tlutt seemofl to bei'kon hr out of the gloom I Or was it lleeenilie r- lu-.t hrigh! M.i-h MI uu < IH:I i N . The- < |iri>tma e\ < ha pasd at lensth ; A Klori'iu-i day fnini Ihe niitht l< lorn : The- nli.t'lowM are Konu from curih away. And hc-llx tu*e rintcinx for Clin* p III^H uinrn. fiot. :ih ' hy the- hrort.l c>Iil e htmn>-> -iilaco Tho anxc- <ifcl.-.ith L.-c-p- w.ii.-h alone. For straiKht to the Cbns-Vchild's beckoniojc nrni-i A lon|{iiiK spirit Intlh gladly down. Tacaut Places- liniw more closely round the flre, U'nile tin- rn Try . i/. -In-itu higtior, AIM the* crimson -ehadown f.ill lieevtn the- floor and on Ihe wall. Draw the curt .-tins < IOKC for fear 1-jirt.h's ijr >> iirf.i.'-t! cold acd drear Coldiy (fraw the K'OW it way Krom our hearth tbU ('hrislm.ks Dav. 1 1 irk tho sound of ncaliDK bells ! Wilh I tic: wind il slnVi. niiil swells ; I/iml it swell- ami softly el Like Home- >w<-et -oul to the >kie* K .-.! itwny. thai leaves the cartlt .- ed.lc-r for the vamshctl mirth, li.irkcr for the viini-lmd rar- lie- li.1 are sad on Chrixlmas bar. I'raw your chair^ more closely round ; l..-t ipi liny K.ip In- fo'tnel - Ix.-t there h. no empty space Th ii mii/ht i-tvm .1 v .ic inf place XX'.utiiiK for H disused chair. \\',:l, n > iiinK face -.mil.nK ih.-ru. AJI it nmlleil so blithe and gay Jnst a yuur UKO to d.iy ! Oitad henrlM that would foncet, Kut n he. in M.-rn ry mill doth fret, ' . . n to v. r.e [ ri-I.eil Krare, Hlender form .1: d leivin^- f.w-e, lllc-eelinff u> the .10) ou* i-.-ll Tolls for joy a funeral knnll ! Ttiink lie l. it. i how far away Tlicy loo kc4-ii ths ( 'h rim mas IMy ! Yea : for sorrow come* to all. And its !i idows blackesl fall Wnure the' fullMl sunxhine glowed. Ile-ne .-forth we must Uikc the road With slow footsteps bear alone WOPS our l'*il one's ne'er have known ; And " Thank Un.1 for this ! ' we'll say 'Midst our tears on Christnia-t Day. A vacant iiLtco an empty chair Who but doth thin sorrow nharv ( Tiiciu,;li nr.d well nlRli be forirot, \\ Ii it he. nt twaU where grief Is not t Still, oh. still the- chiming bell 'I nlimrsof Kre-.ti loydoih tell. And wo wilh our lout ones may Once more keep our Christmas Day t B refit its. JTark ! the t,, Us of rtiri>.Uniu< r'nginK, All ithruoil their echo*** Mining. \\ il.li-r -till and wider winifiug (In the waste of wintry HIT ; fin their solemn, -wtft vibrations l'_i\|i; urr. r.iiilurc th'ough Ilia nations, Kaiilure. till their Kl;ul paU.iln.ni- Militon hli-j*ful IxMoms share. * I- WIWUMUavcl'l ' ,.'. V, eeee-T.ei WIIBV t,,.,u in > ,, ,., i\ motion as to the cousin,, lion.hly of its formally handed over loan Anj;!o Air lU.t Act, and P ropo..ng lhat Canada and , >'"l'''t' '"> I ")- An Bn|lUb Newfoundland .uhmit a test ase to the l,n- ' '''">'" ' bw L h * a " !'. l "'. l '" of llie college to her personal uses. The Van Itlatr Hrewini; Coni|i.tny's bu*i ness and seven Chicago brewenea were Mle-l .. Ill Newfoundland slbmit a tt.t ase to the l,n- '"', M "^ ^'.'K 1 ' 1 " the I... l.ng'm.lk perial I'my Council. I condensing facto, n- in th> I nii.d Males. Capt. Cann, late other majesty's navy,! IN .KNKr.u. reprerenting a wealthy Kngli-.li yndi<-ate, | Famine ami typlm* mitmtic to rj-read ID is said to have signed a contract with a Russia. N- w Yolk firm for Ihe constrn.-tion of a linn of railway to Ihe port oi \Vhttehaven, N. s., with a view of the said port lx<ing used as the landing point of A' i.i-il n- *tearn*hlps. her own c..nfiHion of converting ihu fuiidi | ruiMid the Korohvuds and up Ihe Thames. I maile one unsuccessful starl from Calais, but I did not get away early enough, and tin- Helen proved too much for me." spent aaelhrr fompe rrsnNlbrris. The i urrent number of t'r-r Kntna, the organ of thu Krierds of Russian Freedom, i- p rls the oscjipu of another political pri- soner from Silivria. Tho Rursim's name is I.eonielss shi.ihko, and ho giTos the follow- ing summary of sixteen years of suffering The scheme, if it is miried into et!e.-t. nienr.s the shortening of the mail roule bj aoni'tii ny like-'JI hours. e.l'l \T IMLITAIN. I'ni.ce < .core,* of Wales sleeps well and is rapidly regaining strength. Mr. A.. I. Kalfour ws* (nil week installed i of the I'niversity of dlascow. Ixird Itorabery is engaged to marry daughter of Sir dm K-.-e Tfiinaiit, lUrt. Countess Uunsell, wife of a grandson of the famous Ixiid John RiiMell, in suiiig for a cine, i i- on account of cruelly. Mrs Duncan, whose American husband It I'd tn murder her in Wales last May, has become a mother. The I/. iidoa erratic announce* thai the Imperial 1'arlument will nasseinblc on I cb riinry 't, 1 KlfJ. The Imperial (iovnrmnrnt has resolved to int.ro.im-e a bill to allow paraoiis oa liul lo five rt nlrnce in certain c >.<. Ma'rugui'ij open " C.ivnlle-r, t Rustiuana, was played before the gueuu at Wiadior Castle one day lasl week. Memliers of the 'Jud battalion, 1'i.nce of Wa' s l^mstsr regiment, tried to hatig an unpopular corpoieii the other day. Thro* custom! officers wc'c killed off l.i f.mwii.1 on Sttnrday by their boat ool IK'.IIIR wilb the propeller of a steamer. Kdmund Yte.<, editor and propiictor of the London II ... /c/ is snrlously ill, bul his friends expect him to re -over. Uiehard 1'owcr, M. I 1 , for VVateifoid, the I'arneliie whip, dir'l on Monday at ths age of 40. He was married a week ago. His royal hiahne&s the 1'rince of Wales was.for the eighteenth suoenssivc yaar.nom inatcd for the Mtsoni gi.tud mastership at the Knglish Omicl Ixw4gr meetlne on Wed in sday. I'rcM.lent Balmi.pla of Chili r __. li.' r. .nt civil war. land trials almost unparalleled : "I.i-oni- 1'rinee Kismark s.iys lie his no ambition to 'las Shisbko, born in IKS'J, arrested in IH74 aga neuter the C.rrman Mmiilry. I for propaganda amon^ the workmen c.f St. Il in difTo-rnt puits of Mexico havo ' ''--lersburg, and kept for four years in pre- ar,.eu from the scarcity offo.,,1. . Imiinary c.mhnemcnt. Tried in 1S,S, and condcmued to nine years' penal servitude. Kiurlhoussnd .mjH-nal troop, have il.een , Scnl ^ Kftr . l . r)l , vj ^ j. 1 ,, Af(cr four I* in Manchuria, China. yeiirg of ,..(,. n,,nt tbore, traiu Irkoulsk. de.ertedl.y the reUds , M tnchur.a, China. yemri ol confinement there, transferred to I'.x K in,. Milan of Sei via has accepted the command of the Persian cavalry. It lie stated that no less than :<0,000,000 of people are Mmving to death in Kuisia. It in staled lhat Kuuia i* alioul lo issue a decree prohibiting the exportation of horses. The viiit. of King Chri*tian nf Denmark to F.mpcror William in Berlin on Sunday only lasted a few hours. Il n said lhat the revolutionists in Ch na n i. n. I.. , -l.ti IH.IHNI in, n and thai i ne Impei lal trejo|i are thoroughly inadeqiute to cope with tin-in. As a result of M . de Ciers visit to Paris it is semi oHu-islly announced that Itussia and France have formed an exclusively de fell-ive iilll.iuc-c. The I'.r.x/i'.mn (loveriiment ho* diimissed the papal nuncio and given the Vatican noticn lhal it will tolerate no ecclesiastical inleif. n i,- r in |i illtlcs. Archduke Hunry of Austria, who was bom m I vjii, died in Vienna on Monday. He held the rank of field marshil in the Austrian army. A man in Viemia 70 years of age, hellev ing be was called upon t> sacritice himself, liamiaertd cteu nails three inches long into I, in -Lull. Thetroiih'.ejin Chin* are due to a plot to Hark ' the ChrUtma* beUs rrmiundlng. I. irih'solU jiuvon all confoundins; : ltcntt,d the worn! tboir tumult, bounding, >pre-iuis linmuntle 'H TM:tU hie -- f.nn.' ! Million linnils iheirolTering lri.ii,-mg. Million hearU* around Ml in clinging. Million loniriicc, ito-nn-i.i -inning. dwell Uie honors of Ills name I Crown Hint, monarch*. fteBem, and cages, Crown Him. Inr.l-. m deathless pagea ; CrowD linn King of all Die s,Kes! I^M th.' mighty anlhem rise. II irk : Ihe cnuh of tuneful noises; II trk ' the children's [hriUinz voices; Hark ! the world in tang rejuiees, Till thu chorus shakes the skies. Ghiiitmai Bell*. I heard the belli on t lin-tm.i Day Tiu-ir ol.l familiar carols play, Anil wild .in. i -.w.i I The words repeat Of peace on catth. good-will to men t \ml thought how. as the d.iy had conu>, The- h*.|frie.s of :tll C'tirisUindom II t<l rcilh d ii- The Qiihrokcn song Of peace on earlh, good will lo men I Till ringing. Hingine. on ils way. Tho world revolved from night to day, A voice, a eli I me, A chanl subllinv. Of I'.-.u-.- on earth, uood-wlll lo men ! But in despair I bowed my head 1 loere- is no pea. e- on oarlh." I said ; " Por bale is strong A nd in.), ks Ihe Ming (If peie-ej on ctrrh. good will to men." Then [ic- ile.l the Iwlls more louJ and deep. " Hod i-e no! dead. HIT cUtli he sleep) The wrong shall fail, The right prc'all, With peace on earlh, good will to men :' Henry W. Loncfrllow. A I nilr Advice Ti.it-h If Followed Will Make Ike sy slappj If the little ones wake you up before daybreak on Christmas morning by the tooting of their horns and the beating of drums, don't feel annoyed, but remember that you were once a little fellow yourself and prjhably twice as noisy. Grin and bear il between the cal naps lhat will follow, and when sleep is no longer amoni/ the pos- sibilities get up and wish everybody a " Merry Christmas '." Say it to every member of the family from the little toddler to the old gray- haired man silling in ihe corner. Kiss your sisters, wife and mother its you call the Ihe room I I merry greeting to them, and shake hands wilh your brothers and cousins. Don't think that because you wear good clothes and a diamond " Merry Christmas'* hasbecome a "chestnut." Bring it oul with an emphasis lhat grown stronger as you re- peat it, and if you do and think a moment of the " day" you'll find a tear of joy at- tending llie last greeting. After breakfast, if you get any, jump in and set the little ones a going. As a mat- ter of fact they won't need much urging and a little assistance will go a great way. Don't feel alarmed at the racket. They'll become tired before you ought to. Above all avoid all unpleasantness, any little difference lhat is liable to arise in the most harmonious family, any words with any one ; don t scold the children, no mat- ter what their faults are. One despot will shed a gloom over your home so deep that for the time being you'll feel like going out and jumping oft a pier. When the shades of night have fallen and there are little ooes about, light the candles on the Christniss tree and draw around with ihem. If you haven't got a Christmas tree, be- cause your funds are short, the nearest grocer will trust you for one. .lust take into consideration the possi- bility of an absence of one of the litlle shin- ion faces on nexl Christmas Day, and how jroa will miss il* happy smile and joyful " Ah ! Ain't that pretty !" as the candles flare up on the entrancing scene, bringing to view the yellow tin dogs and red birds among the green boughs. Not leaving the little ones too hurriedly, and hoping lhal they may remain long with you, be sore >nd keep your eye on the can- dles, for its the easiest thing in the woild for the tree to catch on tire, and if your house barns down yoa won't get any insur- ance if the papers burn up. While tlie candles are burning start up a Christmas song oi carol -one of those yoa used to viiig in church at the Christinas fcstrral or at the lime you got your book and U>x of candy with the others. If your voice has you or you don't know one note [rosn another, let somebody else do the starting and then either keep still and listen t the others or try to keep as near the tune as possible. Yon had better try at any rate. You'll feel U-ttr, even if you're not in har- mony, and the others will forgive you, for Uiey can easily see that yon are doing ths best yoa can. By the time the candles are out, there will probably be some callers in the room. If not. perhaps you'll make a call yourself. Spend the night pleasantly and don't go to bed early unless you are sick. 8^-)' up ss long at you can hold your eyes open ana be as gay as you can to the bitter end, never forgetting that. Chita, then to Tomsk, then to Ksc.iped from the latter in the autumn of I KIM), and reached Kurope safely, without a:iy adventures." Ho was educated for the army, but on winning promotion he resign- ed to join a ret olulionary society. Stepniak speaks of Shi.-bkci a* one of the mildest of mi n. and Sophia !'erov*kaia was wont to pi .use hi* pure nature. His career prior to imprisonment only lasted eighteen months. His sighl gave way a* a direct result of im- prisonment, and the doctors declared that unless he were set free he would become totally blind. Bill for him Iherc seemed no chance of release. Shishko's blindness lie came worse and worse, so that at last he could neither read nor wtite. Fortunately in i-diiiii deems likely to bring him back his sight ; at any rate an ab'c Parts oculisl gives him every hope. This Russian vitited Ixm- don in the summer, but it was not deemed advisable then to publish thn news of his escape. There is at Baltimore, Ireland, a Milling school where boys receive instruction in nil branches of a sea fisherman's work, and in such allied industries a* net making, boat building, cooperage and tail mtkinf. Two Chicago inventors live patented an artificial ice skating rink. It consists of an iron tank, through which run ammonia pipes with which to melt the ice when it besconies Christmas and Hew- 1 ears Uay. There aroHooreCt re-mi In Winter s Crown, And they shiou tlinujli Uie showering mow ; Thcr* ore gleans of light from tho berries while Of the uhy leaved mistletoe : There is lauRhtor and glee Whilei the blu-t blows free, And !! boughs are bare Tn Ihe fro* I) air. And mirth is merry an 1 mooks despair, There are glad gay sound-i In Winter's voice, As It rtBflBoat thn welcome strain ; i>raw near, draw near, for your Christmas e-iie-i-r. Now the old King conn again ." Am! i.tugali-r and gluo Alone gree: me, 'rhcnii<li my looks are ( A < I he short livo^ day, -* * -- - -- r ~ wini wnicn to limn, mo iutj WHOII 11 e--e e-iiie.-. overthrew Ibe UanobM nd re establish the necessary to provide a fresh smooth surface. A sign of politeness in Thibet on meeting a person is to hold up the clasped hands and stick oat the tongne. When a man dies one- half of his property goes to charity and the SUl A11e\ at \ irre^Hei, Italy, where j otbsr half to the Umas. His family get* the U-dy was east ashore in 1X2D. I nothing. native dynasty which was overthrown in 1644. An in ' i-uUl coimnilteu has been formed at IV' ue for the erection of a monument to ( hriHtman cornen but once n year. And when II . umes it tiring* guod .liter. You muy be late at the office on Saturday morning, but don't let that bother you ; the boss won't be there until noon. And now, sir, married man or bachelor, rich or poor, I can simply wish you "a merry Christmas. " Uhristmu Land. Who I i tho key of Chrimma> Land I Where Ihe Iwmllro shines, Ancl ihe holly twinen. i'.i;..!i. r- sing -a merry band And stars are bright o er lhat fair strand Who has the key of Christmas Land t I-irlit are the hearts in ('hristma- 1 |nd . in eac h group you moot Then' are Ci*w sweet. Dnoms young and guilclcsu arr there, Ancl brow* not yet wrinkled with care Who 'las the key of Christmas Laud I Dear baby hearts In Christinas Land, We -ml to IH- near. And join in your cheer When the tree with its stntngc fruit bends And you wait for what Santa iwnd* Wtio has the key of Christmas Ltad I love has the ley of Christmas Land. Oh I mine. Cherub Love, With wings like the dove. Spread over heart* tin light of peace, Sow foi a hart cst full of Increase Open Ihe gates of Christmas Land! Open tho gatex of Christinas Land ; There Is much to do And the days are few. Hid all men sol Charity free; By thy grow, let os soethcre be None of Uod's poor in Christmas Land. -IWilllam l.yle. Try hard cider a wine glass lull three times a day for ague and rheumatism. The Kmperor of Germany has recently taken a step which, however well intention- eel, will hardly serve to strengthen his authority. He has especially requested the Minister of Justice lo submit propo*a! for taxing the keepers oi houses of ill-fame. The social conditions which have prompted this action are indeed very distressing. While on the one hand Berlin has in late years been making giant strides in material progress, the misery of the lowest clauses has neen r.o less iicreased ; and along with this increase prostitution goes hand in hand, '.eSJ luve aud live for the TOun K and and has gradually acquired formidable di- mensions. The worst offenders in the pro- motion of this institution are the brothel- keepers, and it is determined to bring the utmost pressure to liear against them, however difficult it may be, by keeping within the limits of the Isw, to carry out the Emperor's pro- gramme in its entirety and banish them from the country. The movement is natur- ally a welcome one to the Social- Democrats whome chief organ, the Berlin Vom-ait,, de- clares that prcstit ution is a logical and most necessary feature of the existing socinl or- aauization, and that only a State based oc Socialistic institulions could bring about the desired improvement. It is observabU that the evil which is assailed by Williaq bos reached such dimensions in Paris thai Minister of Justice Follioroi ha.-i prepared * measure for dea'ing wilh it lhat will be in* mediately submitted to the Ciambjr of U puties. There are Mulder lonen in the f rooty air. And a sadder voter tn *lgh , Kor the' d 'ar o!d Kin: has gone to rest, And thu dear Old Yoir must die; So lay II low In a *hrom1 of now, Id-neat h the midnight bky. King out. glad bells, from far and near. lllllK o\ e-r the In. -in;. MMI ; King out for ihe- birth of tho glad New Year, So happy a year to b* I O " day, of I In- Year, ' with hopes all bright, Though tin' earth he dull and gray We welcome von in the pale sweet light Of ihu day that has pnswd away, Ring out. ring out, from the world apart, < i i.clN. so blithe and gay ; Your mcs-age. and you stand heart to heart. An you xpeok lo us all to day. UioK out o'er lands lhalarc near and dear, Or e ver so fur away, Till thn wnlcome sound It* way haifcmn.i, And wo echo It* joy fur aje : I .> 4 > I *,-.* 'M*

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