THE WEEK'S NEWS. CANADIAN. In Hamilton exempted properties are valued at yVi.'i.VU:., about one-ninth of the cotire city'i assessment. 'l'li>' *l output from tli" Spriughill, N. S . mines for tliis year will be nearly half a million tuna. A load of 14,401) .lo/en egg* crossed from Wiodsor to Detroit (mSntnnlmy. . A movement ia on foot in Montreal look- ing tu I lie cloaiug of lalooua at 7 o'clock uu .Saturday nighla, as iu Ontario. There was a large increaae in the aalea of railway lamia in Southern Manitoba during October anil November. Lieut -Col. (Jillmor, Clerk of the Ontario Legislative Assembly, ha* been appoint' -<l Deputy Lieutenant-tiovernor during Sir AUx. Campbell'* illness. It ia proponed to erect a memorial church ia Battleford, N. W.T., in honor of the late Sir John Macdonald. It in expected that the tint train will be run over the North- Weat Central railway, of Manitoba, next week. Four veuela have juat sailed from Char- [ the other day with a cipiul of $.">,000,000. I The output ia 7.UOO ton* daily. Henry Mrlireevy, aged 19, of Plaiufield, Conn. , lifted an eight hundred pound weight in imitation of Louis Cyr, and died. A burglar in St. Paul, Minn., rnnnmir awiy with ,i tray of diamond ringa fell and the .-ruwd scrambled for the treasure. A pr.urie lire swept over a large district near Kmporia, Kaa. , yesterday, doing dam age to the extent of many thousand dollars. Kight Itev. K igir 1*. U'adhams, biahop of thedioivM of Ogdenabtirg, died on Satnr- day inuriiiiig at Wateitown, N. Y., aged 74 yearn. A telegram received at Washington, l>. I '. , aayg the Apaches are not on (he war path, and that the Canadian, ,\I.- Daniels, was iniir dered by white men. Mrs. Agnes Lawrence, a missionary on the mountain aide near New Boa on, Pa., has been murdered after being brutally illtreat ed. A scheme U on foot at Minneapolis to (end a ship-load of Hour for the relief of tlie (inline stricken peosiutry in Russia. A three-days' )>li/./nnl is reported in North Dakota. Business i* at a standstill. The mother of t e late Charles Stewart Parnell aailed for KngUnd from N. w York lottetown, P. E, l.,carryingi">O, 000 bushels of oali for the British markets. Mr. David Plewes of Brannord has been deputed by the Dominion Millers' Associa- tion to take up his residence in Great Bri- tain as agent for export (lour. Four children were born to the wife of cattle thieves are ruining the ranching busi- Alfred Boiteau of Loretto,(,>ne. ,on Thursday i uets ln lliat tal - He suvsjie bimnelf was Maul? rtuert* In < anail.i. That the present generation in not degree erating in the matter of love for manly aporta ha.i been uia.le quite apparent by be sport- ni(I -t"aaon just rli m-d. In ( '.inaii.'. our own k[ iM4t uaiiuual gaunt ui laiO4Mfc aas more p|<'i'ar tlian at |ires>-nl. During the Mason wherever opposing teams were an- tiomiceil to play, large and enthusiasm: crowd* witnessed the game*, a large propor- tion oi tl.e spectators in each caae being la- dies. Later on, even when the dull grey sky and peiie-tntm.: wind of a November day made it unpleaaant for lounging, the an- nouncement of a football match would in- variably bring together a large audience. In Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and other cities the rush to the ground* on such occasions wan overwhelming, and " fair womeu and brave men " would watch the struggle of vtMirsj mm* Faiblesw There ia a tendency to blame woman for tlio ln\ unities* in money anil energy that ahe expands to satisfy fashion. It ia alleged that liuii.- Fashion is the moat supn 'im- ruler of the female world, and to obey which women will miller almost any tacritice, en tail burdens on others, and to gratify her idle whims in that direction *he will become oblivious to duty. Supposing even that all womeu are subject to these influences and that all will exclude the army of dress re- formers -the question arises whether wo- man ia to blame for this desire to dress well and fashionably. The nature of wuroan is such that ahe dresses fashionably at least as much from a desire to please others as herself, and if she feels intuitively that the sterner sex >:vince a desire to see her in gay ii uieiita, the inclination is strong to merit the co itiirints with an interest and excite- - - ment thai made the cheek glow and the , " uch PPval. ft but just to say that bl.-od tingle. Tins deep and almost universal | niaii is as much to blame for the fasnion m tlelight iu athletics la by no means a new tn dr< j of woman of to day as she is her- i-rowlh v.-ith us. It U the old Anglo-Saxon ' **" If the liusband. brother, orgenlUman tight asserting itaelf. and which *iuaiutaiice did not look to the fashionable ;n Saturday. In eastern Oregon the coyote keeps up the price of eggs and chickens, and many counties pay a liberal bounty for hi* extinc- tion. State Senator Durban, of only from land. For the growing interest and enthu- siasm in football we are indebtedvto the English college*. The, whole evolution of The exports from Halifax iu October and November this year ihow an increase of $_' Hi, OOO over the same months lost year. The I iiiailuii Pacific Railway has up te date moved .'(, 000,000 bushels of this season's gruin to the Lake front. It is announced thai the C. P. II. proposes to go in for extensive double-tracking. Klaborate arrangements are being made at Montreal for the celebration of the cen- tennial of the tetlleinent of the Eastern Townships. The Canadian Government has instructed collectors of customs at maritime province ports to collect duty on fish from Newfound- land. compelled to close out a $730, 000 busiueas and leave the state. Shortly after two o'clock on the .Ird iuat. a tire broke out in a brick store and residence in Detroit, which besides wrecking the place ciused the dealh of Mr. and Mrs. Re.s and three of their sons. Two other sons and a servant girl escaped. Mr. Jay Gould has become alarmed I y the attempted assassination of Ituascl Sage, and baa employed a lusty negro to keep arm -d guard over bis office. To abow the growth made in the industry of furnishing kindling wood, a single fac- tory in Pennsylvania turus out 5,000,000 bundles a month. j Pembina, North Dakota, is isolated by . a want of leisure has prevented appearance of the lady whose escort he is; be.'omiug as general here as in Kng- ! lf llc <lld " ot constantly by bin convention- alism express satisfaction at beholding her in such raiment, thus encouraging her nat _ ur\l propensity, there is no doubt but that rh'eVamus'ha** come "from" their early efforts I to ' d y women would wear lets expensive and their penis eut energy and tireless d '"'" common aenae apparel. But it is aearch for improvements. As they have gone nig"')' unbecoming in the atronger sex to ahead with the development, our colleges, "f a11 responsibility on woman for the fash notably'Varsity.McGill.yueeu'samlOttawa, ! 10D8 ' aml tho f.enU-it milliners' bills, of have been quick to adopt the changes and : tlle ''>' Men *. "> P rt t least, to blame improvements suggested, ami so populari/ed ("r the excessive devotion of the fair sex to the game that it arouses quite aa much en- Dam rortune. thuaiaam as lacrosse or bascliall ever did. j The desire for athletic superiority in con- EiajleraUws in Australia nection with the colleges has also actually The Antarctic expedition which is soon increased the attendance at them. These to Im sent out by the Auslralian colonies contests spread abroad the fame of a par with the assistance of a wealthy Swede and ticnlar college and the manly young man under the direction of Baron N.irdenskjold, imbibe* the desire to attend the institution is merely a preliminary venture. The idea which has the champion team. Grave and is that a properly equipped expedition can venerable doctors and professors silently be sent to the South Polar region for six reco^ni/e tl.m and glory in a victory in ath- , months at no very great cost, and in that letif sport not leas than the actual par- time it ''an decide whether it ia worth while tjcip-ints. The passion for athletics, as we to carry on further explorations. It is, of have said, is stronger than ever in this course, to be expected thai a well equipped A farmer at St Henri de Maacouche.yue., bliz/ard. Sidewalks and 'streets are filled while boring for water on his faim, has struck gas. Madame l.oi iiuirr, whose husband was executed in connection with the troubles of 1 v;7 and .'<S, died in Montreal on Monday at tin; age of 711 years. The deceased was an aunt ot Justice De Lorui.; -r. lady At a met- ting in Hamilton lost week, at- tended by members of both parties, a strong with snowb.mks 10 to 13 feet high. Annie Olson, a I ti- year old Ci-rman girl, adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Nels Kinerson, of Minneapolis, committed suicide on Thursday evening by taking poison, it is said to avoid 1,'oing to night school, upon which h-r adop- tive parents msis'.td. (xjppy, win wlnie drunk killed his wife in New York on July 4, IS'JO, wa. executed coinmiltee was appointed to take up fund* by electricity in Sing .Sing on Monday a few for a memorial to the late Sir John Mac- 11:11 utes afte'r noon. The death appeared lo donald. The protest against D. C, I'raser, the LilwralM. P forGuysboro,' hsabevudiainiss be iuatautaueouf. A dinner was given Tuesday nigbtut Del- Dionico's, New V ork, to Lord Aberdeen, "' under the auspices of the National r'edcia- The first C. P. R. train to convey British , tionol Many American advocates across the continent paased through ' "unie rule for Ireland were present. Port Arthur on Tuesday. The l>oininion Mineral Company, of Sud (iovernor Merriam, of Minnesota, has is- sued a circular letter setting forth the ter- . , -- . rf' w.. w w vul l^kwcl vbblllK ivrl/ll 11 I. in y, have sold out their Bh/./.ard and \\ or- ' n l>le destitution which exiats in Kim tbiiigton n-ckcl mines to an Kuglish syudi- asking that people who are blenei i-att! for 12,000.000. ana nd blesmed with ! prosperity do all in their power to mitigate lieorge C. Hamilton, a wealthy citizen of 1 tne '"ferings of the starving KussiaLS Muntreal, who iln-d nvently in Colorado, has bequeathed $100,000 to' the Montreal < General Huepital. Turing tin. season of navigation juat dosed about half a million tons of Ca] ton coal were deii \ered in Montreal, being an increase of about u'fty thousand loins over last year. The other day an offer was lai.l be.'oic a special committee of the Toronto City Coun- cil by a number of capitalists to reclaim Ashbridfce's Bay at a cml of about $<>.!>:(, OOU. They guarantee to the city a revoiuie of at least 10,000 per yrar. A serious outbreak of diphtheria is re- ported from Iberville, near Montreal. One day last week there Were four deaths fiom th< disease, and it i* stateJ that veiv in a<l< >|uale precaution* are being taken to pre- vent the diS'Nue spreading. Mrs. Lewis P. Cowell. of New York city, attached a piece of hose to a gas burner, turned the gas on, then took tho oilier end of the hose between her teeth and went to bed on Saturday night. Her room was broken open yesterday by neighbor* and the hose was still between the teeth of the life- loss body. IN L\ti. . ; . (ermaua are excited at so-called despotic cannot help ( steamer absent half a year from Australia country and iis effect but be in the direction of making will accomplish a great deal mor than such our race more muscular and more j an expedition as that of Sir James Ross, vigorous. Both men and women will cer- . which was composed of two very slow sail tainly grow taller, and the average health ' ing vessels. If it is found that the oppor- and capacity for endurance must increaae. tun ity for profitable reoearchea ia as rich as If this love of athletics continues the new it is believed to be, the preliminary expedi generation will outstrip the old iu many of tion will be followed by a more ambitious the most desirable qualities of both body enterprise. Australia is interested in this and mind. It will be handsomer, of greater venture because scientific men there have staying power, better proportioned, and no doubt whatever that the climate, ot' Aua- therefore better fitted for the work of life, j trail a is affected to a large extent by the THI TH it not a sporting journal, but it be conditions prevailing at the South Pole, and lieves in manly sports and we have been they wish to ascertain what these comli led to these remarks to give encouragement tioua are. It is hoped also that the e.xpem to the cultivation of athletics m alllegiti tion will solve the problem of the south mate lines. magnetic pole, whose place baa not yet been discovered. Its position has. according to Hani I mi. . tor (he British Fs*r. ' the best calculations, been tixed in about The extent of the wheat shortage m Brit- i lo "8- IM " ^ f' "/ { l *'" '"J^ ain is scarcely realize, I by us m Canada, I interesting to tut the place when .the needle Dare Iu a '''!'* perpendicularly downward, and the ' the exact position of the south is likely to add materially points >- !-->> *" lucswiy ui navigation in far Southern where wa hnv* enough aid to spare. Iu ar recent iuue of the Glasgow Mad the editor ref-n to the gradual advance in the price of mg'i"tio pole is likely to flour and wheat, and points out that this to Ole "* let y of navigation state of things at the opening of w inter may well give rise to anxiety. The same paper discusses the conditions causing this ulveuice in necessaries. The primary causa is given as tiie comparatively poor European harvest. waters. (hill and Boll. l The protocol of the new treaty proposed between Chili and Bolivia appears to iollow i . MI .. Despair ncreaaeth debta. The wrong comes to light. I'lir tool kmiHo lie k.uov,s all. We were nil U, - rlc h U, opportunity. The wise man knows he knot's nothing. The left hand often rips what the right hand aewti. Three things to contend for honor, country and friends. He who is everybody's friend ha* no time to be anybody's. Making mistake* is entering into know- ledge by the side door. There is uo trite friendship among loafers and scalawags ; there is only intimacy. Don't try to make a friend out of a weak man; it is like trying to carry water iu a sieve. Theology is what people think abjul I md, Religion is what they feel iu their own souls. Don t be too proud to ask ami accept the humblest work till you can find the task you wont. Half the things we groan over to-night will right Miemselves to-morrow night if we let them alone. Frequently it happens in every-day life) that those who have the moat assurance know the least. The diminutive chains of liabils are gem-r- ally too small to be felt till they are too strong to be broken. A good man is a man who is good to us, and a bad man is a man who doesn't do what we want him to do. One reason why happiness is so scarce in this world is because most peopls mistake pleasure for happiness. It is not so much the amount of our in- come, aa the manner of our living, that should constitute our riches. The peraon who argues with liar has is in about as much sense aa a man who driv the mud to his wagon. Diligence i* a fair fortune, and industry i good estate. TkM> l>'l Opl.n. Tr.Slr. Lord Lausdowne's recent defence of the Indian opium tratlic has brought him severe censure in some quarters. The uoble Lord is usually so felicitous in speech that hi* recent utterances are conspicuous by con- trast. He declared on St. Andrew's night that it was his tirm belief that if the opram traffic were abolished to-morrow the use of the drug in India ami rlinri would continue unabated. Lord Lansdowne's view is the same as that of the Ii:diaa government and it practically amounts to this that the active agitation going on in England agaiuat the tmtfic is due to ignorance. The Montreal Witness, lomarks that it " will be an everlasting dis- grace to tho British (overnment if there is in the future no abatement of a trarhc which it succeeded in extending at the coat of an international quarrel which has never died out, for in Uial case ahe will be responsible for all Uuie for the extension which she caused. If we did not know the determin- ed gullibility of humanity in all affairs in which >tau has an intercut we ajionld at once declare it impossible that anyone not biased by personal interest, iu the Indian arveat. between Chili and lijlma appears to iollow biased by personal interest, an the Indian Countries, such a> France, which in ordinary out in the main the one which was agreed ! :<ivenmn-nt of course is, could believe the times have nearly a balance between upon by the . I uuta at I. |inqiie last Summer. I las' declaration. Here is a large an. I protit- ilenmnd and supply within their bordera. That i to say, while it reaffirms the sover ! able saloon, for instance, whosx proprietor tind tbems'/.ves this year in the position of eignty of Chili over the conquered sea-coast ' and keeper is one .if the excellent of the i equii ing a supply fro u the outside ; while province of Cobija, it concedes to Boll Russia, which last year, for example, w.i* a j ree entry for iu goods in transit at I large exporter of all sorts of grain, is this p., r t O f Amtofagaita, allowing her to via | earth declared, by the fact of g< tting his the | license, to IH- highly respectable and tit for ollect year forced to prohibit exportation. The duties on their reaching her own frontier. Russian wheat which Britain will fail to get I n addition it makrs to Bolivia wiine very More sailors lost their lives on the great lakes during the marine season just cW ! t ban in any previous year since the lakes were nuvigatcd. In all ." , .'ii<l iii"ii of this number were lost during November. Forty wctc- lost (MB schooners aii'l barge 4. Not a paiseti-n , however, was lost. i.KKAT BRITAIN'. ( 'tirnwall, Fug., in the lul-st to report an epidemic of intlucii/a. The Earl of liantry is dead, a^ed .'t7. The title dies with him. It il slid the Archbishop of Canterbury will visit Canada next summer. Prince Albert Victor will be married to IVincru Victoria Mary on March loth, the JStli annivcisary of theweddingjofthc Prince aii' I Princess of Wales. The Duke of Devonshire is dying. By hi* death his son, tho Marquis of Hartingtou, will lake a seat in tli ('number of Peers. The Earl of En-oil di-d lait week at the age of OS. He will b succeeded by his sou Lord Kilmarnock, aged .'!!). A world's shipping exchange has been formed in London Eng .in inaugural ban q:ift was held Wednesday evening. The McCai thyite section of the Irish Parliament parly have decided to take de- cisive step* to secure the liish fund at t,,.- sent in the hands of Mr. Munroc, thclViis banker. At a conviitiou held in Dublin on Wed- nesday Messrs. Dillon and O Brien denounced the Parncllite minority ti* antagonistic to the best interests of Ireland, ana declared confidence iu Mr. Gladstone and his Home Uulc bill. The members of th Salvation Army charged with pausing disturbances at East- bourne. Knglaud. have been found guilty of unlawful assembly, but have been acquitted of t be charge of conspiracy. They have ap- pealed. UNITED STATES. Thieve." are ruining the business of cattle ranchers iu Nebraska. A 1'icton man named Peter Demarest has been frozen to death near Alger, Mich. Minneapolis having got the national Re- publican convention, St. Paul is trying to gnt the Democratic. ! ntteraiicesof Emperor William. Hundreds of people have died in France from in 11 nen /A. The epidemic is spreading. Russia's navy consists of 19-' vessels and 30, jOU seamen and marines. A colliery explosion iu Ruisian I'.. land killed ISO men and 40 horses. The Standard Bank of Australia hat sus- pended. Mine. Caroline Poff, the only .B-dgian female journalist, is dead, aged SI yearn. The lormal announcement was made at let ihun- de-tlli, Vienna, hut week of the removal of the embaigo on American pork. E'ghty miners were killed by an explosion of fire damp in a mine at St. Klienne, France on Saturday. The importation of Amen. |tork into Fran.'e was officially authorised on Satur- day. The Belgian Chamber of Deputies has passed a bill prohibiting any public ex|. ri- incnts in hypnotism. The French Government is urging th tho delicate Uak of giving liq'ior only to those who should get it. Let Lord Lans _ ._, downe toll thu people at a St. Andrew's dm this year ahe can obtain elsewhere, but it substantial pccuniaiy concessions baxod on i ner that that man does not pjsh sales, and will necessarily be at higher prices. Fail debt* and iii.lctniulies arising out of the last surely tho whole company would laugh at ing Russia and India, it ia asked : "What' war between Chili, Peru, and Bolivia, the declaration a a joke." V, I his declara- arc we to expect from Canada? There is There is no tloubt that the existing Govern- tion u to the Indian Govvrnmnnt's relation no doubt that both the Unfied Stales and Canada hav e the l>et h trveat for many years ment st Santiago appreciates tho obligation ; to the ojiium tiallic has to do will) fact* it is under to Bolivia, which was tho only essentially similar. The other declaration this season ; and it IH well for us as well as one of the South Amcnoau lepiihlics, and I t ha: there would be just as much opium ,' ( ir- t It . -in ttinl tlnv 1i:IVi> frtr a aliorl :_] 1 __l l:_. .!._ _!--. ..<.!... ._.!.. _LI:i_ for them that they have, for a short supply ' in the Nw V.'urld as well aa iu thu would have brought faiiiue price* for Old world, which wa* willing formally to re- cognize the Junta as a belligerent power, nloed, we believe, the only country in the | smoKiug if tho opium trath'c wan abolinhed as thvre ia now when ihe tratlic is can ied oiibytliu iniiKl powerful, respectable and Christian government on earth, seems, on the face ot it, equally absurd, but we have people in imrown country who believe there will be as much drinking in tlie country Tin; Knglish Board of Trade Journal ' Balmac-da party in the south ; and, at all gives a very iiiteretingactount of the rapid ' events, it is creditable to the supporters of develoeincut, of asbestos-niining in Canada. ' hc now triumphant Junta to pioeued to ,- Knropean powers to take combined action >'" *** * Wt t.iousnud tons. '''"-' ''"IT grades command almost is good against Chin*. A meteorite, found a few days ago in the rot leu root s of a willow tree at Lysabild, Denmark, was seen by the finder to fall into the tree in August, l.vJ.'J. A heavy gale prevailed in England and Trance on Monday night. One crew of 24 has been drowned, ami many other casual ties are feared. A Tien Tsin despatch says that the out- rages in China are committed by an orgaui /.ui ion known as " the temperance luaguc," whose subject is lo slay all foreigners and Christians. It is g&id that the French Government is inclined not to oppose the preliminary steps taken by the Radical* to bring about a sep- aration of Church and State. Arc the country people wickeder than the city people? \Ve truly hope that they are not, but the proceedings of the Episcopal Congress held in Washington last week show that one of tho eminent divines who was a delegate to tkat body believe* that they are. When the subject of "mission work " was before the Congress, the Rev. Dr. Nicholls of New Haven made a speech urging the Church to maintain its missions in the rural regiom>, and, nccording lo the report, he " cnaracteri/ed the wickedness of the country as vastly worse than tin- wick edneas of the city. " He even went so far as to express his fear of the bad influence that the country exerts upon the city. This is not the ordinary view of the case, or the* romantic, poetic, idyllic, bucolic view, and He must await the evidence in support of it which the Rev. Dr. Nicholls of New Haven, A rock salt p-H.l WM formed \t Chicago I Conn., i* doubtless prepared to present winter without fail. Bui without spcculat j while still established only in tlle north of ing on the cbanceof famine prices, which Chili, practically out of reach of the San are impossible with the present ratuof sup- iUg O authorities No doubt Bolivia s own ply. it ia evident tliat the Americans are ] peculiar geographical situation and trade prepared t> take full A! vantage of our relations mode it a matter of interest, if not j after Government begins to make hones't need and Russia's famine to truke a vact j O f necessity, for her to be on g<-od terms ; efforts to put down the salo of it as there is little pile of dollars for themselves." with the actually controlling authority in now. There is indeed, no declaration too the nitrate region of Chili. Still, she run a preposterous or paradoxical for people to Aiur.lo. MlMlaw. risk of the ill will and retaliation of tin | believe if those who are interested only re- peat it often enough no matter how inucu the facis as well an common tense may bo against them. If, however, the opium evil is one for which there is no remedy, an Lord Lansd'iwnes declaration implies, it would be HOIK the US.H the duty of a self- respect ing, not to say CIniMun Govern- ment, to renounce I be rcspoiiHibility for ami profits of .itia lie which is ruining the bodies and souls of millions of subjects of the t wo greatest empires on uui th. II:'- r.ui.iiii.i <nnal. Some lime has pawed since the collapse of the Panama 'anal Company and the thr- owing to the variouanew applications which When his purse ia always open to the poor miuation of work on the isthmus, but the nl i:-edy. | receiver or liquidator is still spending a any cheaper. The profits' from the Canadian 1 When lie has loved, man ied and remained comfortable sum of money in behalf of the mines are simply fabulous, one mine alone stead font and true to the woman who bears bankrupt organization. The report sub- yielding to il lucky ownersan annual profit ins n.niie. of one. hundred Uiousaml dollars. Tho! When he believes that cynicium and skep- work does notneeesnitiile much excavati"ii lor the asl>estos is fomrl in the surface -rock I It says" that up to within recent years, the ward the formal and lci;l accomplishment r part of line asbestos fibre suitable "f '< agreement with liolivin made in it* or spinning came from Italy and torsi.a ; days of doubt and trial, but the trade has suffered a complete re- volution since the discovery of >ast quantities of th" valuable mineral in the |irouiic.i: of (,'ucbec. lnlS7l the lumen y ic 'did fifty tons of aabcitos ; last i 'i M i, -ur. r Hi 1 1 ii. HUM. A male human biped is a man only When he renumbers that a woman is a roinan When he feels that the weaker in this a pri'-e as th best Italian : and although workaday world ore entitled lo as much con- the quantity mined is so urea' . the side-ration as himself. owing to the variousnew. applications which When hi are constantly fount! for it. has not become ' and r.edv. the fact in the form of veins, and is obtained by blasting. The output is carefully regulated to the tl> Miami, .uui this is one potent reason why asbestos continues lo keep up its price. _ It is reported fioin St. Petersburg that 25,000,000 persona are unable to pay their taxes, and that this will cause a budget de- ficit oi i' I '.',000,000. Speculating still further on tho future prospect as to is thought that a cold winter and an untoward spring will put th price of brcadstuffs still higher lor the British consumer. All this means increased prosperity to the Canadian producer, but whilst we are thankful that we have a Urge surplus wilh which to supply the leas favored portions of the world, we cannot help feel ing and expressing regret that for the poor- er classes of the Mother Laud there will be wnen ^. e ' some hardship for the present season. I'.nl it is possible that the winter will not be so severe on the Continent of Europe as the last one was, and therefore that the new wheat, which promises we*, will be a good yield. If aucn takes place there ia good reason to suppose that the advance in food prices which has taken place in England will be only temporary, and will give way before better supplies next year. are relics of inedi.vval times. i When he needs no proof that there is a millions of dollais on haml, and it God. nutted a few day* ago shows that the ex- penses are $TiU4,000 |ieraniiiim. When the concern went into bankruptcy it had several millions of dollais on haml, and it will be possible to pay expenses for some lime to come without replenishing the treasury. It is difficult to see how the liquidator can now pay out $fiUO,OUO a year for legitimate ex peuies.but if his methods resemble those of selves to think of the derivation of the word ! the company and its chief officers, he can . ,, - i ... dollar. The Word " Dollar." Few persona have ever troubled them The San 1'raucisco C'/ir./Hi, Y. recalls j very easily dii|<ose of that it is from the Carman thai sum in twelve inontns twenty limes that without turning a (valley i, and came into use in this way some ' spadeful of soil or putting a shed over a "There is a little silver piece oi machinery. "It tin; Government docs not intervene." says the liquidator, be definitively con- 300 years ago : mining city or district in northern Bohemia called Joaehimsthal or Joachim's valley. | " the enterprise will The reigning duke of the region authorized deinncd within a short time. " At first it this city in tin- sixteenth century ' wo* said that a new company was to be cs- to coin a silver piece, which was called ' tablished upon tho basis afforded by ** M. 'joachimsthftler.' The word 'Joachim' was Bonaparte Wyse's concession, but now Uiv soon dropped and the name ' thaler' only '. only new company that is talked about is retained. The piece went into general use 'the French Government. At last uccoun~~ in Germany and also iu Itanmark, where the orthograghy was changed to ' daler ' whence it came into English and was adopt ed by our forefathers, with some changeu in *" the spelling. Slavery in Portuguese India. Slavery still exists iu Portuguese India. An i inch of ram u eans hat the quantity A Brahll f ln al Kal | oda p^.J, a Vlllage of hi AH fallannnn tin j.i-r' nl M . iiti.J ur**oh> ' ^ n the Ciovernment wax still unwilling to go into the in teroceaiuc canal busincbii on tha Panama route. which falls upon on acre of gu und wo'ths 100 ton?. F.aeh year about f.W.lMX) in expended i-< sprinkling the streets of London with and to prevent the horses slipping. thirty-two huts, where every soul is a* tru- ly his slave and property as in the olden days, and recently a Portuguese, traveling from Uoa, spoke openly of t ho slaves OB hi* estate.