Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Dec 1891, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, A 01 MEN.' VOL. XL, NO 545. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24 1891. W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR* PROPRIETOR Our Special Line ( ) for the next thirty days WILL BE IX Wedding, Jem, Engagement and Diamond Rings. Our \Vc(H,n._j Rin-> are .ill tine 18 K and 10 K with our own rrnri. bearing guarantee as to fine quality. In Gem and Dia.nond Rings we are showing goods o!' such a qunlity and at a price that defies any competition. Our discount prices e.ir.nof bo touched excrnt by spot cash buying. REMEMBER a Wricten Guarantee \vi:h i:\-ciy watch and clock repaired by ARSTROUG BRO-. The Fleslierton Watchmakers and Jeweler- From our VWH Corrttptiiultnt. I gave the Advance readers a peice of advice re the making of dog akin mils when I first commenced writing, and I ain pleased to itato that one man in this locality hag acted in ac- J cordance therewith but not until his | dog had helped another cnr to kill two sheep, and worry two more for Mr. A. C. McConnelL Why do peo- i pie keep uselem doga. It is seldom if * vi r that a good dog will kill sheep. What is the reason our legislator* hare not changi-d the law so that no advantage could be taken of it, and then it could be enforced. In thin (Enphrasia) township, the council were petitioned not to enforce the law taxing dags, as the petitioners claim blizzard had full away. Tha far- mers held the annual meeting, all talked together, and finally elected the following as directors : James Buckingham, Tbomia Hawton, John Hudson. John Carna^han, James Elliot. The contractor waa present and offered to compromise the loss sustained this far, that they (the con- tractors | would replace all their lost work, providing the farmers replace the dam and wheellinuse. No ar- rangement has as yet been made be- tween them, and in the meantime the mill is idle. Why not take tho sug- gestion of Bruce and put a crank on the shafting and run the mill by hand. Will Ti- pie left on Monday to go into trailing for a S. A office. Rev. Mr. Johnston of Maple Valloy. tauuunr. We bavo onlv f> rntfrpt tiiMnrelv vmir ili'puri'irii from among u. Ami hum itf that happlneflM ind proKpohtv attmlil v>u ^ your lot in future may l>e<:at. \Vu bill you affectionate farvwxll. Siifnixl by Uia pupils of Priceville public cbiiol. Tliu i>re<>ntati<m wan made by Mr. Benjamin M<-Kinnon and Miu Aliiv <!r:iy. and the add-t'sn n;m read )>y Mr. Lachlan McLean. Mr. McDonald m:nv a suitable reply, than 'tin:; the iclinlan for their present ami kind wmh.-x The aunaul Prushyterian Sunday school anniversary was held <>u evemiiK. There wan a lengthy and a very successful entertainment proved to be. i FUR la&iiji; uuxs, ' ^uu uvubiuuvia iimm . * , n , . . , j . , i occupied the Presbyterian pulpit on that dishonest persons could take ad- , , .. . . / Him/law u t id Hnial 1.1*1 -in , . \f\i t M.III r a At* _ 1891 1391 THIS MONTH. As an assistance to "Mucing our stock, we will, during j this month of I '-.'viciniter, offer the whole of our large as sortment of Winter Goods in "Fur Cap<-s Storm Collars Lous Koas Muffs Misses Furs Geiits' Fur cn,ta Rolv'S > r t > Peisiaii Lamb Caps R U g S Also some beautilul goods in Tea Setts Lamps Glass Setts Napies, Etc. AT A LARGE DISCOUNT PUn ~--*,, Stock im-tlv assorted au.l nw. With this reduction off our already low fi nnrs ih.-r, c.m b IM inestion a. to their being 1 ,wer than ever befoie Xred ill Uw village. fHE O UN KU is already so well known that H on lv , , make tins intimation to ensure a call from every mtemli pui-ehasfr. \Vi, .:,,. one and all a merry Christmas and a >FjN w ^ ar ' 1 um yours, etc., VV". "VV '!' f Cl >!. l- !-* "^ p_ s. The lii,-'i. si p.-icos paid for Mink and Fox skint. McDonald & Evans At the end of another prosperous year de- sire to tender hearty thanks to their 'custo- mers for past patron- age,an<l will use their space this week to wish their patrons one and all "A Merry Christmas and a Hap- py New Year." McDonald & Evans. vintage of the law. Now Mr. Editor, we think the law pertaining to sheep killed by dogs could be so amended as to make it a matter of impossibility to take such advantage as would pay tin; guilty parties for the risk. I would like to hoar from some nun or men who have given the matter tome study, as it is getting too coin 01)11 an occurenco in this vicinity. (Joe mm a short distance north of Kimberly is said to have lost eight sheep by doLjs one night, and what miu.t he do '.' (ii in and bear it. Mr. Alex. Carrtithera has returned from Ohio, where he has been for the last few months. Miss G. Ilurritt, our late school teacher, has also returned from Tor- onto where she waa attending the Normal. Mr. Eber Smith ia Tery low with inflammation of the lungs. Dm. and llalstt-ad an- .itu-nding him. Miss Sarah Mclj lilkin of Toronto, H visiting friends in and around Kim berlv. Sun. lay and finished an eloquent ser- mon by declaring the pulpit vaetnt. John Park is home from coll<'^<*. ' He scorns the same old Jtck. J. Al"Xiinler, the ruilli.r. \vent home to-day. The xiuas. tree was a success. More particulars i:ext week. Mrs. Pj'il.j and her sister hive gone to Toronto for the wiuti-r. Miris Henry, of Collingwood. in visiting at her grandma's, Mrs. Mull.-ii Mi.ss Ada S tndoraon ami her broth- ' er Frank are visiting at their sister's. Mrs. Bruce. mi T \IL08l\fi :ALLC>N- tame caaue this We do not care for any !.\h. Editor, what Mr Fifid.^tTTn. home for a few days. He sayn it was ! worse than pulling teeth to leave Toronto. We believe he intends de- porting nimsc'lf to Dakota shortly. Fniin nur 'nan (Wr'.i/Hi</mt. Ward no. 5 should elect, a council- man occupying a more central position than formerly. We would suggest the names of tiio following men as capa- ble of filling the office : Mr.Jas. !'"-:. Mr. Ned. Ross or Mr. Geo. Moore We should have 0111 man tin* time. Foilowiii'' are the names of the The Merchant Tailor who has but the one line to study your in- terests in. 6. X Leitch, MERCHANT TAILOR. Lands for Safe Farm proportion. I also Yillatfu propcrti an-1 rs aud leathers that wnro llMtW I for our Sdbb.itl' School at the annutil Appiv to J \V AllMSTl: r < .:_. :i..i Fmm We are sorry to h.iv. to announce this week that" Mr. Jacob (". fi was culled away by datli on S.il'batl' moiiiniK tin- '-iCth'inst. l>ec. ;-rd was ;l i;.l heiuty as usual. a youii" man in the prime of lif.',beinv held on ovill UJ T "fm IMIi BIV! presided intcn Assistant Sup., Mr. rluicliiiison ; Secretary and Libiarimi , j Kdilh Annstriiin,' ; lYacluT-*. M - tiraham. McQuay, lliHchinon and 1 1 un (IT. Mi-.-.i Moore, Johnston, Nicholls and Hiitcliiiiaon. Mr. Hunter Heixlrrsii!! mill Hutchison. ph Strain has returned from \V. T ami he is looking hale M> - M W uks'.ey Ins rttorned only 5 years of ;i.r lie w n yoinij- iVoin ' . .lie to visit lic-r parents man that was respected and lvlo\e.l bv c'vc:-y one tin' kiu-w him. He w .- of a kin'il ;ui<t itiNoti.-ii.it. dimontioo. His death ii a sa.l loss to his bi reav, .1 family, lie leaves a widow and four small" children to mourn hi* early death, but the <!od of the widow MM WILL SHOW Sl'ECTKJN YOl'i: IN- A litre Mi-s K. II ihiiBOU is NMfafH in , UM I'll" in, - >i; Sea. ml for th WNMMfl year at tiie -al.iry of 5:l^"i. On VtdoMdkjlMl Mr.<ie,i.r..innou of this niu'v and Miss I.i/./ic Me Mill. in of I'l-iitnii. wertt iini:d as man Beautiful Assortment W IK IIS. t>;> LIM:S. the fatherless will comfort and sustain and wite. The ttev. U. lI.Cobble.dick them in their hour of trial. His thfl second useful Ife that has been called away from amongst us in tli. short space of two weeks, both of that dread di*ea*e consumption. A huw number of sorrowing relatives and frit nds followed LU remains on Tu day afternoon for interment in Sal. -in where he requested to be buried. Mr. Thompson conducted the funeral ser- lied the knot. Mr. Jas. Best baa purchased farm ol Mr. Thos. Baimon, tor the !,:;,:;' Fi&e (!:ii H'i : .:i Our Pricevilic Budget. TO .-' ..">. to' Fills! Mr. l Mci'"nu.ick, <>iu eiiUM-prisiiiK faruiew, add vices. ex-depuly Unit t.-wiisliip, has .ild hi fanu to a Mr. C.iU!cr, of tlio mine t..wimlii|>. for the liaii<lsi'ine sum of 5^'NH). Laot Tb". Orangemen had a bee last week K,,U, .,,,,;, -, ^ ^J |n Ii lie iiitemls iimviiij; t" ali'iut Ui* l,t . A|.nl n-vt Mr. MoOocwok w hig.il} '.'le"iiifil tn our villane. \ |': Maul 'vent took place at the Kt-huo! lioute here on Tuesday *fti.Tiiiii.ii, wii.-n Mr. M.-D.-iiiild, the retinuij head tec!ior. rcc.Mvo.l n adJies. and nrewn- Tliu adoNM wad 10 AM' UK. .82i) To $::s. AM' COVKUINU I TAL BREAKACKS 4 MiS. TO to take out timber for a shed Orange hall at Eugenia. Mr John Williams, junr, lost a tine marc from inflammation on Saturday night last. The sacrament of tiie Lord's sup- per was commemorated by tho Pres- byterian congregation of Eugenia on babbath. The church is doing well under Mr. Wells, he is working hard among the people. There were fifteen new communicants added to the membership roll, bringing the number up to somewhere near seventy. The Lord is indeed doing a good work among the people of Eugenia, as the Mothodist church has also a large number of new names on their mem- bership roll. Mr. NVm. Belts is improving, I M . i>li.ini Nr IS CLOCKS, NICKEL AND WAI.N 81.50 TO 88.50. in MI ii-n ili Mr. I'. I Hi HER TU tim hs now cornel rulit..>:ilHlifto*UUubcwoon u p ,. a ,. n _|i tf rau.1 p lull r'>on to l> >vdrl. auj wi"fuil tl.t wo cunm.t allow thin opportunUj t.J |)HH Wlth'Mlt KHIIIK tO yOU HUlll" UllKlllI'' tok.-u of our altecti.'ii KUd eiteem. W o fol tht t our UlMr>ii]nii^ ua a taMbM lia IMWII fraoabl with tb in.mt heneftciml man* kind!) intret which you ha alwaro Ukn in uur.lilBcultius. mi.l tho teal with winch \ou hi vi. al%^cli.\<.twUi'iirmelf to our improve- ,!^.nt will uut soon i,.(..rg.>twu. wlnl.. l>v your ; iT')ilitv mid kiiKluuiw you baveoii.learea youi- l M..II' to all. Wu faul liow iod<juatii wor.U ar to oxi>ri.H DUI ;i|>i'raciatioii of HIH kind (eliutf you .i inauilest.l ti.war.lHu. an. I our i tab i tlit ii-i i>lwi"ll v' CT ' t u>l An a lwlit o.Mireiou of our i..ril w Fine Hepairing attended to. Close in spection of Goods, Prices and Business Methods invited. 4-~ lO From otir own , As predicted, ou Saturday- lait the ^fUSK yon. which Imve b*D I tiniu that 7u i>luaiiit ovw v oeu our W A. BROWN, Jeweller-, MAKKDALK

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