Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Dec 1891, p. 4

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T h t FLESMERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. ! publlfbad Kvery 'jriiur-Hctay, FUCK i u on ii K Aflerh'im .s'tri. - F/*ri<m, Out. TKKUS 01 SUH8C1UPT10N: I pr annum wtirn |>ai 1 tri<-tly ID adrance t fi par aunuiii wheu not 10 pai-l. AUVKKTISINd KATK8. One column. 1 yar. MO ; half col., do., ftfl ^uarti > <') ,1- ' . * 1 Transient a.lvortiaeinenti charged at tlio r>to rf *,". ji.-r liuo for nmt innertion ami 3eta. pur u eavU illir<|iiunt iB-rti..ii W. U. THURSTON. Kditor and Proprietor Christmas is with UB once moro tho season of joy aud ^ladnes*, mil roast turkey. In England it ia Wf. We pivfer turkey. What plcaaant me in 01 its this Bucrud KCUWOII brings Uji frjin tlic dim past t-j thoso who have withstood the ravage? of plum pudding, doughnuts, other nuU and euti.ly for three score yearn and ten ! What plrasuat anticipations it brini;* io tl o youngsters who are expecting vagon loads of toys and barrels of veutrmats, without (the inuoctut I4ncal.ii L;IVIM,,' a thought to the tir rible uftcr iiuugi ! \V; all love Christ tua* and try to make his annual visit a3 in. 1-. lilt Us pllSSlljic. I. t IH ho,*' to bo successful iu thu present iu- lance. Tlntt Chnitiiua may ln d its I. ip, _, rays inlu every home whore tln- I njirr in found il the forvmit wish uf IL> cdijor. I;i fact wo fuel oiu'itlvi a at i .!<, with tho world and wish everybody a UEllKY CHIUHTMAS. II,M ion- AlTl! A.TTKIW. Nominations for reeve and council- lors will take place in tho Town II ill on Monday next. \Vhilo the editoi 'jf this pupcr takes a deep personal iiittTBt in our rannicipol politics, he does not think it reusonablo that these cjluinua should be expected to oJvocutu one man more than anotli, i lor the ITI-VI ship or for tho council There are no burning issues at Etakt ou which tho battle will b Con -hi U will Le |uiEpnal inoril ataii.bL IAT djtul lujiit, and we luliovu tho raU payers i*f th>, townshi|> are capable ol dealing for themselves as to th <|ii tliius of the men preRcnting them selves, and deciding Hunsibly, too, without newspaper influence. If we w>rc asked, however, for our private 11,11111. in can. hdly stated, the atuvyor would be : "I can BOO no jutt oiuie why every inemtxn of the council of 1891 who is desirous of ro-electiou should not be returned again if they HO desire, as their work during the ' .i-l year has been of a nature which Hbould win for them the hearty thanks of our electors and a contin- uation of their confidence. " This is pivate opinion, and wo concede to ivory man the riglu to form his own. For the rcevnghip Mr. ItuJand is in the Hold against Mr. llichardsi.n, as will be seen by liu card elsewhere in this issue. With i^aU; to council- men wo havo nothing new to announce this week. Italeoayers should turn out on Monday and interest thm- Holves in selucting good nominees for t!ie pending election. Till-; I'.I.KITIQN PKOTB8T. f The Honth Grey election protest came to an end on Wednesday nigbt of last week without any prac- result other than tU rcicrra- tion of one charge for jmlgeiueut o Jan. 4 next at Osgoode Hall. The olldH-ni;; condensed report of the trial s taken from the Bruce Herald : After preliminary skirmish with Mr. I. J. Smith, of Durham, to eilahliah tha agency of party worker*, charge No. 4!t wa* taken up. This was a chare* of paying ' to Win. Caldwell, livery keeper. of Durham, for aking scrutineers tu the poll* UN election lay. ll wa* charged in Dr. LauJerkiu'a lection expenses, and paid l>y his tinitn- ial anent, Mr. Smith. I he defence inti-iidol that it was lawful tu nay fur IL' to take scrutiiieera tu the (tolls. Hut Mr. Cillicri McKechme, M. P.P., one >f ilir parties wlio went uot to a poll in lenelg, to act ax scrutineer, had a vote ii hi* own account at this poll, anil oted without a certificate as scrutineer. Ir. Aylccworth held that thi* should oid the election, as it wan a piiyinent tu aku an elector tu the poll. Judgement reserved. Charges No. 44 and 46 were then aken up. This was a charge of corruptly indue- ni; one Win. Hell to rote a snoond time, when it was known thai he had already \ .t. .1. Hell, who appear* t<> U) a simple '.llnw, admitted voting twice, but did t shew clearly th* mean* l>y which li lad 'H-I-II induced to d<> *o. The r*apon- ibility for the act wo* faituneil chietly n|ioiiiuiv Drtii McDuiiuall, an active work er for Dr. l.aml. rtin Hui{h McKechnie wan in it to mmiti extent, but the Juil^ held that a corrupt intent on his part had nut been rsisMiahed Judgement reterved a* to th.' rtspotuibiiily of Mc- Chan;?* 1, 2 and :'. wrre then taken up Thee related M the payment of a v.'ter named \\ m. Tochur irmu Wiarl. >n. Mr. TiK'her's evidei>c Ixiinx a Uiiii{U* revela lion of tho melhuUs nt an vnUrprisini. voter, w uive it in full. He said "1 Ine in \Vurton anil came down n> Allan park mi election (lay, wlutru I voted. I cam* down on the tram to II u. ... i . am drove out with Malcolm QsMpbriL II was tilling Home (iertnan* out, and 1 K"t l..n k on Siiiuril.iy. I t money in Man . in IH |.,r,- I left. 1 L''.t ji.">.."'ti ..in of the h.ili- thini;. The ni^ht of tlie ; I was in l)r Lnnderkin'* houae and me N ..... I!.. nn: in I linked I. im if tli'-i WRS anytluiitf ti-iini;. and he aul 1 hat l-utter MM- M II. Mill. -i. Ni i! day I u.. M II. MilliT and talked alx.ut lit ..... ;. H t.Mik nut to \. l.im's Hank nml in nl out a note for <_' 7-"', which I sium .1 Mr Adams then i;avii me $2 . r >0. I aan to Miller it I Mtktiil r.itlii-r xinall. He pn his hand in hi* pocket nnd |{.ive mo a tivi and a two dollar I. ill, and tnld me t. shut my in.iulb.. I aaw Miller nroin.i with ill- Dr. <>n rh .-timi d:iy. MilK-r am 1 . 1 I'.nl not ha\i- Miy t;Jk until l!u- .l.i> of i-U-i ii. n. Hu just aaid <Jo...l d.ir, nnd I said "you've iv>t y..nr man in." He aaid "vea." Hit *n tbun in flout of I, mi. lei k in's. Befi.ro 1 ^" ( ''"' money fioin Miller, I told him I voted f..i !>i l.miili-rk in. There WAS u--t ","' ... -.. . ..." " >,, 1 lirMT S:l tlltl ll.it,- nil..-,' ll wax to run a Wt-uk or ten days, lull 1 did not |.:i_\ any atteiition to it, an I did i i I'oiiftider that I would over havo to p :l y it Mr. Miller ai^'nud it too. I have no polities to s;iak of. I had heard ll.. u wna a letter wnlU'ii tu \\i\ii a by Dr. Hayi-s, | .Miner of Dr. Landtirkin, and that there was Kiodle K n '"V- ^'li,-n I In-Hid it I said Id KO ilnwn nnd si >. S.-VITK! knew I was ^..1111' down. Dr. \Vi|(le knew. I aake.l N.-l..n l!..wiiian about the letter, and he said there was nntbing in it ali.'iil iniiniiy. I was at Dr. Ijiirlerkin's h.mio nhout nn houi nnd i Ii .If tit* niijit of thd flection. \\ lien 1 first taw Mi Milu-r in-it il.iy he was busy in his ollice and sanl hu'd tee nut later. It was afterward* I saw him at the Hank and KO| tb inoin \ Mr. Torher, ill croaa examination, said "1 wnik in a sit nml at ."I L'.. per -'lay. I K"l ^'-' ""! for MI. voto fi.im Mr. Ad:kii s and Mr. Miller. And I borrowed f,"i fioin D. NVi^le, a lending I Vuiwuative in \Niurl ..... 1,1 ,i. i ^;.lM<.l 1 tnld I'r \\ i.-li- I'll r I uot i In' money that I was I-..IIHIII! iloKn t<> vote for Mr. Hlytl'u. \.'!I.-M 1 talked i . Nelson Itowman in l*i I Jlll.ll-t kill II..II.M-, In- aul he ..Wr.l ill' Dr. nil ai-roiijit, .in i wan H..IUL,' to ijut it in.iiki'd off Howmnii said I n.i.lil try and iii't soiiii'ilnn^ h'.in Mill, r Hu (aid Milli-r was il.. IIP,' the busiin'.is Next I u I i'.v Millur nnd uot tlm mmiry. I dnl not think It was n on-. HI thiiv.' to taki money for my vote until I wa< bfNBMM hein I tl.oii'lit if money was KOIII..', I m.ight ,H well have my sh.n v I saw Mr. Smith, of Kluiwond, lately. ll said this thin.; mi)>lit be fixed. M. told nil- I roiild say I MK.S- diunk wh<m I made the declaration. He askwd me if f .>u would do it .' I got n.'iliih^ f.. i makiiiK the declaration. He also saiil 1 him 84.14, and he made mo a pres- ent of thai Kiniiptoii i* n leading sup- porter of Mr Hlytln-'.s at Allanpaik. He used to be a Reformer but chniik'od. I know Kiuenu D.. Inner and Mr Mitchell, Ktlitur of tin.- Hwiuver 'Post. D >bore.r s^.ike to me about *i(;innj a coun'.i r ileclaritVjon, and I mini somuthinK to put him off. I told Mitchell they'd I etlor jut bli>4. too muoli or t! / n.ijit f(et Irfl .'' Mr. Tnoher stepiMd out of the box drowned with glor.v. Nelson llixrnian roiitrailictrd Tocher in suui |.artii'ul.iK, but .uliuitt.'.l that the latter hail s;n hi-n tn him nlioiu IUIIIIOY. Hid own tnlk i>u the subject WM ulv a joke Miller took him to Ailama' Bank. Adam* Irew up a note for ->"<> Which T.,.-h. r igned aud Mittor . n.|... . .1. It was a note or nevud days tsat Las Dot vet keen paid. I gare tup proceeds to Tocher hut gave .nn uo uiore. Ho dcuied |...MIIV<-|V Toch- er's statement about giving hint the 15 aud 12 bills. When f tun- the t.'.'.'-i. Tochf r a-ikedhiui to make it $H, bnt Millur would not gire an; more. He ui-v.-r had ai.r c.inveisatiou with Tacher about it since. Miller understood on polling day that Tocher was going to v t. for Dr. Lander- uu. Mr. James Adams, banker, corroborated Mr. Miller about the note transaction, aud all that took place between Miller and i'ooher in his olttce wheu the note was mil Mr. Win. Minili, of Elmwood. t.-.ilti d that Tocher cuuie to him last Saturday ev- ening at Wiarton, and said this thiiyg evuld .- tix.-.l for 8.>*>. Hut he wmiM swear I,.m.lcikin clear for 950, and if he Inln't get it he'd salt him. He said he I. ml made a declaration for Sumpton, but it he got fAO, he'd swear he was drunk wheu he made it. Mr. John Mitchell, editor ofthe HauoTer I'ost, testified that he had conversation with Tocher list May about the d. claratioii, 1,11 i Tochrr then said he iutfuJt-1 to go back on it, as h- Im.l been drinking at the time it was nm.li-. This coucluJeJ the efiJeuce, aud the ar- guiueut l.iv'. in. The Judge* uolil that the pajuient of the 225 by MihVr to Tocher, had been made out. The arguineut thortfore was eonnumr to the .|. i. ,.ti 'n of Miller's gen:y. Uu tl.ia point, the ilefuuse coiiteudud that agruey ceased at the close of the poll on election day, aud that therefore the payment to Tocher next day could uot be held a corrupt practice. Mr. Aylrbwortb, fur the petitioner, cou- t, i iln I that agency did not cvaiw until the close of the election, and that the election did not close uutil arituru hod bevu made ti, tin- writ from Ilia crown. Judgment retorted. UK- uvxt chaws taken np were 37 and Is. These relaU-'l tu the votin,; of a man ii'ime 1 ThomaH Klauii^hsii, in place of hi< f.itl.i-i IVtru-k Kl<na^liau who was ili-a l.an.l till-, -i- n.iiuu ua on the roll an owner of l>,t ttM'uty-nuip, oi.ii. twelve, llvnlinck. After lux ill n;li, the son brciiiue .. n-r. .11.. I Toteil uu tho iiiopertv, lli.'iith 1,1- ii.iiiK- WUH . I ..n tin. r. 'II. It Wan ch.iivil thul I'.ni Mu lloiU'all, an agent ..f I'r. L.indeikin, h.id ill 1 ,. .1 I. nn In t.iki tin- i..itli iiinl \ jle. I In- iif'.i'iiioini wm taken up with the 11 vet t! ition of a uuiulnr uf r.ui.s thul fuilei 1 . f.i-u u iiiiv .-h.t'i;.- ou Inn Ki'-|'.'i..!nt I in c.. ul s.tt until lute hour, ml i jii'i^iU'-ul i.ii the :) e!uirt;i- vf taking Mr MI-K. ehiiii- a tot* T.I.. tin- p. II in a 1 1/ I. in-. Ii, I'r l..unli rLlu'n tiiiHliriul >K, ut ; t.( I 'MI MeDooCtU, iu agent of l>r Lan 1,-ik n iu .|i..'i"K Wm. 11,11 i,. vutii it ber.'iiil time. ; am . I II. II. Milli-r I.I.MU.; Win. T,.,'h - I-L',") for his uxjKtiiirs thu day alti-r l\:v elect n. n. .l.i I . :i, nl waa given lutor ou tin two former char^us, disuiisaing them and the latter was reserved for jud a 'c in. 'lit at Oauocxle H ill on l.ui. 4th. Tho Mcrcier Govornment of y;U'b< lilts brt'll i!i<lin>..l l-v ' "**" Auanr >n'i Mr P r. nii'hfi vi!!e call . 1 I ' firm it cabinet. This K!e[i w;is taken as n result of thu late investi^a tion into Mercier'B. shady transactions M. . 1 >. H iiicheryille is said to Lave formed a strong ministry . we New Carriage &'. This euneludcd ths proceedings of Tue- dny. On W<jdn1ay murninf proeediiiK oiii iiixl with the evl.lviie* of H. H. Miller. MM UstiHwl that Titchxr Im.l a>li'.l f.<r m.'iii'y mi voting day but got mum. Me called unit day au.l repeatetf the rcijuest. lacksinith Shop. 'he nndersi^tie'l bes leave to acquaint til" public with tli f n-t th il tl.- v have 6;i?oe<I up a new carriage and blacksmith bup in Vleahertou. wiiere i-veiytiiiii ; in our liue w.ll be attended to in a prompt luaun-'r an I piud wurkiua ihip guaritiiteed. \V nmk. a , ; i. r..i!t> of HORSESHOEING. ind orofess to have a mechanic who given entire tw- vi-iy time. Special atteu. lion t<i tin. I -r or eoutr.icleJ fret. Iiiterf-rnu | -iuv, 1. p .-. .- 1. WOODWOBKINa n nil Its brancbed. \Vnon, busies, drmocrats luuJi! t.. ..rd--r. \V.- b.-Ili-Vi- wa can work up a (ion 'I Im in. s, in 1-|. -In itmi by fair and <|aare deal uj; in. -I careful uorkuiaiislii|>. nud soliiit the putilic to t>st oar u. rits iu our various linen. snor ori'OHiri: rt KMTI KK n.n: UOOMX, nri:u.i.w ST. WRITTEN & BLAIR. fur faalurla. Wlwu ah* Iwutvi" Mia*. >h elung to C'aatorla. WtwD aho baa CUllUrto, abe gave Uwm CaMorU Fur lvorFin> Yeurn Mi^ \\'. u? :., r-ootlmiu H>r,i|. h bi-tn lih.'i in mllllous of inoetian tor Ibofr ebll JTMI whili .' li .1 i ixlit anil lin.ki n .. innu aVUW li. ll I'lllilH Ul.ll ihi.i i.'L'nl i-. II,,. .l.nnaeli an. I |H>*,-|< , nn. ^ i nl ' .'.In- -' .HI-UN tin. liiiuifi. ii-.hii-K-. inllani uiatlon, and fine tons and *ur|i in thu wholi Mr- \\ IU-.II.K n S,. oil, iu- Ntui|>" (or ' iiM-.'i' i' ii. la ulaaaout to th* tajto and It the tireacriptloii uf on* or tbe eUesI aiul i--i Inmale phvalciani mil iuir-,i--i m tin. l'iiit,-.l Mm.-* I'M. :. oenti ^ I. ittlu. s.il.l by a) ilruiHlaU tbrnilfhoul th< wrhl Uu mini am u. k l.ii Mm V\ in-1. , ...tliiiii; Svni|i." lONSUMHiOM f-JU'.l >iinlil iiliy.ii inn. U'tiiDil from iir.it I ice. liar in;.' hit I |, In.', I in hin hainti lit an Kant In. 'In miasloDarjr tha formula of a simple vt>Ktai>| v I] l.i lli-.i, ,), m lt l |,ei iull,'iil i-uiii i." C. ,111,1110.'. li HI II oiirhilii, ( a'arrli. v^ilmn aii< all throat ami Liinu Affectloua, alto a pohitit, allil r*dloal OUrs for NKIV..II-. Drlnlitt nn,l all Nervous u<>nip!i\liitB. nftr havluit In- ti.,1 iu tt i.'ifiil curntivu |i.iwur* in thounau.U ol riisi.s. liu., (,.|t it In- .Inly t,. i,ik,. it kliiiwi I, hi* sofferiDf fellow*. AotuataU hv tin-, i. anil ilimli-0 to ruliiivv lillliian aiifliTiiiv;, I will -,-i, I ti,,,. ,.f rhai-Ke. to all WDO d*lre II, this roolpe, in (ierinan. Krunch or KngliKh, with full ln>"! (or 1. 1. -i-ii mi; anil mini; Ktillt l,\ ill til I., aililroMiiui with itanip, iiaiuluK thin |.H|.,,r \V. A. NuYKi,Ju I'ower.'lllo. k II... !.. tur. -N. Y. It Hi .i.'.il SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This HUM (til (.11 ( intK.thi* sucoiiria fill t UN.St ill'1'ION i l Kl.. H tiitl,,. in parallel iu. thu liitory of luedioine. All tlni^isU ar.- . h..n. i-l to sell it ou a posi- tiveguitiautee, n tt that DO other oure can - lully Mini. I. If you have a L'ou)(h, Sun; Throat, <ir Itronchitis, use it, for it will .-in,, i. ii If vour child ban the Croup, or \Vho< uiug Cough, nf it j.,i.ni|.i|t .ami relief IH sure, if yon drra<i that ininlioui disease i ii\sr\!lMloX. D..N'Tr*iL touseit.it w,|| oure jo" or cost nothing.' Ask your l>rn#- Ri*|'fof SIIIUV,3 i 1 1(1.. I-,.,... U) CIH . 60 ol. mi I 8l.uO. ' If y,, m I niiKi aresoraor Duck UHIO.U4B Suiluk'a t'orous Plaster 85o. The Markets. < ar-i nil , < ,.r. t i . ,| . i Ii ',>.,',. Klour Kull \Vln-at . IIIK Wheat lla U->. tatit Kmi*. frh ^otsloea La-; I'ork. S OC to j "" 00 to r-7 to tu to to M to lij to IS t.) . .-, l>, t., Hav per tou K i>i to Hnle-i 9 i<l to , . to H to to I . 1- to ........... Turkoyi CliKk.-n. | i-i pair Wool Ct> IT; io S 10 ;' 9 < in 1 U) 5 V 31) 30 *> MANY A LIFE HAS been aaved by the prompt use of Ayer's PUla. Travelers by land or a are liable to constipation or other derangements of the stomach and boweU which, if neglected, lead to serious and often fatal consequences. The moatiure means of correcting thme evils i* the USA of Ayer's Cathartic fill-. The pru- dent sailing-master would act toon go to ea without his chronometer as without u supply of these Pills. Though prompt and energetic iu operation, Ayer's Pill* leave no ill effects ; they are purely Tegetable and augar-coatml ; the safest medicine lor old aud young, at home or broad. " For eight yean I wa* afflicted with ronsti|iatioii, which at last beeame so bad that the doctor* eould do no inoi. for uio. Then 1 began to take Ayer's Fills, and noon the bowels reeovi-rv.l their natural aud regular action, so that now I aiu In Excellent health."-Mr*. C. ; M'KIM'AKFK \ND I Mil KK \!.F,K, i .'S 1't.Of K. F-.l^ltKUTON, ' D AT i u rm.v s\\\ MILL. FLKSHKCTON STATION. Sound i::rio, ^\\* \'ery I VI \. is r \ .in ii I.KI- A t J:\tucatitm. , M one of the most reliable gi-neral rrmedina of our times. They have U-i-n In use in my family tor aiTeetions requiring a purga- tive, and have given unvarying sat iifao- tlon. We have found them an excellent r.-iiK-dv for colds and bull' fevers." Vf. U. \S ,10. N..II, Fort Worth, Texas. " For several veara I have rrlle<l more Dpnn Ayi-r'.i I'llli than upon anything clso iu the medicine client, to regulate my bowels nnd those of the ship's crew, These i'ills are not severe In their ar- tion, but do their work thoroughly. I have used them with good effect for the cure of rheumatism, kidney trou- ble*, and lyne|ila." fapt. Mueller, Steamship Felicia, New York City. " I have found Ayer's Cathartic Pills tolwa better family medicine for com- mon use tliiin any other pill.s within my knowledge. They are !iot only very effective, but safe ami pleasant to take qualities which must make them valued by the public." Jules llaurl, Perluuier, l>hiladulphi, Pa. Ayer's Pills, rKLTAUltl) BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mats, Bald by nil lx*len iu Medicine* DRESS MAKING. MHS. <i.iri:i>i<i i t.. ,. ...... in. the |iei>|.|i<.>( Kl>- lii'itn.i unit vi, in it . tl . .- I" I'll |.. II, 1 tu ill! .lll',Mlllll,IIIH 111 th:' -.UI|H1' Moo ol thoM who mat .-1111.1-; lin with ttun I'l'lll'l". 'I ll. ItlWlttK I II liau I Battafactlou ^unrniit.-i .1 \.->i I,H mi alili- prii'i-. Slioj. i Hank. IticlntnUon's k.li.i k t If .h. 1 1 .n In ti.i - 1 ton in nttiuil am) cult ing by "Uagic Take a ::;,:, ^ ^ ^ _ _ i ... -, , ., i CouiuiercleJ DepariiiMiits 111 4'anatla. ir eu \ in! uu ." .. ihcm Huiiuee* Cullem i \niiiiii rvry- tblli( thoroathly. ll tuil i. I.HMUK-V tho IIKWI ttii.rci.i;li.coiii|>li te. |uactival ami elti'U- ive coui c- ol stuilt . Hi. I'l.'ii.i ,a aiul tlu- l..--,t an. I inortt f. in|-li t. ;u..i 'n,.si uit- ahli'furniturf an.) .ij>i'! in.. w Hi'l v:i\ \t>u a dill riniiir KKKfc. Kur Atiiiual AIIIIUULKI uii'iit. ti vnig full partii'iiluK. d i -e, Itlruaa C. A. n.K.MINd, Mrs. Plllli||>->i-O|II>tNi(0 Mrlli'.i- dlsl < linrcli. I h slu rton. Iri'i ami linn. lie inakiliu in all iti l>rj>in.!i. - Hon and ftrls salts attnde>t to |>n>ni| >lv ami -HI i.l:i.'tl..ii guaranteed. (I. nil, i, , i, mnitu up in KUOI) ttyle, wheu ulotU n uro uln ready cut. AJ.. SOCIETIES. Never broken Kabo. The "bones" in the B. & C. corset are made of it warranted for a year, too. It's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and then get your money back if it doesn't suit. But it's pretty sure to suit else it wouldn't be sold so. For : al > by M. Rirluictlson & < ooss OK TRUPKRANCB Thi .oclety n Hi' ! in III Clirl^tm-'K Hall I-VITV \\.-ln, - ilay BVi'iiini,' at M p in \ i-itiu^ ln-ethern invited. liiMirauco in oonneoUon KOYAI. II.MI'I.AKS (IK TK.MPHK \M I liettular ( ..inn il nn , t ei i > Tiu-sila\ , \, n Inii In Hprouln'H block at N p.m. leleot defres IhiKuraiiCKl ni.-.-is inniithlv. tin- \Vvilueilay |iroce,linij thu -J-Jn.l o( eai li month. PIUNCK AHTIIl It I,0|)(!K SO in. A K. * A.M.. tin II,,, M .-..in, Hall. Strum * I, lock. Flaauerton, vt.'i t Kii.'a\ ,.n ,.i -i.ed.i,. the dill miMiii. A. H. Vaii.hn.i-ii. W. M . K .1 Hproule MC. Boa,rs for Service. The uiiilernik'nvri hai two well li-e<l hour*, on* ilii(>,irl I. for Hortiro on lot <25, 7th roil .Art- ,.|iii>ia IW.th |.l,.|i,li.l iiMnl due tw < n-ar. ohl anil oiionprlug plu Ti'imo *1 anil 7% oont* I timu of raiTice. JOttkl'H r , .. \\ u K HORSESHOER \N GENERAL FLESHERTON, - ONT. Mnnufactuiiniiof vv, s ,..,, -*** i>iii.ienits. M. HON* >l<o*ll| P r "i'rtl\ at- en.luil to. Fpn-lal atteutiun S""'" to "-untiatt- .1 1 or (en, ler (eet. and Plow ChalDB ron- I (

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