Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Dec 1891, p. 5

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THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE IM.VK/.V OFPICL GEO. MITCHELL, FIiESHBRTON. \ t*un j-.tl banking buMnet* tran^artvd Draft* ! -*-*n* I an I chuuo :A *i..-l at usual rat ttontfv a)ayi available fur l<ititi:at bustue^B ajiten OtViiK two door* north of Jtichanlooti A ("on. Vicinity Chips. C&arACtrrisiir of liir I'a- 1 Week Car. Tally 4'ullrd for the Curious. lir.1.1 lllltu-,'1 IIM ..I I (...'.(,'; IClff ckur'/fil at the nttr -./ /'V / r litu- fr f'trh iiuertum. A r"fi.<-fii*ii will bt i nit ('intrusts f'it I'm liiir.i ,/r iirrr. School clutwl fur the li..l..!.iy-i uu Tuct.- 8 >ut.!i Grey Farmers' Institute will it in Durban! cm Jan. 5tli. G.J yoke of i:\cn forrtlu, clioa;> f..r caah.well matched. Apply t > .l.ts.Chanl. lot 2:>,jt!i oou., E T. A S. K . tlie Aunirersiry entertain- ment in the I'rvsliytonaa church _on Christmas ereinn-. Tweti'y tons nf % n I h iy fur sale. Apply tiTh-n. <Y,r!(, lt HI, SM I K. T. & S. K . or Fleshert.m I'. O. Only one more Jay in which tit buy Chrittmas .'mills. Lay in ynur supply from W. Ki..-!iar.U> n'a tuck. TrD.len are a-k.-.l f .r tlie builtliug uf brio!; C4i'l church at liuckin^liam'* ap- poiutiiietit, ()|irry. Sou aJvorliseuieat fi>r particular!. Them w.u u pr.^ichin^ in tli; M-llii dint ctiurc'i "U S in-lty in nn. i^ 1 wt <iw- in.: l.i ii disappointment of supply. Tin- services to.>k liie form uf a MatoWsBip HI ruling. The farm jf Mr. l>nii.-:ui Muir, timr tLe stall. m, cunt, , iiiiii 10 I acres. was ..M by au-ti.M at Muuiliiw !i .ti-1 .i Thurs- day la<l, and unm-jUt SJ.l'M Mr. Marie Stuait I CIIIK the pun-liaser. For a few tUys iuri'i,' th ' past week enjine.1 uf till traiui north were oblige.) to turn at Kleshvrtun t.t'i"ii ;irnl travel backwards tu O*un S iun 1 Tin w.u ,i*iPn >., t ; le f^-t tint, tiu turn-Ublj at Owen S mil* W1M under^'Hir.; repair*. Mr.MiU-Uell.of tlie i i,. lm Ci iri , nic |.. wa* baii>iut'til t i m Mm-....^ Saturday evening ut V !in i >rr,' ...j euts, and during' the couro* uf tlic even in* was present..- I with a in.-" svt of Dickens' works, a tat ot Cliiile-t L-\.r and a jet uf .McAtiIy. im luvry sta'jL- li u i hindi. TM- time tlio purchaser i* Mr. K. While. black snrlli with Mr D Me 1'avish. E*. u a H'H.il boy ;ui<l will no doubt be ' su,-'-esful livery man. Dae will uu* devote liis wh "!.. attvii- ti >u tu tlio harneaa business l.B. Lucas. ;>;trrl*trr. II.-IH Sl' 1 ''* ' i'n> ' '' lumU to lend on f, rni iiiortifHi;cH within the m-xt !< t.ioiitlii at lowiist current i . > Ks c"iiiiniss- H>:IS, no d.-'.avs. cx|"-nc^ I"*. Apply at nHictf in M mm.; thu week or at Dundalk otncei'ti Saturdays. A in ,>vc.,i -:it ..... fit. li.id<l by the M.iyi-ra.nl I'iU.i-.l or" O r .m -t?ville. ln*k- i-i^ tow.ivilt tUj >t >:>i>ii!{ ol i'l S-inday traini on thi b ich of t!i t' 1' It ."ex- cepting trains and labor pWB!tt*d by our S';tu'os." All muuicHial ldie g thj luua-e nkJ to co-op-rate. ' Uusines sur|" HIM.',- thick and fast th.-c days. Til.' lult-st COIIIPS in the iiifoMii.iiinii iliat Mr. .1. K MINTI lins soM tut *tenm H.I* and sluir;!o null t,. Mi. U 1'. L",.>tB. late of Duii.Uik. Mr. I,-:i'- t.ik'.i 10 Ski..:i on Jan. lit, ;t our ir;i .T* *i!l notice l-v his advur- tiscnicnt ; 'i inted i-Uc lieu-. The Advance M cx'-rt'inely ijl.-wl to learn that our yituntf friend, Mr. \V. H. C'airutin'i't, p,ntin.i<tT at \\odehouse, wluMio siil aucidvat we recorded List vuvk. u iiiiiiriivinn, and trusts he will shortly I u ab'j t ' return to Ini duties. It was Mi. W-ley who heM the uuu at the tini.- "f the ajoident, ml Mr. Woods, aa stated. A Quarter of a M.Hiou Dollar Plant. The Family H ?rald and Weekly Star of Montreal is u >w c >nif< rtib!y scltl* 1 in a tino ii.-* biuUlin-4, which with its ma^niliouu 1 '. e^uipnunt o-nt a (|u.vrtr of a inilli.i.i d illar*. a id tlio bjst of it is 'hit U H [ i..l for fi-'-u tioiu a'iy sort of i iiicumSran jo. Tlu Kau.ly Herald and \ Weekly Si ir i.i in an u:iduubtdly strung financial position. '.rack it Rich. ninn I., the luiii-' of Young, living r Taru,h.is pulled liie lex of a pAitut "icine I'M in by tfllin,' them tint their y has ifiven him a nuw l?aie of life l>\ lMin.( it, and TUJ lil.i'.m and other ,iliu are now pV/uhin.; a full Oulttvn a Iv^rm MU 'lit under the pur- tUHl'f the ll VoUnx ' "'" *'-' w ' so wi..isriul!> **fil W, irto.i had a rev. Heir,ieBi,.ii some ye.trR ;.. who thought he mt't niakuu' u!h iiiit iimney out of his pr*.-'inii{. sold a smaller advertise- nieiitV'the Warner s S.ilu O.ire hrru for so. us ll'V) and the alnttiiict ol today arif il.il -h )iu^ tb likouoJi* uf ti\ rev. .'i: 1 man who waji m raculously 8a<ii by a little rain wattir and gnii<er,or some other simple ingredient. [Echo. The Standard Explaans. The Fleahertoii Advance of last week published au item which is calculated to convey a false impression in rrferenc* to tli-i tinaticial i and IIIK of Markdale. It *ays that thu village fathers have been ne^otiuuii^ for a loan from the county for twenty years. Probably the editor 'iat reference to the cost of the bridge recently built over the Sauu;eeu Kiver at liarHiead mills between the niuniupalitien oi M :trkd:tl>- and Ciluiiel^ at a cost of <?oW, which is paid out of the County fund* in the menu time, but has lo be refunded by those two iimujuipalitie*, t-~>0 each, Markdale preferring tu divide the amount uvxr a few ye'irs rather than raisu it all at ones. [Markdu'.e Standard Qoldan A very pleasant affair occurred *t the re.<ul..Mioa uf Mr. John Dinwoo Iy, K!ol . crtoii, on Friday last, in which a l:ir."' Mtjtfcsjf of fnunds and relatives partici- pated. This was the 50th anpiversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Din- woody, who werrt wedded in C >. Mona jhan, Ireland, in th.. year 1*41, reinoy. in,' to i.'aiiiida in '47, settling in the township of ArlKin -hi i in 1850, where cli"_v have lived over since. The old peo- ple are very highly reopecled by all who know thmi. snd this respect was evi- denced by the large number of preseiiM sent and brought in on the occasion. Prevents were received from the follow i'i'4 : -Their minister, Mr. and Mrs. Tongue, Mr. and Mr-. Uichardsi.n, Mr. and Mr* Josuph Smith, Mr. and Mrs (*>. Parks, Miss >fa^','ie Powell, and also from their twelve Kraii'Miildren The old coii|i'<* have ben staunch nii-ni bess of tlie Methodist Church for the past twenty yeiri, and their pew is gel Join vacant. Mr Dinwoody gives soini; very interesting rsunniicancos of pioneer life in this township, an. I ia always free to *;>euk uf tlie h.inlli'[is niidured (>y When they first entered this wi!ilertie, th<fru were no r.'.oi ' wltereliy to travel. Mrs. Dm woody was the lirst wiutc woin-tn w!io ever set foot into what is n..w Kleaherion. Tne A 1 Vance adJi its hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. DinwiHidy, aloiiK with their many friemU, au.l tru*t> tli-'V will see intiiv in >re returns of their wtddiir^ day. M,. th evening of their livei be 1 ni); and peaceful. Personals. Klvsherton Metlnih.<t choir attetidcd in rnt.-itaiiuiMMit in-ill Swinton I'ark on Monday evening In.tt, and rendered the musical portion "f th._- pro.;r:iiii. Miss Annie Lcitch returned fp.iu ( Incn Sound last week after a len-thy in I hat town. Strain, of Owen S ,uiul ''* Mr E.I. Uiclui-iNoii, who has been t- tfiidili^ the Miulicill I', llciju at Torou'.o, is huine for tl.eholid.iyi. Mi-u (icrtie Keefer, who has boon vis iiiu^ friends at Uubbin^ton, returned home last we. k. Mr*. Barclay ii-.iti.-J Dundis lut week. Ji.it the in v; lit see her mother in lu-r List illncyi. tlur fntlu-r n \eiy ill and not expected to lite i-ny. We*. Ariintrsn,' has b >en visiting friends in tlie city for a few days djiin.; the past wuek . Mr Cl .Wright. M:I ? Til <rpe Wii^h-, ESI. , left List week for St. L .an, whe: lie has secured a Mtuition iu a wh .lewa.e Iry uooil utoiv. Tim Advance wishes Mr. Wri^lit >uocu in las .kdu;.td honi . TownBh:p Council. The last m in^ of Artonie.ua Town ip C .uncil f j I'm y Jar Wiis held in thu Town Mi" 0:1 I iM.liy of List week. lilll inat.. witll ali iiliviiSon pro .cut, the ;;.'.-vo 111 t'n>; cii.'iir. A lar^e amount uf siiieitit w.iH t'aiisiicted. A coinuiuui- cat.o i wa re-iil fro.u the Bureau of In- duilry, asking for certain return*. Ac- iini* were |>rccnU-il by J .lin H. Hi-ard, work for A Kaiine.ly, 5 J cents ; Me licil H-ill, wi-itinx p-ip.-r, II '2~i : .1 W. Arniitpin^, LMIII ni'.tiMo C.ktlii'riiiM h'lyim, t:iti 111 TV :in 1 ;. >.(';" an I in ik ii.' o r 1'ir,!! 1) . HUie-in-iii, $5.00. Hyl.iW ap;>oinfin: d-puty returning :li I'M was p isijj rilled up with the fol ing names. Tims. t*ergiMou, (Jc.i. Warlin-,'. W. .1 I! -ILnny, lleur/ Mel drum, (iuo. Moore. Mov.-.l by Meurs.lvelU and Thninp.>ii that the fo.i..'*ii.^ \<i.\ bo paid : W. M L>u/hrey, $10, for ru;iurin^ Siu^cen ind;e,T .t S It , a'su |10 for putting in culvert at lot 132, con. 2, east. Car- ried. Moved by M"sn. Kelts and McMil- ii. that the bill of J . II Heard for re- ..ins for A. Kennedy be not paid, be.n ' work unauthoriied l>y this council. Car- ried. Moved by Mmsr*. McMillan and Sharp, that Put Sullivan be. leiumUil .wo dollars foi statute labor returned s,'.iiiit lo: 1. con. 7, for MM.m tha same lia-i yiven Mtivfiictory proof that the work I.M buea perform'!.!. Carried. Moved by M.--.S;--. Kolls and McMil- lan, that tlio tnwiis'iip having iiurchasod the pro,>eity of Catherine M-Arthnr, Uxes for the year 181)1 bu struck off the .iui.-. Carried. Moved by Mesr*. Thompson and Ki'iU, that Samuel Irwin, |....um.nler, be lii 1 9~. Ixnii! statu:e labor chir|(ed to Frederick Annitronit III !H;lil. and ex penilcd by said [i.itlnu*ster in 18. '1. CUr- riod- Moved by Messrs. Sharp and Thomp- son, that In- following accounts b* paid : Medical Hall, su.idii.-s, 91.25 ; Henry WiUoh, ttli-niii logout of fiver oppoti- ite lot l.-.l, N. E. f. i S. 11. ; J,,l. n Adams, drawing ntoiie, JJ, anil paving rivor lieil under lUyne Bndi/o, <47ri total $9.00. Carried. Moved by Messrs, Thompson and Sharp, that the township and county rate be refunded to the following partii. \V J. Howard. W.50 ; D. McT.ivuh, ?> o(t ; J Dormer, f>. 0i, their buildings; hating been dentroyi'd liy tire. Carrid. Moved by Messrs Kells and McMillan, that the treasurer's stateim-nt bu receiv- ed and that l'J"> co|.ii-s be pnnleil and c roulated ax called by sec. l.'t of chap '* of inuiiicipul amendment uf 1SHS. Car- ried. Moved by Me-wrs. Thompson and Mc- Millan, that the treasurers account fur comniilt n : Carrie Klynn, in indi^t-iit, stationery and making nut nnanciaUtatu- ment. $M, i e paid. Carried. Moved dy M.-.srs. Kells and Tliom; - ion, that the treasurer be, and 1.1 hsiehy ma'ruc'.ed to pay to the truntees of S S". No. U any balance of inlereet due to them on debenture arcount. Carried. Moved !>y Mfsri. Sharp and Thomp- son, that Donald Mc'vrn/ie he iid (20 fonllinic at stone c drert on West B > k line, .'p|>.)9ite lot 15.', :! W. T. * S. K . and tint the Reeve issue liii order for the same. Curved. Moved by Mussn . Kells au^ Thomp- son, that the report of lliu (-ominit'ce a| - pointed to examine and report tu thm council on the advisability of buil.lin.' a bridge orossin^ Beaver river between I., a -'* mi tho I3th and '.'4 on the 14th con., said committe* bavin-,' re|>orte<l favor- able to the building of said br,il",g, tlier.-- fon- it is hervby resolvjd thit said report bu accepted and that the bi-id^e be built as soon as it is possible to do so. Car- rie I. Bylaw No. 47'-, to extend the time of return of collectors' roll until Jan. 15lh was paused. Mov.-d liy Messrs. Slurp and Kid's that th" thanks of tho incinhfra of this Council are h-.-re!iy tendered the Keuve. M. Kirli.irilson, for th:' ;"MtK'in.u:ly and courteous in inn. T in win -h he hat |>re- i l>vl orer this Council, and the eltioient nu'incr i.i which he has discharged his duties as *u -h Ri-ev,; during tho year now al>o It Closing. Tlii in ition was u irini- uiously carried with M K- N in the c"lair. Tile (Viuiic'l th*n aljourniid ami trjat- ed lU-'lt to an oyster supper. Ho Is Ed'.ejired. The Advanc lix been axked to pu'ilish the following corre-'i;ioiiileiii.v, winch it clieerfu.lv does, knowing that it will be of tiiieri-st to the great majoiity of onr ie id,T : .'.is !' l!i, I', , ' ' Anoili.T \.i i runilM-re,! witli the j.asi ani] vi. ;i Imv.- L. ., u.lilu,' Si,'S4n for yuur ani.ual bus'- 111 * ni'- :i .^ Pu r.^ L!I.. \"r i.ii-i. r'niiiK.'H tmve tk."i |,l*.-.. all uroii'i I u. mntit lmi- !.<:. r,..n <ui lli aoitv W<- SSvgn.tc ill to (tod .11 H.Hv.-nlv Futhi'r. ?oi bin prt.M-rv u CM. It lintM Illc.-i-'l Mllll 111 Ml-, u'oo'l: ., all. I Wlsiioill t i -. ! all -ln> am enrollu.1 in .. r nJtj;^J - 1 1 at ,i alii lialb not iua.)u ouu "varaut [ Hun "ur ii"UKof th*nkfulnM. Fathr ti<l KJuomui, bear. Raep lit f.ni lif'il. kritip ut pure. Kffp i; uvc, iniiiH *1 binu own, '*li liulp u* to en Jura, Fit UK fur ih prouiiHd cruwir. I hv,- ' -:i MI i h j-'i-rt-.f* I t i hear of the cm- Ll'll. - 1 1.,..^;..'l I V ./ L,IU -i ILXM (III.) iholltfi) ltt> -tent lis la cu w>i'kor. iiiy hott: t an I prn> it hv b t* i with von. l'i thw vt .-.n |> K; I liftve f itllv ;>]TM-I.I', 1 t li i 'i'tii-w t ->x|r' t -KJII of i'i>iif..)fiie*<. Hyinjiathy it ml tt K>) w '! of t!) v.!i.'l, hi ttiat \ii huvu h, .-n E^a ol to i-vUiu i-iv 11,1:110 on Ihornll uf ...H. . , t no T t)Mt in ttiH I'rovi-lfiiL 1 *- nft} x). I hn\. UH_*II It4,i 1 aoi-U- -o I'Mi^. %ii<l f<r tbu bvitt niin i -it >'. li- 1 AC'IIMI). I tbink it ] ru Iriit t > -\-k y u to * 1 m m . u.i n t) rvtm; "t nfi.ig Ood k ule!*itiij t - fttUU 1 all voin lali.M*. Si.K-erel v your*. JJSKl'K llLVCIi l'U\ Afr. Pear S:t RKPLT. Flo-ili-tt >n.D.K\ l-.tli. 101 int V./;.ir. /'' .< i- rtnn. 1 Iti > tiM ^^ I woacburs of ibu Hcbbatb srh<>! 1*1 < <nn' ni'*i ( tia'tMAiV C'h:jrch. KleKhortoii. laku ' i l.-i m- thvik-t f"r ,.i,ir ki.i I AH.) nit > ID i.,r ..... in. M nil it.ua to u . H 0,1 M.I i V. ni j.-ii.i^. \V. rfUii'iuii.T with fratiiod* *ii *i \ i ii.i^i- OD 'in 111 .. > . . ;iH I : d .,i ,11 . - ,'.. \.\\ i \v*i s f- "in I*. IM: prK4"it nt An.l taking u m IP ru . i tl e v oik of kiiu -i-li.>. I vt-t o k j-w t!ii! I- o - i re et vn still tako in its < e ".a . UoonMaotlj bo.-iiu by i 111 ; '. -i << :>(! in r<> e of ijracu. \\ . that Oof In hi^ 'l wi **- 1 o\l 1- I fl' t'> llV.' V'M AHl.li', f r i'-. fnjin th -I tal w >rk O U.c S '-.-- <>. . ii work whicll w -i i 4 1 rt. I) r, U.i i H vv H l>. 'lu-ie. \\ fl.l --.I 1 , \\ . I '. .1 11 '<} . :!'>; H!l I i.i'-'.M 1 t I . . ha' li Ilic rliillivti i i l!i- wonl of ' i i, l lo lt*s K .-! it- i ii ii - i i , *: Mi : i i> a ill * whuro tu.ni uf his cbihlr. n bavjlua-n- I ; .- n .--i iin-l !u..t ^ln<i.ii IOF- tou-. -\ i i * - ' i r , ; i- . : .- i-'.i.nj i' ' 1' M on as t > makti yuu liko gold aevon t HIM ' .'. . i :*: t I at la ill *-"n- affliction- \ u vo EKU ' -^\ in | *t h v HII I "nr enrti* t Aver^. i i.i w.- tilK- 'i-rnh tho li j> li.i' i. a bi n<> .< i |'i .^ i i. .l -t '. lol.' t:iriO pirtwi:iiu i %bU "vork ot faAb, tad Mllooo* of liu r >e. Miitl I ft. bo i of lovtt for thu Lo.-l JemiA \\. WMIM! l-joii-O t liav* i,'.-t- 1-,-iiu ., rtabbalhb Behooli t li*tn to your w >r<N ir i-iiiuin tn 1 i* l ; 11 I**' I by y.>ti. - < " Wbllat .yaip.UbUing wttli tho n-no .is unl a;>|n , ,'ia: i'.i,- lh< in >t,r.'t't whu -u l;,iv, !<><! \ou to (tiudtT \"ur ifsi^ttatiDti us pi r-i.l.'Ht .f the lobool.Vtt uii.lar .ho ji ou u .taiicot *o c 1111 >t tLink oil ' v-iir resign. itiun, iK'cA'irU- we *ti!l foii'Mj, .mt tu tnu hoji-i that von ma, Ui> <ipai ! to jo Mi-i t\H'l in a:u>nu ut for umny ywars to .'"i,.,- T-> vmr |i.\rtn<tr in llfo w (lor out ujmthv an<l kni>luHt ru^nrU, an 1 i bolil to ttM kwpin^ of Mi u i I r'. -ui tli> in Ti.'t for 1 ani with thtc . t>- M.>I <h->m.tv<-il To. I am thy (iotl ; I u.il -trntlhfcii i)n>(*; VHH I will hi-lp th'.>. *.-.ilill uphol 1 thoo wii.i VIA ii^'it bA'.id of My ri^htoun- u o .' bi; ixl in u a no an 1 In ho'itT 'f the oJl 'o- .tro.-* Mti 1 1 !ajn.Ti*of Oil Inert Churjb Hab- h.vth School. S. A TH JUI'HOV. _ Hootiary. As Ayer 9 SarsApariiJa < utatri[>a nil other liluod punrieri in j> pu'ir favor, so Aycin Al imn.ic ia the n>ot universally fin;l .11 |'o 1, -i.ti.'U ,,f ttiu kuiil in tl.e Wi'rLl. It is punted in ten and the aiinual ianue eiceeUi oullioita uf c-'pics. Ask /our fT it. CLEARING x SALE OF 1 BOOTS & SHOES. In order to reduce our stock we are offering for cash a few hundred pairs of Ladie's.Gents' and Children's Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Gum Rubbers, Felt Boots,&c.,&c., at a great reduction in prices. Cheaper than the cheapest. This is no sham sale, but A -:- GENUINE :-: F A L Ij In the price. Lall and examine them and judge for your selves at CLAYTON'S "Like Magic," THE effect produced by Ay IT'S Cherry Pectoral. Culils, Coughi, Croup, and Sure Throat are, iu uiunt cawi, im- mediately relieved by tliH use ol thi* wonderful remedy. It itrungthens th* vocal organs, allays Irritation, and pre- I venta tlie inroads of Consumption; In every staga of that dread disease, Ayer'i Cherry Peo- . toral relieves cough- lux and induce* I refreshing rest. " I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family fur thirty years and have alwavs tumid it th t>t rt-iuedy for mill's to wliirh complaint mv children i. ivi- Iwcn subject." Capt. U. Carley, llrouklyn, X. Y. "From an exnerience of over thirty years In the safe of uropriolary inudl- vines, I feel justified in rocuniuiunding Ayar's Cherry Pectoral. On of the best recommendations of the Pectoral is the enduring quality of iu popularity, It boing more salable nuw than it was twenty-five years ago, when Its K r "*t success was coniiderfd marvelous." R. 3. DraM^ M. O., Uoliot, Kaiis. "My little sister, four years of age. was so ill from br-'in Iuti that w had almost given up hope of her recovery. Our family phynii-laa, 3 nkilful roan and of largo experience, proiiuunced It use- less to give her any more medicine ; saying that he had done all It was pos- sible to do, and we must prepare for tha worst. As a last rsort, we determined to try Ayer's Cherry Pertoral, and I can with the roost happy results. Snsittrs* (fatrts. . out i>f danKar. We coni)nu.\ tt n *lh Pectoral until satisfied she was enure)} well. This has given me unbounded [aith In th" preparation, and I revumwjead it confidently to my customers." C. O. Lcpper, UrngKist, FortM'a.vue, Ind, For Colds and Coughs, tako Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Or. J. C. Ayer * Co., Lowell, Mats. , rrte* 1 ; tli buitlM, |. Worth *i a bottle. Teuderfl. Ton. lor will b.' th nnUeriKiio<J p to nooa* the %weata Blntbdavol Dsosoibar, in-t for ,li'.' ho.iv. I I' .,.<> I i,.'c,-h ami in*|>'.i> . I.HIU. uf whicll !" ivril.H .,i t >t ,. Rrintei mini blii*:e l>y H.. i ir. !>"-J Security will o I U tt-* flllftllM'-llf W. S. CHU1-.TOK. 8i-c.-Trea. Dee. 13. 1M. dec.iwi Tenders Wanted. <.'".! t.Mi.'e n w 11 lw recuivnl l>y tho mi,Vr- iu'i. d iipUiJun 1 .Hi. IMHJ, for the furnishing, erection an. I <.u.ii,i'.n.>ii ' lirn-k .- ii. i. kin-ii.i'ii - a, . in -.i .-.HI i-i, Ospri' . Plane and apsej'ooatioBS c; D be M.-UII al tin- .<ffloof 1). Cra-r. >mijiiaiii|.- n. n The lowest or any tender nnl neeesiarliy ,,c pu.l. \-l.in -i !im H \wi')N ,!-.. I n KI..TOI K|I n. Out. To The Electors. '. 'i'l " .' Bavins bsen aottoflsd by anmnbor of rato- - ..f tin; r..n>hi)> ..f \ri. ino.^ia t.) "ffur mv-.-lf as laiuli Intuat t'u' approaching ni'im. i psJ election, 1 beg, to tntimato that 1 will bo a II ill.. i f. r \V'.I S.'. :i. YDIII vutoiand iiirliiunrB ro rm>i.'tfully so- licited. Your, truly. 8. UAMVDK. To the Electors OF TUB TOWS SHIP oj- AUTEMKSLA. /,,!,/,. . ,nul (! Havinu l-*-'ii 'olkitolbT a InrRo number of tin- Kli'i-i.n* ! tlii-t municipality to oUormynolf ii H .Mil. luial.' fi>r tlie H<MIVI.'>|I>|I fur thu year inn t>-tw<>, HI.. i having ooQasassa t" *lo M), t i.- .)> itiu lv -..l;iit our MifteiH-. ami support at the .-.>ii il.n; SMOttoa. Turn .nit and place the boy of \inirewn i llii({a> the hnn.1 of the list. . d 1 nhal) rubiain youri ru|iecifnlli HJLAND. ' ""'' '^o't-blv. b/ llM "". - -:.i,.4i %&! *B%< " t ! I &l r V UnF IMS" M h S I ., - Ill ^J lib u. ,u .1.. ht wnk; Ra*j r* l* W fWnlah or i? thin*. W Man . X.. tioi To* **** jamr *prr iwinvuia. nt all j. mt MM* lo ib* w.,rh flit* U nUr- f n*m lrj.. n I h[>ngs ni.Ur />J ..-..* l <* * >. k H*rtnu*r* an wrumg fK<ni 9ft u> *4>O pa* *> r*h ) <*r* MI| .,(> ftt a 'tuir iL r rM** W MM Aarjtjvfe) . M reCfe. No .i*eeo HCJB Jk i O.> JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. KLEUKRTOX, Co. OKET. I-VIVIHION COfKT fl.KltK OMMIS8K 'N r A^iii II. K.. <'ulivync-.T.4c .\|{unt toi |iur< )>* mi i -],. ,,f luniln. A]i|,i>,. r lor < I ( i . ui. .i.'l K ! I). <fc K. bociety M.,no> ti, I , M i i, ib* most reasonable teruis. IKKI > u , K LICBM8B8. NOT.MIV I'tHL":. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned haa a large amount of mory to loan ill i n j on town ,,r farm I'ropcrty. S. UAM L'1>K, Kl W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk. Artfiufni.1 Couvi IiiHiiraoce a^i-rt, etc. IT. .|. unrt|,-i>Res, leases. i'lc . prrptrcd ami |,n pn!y . IiiMiranve aflfi ctvd in !ii-t r.;i.> C Moucy tu ii-ud ;it lu^lt ru: DR. BUTTON M IX C. M., >!.< C. v K, "nt., I'rioe- v'lle. Retidencv and Offic une .lo..r wast of the MelhiKluttChiiri'h Kuuor-s M. OtHo* days, Tuesdays and Saturdays. DR. CARTER. M. C. I 1 . \ 9., Out. rh\^ician. , otc., Flculx-rten. Ofticc--S:iuiu' Llock. Heitiiicncc MunsLaw'b hutt-1. DRS. SPROULE & GO, Maikdale. Out. OUI.:c M.iulVs drug tore. T. S. Spruule, M. U.. Kt. . AIII;IIH Yte'tcfn'2-.h.^i?'' ' Hle "' i'"tu-nlisui. Hut. at u)gb. J. P. OTTEWELL, Vettrmar: Surn.-,,n. (,, ..iimlc i<( i Intario ,. - . south of Letch'n Uilor shop. Kl*harlou. J. P. MARSHALL, L. 1) b.. M. IV S. D.^ti*'. ViMuMmk- dale the lot mid Hrd \ViJm >dav nf i/nt-h month. Kle*heituu Each li.p Ju i!iu ilay ollowiug. J. W. FROST, 1'tc. Barrister. Sum-it. .r. Cn; v. v uncr Klc.8bcrl.in i.lll^- Nrxt (In- |n.rt Sproule's butl.liug. < Tliurstiays. Owen office Float's P McCULLODGH, - Bnrrister, Solicitor. Klc. Office over Mo- Fai laud's store. M,uk Jul.. Muue; to I.. ..:i WRIGHT & LINDS\Y, Harrllr. lolicitorn. ot.. Hwt-n s>.n:ul. Dnt. Kloahertuu odlfu at Mitchellk bank, u i,ln,'.lay >f ra. h week. Muuvy to luau a. I. w-i rst. W H WRIOHT, S K. I.IM^AV. Ri J. Hprcule, 1)OSTMAS I IK. FIc-bberloii.CuiuiniHiiion- ei in U. R., Licensed .Vticiiui.rtr, Con rcyaiiocr, Apprainer and Mn / LmU-r. Ueul Estate and Insursucu A^eut. Dreds, Mortzagu*, Leases aud Wills drs*n u| and Viiliiatious made on shor'.csl noti. Aue- tiou Sales attended to in any parr of tb* Count*. Uouer to loan st lowcel rntca ut interest. Collections slii-i.du.l to i(h promptness and despatch. Cburgi s low. Agent for ibcDunihiinu SteaausLi^Cunipaiiy. Cheap tickets from Plcsberton tu Livt-ipoul, (iatsgow, London er snv of th Biilisb orts . Parties iuteuJ : ng tu visit En^laneVt Scotland or I.-elaiid, will plt-a ak mi. s be- lor |u rckaarog their tickets elaooher*. Farm to Rent. The nnde signe 1 is desirous of rentini: h!s * farm lot 4. ou s, Ouprey, CN>nl*lntuR 100 acr, S9 seres cleared, gooJ buililiDK*. Per run, .U- . -' W* ^AS. BADLKJ. - LeelOOk- klasweUg.O.'-

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