Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Dec 1891, p. 8

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THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE A1ST1S,, TBIMMINO. % . .WOOD \VOUK FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN, M M1IKH. LATH. BHINOLEB .it'll WORK FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESL1EKTON, ONT. HICK s USD IIOI.I.KKS KKH. HINUKHS. Our Hatfjjons (lie B->l. Our Riixxifs I he (!<<>( Our IIIHT- HI. Ci -i Our Improyrtl Harrow*, i in- BKl. STKAW (M TTKK8, MJOPVUM, TUllNll' I'UII.l.S. liXXU 1-1,0 WH HEALTH FOR ALL. llollouays Pills and Ointment 1 T HE PILLS Purify tlm Hlood, corrart all l>ir-..Ui. ol Liver, Htomuoh, lvi<ln*\- arid H<C\V>IM. Tbay 1-iM.j'irati'an \ rratorv to h.-ltli Dobilitatwl < "fi-titiitivni, ami am invalual.le in com- yU.i.t. .111-1 lent., to r'rmalfa of all o I'.M < l.tl.n.-u n. I ihi' i.k'wl il.t-> n- |'ri'le THE OINTMKN T tolaU libl* rvtneny for Had lx>?, Hul Hr<m*U. Old \Vc UK)*. Korc* and I'lccrs. It 1 fafnont for ' it ad' 1 KiU'UiiialiHiii. For (liuonl* i - < ' tin i h. t it tin* m> <itial For SO III': TIIHO.l'l, lli;o.\ CHIT1S. CUT (HIS. COLD* Qlan UlarSwellmiti.autl all skin I >!* t It IIHH no rival ; au<l for contracted and stiff joint* it art-* likt- a rliariii. XI unifft'-ttn '} only at l*rofewor HII.|>WAV H 1',-tnl-li hn.i tit. ?M, V--\ Oxford - 1 r. . i 4 lair :.::.:. O\furl Sirrrl . London. Md arai.iM at U 1J I .,. 1M , 4n M , lln . dte.. and :t . H. h lii.x ..i Cut. ami in*) lie bad of all Vlr.i irlnr \ .-liclort throughout <lii' \\.nl.l I'urtJuufrt Jii'iilil !"k t> 'I" /xiM "" '/- /'' ntnl llojm. J) thr aililrfu u not AT mm AGAIN, I llftVi'nm t . .1 MIV IM w ('I. i ...... - nitrl Up and aui |in-|'iii>-l t.'.lMMil |.ii-ini..> III I. iv In.' oitli nti.i -- K.I I !. |ni. I. iti. IMIII u. I" ' ' |>-.ti"ii tl.ill . . J I.. II.. ,..! I., tin' llt nfniv r.i-li.lii- m. A^"0'"K l>tiliin >|IOKI a lir.'Winu cn- fl'lrrn . t . t v-.'ir >MH>tH ftiid Bllut.'! lnle at tliu MtaM. In .. l.t ..I w. flcslicftoi). N. B . V/o guarantee Brttisfaction. KICKER S i!: I call on Jus. Smith, Fifisliertoii, aud secure a ai i-of who aro not KICKERS. DON'T READ THI3. TIII: ni. D IIK.'.IAIILK Sydcniiam Mutual I Insurance Co., U yean iM-rore tin. pvoplr. la Ji |.. i . , ,.i , h,.|, i r thi.ii tl.. not livipwt, aiul Hud. > ||iu >af.'.t I Dl] | un-lv. I ai fin . - . |.aiiv u. i ln run f i,,,i .;lin.t mi tl.- .. u Policy Hol'l- calrl. TheHiili'iihani n, ...,., at Iw.. ll.ir.l- Hi.- m-tiilil volii. I.M. I l>a tlm full ani'.iiMt of tl... rirk WM. A l>o\u\ \ent, - Uli.,rFalU. WANTED : Ralr-iimn t.. limnll. our I. 11 h in,,*, of Nnr <!> .1. I HI.I"|...I,,. n. mil I,,, KUrv or i .. -.' . ". In.ni larl. ll\i' .i.'ni- l"i~inn In ('ana t ... Hun, M w run ., KnarantMd I" I "tiu ii. "ii il Ihi-v follow i.ur iiitna-tlou Writ. f..r I. rin> n' ttr ..!i. , , < .. ,,|,.,;o. Nurwrvnien ColhouiB, Out. Steal Sircar Drink i w &y fy your fnwn as from conn- A truth B*dcomfiay try \\-fmt R. A. HKATTIK, tin: 1). C. Painti r says abjut work. House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter, Frisco, Can- vas, and Clays Painting. All work GUARANTEED. Kelt Door to Baptist Church SAY! Farmers ! Business Men! Everybody ! Till- liri.li>l".U-ii"il liii- Mm!. -I II n- w -i. aottfaoiary ajul ..|...,'n i.i' i i Ii . M .n fr.li. i. \..ii run r. t \niir ri|iau -U'l u lmrt llotll .' All I "II t ' .. II I' .< t < .in i iu- I r-|;irii:ii_. Painting. 1 ". i-r\ tliihu' III tin 1 ' U'riiv;-. l.n pi.,1 ,- Ulv i over McTavich'4 Ulivck- H.llltll K. 'l\ Hamilinn I l.llvll. ScientlHo Amcricio Agency for For Infr-nnfttinn an. I Ml NS A in : i i Outwt i.uraau far M KTITT |. ili-ut Ink. OAVBATS, TRADE OEKIQN P.. i .. . > COPYRIGHT 3, i tc. ltnn.lt> .ok .. .I'M . > . Nt M \ "UK. .11111.1 | it>.|i|. Ill Aiip-iii-a. .it I v .. . l>l."ih'l>l l-< I'.r.l ktVL'll fll'U III t IIIUIJ.! 11 lljy Ijirgpxt Hrmlatlnn Df ni.v >4>ion(lflr JWIIHT In ttio world. HnlwulldlT i in tnui-i V. inti-llia.<>ut limn fhnuht \M wlth<.ul It. Wwl.lv fe.'i.OO w: ILMlilx 111*1111.. MlJ.N.N rUBU.UI.UUI.aci Ur. :*.!.).;, Valuable I a rin The Township of Qlouolg UMll.Klll.il lis til till- o[ I IHI 1'ovvt'l of .ill,, III ii i-i-italii Kn-i'iiii'i.t wiM. II... \ which will b* proilaaed at time ol M.I..HHI on .li'fanlt I., in,; mail.' in I.AVI.II 1,1 . f i Iharab) MI in. .1 il ...... ..i I,. ,,M, .,, i ,, riiii.ii- Auction l>y A M. Vm,, IIM KII. n u , a MMlUkW'l lll.li I II. 1 1. 1' \ illll|jiil | I. ,1,, ,1 .,, , u Tlmriday, th.- Uili day of Jauut ry Iftfl.', liristnias hri stm as oods ! oods ! We arc now opening out our immrns* stock of Christmas Goods anil in- vite iiixix-ctiiiii. Wi- have thu Inrgcgt stock this season of beautiful goods ever brought to Flealierton, including Plush Goods in Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Albums, Etc. The "GLEN" Photograph Camera, All ready to take pbtnres, FOR ON'LY $1 W. I?ny tln'3 Camera for your children It is an endless source of auinscmciil as well as iu- struction. houiething lie* and fashionable iu ladies satchels. See them. Added to tin .-. wu yonld incution our large stock of Dolls, Hymn Books, Toys, Bibles, Nuts, Picture Books, Candies, Story Books. And cvcrytliiiig requisite to make people happy at Christmas time. Call at the Santa Clans Emporium and we the beautiful tilings displayed. W. RICHAKDSON, Flesherton. To owners of horses and The public in general. HALT Re-fore Roinj; further antl eiamitic tbc large stock of horw- iit>'u'b if]iu!itc9 kfnt in stock by the undfi >i;,vud. BETWEEN You and mo. wo make the boss Harness it a very i. ,i -"imbK' figure. Good woikinanohip. and no 4 prontit.1'* allowed to experiment on work wu put out. There can be no '"P...- i WU axlo it.|iiiie That our stock of sundries is complete, con- sistint,' of nli-i K h belU, whips, trntiks, vah.-.s. curry comb, and everything conceivable which horsemen (.'all and examine and be convmri.t D. CLAYTON, FLESH JE3KTON. /.. .14 '<r "Td f ,<i i . ,j, 'ii'lriit. . Tin' tune <f fisti.'als has come i -.mi. The turkeys ami gees*- are i X' bi-lu idk.l. and tlm little child iin are |iaiieii'ly waiting for old Santa I'i.ius with a full slock of ti.v; I liti| , Mr. Kihtnr, you may i-i:|t>\ MiiiiMelf in ikliiindiinc>>. \\'e mean In i ' it In ic. Turkey M and gcoae are a 1 r. i'|> this year. Municipal elections aro being cire fully discussed in this part. \Ve be- hi -v.- Mr. Th mpsoii in t,i hare strong oppotition in the cnming lection, but . tiiiiili it would not be e:iy to (jot M'i -i!ili*l for :hu IM-^H.-^ I. . 'riiiiin|i.>oi). Ul I Kiiliert Taylor have Pe- i a j .l> M| culling wood from Will Lore, Mi-. Mc'uaitf, of Proton itation.has Pino . >in .n i, H iif Kuamp h 'in Th'H Slieiidan ami is rushing busi- Ins lint'. Will (iiMMlfellow, ot Klcinbiirg, is '. . i i:n; Ii lend.s I Tim -iipi-ml qiulity of Ayer' Hair Vii".r in i hut it rei.ti.ren the imtiiriil i 'Nth, r. I.T, iiuil t.-xlinc i.f the h IT. It \iu!i/.i>> Ilie i,."t niitl f..!lK'l,.n, ro- in.'V.'s il.in Ii nil, an.) I,.I!H ilrlnrn in th CH||>. In tliii n|ii-i-t, wM all miuiUr |n-e;inratiiina. Tl.ltMH t Ton cur emit t ll-u. ..f iil,., and for lh talanc* termi will liu liberal, ami 'III l> mad* known it tiin of Halo. For linllLi'rj particulaia apply to Messrs. Bellamy ic Henderson, Kl.HIIIIII"(C Orlo MOSS. IIAHWICK * KUANKH. Vendor'! SulicitxiH. Toronto. Hair, I IHth '!? of I ... IAUI. Boar for Service. Wall lirail while hoar for aervlce. not by reathemoo'i liii|NirWHl itock.on lot 171), W T A * H.. ArtvmeaU. JOHN W. HTINMON. Proprietor ir Hill. AV.on i. in fii'ii ('ni-rritfi,,iul,iil. Mi. Kditor, I itm nut dead, but t.ii' nL for the want of news. U. J. Alien is returned homo after being away for BOIIH time in the Noithwisi. We are gltd to see his pie i an; f.uv u^ain. Ho has comfort- ably settled on lus farm noar heie. Mr. John Fnwcctt has purchased niiolher farm. We think he intend.-. hi hoys to bo tillers of the soil. M.-.Ker,iiiKhaii has bceu laid up w tb erjttpalMi but, we aro (,-lad to say, is quite recovered. U. Wilton hai also been very poorly for some timo. Master James Fuwcett, son of Mr. Irwin Fawcett. killed a large raccoo i that weighed 17 pounds. We wish that some of the many hunters that arc tramping aiound would succeed in killing that wild cat that we hear so often. It make* the air resound with its awful cries. Frank Uailey is again at home af'w being away sirce spring, bank i a general favorite with old am' young, so his m.my fiends are glad to hao him back a-'ain. SOOTMIKO, ClEANSlNQ, HlauNO. Instant Relief, Permanent Curt. Fai.'ure . .uul I.IMIII. hxk'.'i u>.l .in . UUU^ ...,.! |,,T,, ,.( J. bUilv. "if If j,,,, in i, , . ,. 1 will! - tl.rM r hi . :ni. k >-.. L VAI-M. 1.., M.n^d In int.*. aWnJ O-'I'I 111 |L...| t'.'.ll. IU CU {a b. ,iuini.u n anJ UU I. Ill .. . ..I I r Ul d uw bj ~* ^n^ ri'LFORO A CO , , Ont SAW LOGS W A UTED ! AT- Fleshertou Station Steam Saw & Shingle Mills. II mm; mircliMiril the alxire mill* fn.ni J. E. Mt>re, K.itj., I will uku po- auMimi i.f H.inie mi t>r ahuut the In HI of January, and will FOR AXY QVAMTITV Ol tii>ol) MAi'l.K II1KCH, CHERRY, son 1 KI.M, TAMARACK, SPRUCE, BALCAM, HKMLOCK, BAIWOOD, CEDAR, R. R. TIES, BHIHQLI HOLTS, Special attention given to mt m work. Hill Stuff* cut to order on kliort imlioe. Hy fair dualini; and prompt at U-ntion to buiiutwi I l,,.| ,. to merit a (hare of tli<- aurrounding |>utri.iiau L In Position FOR- I'll (III) UMI'llhli Position is Everything. Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 3 per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, \vhi4c the prices are lower. 1'idnrc Framing done iu all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to <;et taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. jvii-s. Bulmer. Iff .?. TICS I To young H:IMI <U>Mn.i<; to learn the art ol m-ii i ;i i- i-titti i',' 1 have dtri.JrJ ID o[-f n u infill school for that pur- iii tli" first ilny til' Jar.nary.l.i>tii)t; throiii'h tin- winter months. I will "iimuiiteo to Icaru any sin;ut youii,- man in from one to U\ ni'Mi'lm tin-art .!' iMttiti',',so that lif will i> !U>U' to command from 30 t' ln.l ill.irs ;i w.-tk salary ill any n'v in l';m:i<la or I'niUil Sutos. No\v, firi'ii-r'.i s .MS. t Vt '-yboilv, don't INI --. this splniiliil cliaiice. You will pay in the city $lfl) anil #.M) for board while learning t.i out. I will make tli. 1 price in rcieli of every y 'iin,' innn. Mv syst.-ni ..f i;riiieiit fiittniL; H llii' i.nli iim;ili tu <y.<t.'iii nf iii'tt::il in. tMireiiifiit I-VIT |>rtuluct'il wliera very iiirit.ufe tukru can IH. [>|>li>-U to tile draft. A.t t" n.y iillily a* ail flui nei.t si'i'i-ti!ic viittrr I can k-ivw I.-.U- HM>IHIM frmii Hiniii' of i In- lf:ulin|> ini'ii in r.tiiii.U itml I'liitnl Stiiii-H, liitvint! xerveil :t lii'.' I. mi ut tin- tail. 'in.,' in KiiL'land, in all llnri.-eii \. im 1 uuii; taken my i1i|ili<inn it ciitti-r in l>nl.-ii, KnuUutl. 7 \.-IIM ,i_'. 1 will defy any cutter iu ( '.iii.i.l:i i.i .-IIII-JM ,.. S.',-..i:l temm with 'r.iilr Iliat liave ytou> that d.-ii't l>r.iv .,u- -H.ful All intrndin^ t.. tiiku a.Uai.f.i,'.' . f tliis Kplemlitl oliiince wmild d well I., .'..in.' |..nly ur ciirrvHiiniid by mail, an I i, ill only laUi- H limited number ..f |>u;.ils. AilUr.MH all letters tt> l-\ /V. MM U*-i-. Tailor. IU>.\ -2l->. Flesherton. Turn Over a New Leaf f ai sin* tlioui tli-- ( s U At |ii-.t-nt -iTitifn.il. uivi t|rt;Hf,ii t 1 '*' \ at '<* suliftv-IIJ' J 1 'i en s(*'H (J i wtt'liii*; inikittT h\ Hi.' uMwii authors iutt.a w>-rl>t. ih ov^r 1JUO tlliistr**>iK tv cli>vr urtist < !i n w- mil iio uva biUlvr thin tin* for >ou. HaviuK ma'le .1 .. ml i-outract with Mi-h.M* we will ->.-n i ' ^noiK>Utau Ma^n lino one year, pTOO, ait'l ti * Aar*uo,*l.iU, total >4.0U,r.r unty c Hvnil fa.13 to ui anrl ran \n h\o ypar'i n-Mil.ii,! at holal .nil . HI..) ii \ i^i H ..a-iiiiK ol the t-iMiii,. .loin- in. tins a >, ir of prac- Ical eiliicatloi, witli the ^t- t-n.lant raft iiMiiH-nt ti evory nt'Uibvi of yourfAuiily. I

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