Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1894, p. 4

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THB FLESH1RTON ADVANC dry good*, or jowcllry, without liar> ing previously obtained a license tlierofor, and the penalty for iufinc tiou of tliis h w is from 125 to $50 and costs, and i;i default, imprisonment in the connty juil for u period not cx- cediii 21 days. Ei>. ADVANCE ] Advertising Rates: lolouin. 1 ynr. f SO ; half col., 1 ye*r, tfT quarto, cul., one yi ar, tf 10. Ctanitant advurtlin<iiit charged at th rate ti-AeeuU por lino for flrnt luiartion and f cauu aeb iubo<inont Inncrtiou. THE PLEBISCITE VOTE. The vote on the provincial plebiscite on Monday should certainly gratify the most extreme prohibitionists. Vp to time of going to press about two- thirds of the municipalities hare been beard from some (00 odd out of 760 aud the majority so far is 68,000. This evidences a vote of nearly two to one in favor of prohibition. When returns are all in it is expected that the total majority for prohibition will amount to 100,000. Among the municipalities in this county, Osprey township stands high- est with a fraction over 80 per cent, of the total Tote in lavor of prohibi- tion. All wo are waiting for now is the report of the Prohibition Commission to discover whether or not the people of Ontario really want prohibition. The pwiple themselves say yes ! What will the Commission say ? Canada's foreign tra^e for the fiscal year 1893 is thu largest on record, being $247,tVJ4,000. compared with S241.309.000 in 1892. The exerts touched $118,019,000, the highest point in thu his'.oiy of the Dominion. Sir Samuel Itaker, the well-known traveller, died on Saturday. His name is familiar throughout the Eng. lish speaking wurM as tho author of two works ot Central Africa, where he explored the Albert Nyanza, ar.'l a fascinating description of wil-.i si'.irt.- in Ceylon and eastern Abyssinia. The body will be cremated nt \Vukini; England. The Kcvirw of Itcvievxfor Jannary is an excoedingly intctcating number to Canadian", lu it is given an excell- ent illustrated aiticle upon thn family of Lord Aberdeen, Canada's governor general. Many kind tliiiu's hav- l>rn written of Lord and Lady Aberdeen, and Mr. W. T. Stead, editor of thu English edition of this popular maga- zine, contributes largely to the*" cu- logiums in the article referred to. Tho following quotation with regard to Lord Aberdeen exhibits hin character in a graceful light: "Traditionally and personally a Protestant, he h8 always cultivated the most friendly terms with Catholics, aud one of the first aud most significant of his actions in tho Dominion of Cauadn was to overcome by a little kindly diplomacy the obstacles which have hitherto pi u- vented the friendly meeting of tie Governor-General and the Cardinal of Quebec. It way pass tho wit of nun to invont any way by whioli tho French Canadian and tho Ornji,-!' Protestant cnu be prevailed upon to recognize that each are brothers in Christ as well as subjects "f tho Queen. I r it could be done the Aberdceus are the people to do it." To tiu Rlttr c./ 7V AJeanet. DBA* 8i. Is il lawful for persons to hawk or peddle any wares such as watehes and jewellary within this coniuy, without having a IICUM there- for obtained from the county Ircasur. cr, if uot, what if iho penally ? BUBSCBIMI. (A OOD(J by-law provides that no parson shall soil, or offer lor Ml*, tea, ~ - ' :; Election*. The C.ninH nf 'he toniMiip f Aite- fur 1 <.'n:c:e'l ;is fc'll o#: Roeve, .!!. :, I' l-.pil ; CounciilnrB, S!cMil'.:u,, Ki-IN, Y!".nii.'iii, Dct-t. Of thu>) t'ic n-cvf iii. 1 Menus, SIcMilhn mid KeiU wyri i !. t< - : hy ivcl^iiiatioii. Mr. Tli..,., -. ., M;-. c nrr j n w(r j 4 by 4:i ..f n n:-i;<,rity, nnrt Mr. Bent dt- fi'ntt-a T.::. V. , Jjb| in \V ; inl 3 by 53 of a ra-ijirity. T!i! iiirV.M-itc v<^tc csuno fully u i Ux-x;.e'.-t-.:i' n:.. .-ivin^ a fia^ti'iu nvcr ""> |>or ci-n'.in frr.ur of |>r<i>ii:iitiii. Thin i just what win !.> !>,! fur. Tlio f..ll >w- inu' tAliii'njve-i tti,' fiLfun-s i connection with (hi* v.i'r : T..U1 vot filed 611 Total total K' r f'i l 'Y..H" 386 " ' No" . ..126 Majority for ................... 26 The above sunn-i that culy one Imlt of the electors |ir<:"ntt:d l!limiselve to ro- cfinl their v .n< :-, !IH total number n the full l.-in,' 10! s. Tlii.i tx'r-iii'J iiuiiffer- oticc w* iif c'turvo c.k-istd by reason of the HiiKUi! election. The voto for councillor* : Total for Ht ........ ........... 166 T..t.il for \Vri-ht ................. 112 Majority for De<t .......... M .......... 63 Total for Tlii>mp*.ni .............. 103 Total for Curr ..................... 60 Majority fur Tlii'inpMni ............ 43 Other Eiertlonn EVPHRAMU. Reeve, T. (lilray ; lit Iti'imty reovp, W. Stewart; 2nd deputy reeve, J. Dnvia ; Councilor*, J. Erekiu, J. R. Fawcctt. i'lubiacite vote not yet 'i-.Y. Mayor, Drier ; Reore, Howe. DVXBALX. Reeve, Bvl!my ; Council- lor., IIfiiiii-i-i.il, J. \V. Morrow, \V. .1. M inow, t;ilmour. Maji.nty for iir;.!nl>- ition, 40. MAEXCAIE H.-evi-, ilmkett ; Council- lorn, Aniintr.'M. 1 . Mercer, S; r.niU-. Trcl- for.l ; Schoul trustee*, Dr. Ego, W. Pick- til, J. Lyons. TIH..VTO.- Ktnnetly M.iynr by 4600 of i majority. UI-LUAM. -Mayor, II. W. Moekler ; Heine, J.rlni II. !'.. .AU ; < .M. ,.' .H, ,!. II. flunttT, A. HuntiT, (! Spntliin;, J. Kilmer, \V. C-i'l ir, I'.. Williams, VT. \Vintaioiv, 15. War.icr, A. UolwrUon. Majority for |iro)nl,ui,iii, 80 MtA)n. M.yi>r, ^^K. Cum , llobt. Ague* ; Deputy re. i . ootJM, (IWF> S .1 .n. -Miiyor, Jna. MoL ' lin ; lleove, .John ('iiiminliii ; lit do|iuty, J. W. It. ,1 i.-n ; _!. I il.>iuiiy, .lolin Fox; 3r.l deputy, K. I.IMIII n. Mnjority for |iro.iili ii-.ii, 171. I 'KOTO N II i-vi-, It.v'rrs, G2 m.ij ; l'el>. reeve, C.ii'ii't', ItWmij. ; I 1 ,rj:lcil- i.'ii, V.'.-.tson. l.vhliii, MclCvn^ie . <>!1 COU.lfil H.I Td- l>-CUll. Reeve. Oeo l)innie,41 ma- jority ; Deputy, .Iiih. Sujilut 70 iiiiijurily iinci-linr* <.!!'. ArnwHuiith, Tli *. McFiiclyen, Thiui S-jllivaii. Majority (or iln' inu, RiM-ve. T. Gainey (-u-cl.) ; deputy rune, I>. K rrentoti ; C'uucil- >ra Julin Cl'irV, \\ . MoiiHghnu, Joj. Taylor. The ?iroliir>iti.' V ot in O|.rey wan exciptii'ii.illy itmng. Out of a total vote of ;Vit there wore 401 yean and 99 A Mnr-.-r School. .N METJIOMST S'xnt ATH ScnooL ^ - IVEKKAUV. The little p-M.jile r! pntertainorH of no Hindi degree, I'lid HIIH WHS thoroughly >lemoii>trnte.l in the Methodiut church on Mi ndny evenin,;. Oiiw ycAr they are givun tliuir nin n);, anil the ottlor of eii- turtaiiiiuunt i rvversud. Throui(hutthe Year, 'Vlnldren of a l.uivr t;ruwtli" en- ti-iuin their i. ilov s in i-.nii-ciis, and |>.ir tion of all kind*, hut at the Clituuuia.** Now Yi-iu'n n-'\sn!i this duty in m\. u over to ilie * miea, and they n-jst.i n ir part well. It in a ruiiuf to liaton 10 ihelitilu pir.tJorv- theoml ryo . i it i- .m-t n)unicunia_ in iheir ttforU t enturtain. It is on ju>t MH-II pl.it form* ua them) that aotiie ol our noblent ami beat lUtcuiicn ud oratuM have had then aiuhitiouN awakened. The cliurch was packed on Mund-ty evening with an orderly audience eo or- derly tlii'.t ll.u oliii-.urM deaire u tu puhlic- ly thank ihoo prcaent fr their consider- ation in tlii.s line. Tim decnmti"in wre veiy h.ind* i.u-, only o:i" motto, IIMM bi^iiigrtllow,!!, vus; "A Happy New Vear.' 1 Thiti wan in good tiwt. Tlie [.r .LT-iirnie was long, the tea wai good, tha ev:i:n<r was an ideal, and thu audience wm in .1 recptivv inol. Of th..e who took | : in die iii.._Kim.<.f cujrse th< v-.-ry y.'U.'U' \.< rr'.riin.'J ci;-iird o!f tlui pnli:i, but all Her liVji. 1 .!!/ nppiai. Thu ringing l>y tbcuciiool, under the leoJ- er.-tiip of MuHira. Uirnhnuiw ;ul .'.n:i- ati.'U.j, ;.ui very mjnyabka, From tlio fact ilut tiierw wern twine 42 pinxs <>n tiio |.r. ".I'uii it vrill be wen how itupoi!- *i..l<3 it i.s to |>iivt oiilanz.} i.r even y. iininen nf tli(e who I't-ri.iniK- i. Vi' will therefore deal iilono with the i :'.;tt n' ro- j>ort.~ M : . ityol t!:iit iichoiil. Thmc reimrts wi-.e ruu<l l.y tho biiperintend.-iit, J. \V. ArniKtro:,.', K(|., from wi.i'.h ci.iiiii.-inn. t'.iu ;\>l!or- iuij ii'.iuva : 'J here ate over ~""1 naiaos on thu r -I!, with an i4-,i.r,ij;e attendai --. Tlitire hm iwt-n anodditi.'ii ..' ^8 to thu school iii tho j ht year. The avengo attt uU;incu of tcncben in siniill in coin pariaon lo tho .size nf the school, Lo.iu on!y 'J ;ivr yabUutii. The luiuiber ot Tersoa commit! e;l to i-n-i.ior\ durint; the year ww 1)010 by the giria, and 7570 by t!ic boys, a toUl of 16,5!>1. Kb. Rich- -inl.< .11 cnr.iinittej to memory tho 1 iiUii.U-i of M-r.-H.-ii amitiiK the yiri.i. Kred Stiain coinuiittcU tu memory ItUif ver*M, the larj^eit uuuibor ot iiny pu[iil in the school. Mr*. Smith's clans atanda high- est aiiiouj the -irU. and Mi.sx Lou Arni- strong'n niuong thu boys. The treasurer's lejurt showed receipts of glOo. lit, auj disburujunta SlOu.tiO, leaving a Iwlance due treasurer of 41 centa. The preceed>> of thu preiteiit eutertaininent aiuountud to 7J. The aiuiual Lusioeu meeting of the school wa held on Thursday evening last, when thu following olficers were appoint- ed for tho eiiHuitig year : superiuteud- cut , J. \V. Arnutroii,- ; aaautant, W. l!anih-iiis.. ; tccretnry, Thoa.ltulir.er ; aa- iiiUii;, Mi*s Larv'u ; treiunrer, T. Clay- ton. Tuaeh^rs: Miaa ChriBloo, R. J. Sjiroule, J. Darin, Hn. W. Inrin, Miss SliHip, Mia* Irwin.MiM Armttrjng, Mn. Uup:rt, Mr>. Thurstoii, Mr. (ijcrdruni, Mrs. lieecroft, Mm. Smith, Jiisa Ilcn ie, MisaUKeeftr. Thu Libr.trian's report pave on exowll- ent iihi.wiiu t'loin which we select tho fol- lowing facts: Tlio library contMiia a!>ut 450 voiinnen, eon.siKting of rvli^iuua, tein- .1 , biography, iul general literal ;:iv, all havirg b.-eii sr.lei.titl with yrent AM iuei-.-.i;,' o? (".."i .oluines is . Siinii ly, mid duriiig ho . th.T IIM not liem o'luUxik unncx-ouiitcd 1 :i to the librr,' the cir- culation of papers abje fonts inijiort^iit to tl, litul&turo. I' y:-r there htv,- IK in aui<". li p:l]KT.-i, P-|-I.H.KT!% .ii:d i." : III-.HIH us fulloWH : - Northern 4.-U'.; ridamint Il.-u-s, O:. . Imi.nrr*, '.'JO; nnj C Are You Thinking of Buying FURNITURE? OK FLESHKRTON, has a big and cheap rtock to choose frc in. Pictures also framed, and furniture repair^!. See oar organs and parlor suits. h. Manga, "mi S .:. v. - i, M human IT ii'iaiu'.- i iiiiM in iiUniii.utes !.y Wool- -. .> .i.i'.irv I. --:. iij. Th H ne\er lai's Warrui.tetl by \\'m. M. Kichsrdiou. A lV:<-li.v III.-IM I-? wed Kird.i. el liis entire family In wh:iui'y on NI-H- Yo.r'tDiy. !1:- t.rv t ;i'cen m..iit!u .id Uu liUM v. :u ^iten *ino. and the Jie.l aluiust instantly f uffjcati UK W!:on !rr:. In 1)10 .Itri of <<M, 'I >n l"i ,; -i. . l-t,..i I..II-P r.-, i:\imA. Anil, l^ Til) v>i,it|i,>n-,,r I-IPI ,\. balj. Tli 'i-avriii-iiJ cif Vhy trutli ilo?lai<v, T i il- i'x: :.t Ut*.iir>. Til. HI ,'ijsl V.'ilh rK h li.kcio nf Thy i- Thou <N4-t Tl.y ou !.. in low nakr kiiomn And with Thy glory HI t.ho p'.c. Do w*. O l.orit, t:i.i Jnv |>uor. Tl.U I'CiiHO rcl Unto to Tilt*. M*y ws )>li il'l T':r vrewnca liro And ttil.fi:> of Tby favour 4. Accept t'Mn lu>noof prayer Thlna, A ml iri- h Thy ehllilron ho.o nhi.l*. II.- i IrtThv liijht In ruin*** ibln*. Mure tut Thy wnl bo ylorlfloJ. F.rtlirnne Ttitirlf lu ovcry ^dart, Let i*a.-'i T:iv rli-.inpn .;%rni.Mii wnhr. A ii'l IIIHV f kww Tlii-n M Tliou art, TUo LlTtr-K >-! whoamwen prayer. T. \VATHO*. Co:ix>rn, In day. S i mill Atiiiruan Kl.eumatic I'uru fo Kheamatiini and Nerwtgt radically corvi in 1 t<i 3 <Uy. Ito Mtiim pon the ystm it \i-n,rkMn .! snyatcrioua. It n-iiv >M at one* iK o*M Mid the iiaeaae immediately JiMppoan. Tb rat 4os* gr atl lt.at. U wa-. WarrasUd by Hwh.rd...o A 0*. l-.N : : ::i:N, I desire to call your attention to my ioter Clock of Cotters, which wi!i ncevl no word-, ot recjin...cndation from me, as I \v'-l le-ivc the p;r'lic tojadf*forthemsdves. I have also on !i,\n.l a stock oJ heavy sleic;:is, ...-asurc sleighs, market r.leighs irA .-kvi-tcr. sleighs. All I as!: is u call, and jadge for yoursc.: , c . Thnnking my many friends for t!ieir past favor?, I *c- ai:), yours truly. R. T. WIJITTEN. GENTLEMEN : I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE that I have taken orer tlio Carri{ro and Wagou makiug bnsincss lately carried on by Mr. Moore, and am uow jiropared to fill all orders in my iiiie to" yonr eutire atUfaction. Having lately added to ray eiiti'tu vears 1 ei-v- ri< uce in the business a nine mouths' training in or* of the b'st carriage gliop in the city of Detroit, whero I siwcredtd in currying off a first class n^oiuriu udatiou, ought to be a saffickiit gMnHMN that all work will be do;ie in firt class manner. I ummiiujtiire Wagom, Duxu-ies. Cutters. SU-igl.s ; in fact everything tu tJ le c r riage liue. Wood aud lumber Ukea in exchauge. Kin lly L-ive me a call. Next door to McTavisli's blacksmith altop. 13. | NOTICE. Holies is M] given M Improved Yorkshire Boar for Service Roller Flouring Mills are now open for busi- /'-.v.v, and in fu.il opera (ion- A Hrtit Cl a xs Mil- ler has been employe I. an; I 1 will nn.rantee long 7/ntt.f r.iixfnm icork. t rho.ipiui: doci- nt tIJ liaies. J \ A. B~~Bil'C~~Prop. J J- Momrr. WANTKD ""?''' H.I^TT BTOM; . Toronto, One. . Mi lavish, HOKSKSHOEi: GENERAL BLA.CK8MITH, t'ollingwood htixvt, FLKSIiERTON. - ONT. Maniifacturinfiof WBCK""". '".if. ,.i . i.t M . 'oini'tlv at- touiU->l :'.i. Social .tuatu'ii ki to cuutmcV Kit. anl Plow Chains oosv tantiy wu ttxud. /'or clubbing arrangements with anv toreign weekly ap- ply at this office. WANTED Rctubl< > *o M i. 4 *--*^ - / ourcholo* noil lianly Nurwry ck, ael Rl p.,tnto, foil andwm I'll u- iine. Uany v:irlt w cab only b obtain fcl tlui-ujjb as. a-min'wion or ulary paid wk!y.an.l froiuptlv. Kxulunlrc aud choic. ot territory (van. Don d.lay, write at ouo* for *ei nia. AU,.H Ni-RsitBv Co., RtK:hetec,N. Y. Boare For Service. Thn rmJer!xn<l ha> a wall b.>i iM _Yoik>hir Whiu tie tl'n.- < SOT. Cl. Bwtahlr. Tenders For Wood. TcmUr* w*D| r .( f or hum ru corUi of wo,I.S r-r.carr. Poland China Boar for Sei-vico. . 0. K1ISIIIE1IU oo lot , let H D. K. ' Shining Light" ot H Trma.-l at MID* of Mrria*. wM.nAm.rnv. fin-rs To Rent

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