Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1894, p. 5

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THE FLESHRTON D Y A N C OFFICB OF SEO. MITCHELL , ., iiir . A: * P i .-. cor CM tr *'- A: .t.U.AtC fr lihlll - K i-MT^on &Co'-. Vicinity Chips. CarrfrtHv of vhc Past Wet?fc Va!;-il for the ' ' '< 'A-' p*^ ' inch, iii* ', ' r"'i' it'-.i .'4 'r / ' UfM w oarr. WriUit Scripture, and the nun by aoiue abotrme argument decided that "I.Hrael" wu ap- j'li jil t:> himself, while aa a matter of fact t'.mrc waa nearly a di>zen other buninea men referred to at the same time. IT.ere waa nothing even diarespoctful in the but larne toes grow large ci/ni,in.cl it is .(uiet iiii|><itMiblii to avoid them. New mi>'ter i-n.:!-. et!f :nRc'..ar; adverti<ni<.-nta. Be sure and r-.l them. Ka our Beautiful wrathe- the put taken awy the batter aleighing. "f The Vr'.i .'.. -vc'i rvied $101.86 u ;> a -in.; <.n Christ - maanay. paid. AM kind* of *iwlnc. lath and timber wanted, HlgV..^ pri-e Legate'i roilU. FUshnrton Station. Mr. Cm'. Keefer, while chopping in the beh en Tuesday, lererely cut his foot with ui axe. I. is 1;..[.. ! and believed that candy [ entertainment* in thii town r-iv. 1 . -d ii* d'.ut ; i blow. At 1:1 .iTinivuni-.ry Rav.Mr. Wells ..uly thru wiu;{ geniuReiaftcar.ii- uin-, ..ml iliruatrtiie<> to huve theiii Jit !n-f"i-e the inUtrate. i the Mt'tiindist church. RJV. Mr. : suit, with tbo result that i it wa* thiiruuglily up- pMSflcd. Il id as Mr. Wells rumnrkt*!, ,'iim 1 wu d be guilty of such 'd be a dingrace to cw -.1 ::n!a! t : in the disturbing practice. L. ' u> In.) C ih.it the last ouidy baa been r!,r.*uat eut,-rtiinmeius in Flesherton. Hides Wanted. Highevt prioo in cash paid for hides and hT!kma. W. P. CROSSLET, Fleaher- ton. The Grip wursjiaptir ha* beon ruc> tated. Mr. J"lm*nu. the newspaper - jtnt, sel!a it in Flebert->n . There will be aooial in the Methodiat church on Friday evening. Admission tan cent*. Rev. Mr. tlirdiuer, paitor <>f the Bap- Uat church, was severely kicked on the knee by a hor*e one day Uut week, but waa able tu attcn i u> his duties on Sab- bath. _ The annual meeting of the Liberal Conservative AiWH-i.ition of Ea*t aud Centra Grey, will be held in Markdale on Friday, Jan. 12. *t 2. .'clock P. it. The annual mjut.ug of Artamesii L.<>. L. duttictlodno will b held in their hall, ChrUtoe'H block, on Tuesday, Jan. 9, a: 2 r.M. JM. Elliott, Dutrict Matter; \V. McLaughri'y, Piatrict Seun-tary. The new year waa unlwrea in by ring- ing of the Metboiiittt church bell, nfter which the bund diacoun"d sweet muxic on the aquare. playing seven pieces in lent style. Those who remained awake thoroughly i;nj"ved the concort. A January tl-.nw in always iiior.- ductivo nf co'.o - rul cough* dun a Janu- ary freeze. T!i ;n is lli* UI.K- Ajvr's Cherry I'ectoral i* needed and prove* so extremely efficacious. Ask your ill for it, and also fr .Aycr'n Almanac, wln.-I> is (rs tu all. Personals. Mr. Jj!.n F.,nl, jr., left last Tuesdav .r Bradford, TV hero he ha aecurai B't- uati n as rr.il'er. Mr. Will Uiili.inlson, of Brarapton, rc- urned h<>nio "ii Fiiday las". M.is H-uibury. of Dundalk, spent New fear* day with frie.idu in town. Mr. J. S Atkinson, of Caledon, spent <w Yean day in town. The Miaa Bradley and Mr. John Jraillry. of Orchard, viaited friend* in town on New Year's day. Miw Harlie Cole, of Toronto, ia at n-rae on i \ Mr. T'n. <. S,,,tt, the gfiul clerk of Oupruy towmihip, aud Mrs. Scott, paid floalierton friends a visit on Friday U.it Dr. Shield*, an tni'iieut physician of Tenuessee, bays : "1 n-garJ Ayer - aaparilla aa the Lett Mo .d-uieJicMio on artb, and I kn-.v t many wor our** erf.vie.l ';. .'- UM:. " Piiysioi^tis all over the isnd !..ivu i:,.\ue similar tau- uionU. Here is an *rt'uii>eticnl problem not harJ ti> *nlve: A fannor uig the uot to ii-:r- sent far f. save a fer -.;u to . ad uj> with cold. Soiul [irt-M 1 reply c^iuy 1 .! 1- '.', in your fa>n |>hy*icu. ' TL.. 1 i -i -. ; -t unedult H'-w much di.l li* HKVO ? physical Tl: Mr. Irw.n. pi u : ;..! of i>ur publi nchool, is in T P'TI.' I'"* week witti Mr Irwin. who had Lo-.i. i i for aoine tinio u a tumor. She uiulxrwc'it an operation 01 Monday nd in yctt ini; along iiiofly. M -< Slack i* t!eii<hi>'.: ti> tho .<e:ii'<r fjrn; t'ii week and has an aAwT.rit in the jui >r Mr. Irwin exports to lotuin home the lar lr part of thin wevk. At the l*t in.-i . m; . i' L O. L. 214 Fleeherton, tlK fu!lwii.'; ortjoers WITI leotcd for tb *nsu.Tii! ye*-: W. M Wj. Shar? ; D. M ,.l. \\ . Large ; Chun. J. Haiw; Rec. Sev., W.J. lk-iliuy ; K.v Sw., R.N.Lyon;Trea.,J. A. Blak-.y D of C., A. Uiuledgo ; Lecturer, T." Wright ; CommittettUr. Chiistoe, >V. DvU, J. Lyons, J. WatMui, R. llamll. Inward Tvler, 6eo. A FwenhAm merchant stopped his P*per beeanee our corrvspondent out gave hie name threo weeks ago , the lit of removals which had nieat U cooked properly. It was MS tn- there. The item yioted ; sidious diseMe which *ight vat fur there Farmer*' Institute The Farmers' Institute meeting in the T wu H..I. Tuemlay.was wellstter..! iu- afvrii", M and evening. The fui- meeting, aj usual, was imall . At that session Mr. T. O. Kayimr gave a :tdi!ruaB on "Every rnan In.- > uvri' ui>cb>r." which was full of ifood poiuU nntl uif irmation. Prof. Rid n;- pleui<riiU.i! this with professional ex;-ori- Mr. Raynnr advocated a more _-ii .ouerui knowledge of dumb am- ii. .1 . ,-. ro particularly their physiol unlrtre. The i.trnu-r by this menus n. save tunny a dollar spent needlessly. At IL -.1:... t:ino he did not disparage the . . tcrinary surgeon, w!n> in ny iusttics wiuj ab&oluti'ly nect-> ary, but nuvny trivial c-isvs were l,i.. ,i u hicli profeaaioital duty pre- .; Ins nfjiial. but which n:i;;''t bt .:d fully ait well by the owner if he underKU.M'U thu aiiiuial. Fix>f. Ruid sup- -ii hw r-'iuarks by minute in i.i t iii:u with regard to adaiimst- . .iiiu Jrtmch. For s purxHtive ive the bohii, f nn>"i f ..i il. . , ll, .u>) vslca >!^ hints witli .-Jill .iverj- of calves mid afli < mothers. The inec'iu^ WM .uiiii '- T'jo.Mi, !:i?ri ,! . .ach In^gor. As this was .mi mooting of ihe day we wiii | n:!l report next week. .'.' :.Ut t'.ie h-ill wa- nlUd with intci- eatft'. < ;i ''-men. Tu : >:.< licputHiiim KJ ike, r\tr.'l I.KT.I nifii, mid at interval* th. tmii 1 i ..111110. Never was th ran .'.-<'K nf Hinnll hni! iimre L L .. i ',, iAi-v.1 t'.uiu whf u the t'sml pi \ ? i ..;h uiont ex.vlleat un i' I'-auersliip, was to< Kiud ior th.- bu-ldmi;, *n.l roarvd thmu^' OIKS cai- k.t Uiiit-s like a Writ Indian :c. ''. he :ium;c w.t,liowfve ;t; ;>r, i i.i'otl by nil who had gooJ henlthy . ar lii-iui.s. i'r- f. Reid xave i (v rt d i the luano^eincnt and htvukmi; al:.. rtf. This a uuxhly instructive. A ttu- cl..srt of his .vidrrtga Le gvn KOIIIO in ;ci.-t.liinr infuriimtitMi up.'U trbeix'u'.'>is aud it.s pre\t'.notf in the herds at. (Uie'pl sii'J Ottawa, claiming tht while it w.is contHgioun it wa not rasily .. Ho ut 9cnK'<l tul>ercul<>wi minuUly and 'ho Jit ferriice t: eer it and p)voro-r>i:oaiuoniA wliK-ii latter wvi what lud caused thi echeduling > Canadian cat?l-in Ktiglan<l Kv> .\ country h*d tuberculosis, whic! wa intlv'iitK'nl with cousumptiou ia th human txiy. Though vrjb<xJj' ato iuet affected with tuberoulosis lliero absolutely no danger frum it hea tha great len-.'th of tim without its existence being dinoovorable. They went experi- mentinit ua>ou neveral cattle BO affected. Mr. Rayaor followed with a ratt ing KOCI! sddruna apoa ilie lanuer'* occupa- tion, and Mr. McNuh with a few words upon !mttr making. The local speakers were Dr. Christi>, M. Richaidson, W. G PickolUnd Th..rp .'.. The reeva occupied the chair the day. Our Clubbing List. Rtad the hiUoia^ list of pricfs and ch.iMise your readuig matter f(T tho a>m- n^- year. JUMBMVl The Centnrf and Advance, *4. DO St. KicholM 3. 00 tbaCMSMsjeMao - _. a. so WEEKLY PAPK1W. Y >th- Comi/aaiuu *ud Advaaca (new) X 39 Montreal Stu 1. W. Torouto h.iu;iir " " 1. o .uw - 1. MMJ] " 1. 80 1 ItlKWS " " S. 00 Wcvkly Witccas - - IAS 1.26 1.8. Luram burristrr, Markdair has $10,OOU private funds to lend on farm rti(iitfes within the next few months at lowest current rates. No coiuniiss- >ti>, no delays, expenses low. Apply at office in Markdalo during the week or at Uaudalk ottice on,Satunlay. Have you renewed jwur sub- scription for the Flesherton Advance for i6<j4. The Markets. Carrrnlly Corrected Each Week flour _ Kill W'-efct. - Spring Wneat _-....- * 3 15 to J s5 Uotwr Sggt. flreh 66 to 64 to 90 to 3D lo to Hyp*r ton _~ Hide* sn.>i>kiu. ......... Turkey* C.iick --- tt I DC to n to o to lo o M il 58 * I SO 64S 6 6 t 00 - t 9 S5 W II ILBachaxdsoiL&Oo 7 Ibs. Japan Tea for f 1. Try it. Sample free. 25 !be. Saw Snjar for 5J. Kigiit liind fnr 1,'i'ristniss calte. W Ibs. Kffir.tr> bupar for i! . .". Extra Grmiinlntui f< r {1. 1 hoX SHlllftNtW l;.ii-*:i;:f 1. Tntrie, Ciirrsnts, i'osi.in i'nictj, I'i-.s L. mon*. Urai:g< s. Can 500 CMJB yii.i Pink Col-m i )> i v. it" !!'.< pe;- cuu. Lobster* nt 10 c-.-uu per cu. br.i.c.> uud v.'hsljcs l C"tt- Anot!;.-v !.->', of . -4 iixi: 8 wijo, u : 5J c--'!ts. Si- nc!i heavy Flavrvk-id- lit lOc. M-n's ::c;w\ . ip bLii-U:U 46 66-inrli Kn;;tki|i blacli * i- n '. II \KI- ; UT. fil-ir.i-li beiiv '. >: iiitlo C ; 'til at "?>. per yard' Hvii'.- r.ir ! Kid (ikwes, wci^i:' <, iO con'.j t>or pair. Au iuimct::o range of ktreliieftf in cuttcn, iincu and f.cin Sc^titsno tu 91. Aii.itLcr ui^' !ol of Towels, toi'ct . S t; : 12 cetlis tills tilue. iic-d Ifedmuyad Towels, 2 for blfvck ribl)d hanu-malo - -. all wool. ^ ;nuen's bi:iok aii-wool UOHC, vstra lju b -, 18 Mb We Imve h^d f\ (?pljn<lid <nde for ^a^ and wonj nenrly *>ld oat, hnt hnve r stocked every lino i>. twibln fm Chrinliusr In iUiliinery *nd M-mwlrs w hv made .-:iliiiij; cut-s in i n.-tn tooli'tr. ' Mta at tl, $1.50 and 9t. Mantle* from fi 'ip. \V have just <<poned a cnrn|>l0tt) new stock nf Rubbers and Overshoes raiury hues ol which were siM out early. W oan supply all !./ now at lowest prices. Another couKi^nment f Sandfonl & Co'a Clothing iimt o|>etie4. Overcoat at (6. $6 60, 97. 5(1 Men's, youths and children's suits. Come and see our M.H!*! Ship with Ohristioas Rood*. I >f . Co. Thanks to our many friends for the very hberal Patronage we have received And now in order to re- duce our 'stock we are offering a few hundreds of pairs of Boots and Shoes at a very Great Reduction (for cash) about cost price. Call and see and we will give you good Bargains at Clajton's. THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NF^VINF ; TONin EuiwlHiJU ' I ^lllL. AND 'OIA.<JH and LIVKFT OUFC.E. The Wonderful HEALTH BUILDER & NERVE FOOD. Chronic Uisrascs re c ourl by l>f ranged Xerre Centres at of It.-ain nervo centres, will cans* the dcrao ment of tbe different organs ol body which they inpply with Ni t'u'io or NXRVI FOBCE. The wonderful *uccess of Sonflk i American Nervine ia due alonu to tiff fact that it is baaed n the foregoing : principle. Tbe age of a single botlB | of this remedy will eon vince tbe mot* . incredulous. It U indeed, a untablfe ! NEBVI Fooo and WILL RELIEVB | IN USE DAY the varied forms cf nervous disease and stomach I LATE discoveries havu absolutely proven that the Stomach aud Luug,aud mdced all internal organs are controlled by the nerve centres at tl.e base of the brain. The inanu- iitactai er of SOI-TH AVSRICAM NKBVI>R has studied this subject closely for more than twenty-five yean, and lias lately demons trausd that two- thirds of oar Cbronic Diseaaes, are dne to the in- perfect action of nerve ci-ntm, either within or at tLo baaa of the brain aud uot trutu thu dui an^ement of the organs themselves ; hi nee that the oi-dlnnry nwtbod* of treatment are wiong. As all know, a seriooa injury to the aninai cord Will at one*. . ;.u,r- 8is of the body below the injured part, it theit-1'j:-!. will bo equally weil under- ktood, how the deraugemeuts uf the This clada of di ii rapidly ftfr creasing each year, on acccunt of ifib great wear oar mode of living and Uk- or imoose npon the nervous systeift Nina-tenths of all the ailments to wsicii the Unmau family is i:.?ir. aft dependent upon nervous nhaustiofc, impaired digestion, and a deteriorated and impoverished condition of th* i blood. The South Amerisan N-r is a great nerv food and nerve er and this accounts fur its marveloia power to cure the varied forms of nervom disease, such as Neuralgi^ Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, Sa> Vitns's Dauce, Xervona chokiii!?.Neriv ous Paroxysrns, Twitching of the Mn cles. llot Flasiies, Mental JDcsponcW uncy, Forgotfiiliii'ss. 61": <MO% Restlessness, Nervousnt- d ..i' t i-mnl.-Sk Palpitation of the Heart, bcx.u*l Weakness, etc., etc. Sold by WH HEALTH FOR ALL Moi!oway's PiJJs and Ointment. THI; PILLS Porify tilt blowl, correct all D.-oi-dr of lvictn>va a.nd ! : -M .-!. They in'nr nt.t n.'. rootorev. K i>lth IV'oilitUi<l Cont<*.ntion, tnil r invaJii*l<l in plaint* iiicnlf.i:*! t .' ;..... at ail ,os. For CbiUrea a>l tb c'J they are T H K I N T M fi N T a lllbl* reuie'ir for Ua-f L-/*. H ' W.>-::iU. Sorocan.l T'loer*. U U fftiuon* flA Uout AUtl kttti'it.^tin.n. Fur '.or*Km of the Chest it h# no of ual. /''or SOKK 'I II RO.!l,lU;(LYCHTflS,COL r GHS, COLU3 GlQi:r Swi:lllDi;9, tint nil Skin U;4>< It ha* DO r!rl ; aud (or coutraotd *u<i Hi3 Joint* It tcU like oharui. K kiiufacturad on!y at I'mifwinor HOI.IXJWAT'S CBtablu'iDiout. T.H Now Uxfnri! >'.r.-,-t I :.- 533. Oxford Mrrof. Loidon i\ndr oldtl. lj<!.,*W., to(W.. lli..K.. *mJ 33*. mob Boi or Pot, od my bh*dotll 1^4110 Y.'mlor* tbrousboiit tbu world. ftf- P'trrHoum ihvu! I ;/; ,tl t.'io L-iM n the Poti om.1 B.txti. If the odtlrnt u 53$, Ctfor-.i .Sfrc(, L.mrfi, t/iy are Doors, 8ash : jnd [ all^t^rJBuiMlng_8uppll9g at Everythiug at Lowest Rates. Contracts taken and Estimates famished for all of Buildings. Lumber Planed and Floorlpg turned oat while you walte ' Custom Work a Specialty. Gire iw a Oftil. . . acooaz

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