Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Feb 1894, p. 7

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AGRICULTURAL. Aid in Fence A parson passing along a country road and glancing down many of UM lioee of fer if between toe farms arxi postures, M often constrained to marvel at their up* and downs and devious winding*. Some of them appear to have been built oa the trail of a make, otben by gaeowork, and (till others by muuke. >nch fence* show plain- ly that the bailden worked without any of most promauag ot laU improvement* toe chonu foe factory use with *alung writer hai dose it thousand* of limn, and tb* or* an t working attachment* iond*. Taking out to *alt i* th* oid way, bat it may act always bold pr*f*donc *veu la factory work, bocaaao u ha* sBisstiiwishl* feature*. Look Far AJioad, Every fanner who i* at all worthy of tho name, lays plaas for the fatur*. that there are He know, a* the gu'de* or con rent by expert!. bat (imply begaa at one end and wreetied away unul they reached the other. no. 1. mrnoi) or BCILDLXG WIRI resets. cot quite to easy a ma'ter to ram a straight lino over uneven ground ae many people im> agic?, and after the line) is ran it u not eaey to follow it exactly, unless one knows just bow to do it. And this fact accoant* for many of the crooked and uaevoa faoces. In the first place, guide pole* (Fig. 1) should be firmly tot at either cod of the couumpla'.ed feote.taen intermediate pole* or atakee between those two. not to exceed one hundred yards apart. For those inter mediate stakes plastering laths answer every purpose. A person standing a hun- dred foot from one of the end poles cn direct the setting of tbeoe stakes so that the job can quickly bo done. Next, a line. also i raqnirulhat no bis life is rparod. is to b puisus*. It is not poosible to make a < separation between the farm work of dlder ent years. The operations of farming are of a complex nat ire, and those of ems soa- son Bscasmrily interwoav* with tbnss oi other [ariod*. There/ore tb* boatae** of any given year ean not be elosod without (oeno rafcrrnce to that of the twelv* most as which will follow, and tho plus for the farm work of any luin* can not be ali I formed at oec*. It is hsenmii of theoo facts that a good many faruera are not an prnmpt an>! decisive as they should bo if planning their work. For tho same rea- sons it also occurs that even tho most care- ful farmers have their plans constantly in Brueim of development, and thrt cssus which are biy.aq' thoir control aot Ufre qneatly make it imsia.rT to considerably sag* some which wore eoosiderod aimost otUtd. Cboooojoeoily, whs* plans are being laid a raaaidorubi* degree oi latituao should be allowed for eon Urgencies wnkh are liable), if not Likely, to occar. 1 he winter is a good tisno for perfecting, as far as possible, the general, aoxl perhaps that will not stretch mack, and i. long i T r 7 j? 1 **'"' P"*"? ' or ** eo "* P*T' 1 ! which bav* boaa mad* as tho work af th* enough to reach from on* ttak* to th* next, , should be laid doom perfectly straight, and j Jj" J pinned fast every fifty feet with small, hook- ed stskos. 6. Then with a light pole that will reach the exact d .stance th* posts u* to b* set apart, to msasur* with, th* holes can b* marked by cutting * straight edge a. first and throwing th* along tho line, earth ontward. i there will b* in .th* ing, aad mar* thought caa bo given to > subject than will b* ooswble if stderation is delayed until th* w | ia Bear at hand aad work out of I maads howsawsnto aad coastaat at IB aamsaoj SSSBUSBB ansnwwuw BSSUBK BUBUBJ I ,___ Wb*n th* hole, ar* thus ** " opportunity for attoadiag to marked, the line may be take* ap and the i * 'P*toal maUor should aot bo digging proceed, th* digger being careful not to gouge the straight edge in th* least, because that will b* th* main guide ia set ting the posts. It will not bo difficult to att th* post* in straight lint in hole* dug in this manner. After ths posts aro sst attach th* boards ar wire. If th* ground i* rough th* line should b* strung along th* posts. <. SB inch above where th* top board or win i* to be at'achea, and hung then ea small nailsdriven just far enough into the peats to hold it. Tbo line being ia plain sight.it is sasilyadjaste-l so aa to make a perfectly even fence. After th* top board or wire ia on, th* holder, d. its allowed to pass unimproved Wail* th* piano for th* next being laid, thought should also bo taken for th* years which or* to earn*. Th* farm or should aot ho ooatoatad to grow good eroaa merely for this year, but should cadeaw to work in such a mann*r a* to mak* hi* land permanently productive. To this onu ho should con*idr what tb* owoct of hi* areas, or methods of Ullage, will tho soil and upon tho crops of to breed iloelf , sad th*y muatoi Arattot!*. th* first aatanlms. says that* bora* should aever b* put in tho stad until aftor h* is Sve years eld ; that hm uaapiisg befwn that Um* will bs small and weak ; that man* attain thoir height at five, and th* males at six years. Ths mares atioold not b* trod every year; that two years should iBisrraa* between eo!u: that U* averag* age of tho boras hi eighteen aad twenty nan, but that with careful treat meat they will live luagsr. Thirty is a vsry long life for a bora* aad to. five for a mar*. This is pretty good talk STSB though it was wnttoa -' 300 years *> LAB* B tktK BUI tM >. ty- ClreBBMfaa< I *l*a WMa la* Cr*al Explorer. IB all tho obituary Bottom that have ap- peared of th* African explorer aad traveler. Sir Samusl Baker, then not on* that drawl aueuuoa to what is vary peculiar aad. to a certain ex vent, romantic ctrcum- staae* nf Ms *i<i*il msrris*;*. eertaia mat- ters ia s*nn*nma with which am**l for him toe ill-will aad dmfswor of hi* *o/*mgn. At th* time whoa Sir .~usa*l startod cot oa th* eventful journey ap tho Paver Nile which was to wia far him both hi* fame aad till* h* bad ao tdoa that hi* undertaking would tan out so gnat a sueossi. and be- tas; ansrUliag to restrict bimsaif to the TH DCSKT llama* of tbeSoadM.hcponaadoaon*f th* GOT- maa girls who fsrmsd th* band of mani- oiaa* that perforated nightly ia aa Esbakmk cafe chaalaat at Cairo to aooampaoy him oa hi* trie. TV* girl kippta*il, unlike the of singularly strosag charasaar, aad playod a aoiabl* and proaueast part ia th* ex- pedition aad in the ixnl'ratssa. contribat explorateaa, the suotess thsroat On aarthward the funo of hi* dotap sad than* of ha fair A ra Bsmerai cJl f . r. A Sc Joha's. X. F.. deanauh say* :-H haad ersiOsJ by the blow* of a roboar. Is body of William JacCarthy. a jaak daaisr, was feuad late mat ajerht ia his himi SB the wast sad of the city. A* >*t the palu* oav* beea an*bts to find nay das to the MeCsrthy waa wuU-kaown ia tha city aad had th* lapatatioa of a miser. Strange tale* w*re told of th* vast amouata taat b* had hoardod away ba km booty homo. IB his appearance b* wa* a lifjisaj massy grubber aad hi* manaor wa* oat oodeanag. He owaod thotassmnst in whiek bo bv*d and wa* always in troahts with his lianas. A mootb was a long stay ior aayoo* to mak* ia oa* of McCarthy's hiasia "TUOLB Ilax'* KTLLID.* BUB1 THEIR DEAD II THE OPEN MB. Mod*ofGre- Hai Ijusted Tnnnaan^a I I Miil till OF A H I IB I.' IB. to beuervo hough wo are hogjnn ( oad more rrery year in cr haveprimms it sr yuan. The fsncral ad* of a rajah easts Us* of rupoa* ; a Hiada Of th* *** n walked rapidly as loft ems*. Thai > doorof th* am ay. Th* "* aad at'hot H.K. DuaaT * othsr*. eaund. Ia a his race pain with bario*. IB a abiann h* *?, "Tbe old man killed.' Thro*-* th* door th* exatad la a hook i SIGHT. tho body of tho aged pnamtrr* af ate th* iadeoun Pall Man _ . of a Tint ooeofth* , thews throe. Jus* a* ah. tarn epara- a stack a sharp rotortlik* anostoi. Ths boat had jast orakea i aaoadama'iakill. It was th* tool part to protest lay th* _ . juak aaalsr. Hi* hoad. horribly sjiir^H Tha funeral nil* of a poor Hindoo look* rerun*; th* sentr* af a poU af blood. Bs- ' *ruiBary kitchos yard w id* th* owad maa my a psass cf ga* pine But if you g* up elaaa to it, yoa aoiacass ia faas^hcov.^ with ' 'nmsrhin, varyTaVaal aad tuft* of gray bait. Tbo whol* '. rsmfria mam. " iner greatly to Baker's return blood Bsaeewasm Tho for tho foitod his hfe~ to tho law. Empty boxee , war* *catt*r*d around, tho fumitur* oiur- cooded him. and whoa he reached Cairo he | turned, and there wan ovary i ism s of a found that all KagUad was ringing with too ; loasr and thorough srarch for th* out man* i _- j;j of tas bis wife." It was to* lat* for Baker to *x- plain that th- lady wa* not entitled M bear bis name. * bo mad* th* boot ot th* aad at th* sam* tins* paid hi* deep Duror been secured by many farmers. attained by others if, in laying their plan*. they will look far ahead, and while keeping i th* present wall IB mind will also ha** ra- ' pot* to th* luturo. Twtwrnjar* I*ta*> A farm may b* ov*r-*tock*d with iheep na. S. UCTKI MAC* TOM 1KB FIVES. as with other *Bimals. but it i* rarely doa* Cif. 2) is assd for adjusting all below if i Thi* holder ia a light strip of wood having j hook near on* eod.by which it is hung aa u to bad a grea. Ik* top board or wire and iron or wooden i you attend to H. pins placed at proper intervals, upon which j Tbo stock of tb* hoards or wire* reel while being fasten- ' country anil prices ar* likely d. In putting up win* alone, I have good mil winter. omotime* found it beet to bang ths bolder ( jx. ggli, forced to live his first winter oa on th* top win do**byth*poat,andmarkj eorl| ., u j K> ^ d ,,._ ntm ^ she place* for the remaining wiree with bin* | ^jij not chalk. This can b* don* rapidly.aad then the win* can be attached without further ewaasuring or sighting. By using it to hsld *a**udof tho boards, oa* man cn nail them on without any assistance. Another Doa't b* *o carelesn with your on your horse before is light all ova, the to coatiau* nd keep warm a valaabi* bora*. form of holder sad marker, e. for us* oa ompr*tivel level groand, i* set on th* ground elos* by th* post, and th* boards or win* net oa th* steps. It will b* found very useful where it i* desired to bar* th* Voar<U or wire* run ***, aad at oqoal m Don't whip a hors* when h* gets fright- enod along the road or h. will *xp*ct it th* next time and may mak* trouble. Th* sheen i* th* small (armors' frieaJ booaaao with thorn they can coarort into a good product much that would othetwia* go to wast*. Doc't say whoa us lew yoa ssssn it. Teach your bora* to stop at tho word. It awtaare* apart. For bracing a win fence, ! * ruD awiy aad either at corners or at intervals along th* j j. line. I know of no better method than boards wk--to> ^ . toward her by SMI ills, nor vary quinly at Cairo. A rafortnes t* tb* rocoras tier* will show that the wvidiag took pia** aot bofor* kit dtpartar* from tha Soadaa, bat en hi* return. Oa rmrhsug. EasiktBsl he was immediately saoMBoaoa t* Wiodaar C**tl*. with hi* wif* ; sad after h* had re- lated to her majasty som* of th* event* of hi* jouraey sa* to kneel, aad, tap aad, tapping him * with a sword, oxdaimod : kirn oath* shsaMsr Arm*. Sir Sam mil !" Th* quota was also vary gre- esou* to his wifu, who had BOW bscoaii Lady Baker, and it WM ory several months later that she duerend the trua faetn of the ea**. From that urn* forth Sir Samuel wa* aot boaonrt with any msr* iaviiauoas to Windsor, and Lady Baker was not only never peimilteel to appear ia court, but wa* eves subjected to a ild kind of ostra- Taiaahe a>aM pPO 1 ** w)Q ba amostsatimabloaad bonorabl* in th* opinioa ot many ianniter* ia every way to her garrulous a* what awndaciou* hu*ban<l w irrmD nrriL DTSX TO BJCATSV TV* body was perfectly cold whoa dav covered, aad it w suypiisd that th* mar donr had called oariy in th* aft senna and after killiaaj his victim bad taksa tha nst of th* day in kit baat tor money, aad bad waitod uaul dark to satups TVs old maa had videutly basa first streck froca bo- hind oad stunaod. bat bis slayer to mak* sun of hi* work aad had K* oosertpUM caa b* r von ol tho maa who was soea to Uave McCarthy'* BOOM. Th* polie* are ea'.irWT bafflsd. w*m u rcw w A widowun" manristina ha* ia Dreaden. So man can join unmns his wtte i* dead, aad if h* marrMs aoaia ha be- of the chief parusas* of th* smn-istsaa i* t* hob arwly maa> widower* by loocn* after their unv**' tunsrsls am' childroa. Th* chiof af th* UaiMd title by which h* wa* "MsaJsrofOumPaaa. Tsinrt TKI. h. OafU sa4 tosalr eaeoam Warueel bv maM Euraa.-au Thieve*. A f*w uighta a<p says th* T on 1 m Daiiy T*l*<ram, af tor ATI iheoccupaat* of a baas* i in Wtstbourne Park had retirod to rwt, th* ' haadafth* family was disturbed by the ringing of tho front door aioctne belt Cau nailed to the posts. '". These make a firm, solid brace that will hold the feno* witT without lifting th* posts out of th* ground, a* many of th* old style post brace* da Th* brace should be placed at interval* of about two hundred yards along the line. If th s is done the wire* msy bs dnwn tif ht, ad will remain so for many year* {A men can AgrirnltaricV check him if th* lias* brook sad aav* amathsp. a th* *uuii* recycle T Two bool*. oa* oa aacb aid* of tb* boras, aad j cassity for eiUaco, axalaiaed t above th* hors*. just a littlo further j wer* on tho premise* and than where tiousiy eeeoiug the portal, h* wa* surpraed to * a dappor-lnnkosg *traag*r. who, nystorious sign* and hurtiodiy mi- on the half etad too *- the No man should own a work hors* unless h* is willing anvi able to furnish it shelter against cold winds and rain. If nothing better than straw-eo\ered sheds caa b* jsTnsrilsil. they are better than nothing; and rally serviceable as long a* they last. Tb* poorest economy that caa b* prac- ticed next to starving bog* is feeding all kinds and iis*s together. Tbo bnedisg stock, both rnal* and female, stockers and pigs, will do much better if divided into Frw* the Walts From Snw Aftor evsry snow storm tb* path* should b* cleand of snow, which should not r* allowed to remain until trarnpt*<! down o firm that it* removal u difficult. If in an exposed situation, throw tbe snow upon the opoaite id* from which tbe pnvailing wind* blow, for if upon the ; Tb* ttior *ide, the w-nds often fill th* path aa your high as the bank is mad*, entailing more, work at the second clearing. Fcr handling light snow, the common snow shovel* an ! beet, while snow that i* firmly <Jr:ftc r trampled, nothing i* better than the , osmmon scoop shove!. When long stretches Tb* most valuable horse to a u*er of of walks ar* U b* cleared, a light scraper hone* i* ths one that will do him the great- of two boards on edg* and mealing in r-cnt | e*t amount ot work at th* least expeo**. |s b**t, and is leadily drawn t y two men. Such a hors* may b* a iiminutiv* pony, a It pushes tb* snow rqually to ths side*. p**dy trotter, a general purpoo* nor** or Wk*n snow accumulates upon thereof* a ponderous draft bor**,all d*p*ading upon In large quant'tie* it thonld bs removed, as _ th* requirements of th* owaor. premiss. detective charged with th* duty of ing them. Two officers of th* saw, b* add- d, wen watching ,1k* t bar *tao, sad every st*p had bsoa takea to satrap th* iatrad- n. Acting apoa fuitbsi motractioa* th* startled bondholder took tho miJaight visitor ip to th* .rmaiit room, sa th* tab!, of which was his wife's j*wulca**. " Hush." whispvwl tb* stranger. - I hoar sounds, fak* this whist!* aad blw it at four or men lot* and fed according to their IBWBBW. Coor of tho stable when you keep colt* this cold weather should bo covered with a thick layer of straw : Both ing gives aa animal more comfort than a good, warm bod. During th* day, unleo* it be very cold or stormy, tb* colt is better OUtSlJ*, B thaw invariably clog* sp the gutters, and freezing till* the ripe*, overflowing at important point* to th* inner wall*. galtinc ia tbe Coon.- A young professor connected with th* Iowa Dairy School replie* to an inquiry concerning salting in th* churn, that it has no advantage* and is open to serious kjection* as th*n U BO way to *' t prop- erly but to weigh the buttor and weigh, the salt, an. I if salted ia th* cbnrn th* butter will, b* thinks, b* mottled nn!*ss great care is taken in tamping down <vhun pack- { lag. This i* not Lsd for text book teach ing, but tL fellow who has one* learned : buttermaking ba* no n*od to weigh the Au important point to observe in tb* feeding of ajl young stock i* to giv* sufficient to k**p up th* boat thrift aad growth with- out giving so much at to stall tb* animal by over eating. It require* th* service* of a practical expert to do this effectually. A fine adjastmeat%f food* gitoa to th* vary ing conditions of seasons ia tb* thing to' b* sought after. If you want your better to develop into a profitable cow, yoa must extend Her first milking period a* far as possible), ia order to promote and fix th* milking habit, A cow to bs really profltabl* must of milk for at least ten an* but it will bo difficult to get her to do if you d>> not iilk her the first butter and tits salt any nor* than he ha* | J' " to weigh bis hors* and bis oats every time P b* feeJa. Salting uniformly, a given rate to 'he poi.nl, will no* iuui* a uniform salt content. Salting by measure, not ^ht, ia practico>i by the best of cream tr -t-p. Of course the b*s crAmrymen a-* not bullheadeo fellow* devoid of proper intuitive instinct*. In private lairyiog, scUmj in th* fkurn has soin* marked aJ- Tntij. Th* churn i* kept sweet, Ik* bu:ter ia not exnoatd to th* air, *<c. J h* tag as possibl* v*n beyond th* then tb*r* is a profit from B*r prod awV Tb* dairyman oaa never award to loo* sight of the valo* of a good heifer calf rais- ed by himself. If ho doe* BO* raise it aad raise it right, wbo is going to do it tor him ? You can't mak* a good dairy cow without th* rii;ht foundation to baild on, but yoa can easily enough knock out the foundation in th* building up of th* snperstruclui ProjMr car* vu J pron** f*o>' tho back of tho boa** while 1 self her*. They r*q*e< noosibty soeanel") Meekly obeying, the ternood saaa ran to th* landiag. throw open the aiao**. sad mad* stapoadoas affsru to extract a sound from the whistle, which, however, remainod bat aa* Haatar who M tho chief dsti** or* th*a> which h* fins Oa th* 1st of March S135.000 will W paid to raatsdersre Totoraas la Georgia. and ttiJO,UO will bo disbursed to ths widows of ooafodorato veteran*. Ta*** pay- menu are msrl* by tho state, and are ex- poctod ht impisii tho tmaacial tilaatioo, Th* Austnaa poor law give* every man (0 your* old the light t* a paasssa qua! to ana tkird af th* amount par day which ke had sarsttd during km workiag ysars. A silkra prayer book baa beea worxa at Lyoas, in Franc-, tho compJeUoa of whisk ka, taken thr*. yean, fh* prayan are Par* aad Berba postoffioav sad thirty-five Bunato* after a letter i* mailed ia on* aty it is aliv*r*d ia tb* other. Tbo aomostio pet* of tho world *r* h* Iwved to carry 30 par coat, of tho contagious d A K*w York bo compelled to i street car p*jaaug*r* os *.". j mak* their own cnngo ia paying far*. iag back to th* and th* j*w*l box foaad it dowrteii Tbea it dawned oa. him that ho had bseo dp**L The cu> abstracted that th* arucle* paste of so groat vats*, whoee owner, very wull known in th* neighborhood, is reputed to poostm ran? jewel*, probably aeoouate for JM fact that a* attempt has bora made to capture tho mieenant, again*! whoa* raft bnasibsldsrs with diamonds may well be oa their (ward. Calaa ftoalus Territory. Yost aad populous a* China is, tho expo- sao* of tha pronsat ceotary shows that oh* is weak for aggrsesiv* purnasss. So* has aot ths bold oo territory adjococt to her borders which she could claim 100 years ago. Koropaaa aatiou* are prissin* *a her, both on th* *outk and oo th* north. She ha* been foreod to osd* a port wo of bar territory to Eagland.aad she ha* bosa coav pal Vsd to avail h*r**lf of to* help of Kaglish- raen. both for civil admininratioa and for military command. All the** thiags show that aa xpansioa W tha Cbiaose race doss not neeoesarily in- volve aa situation of Chinos* iminiaa. On tb* osatrary. they tend to prove that it i* the order introduced by Kuropoaa admin- istration which laaits to th* multiplication of the** industrious people, and there is, therefore, at leost a* much ground for saving that, though Borneo, Sooiatr* and N*w liuiaoa aad tbe great islands of tka Bastara Archipelago may bs ultimately pooptet by yellow racv*, thov will b* governed by th* white races, a* for bslieviaf that a new Chinee* empire Is in a Chinese India may, IB great John O. Smith, a Cincinnati el ha* ia vented a motor which will trwst car* thirty mil** an hoar. Th* root of th* tallow trws of China pro- duce* oil, th* bark th* famous 'TIC* paper" aad tas **rr>e* tallow. Th* Brooklya Stfcadard Uaian advocate, a trial of th* pBiUBsalii' mail delivery m that etty. About 1200.000,000 worth of ragiasanJ United State* toad* ar* hold by private in dividual*. During a waits of ordivury Wngth th* travail about throo-qaarter* W I Btarally purify thair doad by Th. body is boraod anal ahoabtwly if romam s bat a baadful of wholly fro* from say B*at**mt aanrnwaawawT Aj tssmt aL daoary show-nag th* giowiag niio, a body waa brought SB. aad th* ma bogu Two eoolMS carriad th* body upoa a rod* bttor. wovee from oaaras gnssoa, aad I togothor by Milmo* of phsaaaaUy. Fsar stout stacks of drivoa Bangui BBSO aha ground, at thoeern- orsafaa fit by wora looasty kwa*scka of dry.. Whoa the aUe was a had* man feet hich the body was laid spaa it. A dirty peace of trash. W the Duality the parUy wrapped the dead. One of the brother. stippj up and psuied about four ouaassaf oil owr the body. This msuran a quicker crannatjaa, but was soassthmf of a luxury aad not a universal practice. Tho ail mast bar* coat about thaw* pica. TVs ether brother paid the eoolasa, was saaasaorau tas tsfht. empty liuar and mareaod gavly r* wood was piloa npsa th* doad. A sod was lighted at th* *thor foaoral tsMiy. th* Ta* two in tb* it was *a that Sfosaroa ary in aalisiiiidryploased . TV*y asjaatted jast *o far from tho pit* mtl that thoir *caal itlho gar- maata wer* fairly saJ* from th* spares, bat oar oaougk to watoh all th* chi Taoy uaHed a dirty rag from about a mall bwadl* *a* of thorn had browsrht with thorn. They took oat a tma'l earthen bowi It wa* cUaa aad shining and so was tb* bras* chaiteeeaca lifted frem bm filthily Tho bowi sold curry aad nos. Thoy tsll to eating with gucto. Aad, pray, why aot? They wer* *ating to live. THeir brth*r was buraiaf to Uvo-to Uvo ia Hin- doo Pandaa. FTOSB th* Hiadoo point of Tha cumatiea, which was ia fam I whaa, tho writar arriTad. wot anally i llitii. Twe umttact kinds sf aahoo i Wft. The sums* aahs* war* carefully fathered tat* an aU rholtoa, Tha author- itM* do aat allow thoat ash** to b* thrown into too rivet, aad they are norrr thrown there in th* prmao* at Ksrnpasaa, Th* bit* of w**J war* swept swiftly away. TV* hrm of wood at ouitoVai eaUoeasd t* b* vtiluod IB too next pile. frugally Ida of a visit to "Night," Mark Twain i* food of eat*, aad ha* sa* Sataa " aad another called "Sin. Th* Tartar* take a man by th ear to in- vite him to eat or drink with them, " .V*ops Fabiev" ky CaxtoB, 14S4, was th* first book with it* pags Paper can b* made fro ia a apace of twenty-tour hours. Children, plant* aad suimsti grow more rapidly during th* night. Beheaded turtle* oaa dad their way book to thoir watery hams. Them or* 1.000.000 unclaimed letter* ia th* Chicago pcstoffic*. I la* Prtae* of Wat**' Brae*!**, A LaadoB oomapoadoat Bay* tho Plmus ot Waws wears a bn**al on bis left wrist. Oa a recent occasion, whoa b* appsarsj in public, th* gleam of tho golden beiagW was noticed by a very few individosls. and among thoso who detected it there wa* an interchange of woolori>g glance*. Tb* 2 the bracelet iaaot, how*v*r. fop. a tb* part of hi* Royal Higaaos*. the bangle has a 'iistory. It Hslnasrid originally to Maximilian of Austria, tho ill- fated Kmpetvr of Mcxioo, and .t u a caoriahod souvair. so* goo* *. "is ih tiaw of aa. iadosd.il is of anst priautiv* aso- MusaV A D4) LBCM*ffl*rV Wunw) flsTO^"<sW<*V WlwsB burning pUss. "W* tailed dowa tho "-iBg Tho eat Unas of th* alteadaata *f tb* do* th* fuaoral pile *tan th* black backgnaad of night by tb* lamrn af th* grew* ana. And from that pan ot acred to Hindoo worship ami th* nogs of many tS* tbe oh iriakiaft 1kiiws.l1 half-mad "Ia a phnitiv* part o' interior ladia I .< saw a maharajah fuaonl pile. Ik id coot pesiuv* fortua*. It was built aad saturated and had coot pMiti cf *xp*asiv spicy woods, with co*t:y oil*. It wa* nehly gilJed. tat owad was wrappod ia *mbmaarod. silkia puncoat, aaJ tank with th* inramii amok*. I nmsmbar having thought, when a child, that ths htermily twr^ost *zp*n- ac* 1 ever kad was th* atteadiag of a high mas* at St. Peter's ia Rom*. But now I stust owa that th* wwMast satell I ever *m*llod was th* burning of a maharaiah't suuMwifaw.* It M th* eustom asaoag th* Oanaa* Ia- diaa* to eeas* waihac at a esrossm poial ia the fua*r*l r.rimsai*a. for th* roason,th*y laM whfMTwMi OuM aolVMt alO( b*l MbemavoshishoBMbohiBdhim. It is also ruslnsasry i tb* l.mbs, a* too sb.lilia|; *f priisn how vital i* th* loss. Tho funeral song aad ceremony. *nrag* as they appear at tint aight, are roally full of tender un- awaaaawns, aad indicate a strong belief m tho eoBUBaawaa af l-fs sad. its offrc- Bov*Uy. -

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