TTTTRT1 MT?3 T iDfTHQ IfllftlJ AiL.*. L Ail Alii o 14 My ! but i-'s awful hot, in hero ! Don't yea wish they'd come'" whispered one pretty village girl to another, as they ut in the crowded church, waiting the entrance wf a funeral train. " Hush, Jinny ! They're coming now. I Me the heane," wa* the answer. And half the head* in the house were turned, '.o eee the ombre proceseion pas* up the n vrrow aule. Many eye* retted curiously on the nan who walked just behind the coffia. a tall, awkward fanner, stiff and uncomfort- able in his .Sunday suit, his hat in his hand, nd a red cotton handkerchief protruding from his pocket. "Just look T" whispered Jenny Seymour, M he paove 1 them, " what a rusty old weed he's got on bis hat ! I do believe it is the very one he wore for his first wife, years ago." " To be tare Gray, m answer, "Catch Josith Larkios apendin' a cent, when he oonld get oat of it ! Poor KJlen ! I'm real glad .he's dead. and at rat at last. She never had any after she was fool enonyh to marry that it is :" whispered Anna 14 No, poor toil : Mind me Anna, he'll find some other silly woman, in lose than aix month*!" " Than I hop* she'll be a Tartar, and teach the old skinflint a new leaaon ! Hush, Jen ! Parson GrimM U looking right at a*!" The two were still a* mic* in a second , while the preacher read the Sciiptnrae.and the people gazed at the disconsolate widow- er, and the pair of awkward boys who tat and inittled betide him. After the reading. came the prayer, r.he hymn, and a thort ducourte by meek Parson Grimes : And then the *low cortege wended it* way to the quiet graveyard over on th* village hill, and the tired wife and mother wa* c ire iully laid down to her long sweet rest. One or two kind neighbors went back to th* lonely home with the afflicted family, and Parson GrimM went too, to try to com- fort the widower. " Yea, Person," Mid Joaiah, placing the hat with the rusty weed on the floor Decide hi* chair, and wiping the perspiration from hi* brow with the red cotton handkerchief, " it* powerful onlucky, to h*v this ar' trolc e jeet at this partic'ler time." " 1* it a ipecial season with you. Brother Larkin* ?" vetured the parson. ' Tit that. Panoa. Hayin'* a-oomin' right on, an' I don't know who'* to do th* cook in'. ' And the widower heaved a tre- mendousstgo. The minister looked slightly astoniahed at this effect of hi* *aaay at consolation, bat mildly mad* another trial. " The diipeuMtion* of Providence are often wonderful, Brother Larkins. ' " Yea, so they be. I could a' dispensed i with this, mighty well. Poor Ellen was a masuir hand at savin' yon never *aw a Mvin'ar woman. My fnat wife wara't very Mvin' bat Kllea, she never kep' n u help, not in the hottest o' time*." " Mebbe if *h* had. Joiah, you might a' had her here, now." put in Mrs. Mullioa, who wa* helping to tidy up the house, be- fore *h* went boa**. " Wai, I dunuo, Sarah. I dunno'* it would a' saved her much. Hired gala i* powerful wattio'. Kllen didn't watte ooto in'. An' her keep didn't cot I me much, neither. I hain't bought her but one drea* ia better'n three yeart." " You ought to be ashamed to Ull it, then, you old okinflmt !" muttered Mr*. Mulling, celling a chair down hard, and wishing it had been Joeiah's head. " I duono who's to h.'p through hayin an' harveetin'," said Joaiah, returning to hi* complaint. "Hu-vMt hand* tat* a maim' tight o' vittlea, too." ' Didn't you value Kllen for anything betidee her cooking ?" Mr*. Mullin* could not racist asking rather tartly. "Why. yes. Harah. I did. Sh* waa a great hand at patchin' an' Mvin', jest a* I Mid. I dunno what I'm gom' to do, now. " The preacher cast a. helpless glance, at Mr*. Mulliat, an I roe*. laying : " M gues* I'll go. Seam* like I can'- make you ice '.hi* affliction in a spiritual light. Brother I .ark int. I-l might at well go. ' And g. h* did, leaving th* widow*r to lamtn: hit lora alone. " Joeiah, would you like to have me atay and g*t cupper for you and the boy*?" atktd Mr*, vlullins." " Why, y**, if yon can. Sarah. \V*'d be^nuch oble'eged to ye. But don't watte in' E len never did." heads together, and after a white they dip- ped over to Joeiah'*. He waa oat in th* barn, bat MIM Maiia wa* in the Kitchen, and the)- had a dear field. Than thoM little witche* told the goo-i spinster that !'.siah waa thinking of get ting married and wanted her for a wife. They said b* waa arraid to broach th* mat- ter himself . and had aaked them to speak for him. " I'd do it, if I waa you, Annt Maria,' aaid wicked Jenny, with the moat innocent air in th* world. " H* ha* got plenty of money, and a good home. To b* sure, he i* a little near, but you can manage him, I know. " "Trust me for that !" My* MOM Maria. "Uno* I get therm**, I'll bat you I manage) him. I don't aay that 111 take him, bat if I do ! well ! he won't gat tha upper hand of m*. I tell you." "He'll speak to yon when b* come* in. Aunty, and Anna and I would like to bear what be My*. Can't y>u hide us, tome- where?" "It will be a good thing to have aitaaat- **, yon know, it h* trie* to fly the track," put in Anna. MIM Maria toaaed her head proudly and auwerad : "The man wbo ad. Irs*. is m* bad better | not attempt to fly the track ! But, y M, -apible housekeeper. Maybe the woui.I girl* ; *Iip into the little bedroom, there, coma. " . and you shall hear bow I can mauage Would *h* com* for for a dollar an' a ' Jociah." quarter, do yon think, Sarah?' The girl* had hardly reached their re- Sarah that her lips firmly, and thook her ' treat, when Joaiah came in. Hi* day'* | work WM done, and a* the plotter* thought No, Joaiah, yon can't get any woman D would, he wanted to get the important to come here and take care o' you and the >ubj*ct off hi* mind. He aat down by the fire which MIM Maria had kindled to take the chili from the autumn evening, and be- Jieiafa," Mid Mrs. Mullins, as she banded little Joe a second oup of coffee. " Land sake. ! It'll take a power o' money to pay her wage*." "But you couldn't expect her to come j for nothing, Joeiah." "No I 'ipoee not," with a dism al sigh I "Bat ef me an' the boy* was to git the ' wood, an' he'p with '.he milkin' an' cnurn- m', she orter com-* **heap. Who could 1 git for a spell, do you rrckon, Sarah ?" "I don't know. Here's .Susan ; now she might come tor a while, anyhow." Mr. Larkin* tamed helplessly to Sue, asking meekly . "Would you come. Hoe T" Sue tossed her head, and replied : " I shouldn't eare to, Mr. Larkins. What wage* would yon pay ? " Wai, I might give a dollar an' quarter a week.'' "I wouida't take the piece for three dol- lar*." Three dollar* T" Joiali almost shouted "Why, la 'that's moat a man's wage* I couldn't pay it." Then look further and fare worse, for all I care," said Mis* Sue. Mr. Lark ins looked toward* Mr*. Mul tins, as if to make another appeal to her. So she Mid : ' Well, there's Maria Petticord she's a Llvelr Battle Between aOyleaeee Cft boy* for leas than two dollar*, anyway." Joeiah groaned. " Wai, ef I most, I must, I 'low. But ef Klleo was bound to die), I don't see why the couldn't a' waited till this push vie through with. I wouldn't have took it half o hard." The) two women, cast an indignant glance at each other, bat dotgwed him no answer. " Sarah, do you reckon ef I wae to was to marry again' coon, ye know, that folk* ud talk much?" " I shouldn't car* if they did talk, Joeiah, after a reasonable length of time." " How long i* that, Sarah ?" " Oh. I don't know ! A year or two, maybe." JoeUh groaned again. To think of thing* gan nervously l ILuIB I* e* lerk __ r.rwarw, an ! <r,-.4it BvenL There are probably very lew pitce* of Dove Lawton ha* spent some time in the island of Ceylew. "Speaking o.' Cheetah*,' ti* aai.l to a Washington Star reporter, "I want to tell you a story of a battle between Kncliah roastimj and a thoroughbred Ceylouese rheeUh. There i* a very general impression that the cheetah and the royal Bengal tiger are just about the same thing, but this isu't so. The main difference) in them i* that the former is not so blood- tnirsty M the latter. Right down in hie heart he ia not a man-eater, bat he can digest that kind of meat when occasion require*. A* a rule, be is willing to give the human brother a wide berth, bat if you corner him there i* no telling bow bard he can fight. Stir bun up and ha> will make the fur fly in a fast and furious fashion. He ka* been known to lie in wait along the mountain road* FOB II I' MAX rUT, but theee instance* are rare, and hi* manr vorous uete is not very highly developed. There are many authentic statements re- corded where cheetahs, at certain seoaoot of the year, have appeared in the mountain village*, general. y seeking the fire* which have bean lighted for cooking purpoeo* on the bard earth floor* of the rude hut*. Then the population migrate, leave the cheetah to his (lory and report at the neighboring viBag* that the animal* are working havoc among the bog* and humane. On **> occa- sion ot this kind Captain Baker, the groat oriental sportsman, made) an mi on the spot, hot a cheetah a* he fore the fireplace in a hut, * discovery that the animal had sought the warmth became of a peculiar disease of the jaws and teeth. On examining the mouth ai the dead cheetah he saw that the gums were full of maggots, and the** when warm- ed by the Sre would crawl far enough out ortifial.y announced till a very late period, and thouaaad* ar* thereby deprived for a considerable time of a knowledge which at odd* and end* for a whole year, let alone givaa them infinite pteaaure. Where .he longer, wa* awful to him. But he went to matter i* of auoh general interact it it not M* MIM Maria Petlicord, and won her coo- | aurpruug that it should leak out and be eat to keep house for him, at two dollars goMiped over long before tha official para- week, and no grumbling at what aha graph fiada it* way into the paper*. The ued. ' prayer* and good wubee which were chow That wa* th* hard*.' part for poor Jo- eredoo toe Dak* and Doahss* tf York at aiah. Maria wat independent, and oul.i tha time of their marriage will now be have her own way, and keep up a good redoubted. The) dacbeati* looking remar .- table, no matter how much he groaned, ably mell, and except for aoaa* anxiety a* to Th* boy* were in clover, for they got many too favors which th* spirit broken little mother , HEALTH or an FATIIIB. to b* with whom -he baa sacrificed aonje of new* winch will giv. more general ta'.i.fac- * * * of the teeth to be reached by uon to the loyal inhabitant* of the British "" OBe " t u oUw. Empire than the knowledge that there iaa| Ther " * coff " plater who lived prospect of the *ugiiMinn to the throne be- I ~* K d 7. wno * hnJow WM in tn* ing secured in the direct line. My* a LOB- "on"**"". "i whose name WM Dawaon. don correspondent. Tbeee thing* are never H * *"' * ummti " * < China piga, which ' becam* ti apple of the cheetah t eye. The feline tnbetman ma I* nightly call* and th* porker* were borne off oa* by one. Attempt* to shoot the intruder failed. Two English mastiff*, belonging to a neighboring plan tor, were invited over aad placed in the piggeiy. Dawian. hi* neighbor and myself wrapped ourselves in heavy coats, far th* nighl* m thoee parti are very chill, aad climbed into would never have lowed them. And | then Maria did keep thing* so nice and clean. lht Joeiah wa* fain to endure that which he could not cure, only resolving to make Maria'* reign aa (hort a* could be done by mtr xlucuig another Vr*. Larkin* to the establishment. the ay*ti* thai are held at Sandringham in honor of the Pr noe of Wales' birthday, i* in v*ry good tp.rita. Kver siaoe th* death , of the Duke of Clarence there bat been a , very general with among bar majeety'* i subject* to M* the throne) aaearod to "_' . W * 1 . Ua , U " r ? or .'?5 '".. . hicb .' a child of the Duke of York. Although on Saran cist a scornful look at him, and aSnost repented her kind offer. Hut ah* went into the kitchen where Sue Morgan wa* filling th* tea-kettle, and laid : "Sue, I reckon we'd better stay and giv*) that old linntrhi* tupper." " Well. I'll help you. Sarah," waa th* ready answer. "But I'm doing it for tha boys, not for Jasiah Larkin*. I jutt hate the mingy old thing ! U'* good for poor Kllea that the ia gone." "YMinti*. Su*, I'm going to make nme biscuits, and I'll u*e all the lard I want, too :" "Do, Sarah ! Lat'i oat that nice ham in the cellar- way, shau't wa ? Might M well give i baa poor young OB** one decant meal no knowiu when they'll get an- other." "All right, you out the ham. Sue. And bring out oine of thtaa quince preserves, that Kllen mad*. Dear ! dear I .loo wonder who he'll get to worry, next ?" "Marry, do you mean ?' "Yer, that'* what I mean." "Good land, Sarah Mullia* I Do you think a single woman around theee part* will have Joeiah Larkin*; after he's worked two good women to death ?" " Ye*. 1 'low there's plenty that would Sue, He's right well fora-handed, Jo*i.h it, if ha is stingy, and some body '11 take him for a home. " Well. I hop* he'll get one that will mak* him to* the mark, the third time than < Where's the coffee, Sarah ? Or shall we give 'em tea ?'' " No make coffee I feel like a oup myself, after this day's worry. Never mind if he doe*) iweat aad groan mak* olfee, and make it strong, too. Sue." So, presently a meal whuh delighted the boy*, and scared Joaiah, wa* smoking upon th* table. But be mad* out to aat a fair upper, inUrtycncd with renewed lamen- tation.. " declare, Mi*' NUllins, I duano what we'rv gom' to ^o. git a'ong alone." YuL' . - e u> an' the boy* can't housekeeper, in spite of what Sarah Mulhas had Mid, her'rnarrin^e I teemed to him quite long enough and the , __ i , o f proper time. Then he began to bruah up. H* had hi* hair aa slick as glaas, got a aew necktie, laid the hat with the rutty WMd, aad actually appeared in church with a pair of glove* on hi* horny hinds. People looked at each other ind .m led knowingly nn<x , ntro .ertible fact when he came i. and miachiavon, Jenny Dn]tf of K ,f. i. v.ry Seynour almost laughed out loud behind her fan. Joaiah heard h*r and MIM Jenny ' punishment waa straightway in prepara- tion. Old, aour and *tiagy at h* waa, Joaiah hau an *y* for beauty. Hit first two wiv-a to the Duke of Fife the Hrm had been aa hard, tour and annular as him- self. Now h* determined to treat himself to a plump, buxom beauty, by way of change. "1 'low she'll ha a ieetl* ikittish, an' hard to train, at first," h* Mid to himself, with a chuckle ; " But I km break her ia '. I wouldn't mind a few trinkets, either, if b* waa right young an' purty." So Joaiah went to church, and it was MOB noticed that he was casting sheep' eye* at the young girl*. "The old idiot !" aaid pretty Jenny. " If I catch him looking at me, I'll make up a mouth at him, right in meeting !" And when, the very next Sunday night, be did look at her, ehe kept her word, and puckered up her rosebud of a mouth into such a shape that two or three of the girl* got into disgrace by laughing out, in tbe middle of Parson Grimes prayer. But the looked so sweet aad Mncy that Josiah i heart wae melted, and be received to make her hi* choice for th* thud Mr*. he had not the power nonliving loose of her children : in queues at pnaaat tha Lady Alexandra Duff next to th* Dak* ot York in mums ion. Nothing; is more unpopular tbaa thia for, although tha inch liked, nobody appreciate* the idea of him aa the 'ather of the possible future queen. The Duke and Lhichee* of Fil* are fully alive to this, and are moet careful to keep themcalvctaimu h p~ M ppMibl* in the background. Initead of j or ,) er her higkaeea keeping her ctato, the has en- tirely done away with aay tuggettion of ceremony, and a lady in waiting a thing of th. past with her. She i* hardly evr in evidence unleec it is at some charitable function where her name and pretence are of material use. No one) ia more genuinely a crew't neat, which had been built in a tree top near by. Th* early hour* of th* night were aa dark M Ere but and lagged painfully, TUB OrntEMIVE TtU.XESB being now and then broken by the cry of *om wild danixwn of the jungle. Toward 1 o'clock the paJe light of UM MOOB flickered , through the den** fo'iag*. Cooped up u | the nett wa were half asleep, when, wito a ' cat-like acrweca, a magnificent cheetah i bounded over the paling* of th* incloaur*. I and for aa instant crouched to take a I anrvey of the tit nation. Tn* mastiff cloaeit | the ooUida, aad very near M large aa the I cat, bounded at him and was struck dead I with a single blow from the cheetah, which ! then q net ly approached tbe pen. The) other ' maititf, a female, doubly enraged at tlie I fate of her mate, with a terrific growl fait- ! ened her fang* deep in the throat ot the oat. A redhot fight lo, lowed. With screeches, I hisses and growl* the cat and dog rolled ! over and over, the cheetah making desper- ate effort* to break the dog's hold, but it wa* ao go. The mastiff had COBM to stay, down from th* ne*t in quick with a well-aimed pistol shot i o e delighted at the good new. than th. Duch- j from tne , nd o , hli e.* of Fife, who has not the jl'IfhtMt dour* thather quiet domeetto life *hall be diaturb- d by the ceremony which would necessarily surround tha mother of tha queen. snt the cheetah to its last, long home. The dog wa* horribly injured, it having been literally disembowel. ed by the claws of the great cat.' She waa Mat via rail to th* Mann. Hoepiwl at Colombo, MW*d up and carefully nursed back to health. The oh*Uh measured seven and one-half feet Kla or r irn t Man Bve retorvel 0*1 III* Marrlas* -The Body Plaeeel IB IB* *a*>iial B>4 -Ike BrtaVs Terrible Weaui ... J. lien. A Rom* ipecial My* : The carnival >n at Civita Lavigaa, eighteen milea south-east of this city, ha* been bioapht to an abrupt terminal an by the atsi of one of the prominent residents of u , u ^ thjkV lh . M , hj . T . r ..i^ Larkins. place. In'lSHl. Signor < 'lampaiiella, a reai- dent of Civita Lavigna, became involved in . . . a dispute with a young man named Falcini. Sh. won t Myao, be asaured hirnMlf; ,, flatter wak,lle.l.,tbe,ng t.b^uent- no gal would, when a man . got a good , ^ , BM tne kllUl| ^ wasdon* in Mlf- farm. an pl.aty of oow. an' gtrden truck | JJJJ Falcim had a brother, who at the u v ^rridg. to go to meet,,, u,. 1.. o f the killing WM ton , oar. old. H. write her a note, to-day. That the way | th* young fellen do. I b'liev*. Mebbe I'd better git Maria to help me a bit the'* CBJUTtKC* TBITTt mt CPWAKaX weep tea Ha Faee a wM*r I ak *,> |* o hrr UvtacTb.!***, U i* only raaaonable to tuppoM that th* ability to utain an enormous praaaaracaa only b* acquired by animal* after gener- ation* of gradual migrations from shallow water*, lay* a writer in the Popular Science Monthly. Tho** form* that we brought '^^ I up by the dr*)g* from th* d*pth* of th* Jenny's aunt, an'll want to tee the gal ell . A ..i-^j TO AVKMIE THE Mt VTH _ of hi* brother, and aa tha time paaaed be settled. " began .to lay his plan* to put n *nd to So, with great labor h* got up a note to Ciampanella * life. The latter WM to have MIM Jenny, asking her to marry him, j been married to-day and great preparation* and hoping the would b* agrtvable, and . bad been made f r the evenu The invi- be realy aa toon aa aha could, for it wa* ! tationihad been iatned, and almott every expensive hiring a housekeeper, tnd he body in the village expected to hare a would like to be married at onoe. He Mid { dance and a f cast. Early this morning he would (peak to her aunt, and sue ould I Falcini, who ii now twenty year* old, send her answer by Mis* Maria, if sh* treacherously cut th* throat of the expect- chose. aat bridegroom, and then placed th* Jenny got tha note, and ran over to tell corpo* in the nup-ial bad that had already her friend, Anna Gray, almost bunting been prepared. Falcini then surrendered with indignation. himaelf to the police, acknowledging " Why, the utter old fool !" ih* cried, hi* crime without a trace of remone. Tr e her bright oyM flathing. " If I wain t al- I bride-elect waa informed of th* fat* of her rvady rngaged to Will McCalip, doe* he i iktonded husband, and wa* taken to the think I would have him ? I wouldn't not room in which the murderer had placed the to MVC every gray hair on hi* griuiy old body. When *h* taw tbe oorpM lying pat*! And to think h*'i going to toll > on tae nuptial couch her grief WM frightful. Aunt Maria I She'll tall everybody in | It 11 feared (he will loee her reason. Fa! cini'i titter aad brother-in-law have beea arrested, u being (lupected that they ia- itigated Faicini to commit the murder when he did. town, and won't I got laughed t What in the world shall I do, Anna f* " I'll give you a plaa !" antwered Anna. Let'* marry him to your Aunt Maria 1 She can keep him itiaight, if anybody Bat how could we, Anna T I do bo- Mother " Don't you think tmtt a boy of your sue could take the tack* out of thia lieva the would have hm, for she waatt to carpet if he wonted to ? ' S nail son" I ,.r ,, ., Ak. u ...k.j 'ajneSf* Shall I take my sled anl go o< and ate if i can find one who wanta to ?" marry awful bad. She s*y sh* don't car* a cent for th* men, bat when ihe di-, sh* do** wvit to have ' Mr*. ' oa bar tombstone. Did \ nu aver hear of tuch aa idea ? ' "\\ell, if the marripn Joeiah, perhapa the may get a chance to hare it put there. before the pln. ' The two care* to. Now listen to my pretty oonapiraton laid th -ir Adele "Would you murry a man. imply becauoe he't rioh '." Mabelle -" No but 1 would try very hard to love him." A street -car conductor know* what the wild wave* are mymg whan ha MM a wom- an WAV* her paraeoL ocean are usually killed and distorted by the enormoua and rapid diminution of pressure in their journey to the surface, aad it i* extremely probaMe that shallow witter form* would be similarly killed and crushed out of shape were they suddenly plunged into deep water. The fish that live at the** enormous depth* are, in consequence of the epormout pressure, liable to a curious form of accident. If, in chasing their prey or for any other reason they rise to coo. siderab e distance above the floor of the ocean, the gates of their swimming bladder become considerably expan l*d and their specific gravity very greatly reduced. l"p to a certain limit the muscle* of their bodies can counteract the tendency to float up- ward and enable the nan M regain it* proper anhtn at lite at the bottom ; but beyond that limit the mucclMare not strong enough to drive the bo jy downward, and the fi*h. becoming more and more distended a* it go**, i* gradually killed on it* long an.i involuntary journey to th* surface of the tea. The deep tea fish, then, are axpoM<J to a danger that no other animal* in the world ar* subject to namely, that c-f tumbling upward. That such aocidenU dc occur i* evidenced by the fact that tome Drh, which are now known to K true deep wt form*, were discovered dead and floating on the surface of the ocean long before our modern investigation* wer commenced. The huntaman who brings bom* the ant lert prove* that he baa been ab!* to gat a head of the game. The girl who can skate ha* a good tin.. but the girl who i* learning hat her ban tqueetedth* tightest. H* "My love will have vo ending, dear,' N 'W, I My George ; aren't you go in* to marry me, after all :" He "There goee Hatton In hi* new over .-oat. What do you think of him V She " Us i* timply out of sight." THE WEEK'S NEWS. CAJTADIA*. Mr. VUleneave WM electe.1 Mayor of Montreal over Mr. Jame* McShaaa by a majority of oa* hundred aad sevtnty-.ix vote*. A draft insolvency bill haa haaa prepered by the Dominion Government, aad will b* tabnuttad to Parliament at the approaching MMioa. It ha* VU clause*, aad ia divide*' into six part*. An attempt WM mad* tha other morning to burn tne Michigan Central freightsheds at Niagara Fall*, Oat. The fir* WM none ed in time to prevent much damage. A earn full of wane, saturated with oil, waa looad M **ig under th* platform. Th* temperance people of Haciltoa, Oat. , arc making great etforta to entirely aboliaa thop licence* m that city. Th* City Solic- itor duaa not believe that they can locally do so, bur th* aldennaa will be aaked tr pa** a by-law on thoee line*. The exhibit* of work done by Canadian) women which were shown at th* World'* Fair, have arrived ia Ottawa, and tbe work ot returning them to the exhibitor! who tent them to Chicago will b* begun. Ther* is a groat difference of opinion "fa* the coal mine owner* of Nova Scotia aa ta whether the removal of the) duty on coal under tbe Wilawa Tariff bill will be beneficial to the pronnot or the revera*. Th. D.rtha, Deatha. and MamagM Act of Britith Columbia is to be iiaendid Sal- vation Army officer* are to be given the) legal right ot chruteumg, burying, aad marry ing.and other privUegoa eajoyed by ordamad minuter* of th* Gospel. The Ontario Fiah aad Gaat* Commiaaioa met at the <ju*ea'i hotel, Toronto, cad pro- pared their annual report to b* preeentad to the Lacal Lagtalatura. Several amoadmaaia and tool, new dauM* Witt ha sked for M the approaching seauoa of the I egstlatara The Bank of England hae reduced it rate of diacout from three to two aad half par cent. The London Daily Telegraph My* that there will be very general lynpatny with roerce to become abwlutely crippled by the) wanton Itruggl* waging in BraiiL The London Jacobite* held a memoriaU ervice'in commemorau-w of the memory of Charlea L. who waa behMd.d on JaaaaiT 30. 16(9. They alao deoora^ad the ntaM* of CharlM L at Charing CroM. There wa* a demonstration oi the) unem- ployed London Jew* on Saturday in front of St. Pani't cathedral. A *harp encounter took place ith the police, and twelve of the noter* were *o erioualy mjurwi by biow* from tha batons of the polio* that they had to b* sent to the hospital. The British Board of Agriculture, in re plying to the argumenu of the Scottiah liepntatioc asking for the removal of the embargo on Caadian cattle, amid that they nave not yet been aatielied that the Cana- dian law* *ad regulation* afforl utfici-nt aad reaeooab.e tacurtty agaioat the importa- tion of pleuro -pneumonia. IMTID STATED. Inspector De Barry u eeidiavoring to have tome twenty Canadian girl*, who are training at nurse* in the Buffalo boepitaUa deported under the Alien Labor law. Mr. i-eorge W. Child*, proprietor of th. Ledger, and a -OOM geowruu* employe and atoremou philanthr >out, died in Ptula delphia early oa Saturday morning. Tho Rev. Dr. Tal*ag, of the Brooklvu Tabernacle, contemplate* starting on a tour of the world, preaching and lecturing at hi* principal slopping place*. In the House Commitee of the Ohio Sta>tt Legislature IT. C. A. Pyle proposed tla> criminals sentenced to death should be ap- propriated to Me in pnywologictl rssiarch. and that they ahould be vivuwctod in order that medical OMB coaU study the stomach, heart, and brain in the living sub- ject. Mr. William Brown, a native of Bin brook OnL, and lately a member uf the I'mkerton detective force, wa* murdere-i m Omaha while on hi* way to Sao Francuco, where he intended starting ia hiiaiaee*. Although the murder took place some weak* ago, full particular* of to* tragedy have not yet come to light. GIMKAL. Nicib*roy, a town acruM the bay f rom Rio Janeiro, is in the hand* of th* insur- gent*, which give* them an important traleqical position. , The Spanish military tribunal baa stuteoo d Thomas Ailed, th* author of the bomb outrage at Villaneuva barraxikt, to penal servitude for life. A letter from Cairo My* th* K he live'i outburst* of temper terrify hi* Minuter*. H* i* a* petulant aa a spoiled child. It is reported at Berlin that the project -d Kuseian summer mana'uvre* will be located at a git distance) from the l'n:ssin fron tier, probably in the district of Saioienak While out driving on Friday evening the Ducheee ot Manchester, who is temporarily sojourning at Pan, w%* thrown from her carriage and received injuries about the) head and face, which, however, are not re- garded as serioua. I he women of B kdeo. WMtphalia. an/ the Rhine province* have formed commit te* with a view to giving Prince Bismarck an elaborate preeent on hi* birthday, on the 1st of April. Arrangements are nearly completed in iterlm for floating a lar^e loan for th* beno- ti t of Italy. The armed transport Itapu, owned by .he Braxil Government, with Admiral Con- .-'.avea on board, baa been captured by tha uturxeata. Haw Tracks in Dantiitrj. I'ental surgeon* have patented procesn. or imitating gold filling in false toeU* I'his i* dooa by burniahmg void foil upon] .hem in the manner commonly termed "ore) ;iMiBg. N Nobody would be likely to u.poct that grinder* showing plain *igna >i repair were artificial. Several application* lava been made for patent* f >r prooeeoe* for <ot ting diamond* in the teeth ia the front eeth, of court* boles being drill 1 cive th* geme.-i.Vew Yerk Medic*! Ucord.