Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Feb 1894, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Adveitismg Rates: Oae Column. 1 year, $50 ; half col., 1 year, 27 qutrtor col., ooo year, li. TrtniUnt a>lvarUeiueut ebarRe'l at tlio rate Of B cuuU per line for Brat ioaertiou and 3 cvntu each ubquent insertion. A TEMPERANCE VICTORY. Sir Oliver Mowat gladdened the hearts of 1500 delegates and fivu times as many thousand people throughout Ontario, on Tuesday of last week iu the pavilion at Toronto, by making the following emphatic statement : "If the decision ol the Privy Council should be that the province' has the jurisdiction to pass a prohibitory liquor law as respects the sale of intoxicating liquors, I will introduce such a bill iu the following session if I am at the In ,i>l of the Government. If the de- cision of tuc privy Council is that the province has jurisdiction to pasa only i partial prohibitory law, I will intro- duce such a prohibitory bill as the de- cision will warrant, unless the partial prohibitory power is so limited as to be ineffective from a temperance standpoint. " There are few people throughout the province who would impute insincerity on the part of Premier Mowat in mak- ing this promise, but there are many who think he might have read quite clearly the signs of the times and made a plain statement like the above long before he did, and without going to the expense of taking a plebiscite. We give him credit for only so ruiich of his resolve as has not been forced npon him by the temperance party, which, when analyzed, will be foaud Hummed up in a 0. Any party arriv- ing at power under present circum. Htunces would exert themselves to satisfy the demand made upou the preHCut adiniuititralion. A decision was ^ivuii lat week in c.i of the Manitoba school set, which hah been under adjudication B) long. 'I'll,- government has decided thui it li.i" ii'j |nu. i !> interfere iu the mat- ter ami that vexed question is solved for good and all. '] lie Ontario Legislaturo convi-mil in Toronto yextorday, Onlurlu I'cci. To the Knitor of THe Adi\inrr. 1>KR Bw. To colililiuo tho toiiii- of thu last two wi-i-kH, we find that it i iii.il.u- Htatu of atTikiri pornii-ittiM iln : ptovinco. Tlicra ia only oiu< .:.' fur tho i-ounlir* of Dnrlntin uml NiU thiiuibiiflaiitl, and two rc^isiinis, in tin i words tlit; biuincss of 0111- > iff t-xtcnds over tho same area BH lo-.ii- u-yiitiar. la it not very hi.rmi^.. that l.nu ti'^istitira nut uccoNHary fui tnj of tho Btiiallt-Ht coiintii'H in I In piovineo ? It i.t (louhiful if tlier* in liiinihu rninitry on the tflohe whi'rc tin-it- u Hiioh n niuliipiication of oflii-cr . Th -re would ha no gronud for m:n jil.iuil if it cnnlil he i-stablishuil tln^ lmi;d nuuihi'i nf ollicials are ncc- eeaary lo the ii:,i,,u- w til, uml tho t-n- i n.i .us i n. ..Ii, . mi. t i.n-y i-niipot in s.il- Bryjunl fi nl. , oniii.itihlc mil: thru iliiliuH, In fun ulono 68 !'i.-K tritM ami . i.'l Hlitalls cnll(:ct neaily $ I t<l,0(X). About, imlf nf UiiiiimuiiM' Mini iii tho (Mil ijiiii-ili< nfthfi slid ill or ' tiar. In suit M tiller r ffii-iulii others ixact fi nn local ri'giuiiarB, oonnty rnii> t ch-ikd, cluiliH of common ami Biirro- Kalu t. Mirli,, all of whioli further iiu., 1 - in-i.lllie ahcady lu.^e iniiuiini ool- lei'UMl. TllHi If ;nl |n. .-.il.m- 1.1 Illuilf itch a coHtly tiling iiiat n,> ,,,,,. ,. lln I nirb it withoiii I., s i,; Hiiiijunml to a IOM^' n-.iiciJiiU- of l", fit .UK! el,,,, UIOIIM ix- 4 >rin:. A llinra in f >r ii ,|,'ii: of (', in KnuUnil coHU^5oet)lR, in UnUn |2.&0; a j nil. -in. >nt nuiiuiuiii!! there 18 CTM:H, line $2 CO. L> oe9 not thi* ini pin (y>,iirnt throw .1 bright light upon tlui kind of HOVI ntiii-ni wo are getting in thii provi,ie? Tue Hjmum iu vuguu liero ii unjtiaH and extoi tionate. Why Mtiu thm nbalMUX of olBceholdeii to be a prey upon less fortnnaUt fieeraeu? In my next I will try to gire reasons for tho existence of this iudefeusibre Hystem. .KNU. - I >! litmus a Bear. lire AHD IIRATU KI>U.; Rov. 8. D. '.Jaudin, of Ni'l.siin House, ici is at i>rent riatting relative* in On .ny in', iv. :in mciilonts of lifu in the North. Ainoiiu uthum ho cs the following thrilling natrstivo which hu IIM kindly placed i>n |i:i|ier for our r. ider : EJw.irl liart was once one uf tin- moat t;i!w;ut Indian hunttra !>< tr Nolson House, and no man could beat him n luko or poiUgu. With hi* one powerful aim In- hits bi-cn known to lift at one tiiuuuOO |iouiulH. Edwsrd in now man of some 46 year* of ago, s'lll Htrnng in body, though compiled to K" on crutch' on account of a stiff If.', bent almost at right anglr*, canned by a cut on the km i- from an axe. It waftsincu Edward tiift with the acci- dent that crippled his leg, that he hud the narrow encape from Mr. Bruin'i clutches which I am about to relate. The Indian vat returning homu from a hunting expedition accompanied 1 y hia MI;U.IW and ton, boy of amns twehe yean. Paddling their canoe noJMiIeaily al- 1 1- the ihore uf the lake, the practiced eye of thu hunter Huddfidy caught li^ht of a largo black bear careletwly walking among the k>uhe that ikirted the shore. The ludiau'a ttun WUH HOOII at h:s shmil- der and a aava^u Kruwl, a* the bear made off among thu bushea, tul J that the ball had Ukou cffe. t. (juickly Unding, and without waiting to reload the emptied barrel, the hunter tonk the u'i and made off to intreept the eeoaue uf the Lear. Soon a aecond report WHO liuaiO. After wail ing auiue time for htr huabaiid'v re- turn, the woni.-iii, who had remained in tie canoe with her lit do Ron, bocommg une.isy, aeht the boy in (he direction from winch they hud heard llio hliot. Very few niinuto* ela|Med befoiu he returned anying that, tl-u Uar w killing hii fath- er. The iudiau wunian WUH >on at the cone of tho mrugule. Her linshmnl had the l..-;ir under turn, ita thrciit lield lir'nlv in Ins powerful uri|i, but IIIH liandii wrre nlrendy Imilly li.tion in the htruuglo and tin- lilo.nl waH |H)urint( fivtly fiinii wounds in hit faco, ul- tnoHt bliudinx him. Tin-re little doulit how the atrugglu wou'd liavu emUnl, had it not bvvn for the lie's brnve and realty aiuistuiice. Drawing an old clasp-knife, such a* might be found aiming 'lie honrded treas- ures uf a clio.>l bo> H |KK-kot, ahe began a vtgorou*, but liluiiiM u>i-leh uuKlauglit on Hie lough nUiii of Mr. I'.r un'ii tliroal. Tlu-ii anixiii^ tl.u gun near the Unk, KU s not to bioak it,^ht> laid on tin- viicmy lied u lii.uu almwtr of blows. Nor did ilin In nvc woman e>ca t w umiijured, l..-i ,u IIM an.! ht -i- v-i-r, inru uml II. MII II. i. l.e ir uli.irji i . iv -, lint yi-t hhe il.it not donrnt. Tim light fur life mid deatli tliuaC'.niinUi-U for M.IIIO tune till t length tlie wountit of the bear look ef- >iul ilfiil, i-ii.l. .1 the atiuvge. It e.-iiM that .>oii art. -i our Iii i litinlt-d hu OUM ltu< bu.r fai-e 1.1 I... T. Of eouri'.i he (li'-il, iniiiiuly wuniliiig the utiiuiali I nt .1. i killing linn outri^h'. I'M um nuide .ht i.i (lie- li.dian, !.o h.id U-ft h.-> ,i i.in Ilioii in tin- i-'lii.ie, nil i 114 lin o..l IH ,t[.r, Wllll lili rri[i, le.l log, fioln lllO . atUcU of lltu in il-l.ituil l.lnm.il, I ,.in vi. IN i. Milling I-H lor linn to d.. but 1.. ,.a;-|"i- Wllll Ilia i ll'-iii} , nod o thu HliUgglu lui.lv |'l.u-it HI I liavu iilirii ly -ie lueil. Vi In-ii i^ki-d, "Were you Hot ii-'nudi" the bravo woinu ivi-vv. n- I, "N wl.cn I Miw tin- U ."u uiiimnn tlnvvn my lniHh.i|i(l' face, I Ln-iamu very unary and iii. n^lil only of aaviiii< him, V.nl iu-n ihu i n iv.iiili.nl, 1 jiibt wit d'.wn aildcried ', 11 HOD HII Indian woman, in the lat I. i |i.rui:n!ar utjieci dly, lively iniirli III iiei- i>ii liixlily fitvoiuil wlntn HUter. K-lnard U .rt u imw mi.- of our inosloon- niHt. nt il.n.-tnui ImliMii at Nil,, in II, ni HI-. U-iln alun. .in. ,i..:i,-,l the . i,.i .. lull hu ln nut Inrj; it IIIB lu-n- i hu ll,. I in lili-, nint ol ten HIVM in I lie i f tim I'M IIIIMI : 'Tin L.-I.I mo f:om tho |iaK of tlm )> iir." RhrumiitlHm Cured In n day. S.iuili Ann iu an Ui.tinnttic I'urn |..i liiirinn itiHin mnl NYiniilkjiH radically eiii-ei in 1 in 3 dn\i Ita action ilio HV I<M II ia ruumrk ante and Hiytlorinu*. It r.'iiioviin at uiicn thu CJIURO and the IHI-MH iinmedi.itely dm|i|>eir. The Hrel di. -nut y IwnetUa. T' 1 cent . \\ ur.oiir.l by RiehardMon A Oo. Itoh, Mam;e, and Roratohea nn humrn nr aniinali cured in 90 minute* by Wmil- for;i'a Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Warranted fcj WB. M. Kichrd*.n. The Best Medicine. J. 0. WILSON, Contractor and Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texaa, thus speaks of Ayer'o Pills: Ayer'e Pills are tho rx-nt mi-dirine I ever tried; and, in my juil^mi-ut, DO better general remedy con Id IK> dcviaed. I have uautl them In my family and recommended them to i.:y Jrinnla and eroployca for more than twenty years. To my certain knowledge, many case* of tlm following complaints hare been completely and Permanently Cured by the use of Ayer's Pills alone: Third day chills, dumb ague, bilious fover. sick headache, rhenmatlam, flax, dys- pepila, conatipation, and hard colde. I know that a moderate use of Ayer*> PiiU, coo t in uml for a few days or weeks), as the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for the disorders I hare named abore." "I hare been selling medicine for eight years, and I can aafely say that Ayer's Pill* K lve better satisfaction than any other Pill I ever sold." J. J. Perry, SpotUylranla C. H., Va. AYER'S PILLS Prrptrwl by Dr. J. 0. Ajn ft < V>. , Lowell, If as*. Every Dose Effective Harrison Harrison Old Stand. Harrison Harrison FURB11UBE r.5P UNDERTAKING Although wr have met with a loss by fire, we arc not yet discouraged, knowing that our friends who have stuck to us In the past will still continue to do so. We hereby extend an invitation to all our o! ! customers and others to call nnd see us, trusting by fair dealing to still nrCrit a con- tinuance of your stcemcd ptronage. Yours truly, Firm for Sab ir Eic'aogo. A Hare Chance. Jj> R Bald or Kictini;e for VllUgi. pronertjr In OfsMvtMt, FlMhurtnn Huiin-i, Hxwoll, SliiKhiin|it<ia. >.r K-v,Tmhani : a nlnshld Farm nf 107 crtn.ono mile north of Klmlwrlojr Iu the Itnavt-r valluv. Tp of Knpliraula On the pruin IMM an a Koixl frame liou-.v b.rn aud iliivi lione.l-.i a Kond nrchanl and writ fupiilled with wt.-i . AinHy to W. A. DAVWiX. Ag t for Hydnuhtin Fir* Ins. Co,Waltcr> Falli Co. KUiliisr tainj Sale [ontinoed, i lur lu- ivy piles rf OvrrcoaU have ^ioen irrowinit U-SM .'\i-ry day, lint welmve H -me if tliv liiviMit stuck li-ft, ami a fair aiwurt- muiit of sic<*8. Chn|) giK)d, term* duty. Only one fur (>veroot left at $40, coon fur f'J.i. (inly two fur Mantles, n few fur sutH inn! a hnlf dnzt-u mrii fur Caps. All t.i bo cK'iirt-*! out thm wek. We have a special off-ring in Black \V,. is nl Suitings. HevourprioMt : A Hlm-k XVi.rsii-il unit IIIH> i i,. ll.(i">; I'lvk \\'..rti-il rnrksi- order, $1SJ 50 ; Ulark \\',,r.sii-il S..ft V,.u ctian Ii. i-li, tl.i (HI ; lli:u k *\..ist, il Sup or, 917.00 , lilaok \Vurat. il, Kxtr* Suiwr, \Vp furnish R fine HUB o mmiinitic Hitiifrtciiuii. \\'o have jul received nf now (until gt fi,rpi-ini; (rule, lh fin- est >a!u<- wn li*%>-vi-i I. ail.- S-n them. In H.M.! Kiul Sli f <lr|>,irtni,'iit wo have mi- -'. | .ins to clear "iii lit losn ihan die niul >t. AIs- die a fr.v incus' i k lig.m Ovursh'HM aud 8ti>ck- A tmw lot of 16 ct-nt Toa. OnHti'irers buy ii and ui'inc attain. TliyB.iy it'yiMitl. \Vn rivoinnu'ud nur 25 cent ti-n.ii'nl vi ' dm it. { iii.nt ny other U-u nt l'mt (<% uiv. t'et ttainplo. NTe r ri"-i'i\ in-,' |ii'on of S|M:H:; t!..<i<l in IMiitH, Munlim, SlnriinK*, Co'tmiiMloi 1) run C.niiU, A.-.. I. in wu I.i'.- nvor a huiidri-i. n iiuiai't . wliu-h n nnt clar\-<l .-If i IIM nioiilli, iu bronsi (tiKKls, Twt-t-iU, Cntt niiiduR, ilitiitliiiija, Ao., At .for which i .. nmaonahle o(ft-r will be rofusrd. & do, E, HARRISON Furniture Dealer nnd Undertaker. ENTl EMEN, I desire to call your attention to my winter stock of Cutters, which will need no words ol reCv/m.,endation from me, as I \v ; ll leave the public to udg"* (or themselves. I have also on hanJ a stock ot heavy sleigiis, p^jsure sleighs, market sleighs and skeleton sleighs. All I ask is a call, and jad^e for yourselves Thanking my many friends for their past favors, I ic main, yours truly. R. T. WHITTEN GE N HEM EN : I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE that I have taken over the Carriage and Wa^uu making liiiginem lately carried ou by Nr. JJoore, and m now prepared to fill all orders ia iny line to yoar entire satisfaction. Having lately added to my silicon years' expe- rience in the busiuess a nine mouths' trainiiiij; iu one of tbe best carriage shops in tho city of 1> -troll, where 1 siiceeedud in carryiag or! a lirst class recommendatiun. on^lit to be a aulhcient guarantee that all work will be done in a first class manner. I manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs ; in fact everything in the car- riage hue. Wood aud lumber takcu iu exchange. Kindly give me call. D. JJL.A.I U. Flealawtou. Next door to McTuvish's bUcL. niith shop. ||ardwar Now is your time to get a snap in cross-cut saws as we are clearing out at cost. The Diamond Saw usually sold at 80 cts now sold at 60 cts- Improved Ch.impipn best saw for soft wood former pricj 5oc now 350. Don't lorget to see them il you arc in need ot one. We have just received a shipment of the best Granite ware made at very low prices in Tea pots, Saucepans, Ket- tles, Wash basins, CofTee pots, and variousother things. 1 1. we you uot a good clothes wringer? If you have not now is your time to buy one as prices have gone U P. but bavin-,' a few on hand we will sell them off at $3 oo r. u'h which is the wholesale prico <>f them. Don't forget to c.i 11. il KHMDSOUCft IJardware Department The Markets. Carefully <'err*ctel Each Flour.. r.u \vti-M Huriroi Hitilciy. I'm- . 1 l-ora. Hay pr on. BO M II M to 6 SO o ou oo Turky |wr |tr to to to to to to to to to 10 to to to J 90 m 31 11 81 B S aw M> iu 5 HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE DODOS KIDNEY PIUS WILL CURE YOU "Backaaht tht meant tht hid- of tht tytttm. nty art In "Delay It trouble. Doddt dangtrou*. Hty- Kidnty Pillt fiut Ifcttd kidney prompt nlltf." troubles ntult "fSptrttnt. In tad Blood, of dittatt It Dytpepn'a, Liutr frtt cauttd by Complaint, and ditordirtd kid' tht mo tt dan- "V- at rout of all. "Mi'gntatwtft trtghtt Oistate, try to hait a Dtabfttt anil healthy city Dropsy." without ttu'tr- "Tht abovt ait, at good dfttattl tannot htalth whtn tht txltt luhtrt hidntyt art Dodd't Kidney tloggtd, thty art fillt art **i. SoUbr*nd*alnarielbyinuloaracip of pr<r J" <oi- fff hoi or u for ~x Dr. L. A. Suih * (.'. TOTOMO. \Vis* fa* booh aiUis\Ki4My 7.1k. NOTICE. Holies is M; given thai 111) Roller Flouring Mills <u<> noto open /or /K-.V.V. t m d in /ul/ lion- .7 / i/-.v/ ler lias bee,t tin /I 1 will guarantee xiitixfa i-'io n- Hi in-* a- t'>tt !/f>n>- custom irork. sVtaMsflsHW^ta^sils^lls^s^s^ J ( Chopping doiM' nt all lime*. < | \\ A.B. Bell, - Prop. \\ %*%%*% <+- %%%%%! ,

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