H E FLESMERTON ADVANCE 1 wen somnl. oiii.n lo, Ylie Vci'y PLACM IX CANADA ID t.l"I A h Butintu Education, Tfllrft o Pmind Tr? r - tn4 iow " ] ftHO a ItUUUU |rijj oilier Htitlnett .^^-^ <'clleKen and im nnr>'UI l>"|>artiuuiil< in Canada, tlieu viit !> N .rtUern lluriutm* C'ollivu ; exaiulno overy- ' horoughly. If we (all to pro-tuco the .ii, cuinj.lut.', practical and eilen- - ; the bent collofle |rrmiil>ei r u I the 1) "t ami niot complete aud inrnt ult- 6l( irnituri and m>|illaiico, n* will give you a fjl I cournu FllKK For \i u.iil Announce- meut i|l vlni; full particular!, free, addren C. A. FLEMING, Principal. To The Public. Harlug rented WbittciTe tilackimllh aboi> (or a term of yean, I am now lu a 1'Oiltlun tocatcrto all wanU lu uiy Hue. lorsestiBiing a Specialty, Vi I tl.'i< I ion '.iiiiruntrril For anything in the liacksmithiny line call on F, A. BUNT, . v Oppotlte BicLardaou'i Hardware ttore * AKUIAliEL.lrH.XBKH. leiucddav or nlRlit at tba office or raaldence of tbe Qnderftlguod. DIVISION COl'hTCLi K.COHMIHfltdliPB In II.C..I. Conveyancer, Ac. Notary public JOHN W. ABUSTItONU, FLKmMlrroj*. Mi (TLLOUQH A YOUNO. llaukeri, Uark.lalo. do a general banking bu*- Ineai. Honey loaued (t arettaouablo rate. Call on u. Eugenia Mills . AND Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repaired, alto Planing and Matching, Band Suw. ing, Wood Turning of every des- cription. Planing and Gram Chop ping done while you wait, for th* Beaver tarns tbe wneel. t. W. WILSON A FAMILY GROUP ,1:1*: v re- Is fully equipped with quisites for turning out* pe fcct class of work. All kinds qf pictures taken and fmislu d ijj a style equal to any city xyork, while the prices are lower. Pictnre done in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to fjet taken on tbe same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. STAVE HOLTS WANTED. U K.IIAMMOrtD. <"o*t Xanter, Klinberley. (.'ooiniltilotier lot taking Affldavlta etc. luiuree and loan* monoy at luweil rate*. i:\, ciitoiLoaii, . Deuda, WilU, etc. promptly, cheaply aii'l efflciecMy. R. J.BI'KOfLR, Poatmaiter, Plrilicrtoti, CoinmlMiouer In B. II, Lie Died / urtlnnrftr, Couejaoer, A l>ralier (od Monty lender, Haal Kitat* au4 luitirnnee A^-' nt. r**e<ll, Mortgage*, Laaaes aud Wllli drawn npauA Valuaticme nm In o>i liortt notice. Auctlun Haltn attended to i> any part ot tli <",rinty Uoney to loa:i at low at rate* of iiiterrnt. Colloctlor atUndad ko wttb prom ut lieu aud doipatcb Charges low. AKKIU for the Dominion Stratiiihlp Company. choap tlokoti from Flethortou to Liverpool, Ula*i{ow, London r any of the lliititb iiorx I'artiui IntoiiJing to vitil Euglaiid, Beollau4 ur Ireland, will )>:cao a*k rate! befur* p<irchaai>>g tbelr tiokcti elvewln re. M ISR EBITH KICHAlinSON. Pui.il of llol.t. Uahr, of llerllii, (Iprmnnr. (v Mn. llrtdley, of ToroutoCuuaerratory (Voice culture) ; I'n.f. Knrrlion, late of Toronto, (Planoi ; will receive i>ni>IN lu hlMil.Mi, Mi a. IN. VJ- ANO ami UUOAN. TT\K. HUTTOK. M D.C. M.. M.C. P. 8. Out.. PrUwllle. Iteeiileiice aud office one door weet of tbe If etti- odltiChurcli.KluroM St. Offleda;i,Taewkty> nu Katurdaye. TJI: CABTKB. M. C. P. * 8., Out PI. j.lciao. tarfeon. *., PlMliertou offloe> Htralni b'ock. Uuuuaw'i liotel. JOHN A. BCOTT, M. B. Ueuiber College I'byilc. ft Rurfeoni. Outarlo OraduiU lu Vli-tliriue of Toronto l'inver.i>. Kellowiulp i>i]>loina, I'oet Graduate Medical Bobooland Hmpltal.rblcago. Dlteaaeaol ere, ear, nneeahd throat ipeiially treated. Ko.i dunce Uaiwell, vlilW VeTerUiam Thoradaye 14 J P. OTTBWELL, Veterinary Kur^.on. ClrailuaU of Ontario Veteii.iary ColloKo. Kedilvuce Melt door aouih of Uoore'a pianlug factory. J F. 11AL8TKAD. M. D.lf. C. AS..Ont.,praotlcmat Klui lierley. Kbeauiatlo dluaiee epeclallty. JJK MAUY M liKAMIKH. II P. CM.. V.C.I'.B.Ont ,1'hyilcUn an.) 6nr- KCOM. etc., llcnor Orailuate Woiueu'i aiedicai t'i'lln!, Toronto. lte>Ufiice tipnoit KuttirV Hot. I. Prlcevllle. bia>i-a of Wum-n anil Clul.lren atpvcialty. Call. promptly atten d ami day. J P. MAKNHALI,, I. II ', ,M li S. IVnti t Vnlt Markflalr tbe lit ind Sul WodiiKiday of each 1.1. nth Flciherton Ke>ch tilp on the day fnllowtuR. J \Y. rilOBT, llarrliler, Solicitor. CoiiTcrinof r. Ft Fleihortouomce- Nf.xl tbe po ofilce K]iroi:le' building, on Tburadayi. Owen Bound Proof* I I I'l'AH* \VUKillT, Barriitero, 80 li Store. Conveyancer*. tc. Owen tioiind. On.t Markrlale. Out. W. II \V| MIIT. I. It. I.UCAa. N. U -Klnkli.Tt.iu office. UltcbeH'e IVauk. very Wudiiiwdav. Bro, III? tlir'ft "Experience." "Tlie editorial "we" of the News liini un experience in last Monday's blizzard which ho would not care to repeat, and which, had it not been for timely assistance, might have resulted seriously. Thoise of our readers who were not out ou a bare bleak hill about 8 o'clockthat evenin <un scarcely rea- lize the extent of tho Btorui. As it hap- ix;ncd that's the sort of position fr.nu wh:ch "we" watched the fury of the storm in all its strength and grandeur just about lliu hour mentioned, and it appeared to us that there was a | dual moie fury and strength nnv.i with blinding snow than there wus (jiandeur about tho storm. We left Holland Ccntie about 6 o'clock that riuj? aud |mhed through a good many deep drifts and had got al'in as far as Powell's hill, and all the lime the storm kept getting worse, un- til at liiucs it was impossible to see as far as the horse's htad. which \v.i curered witbsuow and ice. The wiud had piled lliegno.f up to a duplh of six to eight ieet ou that hill and when the. horse got into it he conluu't got out, and the more ho plunged tbe decp- i-r iu he weut. l''uiettiug our avoir- (lunois, we goi out to help the horse and down we weut, and tbe more we smuggled to get out the deeper we got in/ and the drifting snow was fast cov- ering cnvr ti. ami the horse, when Councillor Galbraitli and Treasurer Cameron caiue aloug and helped ns out of tliu difficulty, and iu all proba- bility saved us from perishing iu the storm, as it would have been but a matter of a aliort time until we would have been snowed uuder. Wo grate- fully acknowledged the kindness of Mesaers. (lalbrmtli and Cameron for tho hearty raauttei m wliicli they jumped to our assistance without wait- ing fur an invitation or an explana- tion. Chatsworlh News. Unrqrd to a Crisp BU> FATE OF A lil.ENKLO TOWNSHIP FARH- KR IllKIl FOB HIS FAMILY. A despatch from Durham last xvetk sajB : One of the saddest accidents that ever occurred iu this vicinity happened the other day. Sanuu-! Uldlield's house caoght tiro and was burned to tl.o g;-ouud, and the unfor tiinalc man, atti-r rescuing his child reu from danger he himself perished iu the flames. Messrs. John Me lunos and Charles Van^hau were tho l'u>i who arrived on the scene, and they did all that could be done lo re cover the body, but as there was n> water near, they had to battle the liny til-menu with snow. Aftei wot king for nearly two hours they suvcft'dcd in recovering what was left of the body, which was found in the cellar with tlie arms and legs complete Iv binned ntT. Mis. Oveiliold was al so badly burned while assisting to save the children, aud is iu a helpless condition. Mr. Cliatlei Vatighai nctut llie pi.td Samaritan, - ..1 tool tlie family to his home and made tin m as comfortable as cironmstaoces wouU poruitt. Captain Swevnvy, I'. S. A., S,vn Diogo Cal., wj : "Slnloli'n CatAriati Ktintxly ia the tint inedicino 1 have ever found tlia would <).> in any good." Price 50 cent* SittliiK HP Dead. WIAT. i , "\T., Fob. 18. Jnmoi O' 1'riiMi, i lenuin for .) Mi-(;,u-thy, went i'i lu Ilia iMhco i>n l-'ridny nixlit t n''i-i' i p. In t . ili> < inr nritll.g, ninl wns f.iu.i Urail in x'. iunri.il, ;{ tittiu)| on ana. w 1 in ..no coriur of tho n> iu. I . .ml h^iitt-il lliu lamp. Dr. Flatter is bulc in'.' .-..i iiii|net. U'l'.iien IvavtM a wil and four amall children. SOCffiTIES. A'.-.,t< or. ry first ami Dili J >k>n- .U lii ftuc-h niiiiitli. in their !ortK~ lootn < 1 .1. U.\i. in. \Vtn VVrUlit, il . \. i i. lai . \s l.irlluvii ii . ROYAli 'i i- -,:i'i.\Uh t-.K Ti-vli'i' r\"vT. I in. rt i v' y I'o third roe* lt\ uvuu.u ui ,.i I. i, i n.i , In 8]>roiili> \ bin, k nt H |, i, .n;n e llninranvci IL....I i-.'i. I i,| i..-l n i nth. ' .ill , \, . i \, ,,i '.I i i \ i-iln , l.uli,- I III. . ,.\ II. u 1 11*1.1 I.I i .1 I Any quantity et Klav , I.I:. tako.i. f n we pa , ' .ce^. UAUUD3 <h WK: kl. .1.0: uu X T M 1'. I*. A-, uiceiih tlialr hall, ib i.t.x-. I l',|, : I. i vrn Grit 4.id thhdTliurida) la oatl. in ,uili. V, i.,. hl:i|> \:-tr T. Ciaj t.m, P 1 --.: M. A. K. in lliu bimoliic rial). hiraiu'I i li -In, tun. i \ \ I- i i.:jiv th full 1111,1111. A.M. Vamluivu, W. M., tary J. B.SLOAN i,At i u Land, and for ele .IB ji.J luntlirr. Tarulug . o lo orjer, Chfii>ki! in IK in eoui.tcti Totnlly I.- !i|>Md. I>K A CA8I MORE WOMir.llFfL THAN ROSE'S. A LAl'Y liYI.NC (IK DlUf.ASl IS CURKIi U\ Di-nt.'." Kl .M HUeV PORTLAJJH, Feb. '..The JH'. i.l.- . this neighbtirhoud liavu not yol I .,,- I. t.lUiu^.' ol tin' li ni;,rk. il.lv cun ..f lll.lln-'t, effexiU-d by DodU'H Kidney 1'ills in tl. case of Dr. E. A. Itostt, i.l UIIH viliag< The lV>cti.r is authority f >r tlio aatuuifi that Inn uaNi, it totally iTh|wil l.\ that, a lady, a patient ..f Inn, \>li. in linj. il tuHo l>ad I i-oii^hi to t!i -. U uriivi'. Ho pros . nlx'd DinUl'.-. Kiiln-y IV.Is fur In r, ,.inl ilini.ka to tlieui, O.i LOU cuml. Tli. .1, pillaH'roiiiaiiul'.i. !> l>r. L. A. hiuiili * t'..., Tor,. i. tn, iul aru old by nil Jo-ili-nt, or will l-u maiKci on rucu.|.t of prieti ; ufly eunU p.r bok,ur cix bjxoe fur - <eiU.il on the ICth inut ., will give their eatimony that it wan <>no of th.i boat of lie MMon. The Pfttron* (A Imluntry tn-U;.l elveii to an oya'er Ktipjwr Uit Thursday i).ht, for the frxxl of tho orc> r, you !i(;>.-. Billy hud fp i- :;>r- ui.ee with MI oystr of iincomiii"ii itze. At one tune it wa thnuulit th it }Mer would C"ine off victor, l>ut by R exturoun morenu'iil on U> Jrt "f Win ho alnuc'.;!* WM lr..ul.t l...cl Tl.s iuarriai(e of Mr. liu'iii and Mi< )uii,.ii, in-iiti .nt-J la*t week, wan a very >l.-hant afttir. Quite n larice number ot -inla aud relativc-H were |ir<rent. Tlie young t.iiilr lo.iki-.l charin ! 10 own of |nnk cahiiicr.' iiiii'.iii- '1 wit'i white r.itin. The^i-iM.in was nr:u.-.-ful!y ited l>y Mr. Jutin \ v 'i't". i'"[ihew of ri.le. The britlu'i ittiint" WB lliaa Maria l>ul:'n, b.itcr of the i.- auinptuoai rt i~lit was partaken of hicli everyone cnjoj-nd. Let us IK get th prehcf.U, winch wer nnaierou-, lid of a ci.Ktiy unlurc, ill fkot tin. i. ou to nicution. Tlie inori.in^ >< iu|.ri:il knot waa tictl tlie liappy pair lf; or<>Uf!l[)h t> ajwii'l the h-m -y :i Way nil thfir j.mtiu-y ovor the inHiM-d B. ". f niatriiiiony be M i>lfaant and 'u< ree of care at their wedding liny, ia the wiali of your cor. MIM &Ia^i<ie McDonald, f Pric waa the guest of Mr. Neil MoLtran week. It ia rrpirted that there ia to bo an- )tlier wedding in Proton aometiuitt in the uenr future. A ainging school has been o-kanizml liere f"r tV trainitu' <-f or young pe- jle'a voicei. Mr. Ciollowny hi engaged as matter. An uutertnimiu'nt i.-t tx.'in!; heM in th* Preabyterian church this, Thura'Uy Fevrrsham. from om oicit Cvrrttpmtdent. Mr*. B. Uilleipie is viiiting in Toronto the pait week. Mr. Eiitlie I'aol has been home on the liek liat for a wek, but id around again Mia* Uodfrev, of VJeiJord, wu Tinting at Jr. K. J. PAUl'nUit weok. Oar old friend, Joe Alexindtr, who rau the will here for onio liuut. Tiuted FUTU- bam lant reek. Owing to tbe stormy weather tho attno 1- aoco wu rather tuiall at church and am:; ait Banday. Ur. Ira Ptfrigo ipent ft (ew days at tho ttU'ion Ut week. Mia* Hi nry. of Cullinitwood, U vUiting a*. lier gtundpaituta . Mr. Wm. Mullein. Joe Irwin has to te adilreaaed aa Mr. Ir- win, r., now, aa hit home wa* made by the arrival of a aou and heir lately. l"r*tou Htadoa. ffjin our uip.i Con MJMMII'. .< . It ia no ui] riMi i; i.f Ute to ol.sorvu r ti ii iiii'hua ttbovv tlie BUtiiii- "> , iii'iiny iiloirj, n-t ut txpre. |.,'i !, howi'vm. On iliwo ' iiliei\iti u you Mill tinil tl.i-ni to lu men uu'ig tliroti^li thiMO uiiorinoui | t now bank . for > liu-li 1'ioti.n ia uoted. 'Thoee m -n win. wvcu iueky enough I.. I IK of i IK. iniiiy who ;iUeiuloei tbe irand ball at the ruvitlrncu ut' Mr. \\T i NJ T L" 1 I \ KliaM men to >rl W AJN 1 CjU- onrchuice and hardy Nursery ck, and Heed Potatoes, full andeoui l>lut Hue. Many ranetlen cab only bu obtaiu ed through us. Ceiuiulaalon or salary j.ni.l weekly, anil pron^.t'v Kxcluilre and choice of territory niveu. Don't delay, write at O*Me I >r toi ma. ALLF..S NI'KSKKY Co., R'<hu8ter,N. Y. LOSTOBF/JLIRGMARHOQQ. Ikxlr and Mind, Effects H Erron or Eice SM la Old or Young. RobosH Kobl Manhcxxl fully Restored. 1! T to Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Orgaci an J Taru of Body. Abeolutcir CD- foiling Home Treatmtct Hncfiu tn a dry. lien testify from '0 State* and Foreign Coun- tries. Write tbcci. DeicnptiTe Bock, e plancdon and j*oo. f i mailed (tttled) Ire*. ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, H.Y. V TH13 T a i J o r. all garments of m .ir ii. the btst sty!,- at short notice. All work A trial soliciu-J. F. A. BAKER, FLESHKilTON. i> The Best Medicine. J. O. Wirpox, Contractor and B'liM. ', Sulphur Sprinps, Texaa, thus speaks of Ayor's Fills: " Ayer'e, Pilta are the beat r , .i>inf>I rrr tri .1; and, in my Judgment, no better g'-uera! remedy couUl be devised. ; IM- 1 thorn In my fan-.lly and recocju mlo"! them to uy f.i.-n li and J (or more than tit- y rear*. To tr; certaia knowlrOge, many CAM* of (lie (ui lowing complaints havo been completely and Permanently Cured by the n>" of Ayert Pi'b alone: Third da? chilS, dumb ague, biliouj fever, -: k h'.vtach*, rbenmltisui, flux, fly*.' i epaia, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer*a Pi)U, touUnned for a few days or week*, aa the nature of the complaint required. would be found an abaolutu cure for tbe> disorder* I have named above." "I have been selling medicine for eight years, and I cun safely say that Ajr*r*s Pills give better satisfaction than any other Pill I ever sold." J. J. Perry, Spottsylrania C. I!., Va. AVER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayr & Co., Lowtll, MM. Every Doao Effoctfve HORSEMEN ! Pay Attention I Having pnrch:.- iruess fr-jiu Mr. Ct.iyton, 1 wish to intimate that my eu- ds-ayor will tw to please and f> customer* tri any work which may be uitiu'Hed to me. All kinds of horeenacu'j re- ,tts kept in stock, a low rates. I workmanship guaran- Solk-iiii;-.- y nr orders, ( ( 1 rij'.Miii ri-i><clftiily, ( i N W.MOORE- !! lioiton, Jtu. 21, 4*%% Breakfast -Cereals. -ey. .=:- rVv on hnntl >hat, cats. Duchwlie it floar mo of tLo al>o,-i.. Trcih Oyter, ' ,-h. -4COD, i i rocu> of dJI kinds. Anything you i:.y want i:i these lints : <> got at If uri'hoit K. r'.on. CtLEDKATED B. Laurance o nd EYEGLASS t 6. Karate t. Sulr igent. Carps! anil Flannel Thi ' i< |>ropd.red to do Carpet aii'f 11 Dltl, , . ,uUe<1 |>rou |>t at- '