Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Mar 1894, p. 8

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THE FLESMERTON ADVANC Owen Mound, Ontnrlo, Vety FLACB W (AN AHA TO GET A Btttineii Education. fake a Round L ' * tt?! anA view all other Huslnsss CollfK.M Mill it ln Canada, then viilt Inosa Collage ; examim mhlv. K we (ail to produce tbe ^t IIIII"I>.|>M. i inpli'te. practical aud exten- . .1 -.linly ; tiiii hot fulli'tto 1 it and moat complete end most sult- lef ornllare and appllaaees, *e wtU give yo rn nil. I; K..r Annual Announce- at, firing full particulars, free, address C. A. FLKMINQ, Prinrlpal. r~ J To The k-initli HavlnR rented Wbltton's bln-kiui hop fi-r s i. rut <>f \ i>ani, I am now in a position to caterto all wants ID my Hue. Guaranteed- For anything in the bactitmithing lpn cull on F. A. BUNT, r Opposite Rlobardaon'f Hardware store f V% >%^fV%^*%%%^%^^ V* Eugenia Mills AND- Works. PCS made and Repaired, also Jng and Matching, Band Saw. , Wood Turning of every dea- jtion. Plauiug and Grain Chop {cloae wblle you wait, forth* Beaver turns the wneel. T, W. WILSON 1 FAMILY GROUP re Cl A. 1^ lully e'luipped with uisites fur turning out 9 per ct class of work. All kinds r pictures taken and fmishcc a style equal to any city fork, while the prices ate kpwer. Picture done in all its branches. If you have shopping to d ,jnd pictures to get taken or <Jie same day please attent to the latter first. Careful :tt will be given to copy other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer (tatd*. M AJUUAOB LIOMMBS. Isanrd dar or night at the office or rosltlonco f tbo un lurtiiJjnod. DIVISION COUhTCliR K. COMMISSION Ml i H ('../. CouToyancsr.Ac. Notary public OHN W. AUXKTUUNU. FLOUEWKM. f oCULLOUOH A YOUNG. FlanVan.Mark'tale. do a general banking bns- non. Hooey loaned at a reasonable rate. Call n H-. K. HAMMOND. foi Master, Kimborloy . Comnilrsioner for aiinr; Ani'larlts etc. Inmiros and loan-, innney at lowest ratea. Executes Ieat *, Deeds, Wills, etc. promptly, cheaply aud edlciootly. RJ. SI'HOll.K. I'mtwaiter, Floehertno, Commissioner In I:. n J Auctioneer, ConTeyanoer, A - raUer and Money Lender, Heal Eitate and nsurancs Agent. Deedi. Hort(a|tee. Laaaea, and Wllli drawn np and Valuation! ma/1e on honest notice. Auction Sales attended to In ,ny part of tlia Comity. Money to loan at low- t rates of lutereit. Collection! attended to with promptness and deepateb Charges low. AKen t for the Dominion Steamship Company. cbeap ticket* from Flesberton to Liverpool, ilaegow, London er any of the Kritiih ports, 'artles inteuclluij to vlit England. Scotland or roland, will p:eeae auk rate* before purchasing their tickets elsvwbere. gltwc. M IH8 EDITH UOHAKOfXUI, Pupil of Hol.t. UMir, of Ilerlln, Gorraanjr, (rlnlln) ; Mrs. Bradley, of Toronto Conservatory Mu.ic, Voice culture) ; I'rof. Kentaoo, late of Toronto, (Piano) ; ill r...|r., piipilj Iu B1NUINO, VIOLIN. PI- ANO and OltOAM. . HUTTON. If.D.C. M.. M.C.P.A B..0nt.. Prleerille. Eteeldence and offlco one door west of the Meth- odist Church, Kinross Bt. Offlce days, Tuesdays and Saturdays. |R. r u; n.it If. C. P. A 8., Ont. Pbyslelan. inrgeon, etc . 'lesliortou omce Htralns block. liealdaae* If unnbaw's hotel. JOHN A. SCOTT, II. B. Mcinbor College riiysle. A Burgeons. Ontario tradukte in Medicine of Toronto University, V!l--w!.l.ip Diploma, Poet Qradnate Medical I.Chicago. DIseaaesof eye, ear, noseaod throat specially treated. Resi- dence Maxwell, visits Fevorsbaui Thursdays 1 1 J P. OTTtlWKI.Oj, Veterinary Burgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Ilt<deaee Next door south of Moore's pianlng factory. J I IIAL8TKAD. M. I) , M. C. A B.. Out ., prMtlcai at Kim iH-rlojr. Hlimmatic dlsoaaas a S|wcUlltr. nil. MAIIV M. mi \MIEB, M. D.C.M.. M.f.l'.s.ont .Phyiloian ar<1 Sur :: etc., Honor (lrr!mto Womcu's Mrdlca '. Toronto, lloii iiiiico opposite Mutter's Hoi, I. I'rioevillo. nistNMca of Wonim an; ciiil.lnn apoolaltjr. Call* promptly attun u 1Kb land day. JUuttetty. J r n.Misi: M.I.. L. D.H..M. D. 8., Hontlst. Visits Uarkdale the 1st snd :<r.l \V<lusday of on. I, i ir.uth Kaeh trip on the day following. J_ \T. KHOHT, llrrlt<r, ftolleltor, Conrnyanooi-, Ete 'toiifiMli . N, >t the pont nlTloe Hproulo' I. MI liia'.on Thursdays. Owen Hound uffloo Kitt % II CA.iA \VUIItnT. Ilarrlsters, Hollclton, Conveyancitni, etc. DV..-II rioiiml. Ou.t - - Ma.kJr.lo, Cut \V. H. V, 111. HIT. I. II. LlH'A N. H H.-ii..rton offloe. Mltchull's Hunk ovcry \Vi'dn.'..ly. SOCIETIES. AO.t'.W. rnnetH every first and third Mon dsvlii eacli itiontb. In tlieli Chrll t.n.'l IVri k,| lr->>. i l,-n nl Kl 11). \. \Vrlht. .>! V , \v. I rc'lan.v, (In. Irwin Reorder. Visiting Kr.|! h ' rrn r*3i - . k at fc p in. :-t mi. hi Ills. I!M. VV.'idl. Ml 'H i). SUN'S inert. II ili i \. > . . breth .< ' M i ursii<:t> in VTM. P. H. A , Mi-c.t In Ihcir hall, ( I. f 1 Him :k u\rr , fi 't Rii'l thlrJ T'auikdK) i. nth \\ni.tilmrii.Matter. T. riayti.n Hecrnlar>. 1) . kllTII Vo.SSS. A.F.. AM 10 Wasonle Hall, strain I riday on < V K. V^lldlUbll. W. M J. R. SLOAN Jotio [ODD of Deaibcote, PorMfHl an Acquaintance In Chicago- AHDPAJP $76 FOR A LtTTU! INRIOHT I!- TO THE WlCKKt) WAYS Of WILY MEN TUB BUNCO 8TEBBKB AGAIN. Mr. John Conn, an elderly roan liv- ng about two miles south of Heath- ote, started lately to visit his Bon in California. He arrived safely at (hi iago, but before getting away from hat city lie RutTured a slight incon- X'niijiicc, which a despatch describes 18 follows : C'HICAOO. FEB. 28. John (Jonn, a wealthy fi nit grower of Heathcole, Unt., arrived in the United States yes- erduy for tlie first time, on his way o visit his son in California. Conn ;ot into conversation with those a- >out him as he waited at the depot or bis train, and told them of his rip. He was soon approached by a r cry smooth young Man, who also tated that h was goiug to California, le said his trunks were at the Great Northern hotel, and asked Conn to ac- company him there to get them. The Idgeutleinauhad three hours to wait, BO took the walk. When near the ho- el the young man was approached by notber, who presented a bill and who sccuicd in a great hurry for the pay- ment. The smooth young man said lis money was in his trunk at the ho el and asked Mr. Conn to lend him 175 until they could go into tno hotel nd gut it out of the trunk. This Conn lid. They went into the hotel and he yonni; man left Conn sitting in he rotunda and walked out Conn sat here an hour and then asked the clerk about his new iouud friend. He was informed that no such person was topping there and that he had been niuroed. Conn proceeded on Inn ourney, but it is safe to say that he will keep his eyt on strangers all the line that he is iu the Mates. Eugenia, hni on ham), and fo ;ij li'liiKli 9, nasb, <iocri an I luuiUr. Turuin HI. I |ili>iulug dune to orJr, Gbeppiim in connection. County and DiMtrirt. Wiarton ia heavily euenuibprrd. flic actual dept of the town to-dny is $44,000 and they jntrml putting on an additional blister of 93,1)00 more, wringing the public del>t up to tbe landsome sum of 1 17, 000. A fine live otter, captutod in a trap jy Mr. Avon, l.aniout, a few mil H from here, is exhibited iu a cage at Lament's hardware store. The beau- tiful animal is becoming quite tame and is admired by large numbers every day. Mt. Forest iU-preseutaiive. Secretary Ah-x. Qarvie might have had an attt action for the Derby fall show which \\vuM htvo hee:i a draw- ing card. 1 ,-iM \\oek one of bis cows CUM! birth to three calves all liv.lt specimens of einbr yo hf'f. Ui ho>it inking the exhibition idea into consid oration, one of ll:u lionl w.i di^i utch <d a In Armour, it bt nn< consiiiered that it ia about as much as one respect- able cow can manage to raise two calves of the same ago Times. Three head of yonug cattle, said to belong to Mr. Jeroiniah Phelau, ol 1'iotoii, wont to a spring creek alon^ the roadside to ill itik, oil Fi-.,':iy lit Lt appears thftt till Hiiimul (,'Dt, wci, r.nd in tlie iiiteiiso col. I tvlm-ii ;n v.vii- r I '.ha: day, were frozen to i|y u Their frozen cui-casses, \\. '. f tt sticking upwards, wure found ;->utnr> day morning close to the spring. Mi. Forest liepreavotative. Mr. John Nauer of Nenst.tdt 1ms in vented and patented a conlri vnnce for travelling on ice. A tri'il of it was givun in the rink here Saturday even in;-', lint one machine Las )et I. . n limit, and under UK: t'aVn: ul.lv.- ciicnin- dtances prcminled by the rii:k it up l>e:ieil to \vink s:itisfnctorily It i.- in tl c shape of a small sleigh with wheels on the sides roeembh. wLcels. These have npike.i in ' tires to catch the ice. Thr inn. is propelled by an endless cli:im I bifiYolu, but the power in in th-' anna lti.4 easily turni'i) aiid ii u ul ! I..T feet control. Walkorion Hfn*Kl. Mr. Jan. Ciia,.' 1. roUirnel f.om a 10 I'oronlo on Tno il ly H h ii 11 a S u^hamp'i-i' bole'-l down to tin Deer Park sa.iitai ir.m I'n ireaiiuunt. He sajs the sanitii- linn \s a Rplentliil institution, lie also visiif.i tiio piiii-nnoiit bmldings while the house waa in scasion. Of course Mr. (,'iitupbell took his seat in tbo spectators' gallery on the Government -ulf uf iho House, and wh.kt was his HIII niuo to iiul on hiokin^iiowii, that Major Uork,. lin.l for the timu at auy rate, -K.-e-'i, t ii, Opiiosition benches, and was busily WMUIII; alongside of some case h*:dvut;d grit. Thorubury Standard. Thoucbt U Wai a LRTTKR FROM A POMlXEKTKlMOSTOK MAN A OTOEY OF DltEP IHMRMT TO BV- YBOI>Y TOLMH H OWB WORIMI Dunn's KiD.vKV PILJM AOAIH. "I would consider it a favor if you ould allow me to 3d my teatirnoniAl to tbe many hundred* you no doubt have in >raiso of (he wonderful cure* atfecUd by nur Dudd's Kidney Pilln. "I have been n ijre.it utTrer from kid- ley trouble and sciatica for the la*t 15 mn, and havu paid out lnui(irets of lc,!liirn fr treatment, but to no effect. Seeing your p'.lU advertised I thought it was a fako to cut^-ii the |nx>r unfortunate, and took no particular notice of it. But when I saw the tvatinioni.il of Dr. Roue, well know n physician of good standing nrl whoae rupuUtion I am Wfllacquaini- ed with, I inquired of my druggist if here were any in our vicinity who had cm cured bv them. He IIH. several remarkable cures in KiniiBton and amoDg8t others a lady whom I knew. I consulted her hiuKind ami he verified the Ktateuient. I at olicu tecured six boxes which I found nave me relief I had not eh in yeari I took nix mure boxes and [ am now able to kick the hat off a man lead with the leg I could hardly drat; a ung, and my back feoU aa strong as a >oard. I would consider I wan doing wrong: to _ u and the public if I were not to allow my name to appear in testimony of the worth of Dodd'i Kidney Pills, and fur- hr, I will be happy at any time to an- awer any one who wiahet to write with regard to the above. Sincerely youn, J. H. BRICKWOOD, Fishery Inspector. Kingston, Jan. 4th. Donor Rolls. The following i* the standing of Max- well school .or February. V. Cla*, Alice Fu:d, 372 ; Mary Huron, 272; W. J. Fairey, 263; Sara HVrvuson, 03. IV. Clnaa, sr. Katy Scheniman, 888 ; Win. Coulihard, '-'6rt ; Wni Scheuiman, i ; Kdna He:on, l-'SO ; John Ifemr.* -, 277 ; Ellen M....il.-n. 276 ; Uiu. Small, 270 ; l.iviina Brownridgo.Zee ; Wm.Uuy*, nt IV CU-, jr. Julia Guy, 2S6 ; Mabel Slrac-han, 27i> ; Annie. Wright, 272 ; Evangehue PaJliktor, 2C8 ; O..rge Buck- hiim, L'09 ; Lizzie Littlu. 2C8 ; L-ziie _!uy, 2J8; Su-m Sai.,'eohn, :!.">" ; Harry McCalluin, 2o;< ; Albert Heron, 230 ; Ur. K,r.y, 175 ; Matx.-! Kimiear, 119. 111. Clam*. Slu-r.lie i'Vld, 3J'J ; Ab. Long, 336 ; Win. Wright, 330 ; Edith Mnxwull, 328 ; Janice Lon^, HIM , <*V,T^C onniulKf, 2^8 ; Andrew Palliater, 287: Jamus Fenwick, 271> ; Phil Saitfi ohn.'.'7'.i; On. in. Ferguson, 274 ; Jane Saiiteuhu, j ; Wiii.ser Hoss, 219 ; Henry Lawlor, .'!: ; Eva Small, 173 ; Fred Cunrun, 145. II. (low, ar. Alex. Hoxwell, 253; VV.iUer Kertou, 242 ; Chaa. Fi. wick ,227; Am.ie Scuti, 1W ; Wm. Fenwick, l'J2 ll.iltie Morrison, 186; George Linley,17'J; I. .inn Kcrton, 179. II. C'laos, jr. Annie Huron,192 ; Fred Loni( 185 ; Laura Brownrklxe, 143 ; Rob. Pallister, 17l> ; Rachel Shiir, 110 ; Chas. Birch, 73 ; Ida Shier, 68. L':,d pt. Walter tonron. lli'.l ; Klij i!i liuckiiighain, ll'o ; John Kinnear, 05 , David rMMMMs, 123 ; Chai. Kt-rton 123 ; i 'l, as. M,i:,-li:no, 72 ; Sam Shier.CU J:liiil'-i Nelson Guy, Pt. Lit., *r. 1'e.st 9, names in order. lii-oigo Small, Ueorge BirnsuU, George i .iiion. Harry Guy, Alex. McKaclinir H-vrry I, inlty, Chester L"iig, Wm Llttlo, Milt. in \\'...,i)gor. Average attendance, 68. J. L. WOOD, Teacher. Following ia the honor roll for Prico villo public school : V i'l:wH. sr. Kl. n McMilun, .lennio .l.unrs. -l.-liii MoLood, Miurtha Brauder. John Mi-Kinnon. V. Class, jr. Edith K.irtk-y, 1 M i- 1 >.',!.; il, Jaiuod 11. Aikinvm, IV. Class Lvuisa Pat'e'aon, Emma t ...n, UonoM McLe..il,Eu.tli Jumes Charlie McKianon. lll.C'Uw)., ar. IHa Paiton \\ i !u- MiiKii'l.iiU', V, . .1. ( 'unki-y, Ju'in C 'nkjv. III. I'Liivi. jr. D. n o Cani'ibell, ^ .Miiiiii-rx, T.-n i Mi.-lvi:i.ioii,Je. .Hie M C.i.isunco <J >Lkey. - tl.e mouth at Fcbru-iry, 1" IV. i-In'J.' Fuljjuviii, .' Wibi,:i, Maiy E. Wi'. III. Cilia-, r. I'liiK:'* Mo .dy, Minnii- us iu, Casaie H.iw. M. Mary K. IVrmison, I'lsi'x, \\ a,K- ' II. Claaa. Mnry F.JC!CH, M..rtla Wil son, T.-ioa. Wilfe.'ii 11 I'.trt, sr. Klla WiUon, Aruhie Fer- guson, John l''ermii.n ll. C.at, jr. A.l:i-u V.-i-:i% Martha , (l.lio (' N. McCAS.Ni, Tonchi-r. Mr, Jciiiis Ilotuoiuau, a piouunet a i:d popular furuitr, has ba'ii n aled by the i'atrons of ludiniry to op p ise Sir Oliver Mowut in North Ox f,.rd. lOSTORFAILIKSIIMIIOinL taml iDd Nertiii Brtl% Weakness of !>.>< y and Mind, Effects Errors or Hxceuei in OUorVoong. KoIxUt, Noble Manhood fully Restored. How CD Enlarge and Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Organs and Parti of Body. Absolutely m> toiling Home Treatment Benefit* in da Men testify from W) States and Foreign Cotn> tries. \Vrite them. Descriptive book, e planttion and proofs mailed (sealed) tree. . ERIE MEDICAL CO,, Buffalo, N.T. HORSEMEN ! Pay Attention I Carpet liil Flaioel lurli}, Tli UBdorii;nl is pi ... I . >1 l-'uiiniel woavinu of all ktudn on . ; and reacoaabla lenaa. Hatisfaotiun (imrautoed. . Urdvrssent in by staiju Kill rarer. . it mi lion. I'oi rajK>u.kno. noli MISS K. COUTTH. Feb. T. 6 "i. MAXWULL. Having purchased the harness .jii-esa fruui Mr. Clayton, I with to intimate that my en- deavor will be to please and satisfy cnatomere in auy work which may be entrusted to ma. All kinds of horsemen^ re- quisites kept in stock, at low rates. Good workmanship guaran- teed. Bolicitiug your orders, FK'shciton, Jan. 21,1893. Breakfast IVovv on liiind Doslcated mllrd wh. oats, Kurtwheat flour i*luat liomiuy, 1'ii'l'arel (> flour. rttrifK * or tteriu tnual no uf ttlO ut"jvt. Fresh Oyter% 1'irth Fish. moo, Urocoricsof all Ubes. Flour. Anything yon may want in^thesc can be got at 13ii.rulioiiiu', FU'sl.ortoii. Uss THE CKLEBKA'EED B. Lau ranee EYECL4HK THE T Ji i 1 o r . Makes atl garments of men's wear in tli- boat stylo at short notice. All work guarauii i-J. A trial solicited. -^51%^%^%%^^ P. A. BAKER, FLESHBBsIPW.

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