Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Apr 1894, p. 2

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THE WEER'S NEWS CANADIAN. An unusually large catch of teals, nnm b*nn about m- nty thousand, ha* bseu mad* on ths coast ef Newfoundland. Dr. Daweon, Queen'* printer, nates that th* dmag* done ^y Thursday's tire in the Government Printing liureau at Ottawa was very triflinf, and that work will b* returned at once. Th* runio'ir that ha* obtained circulation in St. Catharine* that Mi. W. Elli*. super- in Undent of th* Welland canal, has bt*n denoted from his position I* without foun- dation. From forty to fifty men, who were sVhing n the ice at St. John's, Nfid., am /taturdat evening, wen blown out to at* by the high wind, and it is feared many of them havs perished. ~^At the annual meeting of the Oanadian ttSieelmer;'. A ste elation in Toronto it wa* decided to leavs the amateur definition un- changed. Montreal wa* (elected a* th* location of th* next rase meet, and A.T. LAM.), of that city, wss elected th* associa- tion'* president . P.C. Daniel!*, of Chatham, discovered the body of a dead infant wrapped in an old bag and buried under a pile of wood in the houae of a coloured family in Chatham. A charge of concealment O f birth has been nude which may be changed to infanticide. A novel race took place the other day between two companies of tbe Thirteenth Battalion. Hamilton. "I>" Company ac- cepted the challenge of "E" Company to march to Dundas and return in squads, on time. The race was won by "D" Company. Mr. Jehn Haggart, M mister of Railway! and Ca'nalt, has announced that any vessel wishing to reach auy point on the old Well- and eanal between Port Dalbensie and Thorold would have full freedom to do so. Enough of th* staff will he retained to takt care of t he water and watt* weir*. This tatement ha* given much satisfaction to those interested. BRITISH . Mr. Gladstone attended worship at Brigh- ton on Friday, and remained throughout a ervice of three hours duration. It it belitved in London political circlet that it i* the intention of the Government Io bring about a dissolution of Parliament next autumn. If the operttion on Mr. Gladstone's eye* M snocesafnl it I* understood that he will return to public life and liead the election campaign. Th* Louden Time* tays Prot. (Joldwin Smith't theory that Canada's only future it annexation it crumbling away befor* Cana- dian enterprise. Mr. Herbert Gardner, I'rnsiltnt of tht Hr men Board el Agriculture, want* a fur- ther report in reference to the free I. mi of Can* la from plenro-pnenmonia before re- moving the embargo on Canadian cattle. The English writer who hat been furnish ing th* London Times with letters on Can- ad* said yesterday that the time i* practi- cally past when either inferior goods or in- ferior men can find a damping-ground in Canada. Mr. Jam** L. Hnddart, who is at present in London in connection with the fast At- lantic service, is most hopeful of forming a company with a capital ol leu million dollar* at toon as thsiubtidy bill is passed by ths Canadian Parliament. I'MTKD STATE*. John L. Labreque, of Montreal, wa* ar- rtttsd rn Saturday afternoon, in Button, on a charge of forgery. Tu Shan, the Chinaman who wa* arrest ed on the suspicion of being implicated in the murder of .Susie Martin, whoa* muti- lated remains were found in a cellar in New York, was discharged, there being no evi- dence against mm. Cardinal Uibbons wat presented on Sat- urday morning with a jswtl box made from ths wood of the historic mulberry tree under which th* first mat* in Maryland is said te have be*n celebrated. Ths action of ths Canadian Government In selling and refuting to deliver copies of th* Congressional Record, containing ex- tracts n "n the publication* on tn* tingle tat theory, i* provoking th* wrath of tht United States authorities. Thers is still trouble in WatMi^ton dip- lomatic circle* over th* Behriag Sea fisher- ies, ami it I* stated that a new modus Vivendi will be agr*ed upon, covering the present season, m a few days between (treat Britain and the United Slate*. England'* delay in paating legislation putting into elTect the regulation* of th* Paris BehriBg 8e* tribunal i* causing much aniiety in Washington politioal circle*, and tome officials do not hetilat* to aay that England it delaying action for the benefit of Canadian seal puaohtn. Representative ('bickering, of Otweiro, V. Y., ha* introduced a bill ut,, Congress providing that whenever th* President shall become tatitfied that Canadian* ar* disci iniiiialinii in th* use of ihe Welland or other oanal against th* United States, h* shall intpend ny proclamation the trans portation a. rout the United States, in bond and without the payment of duty, of all merchandise imported or ex ported from any foreign country into Canada. Abraham Walker, a Y.M.C.A. delegate, was arrested (n Atlanta on Saturday morn- ing, handcuffed in *,he public street, and taken to prison charged with winking at % well-known society lady. After a while it was discovered that the wrong roan had been arreited. In th* event ef England not complying with the reqnett of th* United State* for an immediate modus vivendi, it it stated in Washington that the Adminitlration it determined upon a vigureut policy, not only with reference to th* protection of Malt, but to all other matters. i , ,.,.MI John (lood, commanding the Na- tional Uuard of Hawaii, tayt if tht Brit itli land men from their gunboat* to aid th* Queen, for whoso restoration a movement I* shortly expected, th* National Uuard will " ttampt*>*mioto th* earth, no matter What the aft*, consequence* may b*. " Kossuth's two sons -nade an appeal to 'lie tudentt n.' nin'a Pesth to aUtain rfum ditordeily conduct, and qul*t ha* uow been A delegation of Morions has arrived in Degolade district, Mexico, te establish an ether colon v of several thousand poiygam ont Mormons. Ths Emperor and Kinpress of Germany have accepted an inviiation te a Stat* "" quet te bej van in their honour by K'ng HumlMwt, in the royal palace at M*" 1 *- While the Austrian novelist *'' *" titling m a rtvtsurMt in *" on Bun- day evening a lie.ittmap' ln * '""V l tackelhim with b- tword, cutting nlm frightfully abon'* oa h*ad- Al the noting of tb* International Sani- tary Cov'ereuoe io Pans all th* re .lutiont of t>" various eomruissions, including ths, n^iive measures against cholera and other oontagiout diseases to be adopted at the Oriental ports, were approved. Tbe Government* of Great Britain, Italy and the United State* have unitedly rec- ommended to the Government of Brazil that a human* court* be adopted in regard to tbe intnrgeut rtfugaet who havetougbt thelter ou board the Portugu*e ship*. King Leopold ha* returned to Brussels, and asked the Premier to withdraw his re- signation, or at least to remain in office uptil after the election*. M. Beeroaert firmly refuted to do either, declaring that the resignation of himselfand hit associates in th* Ministry was final. Count von Caprivi hat reported Emperor William at saying that hs not only regards tb* treaty with Russia at a new guarantee of peace, but he alto bat in view the possi- bility thatth* coming century mty demand a coalition of the nations of Europe, seme of which may not be able to meet unaided tbe eventualities of th times. About King Solomon's Mines. The first thing that is obviont about the ruins at Zimbabwe and elsewhere iu Mash- onaland is that they were built to form a protection for a foreign pop-ilation who visited this country in search of gold ; every means of fortification is employed, every line of attack is protected with a tv dun, fancy of t'rategical skill perfectly mar- vellous to behold ; and in the centre of th t tyitem, close to the temple on Zimbabwe hill, wa* th* ancient gold-smelting fur- Here w* found crucible* with gold ad- hering to them in qutnliti**, a gilt spear- nsad, tools for working gold, and a soap- stone ingot mould of exactly the same snap* as thoee usedby tns Egyptians and PIMMH- cians, a specimen of which in tin wa* found in Falmouth Harbour, and i* now in Truro Museum. Th* country it full of ancient working* thaftstnnK on* hundred feet deep into the quartz reefs, both vertical and horizontal ; also crushing stones, water-worn (tones "ich hail been used as burnisnsrs, and jected quart! from which the gold had been extracted by fire, are all found iu quantities over the country. Hence there can be no shsdow of doubt that the motive for the erection of these buildings was the- search for gold in remote antiquity From the mast of ohjeoU which we found during our excavation* I will name a few only which bear on this point, r'irst, tlier* is th* large number of 'raiments of soap- stone bowls with elaborate patterns thereon; one fragment giving us a portion of a reli- ui prooeetion, another a proceasioo of built, and another a hunting seen*. 1 htn there i* a curious cylindrical object with knnhe, th* only parallel to whhh to found at th* Tempi* of Paphnt in C'yprut. Excellent pottery with geometrical pat- terns and numerous objects representing nature worship, which, taken in conjunction with the large, solid, conical tower in the lowtr temple, point to the cult which wat practised by thsse primitivs explorers. The birds on tall soapstone pedestalt formed perhaps the ino-t interesting ohje. 'is among our finds curious conventional birds decorated with arrhaio patterns, which from tht position in which we found them clearly at on* time decorated the outer wall of the temple on the hill, and from certain tignt thereon we decided that thsy had to do with tun and nature orship. Again, from Ihe aoon rate measurements wliioh we look of the budding* themtelvet, w* came to tbe conclusion that thsy had been constructed on an alaborats syatem of curve*. The .liameter ef the great tower at it* base is seventeen and seventeen hun- dredth* feet, and i* exactly equa 1 1* th* cir cumference of the little tower ; and all the curve* of which the variout building! are constructed had radii of various multiple* of thit diameter. Hence, from the mast of evidence befor* in, wr wer* tafely able to assnrt that the original bnilden had an accurate knowledge of in (thematic*, and lh* power of centime! mg on absolute level*. A Western Heroine. The age of heroic women i* by no meant pa*U A plucky Yankee girl, now retiding in Kknsas, has proved her right to be enrolled in theliata with those men and woman whoes intrepid actions have woi tho adnvratinnof the world. Tbe lady in question, Mian /, la Mason, wat teachingio her littlecool school house when tb* last great blixaard arrived. Terrible clouds of snow and wind came sud- denly down. It wa* impossible to send the ohidren hme, so with prudent forethought the prepared to stands siege of ths element*. Th* children'* lunch** wer* taken and por- tioned out at intervals. The small tnpply of coal in the thed was brought io and evcrv available piac of wood from detkt, chair* or blackboard* wa* prepared for th* stove. The next morning the ventured ut fur forth er supplies tnd succeeded tn :->nine * pail of milk from the cow* at a deserted ranche. two day* and night* she unstained the siege and had ths joy of handing over her group of children safe and souid t t he ban.! of reacuer* who cam* at )a?t, in 'ra>- an,' trembling. In our opinion Mln M 'tp ih.iw d all th* MMntial tharacterttUrt <' a c'tc- iful general. She realised a*, is-e iS.o danger of her position, sh* laid Sir pW. , carefully and well, the mvi.tained I'.iouipline to the laat, and proved her right to be con- tidered one of the bravest women on the continent. The Kmperor Duo Tu, of Cochin China, protect* hit treasures by placing them in hollow trunkt of tree*, which final about a huge lank situated in th* nenle* ut th* Hoy al palace. There ar* twenty orenndilet .t. i '.- Unk as well. When he tnnUes .dr.- up pon thi* b*iik, al' <<* oti'iu ar* *W^| Sul t dm cannot lake ulaee wlthouttK* jni;it consent of the Rmneror and hi* Minister .>. Finance. , . . of Canada i. 1.004V Th;r Y twoth5w*p| ar* mad* of wool. The membership of the Primrose League ha* reached 1.180,581. A food sewing machine it tuppo*e,l te do th* work of twelve women. London bat 271 public parks, containing 17,876 acre* of ground. The note* of th* Bank of England cott exactly o*e halfpenny each. Some of the large crabt found in India measure two feet in length. The American oentt of 1787 bore th* mot- to, " Mind year bu*ine<s." In Chin* when a pupil it reciting hit les- ion, he turns hi* back to bit teacher. Th* graateit naval victory of modern time* wa* won at Trafalgar in 18(15. The Singala*e,after extracting the honey From the bee, chew np tbe insect iteelf. Sir John Lubbook a-erts .X>.000.000 is invested in building societies in England. In 1831 the invention of milling the dyes of ooint to prevent clipping wa* introduced' It is computed that 9-"iO,0 1 dinner* and lunches are t*rved daily in London rattan- rant*. According to th* measurement* giv** in th* Bib!*, the Ark was a larger veesel than th* Great Eatt rn. Th* Duke ef Oporto, bro'her of th* King of Pirtngal, i* enw ef th* finest flute play- en in th* world In addition to casual wardt there art a- tout sight free -h-dtert in London for the lonteless and homeless. Of 1,000 men who marry. 3TJ m>\rry younger women. 579 marry women of ths me ags, and 89 marry older women. On an average tbe letters receiTwd by the German Kmperor number nearly tix han- dled a day. The apple ha* a larger proportion of >hoephorus than any other fruit, and it, iierefore, an excellent brain food. A room it ventilated bast by opening th* upper sash of the window, beon*e th* hot- test air is alway - near the ceiling. By good eooduot a convict in penal ser- vitude establishments may tarn a remission of one-fourth of his sentence. Of 15.000 person* on* arrive* at th* age of 100 year*, of 500 one a' tain* the age of ninety, and one in 100 lives ver, is not a very hard muter. H* it not Ste.1 has been used for shipbniHin*: en v vh . lpnt . hl , ,,,. mgulv ,. B , tUMj) . nd BRIGHT AMD BREIZT. No soap wts mai. |a KigUnd until 15>1 2M.IJCO cost if paid at the regular rates, and this sum it banded over to be distributed among the poorest paid of the railway men. DentlsU are treat users of costly mete,). Resides uold for stopping*, two-s*ventht of the world's consumption's^ platinum is em- ployed by them n Baafcing- the wire* by which the arUfeial teeth ar fattened to a plat* It it the only metal ssjeseesing tb* required properties. l*_ MM the Uraest ing- pant, each hundred outlets at a time. The smal kettls contain* a hundred quarts, ami the largest five hundred. K..-ri dish for biking potato** hoi. Is 225 Ib* It the parents are tall the children tend to be tall, bat the nifipring of parent* of n n eq ail height most frequently follow the shorter. Kxee**ive tallners it very rarely perpetuated; evan if b the, parents are above the average, the height of the off- spring it usually only a trurd of the excess reached by the parents. The German army ha* new trained war dogs. On the march, each dof it lad by its muster, and is required to erry a heavy pack on its he ok. Dogt of a dark color are preferred, because they are leaf visible to the enemy. Tne training is punned on the general principle that the dog would be treated very cruelly by an enemy, so that the creature is taught to creep round the foe unnoticed, 'and to give dif.mct warning of a hostile approach without bringing it- aelf into notice. The crew o> an Austrian barque abandon- ed their ve-nel in la* Alautio heoaote they thought the honet which formed part of the cargo were tho*e of human beinirt hrought from the battle-Held* of Egypt. The crew, believing that the vessel was haunted by spirit* of the departed warriors, determined to desert. HM.LUH BIILC *| K.n ! SB*** Pasha ii ri ,T. !* in* ..ir. A Cano despatch *ay* : The present ruler of Kgyplt* Abbet Pasha, a young man of 2, educated entirely by foreigners and for some tin* in Europe. His father and mother, a loving and sympathetic couple, far different from the orlin try conception of a Moslem carefully, an rir, nisi brought him up moet Uth-r't suddtu death fouml him not all unprepared for hit high station. He ha* noble impulses and hs is entirely devoted to the welfare of bis coun- try. He hai the misfortune, however, to be under twe bosses, and it gee* without saying that a young and high-spirited man, horn to command, would sometimes kick. Hi* tint bees it his over lord, the sultan of Turkey, for for it most never be forgotten that K.'ypl it part ->f the O- toman tmpire and the tultan only granted certain powers V_- T!LI ' to the viceroy of Egypt. An annual tribute has to he paid to I'nrkey. 1'h't boe<. how 'ourt*en years, yet it is estimated that 8 per wnt, of the vsnlt built at tb* present day are of tl*el. Young women of Ornnny have a nip- srstitiou 'hat if they bury a drop of their hereditary. It is the other boss, the Eng lish, undsr whom the young tulrr sometimes squirms. Tnere n an Arat story of a cam -I top- ! who asked the owner of a hut to let him t one loot ins id*. The mm thought it a ntura the cheeks. experimenter a pair of rosy IK ilood under a roes-bush it will ever after ' little request and be graaied it. But when Herat, in Afghanistan, is the citv which the camel got one foot in he *oon put in his \r , end then the o'her foot. an. I then his head. endiaalitUe wtil* h- n'led the whole dps'reysJ. I.e-n laM Has heen most times have its walli and the same number of times have thsy been *r*ct*d avail). \\ hen a Japanese audience with te exprees disapproval of a play, they silently turn round and sit with tneir u*oki to the stage. If thit be done by a considerable number, the curtain promptly descends. fifty-three per rer,_ ., the lunatics i* the asylums of Beniral ar* there entirely at the result of using " hardith," a poi*onut drug. In Egypt, (ireeoe, and Turkey the use of the drug it forbidden by a ttringent law. A useful mustard-pot hat ' -on inven'ed in Germany by which ih* untidy suoon it litpented with, the muturd being obraioe I by pressure on a spring, th* opening being automatically doted on release of ths spring. Ths net roes in the United StaMt number 7. Vo.CHHt, or about one ninth of the whole, j Fifty sn i but ami the owner wis crow le<i mtu a cor- in rums, n ' r - That is the way ths Kuglith have come into Kgvpr. Little by little they have crowded out the native authoritie* and no* i they have nndouhtedly come to may and the hedive is powerless. Of counr there it no denying that the Knc'ih o<- iipatmn hat bean a great hUim< to Kjypt. It w%s im- peosible for England to allow a country which is ths KXVTOHKK IXDIAN I'd-wxsslnxs t* sink in o a ttate of a r -ny or to pass into 'he possession* of another power. Ab- solute necessity forced hr to vaks a hand iu Kitypiiau affair* and h* sat to work in nelii tfirnas*. to mine t h* coni-'-ry from It* condition ul financial rm and Kar'iarisni. And w imUrftilly Km* t!>t> tu.-?> *ded. The enorniout debt n in process ni liquidation. The wretche I p*a\a- >ry bavs i>im relieved of many of tho heavy taxes which grout)* 4 them to powder. 1'br commerce hat irid rcplcH. <Jood order, security, confidence ver) when p, trail They furnish more than one third of thepn- j But tne Egyptian rulert are different now toners, and more than o^s third of all ths fr " m "' k T wer "*" .England went murderers in the United Slats*. Th* innome from the estates of 'he Duoh* f Lancaster hat largely increased sinoe thf Queen's accession. In the first four yean o htr reign It averaged 11. 1 ^, between IHII and I Ml the average w*s 10.00U Last year the amount was i' IS.IMS. To asotrtain roughly the length of tb* day and night at any time of th* year, double the time nf the sun's ruing, which giv** th* length of the night, ami double th* tim* M attiing, which gtv*i th* length of tbe day. Austria it the moat lenient to murderers. In the ten yean ending 1879 there ware 818 criminal* found guilty of wil'ul murder in Austria, of whom only twenty-three wtr* put tn death. Th* edible dogt in China are known by their hlu'sh-hlsrk liars and are very longuea. * "'urn They Four never and t Naif millions re slaughtered annually to titillate th* palate* of Sweden I* :.I to bo the inintry in th* wm'.d. Of the population of &,0()n,(nO i hire are only J,t"JO Kwina "atnolict, the remainder <( tbt |M>pulaiion A MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. An Incident si ine Treaeharent fieetlwta lj ^ ^sajnnsls. Th* Her. Thomas Treanor, whee* first boot, " H r em *l the Good win Sands," wa* tulief tliriHing incident* uf actual adven- lureand hessjitM, drawn from h's experience among the sailors of Deal and the Down* * iJnaplam of Hie Missions to x eainen, ha* ttly published a second volume, "The of a Sky- Pilot," that Keing theaailon' l4MaM|a.Mi_iaiL. which prove* th* Ui (f erf^nPl*ntn,5Lk'7 commonly called, give* a vivl peril* encountered by these fine, etancn, open boat* of from twenty to twenty tire lent, which often bertle with terrific seas, trailing to the teamanthip of their crews. Their escapes ars marvellous. Yet tra- gedies sometimes occur. Oftenett, when a lagaer foes down, she take* all r.antls with her, but it is not always *o. It wa* not to in th* case * the iVei lugger Success, which set sail in November, 1891. The weatner was bed, and befar* long her crew was forced to anchor in the shelter of a headland, here they hoped to ride out the gal*. Tke boat lay ttraining at her two power- ful long cable*. On* man was at the helm, endeavoring to keep her from sheering ildly and taking in too much water ; an- other was at ths pu.np, trying to rid her of that which leaped into her and wa* blown into her in spile of their efforts). The gale constantly increased in fury. " It's raining hard with th* wind." amid on* man. No, 'taint rain ; it'* th* tea blown into dust !" cried another. Then they observed that the water in th* boat deepened. " for God's sake," shouted the helmsman, " tend another man aft to pump ! The water's gaining on at ! ' " Nonsense !" shouted Dack the oldest tea-dog of the crtw. " Lel't have a song," and he struck up encouragingly, at ths full pitch of his voios : Come, cheer, up mr lads, 'TU for glorr ws stserl , Bat the alarm was true The boat had been struck by terns Hoar.inn wreckage, and injured beyond help. The water was gaining, and their one hope was to run for the land. They did so, ths poor ^uccess sinking under tbsir feet a* (he flew shore ward. At laat, amyng leaping breaker* and a c'oud of spray, she struck upon a shoal two hundred yards from the beiaoh two hundred dotperate yard* between them and safety ! The men rushed to their puna, but jutl a* they loosed it agreal wave swept it away, and one man alone reached it by a tremend- ous lea*. He was wnirtea away in it, holplrfa. Of Ik* other four men, one eemed dazed, and made no farther enV.. The other* prepared to swim for th' beach. It -* hit Mr cold. They strirt-e>l to iheir > irt, tearing out the tle-ver u> be leas e<" umber, ed, and then awaits' favorable n omo.ii, ; bidding good-bye '>> their comr.de, <vho would not answer an 1 shaking h,i 11 with him before the* jumped. A* they were almost retwiy, >* of the-n sal i to another : " Tom, jov'rt a stronger mm than me, and if 1 'loo'i do it, t*U my wife my lass thought wt o' her." Tom, nAif-sobb-nK, clatptd hit hand and promise i. Ai he did to a (lance iho red tne n that the third man had been washed away. His arm WM thrown up for an in- tant, and he was gon*. They sprang overboard, and by hold and tkil'ul swimming DOW back, now forward, now touted helpless, now in ths grasp of the terrible recoil, now thrown violently for- ward again thsy made tneir way at length to .he beach, where they dropped on tn* and, beaten, bruited, chilled, exhausted and nsarly inseiis ( bls, bat sate. The man in tne punt soon rej >msd them : it wits bis fifth, almost m raoulous escape from death by drowning. " Ah, love I would like to listen to you all night ! " h* laid, at he rosv to go. Six months aftsr they wtre married bechanced to stop nut fifteen minute* after hit usual hour of return, and he had hi* desire grati- fied. in. Kgvpt number* many ah e men among her statesmen, who feel capable of paddling their own oanne, and el'hodgh they are very careful tbe voung khedive ami his party will ask every nw and then : "It it not time for England to he moving nn ? Hhe has brought ut up r>y hand, hut are we not big boys rnoui'i nw to he allowed a nuht key T" But H n Und dort not see it in that light. Only the other day the khedive.whn teemt rather to like hot w*ter, made snms has'y remarks about ths armvofoocupator* mid i he ch ef English otfiocr immed'k'ely rosiginnl in hi<b <)< ', ... (nilantly ths lion roared an<* .iie khedive had to aat hi* own words, Tii khedive it quite a familiar tight in i he 'air<> streets. You hear the cry of the running footman and the jlatterng of the dragoons' saner* and toon a troop ot th* hody-nnar! it galloping past juU be fore and behind a plain carriage and pair in which the young ruler it seated with hit brother or a friend, lie is a fine look >ng youiif man, a ri -h hrewn n color, we 1 ! formed and lr...>.| always in Kuripean clothes The !-l'n:i' li soldiers perva>lt (' ro, an I thy are "< a-i'.iv giving toumaments and -ham iMlonging almott entirely to i hs LulUeran ! t>X w -< ! ''' th " present mav know they ara there and exactly what they c*n do. The climate of Carlo it lovely. It it often thtres are now worth Hve tune* their jo""' " lh " mormoe and evomng an.l there original value, and plant art bniug made I l *. n ,"/, kv ' *"* itq-iitnhot. but Annl for increiumi npr*.iions. There Jhuroh. Monte Carlo seem* to have prospered i hit year more than ever it hat done. The increasing operations. Tnere were nine suioidstlatt T*er on Iht premises. The number ' foreign reaiJ-nU in Spain small, numbering only asoul iVi*. he (migration frv.i Sp>- has been id em* yean hifK a* l?-..i"' K-r ni'hi ,f JM'ainiiiranl* settle in Snanuli America, and U> remainder in the Spanish African possessions. The ohurchet in the United States have a seating capacity for 3,000.0|IO person*. There tr* 111,036 minittort; and if tSe t I.'SII.INK) iiid.vidoal* were divt.lt -I amo*i| them. *toh clotgyman would hv a ou gregatien of 3H1 parson*. Tb- total popu- lation i* computed at OS.OOO.OXt. Th* French PrMident travels free on the railwavs dima; his oth.-al tour in FVn<v, but when ths rtnr.< journey i* oo--'ii U-- hit secretary calculate* what it w uld hav it said to be a moat agrevabln month, and then after that there it furnace heat until Octorer. Mo one-mutt think of Cairo a* a tort of half-civilised place. Th* hotel* are uood, i he shops fins ; English and French ir spokeo everywhere. Ther- tie fine tlteel*. and drives, only a* it doe* no- rain th .. i* a good deal of dust. Th* water trriers, with their goat skin* full ol water, are r u stan t ly wstliug th* streets, but iu the P'ttty parkt the treei look very grimy. These park* and garden* -re all due to Itmail, wh had a <raai taste for landscape garden- ing and aosvtrMd a great duttv square in i > heart ef the city into e of the nic*tt parke to be fnnnd anywhsre. Fne.teri, you ha<l Wiri.li oil Vi ''\t pvrati : dt under a hlesinir m, bt now an avenue of what are i*.p ilarly called aoaciat arch evtr th* whole way. Osbawa, Ont. Pains in ihe Joints Caused by Inflammatory welling A Perfect Cur* by Hood's Sarsa- parilla. "It affortlt me much pleasure to reco-ssoeml nn.xl'1 s.irwiarilla. My loo was am /*,-.! with great pain In the Joints, accnmuai.lea v Itli swelling so bad that be could not g* up tU to bed without crawllur on haiuls j> I knees. was very anxious about him, and liavl jg ret Hood's^Cures to much about Hood's Rarsa^u..."*, * stjter mined to try It, and got a haJ-dozen bottles, tour of which entirely cured him." MBS. Ci. A. LAKE. Otnawa, Ontario. M. B. lie ture t get Hood'!! Sa.MptronV HOOtf't PHI* act easily, yet rwnptly oam ) , ou the liver and bow__ Ma*

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