Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Apr 1894, p. 4

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THE FLESHBRTON ADVANCE n-BLtitEn 1881 F Advance THI r.rncB, SYD- , UMHBHtoH, OJCt., H. THIRSTO*. ei per minimi,.) rl. i! Y iii advance Advertising Rate*: On* Colamo, 1 rear, *> i half col.. 1 year, It? quarter eol , one year, a IS. Transient aHvrtlwintnt e)iare><1 at the rate M B conte per line for Bret Insertion and I cents each subsequent Insertion. Tlie postal anthoritieg are bemud to to stop Ilia practice of Bonding poles or endorsing writing in newspapers, and are prosecuting transgressor* light and left. Nearly i-very exchange that we Trick up refers t" prosecutions and fines for defrauding the revenue iu this way. A cable deepatoh from London re- ceived Tuesday hays that Herbert Gardner announced m t! a Hooss of Commons to-night that Im regretted lie could not admit Canadian cuttle until a brief examination bad beeu tnade of the lungs of animals arriving from the Dominion. If the results confirm Canada's representation the slaughter will be Stopped, although temporary regulations will be made in regard to the movement of animals alter landing. Mr. Chaplin asked the miration of the eiamiiialion, and desired notice of the rising of the em* bargo in order to allow IVliameut to txuruM an opinion. Mr. Qarduer laid the duration derendod upon the buiiiDer of animals arriving. The 'J'luies. in an editorial, says the decis ion will satisfy neither the British tanner nor the colonials, but treats tn removal of the embargo as nlii- lualely curtain. Hefbm the Public Accounts Cora- tuittM in Toronto on Haturday last two cases were v.utilated that will go \ty l*r toward Uupopulariziug the fee jr.tanii.bd Mr. Uowat's method of H|.poiiHine.)ts. I>r. Maliory. fiegii- 1 1 at for east Northumberland, prac- ticwa his profession, draws bis fees as legietrar, and ruauagesa diug store. 'i I.- registrarship wag a gift for party urvict*. aud altogether I>r. ilalorey lias a pretty fat thing. A much worst case was thai of Mr. Morrow, regis. trar for Peterboro, who hires a deputy to do all the work and pays him $100 l M his valuable service*, while Mr. Mnrrowdrewa oeUuoome of I2.C26 l,,r lionig uothiiig. M'. Orundy, the u^uijr registrar. btvt to support a (arn- i.y oi *vu on the I400uiuauoe. and fi.id to give evidence before the for tear of losing even that. Air. >loi mw's mismanagement #as buowu up iu au unenviable light, and u wu. U, a strange thing if the Ontario .. <.! iiuii-iii allows him in retain h 1 JHIIIOU, but no stranger than many of i ir oii.ui acts in similar cases. As i... Km,,.,. remarks, "The enquiry I < out* uuy has givsn the people a anight into the injustico aud oi the toe .ynien than the will if ii in a year, and it J ouiy luted one corner of the veil i.'vuiiug the.cauiial'jussuu of affairs i.. i wui nub province. " V n j u< t,ui lvl ,,,. T T.I tt- Kiitm of Tin A<it*c, Sl.i : it Itm* airtiatl* Iwen shown tht ficyiwiita^iwiU from uuu't ic, u ,,urt U,,s < IU. HJ ^l.-..l llljIMtlMI aiKl UIIWiril,tl,le i ! ii utu.u i>l uiuiiuy iu litigftti.iii.tli.u it i aim HI. UstpueaiUtj t> dftHiu iho limit ..r h 1-,-c ..f t .u iiiucuutiB ui wtuh o"im. nmt I ... | QWM oi JV1, ..veil m Ulljltot.hnol,. w jrr.juciitlv nnurt.-u ., iul MilskUv of the*) iM.wur* ml, I ita absolute powrrleumesa to cope with iimjor ottenaea. Again, appeal* are only n-a..rtod tit wlieu the litiuaut U riiutiiciallv able to bear the eoats, when he U not, liti- gation lurininateH and lie hoa to abide the duciaiou. Does this not Seem to >ve llmt appeals are, iu nuiny oases, eroundless, are only mile uoets on the journey where so many ling tn's nra <!e- I, unable to ]irc <! farther I Now, |HI'B responnible ? The mtural uion-rr Would bv that the r8|M.nsibility reals upon tha individual who is in n pos- ition to know f the law's imporfuctious and in ignorant of then:, and who has power to grant reforms when naked and lun luili-d in doiiix *>'. This ronaonioK, I think, would be aco-pUMe. The Premier of tin- province, 8ir Olivar Mowat, occu- pies NUoh S position Ho Inn OCCupii d the proud position of Premier for ever 20 years aud lisa bad ample opportunity as Attorney General to l/o ri>n\cr>ant with the grievance*) complained of, but his ni'inl is more occupied in dsvuiug muana of dialling tha Coneorvalivca at election times than in safeguarding and protecting the subject. W. R. Meredith recently acquainted him with the fact that there are 1500 tppralexi caava before the court*. which kiiowledue WM received with the utmost surprise but not with a very ^rsto ful demeanor aa it evidently rocalVd to hifl mind the demand for certain reforms which he r^i*tl. Mr. Meradilh, leader of the Conserva- t.vc parly of Ontario, hrw repeatedly c illnl for legal reform and K-.inplinontiou of the laws of the proviuce, which baa been repuatvdly duuicd, Kor 15 years Mr. Meredith has a-ltocatod a reform which ia now a plank in the P.itn n plat form. In 1089 he Introduced a bill in tended to do away with groundless and and Vexatious appualit by which pour lili- ganti Wvro dram<v 1 fi.n court to oi>urt and oftun tunes forcud Iu abandon suit. Tliii was eesent nlly a )><.>r man's bill, framed to protect l.nn ni(aiiist corporatiulis or wealthy litiuaiMH. Tin* bill, which waa a much needed ru:orm,wa Voted (ion by Mr. Mowat and Ins subsv vient follow ing. Hia oracular aup|xirtur, The G'obe, hav- ing discerned the force of public o liniun on thu ijuestion, now evinces n strong desire to nacate the Patron of InduKtty and thu rebelioua element which h:i buen arotuul throughout thu province. This j -urnal will ba full of pruiuiitoa, oven to avrial navigation, if such a desideratum would be affective in securing voles. Whether such devices *ill prevail, will in a short tima be determined by the |H)ople. The court of public opinion Kill render a verdict from which there cau be no ap- peal f'.r a term of 4 yrjK. Eugenia, Apr. 21, Oi. LAYMAN. r Eugenia Bridge. fu 7*' Editor of The AdtOHtt DKAB. Bl : We said words about like " ti.ai part first, " then second part first, and again, second reader " ill the blidgj leasou, dated 10, 4, 18i*4 ; but the way the types got to turumu the other end north to the printer's magnetic hands makes the above apppear aevon tunes * a unreiuUblo in last week 'a papr, and as if had fur gotten (lie second part of iho tint part of our grammai book ; but that ia nut so, for it waa So precious little that the "scholars" of my school years were ever able to gat to have sufficient to forget any of. Hut that County Bridge j we -and no some iithApiii ratepayer iiru<*in behalf of ttvmiH Street where a bridge to compare would ! a delight and a boauty must rare, and from which at tha sun, moon and siarx, you Could flare then juin| your two ftel 36 feet t , the bottom -But would all the township "ratepayers" vote to bu taxed tor the so much greater coat of a proper bridge there I Aud thia is one of the particular, personal, pri-sa.ng p.. nils which I wish all the tax payers of our township to understand, and talk With uur rouncillora about, from now out ; and at tha 30th April council lueo'ing to say and give them 1 1 know whether we are, cr are not, wu-h and < v ry one of UN, in I'n.-i-ulle, Markdal.-, r':ul..-iton, Eu- genia and uvery conceoioii and lot, wiJ- iiia. to pay additional taxm for having a bridge torn away, and another ao little belter built in ita place, by borrowed money wnich the eounty U putting us subject to pay intermit and expenses over; making it more than " doubled in 15 yenrH, " at which date auuh " fickle ui'iid.d " bridges Will likely have cott, in re]irs and reneweU, nn'ht probiilily the same amount o>or a i<ain. What will taxes and debt of our t.wnship and county be then ? Var t>ot- tor pay the 9700 back to tha county loan and as much and soon us we r.m of ripen***, to clear Arteuiesia of its jurt ..; AO.OOO deU, or more or lesa, and i'i- ml bridges until we can pay down for Ire: i or. Ever aa ever R. MI-LEAS IYi.:-Y. Eugenia, 23r 1, 4, 1894. The Eugruia !!r!!uc Tu tin KJilot- o/ The AJc itift. DBA* SIR : In punikin^ t'io columns of your welcome p.tpcr I read wit'i | le.<- uio Itatepsyr's lott r in regard t-i Lu- g.'in* bridge, and I, ns niiotlicr iMn- |pM ( would also y l.y nil mr.itu put the bridge on a straight line with thu I'-i-l ruuniog north to Kimberely and aouth on a straight lino v,it.h F. T. Carr's and Uillilanda. In so doing thera Would be a comparatively level road clean through Uugenia. This would be an im- mense improvement on the old way, aa it would do away with two hills and a very s'.ort turn at the north end of tin- bruise, and I think any one can see at a plance that the higher the old bn lire is in'Hi-d the more (Tsnuerous the curve at the north end will be. A UATEF AYIH. i <lmun*tr.;tiMi iu ability t.. d-al Reeve Ripley, oeThonJd, was struck i.i.u ,t vilju^H stud at iho a..m.- time by ligntoin^ an J killed Fi iday. .at U. HORSEMEN ! Pay Attention I Having purchased the harness business from Mr. Clayton, I Wish to intimate that my en- deavor will be to please and satisfy customers in any work which may be entrusted to me. All kinds of horsemen') re- quisites kept in stock, at low rates. Good workmanship guaran- teed. Soliciting your orders, I remain respectfully, W.MOORE- Flesheiton, Jan. 24, 1693. Attention In time to any Irregularity of the) Stomach, Liver, or Bowel* may prevent serious) consequences. Indigestion, costiveness, headache, nau- sea, bilious, loess, and ver- tigo indicate certain func- tional dcrango- tnents, the beet remedy for which Is Ayer'a Pills. Purely vego- table, sugar-coated, easy to t:iko and quick to assimilate^ thia la the ideal family medicine the most popular, ale, and useful aperient in phar- macy. Mrs. M. A. BBOCKWXI.I, Harris, Tenn., says: Ujcr's Cathartic ri::$ cured me of sick he.idache and my buibaud of ueuralgla. Ws) tbluk tbara la No Better Medicine, and bare Induced many to use It "Thirty flve yean ago thia Spring, I WSS) tan down by bard work and a succession of cohla, which made me so leeblu Uiat It waa an effort lor me to walk. I consulted tha doctors, but kept alnklns; lower until I had ftvcn up all nope of ever being belUr. tlap(inlug to be In a (tore, one dny, wltera incdlclnes were sold, the proprietor noticed SBy weak and slokly appearance, and, a fur a few quustkma aa to my bealtli, recom- mended me to try Ayer'a rills. I bad liula faiili In these or any other medicine, but Concluded, at last, to tako Ills advice and try a bos. Before I had used them all, I waa Very much better, and two boxes cored me. J an DOW SO years old ; but I belloTe that If It had not been for A ycr's Pills, I should* bare been In oiy grave long ago. I buy boxes every year, which moke 210 boxes op to this time, and I would no more be with- out them than without bread." H. H. lugrahaa, Rockland, Me. AVER'S PILLS rreparal by Dr. J. C. Ayr k Co.. Low.ll. Maas> very Dose Effective Uome along down and see the new stock of beautiful WALL PAPER WINDOW SHADES -- AND -- CURTAIN POLES which we have just received and which are to be sold very cheap. Brighten up your homes with ALADASTINK, the best mixture ever .prepared for walls and ceiling, and do not forget to paint >our floors with THIS TORONTO LEAD & COLOR Co. PUKE prepared PAINTS, the best in the market. House keepers aie all using GLISTENING CREAM for Furniture. It will polish up anything from a Piano to a Buckle on your shoe. Try a bottle. NAILS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE AND all kinds of KhNCE WIRE to be had at lowest prices at 1} art] ware Department Fu GREAT e Harrison, of Floshertoii, Is selling Furniture, and Undevlakiug at Cahli and no b.ul d, !>;, to tin, ba-g i'.is to yon. Call .ui.I ace our big stock iu Wrights old BUIi'l. No lirnlA- 10 aUUW gOjd-i. HKSIDENCE (VKK hT()l;K. IP 'ix-.w.,,*.-^^, J3i XlLtX*Z*lSOn. safety BICiC'Li; *i3J.(X). 2 good second Land singer sc-wtug tnacLines. Clienp. Tl-c right place to buy furnitu.e or get your undertaking done is at the Flesherton STRAIN'S BLOCK, FLESHERT01T. Ncw goods, new designs continually coming in Custo- mers are delighted, both with style, quality and piices. Our oak bedroom suites are causing quite a sensation, and make- ing many homes cheerful and happy. We have a very large range of these goods to select from, not only in oak, but also in walnut, mahogany light finish. Our prices are right, small piofits and quick returns. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT is a feature we give special attention to.being practical. We guarantee satisfaction and moderate charges. STRAIN & MOORE. All goods delivered tree. rcAVEAIvUKMMARKs^ COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATBNTf fX a fosnpj.aaewer and an hon.t opinion, writ* tq M I N N At CO.. who hate bad nearlj firtj Tars> sxrn..ii< la Ui* i-ntonl business. Comruanica- Uona Blrh-tlr pmOdvntlid. A Uaaslbaek t In- formation cnni-omiti* l*nti* and how to ob- tain Mesa nun! fro*-. Also a catalogue of luecbaa- toal and cimitlSo books seottrm. ratwits takea tbronxh Munn A Co, receive speoul notioalDtheKrl.-iiilSr Amrrlran, and tnu are bnmcht widely before the public witb- 1 ; eos* to the Inventor. 1'his iplendld Mpr. ntlT Illnit rated, has br (Wthe tesMd weaklT, lantlT illnitratcil. ha. b (ariEe laneet olranlatlon of any acK-ntlBc work In the won. I. fluiarmr. SamH* coin en Mint free. . Buildi ; Bdltion, monthly, S2.50 a year. Sinale nts. iCrery nuDibt-r etmtains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new bouses, with plaiu. enaMirm ouiMore to show tae laUet .lw.li.-n. and xn-urr nmtriu-ta. Ailitn-n latM Ml . L'SN i IX). Nitw YOUK, :|<tl BBOAI.WAT. Carpet ail Flannel leaving, The aDilarslKned Is ureparexl do Carpt ad I Flauuel woaviiiR of all kin.li on short notice ai>4 reasonable terms. Katifa< tk>u guaranteed. Orders seat Iu by stave will nx-i-i v |iru:i.|itu a>- tentlon. OWTM^eadMiee solu--ed uisu K. cor -I-TH, P*b 7. t ui. M.vrw au^. FARM TO RENT Tlie Btona Homestead Farm.lntsSaud I). Coo. 8, \rUim-sia. For further particulars apply to BKBECCA W A M T V 1 1 *" \ .^ 1 S-iU- m. to Mil our choice aud hcu-ly Nursery stuck, and Sou.) HutasuiM, full andoim pluU llu. slau> Tarlelloa r*i. ouly be obtain a.\ tbioucb un. Cuiniiaak>u oi salary paJd wwkly, aud promptly. Kxolualve aud obolce of twrltor) K!VU. Don't delay, write at once fur lei ma. NtKauiT Co., RuoUeater.y. X

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