THE FLBSHERTON ADVANCE Mound, ntarlo. Tl\e Very PLACB IM CAN VUA TO UBT A Education. Take a Hound Trip SS? . all llustni'iMi I, M lil , ,'ll, j.v , I'Xftiiiino iv. r> . |ir., Uicf 111' . ,ictn-l -:i'l ' . t,fi ooilol; Ii vn;lte ali'l uiuht > L . w.- vviil ti I \1I1IOIIUCO- I revs v. FLKM1M1, Priuclpal. I To The PuViic. $ H.wr, nte* Whltten's M"*""; 1 ^ bS Herseshoeinj a Specialty, -.ittHfitrtlon Guaranteed. / ...... ,/ I HI- HI// f . A . BUNT, OppoM.o Ulchardton't Hardwaie .tor Eugenia Mills AND- Carriage Works. made and Repaired, also and Matching, Band Saw- Wood Turning of every doa- ption. Planing and Grain Chop doae while you wait, for th* Beaver tarns the wheol. Ii. W WILSOX GROUP IfU TfiS I fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out a Icct class of work. All kinds ot" pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. iu all its branches. If you have shopping to do pictures to get taken on t*ie same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- Ujntiuii will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. tfattb. II AUKIAUE LICKNHK8. UKuril day or night at the office or residence of the uuuenlKued. 1)1 VISION COUhTCI.K K. COMMISSION TK i.i H.C. ./. CouTuyanMT, Ao. Notary) JOHN W. AHMbTKONO. FLJSHUKRTON. M cCt'LLOUOH A YOUNG, Hankers, Mnrkitnlu. do a gonernl banking bua- iuess. Uouey loauod at Tvuouablu rate. Call HI Ul. M. u HAMMOND. iiiiirilonortor taking Affidavits utr. Iiiymri aiM loans : at lo'.t R, lOULE, Postmaster, Flehert' < in ]' R., Lie nbcd >uct;i>ji'. r. ( -, *, A I>TK . r aud Money I.i v luiurnnco Agut. l'< and Will* <lruwii i;p and \ a. ttoi -! on kborteitt notice. '. all. mU'.l to in any ,'iu i of tbo County. M.tur, to loan at low t rat< r i i inu,.. t. Coll.- with i' ni,r':is low. t'>r tli* I). ni !'Miy, rtioap lickuts frui.i 1- 1, ..! . . ;.*.;. Glasgow, Ijondou or any of i Partien iuti'ii.lH'i; In v it ;::, ..m-1 or Irolan.l, will pleate akk rat.-* i -.-(o:., | i-.:ohKin K ' their tirkut iilmm vi I'upll of Kol.t. Malir, of Horltn, (liirmanv, (violidl ; Mm. llradlejr. of Torouto Couteriralory Mmic, ^ i ulttirei ; I'rof. Korrinon, lte of Toronti, (Piano) ; will reol* pii|Hla iu HIMil.NO, VIO1JN, PI- A.NO and ORGAN. pflical D X.BUTTOR. M. D.C. M., M.C. P.* S.Ont, Hi.i.Mjce aud offlco one door wott of tbo Heth- odlntClnirch.Kiuroit bt. Ufflcadayt, Tueiday* ami h iturdays. TJK. CAUTKK. II. C. P. ft 8., Ont. PliyFiciau. tnrcoin. etc.. Fleeherton uffice Btraiui b'ock. )toldence Muunhaw'. boleL JOHN A. SCOTT, M. B. Moinber Collefie I'liyf ic * Sur*,'< on t* In Medicine of 1 . . blp Diploma, Poet Uradu&tu '' SoLoul aud llo|iital, Oiioafjo. Diitoaaetof rye, .r, II..P. auil throat ipoclally trpnted. deo Maxwell, Um Fcvenuaiu l'i,rn <la> 18 J P. OTTEWKI.L, Vctorinary Burgeon. GraJuat* of Ontario Yoterlnary ColleRo. He<di urn Noxt door outb of Moore'i piauiuv factory. J F. HAL^TEAli, U. D , M. C. & H., Ont., practice* at Kim bor!oy. Hboumatlo dleeaaet t upoclallty. J P. MAKSHALL, L. D. 8..M.D. 8., DentiI Vi^i" Markdale tbe lit mid :inl \Viulii>>n<l*y of HIV Ii uiontb. KliMbertoii Eacli tiip on lliu .'.> full \\. FilOST, Harri-tcr, (killcitor, CoBwyftiicor, 'itouofflca Nuxt tin i-i^toffi-i' S| llclini:, on Thurndayo. Owen i-umi'l u ijuil iitig. UCAii & WllIGIIT, Ilariiuterp, SoH :tor, CoiiTcvaiiei , . !, . Owen douml. On.t - Mm W. 11. WIIKIHT. I. II , N. II. -Klosh.Ttoa office, Ultcbell't Hank. evory Wwlnwday. SOCIETIES. AO.r.W. iiioctsnvBry Cr.i and third l!nn . dnyln each month, In tln'ir In i,.. CliiiMi.i-i' HI". I I.I Joliniton, M W ; > . \v Il'wlli Ket'linlov. YiHi'.ll.:; ROYAL TKMI'I.AIiR (IF Tlllil'i ' - Koonlar Council meu v*rv tlilrd TiliM lv ( vi niiiK In om : li n.oiul!. S|Toi,!e'.i bln.-k l H |. in. S i IliU, lie ' . . ,l!:ody iii til" ?-'llil cit m. h i '.mill. SThli Kxietf u c i't In Dr. i In ltoo Ball ever) \w.i Dwdajrcrenlng at H p ni. \i vllod. tmnmBM In ,M,MI f ' M ''- n. Li "' la ti , .1 i,., Hlock ovorv flr*t and third Tlinr>da> In each in on til. Win. 8hari>, Mhtnr. T. Clayton, Hocretary. IJillNCr. AKTlll-H LdUCK, \,,. .138, A. F. A A.M. m.Tt in tlio Mnfonlc Hall, Ktraln'ii lli'ick. Fin-luTlcii. ,-vory Friday mi or rill in on. A. 8. Vandaaao, W. M, U. ,1. bproiile, Beoretary. Y USE THI: CELEBRATED B.Laurance an d i.vM.r,\ssi>, F. O. Kcuretedt, Mole Agcu IH thero a w. : I '^htor, wifo or . r who is not i 1 hn i- 1 f J :.. : i I'T.- 1, i ,-, 'li-u '.'n-M- i-j ni' undi.-rtal;> (iisCilf-S \' iul>j : ,f only in one li-iuu-/ iiii; )! n. 1 It is more ecolioluicul toallow a woman, . Mt.'iifd amount f ir houst-h' iJ ex- ii. i, -i s only week, ui.ikiiij it large on- (ugl i ' iind li/:ivi! n^iii which is to l: !H-H for jiin u or if large- unough fr ilrt-. In such u case thero *. ill liu an ctiih'.-n r on thu wife'* part to make every dollar tell, thero will be no lit'l iinlei> gpoiid- ingH ai alie know* uxucily what hir limit ia. It is more economical became it in- culcates buHincatt h.ibits and a diK|>obitioii to l:oi'p uccoiinU. Shr liNirns the value of|iiu>iu-j- in the 1 .Me way, i.e. by having it to tpond and I y )m ing to reach curtain rou!ts v.iih a linutu! Amount of ni'incy. To be without keopn IHT a child and makes her childitthly rucklcsn as to whether iho can ationl things or not. 11 her xcrimping nnd aaving iiiiiLc.'i i) i ii|i|>ri'ci*l>le liili'ettwnct to It.r \i ickct ; it ii juot as empty if ahe aavea as if ahe doean't ; it ii just UK hurd to get the nvcosaary dolh.r aa before. 2. Thero ii something infinitely mure c th-iii htt'.nor us in the ts of 1'Xjliin^- f'H i ttny di Har .,ri'. \\!nit must 1 r thnliiti KM ity of a tiuly nico winii.ui who inu.i n- tnKiich aimtlod ii .l-f.inins; i<|iiiJ- 1111,111 ; 1 tStiil ti a Hfiia'.tivc wur.mii would rather fileal frnin the uforia. d poclvi-ti, what !ior of jutic>> trlln her is l.> r , :,t ii,i iii'.^t i.i , i'.ss.. a supnluii.t to own hv^'iatid, father or Hon. htrcfor-j I ay that in the soonii.l i'l'iiiK |<tniuleaa ]>utM a premium on duplicity,- -uj' '< ry aii'i .ill ills- iinui which iiui.iriously [ ructicu men. Tlio d night rr l,toil'8 I lie fnMiur, the .\L- tlic husliand h,i thai ho never can toll wh> iaiiK Ja'k, I love yi u " or Jitck, tlu fn.nt A new cnr|iet. " A pn-ud wn- Mill not Hto,i[i to tiuKu IncticR, And ahe is the grua!, If i.n>i: trat( il v, i;'i --Liici-rity by t moil folk, they must put UHH.J matterj on ke basin. * 3 It is iihumi'tition toirwoman to have to ask for ni"i,i \, and the nirf f' ilonv to i am it 'lie more it :;.ilin ! iisk ii.r U. Tin- [niBsibility of a stern re- fusal, or of a deiirudiug ([Uestioniin. lio. 1 . slu! UK an t H[)onil it. fills lu-r with un-.kus it an ahimst !!iii'-siblo thine fur a woman t do. .1 n . nl so Impi'.v -is s! c with . n i'Y vvliicliBho i.sniakiny her .n w.-iy. No one need I to ivlr i lit rshr ncoJanewi;loYt.s,or wlufli- cr K!K iii:iy iii(!nl,'o in c\| .'U-.' o lit- tin vnyiry for which ahe w in oilier direct i'lim. It is tin what flu. 1 .vill havo and she Mil do without, which i* so ..-leiir toajiiil :ind which, re-artnn; upon IK ; ' I. M forms h,-ibi;.s of self :iiid self- conlrol. Shall the wife be aisy 1,: I !,. n orably treated ? D>'i >!:. no. v an this truly In niiilnni; :i hoiu her liounehoM iunl in'inni'in'; eiu-.-I'iilly nil her resources V Wh> the SHIHO thought anU niauagiiiK aliility, which many wo- IM in imea in her h uno, would coniiualid a tlary in other ipl : '"'!' Mnny ii in n i when tin- busy iiru sul. Irnly Htilled, ;ni(l hi- finds t,liat no miiliey IMII hive lh dv, oti his intfirettts \vlmh he hourly gave, per- Imps without any reeognitioii. 4. \Vonian ia worthy of thw trust. In a yirl it makes for clmracter as already shown. A for tlie niollirr.rnn any inon- re<iuite her ? Aiid if ihoru be a man who cannot Inlet hia wife to spend wiaely her li'tl* 'urp'ua, let me ask him does ho uerer spend fooliahly himself 1 He can lie nt leant tolerably certain that idle will in.t spend her little fuud in Ii \ wonian's tasti >. Hor si illy take the form of ;t fund for f.iniibhinj; of their homo ; fir ..i in some branch of art nhich tends ; or fur greater varitty and ! f or ehi'dieii ;,.r 'i\'s 'nandsuint present ( uphrr IIUM- 1..-1H.I at Chrinlina.-) 01 , n his birthday. ;:uv l,.'iiuli!H t! ' as well ai i^li eho ?i . ill not lid-- 'ly i f ini;. \Mt us l-.ive ROII:O short letters those who airree or diffr with i''y from those who ha\v kind II \i3 how it w..rks. General News. Thre are now 1 5j2,000 miners on s iu the I'M: , and the .4 In '''.' ( "ii merchants 1 Bued fr selling liipi'ir in luts quantities than three half pints. Grhtr.V Co. , house wreckers of Chi> have bought the World's Fair buii, finm the S"uth Park CoiniuUsioners for f7,000. A Iftml slide at St. Alban, Quo., on Kiiday, killul four persons and destroyed ity v&lurd at ^500,000. The seven- mile tuunull out of the Val- ley of Mexico has been nniahed and was formally opened by I'residoiit Dia Sundiiy. Tho tuunel cost 110,000,000. HAVE YOU BACK- AC HE OOOD5 KIDNEY PILL S WILL CURE YOU "Backae lie means the kid- neys are in trouble. Dodd'i Kidney Pillt yiua prompt relit/." ' ' 75 fur cent, of disease la frat caused I / disordered fmi- neys. try ij hau a healthy city without tcwer- age, us good ' when the kidneyt art oJogytd, they are Sold by all cUakara or icnl bjr naO on recgia* of ptke so txntm. per bo ur jix for Jj-ja ( Dr. L. A- Smith ,c v. o. ioroota* Wrik>r , buukca^ik^ucyX^k. the *wwerytn cf tha eyalem. "Dolay it dangerous. Ney- leated did my trouble* reii'/t in Bud Blood, Dyewptla tint, and the mott dan- geroua of nil, Brighta Diaioti, Dinbetts ar.d Dropsy." "Tha above disease* tannot exiat where Dodd't Kldnia ' are it: Notice, FLOURIN8 MILLS Va<il<oba Flour alway.on baud. 1 u:k*hit yn.i.n 1 and bV.tcd. The on'y mill in this section of country that dui-a this class of work. Chopping 1 clone nt . Bell - The Markets. Curefnlly Corrected Enrh Wek 9 3 20 t-> 9 :; a> 1'Viil SVhivit 65 to lit Sj.ri iv,' \Vh*at 65 t.. SV H-irley . 31 to 31 OaU 32 to 33 !'> . . 52 to 82 !'" r 17 to IT Ei<K>. f'esli 10 to JO I'. itnt. KJ bu 60 to 60 1'' rk i 5 00 to B Ol> H;iy per ton CO to 600 3 00 to 3 00 kini .to 26 <"' 6 to 7 Turk*-y 9 (<, IQ Cluck, i s per p;r to 9) If/ pi r 60 t.. 65 15 to 10 HE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN VINE J NE AM) I n nd I The Wonderful liK.NLTH HUILDEK& NERVE FOOD. ( lir-xiic Uist-asf.s asc ;ui>od lv 0eriuict: Nt-rve Centres at bas or i '" T ATK diFcovcnes havi ii!)-.>luU!j 1J I-VOVHII that the Stomach atul LnogH.and indeed all internal organs 1 v tl r l.fl Yr ivntMS ttt the LUSH of tlic bruin. Tlu' niHini- uliictuicr of ^' has stiuiicil tiiiw Riiljrrt clow ly for D:, in twttiity , nnd lin? rated that two-thiida of our r ' ivo due to the rlVct action <-f iu-rv centres, r within or at the haso of the III avl nut from ilio derangement nt tli" nr^.in? them.solvea ; limce tliat the ordinary mothodd of treatment are \V10Ug. As all know, a serious injury to the spinal cord will at onco cause I'AUU.V- M of the body below the injured part, it therefore, will be equally well under- stood, bow tba derangements of the : irs, will PIUSO tlic iiuiit of il),> JifiVreiit oi-!,'ii.s nt t!i viiich tlifv si;j-.[i!y with Nx.BVK i' yr NKHVV I The v.ii,.lii i'ul . ii-cosa of SnutL ' '- aloin; lo tLo 1'ict. ti:,t it is I the fort^oiR^ :fii'. Th. i ,nii'li' boUlu uf l ' J i .nee thp mosl incndiiloMS. It is isuKrd, a vorilnhio OB and Wll.i, liKI,!i;> 1. IN ONK I'AV till vui,.(l fonn-< of IK i-vo-.ia disease aud stomach troubled. This class of diseases, id rnpiilly ftj- ing OUCH y.-:i-, on account nf tL, grt'at wear our rao'b of liviug an<l i^t>- or imiwse upon t). .;c&. 'tiitlid of all tin' ailuu'ii; wl..< n tlio l.Miirtu family is licis, ap* dependent i;j<o'i ncivmis exhausuon,. i!i|iuiii"l i 1 ,;^. s(i,i;i, uiut :i il,. ">1 iini' : conjiltoii of t{i. blood. T!iu Scmi!i An'Oiican N^ ia a mi;.; in r\. I HL^VV ImiUl- er and this ace its marYtbusj pOWtT ti) i :.i- til V: I 1 i :. . (..f nervous ilisd.i.-c , such as Ni-uralinX Nervonsnoss, Nfrvona I'lv.Hiruiiuit. Si. Yitus's (hiin'i', Ni'i\\n i i-linkiTi'.'.Nt 1-1. ous rnroxysms, Twidhii Mart- 1 ' cleg. Hot Flaslit ,. Mcnl-il LKspond^ ouay. 1'Vryi'tfuhu .-<s, tjh.i'hv . 1<\' in ales, Palpitation of tl;>' Heart, Weakness, etc., etc. Sold by WH