Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 May 1894, p. 3

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IOLLK'8 miTA&EM, r VIOLST rmn.i MITCHELL. " Sow Moilie, my deer, we'U argufy this nutter," remarked Farmer A IB ton, taking tut teat in hi* pooderou* arm .-hair, ar the roaring graU fire, and gazing at ail daughter with rufflad and perplexed brow*. The jrouog girl made a pretty picture as he leaaed ag tiast the mantel, awl rested her b'.onde bead with itsfUfy carle again*-. the Ul. old fashioned chimney ; tat there > a apiee of rebeilioa ia her blae eye*. rector* ef the Preabtterisn ^ jsday School ipeak of aw a* the ablet* nun in the vil- lage." At this both MoIIie and Jack broke iaU petit of laughter. " I'll tell him though," oried he, entering into the pirit of the eaterprire. " After we are married you will confess the whole thing and tell him wearetorry.* " All'e fair in love aad war," aeeorted Mr. Owea, ae If ollie arose from the fallen tree trunk, aad offered a plump little hiad , at parting. 1 think," the wkiapered, " To* bad ! better not be aeea with me. If Aut f hyllird kaew I'd met you. the'd ameli a j moose in a minute. She'* shrewd enough to know I'll be op to something." Ten miautoa later Miss Athtoa't trial , snd a suspicion of mischiet lurking in the { little figure might have beea seen standing drooping corner* of ber red-lipped month. ] at tne counter ol tae village dry goods | " Well,'' ska said quietly. " you waat to persuade me into marrying Mr. David Brown. Go ahead, father, aad persaade ate if yoa can. I'm listening. " " You aia't got the right sperrit, " urged the farmer, pluagiag his baads deep into the pockets of hi* backskia troussra. "Now here'* a hen maa, dom' a fine battae**, thinks the world of you. On the other *lore, baying from the proprietor, Mr. . David Brown, a yard ef turkey -red calico, wita an expression of childlike simplicity I ia her Mae eyes, sad aa laaoosat artless BOSS about ber whole manner that impress- i ed the young man very deeply. oming round to see us aooa?" sbo chirped, looking at him pleasantly. " Weil, yes, I might call this afternoon, if I thought I'd be welcome," replied Dave, ' flushing with pleasure at the invitation. " I ain't needed in the store all the time. bead, there's a poor hoat with lags sad j Business is doing so well, I'm thinking of arm* like a windmill aad who aia't got j taking ia another cierk." (He said this asoaoy 'naff to start a peaaut staad. ..-.., -__ " There s oae thing, begaa the yi nag with you goin' to do? make a fool of yourself, or b* a girl of sense and take the feller with dollars dancing in his pockets to the tune of two thousand dollars a year ? Hey?" | Miss Aahtoa looked at her father, aad the red blood fiamod liks corn poppies in ber cheeks. " Suppose we pat it in this way," said she; "I've got some interest in thi* matter, aad ought to bs allowed to pat ia my word." "Oh of cose," returned the old maa : What | ***?S*' n } 7 - ' " There's halatod M Mr. Brow* Issasd ever the counter, resting bis hssd ea bis baada, aad gaud eagerly at her blushing face. " I feel a liltle delicacy about msutita lag it," eoatiaasi Mollio ; " yoa being al- most a u anger, 'tian'l as if yoa'd lived here all your life." " Pray dea't feel that way," urged Dave, with bis soul in his eyes. Miss Aahtoa allowed herself to be per- bat be hsgsn to jingle the ksys in bis pock- ym^^ eta noisily, and it was quite eviceat that i .. It > ( aboot TOvr mk , la , -^ i m pres- as far at be was concerned the case was iloo ^ tMB i rt - ine murmared, shyly settled already. droppiag her eyelid* "Dave Brows'* hair is so red that Fm MrBrowa observed the curling lashes most afraid to have him tit near the mna- , Bk , f,n ^ ^ T ,_ cheek*, aad his heart lin window curtain*, for fear he'll set fire | bounded as he rep'ied I 40 '"- M : d *' foe j ' "Oh. Moilie ! Is there anything 1 can 'He ain t promptly coutradictod the ' ,j o . wln _ a * of New York Stats, Mr. Brown would have thought a cyclone had struck I htm. Jlsnpmg bm taiga, vigoroamy, tao old maa fairly yelled. " You idjit 'any man whose hair's rod saoagh to set fire to wiadew curtains as Mollis says yours ia bad hsotm bo a leeUe careful bow bo tackles the subject, aad throws stones at other folks." "Moilie -said that*' gasped Mr. Brown. "I don't believe it !" a, you're calling me a liar, BOW. I suppose 111 bo a bald- beaded aagie next! Do unburden your miad ef aay supstmssas name* that 'd relieve you. " Dave scratched his head. He did aot atom to be making tas prsaiass in the old man affections that he bad boats' far, as a result of his frankness remark of Mollies disturbed deal Remembering, had set him at this business, aad bad warn- ed him that the first effects might not bs gratifying, be rallied h.i scattered irlm to begin aaew. Sir. Aahtoa bad turned towards tao boose, aad oullealy kept stop with bis visitor, who tried again. "Excuse my plaia talking, farmer; how s atbe tatercropT" "Soleadid :" ritfiaiii Mr Ashtoa, anl- lifted by the cbaaeo to talk oa a favorite topic. "H'm." observed David, "I beard Mr. Bangle say yesterday, that 'tatort doa't mooat to mach this year, fcnt bo's bad a vast experience wita 'tutors, aad. I about them thaa aay THE SAHARA IN SUHMEH TIME IU aael IU The moath of May is the) bsgianiag ef taa dead seseoa. whan all UaAe ia ttopped throogh the Dissft ef Saiars, aad very Uttle labor can be done. 1 ae deadly beat which prevails doriag the forty canicular days caatsa all travelers aad traders to sr fee.* of the "Oh, yes ; quite a gJod deal," responded Miss Ashton ignored the totrrraptioa. j Ml- iaklOD ^ .aeouruging promptness. "Hs don t know enough to save his .. Now if ^j waat to gel lather oa money whoa he gets it. shs cned, "aad ; Tonr W(i- vou mttlt change your whole he'd just as sooa speaii fifteen dollars oa a I m^m,,. , kim." bar of soft soap as BOI." " Moat IT bo saquired eagerly. "What's "As to Jae*" the light in Mollie's eyes | ^ uMtltr with Iny manneT'" grew tender, as sbt spoke the name, "he's > .. j t , to , o ily, ' rsipnadad Molbe con- in love with me : that s oae thing I'm in ndeatialiy love with him-and that * aaotber--aad I' .. V oa doa't say. Explain yourself." have my own way Thai the end. "Well it isn't," roared the old man, ris iag ia hi* wrath. "We'll see about this "Yes murmured Moilie, walking quietly to the deer, alien *he paused to look back over bar sho alder, aad added . "We will ate." "Drat that girl !" sotilmjuiied the angry parent, throwing, with noisy iputteriage, more wood oa the fire. "If her mother bad been alive, she'd have been made to mind, but ber JLnat Pbyllird aia't aay mote oaethaa a boa- hawk at managin' girls." Mean while. Miss Ashtoo, hat iag pat oa ber hat, bad started, with a basket on her arm, toward the Tillage At she elimbed lightly over the stile dividiag the meadow from the main road, she tumped almost into the arms of a tall, baaosome maa, whose honest gray eyes aad smiling meath war- ranted the eatbuaiastic reception afforded him by the young lady. " Lack's ao name for my meeting yoa," said shs, taking his arm, aad looking up confidingly into hit face, " Matters have " Oh, yoo kaow father'* a plain be likes heeest speaking. He weulda't tell you as, bat ywa should bear bis oeiaioa af aatteren. He has no mith in boaey. Wbaa Phil Burton calls be aapsars to -allow all his sweet talk , bat yea ought to bear the criticisms be makes when Phil't back it turned." " la dead," cried Dave ; be was much interested. " I teel as if I ought aot to give you the shot to lead year own gua, i inillaaad Msn Ash ton wmtchisg with steady gaas the toe of her little walking boot as it protrud- ed from under her dark blae dress, ' bat I'll give yoa a hint." I'll thank you mare thea I oaa say," whispered the young man gratefully. " If there's eae pereoa in this world whom father trusts implicitly, its Anat PhylUrd.' begaa Moilie. " Aunt PhyUird calls a spade, a spade. Father get* mad at her when she tells him he's getting bald, bat mark the effect, be look* IB the glass aad sees thai she has told him the truth. W September, whoa the a Sahara with a bead - aace of cattle aad grain, aad the Moca- bttos renew their bar Wring traffic between the Mass aad taa North. Tbe " a'saimab," or forty eaaicular days, a deadly period to travune. What a deapoadeat situatssu whoa tae thermome- tor fijctaatea for five hoars between 115 aad IK d*Kiu*a Fahrenheit ia tas Taa fiery broatbs ol the pesllUsiii aad ol tas ialeraal sbibilo weepiag taa face hke tao of af afar reached a climax at homo. Fathers worked , ji,. tmu n n . ..,. to me. Moilie, yoar op to suvb a pitch over my liking you, that , ann , i. M ^^4 appU, when she says bell chop mo into small pieces if I a thing's so, it's so,' Now you ' (she peaed don't give in and marry Dvid Brown. I'm bis jail hatching up a plot this vsry minute, to outwit him. Jack Owea gaxai admiriagiy al sweetheart whoso charming ti determined expression. " If ever there was a diplomat, you're the oaa," remarked th young maa. t to glaao* at him sideways from long eyelashes)" tickle his oar Battery, bat you ought to when your back's under her fancy by yoar hear what be nays tamed." " Ah ! Ha ' Exclaimed Mr. Brown I catch yoar idea. Well, thank goodness, il's not too late. Will yoar father bo ia What's the scheme you're oa at unseat?" tu af urneoa, at will be be at the Fair ia Mollio laughed. "I'm atraid," said Rochester T" she. ' that you'll spoil it all You're *uob "He'll be home," replied the young aa honest fellow womea, as she picked up the Beat little " Oh : It don't require lying, doe* it?" , parcel, containing her yard of red oalioo. cried Jack, dubiously. I'd bale " At the door, she tamed, aad similiag ia "Gammon!" exclaimed Mellio. ' It B n fane with charming candor added just requires twisting you into David, sadt treacaaatly. " Lay it oa thick Mr. Brown ; the mad- der bo acts at first, the more he'll respect yoa afterwards." "Yoa csa depend oa me," returned Dare, gratefully, as be re en torsi the store. Farmer Ashtoa was aot in a very happy frame of mind that afternoon, A vsJaabls | hone bad shown symptoms af nng-boD, ' aad be was ia the pasture ipplyiac wet | swabs to the diseased foot, as David Browu, looking very fine, IB a hraad sew salt of clothes, entered the field. From i the vine shaded window ol the white i David into you." mag mai s't quite Tbe young maa pucker*.! up hi* undent and. brow, be >taia- Id mered.' Mia* Asbtoa drew him to the fallen trunk of a large oak tree Let's sit dowa a moment, while I explain." she said. " You know that father, like everybody else, has one weak point. He'll bulldoze yoa, ai..{ scold, and raise any amount of tarradiddlea over a flea bite; bet ytu just go up, quietly, aad purr ovsr him, aad stroke him tad flatter him aad bell bs as sweet a* a May morning, next minute wiads, like the equiaoetiai sirocco, being destitute ol all moisture, pervade tae at- mosphere with intense dryaoas, tortariag the throat and luags of tae paauag travef or. His parcaod lip* rtiffea and almost loos the saaaibittty el nsatoat, las blood within the mucous membraaes evaporatiag oadar the bligbrtag affect ol tas hot air. Tbe natives who foul most aaacted by this extraordinary boat dif a grave-tike bole ia their bevels or gardens as a refreshing coach. This kind ef liviag grave water- ed every monung to preserve its freaautos. aad Ihee eoered ap with a close fitting mat or fresh palm-leaves. Towards elevea o'clock its temporary oocupaat siaks into it, ttretcbos himself en- tirely aaked, and chute himself up from the outaide world to peat the hottest boars in the iadoitaeo of a perfect quiet, rocliaiag ia the tosab as we do ia oar bsmmsnks. Buaisii tao boat, the flieeaad ants are more thaa oaa oaa bear during tae day, while duriag taa Bight one is tonasated to rage by thousands at in malt IBS, or ilnas with the nightmare from fear ol the trnraisae Tbe fins swarm in daytime, aad the taa is constantly needed to drive them away. Wbaa wriuag, oae bat to cover one's bead aad hands with geiuu, whoa eating, they eater in the oar. moath sad stone. Oae eats, dnnks. aad breathes thorn : all food Wit aa covered it spoiled by thea tao seorpioa is especially often fatal duriag tao These pedipalpi are fouad ia swarms the rain* and in the bias SB. which fact re- qa.res sa ovary-day search by the inmate* before going t sleep. Tain insect grows there to bo an extraordinary nsc, sad is some tunes soon 3 inches loag. A long, glowing day, a warm suffocating eveaiag, freak night aad sweet morning. are the general atmospherical features in summer, and the tantalising mirage can be scon daily ia the plains during that THE WEEK'S NEWS Tbe stiag ol kBferous aad days. farm- boose, a roguish to be e poo turneJ their faces in that Pg. face might have but neither of the iir*o- Now Jack, you're very plaia spokea sad abrupt, (I doa'l object to honesty, but learn to purr a little, )aad you haven't got the knack of managing father. It ain't ; tioo. that n* mind* you're sol beiag rijh so " Ife a fine day," observed Dave by way much, but that he likes Dave's s eet tongue | el overtures. " Looks a leetle cloudy," replied the old otaa, whose ir.iml was oa the horse. Why, I gusm your eyesight'* failing you, there am t a cloud in the sky," coo tradictod the visitor, bluntly. A took of startled turprie* crass* i Mr. Ashtoa 's rugged face, aad ho coached, ner- vously. " Well. I dsnno' bat what I can see anything that's worth seem,' he retorted sharply, and syed the young man disap- provingly. "Oh, you're getting along in yean, Mr. Ashtoo," continued Dave, miadful of his lesson. "Like'* not yoa'd bs a little cloudy at yoar ago." Age -cloudy ! Oo to grass !" roared the farmer. " What age'd you suppose me to be?" Mr. Brown hesitated. He appeared to be oa delicate ground, bat be was playing for high stakes, aad was BO* to bs turned from his purpose. "Well, I suppose yon aad Mis* PhyUird . nearly sixty, ** bs stammered. Tde old man chuckled. Phvllird 11 bs gratified by your calk- latioos, ' be observed drily. "SaV* beea poain' for forty-five for quite a p-;lL" 11 Forty-five," laughed Dave-. way my dear sir, you're both growing as bald as Then, had Ashtoa been ia Kaaaatiastoad bettor. To hear that fellow palaver him and (alter would make you tick, but il ruaa down father's throat like tweet oil, aad wrapt about his heart like a y* rJ of flannel" Jack was listening attsntively. " I see," be said. "What you waat me to do is to call on Fanner Ah-.on this even- ing aad toll him he's a daiiy." Moilie turned a disgusted face towards her lover, -.npil' ' *h* ejaculated. " Well," cried Jack, flaun lering help leasly, " what on earth ihkll I > -that he's a tremendously handsome man' If I've got to deal in flattery. I might a* well do it by wholestle, and pour it on thick." "Tell him his potato field beats Farmer Tuck'* all to flinders,*' prompted Miss Ash- ton. " His potato field beats Farmer Tuck's all to flinders," echoed Jack obediently, aad dealing a kiss from the teacher. That (*top it Jack ! he looks < . .ner every day of his life ; hasn't got T yek' % "Rat he bast" objected the l.>.*r. "Well, what next r " Tall aim Aunt PhyUird makes the best mine* pie yoa ever eat." Jack pursed op his lips. That'. tSe * r*t." said be. " but I'll do IX" " Yon iig:it eay tha, the Board of Di- Europe's Costly Armaments. The Earoaoaa as Haas are beginning to droop aad totter beneath the over-accumu- lating burden of military expenditure. There 11 hardly a country asaoag thorn that is not at artttat itruggling desperately to choke the dericit which is slam* it in the face. Ia Keglaad, Sir William Harooart was five million pounds ($_.*>, OHO.OOtH short, which most be provided for by now tax atioa. Tbe Indian Kurplro is proposiag to tax all imports, except oottoa, 5 par coat, ad valorem . to meet its deficit, besides adopting other eipoHieate unpopular but musts ry. In Franco also there i* a deficit of nearly \0i>e,lXO, about bait of which it is proposed to cover by a ref uading ef loans at a lower rate of interest, aad the remain- ing half in to bo obtained by increased tax- ation oa income* and spirits, with taxes oa succssstna duties, 'n I'aly. tbeaew Fiuaaes Minister frankly admits the existeace ef a deficit ol about $90,000,000. to Ss met no one know* how. The country cannot bear in- creased taxa'-ioo, aad tao chaacoa of aay Minister who ventured to propose strioas retreochmoat and the disbejsding of sarplu* employee would l*e practically worthless. Everywhere the uteamen are seeking with feverish anxiety for BOW oouross el revenue, but everywhere the insatiable maw of armameo to demands more aad ever mere millraaa. Dishearten ing-. "This i* a cold. croel worl.l." said Mean- dering Mike, " Folk* ain't satisfied -vsth turmn a man down ; l s ey goo* an' does it disagreeable." T\'hat"s the nutter!" " 1 jes' m*la a call at the farm house, Madam.' say* 1. I'm hungry, 1 am." "An' what did Se do " sae jes looked al no, sipnificanl like. an' says : 'So'* my Jog.' " The Goveraer-Geaeral has deftaitely BSciuid to reside ia Meatroal far a part el the year, aad has IMSSS* taa mtasiis of the la Premier. 9*r Jehu Abbott. Mr. B. B. Kddy, of Hall, is moatieaed tor the eurmssm'ua to too ebair la tae Seaau left vacaat by the death of Mr. Alease Wright, the King ol the Oatjaeaq. Tbe Toronto City Council at its meeting the other day fixed the dates for payiag the civic taxes for July iOta, aad beatombor IJta, aad November IOta. Tbe rate i. euteet mills oa the dollar. It is expected taat the suggsot sa of Major-Coast^ Jiarbart thattaezth Fuail- of Wales' rsgissoal. of Msatreal, amalgumato into sa paay banaiioa, will sooa bs acted The trade betweoa Eagiaad ram Csaedt during the" moath of April increased thirty- two per cent. The experts to Canada exhibited a decline. Mr. t-r-' '. the Govaramo date, defeated Mr. Dei or the Hoass ol Cammsas. oa -Satarday. fares being :-Blaaohara. 1,7*4 ; Dsaostt, 1,448. Tas firm ef Joka P. Rose A Co.. Meat- real, has beea awarded the contract by the Dummies 1' iTiiususl for tao supply ol ballot boxes for the next gsaatal aWsaVsaa, A aipifima*. coadiUoa ol tao coatraet itipulate* that tao boxes shall bs ready within ninety days. Lady AberJeea has made aa appeal for sympathy aad lapport ia tao work ol a society firmed ia Winnipeg rias. weekly papers, aad boocs to srttlers ia the North West who make lor such reading matter. She express** a hope that breaches may bs formed in Ot- tawa, Montreal, aad Toren ftaafaWB Mr Gmdstoas'* wsikusss. as tae result of a recent oasa, m iacressuag, aad bo tao oars af a physician. Tbe reduced majority which tao Eagliaa Govemmoat is abio to command mads to the belief that there will bo aa early dis- DaMitlOti W tis* HoVasW. Mr. Jean tana. M.P., while watckiag a cricket match at Batter ess was struck oa the face by a ball, aad btt eyas eusly injured. Ureat atwaaratsaas are making for the Young MenTchnsiian Associ will be celebrated ia -, , __ J* _.. J ___ vrfM IM BaVTU, aTaVKl MM about three weeks. Lord Roeebery, before the Nauoaal Lib- oral dub the ether Jay. while would fight to tao'last ditch. Ia the Hoass el Lords Karl Spsaotr said Oovorasaoat was determined to msmtsia the aavy sad to reader Ureat Britain paramount upsa the too. Mr. John Aoatoa Ckambrrlaia, M.P.. sea of Mr. Joseph Cbamborlaia, M.P., was attacked receaUy by a bull oa his father's farm near Birmingham, aad seriously in- jured. la the Imperial Boose ol Buitea, UaJer-C.liuisI regard to a treaty rocnUtiag tao fid aloag the shore, of Nswfooadlaad DC. Chr pbyetoaa, hat re sa vmuthe sdt Priaee Bssmarek'a 'ted fna1s lataadiag wait until ha There was aarieaa riottag ia T oaaUy spoa taa part el the strikiag bsa*d- ers' labearars. Tao snob was caargrd by tao police, aid mxay awn were aenooaly injured. It is reported that M. Dieb'a. tao Freaea iTirutisaar, it ill, ai i of taa two Aaarcbisai si death will have to bo i It sal wita which tas late E *>/ *"* Uarmaay was aaVeted, has eot*hlisais' it* Italy. Tae Kmpsrsr tmt Empress of Germany re proaoat oa Hatarday at tao npaiiag ol a BOW Lathoraa church in Berlin. Tao says she will aot bs tfitiM onul taorearecae haadred Lutaoraa choreas* ia tae city. AN AUTOMATIC LIGHTHOUSE. Ta* Krlxki Lixhi Bara* rrrtviaall i WMa- A asw ligBthoaso having a unique faatara a Giroade la France, wbars it araada rook m tae auastol a rocky roof. Tas ity ol this Ughiaoaas is that it HI aad yet it* lamp is burning perpetually. TaM fststtMMM E^CaTVtOaM aaVsal4kOMMW OV UM oaaat of Kagiaad. ristag from a rock taa* ia aarylargs eaeoga to aaerd a fcaadatiaa aiaa baviag it ia i hsigs are able to loavo qaaner* oaly < sapaliee, letters. L of watchers. It was to do away with tats exacting aad loasassae life that las F reach eagia- eors eet taemeel vos abeat the took al devis- ing a msthad by watch the tao lamp could be maintain*. mach perasaal rttoatioa. It od that a lama was laveatod y for twe Tas burning laid used ia this lamp sa r mineral ed. Tbe tube ia the ia- the lamp ia rtwaisaad with a wiak baviag : protoctioa assaroa the durauoa aad the aai- torsaity ef the fiamo. A ekimaoy made of says that not- A despatch from withalsadiag the favorable upsrls ia the Court Ocular, the health of the Qassa it , r y. It is doubted if she will be able to be preeeat af the Manchester ship Tbe workiagmea ol Cdmbargh bad a pro- cesstaa ea Saturday, aad a msstiag was heed at which reeofutieas were pamii de> maadiag an eight bears' working day. the abolition of the Houae ef Lards, sad the paymea: ef member* ef the H ef Com- Three man ia New York were sentenced to six msatat' impnosamtat for ttasxLng ia froat of a salooa aad dissasdiat aav tomors from satoriag. Goorgs Docker, oae of the mcst prornia- eat moi of Treks, CaL. has beea arrested charged with the murder of his wife aad infantohild tweaty-ssven years ago. Tbe Catholic Union aad Tim as, of Buf- falo, referring to the Coxoy movemsat, says it it a repetition el tae social upheaval IB Fraace ia 1791. is a revolution. Hoary C. Brown, el Denver, Col, aged evenly, worth three million dollars, was sa JiattastsBtasaowerWtheUsjpa. The supply el ed imarsi by mstai at a MO caana, the vide always for the I od with sasaetoat feel a i be-ng furnish isiaxsj at its permiu M grammas par bear ts gh tas supply pips into taa pply The aa diameter ef the lantern is - - ii,aoa. Th hiteasiry of tas tMta* keeps eoaabUunul the Hii.nioa ol WO Mt4alVsasa) WttsMal It M W^CUfUfj VP t*at taa tighthoaas aad lualeaiah the wick. Tbe light oaa be seen mare than twelve sea. Tbe wick st eeavassd aad draw* up gradually bythe asaita of the tar sake at its meath. Tbe French l.evera- uasat is arraagiag to pat op ethers el these beasts, sad it is also psrfeettag aa in Tea - Uoa by which a aarattaal slaeue light aaa beceatreHed by wires running taraaga a cakes to the mad. RESCUED ALMOST DEAD. Wats* a rartr of u masl In aoMrla. A namsUk from Grata. Austria, says. A ttaoamsat el sappsn sad mine-* bava ..jstasad the seven imprisoned to or is tt from tao stoJacito cave at Lugiocb. Tbe party wore explonag the cave whoa a rusk of water dosed tao entrance, aad they have been impismasd staoe April 27. Tbe cave explorers arosoatod a ghastly spectacle as they were broagbt into the daylight, a* wea* from oxbaastioa that they were bar* ly alive. The church bolls of the village of oTe._ . . .a_ aa It is aa* a rebellion, it married >n Wednesday night to Louisa Matthews, % tcbsol teacher, aged twenty- two. \\illia-n D. Lohsaaa, the fugitive analir of the Excias Departmsat ol Brooklyn, X. Y., who wa* recently arrested IB Toronto, sentenced to imprisoamoa*. in Sing 8iag for sevea years aad foar moath*. A nugget weighing three thnasasi three hundred pound*, and coataiaiag silver to the value of twenty five tbeojosad dollars, was recently taken out of the Smugglers' mine at Aspea. CL It is the Itrgeet lvsr lUggetoa record. Tbere is much iadigaatioa ia Toledo over l^trel of two United States vtssil*. which had a pleasure party aa beard fishtag for bUct bass near Pnt-ia-Bay. Tne autkonv.ee at Washington say that Okaada. ia making the soiture, was acting well within he'r rights. tanaaaafa Tie openedi of Itelgi World's Kxhibiiioa was formally at Antwerp by the King aad Queen ef Belgium oa Saturday. Tbe Russian <.ovrameot baa aiivisod the Pope ol its intentions to establish a regular Lsgatioa at the Vatican. The Italian Government baa seat the cruiser Stromboli to Creoco to h*)p those uftsriag from tao earthqaaks. Tbe polios ol St. Petersburg recently made wholesale cautnree of Sihih* >. oae huBdred ef them baviag been -vrreotod is oae batch. Tbe betrothal ol the Oarewitch to IVie cess Alix of fleose wasprtoadod aad follow- ed by a friendly corttepuadoeoe bet' Emperor Wil!iam aad the Caaai. diver, to wboeo effort* the reacae was dae, waseamelea thesbouldenof the villacsrs. Mrs. Faskiage, oae of the party, gave premature birth to a child while at the cave. Mrs.$eworwos dnvoa mad from despair aad fright. Six ef the seven persons who wore IB the cave have so far reeeuered that they are abio to walk. They *li .1 had a small supply of broad aad cheese when they wore fouad, aad they also had a few ca*dlos left. Tbe priaaasrt beard the a'-leitpta to rsscu* them, bat the alow progress tao rescuer* were making had mad* it seem eertaia that they would die before they could bs reached, aad their anxiety an d by the seme ol the explosion of the 4yaa- mite blasts, bat the shocks wore so viol oat that they wore in COM taat fear of killed by falling rocks. Asian Monarch* on Their Travels. A Loadoa standard correspondent tele- graph* from Sv Petersburg that the pro- letlid visit of the Shah el Persia to Eat IB* will probably be asitasasl oa account ol the illaoss of his eUeet tna, the heir sapar- t^ears, 1 ssmi^SciallT 'taat^as^oOr'ol Bokhara baa iB.<eBilely deferred bis pro- piMSd euro at the mineral spr-ngs of the Caucasus, aad that the Khan of Kniva is asadiag, after tae fasbioa of each potoatatoa, aa ombrassy. with amenta, to prepare tao way for a visit to the Kosaiaa capital Hi* savoy* extraordiaary are expected to ar- rive ia the mioVUe of July. Hts Diagnosis. She " I here got four BOW wrinkles ia m fa.-e aiaco I married yoa. " --Too bad! Iprosamo it cornea from worryiac over miltiaora' bills which I can't p\y.' Nearly everybody smokrs la Japan. Tbe girU begin whoa '.bey arc Un y - . ai age, and the boj a year. aarUsf.

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