Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 May 1894, p. 2

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THE WEEK'S NEWS CANADA. Prof. Goldwin Smith aad hi* wife have returned to Toronto after a proloiged tour in Europe. Mr. Edmund YaUi in hii goeiip aay* thai the Royal Military College at Kingston has given to the imperial army aom* excel- lent soldiers. Tbe health authorities in Montreal intend to take measures to keep out small-pox wbioh U at prevent raging in tbe United State*. Aatonio Laeiaaio, who wa* hanged r* cenlly at Retina fer tbe murder of hi* companion at Urenfell, died /oleitiag hi* innocence. Th* Trade* and Labor Council of Ot- tawa ha* decided net to place a candidate in the field for th* approaching provincial election*. It i* rcmered in Montreal that the vacancy in tbe Senate cauaed by the death of Sir John Abbott will be filled by Mr. K. B. Kddy, of Hull, yue. A petition to the Governor-General i* be- ing aigatd asking that the exemption from leisure for employes of th* Federal Gov- ernment b* aboliahed. Mr. CoaUworth, M.P., ha* prepared aa addition t* th* criminal oode to make pro- vision for bringing pool-room keepen with- in i be sweep of the drag -net of the law. The Customs officials in London, Out., mixed eight package* of lottery ticket*, which were adds-eased to well-known peo- ple in London, Exeter, Newbury, Bothwell, and elsewhere. At tb* Toronto General Sessions the other day Jama* Gilee wai convicted of keeping a poel-roesn and sentenced to two monthi in gaol with hard labor. Notice cf appeal wai given. The Ottawa Journal aayi th* drinking facilities in in the Dominion Hois*** of Par- liament have lent many a man to the devil, aad think* tbat, unless in connection with meal*, the bar should be abolished. Chief of Police Hugh**, of Montreal, ha* taken an action against th* Montreal Herald for Iweity.five thouaand dollar* damage*, alleging that s trie' urn were pawed upon him in aa article on the efficiency of Ih* police fore*. Tbe (hipping men of Montreal in com- plaining greatly of the dulnea* in the ship- pin? trade, which i* said lo b* unprece- dented. In oonaeqnanoe of Ihe prevailing dulnesi a number of *team*n which wer* to have gone to Montreal this lammer have had their engagements cancelled. Lois Clovii BonaparU, a grand nephew of the fint Nopoleon, died in London on Monday. The London County Council is diacu**- mg tb* project of >>ov*rnment pawnshop*, imilar to the Monte de 1'iete, of Part*. The Queen held a drawing-room at Buck- ingham palace on Friday. The weather wa* diaagreeable, and the attendance wa* not large. A divorce suit hai been commenced in Kdmburgh, in which Viscount Baring, tbe eldest son of the Ear! of North brook, I* co- respondent. Tbe CounteM of Clarendon, wife of tb* fifth Ear 1 of Clarei don, and oldest daughter of the Earl of V>r .canton, died on Wadne*- day night. It ii announced that the pro*p*etu* of a new daily paper in Dublin, devoted to tbe intereet* of the Healyiteiia lha Irish party, will shortly be issued. The London season will be graced by tho preaence of the Sultan, who ha* made up hi* mind to see the world. H* will remain a fortnight in London. Prf. Henry Morley, LL.D., the distin- guishel author and lecturer, died tbe other day at Carlibrooke, in the III* of Wight. He wa* seventy- two year* of age. The student* of Christ Church, Oxford, after a drunken debauch, at an early hour on Saturday wrecked the Bullingdon Club and smashed nearly five hundred windows. The conviction I* growing in Ih* Knglish Liberal rank* that a dissolution of Parlia- ment mast take place aoon. They view with apprehension the diminishing Govern- ment majority. Mr. Asquith, Home Secretary, wai mar- ried recently in si. Ueorgo'i churah, Man- over square, London, to Mia* Margaret, daughter of Sir Charles Tennant. Tb* function wa* a vary brilliant on*. There Is an extensive itrike of cabmen in London, whioh is causing muoh inconven- lence. The Cabmen's Union hai been In xltUnc* ouly a few weeks and their funds are small, so it ii expected that the strike will MOB be over. I'mted -Miles Ambassador Hayard ha* intimated to tbe British Government tha desire, of thn United State* to withdraw from the Unrlin agreement, provided all the right* of United Stat** citlaeni in Samoa are lafeguarded. Home Secretary Asquith ha* positively refused to order the release, of Mrs. May- Link, serving a life sentence tn \Voking prison for murdering her huslmm 1 , or to reopen the oaae for the purpoee of hearing new evidence. The Duke of York ha* intimated to Ihe Admiralty his desire to r**um his duties In the navy. After thi icoonohment of the i lien it ii probable ihe will, with her husband, pay a visit to some ->f the British colon la*. At the annual convention of the Irish Nat inna) 1/e.agn* of Great Britain, hold at Liverpool on Saturday, It wa* d*oM attempt to heal the idflinultic* in the Irish paity, and a convention with that olijeot i-w will be ihortly called, to meet in Hui Sir JohnlVnder, chairman of the Kastern led Telegraph Company, referring to .,- - - I :.|.| IT lecture at the Colonial Institute, say* tb* propose, I I'm it able, vlewdoiimm*rvlallr, < rie only regatile.il a* a needle** luxury, the *xp*nditi.ii> for win > iiny In. regarded a* an unwarrsntaliln wat* of mnnny. i M in. KTATBW. A beautiful bron/.e slatn* of Christopher i in Central park, New York, on Saturday. A ' of small |in ha* been dlnoovsred In the lornsr part nfAlban-. N hi.-h warms with women ami children. The dedioatioB of a meeraamot lo htary thi mother of Washington, took pla th* olbir day at Fredeesckahorg, Va., ia Ih* presence of President Cleveland and ten thousand people. During Ihe past weea in New York there wen eight suicide*, a dozen bodies of men wer* found in th* river, and half a d*x*a dead bodie* of men were picked up in dark hallway* and alley*. Four depot* for distributing pun milk at a nominal price to poor mothers wer* opened in New York on Wednesday. Tbe Mayor and Health Commi**ioan of Chicago hav* iaraed a proclamation requir- ing everyone in the city to be vaooinated. The exce** of tb* United State* Govern- ment expenditure over Ihe receipt* for tne tea month* aad a half to date is seventy minim dollar*. A report come* from Washington that Baby Ruth, the first child of President and Mn. Cleveland, ii partially, U not entire- ly, deaf and dumb. Dr. MeGlynn and Mr. Heaty George addrswed a New Yerk audience on ihe iagl* lax movement from the (am* plat- form on Sunday evening. There i* a movement in New York for the abolilion of Ihe bonding system, which il is claimed hai Ihe effect, of driving traf- fic from the railways of the United State* to the Canadian roads. While th* R*v. J. W. Langlev wa* etching on Sunday, in a Philadelphia elhodiit church, on " The Uncertainty of Life," he waa stricken with paralysis, and i* nol expected to recover Th* Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones, paitor of All Souls' Unitarian church, in Chicago, intends lo break away from deaominalional bonds and organize a church of free thought without creed or doctrine. It i* stated that the compromise Tariff 11 at present before Ibe United State* Senate i* th* direct result of mholeaale bribing of the Senator* by *om* of the moniur trnil* of th* ccuntry. Six families of Esquimaux, under co.i- ract to ih* United StaU, arrived in New York on Saturday from Norway on their war to Alaska, when they are to breed nd trsin reindeer for three yean. In th* trial of Dr. Meyers for the murder of Ludwig Brandt in New York the other day tbe prisoner offered to plead g ul 'ty of manslaughter in the fint degree. The offer wa* nfuaed by Ih* Stale prosecution. A trunk wa* oaptund in New York on iVednesday which wa* b*iug smuggled hrough from Montreal. Il contained two inndred and fifty pound* of Sumatra to- icco, which i* worth three dollan a pound n Nf w York. Dr. Talmage, in referring to Ibe destrui- ion of the Brooklyn tabernacle, said Ibat 'rovidence showed great mercy on Sunday >y not letting the fin gain headway until nearly all the congregation had left the church. A Washington dnpalch lo ihe New York Horald aay* it is greatly feared lhat .he presenl Congress will fail lo pa** Ih* Wilson Tariff lull. The delay of the Senate, the despatch add*, i* paralysing tb* Imsi- nea* of th* country by prolonging the un- irlainty. At Wednesday's session of thi Southern rlethodist General Conference, held in Memphis, Teno., the Kev. Dr. Sutherland, Vatemal delegate from the Canadian Coa- erence, addr****d the assemblage in favor of a triple union of the Northern, Southern, and Canadian Churches. UBNIBAL. Il Ii stated positively in rVrii that Presi- dent ( 'srnot will nol seek re-election. Chancellor von Caprivi ha* received a Million from Ih* German Colonial Society nking Germany to annex Samoa. Four representatives of Victoria have left Sydney to take part in the Intercolonial Conference in Otlawa. Thi Government of Cape Colony ha* re- nnsidered it* decision and will send two representative* to the coming Colonial Con- rence in Ottawa, Despatch** from Agra aay th* accounts f thi disturbance in the native ngiment are greatly exaggerated. No fur. her trouble Ii feared. A Caracca* special says that probably en thousand persons perished by the earth- juake in tbe north eastern part of Vene- zuela on the night of April 28. An International Congieis will be held t Antwerp *horlly for Ihe pnrpo*e of examining imitations relating to tne pro- motion of abandoned children and of re- leaaed convict Among the suspected Nihilist* recently arrested n St. Petersburg were a fashion - able modiste and her girl auiitanU, whom tha police dripped naked in '.heir March [or oompromiiiug paper*. It Is reported from Hi. Pettnbur* that e marriage of the Cxarewitch anil I'rin- oea* Alix of Hesse, which, il is will-known TfflB IS AN AWFUL STORY, GEORGE DECKER OF LONDON, OUT., IN A CALIFORNIA JAIL. "aid I* Ha<e sUlle* fTIre <! Bake r.i.v.e.i HI, Beeead Wife an* le avr I'BI araasleklldrea OBI ef Ike Peansl la a Cave After Twealr s*vea Tear*. A shepherd tending hi* flocki in Kildere Hill* near Yreke, Cat, entered a cave and, stumbling, stooped to pick up an obstruction. There were many, and a lighted match (bowed they were bone* human, dust covered bone*. He told of hii dUoovery that night. The nut day h* brought tbe bone* to town. Then a fire tbat bad been mouldering for 27 year* bunt forth, a fire of vengeance, and th* next morning George Dicker, a proeperon* farmer, wai placed under arrect. Thi* happened *ix days ago, aad tbe man who paoa* up aad down be- tween the stone walls, for be cannot sleep, is charged with lie murder*, and it i* believed otben will be laid to hi* door. Th* grand jury of Siskyou County ha* been taggered by tbe evidence brought before it. The foreman lays . "What next Will come t* light ? Tbi* body hai three true bilU to present, and is only waiting to learn if the evidence supporting more will come in." ot'Tuvtn icsricioN. To be inre, rumor has in the past cast a shadow on th* name of Decker, bu'. that wa* yean ago, when this wai a lawle** re gion, and those who were old enough to talk have line* died or moved away. The out-lived suspicion. He grew to be a leader of men. He acquired wealth and nflneace. He hai not alept without a mem- tber of hii family ia hit room for 20 years. Thn ha* been made known, along with the damning evidence, since the shepherd found h* dust covered bone* in a cave on tb* Kildere hill*. Yrcka wa* one* a gnat town on the coast. It wai a mining centre, and in Ih* early lixtie* wai ia it* glory. To-day it ii a* large as it wai then, but hardly larger, and hai grown into a prosperous farming settlement. George Decker came to Ynka in 1805, from where no one knew. A woman with two children came a few months later. She wa Mr*. Decker, aad he said she came from London, I 'anada, where they had married. Mn. Decker wa* of middle age. Tb* *Mest child, Eva, wa* 7 yean old, and tber* wa* a boy of 3 B*nny. MOTIKH AHD BABE DUAFPBAB. Townifolk often said that she did not livi happily with her husband. A year after Yreka wa* made lhair ho another, child wa* born, a sickly little one that kept its mother busy at home. The few old resident* now recall that about thi* time Decker left hi* household to care for itself a great deal add wa* frequently at th* home of a wealthy widow named Good- rich. Loud cries were heard in Dicker'* home one day. A man ran into the home. The husband held a whip over hi* wife, who wa* cowering at a table, and the wa* aaytag. "I'll sign. I'll situ. Please don't Itrike," and ihe pat her name to a paper, tha content* of which she kn*w not. Mother and baby diiappeartd two week* Iyer. The whole family had Ron* out driving ai.d the father hail returned with Benny and Kva. Hit wife and bal.y, he said, h* had placed on a stag*. They wer* going to San Francisco, thence to I 'anada. He appeared in the street* in mourning clothe* a month later. " Th* t*amr carrying my wife and child wa* lost in a gal*," hi said, and much sympathy wa* shomn. X HU HANI*. following itory. "We went for a Mn. Presion t.ld th* She wa* the child Kva : rid* that morning -papa, mamma, Benny, the baby and myself. Wher wo reached the hill* papa bitched th* horses and told mamma lo get out of th* wagon with the baby and go with him. She cried and ha dragged her along They went away up in the Imp-lie., lly and by papa cam* back alone. Hi* hands were bloody and h* wiped them on the'graas. He told Benny and I that if wi ever spoke of mother h* would kill in and he meant it. Then wi> drove home. " Mrs. Preston i* simple minded woman, not insane, bat feeble IB fact, a mono- maniac on th* subject of fear of her father. She told this story for the first time the other day, and then ouly when assured her father could not reach her. MAKRIKD MBA. i ooMUrll. Decker donned gay clothe* again in a year and aoon there wa* a wedding and a new mistress In the house, for Mn. Good- rich had become hi* wife. She also had two nhildren that came with her. On* waa named Koiie, at that time I'.' years old ; another wa* a boy. The boy soon died, low, it is not remembered. Ro*ie Iwcame I Mrs. Kdw.ird Stoni four yean later. About (tin tune Kvn became a young woman. Benny had pre\ ii<usly been lent to Oi and was there doing business as a t _ ^ f man. Decker announced one summer that *ng that he will allow the library' to remain " WM going m n adja- cnt county to b a diplomatic alliance and not a love match, will take place on November huh. The Uovernment of Portugal consider* that it ha* don* it* utmost to satisfy th* demands of Branl in dismissing thi com- manders of th* warship* for allowing th* insurants on board those ships lo eeoap* at Montevideo. The Ute Count von Schack bequeathed hi* famous library at Munich to Kmperor W ilium, and Ihe Kmperor ha* gained Ihe il will of Southern ( iormaiiy l>y annonnc ing t In Munich. Kii<iuirisn in ller'in in connection with claims for the property of th* late Kmin l'ilm reveal '! fact that th* great explor- er had three wive*, and that then are now thro* children living, daughter each by two of hi* wives, anil a ion by th* third. In the trial of th* eight editor* in Ilirlm recently it wa* given In evidence that d*tolives had u-ued inflammatory plac- ards to tin' unemployed, |nir|iorln;g to manate from t hi Soolal Ilia, and thaipollc* agents disguised as workmen rotually Itarted tin Soulful rioting at Kriidricli haln. alien I '.. ru' ing limber on a ranch, and that Kva mutt go with him. She ploaded with her !t i) -n.niher. lint to no avail, an.i father and MOgktet tarie.l. They wer* gone three mouth*. All that time, *o it in now Inarneil, they lived logethi-r in tho woodi. When tiny 0*111* Iwck the wai a physie-xl wreck anil her mind wan .1- Shortly alter the married a farmer named Prei'.on, but she never lost that dread of her father. 11(11 STOMACH Ml Mm. IV: k, r V... .' who wai Mr*. Good- rn-h, wai taken ill a year or 10 latr. ii* remarked at '!' dir* how atten- the huiliand WM. No* they recall to the death there had been another. Deck r had visited hi* son Beany, way up in Oregon. When b* caire back he brought a lovely woman, the widow, he laid, of hii boy, who had died while hi* father wai '(siting him. Thin another witaeas of tbat ride in the Kildere Hills wai out of the way. Then there came Edward Stone and bii wife and babe. Mr*. 8u* wa* tbe little Kosie, tb* daughter, and than only living child of Mrs. Goodrich, or Mr*. Decker No. 2. By tbe latter 1 * will *h* (P.?sie) wai left most of hir property, lo rerert to Decker if she died without child. On* day Rwie baby was crying fretfully in an adjoining room. MARKS OX THI llBv's XWK. '' " "I will itop her," nmarked Decker, walking to tbe cradle. An hour later tbe little one wai found dead. There wai no investigation at that time, for Decker wai thought an honest and npricht man, but an old woman hi* been found wbo wa* at that time a nurse and she. says ah* law marks of fingers on th* baby's throat. Edward Stone died a natural death a few month* later, an 1 beside hi* body that of hii wife wai aoon laid. So Decker came ia to all the property, aad he wa* much respected therefor, aad there were BO witnnisi of that mysterious deed in Kildeie Hills save Mrs. Preston. Some persona hv* laid an pleaaant thing* about Decker in put yean. but they were soon forgotten. Weallh and property wai the armor plate that shielded iiim from tbe shaft of suspicion, aad it wa* nothing but suspicion. Then Ihe shepherd found the bone* ia t le cavern. All link* seemed lo spring together in cbaio, and this fastened itself upon the leek of the respected townsman, George Decker. Fortunate for him that be U in prison to-day that tbe walls are strong uid that the sheriff hai (worn in a number of depuUe*. All along Ih* Pacific Coast th* itory of li crime* is being told. It will soon be come a narrative of international interest. UHOBTC THAT HAfNT HI*. These an tb* ghouls that it M now thought haunted Decker: His first wife uid her new born babe, murdered in the Cildere Hills: hii second wife, believed to lave been poisoned; Benny, Ihe ion of hii fint wife, died, no one know* how, in Oregon; a boy, the ion of his second wife: Koeie, the daughter of hii ncoad wife; Kdwani, the husband of the daughter of hi* second wife; a baby, the child of Edward and Ro*i, strangled in her cradle. This make* eight in all Some may have died from natural can***, but it ii morally certain tbat Decker is guilty of making away with three hii wife and daughter and grand-daughter and enough evidence hai been found even at thn late day to can** the grand jury of Sukyou County lo frame Irue lulls, LATER. It ii now charged thai George Decker murdered ten persons, the lilt of his victim* being a* follow* : Margaret E. Decker, first wife : Nevada Decker, babe ; Roe* Stone, granddaughter , man in Illinois, name un- known; man in Sacramento Valley, name unknown ; Edward Stone, *ecund wife'* son-in law ; Benjamin Decker, ion ; Mrs. Caroline Goodrich Decker, second wife ; 4- year old ion of Edward Stone, hired man. The Minion murder ii being ncalled now. Talk about it followed l>cker from the rast, but it wai not believed then that so upright a man could have been guilty. SIST HIR A CAN Or rBBBBkVBa, The town of San Rafael add* it* quota to the proof of Decker'* guilt. It wai there that hi* second wife died and wit- ne**e* are now coming forward with dam- aging evidence. They say Decker atnl his wife a can of preserves, and ihortly after taking them she died in agony. Decker arrived at her death bed, and in her last word* ihe accused him of her murder. These person* say they have refrained from peat ing before because of dislike to be summoned ai witnesses. If th*r* i* on* thlug i'hararT.Tii:i.- of ihe ih.'lit. wan o ixtlenttv* thai no one. Japanese it is their Inv* <>f flowers. No i yen tie nhyiioian, was allowed a: her home in Japan *o small )>ut ban its little vine necessary, in his li\ndsi'i|> garden, If only In the hack vir.I . . tt >h hn \ change of air, and. and n > inn >o hiimhli' hut can Hud a II lo liruhten the. room ol every guest. Th love of unlinals, though not ,., ,i.,,. iael, aninng uraii II- In-. .. '. ' - i p two week* later A \n'.. un.lor:i\iier noticed that s.i oon-pii-iious, is never! li*l< sutli'iently the nns.ing itnd re. k.n.rd that . i llieemUlmei hul rsmovsd It, Butnreviou* QUININE AT COST. Tme In. turn CeversiMteBl i.1. r. ike Ben- ale>e OppnriBBin le * Ikr Dr.t at Ikr Lewesl u*ir, ,imii.,, i xn ,n nii-m in Java, It is sought to popularu* thi uae of quin- ine among thi natives in the Presidency of Bengal, by keeping the drug on aale at all the local postotfice* in package* containing gr. v. each conforming to the Indian'i idea* of a popular price, vii., the equivalent of about one larthinf each. The results of the experiment* thu* far are latitfactory and tho extension of the system to other part* of India i* in contemplaticn. The pri.-e at which the quinine ii told it barely sufficient to cover the cost of manufacture, and the laudable, if rather belated, object of the enterprise U limply that of enabling the 71,000,0(10 inhabitant! of a sultry and in many part* ague-itricken province, to obuin at cost price a medicament of which they stand in acre need. It in. m fact, a pieo* of modified state aocialism, hut one which merely carries out, after 15 yean of suspense, a part of the policy that inspired the .climati/mg of the cinchona tree in Hriluh India. The Indian example ha* been followed by Java, which h*s an even denier popula- tion tlun Bengal, and where in thn low- lying northein sea-board fever ii quite ai (Ucgeroui an enemy to health as in the <ingei dolt*. In Java, however, the sup- ply of olieap ijiunine to the native 'popula- tion n n. MI i -I nf the Uovernment at all, but one of philanthropic commercialism nn the part of the cinchona planters. The ijiiiniuo upp!vd is not, a in India, of local manufacture; it it unpirted from Kurope, and tho ol jecl of the committee !<>t >|innire propagan'ta, which has ihs ditnlivrion in h iii.l, t* to assist in tlm improvemont of the .in.-ti.-na market by finding a new outlet tor the prepared dnig, which <i sold in the form of gelatine, cap< ulos containing gr. vj.. at the rate nf one cent each, or 6>e .Capsules for a penny, bat, noniiaVring the (light min-hiK.ug newer of the native, even this ngure is Kill thought too high by Mv*ral experts. The oapenl > fot m n Mso p.<ni,|. r innalde feature in some qnar tr, ai.d an experiment ii now being tried to lulntitute sutll yilN fur tho capsule. 200 PEOPLE SEE A MURDER KISSED HIS MOTHER THEN STAB. BED HER TO THE HEART. A W.Blar * Amaek WUk Tkree Kalvee Alter JBmBlBf rreai a aerwnd ttesrer Wladew-rear Teepse MakkeJ axere Ike Madman I* < alre After a >- erase Kiracjle. A despatch iron Albany, N. Y., myl: * Eugene Brady, a maniac, killed his mother, aged 65, on Tuesday m a fit of violence and - attempted to kill fear other persons. With three knives in hi* hand* b* ran wildly around th* street*, cutting right aad left, Assaulting everyone whom he met. At S o'clock Brady began quarrelling with hi* mother and aiiten, aad they soon deter- mined that h* wai not ia hi* right nuad, aa Srady's father ha* bean iaaaa* aad wai r*. leased from an asylum but a short time ago. Th* daughter, Jennie, went to a near by lumberyard and a*ked laat some of tb* em- ployees b* sent to the hoaae to quiet b*r brother. When the men catered the hen a* Brady ran upstairs and jumped from a UBOOXD MORBY WINDOW. The men picked him an. He wa* uncon- scious and it wa* thought that b* wa* seri- ously injured. He nvived ia a few min- ute*, and before he could be stopped, jumped up and grabbed a common oaa* knife, a can-opener aad carving knife. Ha then ran out of the house aad began a wild aad terrible chase through th* neighbor- hood. H* carried the cae* knife and CAB- opener in on* hand and th* OAiving kail* in the other. He went along for several blocks, making attempt* to cnt all not quick ia getting outof hi* way. Hii mother and iBrtir had followed him aad at tha corner of Vine and Jreen streets a man tried to tnke Brady. Th* luter held hi* hand and cried, " Doa't strike him," pre- venting him from deing so. But for bar act th* murder might have been prevented. Tbe mother cam* running up and la* la- furiated maa became calm and dropped all but tb* serving knife. The two then wait- ed back to the home and IB th* yard Brady thnw hii arms around hii mother's neck aad k iwe. I her. He then pluaged the long; knife into her breait mUKIXO KB* TO TBB IIXAKT and she died in a few m.nutea. Hi* sistor- in-law wa* itaading Bear and be slashed bar on the rijnt arm. At least 200 people saw the murder. Brady then started oa another wild chase. He wa* followed by a doaen aian who want- ed to captun him, but when be turned upon them they fled. A. J. V. Werner, who tried to itop him, reoeieved a bad knife wound on the arm. Patrick Rice wai painting the sloop of a house aad Brady plunged the knife into hii right bin. The wound is not serious. Hi* next victim wa* Mn. John Kelly, who ran iato her bone* a* Brady approached. The Utter followed and plunged th* knife into her back twice a* the wai running up the stairs. Her wounds are not fatal. A cobble iloaa thrown struck him on Ih* head aad taggered him and then the police >trol came along. It Uok four mea> t* (el him in the patrol wagon. He wai a 101 ri tile siirht, being covered with blood and hi* clothe* being torn from hi* back. Mad Through Excitement. So intense wa* the excitement in Pah* .luring the issue of the la*t municipal loan tbat nothing else occupied public attention lor day*. The great Parisian rlnancitn almost fought to obuin scrip. Many of them lent their repreeentative* to the office* the night before they oponed to b* lirstal the counters. A young clerk named VVimann wa* deputed to represent hi* firm, and wa* entrusted with a very large turn of money ui bank note*. All night he man- fully stood hi* ground, anxiously clutching a portfolio containing the note* for fear of being robbed. The strain upon hi* xysteni caused by the long waiting and hi* appre- hensions were too much for him, and the following day he *hwed sign* of mental derangemea*. At present h* i* an inmate of a lunatic asylum. The rnah for the loan, it may be mentioned it waa subscribed literally hundred* of times over was dv* to the gambling element in the natter, tb* holder of stock being entitled not only to liis int*re*t, but to a chance in a lottery drawing every lix month*. A New Kind of Baby Show. The "Haby'iJIxliihituMi," t ' U- held in Humphrey'* Hall Knighubridge, during the month of June, says the London THily New*, will deal with exhibit* bearing upon the food, clothing, medicine, furniture, aad pleasure* of that very important personage. The show will b* divid.sl into fiv* heads, the fint dealing with food, dietetics, haver- ages, medicine* and disinfectants. Tbe second class include! clothing of all sort* (or infant*, juveniles, and mother*. Tb* t!nrd is devoted to nunory furniture, and Ii of comprehensive icop*, comprising wall papen, gratrt, baths, filter*, etc. The Fourth clasi will IK> one of tr> t inton-si to [he yonngsten tKemse-lve* toy*, game*, book*, gymnastic apparatus, mail carts am' rocking horses be ing ranged Bmler this head. Misc*!Uncoui tpcc:altie* for lioneehoid ue* will occupy Clan V. The acbeme is calcu- lated to embrace all that can possibly ;!! to alleviate tha woe* of inUncv and enhance the pleasures of that pnriod of life alloyed for the most part with the trouble* of ttething. Thi ptioeof admiMion is to be fixed at a price so moderate a* to render the exhibition useful to all claim. Sambo's Wit. A darkey was recently ohargtd with tealing fowl*, and the jiiii^e n ; wishing to semi him te. (rison, lrmntiy gave him a week in which to py t!-e rme. The man protested that he ioo<iM never be able to raioe the monrv ; Ini', neverthe- less, in the .<','.. nv week presented him- *elf and put down t)ie dollar. " You ri>-!," at.l the judge, "I knew yon could pay. U'!..i did yon mean by VtlUkJt the court you had nomon. " Triii. judge," said the black man, I n.-t U"! it ' it judge ay'Skmhe, you pay ti .'so laat night I ttol* more ohlcksu* to pay '.he DB. With,

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